
Sponge roll - homemade dessert in half an hour. Sweet and savory rolls with different fillings - simple step-by-step recipes with photos for making them at home Recipe for making sponge roll with lemon cream

If you've never tried biscuit rolls, it's time to start making them! And you don’t have to worry that the biscuit won’t bake, you won’t be able to roll it, or the roll won’t be tasty—nothing like that.

We have found for you a very tasty and simple sponge roll, the recipe for which is so quick to make that it is better to immediately make a double portion and take out two baking trays.

In addition to the fact that the recipe for a roll made from biscuit dough is simple, the dessert turns out to be incredibly tasty, but for the filling you can use everything you have in the house: cottage cheese, jam, jam - the sponge roll will be instantly eaten anyway and will require more. The question of how to bake a sponge roll will not even appear in your head, because the most delicate dough literally bakes itself, easily rolls and does not crumble while you grease the dessert with the filling.

Roll of biscuit dough with jam

So, the simplest and most affordable recipe for a biscuit roll filled with any jam, ingredients:

  • 120 gr. wheat flour;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 120 gr. Sahara;
  • Vanillin, jam.

1. Immediately turn on the oven at 180 C, prepare a rectangular baking dish lined with parchment;

2. Beat the eggs until foamy, add sugar, beat again until the grains dissolve;

3. As soon as the foam becomes thick and fluffy, add flour with baking powder and stir;

4. Pour the dough into the mold, level it with a spoon or hand to a thickness of 1 cm;

5. Bake for 15-20 minutes, the oven must be well heated, otherwise the cake will crumble after baking;

6. Once the biscuit is ready, place it on a clean towel and remove the parchment;

7. While the biscuit layer is warm, it needs to be rolled up together with a towel and cooled in the folded position;

8. Carefully unroll the sponge roll, generously grease with jam and roll again;

9. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve!

Recipe with jam

The simplest dessert is not the only one that is ready in a matter of minutes. Look at the recipe for a biscuit roll filled with any jam, ingredients:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • Jam and powdered sugar for sprinkling.

How to bake sponge roll:

1. Beat eggs with sugar until the mass turns white and increases in volume several times;

2. Add flour and stir;

3. Turn on the oven at 180 C;

4. Place the dough in a mold lined with parchment;

5. Bake for 10 minutes in a well-heated oven;

6. Remove the biscuit and immediately turn it over onto a towel.

All that remains is to remove the paper, immediately grease the cake with jam and wrap it up! This sponge roll does not need to be left to soak, it is ready to serve immediately. Sprinkling with powdered sugar makes the dessert even more beautiful.

A simple recipe for rolls with cottage cheese cream

And now a simple and very tasty roll with cottage cheese cream. It will take a little more time, but the recipe remains just as simple. What you will need:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 35 gr. flour;
  • 60 gr. Sahara;
  • 25 gr. potato starch;
  • 0.5 tsp. baking powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. boiling water

For cream:

  • 70-80 gr. curd soft cheese;
  • 150 gr. heavy cream;
  • 50 gr. powdered sugar.

How to bake sponge roll at home:

1. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator, turn on the oven at 180 C, prepare a baking sheet and line it with baking paper;

2. Mix flour with starch and baking powder;

3. Beat the eggs with a blender at high power, pour in boiling water and beat for a couple more minutes;

4. Add sugar to the eggs, beat until fluffy;

5. Add dry ingredients and stir;

6. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes;

7. Take out the finished biscuit, turn it over on a towel and roll it into a roll;

8. While the roll is cooling, prepare the cream, for which you need to whip the cream into a very dense mass;

9. Add curd cheese, powdered sugar and continue beating for another 5 minutes.

All that remains is to unroll the roll, generously grease it with cream and roll it again. For decoration, use melted chocolate, powder or confectionery sprinkles. An incredibly tender and delicious dessert is ready. This is how quickly you can bake a sponge roll. A very tasty and simple recipe will not keep you stuck in the kitchen for a long time, but at home you will always have fresh and aromatic pastries for tea.

Sweet rolls look very tempting on the shelves of confectionery stores. Of course, store-bought rolls are also very tasty, but making them yourself will be a hundred times better.

