
Braga with baker's yeast, fast-acting saf moment. What you need to know about dry yeast

I decided to write this advice because dry yeast is increasingly becoming used by home confectioners. And quite often in reviews of baked goods and bread the following phrase appears: “I made everything according to your recipe. But the dough didn’t rise well.” In such cases, the first thing you ask is: “What yeast did you use?” And then it turns out that yeast is used according to the principle of “what kind of dry yeast is available.” And many are very surprised that not all dry yeast is the same. Moreover, you need to be able to store them correctly. I myself encountered this problem when I started baking bread. For beginner confectioners, I have prepared a small selection of tips from the company that produces dry yeast

What is the difference between dry and compressed yeast?
Dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” and dry fast-acting yeast “Saf-Moment” are yeast milk, from which ordinary pressed yeast, dried in a special way, is also prepared. Thus, dry yeast is the same compressed yeast, only a significant part of the moisture has been removed from it.
What types of dry yeast are most often sold?
Active yeast

Instant yeast

Yeast "for baking"

Yeast for pizza

What is the difference between instant yeast and active dry yeast?
Both yeasts are produced by drying yeast milk, but in different ways. Thus, the differences between them are as follows:
Appearance: dry active yeast "Saf-Levur" are granules of various diameters, that is, living yeast cells are covered with a shell of inactivated yeast cells; Instant yeast is similar to small noodles and is a living yeast cell that is preserved in a unique vacuum seal.
Directions for use: dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” must be dissolved in warm water before use, and fast-acting yeast “Saf-Moment” must be immediately poured into flour in dry form.
What is the difference between the yeast “Saf-Moment” and “Saf-Moment for baking”, “Saf-Moment for pizza”?
Saf-Moment fast-acting yeast is considered classic, does not contain additives and is suitable for making all types of baked goods. In particular, fast-acting yeast is ideal for automatic bread makers, especially when using the “delayed baking” mode, since it does not require prior activation.
Yeast "Saf-Moment for baking" contains confectionery vanillin, natural beta - carotene (provitamin A) and special yeast for butter dough. Yeast gives baked goods a subtle vanilla aroma and a golden color to the crumb.
Saf-Moment Pizza Yeast contains natural onion powder made from onion juice and special yeast for pizza. The baked goods acquire a spicy onion aroma.
How should yeast be stored?
Yeast “Saf-Moment”, “Saf-Moment for baking” and “Saf-Moment for pizza”, as well as yeast “Saf-Levure” do not require special storage conditions. They do not need to be stored in the refrigerator - just in a dry place at room temperature. The main thing is that moisture does not get into them.
Pressed yeast “Lux” must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature from 0° to +4°C.

The preparation of moonshine involves the use of special ingredients and adherence to technology. The main components are all the components, but yeast is the basis, without which the initial process will not start.

Let's find out the features of dry yeast for mash, consider moonshine recipes, how fermentation will occur and how many ingredients are used.

About dry yeast

Dry yeast is produced by many manufacturers, but most often retail outlets offer products from the SAF (moment and levure) brands from the French company Lesaffre, as well as pakmaya and Bekmaya. A special place among dry yeast strains is occupied by “Turbo 24” (England) - a product of high quality and high fermentation speed.

SAF moment

True French quality for the Russian consumer is produced by the Saf-Neva company, part of the Lesaffre group (France). Contains yeast and sorbitan emulsifier. According to the company's strategy, products are offered for each national market that meet cooking traditions and taste preferences. On sale you can find saf moment for bread, confectionery, pizza.

SAF levure

Everything is also manufactured by the Saf-Neva company according to the technological maps of the French manufacturer. Unlike saf-moment, inactivated yeast with a shell of glutathione is added to the composition of levure.


Pakmaya produced in Türkiye has excellent properties and is used for making bread and confectionery. Pakmaya Crystal yeast is the best for homemade vodka or moonshine from sugar (we recommend that you familiarize yourself with).


The product has a high fermentation rate (designed specifically for kvass), has good alcohol resistance, does not foam and does not give off an odor during fermentation. The sediment is dense and in small quantities. The product is considered an excellent option for making sugar mash.

Turbo 24

Turbo yeast for moonshine is not distinguished as a separate type, although there is still a difference. These are different strains of yeast fungus with nutrients, micro and macroelements, amino acids and vitamins, all this is usually called feeding, making fermentation more stable and faster. They are used for home brewing when it is necessary to obtain the final product quickly.

