
What to cook from Easter cottage cheese. Easter cottage cheese - recipes

In the old days, the process of preparing cottage cheese Easter lasted for several hours. The cottage cheese was rubbed through a sieve twice, and the Easter was boiled so that it could be stored for several days. Now having a blender reduces the entire procedure to 10 minutes. In this recipe we will tell you how to make Easter from cottage cheese. Easter turns out airy and tender, you can feel the light aroma of vanilla and the tart grape taste of raisins.

TIME: 1 hour 30 min.


Servings: 4


  • cottage cheese – 600 grams,
  • eggs – 2 pieces,
  • butter – 100 grams,
  • sugar – 100 grams,
  • lady finger raisins - 80 grams,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet.


To prepare Easter, you can use cottage cheese of any fat content, but it should not be too sour. Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, lower an immersion blender into it, and beat the curd mass for a couple of minutes.

Butter, regular and vanilla sugar are added to the cottage cheese. The butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it acquires the necessary softness.

The color of Easter depends on the quality of the eggs; it is advisable to buy eggs with bright orange yolks.

After mixing all the ingredients, beat the mass again. The speed is set to medium, and the whole process lasts 3-4 minutes.
The result is a homogeneous cream-colored curd mass. Raisins are washed and dried on a paper towel. There is no need to soak the berries; even dry grapes, once surrounded by curd cream, will be saturated with moisture and become soft. “Lady's finger” is an ideal variety for cottage cheese Easter; it has a pleasant taste with a slight sourness.

Assemble the plastic mold and place it in a deep plate. The mold is filled with cottage cheese, a piece of gauze is placed on top and a weight is placed. If there is no mold, the cottage cheese is transferred to a colander, covered with a layer of gauze.

Cottage cheese Easter should be infused for 12 hours in the refrigerator. During this time, excess liquid will drain, the frozen butter will add the necessary hardness to the cottage cheese.

The finished Easter is placed on a plate. To emphasize Easter motifs, the white surface is decorated with multi-colored stars and hearts, and sprinkled with sugar Easter decor.
Easter cottage cheese is cut into neat pieces and laid out on portioned plates.
Using this recipe, you can prepare regular cottage cheese for breakfast. Then you don’t have to achieve density and don’t remove excess liquid. The whipped mass is simply mixed with candied fruits or any dried fruits, then laid out in bowls.

Easter from cottage cheese is a tender, airy, very tasty dish for the Easter table. We have all the cooking secrets!

  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 150 g sour cream 30%
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1-1.5 cups raisins
  • dried apricots and prunes for decoration

Rub the cottage cheese.

In a separate bowl, add sugar to the egg yolks.

Grind sugar with yolks, add salt.

Add the egg mixture to the cottage cheese and mix.

Add sour cream. If the sour cream is store-bought, then it is better to take it thicker - 30%.

Wash the raisins and let them dry a little. Combine with curd mass.

Stir until smooth.

Prepare a form for Easter. You can use any container that has a hole to drain excess liquid.

Place a colander on a basin (or, for example, a salad bowl) into which the whey will drain.

Place clean gauze, folded in half, into a colander. There should be enough gauze to then completely cover her Easter.

Place the entire curd mixture on cheesecloth and smooth the top.

Cover Easter with gauze.

Place a press on top.

Leave the Easter to drain in the cold for several hours (or a day). Open the gauze.

Place the dish on top of the colander, bottom up, and carefully turn the colander over. Remove the gauze.

Decorate Easter with dried apricots and prunes.

Recipe 2: Easter cottage cheese with boiled condensed milk

  • cottage cheese - 400 gr
  • butter - 150 g
  • sour cream - 150 gr
  • boiled condensed milk - 400 g
  • raisins – 100 gr

Pour hot water over the raisins and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Combine cottage cheese, butter, sour cream and condensed milk in a bowl. All products should be at room temperature.

Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Rinse the raisins and add to the curd mass.

Line a beaker, bowl, colander or sieve with several layers of gauze.

Place the curd mixture in cheesecloth.

Place the bean bag in a deep bowl, wrap it in gauze, place a plate on top, and place a weight on it. Place in a cool place for a day.