But when you have jam at home, there is nothing easier than making a jam roll. To make the sponge cake more juicy and tender, it is recommended to soak it in sweet syrup, and add a little cinnamon, vanilla or citrus zest for flavor. You can sprinkle the roll with powdered sugar, coconut shavings, pour over glaze or fondant, or decorate with berries, fruits, and chocolate chips.

Roll with apricot jam

Thanks to the step-by-step recipe, even an inexperienced housewife can easily prepare such a biscuit roll.

3 raw eggs,
1 tbsp. wheat flour,
1 tbsp. white sugar,
1 tbsp. liquid jam.

First we prepare the biscuit dough. We take the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites, after which we put the whites in the refrigerator for a while. Using a mixer, beat the yolks and 0.5 cups of white sugar until a fluffy white mass is formed.
Next, take the now cooled whites out of the refrigerator and beat with a mixer, adding all the remaining sugar. As soon as the foam becomes very thick, stop whipping.

Carefully mix the beaten whites with the yolks and add pre-sifted flour in small portions - carefully mix the biscuit dough with a spoon. The dough is completely ready, and now you need to bake a sponge layer for the roll.

It is advisable to place the dough on a special silicone baking mat or on parchment sheet, well greased with sunflower oil. We spread the dough with a spoon and spread it evenly in an even layer (no thicker than one centimeter).
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet with dough in it. We bake the sponge cake for about 15, maybe 20 minutes, you need to constantly make sure that it does not burn, but slightly browns.

As soon as the cake is completely ready, we take it out of the oven, and now we need to act very quickly, before it cools down and hardens - we roll the cake together with a silicone mat and leave it for about a minute. Next, we unroll the cake and brush it with apricot jam, after which we quickly roll it up again, but this time without the help of a mat.

You can serve the roll as is or decorate it. Most often, the edges of the sponge cake are fried much more, so we carefully cut off the edges with a knife. Drizzle sugar glaze on top of the roll, which can be easily prepared by heating 1.5 tablespoons of water and ¼ cup of white sugar over low heat. You need to wait until the sugar has completely dissolved and the mixture begins to boil, while constantly stirring the glaze so that the sugar does not burn. You need to cool the glaze slightly, and then pour it over the biscuit; as soon as the glaze has cooled completely, it will turn white and turn into a delicious crispy crust.
Cut the biscuit into pieces, put it on a beautiful dish, and you can serve it.

Roll with jam and condensed milk

This roll is prepared very quickly, which is why it is very popular among experienced housewives, because it can be easily baked before guests arrive, and you don’t have to spend half a day in the kitchen.

1 tbsp. wheat flour,
2 raw eggs,
1 tbsp. l. vinegar,
1 can of condensed milk,
0.5 tsp. baking soda,
any jam, powdered sugar - to taste.

In a deep bowl, beat condensed milk with eggs, then add soda, pre-quenched in vinegar. Now add the sifted flour to the mixture and mix everything well.

Line a baking tray with parchment paper and place it on the prepared dough. By this time, the oven should warm up to 180 degrees, place a baking sheet with dough in it and bake the cake until completely cooked.

As soon as the cake is browned, take it out of the oven and cut around the perimeter with a knife, then carefully remove the layer of parchment. Grease the cake with jam and roll it into a roll.

Now place the roll on the prepared dish and sprinkle a small amount of powdered sugar on top. As soon as the roll has cooled slightly, cut it into small portions and can be served with tea.

Yeast roll with jam

This recipe will be a little more complicated than the previous ones and will be suitable for more experienced housewives, who know how to work with yeast dough.

500 g milk,
100 g white sugar,
800 g wheat flour,
300 g margarine,
1 packet of yeast (dry),
1 tsp. fine salt.

First, take the milk and warm it slightly so that it is at room temperature. As soon as the milk is warmed up, add sugar to it, introduce the yeast and let it rise.
We take the margarine out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens slightly. Mix soft margarine with flour and add a little salt - mix everything well.
Now combine the flour and yeast mixtures and knead into a homogeneous dough. Then we leave the dough for a while so that it can rise properly, after which we roll it out into a thin layer, grease it with a small amount of margarine and fold it into an envelope. Roll out the dough again and repeat this procedure exactly three times.
At the end, roll out the dough, brush with any jam, then roll it up, cover it with a clean towel and leave it for a while. As soon as the product rises, grease it with egg and place it in an oven preheated to 220°C for 15, maybe 20 minutes.