Recipe for mash with dry yeast Saf Levure

Without high-quality mash, it is impossible to obtain high-quality moonshine, since this is the basis of moonshine brewing. The classic ingredients for mash are sugar, water and yeast. Compliance with the proportions of the added ingredients and technology allows you to obtain a high-quality product.

Let's look at the classic recipe for mash with dry yeast Saf Levure in the proportion of 1 to 4 per 10 liters of mash, you can calculate it for any volume for yourself.


  • 8 l. water
  • 2 kg. Sahara
  • 30 – 40 grams Saf Levure
  1. Before adding saf levure yeast for mash, it is recommended to ferment it. To do this, take a liter jar, pour half a liter of water heated to + 30 degrees, add 100 grams of sugar and yeast, mix well and leave for half an hour until the foam cap rises
  2. Take a fermentation container of suitable volume and completely dissolve all the sugar in water at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees
  3. Add the already risen yeast
  4. Close the container with a lid and install a water seal
  5. If foam rises strongly during the fermentation process, you need to scatter cookie crumbs or bread crumbs onto the surface of the mash, read more about that.

    Take 1 gram per kilogram of saf momenta sugar as a defoamer for mash, surprisingly, it is true that excessive foaming will be calmed down!

  6. Leave to ferment in a dark place for 6-8 days
  7. Saf Levure in mash has been tested and does not give off a strong odor and has a pleasant taste

Recipe for mash with Saf moment yeast

Saf moment are good for mash, do not produce excessive foaming and play smoothly. Let's consider the recipe for mash using dry yeast Saf Moment in proportion to 20 liters of mash.

  • 16 l. water
  • 4 kg. Sahara
  • 80 grams saf moment

This recipe is no different from the previous one except for the yeast used in it, repeat it exactly the same point by point.

Mash recipe with turbo yeast

Turbo yeast is a special mixture of yeast and many useful elements, the so-called top dressing, with their help you can get moonshine in 4 days. To prepare mash for moonshine with turbo yeast, you need the same ingredients as for previous recipes; consider a recipe for 30 liters of mash.

  • 24 l. water
  • 6 kg sugar
  • 120 grams of turbo yeast (calculating 20 grams per 1 kg of sugar, each type requires its own dosage, read how much is needed on the package)

This recipe is no different from the previous ones; read how to put the mash in the first two recipes. Fermentation can begin very strongly. Be prepared for the fact that you will definitely have to extinguish the foam.

If you are pursuing the goal of making sugar mash with dry yeast within 24 hours, increase the dose by 1.5 - 2 times and reduce the sugar concentration by 2 times.


Dry yeast for moonshine is an excellent raw material; moonshine made with dry yeast is of excellent quality, and if you follow the technology, you get excellent alcohol that you shouldn’t be ashamed to treat your guests to.

Without artificial or wild yeast, moonshine is impossible in principle. It is these microorganisms that convert glucose into alcohol. Alcohol is a waste product of their life. This article is devoted to determining the quantity and nuances of activating yeast for sugar mash. All proportions were obtained experimentally and tested many times in practice.

When choosing yeast for moonshine, it is better to focus on alcoholic types intended specifically for these purposes. Everything is simple here: in the instructions, manufacturers indicate how much sugar a pack is designed for. But while alcohol yeast is not sold in every store, it is still difficult to get it in small towns. Therefore, next we will look at recipes for mash based on raw pressed and dry yeast used for baking. With the right approach, they also make good moonshine.

Braga with pressed yeast

For ten liters of forty-degree moonshine you will need:

  • sugar – 8 kg;
  • water – 32 liters;
  • raw pressed yeast – 0.5 kg;
  • raw potatoes - 2-3 pieces (optional).

On specialized forums on the Internet, they constantly argue about the correct proportions of ingredients for moonshine. Many recipes use more water than I suggest. But practice has shown that increasing the volume of mash does not lead to an increase in yield or improvement in the quality of the distillate. Raw potatoes speed up fermentation because they contain microelements necessary for yeast fungi. First, the tubers are cleaned and passed through a meat grinder, then added along with yeast.