Unwrap the gauze and turn the Easter cake over onto a plate. Carefully remove the bean bag and remove the gauze. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Easter cottage cheese with cream

A very simple and fairly quick recipe.

  • homemade cottage cheese 1 kg
  • granulated sugar 200 g
  • chicken egg yolks 4 pcs.
  • homemade cream half liter jar
  • additives to your taste: raisins, prunes, dried apricots, nuts, candied fruits, etc.
  • you can add berries, bananas, oranges, kiwi, peach - whatever you like
  • butter 300 grams
  • a packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar

Wrap the cottage cheese in two layers of gauze and put under a press for about 6 hours, excess liquid should disappear.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Mix 250 g of homemade cream with four yolks. Heat the second part (another 250 g) of cream over the fire, but do not bring to a boil.

Add the creamy-egg mixture to the well-heated cream, stir and keep on the fire for a few more minutes, 2-3 minutes, the mass should thicken. Remove from heat. Grind butter and sugar thoroughly with sugar.

Pour boiling water over the raisins, then place on a napkin to dry. Cut dried apricots and fruit into small cubes.

Add the butter mixture and vanilla sugar to the pureed cottage cheese, mix, pour in the cream and beat thoroughly with a mixer to form a fluffy mass of homogeneous consistency. Add candied fruits and raisins.

Stir once more until they are distributed evenly throughout the curd mass.

Line the molds with damp gauze.

Press the curd mass into the prepared Easter molds, put pressure on top and keep in the refrigerator for 11 hours.

Afterwards, remove the cottage cheese Easter from the mold, decorate the top with fruits or sweets and serve.

Recipe 4: Easter cottage cheese with dried apricots and candied fruits

  • cottage cheese - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • butter – 200 grams;
  • sour cream 25% fat (it is better to use homemade) - 0.5 liters;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 pack;
  • raisins - 2 cups (more is possible - depending on taste);
  • dried apricots, candied fruits.

Rub the cottage cheese on a coarse grater or through a sieve until smooth.

Beat the eggs into a separate container.

Add sugar to the eggs and whisk until smooth.

Add the resulting mass to the cottage cheese.

Mix well.

Melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave and add to the cottage cheese.

Mix all ingredients carefully and place on low heat. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a hot state, avoiding boiling.

After cooling slightly, pour the contents into a fabric bag (you can use a clean pillowcase or gauze folded in several layers) and hang it for at least 12 hours to remove excess moisture (if the cottage cheese is very wet, you can use oppression).

Wash the raisins thoroughly under running water and dry. Wash the dried apricots and cut them into small pieces.

Place Easter cottage cheese in a vase in layers, alternating with raisins.

The top layer of Easter is raisins. Add dried apricots and candied fruits.

Cottage cheese Easter is ready to eat! It must be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Easter with custard fudge (step-by-step photos)

  • 500 g of fatty cottage cheese (it is better not to take sour cottage cheese),
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 200 ml cream,
  • juice of half a lemon,
  • vanillin,
  • raisin,
  • dried fruits,
  • candied fruit,
  • 100 g butter

Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind it twice in a meat grinder. The easiest way is to grind Easter cottage cheese with a blender until it becomes paste-like.

Pour boiling water over dried fruits to remove all chemicals. We rinse. Chop with a knife. If you add chopped prunes to the cottage cheese Easter, keep in mind that this will give the cottage cheese a creamy tint. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and remove the seeds if there are any.

Add dried fruits, candied fruits, raisins and lemon juice to the pureed cottage cheese.

Mix everything.

For custard fudge, beat eggs and sugar until foamy (about 5 minutes). Add cream to it and mix. Place in a water bath or just on low heat. Add vanillin, about one small bag.

Stirring constantly, boil the custard fudge for cottage cheese Easter until it becomes liquid mashed potatoes.

Remove and immediately pour the hot fudge into the cottage cheese. This is the brewing process. Mix quickly. Add softened butter to the cooled curd Easter mixture and knead.

Line the mold with several layers of gauze, leaving long ends. Place the curd mixture into it and cover the top with the ends of the gauze.

Place under pressure in the refrigerator for 12 hours. During this time, excess moisture will drain through the holes in the mold.