Butter roll with jam

This dessert is prepared quite quickly and will be a wonderful decoration for any celebration.

1/2 tbsp. any jam,
1 raw egg,
½ tbsp. sour cream,
200 g butter,
2/3 tbsp. white sugar,
2.5 tbsp. wheat flour.

First, sift the flour onto the table, then add softened butter and sugar and rub it with your hands. Next, add sour cream and raw egg, knead the dough thoroughly.

Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer, then spread any jam on top and carefully roll it into a roll. Brush the top of the roll with beaten egg and place in a preheated oven, bake until the product acquires a dark brown color, but at the same time it is important to constantly ensure that the roll does not burn.

Roll with raspberry jam

This roll is very easy to prepare and will appeal not only to children, but also to adults with a sweet tooth.

1 tbsp. white sugar,
4 raw eggs,
2 tbsp. l. potato starch,
1 tbsp. sifted flour,
¼ tsp. baking soda,
any jam - to taste,
lemon juice or vinegar (to quench the soda).

Beat pre-chilled eggs with one glass of sugar, then add starch to the mixture and beat everything thoroughly again.

Sift the flour through a sieve and then add it to the dough. We extinguish the soda with lemon juice or vinegar and add it to the dough - the dough should have a homogeneous consistency.

Grease a baking tray with margarine or butter, and then pour the finished product onto it. dough and level with a spoon. It is important to ensure that the layer of dough is not thicker than two centimeters, otherwise it will be very difficult to roll the roll.
In a preheated oven, bake the roll for 20 minutes. Grease the finished cake with jam and carefully roll it into a roll, leave it for a while to cool, then trim the edges, cut into portions, and you can serve.

Roll with cherry jam

A roll prepared according to this recipe turns out to be unusually tender and tasty, and besides, it can be baked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker.

100 g butter,
200 g milk,
100 g white sugar,
2 raw eggs,
1 tbsp. wheat flour,
1 pinch of salt,
1 tbsp. l. yeast (dry),
vanillin, jam - a little, to taste.

First, mix the listed components into a homogeneous dough, then place it in a warm place for an hour and a half and wait until it rises.

Place the finished dough on the table, sprinkled with a small amount of flour in advance, and roll it out into a not very thick layer (about 1 cm). Next, grease the dough with cherry jam (you should use seedless jam) and carefully roll it into a roll.

Carefully grease the multicooker bowl with a small amount of oil and place the roll in it. Now close the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Warming” mode for 15 minutes. Then turn on the “Baking” mode and bake the roll for 60 minutes, then turn the roll over and leave for another 20 minutes so that it browns evenly on all sides.

You can serve this roll with whipped cream or ice cream, it turns out very tasty.

6 tbsp. l. any jam,
¾ tbsp. wheat flour,
1 tsp. vanilla extract,
0.5 tbsp. white sugar,
3 raw eggs.

First, turn on the oven, as it should warm up to 200°C. Line a baking pan with parchment paper
In a bowl placed in a water bath, beat the eggs, add salt, add sugar and leave for five minutes. Then remove the bowl from the bath and beat the mixture with a mixer for two minutes.

Add vanillin to the mixture, as well as sifted flour and mix everything well - you should get a homogeneous dough, which we pour into a mold lined with parchment and level with a spoon.

Bake the cake for 15 minutes until the cake is browned and begins to pull away from the sides of the pan.

Sprinkle a new sheet of parchment with a small amount of sugar and transfer the cake onto it, leaving for about five minutes to cool slightly.

Lubricate the cake with any jam (it is advisable that the jam is not too thick), and then carefully roll the cake into a roll. To facilitate this process, you can use parchment, which is gradually separated from the cake.
Immediately before serving, the roll is sprinkled with powdered sugar and cut into portions.

Curd roll with jam

This roll turns out to be very tender, soft and literally melts in your mouth, and it is also very easy to prepare.

For the test:
100 g cottage cheese,
1 raw egg,
100 g butter,
1 tsp. baking soda,
1 tbsp. wheat flour,
1 tbsp. l. white sugar.
For filling:
1 tbsp. l. white sugar,
150 g cottage cheese,
jam - a little, to taste.
For powder:
sugar and sesame.