Dry yeast mash recipe

It is believed that it is impossible to make good mash with dry yeast. In fact, you just need to know the proportions and some nuances of preparation. Any dry yeast will do, such as Saf-Levyur, Saf-Moment or Pakmaya. They are usually sold in 100 gram bags. The optimal ratio between dry and raw yeast is 1:5 or 1:6. For 8 kg of sugar you need to add one and a half packets of dry yeast.

Before adding it to the sugar solution, dry yeast is diluted; moonshiners call this “fermentation.” The powder is poured into 0.5 liters of warm water (not higher than 30°C), allowed to stand for 5 minutes, then slowly stirred until completely dissolved. The optimal temperature of the sugar solution before adding yeast is 20-24 degrees.

First, dry yeast needs to be activated

Sometimes the first few hours of mash with dry yeast behaves unpredictably: either it does not ferment at all or it begins to form abundantly. To extinguish the foam, add 50 grams of vegetable oil to the container. In some cases, oil has to be added 2-3 times. If foam is released abundantly, do not cover the container with a lid, otherwise a small explosion may occur.

Regardless of the yeast chosen, the mash will be ready for distillation no earlier than after 4-7 days. The finished mash becomes lighter and a little bitter. If the taste tastes sweet, you should add 25% of the volume of water, mix the contents of the container thoroughly and let it sit for another couple of days.

Everyone knows that to make moonshine you need mash. Braga, in turn, is obtained as a result of the vital activity of microscopic fungi - yeast. During the fermentation process (yeast activity), yeast absorbs sugar and releases the ethanol we are looking for, carbon dioxide and some other by-products. The finished mash is subject to distillation in a moonshine still. And the quality of the resulting moonshine directly depends on the quality of the mash. In turn, the quality of the mash directly depends on the yeast used. Let's talk about them.

Dry yeast itself differs from compressed yeast only in that it lacks a significant portion of moisture. In general, it is best to use alcoholic yeast for making mash. However, they can be difficult to obtain. The easiest places to find on sale are dry active yeast “Saf-levure” (pack of 100 grams) and dry instant yeast “Saf-moment” (pack of 11 grams), which are also suitable for drinks. What is the difference?

Active yeast is “hidden” in a shell of inactive yeast cells, while instant yeast is live yeast cells that are kept active by being vacuum sealed. Thus, before use, saf-levure must first be dissolved in water - to “wash off” the inactive shell, and the saf-moment yeast is immediately ready “for battle”.

The disadvantage of active yeast is that it causes a lot of foaming, so for a mash recipe with dry yeast it is better to use a mixture of saf-levure and saf-moment yeasts.

The second important component of mash is water.

There is an opinion that the quality of moonshine depends 60% on the quality of water. It’s hard to argue with this, especially if our moonshine has a strength of 40 degrees. Therefore, it is best to use clean spring, bottled or filtered water without foreign odors and impurities. The hardness of the water is also important, and the lower it is, the softer the taste. Boiled water should not be used under any circumstances, since it is devoid of dissolved oxygen. And yeast also needs something to breathe.

So, the recipe for mash made with Saffle-levure yeast and sugar

Sugar mash is most often used in.

Ingredients per 1 kg of granulated sugar:

  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water at room temperature - 4.5 liters;
  • Dry yeast Saf-levure - 15-20 grams.

In this recipe for mash with yeast, Saf-moment is used as a defoamer at the rate of 3 packages per 1 package of Saf-levure yeast.

Ingredients based on a standard flask (38 liters):

  • Granulated sugar - 8 kg;
  • Water at room temperature - 30 liters;
  • Dry yeast Saf-levure - 150 grams;
  • Dry yeast Saf-moment - 1 package.

Making mash:

  1. Pour about three-quarters of water into the fermentation container.
  2. Gradually add sugar and dissolve it thoroughly: it should all dissolve.
  3. Pour dry yeast Saf-levure into a separate container, dilute it with water at a temperature of 25-30°C and leave for an hour.
  4. After an hour, add the yeast solution to the fermentation container
  5. Add the remaining water to the container to such a level that there is room for foam.
  6. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and put it in a warm place.

Avoid tightly closing the container with future mash, since there is active gas formation and, as a result, an increase in pressure under a tightly closed lid. A good option is to use a water seal.

For the first two to three hours, monitor the foaming process: if it is too active, it’s the turn of the yeast. Saf-moment: sprinkle it on the foam. Dry yeast Saf-moment will extinguish it. The fermentation process has started, now all that remains is to wait.