Turn the cottage cheese Easter over onto a plate and decorate.

You can decorate with candied fruits, marmalade, nuts, or simply draw a pattern with melted chocolate from a pastry bag or cream syringe.

Recipe 6: Royal Easter cottage cheese (with photo)

  • 0.5 kg cottage cheese
  • 100 g butter
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream
  • 100 g sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • ¼ cup raisins
  • ¼ cup walnuts
  • Lemon and orange zest

Grind half a kilogram of fresh, good cottage cheese together with 100 g of granulated sugar until smooth (you can use a fork or spoon). Grind the softened butter until white with vanilla sugar.

Tip: be sure to soften the butter at room temperature, naturally, not in a microwave oven or on gas.

Wash the lemon and orange thoroughly and wipe dry. Grate the lemon and orange zest on a fine grater or with a special device. Finely chop the walnuts with a knife or grind in a blender.

Add 2 chicken eggs and 3 tablespoons of chilled sour cream to the curd mass (the fattier the sour cream, the thicker it will be, so take this into account). Mix everything well with a tablespoon.

Add butter whipped with vanilla sugar. Mix again.

Add chopped walnuts, pre-soaked raisins and citrus zest. Mix well.

Take the form for Easter. Line the mold with damp gauze, folded in half or with cotton cloth so that the edges hang down (the moisture of the gauze is needed so that the finished cottage cheese Easter can be easily removed and completely retain its original appearance). Place the curd-citrus mixture tightly into the prepared pan.

Cover the mixture with the remaining corners of the gauze. Place everything under pressure overnight in a cool place (in the refrigerator). As a rule, Easter should remain under pressure for at least 12 hours.

Recipe 7: simple cottage cheese Easter (step by step with photo)

The sweet, creamy texture of cottage cheese Easter is very similar to ice cream. Despite the fact that it is not at all difficult to prepare, Easter curd takes 2 days to ripen.

  • Cottage cheese - 450 grams;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Sugar - 170 grams (or to taste);
  • Yolks - 3 pcs;
  • Cream - 200 ml;
  • Candied fruits - 30 grams;
  • Raisins - 70 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve 2 times to get rid of grains and achieve a smooth, creamy texture. Even if you buy cottage cheese without grains, it still needs to be rubbed through a sieve.

Beat the yolks with a little sugar until white.

Add softened butter, sugar and beat everything together again until smooth.

Combine the whipped mass with grated cottage cheese.

Separately, whip the cream to stiff peaks.

Add cream to curd mass, stir until smooth.

Add washed and dried raisins and candied fruits.

Try to distribute everything as evenly as possible so that the raisins and candied fruits do not settle to the bottom or rise to the top.

Wash the mold for cottage cheese Easter, assemble and line the inside with damp gauze.

Distribute the gauze evenly, without gathering, as the printed pattern will depend on this. Our form will be upside down, top down. Place it on a plate or tray.

Slowly, one spoon at a time, spread the curd mass inside the mold. This must be done so that voids do not form inside, so that all free space is filled evenly.

Fill the form completely, leaving a few spoons of filling. Easter will sag under the weight of the load and you will need to add cottage cheese.

Place the hanging pieces of gauze carefully and evenly on top of the filling. Place a board on top and a weight of at least 500 grams on it. And put this whole structure in the refrigerator.

Liquid will be released from below, it must be removed immediately and the plate wiped dry. Check the top of the mold, if the filling has sagged, then add the remaining cottage cheese, again place the board and weight on top. Usually the next day the fluid is no longer released.

After two days, remove Easter from the refrigerator, remove from the mold and gauze. Cottage cheese Easter is ready for the holiday!

Recipe 8: Easter cottage cheese with candied fruits

  • Cottage cheese – 500 g
  • Eggs (yolks only) – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 125 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sour cream (cream) – 100 g
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet
  • Dried fruits (candied fruits) – 100 g

Be sure to grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind it with a blender (immersion attachment). The cottage cheese will become airy and even more tender.

Soak candied fruits for Easter well in hot water and let stand for about 30 minutes. Then drain the water, dry the swollen dried fruits and cut if necessary.