First you need to grind the cottage cheese and knead all the ingredients into a homogeneous dough. Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer and sprinkle with soda. Roll the dough into a roll and roll it out into a rectangle again, then brush it with jam.

To prepare the filling, mix cottage cheese with sugar (plain sugar can be replaced with liquid honey). Place the filling on top of the jam, while retreating slightly from the edges of the dough.

Roll the dough into a roll and place it in a baking dish. Sprinkle the top of the roll with a small amount of sesame seeds and sugar, but you don’t have to do this if you wish.

Bake the roll in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes, then let it cool, remove from the mold, transfer to a dish, cut into small pieces, and you can serve.

The combination of this cottage cheese roll with condensed milk is very tasty and can be served with ice cream. In this case, it is advisable to use ice cream; ice cream with flavors can overwhelm the taste of the roll itself.

Useful tips from professional chefs:

If you use a recipe with yeast dough, you must remember that you cannot use hot milk, since in this case the yeast will not begin the fermentation process. This is why you need to use milk at room temperature;

When baking the sponge roll, it is very important not to overcook it in the oven, otherwise the cake will turn out very dry and it will be difficult to roll it. The whites should be put in the refrigerator for half an hour, because when cooled they whip much better and faster. You will need to roll the sponge roll while it is hot.

In this article we decided to present a detailed recipe for sponge roll. After all, it often happens that friends or close relatives suddenly come, and the refrigerator is like a ball. Using the presented method of preparing dessert, you can not only quickly make a delicious delicacy, but also amaze all your guests with your culinary talent.

general information

To serve guests, the beautifully decorated dessert should be cut into pieces 1.5 centimeters thick. Enjoy your tea!

Prepare a delicious biscuit roll with condensed milk

Surprisingly, condensed milk can be used not only as a filling for homemade rolls, but also added directly to the dough. With this component, the base will become even more tasty and aromatic.

So how to prepare a biscuit roll with condensed milk? For this we need:

  • large country eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • condensed milk - standard can;
  • baking soda, as well as table vinegar - half a dessert spoon;
  • high-grade flour - 1 cup;
  • semolina - several large spoons (for sprinkling).

Preparing the base

Before baking the sponge roll in the oven, you should knead a very aromatic and airy dough. To do this, place the condensed milk in a bowl and add egg yolks to it. After mixing the ingredients with a spoon, you should start processing the proteins. They need to be whipped with a whisk into a strong foam. Next, the resulting air mass must be added to the sweet part and everything must be mixed well.

Finally, slaked baking soda and high-grade flour should be added to the dough. As a result, you should get a viscous and very aromatic base.

Heat treatment

A sponge roll with condensed milk cream can serve as an excellent dessert for any holiday table. But before forming such a delicacy, you should bake a thin cake well. To do this, you need to grease an aluminum sheet with oil and sprinkle it with semolina, and then pour all the dough onto it and distribute it evenly using inclined movements. After placing the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 195 degrees, you should note the time. The biscuit should take no more than 40 minutes to cook. After all, it is during this time that it will be completely baked, become fluffy and very soft.

Preparing the filling with condensed milk

Sponge roll with condensed milk cream is prepared quite quickly. But before you start creating such a dessert, you should make the aromatic filling in advance. For this we will need:

  • condensed milk - half a standard can;
  • banana - 1 piece;
  • fresh butter - 2 large spoons;
  • walnuts, pre-roasted and chopped - 3-4 large spoons.

To make this filling, beat the butter very tightly using a blender, and then gradually add condensed milk to it and add a banana. To obtain a more homogeneous mass, these ingredients must be mixed well using the same device at the highest speed. As a result of such actions, the banana very quickly turns into pulp, making the filling even thicker and more aromatic. Finally, add chopped walnuts to the resulting mass and mix everything thoroughly.

Formation process

Many people know how to form a biscuit roll with jam. After all, there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to remove the syrup from the berries or fruits, and then evenly distribute the resulting mass over the thin crust.

The same must be done with the filling that was made from condensed milk, banana, butter and nuts. It should be especially noted that the finished cream must be applied very quickly to the hot cake. Next, the latter must be wrapped at the same pace into a strong roll. After placing the product on the seam, it should be cooled in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

How should it be served correctly?