How long should we wait?

Approximately 7 to 14 days. The fermentation time of the mash depends on the temperature maintained, the quality of the yeast and mixing. The temperature must be maintained in the range from 18 to 30°C. Lower temperatures reduce yeast activity, while higher temperatures cause them to die. When stirring the mash, the fermentation process accelerates, but this must be done carefully and with a clean object to avoid foaming and souring of the mash.

How do you know when the fermentation process is complete?

The mash does not hiss, does not bubble, and has a sour-bitter taste. The latter indicates that the yeast has processed all the sugar. If it doesn’t sizzle or bubble, but the taste is sweet, then not all of the sugar has been “eaten.” This could be due to bad yeast, too much sugar or not enough water. After the mash is ready, it is removed from the sediment and clarified.

You can watch the detailed technology for carrying out these stages in the video:

Clarified mash can be distilled. If you are just starting the journey of a distiller, it will be best (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a steam steamer of the brand).

Saf-levure and Saf-moment yeasts produce an average quality product, as they are still baker's yeasts. For drinks, it is recommended to use alcoholic yeast.

Let us remind you that the quality of the resulting moonshine primarily depends on the quality of the mash. We recommend using only high-quality products in our products.

All housewives are familiar with the dry baker's yeast Saf-moment and Saf-levure; it must be said that for novice moonshiners this is the best option to start with. This dry yeast is inexpensive, available in any supermarket, and quite predictable in terms of results, the main thing is to know the proportions, that is, how much to dilute and for what amount of mash.

Anyone, even a novice distiller, knows that moonshine is obtained as a result of distillation (distillation) of mash, which is a product of fermentation of sugar and yeast. Consequently, moonshine without yeast will not work, since it is the microorganisms contained in them that cause the fermentation process, which converts glucose into alcohol. There is an opinion that it is rare to make mash with dry yeast. However, this opinion is erroneous; you just need to know some nuances and strictly follow the recipe and proportions.

Yeast is an element without which the process of producing alcohol is not possible in principle. In addition, they are living microorganisms that require careful handling. Especially when observing temperature conditions. Low temperatures do not have any particular effect, but high temperatures (above 35 degrees) can completely destroy them. This important point must be taken into account in the production cycle.

It is generally accepted that in the moonshine brewing process it is best to use special alcoholic yeast. The use of alcoholic yeast usually does not cause any difficulties; the manufacturer indicates the required amount of sugar on each package. However, their use has its disadvantages. First, they can be difficult to find. Secondly, they have a limited shelf life, and their price is quite high. A good alternative to alcoholic yeast is baker's dry yeast.

Braga with dry yeast

When deciding which yeast is best to use for mash, you don’t need to worry too much; when used dry, its quality is in no way inferior to that prepared using raw ones. The French Saf-Levure, in 100 gram packaging, and Saf-Moment in 11 gram bags are perfect for this purpose. They are used for baking, so you can buy them in almost any store. When adjusting the recipe for moonshine with dry yeast, you need to take into account their proportions to raw yeast, it is approximately one to five or six.

A distinctive feature of the technological process using dry yeast is abundant foaming. Therefore, using dry yeast requires a defoamer. As a defoamer, some use chemical or pharmaceutical preparations, as well as household chemicals, such as baby shampoo, the use of which we do not recommend. Do not try to remove foam by stirring, as this will only make the situation worse.

You can use dry cookies or crackers.

Saf-Moment yeast can also be an excellent defoamer. The packaging of Saf-Moment differs in quantity (a bag contains 11 grams), so the ratio should be as follows: three packs of Saf-Moment are needed for one package of Saf-Levure.

Another feature of dry yeast is that it must be activated before use; moonshiners call this process “fermentation.” They are poured into 0.5 liters of warm water, allowed to stand for a while, and then gently stirred. The yeast thus revived is left for an hour.

Mash making technology

Braga is a raw material for the subsequent production of a stronger drink - moonshine. When making mash, you can use the following ingredients:

  • sugar (making sugar mash is the easiest to make at home);
  • berries and fruits;
  • rye, wheat, potatoes (starch-containing raw materials, which malt enzymes help process into sugar).