Mix all other ingredients (yolks, sour cream, butter, sugar) until smooth and put on low heat. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil. Stir for about three to five minutes, the mixture should begin to thicken.

Then let it cool and mix with cottage cheese and candied fruits.

Wet clean gauze and squeeze out. This is necessary so that it is convenient to line the bean bag, removing deep folds.

Place the bean bag upside down in a deep bowl, cover it with gauze, leaving the edges hanging down. Spread out the curd mixture.

Cover the edges with gauze on top, place a plate of a suitable size on top and put pressure (2-3 liter jar of water). Place in a cool place for at least 12 hours. During this time, excess liquid will drain into the bowl; it must be drained constantly.

Then we open the gauze, place the dish where the Easter will be placed, and carefully turn it over and take it apart, remove the bean box. Now the cottage cheese Easter is ready, you can decorate with candied fruits.

Recipe 9: Easter cottage cheese with poppy seed filling

The combination of poppy seeds and cottage cheese is very harmonious, the curd layer is airy and tender.

  • Cottage cheese - 400 g (fat)
  • Cream - 200 ml (33-35%)
  • Gelatin - 9 g (powder)
  • Sugar - 275 g (125 g for cottage cheese, 150 g for poppy seed filling)
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.
  • (0.5 tsp each for cottage cheese and poppy seed filling)
  • Poppy - 300 g
  • Milk - 120 ml
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Nuts - 100 g
  • Lemon zest - 1 tsp.

(can be excluded)

Water - 50 ml and a little more for gelatin

The oldest symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, in which the great miracle of the Resurrection of the Savior of mankind took place, the victory of light over darkness is Easter cottage cheese. The history of the origin and origin of the dish goes back thousands of years. The symbolic meaning of cottage cheese Easter for all believers is enormous.

On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, Orthodox believers prepare the obligatory Easter dishes: they paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, and make Easter cottage cheese. Each dish has its own history and deep meaning.

Those who believe that to celebrate Easter it is enough to stock up on colored eggs and sweet Easter cake are mistaken. The main Easter dish, which has the same name as the holiday of holidays, is Easter cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese Easter - what is it?

Cottage cheese Easter is prepared using cottage cheese. Various ingredients are added: honey (sugar), sour cream (cream), butter, chicken eggs, vanillin, jam, tinctures, liqueurs, candied fruits, dried fruits, citrus zest, nuts.

Making cottage cheese Easter is an individual process, especially important for the well-being of the entire family in whose home the dish is made. Each housewife must choose the products for this sacred dish herself. This traditional Easter dish must be prepared in the best possible way using the freshest ingredients.

  • Pasochnitsa - a wooden split mold with a special thread for making cottage cheese Easter

The cottage cheese Easter was placed in a special bean box, where it froze and, after being removed from a wooden carved form, took on the appearance of a truncated pyramid. The wooden sides depicted images of the torment of Christ:

  • cross, spear, cane

and the Resurrection of the Savior:

flowers, sprouts, herbs.

The pasochnitsa was passed down by inheritance, purchased in churches or at Orthodox fairs.

Decorating cottage cheese Easter

At the top of the truncated pyramid of cottage cheese the letters XB are placed, which have a welcoming meaning:

- Christ is risen!

A truncated pyramid is a shape that repeats the appearance of Heavenly Zion (the unshakable foundation of the New Jerusalem, the city of God). Cottage cheese Easter symbolizes the joy of the Resurrection of Christ, the beauty and purity of life in paradise, unity with the Lord, spiritual salvation, which is available to everyone who loves the Lord, repents of bad thoughts and deeds, and begins to live according to the laws of love and mercy.

The shape of a truncated pyramid, which is given to Easter cottage cheese, is a symbol of Golgotha. Jesus of Nazareth was forced to carry a heavy wooden cross to a high mountain, on which, after the ascension of the Son of God, he was crucified. Today Golgotha ​​means “endure suffering.”

The symbolic meaning of cottage cheese Easter: a truncated pyramidal Easter made from cottage cheese is an eternal reminder of human cruelty and God's mercy, patience and humility.