A home-baked sponge roll with jam, condensed milk, lemon filling or some other cream should be served to family members along with hot coffee, tea or cocoa. But before that, it is recommended to lay out a cake pan or an ordinary flat plate, and then sprinkle it with chocolate chips, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, confectionery powder, or pour it over with glaze, condensed milk, sweet syrup, etc.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to quickly and easily make a dessert that even the most picky guest will not be able to refuse. It should be especially noted that by adding certain ingredients to the filling, you can significantly change its taste.

Baking a delicious sponge roll is a simple matter. But avoiding unsightly breaks when folding it is a more difficult task. And no matter how inventive housewives try to prevent the unruly cake from bursting, and with it all the dreams of a beautiful tea party. The most desperate pastry chefs take the sponge cake out of the oven, transfer it to a damp towel and immediately roll it up. “The main thing is not to let it cool down,” they say. I don’t know, maybe this method of “taming” rolls is effective, but I imagine this picture: a proud housewife puts a beautiful dessert on the table, pours tea into cups, and goes off to treat first-degree burns and wash her favorite kitchen towel. Therefore, I offer you a cleaner and painless way to prepare a “fluffy” sponge roll - a proven recipe with photos. Step by step, at home, without unnecessary fuss and haste, anyone can bake an even, delicious roll for tea. I offer 2 options, repeatedly tested on my own experience and stomach. For the filling you can take your favorite jam, custard or butter cream, whipped cream, fruits, berries and even sheet marmalade.

Quick sponge roll with hot milk


For the base:

For filling and decoration:

How to cook sponge roll with condensed milk (very tasty and simple recipe):

I prepared the base for the roll on a baking sheet measuring about 30 by 40 cm. It turned out to be an excellent crust - not thin and not thick, it rolled up well. If you have a small baking dish, divide all the dough in half or use half as much ingredients. When preparing the dessert, I advise you to start with the cream so that it has time to set a little in the refrigerator. Liquid filling will ooze out of the hot roll. Preparing the cream is very simple. But despite this, it is incredibly tasty. This is one of my favorite fillings for cakes, pastries and other confectionery “outrages”. Remove the oil half an hour before cooking. It should be soft, but not liquid. Then the mass will be homogeneous and harden well. Beat the butter with a mixer until fluffy. Add boiled condensed milk in small portions while whipping. You can buy already boiled condensed milk or cook it yourself. I wrote in detail how to do this. The result will be a homogeneous, fluffy and moderately sweet mass with a pleasant taste and caramel color. Set aside a small amount for garnish.

Grind the nuts into coarse crumbs. I took cashews, but other nuts or assorted nuts would also work. Pour them into the condensed milk with butter (leave a handful for sprinkling the top). Place the cream in the refrigerator to harden a little.

Prepare the biscuit base. Immediately turn on the oven so that it warms up to 190-200 degrees. Beat the eggs into a bowl. And add all the sugar at once. Add salt.

Beat with a mixer for at least 7-10 minutes. The mass will increase in volume by about 3 times, become lighter, more fluffy and airy.

Mix flour, baking powder and starch. Thanks to the latter, the roll will come out “fluffy”, elastic and will not crack when rolled. Sift dry ingredients. Add in portions to the egg-sugar mixture.

Mix the dough like a classic biscuit - gently, using a spatula from bottom to top.

Pour the milk into the pan. Put the oil there too. Put it on fire. As soon as the mixture boils, remove from the stove.

Place about a spoonful of dough into hot milk. Stir until smooth. Pour into bowl with remaining batter. Stir gently.

Be sure to line the baking sheet with oiled paper. Pour in the biscuit base. Spread it evenly over the surface.

Bake in a preheated oven at 190-200 degrees for 7-12 minutes. Make sure that the biscuit does not dry out, because it will not be possible to roll it up. Check for doneness with a wooden stick. Turn the finished cake out onto a cutting board and remove the parchment paper.

Apply the filling on top in an even layer. You can additionally use impregnation based on sugar or berry syrup with or without the addition of alcohol. I didn’t soak the biscuit with anything additionally. It turned out very tasty, tender and not dry.

Roll up.

When the roll has cooled a little, decorate it with cream and sprinkle with nuts, as in the photo. The baked goods do not crumble and are easy to cut. Store in the refrigerator in film or foil.