Classic recipe for sugar mash with Saf-Levure and Saf-Moment yeast

For every kilogram of sugar, the recipe calls for 5 liters of water and 20 grams of Saf-Levur yeast. That is, for a classic aluminum tank, the recipe should contain the following amount of ingredients:

  • water at room temperature – 30 l;
  • sugar – 6 kg;
  • 1.5 packs of Saf-Levur (150 g);
  • 1 pack of Saf-Moment.

First, pour most of the water (about 25 liters) into the prepared can and pour in the sugar. It is important to stir the sugar well, otherwise it will settle to the bottom and will not take part in the fermentation process of the mash. Add the pre-fermented Saf-Levur and pour out the remaining water, mix carefully and place in a warm place. There is no need to close the lid tightly to avoid an explosion; it is better to just cover it.

For the first few hours, you need to carefully monitor the process of foam formation. If the foam seems excessive to you, sprinkle it on top with Saf-Moment yeast, crumbled cookies or breadcrumbs. After this procedure, the foam will be extinguished, and then fermentation will continue vigorously, but without the same problems. Close the lid and continue to observe the fermentation process.

It is not necessary to place a water dispenser on the sugar mash, but it can help if you are making moonshine in an apartment. In this case, the water dispenser hose can be routed into the window, which will relieve you of the unpleasant odor.

The temperature determines how long it takes for fermentation, and the quality of the yeast and other mechanical factors also influence it. The optimal temperature is 18 - 30 degrees. The lower the temperature, the slower the fermentation process will occur. High temperatures will kill the yeast, preventing them from processing the sugar.

If you stir the mash, fermentation will speed up, but this must be done carefully so that foam does not begin to form again. The stirring spoon must be clean, otherwise the mash will sour. If you did everything correctly and followed the recipe, then the mash will definitely turn out.

Features of making moonshine from starch raw materials

Grain moonshine is considered the most noble strong drink. It is prepared much more complicated than sugar. But the result will be worth it. The grain contains a high content of starch and enzymes are needed to convert it into sugar.

Sugar is obtained from starch using malt, or using ready-made enzymes:

  • amylosubtilin – thins the wort;
  • glucavamorin – promotes saccharification.

The technological process of saccharification must be approached carefully, observing the recipe and temperature conditions. At high temperatures, the enzymes will be destroyed; at low temperatures, the saccharification process proceeds slowly and may not be completed. After fermentation is complete, it is better to quickly cool the container to prevent bacteria from multiplying in the warm, slowly cooling wort, which can lead to infection and lactic acid fermentation - the mash will simply turn sour. After cooling, the wort is fermented with Saf-Levur yeast, approximately 10 g per 10 liters of tank contents.

In addition to the fact that enzymes are needed in the production of grain moonshine, there is another feature in its distillation. It cannot be put into distillation on a classic moonshine still, since the grain mash is very thick and can burn to the walls of the cube, which will ultimately ruin both the finished product and the equipment. The distillation of the wort must be carried out using steam, a PVC (steam-water boiler) or in a water bath.

How to determine whether mash is ready for distillation

There are several methods for determining the readiness of mash for moonshine; to obtain a more accurate result, you can use them all at once.

  • by time. How long the fermentation process will take depends on many factors: the quality of ingredients and water, external factors (temperature and humidity). On average, sugar mash ferments for 5-14 days. The fermentation period of starch mash is much shorter - 3-5 days. The results of this method are very approximate, so you cannot rely on it completely.
  • taste. This method is the most effective; in addition, it makes it possible to determine not only readiness for distillation, but also to evaluate the quality of the resulting product. Braga ready for distillation will have a bitter aftertaste. The sweetish taste of the mash means that the tremors have not yet fully completed their task and have not processed all the sugar into alcohol. It needs to be improved. If the temperature regime was not observed, the yeast could die without producing all the sugar, and the fermentation process would stop. To resume the fermentation process, you need to add a new portion of yeast and place the container in a room with more suitable climatic conditions.
  • by appearance. In the finished mash, foam formation does not occur, the characteristic hissing and the release of carbon dioxide stops. Clarification of the mash begins due to the fact that the fermented yeast sinks to the bottom.
  • using a burning match. During active fermentation, carbon dioxide is released. Bring a lit match to the container with mash. If it burns, then the fermentation process has ended and you can begin the subsequent distillation of the mash.
  • using a hydrometer - this is the most professional and accurate method. If you are serious about moonshine brewing, then you simply need this device.

Have a nice moonshine!