In many cultures (Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs) buildings in the form of truncated pyramids were discovered. Apparently, in ancient times it was believed that this particular form was the concentration of the energy of the Universe or God’s grace, the opportunity to achieve perfection.

Cottage cheese Easter: history of origin and occurrence

Since ancient times, cottage cheese dishes have had a sacred meaning and symbolized fertility. In ancient times, many rituals were performed using cottage cheese and other milk products. Let us remember, for example, the fairy tale about the Little Humpbacked Horse, where in order to rejuvenate the king had to plunge into boiling milk.

According to the biblical version, the prophet Moses, fulfilling God's will, freed the Jews from Egyptian slavery. Moses led his people to “a good and spacious land, flowing with milk and honey.” These blessed products (honey and milk) symbolized the great joy and endless happiness of the liberated Jews and all to whom the Kingdom of Heaven was opened after the Resurrection of Christ.

The history of the origin and emergence of cottage cheese Easter is multifaceted and mysterious.

The most valuable part of dairy products, filled with nutrients, is cottage cheese. All the taste and benefits are concentrated in it. Cottage cheese combined with butter and sugar is a real gift from heaven.

In the old days, a poor person could rarely afford such luxury; only during great holidays was there an opportunity to taste a little divine food. Cottage cheese Easter was blessed in the temple and then this food became blessed.

Until the eighteenth century, curd Easter (Church Slavic - thickened milk) was prepared from sour milk. Afterwards they began to make one of the main sacred dishes of the Easter period from cottage cheese. And even later they began to add butter, eggs, sugar, sour cream. Imported sweets brought from distant seas were quite expensive several centuries ago. Only very rich people could afford to use them for making Easter cottage cheese. And then candied fruits, dried fruits, and nuts got into the mixture for the curd paste.

What types of cottage cheese Easter are there?

There are raw, custard (heated) and oven-baked Easter curds.

Preparation of raw cottage cheese Easter:

  • the low-fat cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve several times
  • pureed cottage cheese mixed with your favorite ingredients
  • using a pastry machine, form a truncated pyramid from the pureed curd mass mixed with various products in accordance with the recipe


So that the curd Easter could be easily removed from the wooden bean box, the mass had to be placed first in wet gauze, and then pressed with the sides and compacted.

  • decorate to your liking.

Cooking custard (heated) Easter

  1. mix the ingredients indicated in the recipe with cottage cheese
  2. cook (simmer) the curd mass over low heat for 60 minutes
  3. transferred to a beaker and pressed until the shape of a truncated pyramid is obtained.

Preparing cottage cheese Easter baked in the oven

  • mix products with cottage cheese
  • put in a baking dish
  • baked in the oven
  • garnish to taste after removing from oven.
  1. use small low-fat cottage cheese
  2. puree cottage cheese without adding ingredients
  3. mix the already pureed cottage cheese with powdered sugar
  4. Beat chicken eggs with sugar until the mixture turns white
  5. mix mashed cottage cheese with sour cream and butter
  6. mix the curd-butter mixture with the whitened egg mass
  7. add spice powder if desired
  8. Lastly, add dried, steamed dried fruits, fried nuts, and candied candied fruits. Mix everything until smooth.

The benefits of cottage cheese Easter

Phosphorus and calcium contained in cottage cheese, potassium in raisins, amino acids and other beneficial substances in this dish give a powerful boost of energy to believers who have gone through a forty-day fast. An exhausted body needs nourishment. Calcium will strengthen bones, potassium - the heart, amino acids - nerves.

The healing powers of cottage cheese Easter

The Slavs were sure that Easter cottage cheese had magical properties:

  • protected from diseases
  • protected from evil spirits
  • attracted good luck and prosperity to the home.

A small piece of ritual food was wrapped in a linen bag and kept until the next Easter holiday as a home talisman. Some carried it with them like an amulet. Vodka infused with Easter cottage cheese made on Maundy Thursday was used to exorcise demons and treat alcoholism.

In conclusion, the conversation about cottage cheese Easter: the history of origin and occurrence. We would like to wish our readers to cook with joy and pleasure about the symbolic meaning of cottage cheese Easter.