Airy homemade roll on a biscuit base with curd filling

This sponge cake can be rolled even when cold! It's the beauty, not the dough!

To prepare, take:

For the crust:

For filler:

Method for preparing biscuit roll:

As in the first recipe, it is better to start by preparing the cream. It is prepared very simply. Mix cottage cheese with unboiled condensed milk or powdered sugar and sour cream. Blend with a blender. To make the filling tender and homogeneous, use paste-like cottage cheese. If the mixture is runny, add a little soft butter. Stir. Place in the refrigerator. It will harden a little if it spends 10-15 minutes in such conditions.

Make the sponge cake for the roll. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Remove about 2/3 of the sugar.

Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and start beating. Add sugar as the speed increases. Literally a tablespoon at a time. Beat the egg white mixture until it becomes glossy, fluffy and stiff (to medium peaks).

Pour the remaining granulated sugar into the yolks.

Beat for 5-7 minutes. The mass will turn out light and thick, and the sugar will completely dissolve.

Add starch to flour. Add baking powder if desired, but the sponge cake will still be airy due to the separate beating of the whites and yolks. Stir and sift.

Add half of the flour mixture to the yolk mixture.

Stir until smooth and the roll will be fluffy.

Add 1/2 of the whites. Mix gently from bottom to top, as you would when handling biscuit dough.

Add the remaining flour and starch. After mixing, add the protein. Stir the dough. Distribute on a baking sheet (size - 30 by 40 cm). Line a baking sheet with parchment to make it easier to remove the sponge cake without damaging it.

Bake at 200 degrees for 7-10 minutes. Preheat the oven. Do not open the oven door during baking.

The surface of the finished sponge cake will be browned, and when pierced, the wooden stick will be dry.

Remove the sponge cake from the oven and turn it over. Remove the paper. Spread with jam. I had plum, sweet and sour. It needs to be heated in advance so that it saturates the biscuit, then the roll will not be dry. But you can use other impregnation.

Spread with curd filling.

Roll it up. This is quite easy to do even when cold.

You can put the kettle on and try the roll! But it will taste much better when it cools.

Enjoy your tea!

Sponge rolls with thin soft dough and delicious delicate cream are a favorite treat for those with a sweet tooth. Store bought ones are good, but homemade ones are even better. Some housewives, adding individuality to the product, decorate the roll so beautifully that it becomes like a work of art. But even without decoration, the roll is incredibly tasty. Any cream can be used for filling - curd, cream, protein, chocolate, fruit, banana, strawberry, as well as jam, preserves, condensed milk, halva. To give the product juiciness, the biscuit can be soaked in syrup, and citrus zest, vanilla, and cinnamon can be added for flavor. The top of the roll is sprinkled with coconut flakes, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, poured with icing, fondant, and decorated with chocolate, fruits, and berries.

Sponge roll - food preparation

The sponge cake for the roll is prepared very quickly, so you need to prepare all the ingredients in advance, preheat the oven, and cover the baking sheet with oiled paper. The dough is usually baked for about fifteen minutes. It is not recommended to leave the stove at this time; you need to be alert, because... Depending on the individuality of the oven, the sponge cake may bake earlier. The finished sheet of dough, while still hot (unless otherwise specified in the recipe), must be transferred to a towel and wrapped together with it into a roll, gradually removing the paper. When it cools down, unroll it, coat it with cream and roll it back.

Sponge roll - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Sponge roll with boiled condensed milk

Delicious quick roll. For the filling, instead of boiled milk, you can use regular condensed milk (1 b. condensed milk (400g) mixed with a pack of butter (200g) and a bag of vanilla sugar). If desired, decorate the product with melted chocolate or brush the top with condensed milk and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Ingredients: 5 eggs, a glass of sugar and flour each, a jar (0.5 l) of boiled condensed milk, slaked soda without a slide - 1 teaspoon. lie (or 1 teaspoon of baking soda + ½ tablespoon of vinegar (6%). Decoration (optional): 2-3 tablespoons of condensed milk, coconut flakes, chocolate - 100g, confectionery powder.

Cooking method

Prepare biscuit dough by whisking eggs with sugar, adding flour and slaked soda (or making it yourself). This volume is enough for a large baking sheet (approximately 45 by 35 cm).