We wish you to celebrate the holiday of holidays in peace and harmony. Keep love and mercy in your heart. Be considerate of your neighbors and kind to yourself. Light, hope and harmony to you. Festive mood and warmth in the soul.

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In this article you will learn how to prepare traditional Easter cottage cheese. I’ll tell you about the essence of this dish, its symbolism, give useful culinary tips, and also share a selection of step-by-step recipes. I chose the most popular recipes, described everything in detail, clearly, step by step and with photos, and somewhere I also added a video.

For convenience and to save time, you can click on the desired item in the content of the article.

What kind of Easter dish is this?

Easter is a special holiday dish made from cottage cheese. According to tradition, it is prepared once a year, namely for Orthodox Easter. And so that there is no confusion in the meaning of words, this dish is most often called “cottage cheese Easter”.

Also, do not confuse cottage cheese Easter with “paska”, which is the Ukrainian analogue of Russian ones. Kulich and paska are flour dishes, and Easter is made from cottage cheese.

Easter is prepared only in Russia; one can say that this is a truly Russian dish. Easter cakes, colored eggs and Easter are an invariable attribute of the Easter table.

Easter is, in fact, a curd mass kept in a special mold (pasochnitsa) and decorated in accordance with Orthodox symbols.

A lot of recipes have been invented, there are even not quite classic options. For example, Easter can even be baked in the oven and look like some kind of familiar cottage cheese casserole.

Everyone knows that cottage cheese is rich in calcium and complete proteins. And this is just very useful after a long period. In one holiday you can compensate for the deficiency of nutrients!

Easter can be considered a dessert, since almost all recipes use sugar, dried fruits and other sweet fillings. And it looks almost like a cake! But I also have a fresh (or salty) cooking option in store for you. The taste is original, not everyone will understand, but there will always be connoisseurs.

Symbolism of the dish

Classic Easter looks like a pyramid truncated at the top. And this figure symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher. Parallels are also drawn with Mount Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified.

For people far from religion, such information may be a little shocking: there is a cottage cheese coffin for the holiday.

Easter decoration in the form of the inscriptions “ХВ” - “Christ is Risen!” is also of great importance. After all, it was in the tomb that the miracle of resurrection took place.

They add images of a cross, a cane, a spear, sprouts and flowers, which symbolize all the suffering, as well as the resurrection of Christ.

The peculiarity is that all these inscriptions and drawings are convex; they appear thanks to the forms embossed from the inside in which the curd mass was kept.

These forms are called pasochnitsy. Previously they were made of wood, but now you can buy plastic ones. Bean bags consist of several parts, which are held together using wedges or rope.

There are holes at the bottom of the bowl to allow the whey to flow out of the curd. The curd will become denser and the shape of the dish will be more stable.

By the way, I advise you not to be lazy and buy a ready-made bean bag, do not reinvent the wheel, unless, of course, you are a jack of all trades. It's just that some people cook Easter in flower pots.

Cooking principles

Here I will talk about the general principles of preparing Easter. What are the types, stages and features.

I’ll say right away that preparing classic Easter cottage cheese is a long process. It must not only be made, but also left for at least 12 hours in a cold place (in our time this is a refrigerator).

But in general, Easter is very easy to prepare! You’ll do everything according to the instructions a couple of times, and then you’ll be able to improvise and come up with your own unique recipes.

Easter can be “raw” or “cooked”. Also called “cold” and “hot”.

  • In the first case, we simply grind the cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass, add sweet fillings, put it in the bean box and wait until everything “gets stronger.”

Raw Easter is easier to prepare, but its shelf life is shorter - the cottage cheese turns sour. Therefore, this type of Easter is usually made in a small size.

  • Boiled Easter (or custard) is different in that the curd mass is placed on low heat (or a water bath) and cooked for 20-30 minutes until small bubbles form, stirring constantly. Then this saucepan is lowered into a bowl of ice water. The curd mass is stirred until it cools completely. Only after this can the bean box be filled.

Before laying out the curd mass, the bean box should be covered with gauze cloth. The edges of the gauze need to be turned up, and some small flat board is placed on them. They put “oppression” on the board - any object with decent weight. This is for pressing the curd and getting rid of excess liquid. Someone puts a jar of water, and someone puts an iron!

The filled mold should be placed in some kind of plate so that the whey flows into it.

Since cottage cheese is neutral in taste and quickly becomes boring, all sorts of sweet ingredients are almost always added to it. Usually raisins, prunes, dried apricots, nuts, candied fruits and other dried fruits are used.

Again, nuts and dried fruits are used as decoration, and fresh berries and fruits are also added. Cover with jam, preserves, sugar or chocolate glaze. Multi-colored confectionery toppings are often used, as for Easter cakes.


After looking at several recipes, you will understand that the algorithm is essentially the same everywhere. One could even do without photographs of dishes; as you can see, all Easter eggs look the same: white, in the shape of truncated pyramids, decorated with all sorts of sweet treats.

Royal custard Easter

This is the most common Easter cottage cheese recipe. Since it is “boiled”, it is stored for a long time. And it is called “royal” because dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits and other goodies are generously mixed into the cottage cheese.

The fact is that in the old days, dried fruits, sweets, nuts and various spices and seasonings were rare and very expensive. Only wealthy classes could afford them, while peasants and the poor were content with an “empty” Easter.

Now there are plenty of all these products, they are inexpensive, and in stores they sell exactly the royal Easter.


  • Cottage cheese (the fattier the better) – 520 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 110 g.
  • Butter – 100 g.
  • Sugar – 110-130 g.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1-2 teaspoons;
  • Raisins – 90-120 g.
  • Almonds – 70 g.
  • Lemon or orange zest - 1 teaspoon;
  • Candied fruits - to taste;


First you need to steam the raisins. Pour boiling water over it for 5-10 minutes, then drain the water and dry the raisins with a paper towel.

Now you need to rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve. Some people even wipe it twice so that the curd mass is more homogeneous. You can also use a meat grinder if you have a small hole attachment.

Grind eggs with sugar, sour cream and softened butter. Add this egg mixture to the cottage cheese and beat well. You can use a mixer or blender. Someone is kneading the millet with a fork.

Transfer the entire mass into a saucepan. We make a water bath: place the saucepan with cottage cheese in a larger saucepan filled with hot water. Place this on the stove and turn on low heat. Cook and stir for about 20 minutes. The curd mass will first melt and then gradually begin to thicken.

You can, of course, without a water bath, just simmer over low heat, but there is a risk that the cottage cheese will burn. Here both the smell and the taste will deteriorate - the transfer of products.

Now place the pan with the hot curd mass in cold water (basin, sink or bath!), stir and wait for it to cool completely.

Now add raisins, grate or chop almonds, and add fresh zest.

Place the bean bag on a plate and line the inside with 2 layers of gauze. Now you need to put the curd mass in this form, cover the top with the edges of gauze and place some kind of weight so that the whey gradually comes out.

Place Easter in this position in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours.

That's it, then you take it out, turn the bean bag over and carefully remove its bead box. You can decorate with the same almonds in combination with powdered sugar.

Baked cottage cheese Easter

And this is a very simple and quick recipe. Easter cottage cheese baked in the oven, of course, is not something original and traditional, but it is still no less tasty! And you can cook it every day.


  • Cottage cheese – 1000 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 10 pcs.
  • Condensed milk or sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Raisins – 150-200 g.
  • Sugar – 50-100 g (to taste);
  • Zest of half a lemon;

Let's start cooking

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Rinse the raisins and add to the cottage cheese. Beat in the chicken eggs, add zest and condensed milk.
  2. Now this mass needs to be thoroughly kneaded, using a mixer. The result is a liquid curd mass.
  3. Pour the mixture into a baking dish - let it sit warm for about 30 minutes. Only then can you put it in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Baking time – 30 minutes.
  4. Turn the mold over and carefully remove the Easter. You can decorate with confectionery sprinkles.

Easter with jelly and kiwi

Beautiful Easter, consisting of alternating layers of jelly and curd mass. But that's not all! The taste and appearance are complemented by kiwi slices, both inside and outside.

It looks great, but is also a hassle to prepare.

If you wish, you can replace the kiwi with any other fruit: apple, banana, pineapple, etc.