Cover the entire baking tray with baking paper (grease with oil). If there is no paper of this width, lay it overlapping. Pour the dough and bake for eight minutes (200C). Divide the finished biscuit into two parts and, while still hot, remove it from the sheet and immediately, before it cools down, spread it with condensed milk and roll it up.

All that remains is to decorate it. Brush the first roll with white condensed milk and sprinkle with coconut flakes. For the second, melt the chocolate (in a water bath), grate it first, grease the top of the roll and cover with confectionery powder (very small multi-colored sticks and balls).

Recipe 2: Sponge roll with whipped cream

The peculiarity of this roll is that the sponge cake always turns out and rises well. The secret is in the boiling water that is added to the dough. The filling is whipped cream, although this is not essential - you can grease the sheet with regular jam. The ingredients are indicated for a baking tray measuring 45 by 40 cm.

Ingredients: 5 eggs, a glass of sugar, 100 ml of boiling water, a packet of baking powder (10-12g), a glass of flour. Cream: heavy cream (30%) – 800ml, 4 bags of cream fixer, 2 tablespoons. granulated sugar.

Cooking method

First, you should make some preparations so that you can immediately knead the dough and bake the biscuit. Flour - a couple of tablespoons, mixed with baking powder and sifted through a sieve. Sift the rest of the flour too (separately). Boil the kettle so that boiling water is at hand. Line a baking sheet with paper, thinly greased with oil.

Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer. Continuing whipping, pour in boiling water, add flour, continuing to knead, and lastly, flour with baking powder.

Pour the dough onto the baking sheet. It turns out quite thick, spread over the surface and bake for ten to fifteen minutes (180-200C). Let it cool, spread with cream, and once cooled, roll it up into a roll along with the filling. The dough turns out soft, bends well and peels off the paper. It will be even tastier if you sprinkle finely chopped fruits or berries on the cream - kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, depending on the season.

For the cream, beat all ingredients. The fixative is an odorless and tasteless powder so that the cream does not fall off. If you can’t find a fixative, you can do it without it. Grease the top of the roll with cream and decorate as desired - with berries, fruits, biscuit or chocolate chips.

Recipe 3: Sponge roll with a pattern

This roll is not only incredibly tasty, but also looks very original, because... it is decorated with a pattern. The application technology is quite simple - part of the biscuit dough is mixed with cocoa and decorations are made from it. Preparing the biscuit will take five to seven minutes longer than usual.

Ingredients: Dough - 4 eggs, half a glass of sugar, 150g flour, teaspoonful. lie baking powder and vanilla sugar, 30g butter. Decoration: 8-10 tablespoons. biscuit dough, 2 tablespoons. milk, 3 tablespoons cocoa powder. Cream: 200g soft cheese (such as ricotto) or full-fat cottage cheese (without grains), 200ml sour cream, 100g sugar.

Cooking method

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat half a portion of sugar and yolks until white. Mix butter (melt in the microwave or in a water bath) with the yolks, add vanilla sugar, and grind thoroughly.

Beat the whites into a strong foam, adding the second half glass of sugar and add to the yolk mixture, stirring gently. Add sifted flour there (mix with baking powder) and stir with a spatula or spoon. Place part of the dough in a bowl (for decoration), pour the rest onto a baking sheet lined with oiled paper and smooth it out. Add milk and cocoa to the reserved dough and mix. Apply brown blots to the white dough lying on the baking sheet. Using a toothpick, you can adjust the design - make spirals, sun shapes, etc. Bake for 15-20 minutes (200C). Place the finished biscuit on a towel with the pattern down, and carefully peeling off the paper, roll up the roll. Let cool. Unwrap, spread cream and put back together.

For the cream, beat all the ingredients with a mixer and spread on the cake.

— To give the roll a piquant taste, the baked sponge sheet can be sprinkled with rum or cognac over the entire surface.

— You can make an analogue of Ricotto cheese for curd cream yourself. Freeze a quart bag of kefir in the freezer until it turns to stone. Take it out, remove the kefir from the bag and put it in cheesecloth. Hang the gauze or place it in a colander attached to the pan. As the kefir thaws, all the whey will go away, and soft curd will remain in the gauze. A liter of kefir will yield approximately 200 g of cottage cheese.