  • Cottage cheese – 1000 g.
  • Liquid cream (35% fat) – 500 ml.
  • Sugar – 160 g.
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Gelatin – 20 g (1 sachet)
  • Kiwi – 5-6 pcs.
  • Grape (or apple) juice – 200 ml.
  • Water – 100 ml.


First you need to soak the gelatin, read the instructions on the package. Usually pour warm water and wait 30 minutes.

While the gelatin reaches, you need to rub all the cottage cheese through a sieve so that there is not a single lump. Add vanillin and put it in the refrigerator for now.

Pour sugar into liquid cream, pour in half of the swollen gelatin. Place over low heat and stir constantly until the gelatin pieces are completely dissolved. Then pour through a sieve, cool slightly and beat the egg into the cream.

Take out the cottage cheese, pour in the “jelly” cream, knead thoroughly until smooth.

Now let’s prepare the bean box: we fasten the walls, place it on a saucer, and line the inside with gauze. Pour the curd mixture into the mold and place it in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.

After a break and rest, you can proceed to the next step. Pour the juice and gelatin into a saucepan and simmer over low heat until the gelatin dissolves. Let cool gradually.

You can peel the kiwi in advance, cut it into thin slices, pour boiling water over them (to make them more tender) and dry them with a paper towel. Put them in the refrigerator as well.

That's it, wait for the cottage cheese to ripen (only 7 hours).

Now you need to release the curd mixture and cut it into 3 parts.

Place the narrowest part back into the bowl, add a few slices of kiwi on top, then pour in a little grape gelatin. Place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes until the jelly hardens.

We took it out, put another piece of pressed cottage cheese and kiwi on top, pour gelatin over it. Place back in the refrigerator until the jelly hardens.

We do the same thing for the third time and put it in the refrigerator for the last time. For 2 hours.

After all this torment, you can release Easter, cut it and try it.

Salty Easter

As I already wrote at the beginning of the article, cottage cheese Easter can be not only sweet, but also salty. Fresh or salty - whichever you prefer. It turns out to be a kind of snack, an analogue of cheese, which can be added to a salad, side dish, meat, fish. You can eat soup like this with Easter.


  • Cottage cheese – 1100 g.
  • Butter (or margarine) – 110 g.
  • Sour cream – 220 g.
  • Egg yolks – 10 pcs.
  • Salt – 3-5 pinches;


  1. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, or grind with a blender.
  2. Add soft butter, sour cream and 10 raw chicken yolks. Add salt and whisk thoroughly until completely smooth.
  3. Now everything is according to the standard: cover the bean box with gauze, put cottage cheese on it, press it on top with a weight and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours
  4. Then carefully release it; if desired, you can decorate it with fresh herbs and various spices.

Lemon with ginger (without eggs)

A refreshing and aromatic Easter made with lemon zest and ginger. Another feature is that Easter is prepared without whites, without yolks, in general, without eggs.


  • Cottage cheese – 360 g.
  • Sugar – 110 g.
  • Butter (or margarine) – 60 g.
  • Sour cream – 60 g.
  • Ginger root (fresh) – 15-20 g.
  • Half a lemon;


  1. Grind the cottage cheese using a sieve or blender.
  2. Add sour cream to the cottage cheese and beat thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Grind the slightly melted butter with sugar, add to the cottage cheese and mix again.
  4. Grate the lemon zest and ginger. Add them to the curd mass.
  5. Prepare a bean bag, line it with gauze, and place cottage cheese on it. Secure the edges of the gauze on top and press with something heavy. Place in the refrigerator for at least 12-16 hours. The bean bag should stand on some kind of dish so that the liquid can drain.

Easter with chocolate

If this Easter is chocolate, then why is it white? It's simple! In the photo we used white chocolate, which is what we will use in this recipe. But nothing stops you from doing the same with dark chocolate.


  • Cottage cheese – 460 g.
  • Butter (or spread) – 110 g.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Liquid cream – 100 ml.
  • White chocolate bar – 90-100 g.
  • Candied fruits, dried apricots, raisins – 60 g.
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch;


  1. Since cottage cheese is grainy, it needs to be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve, maybe even 2 times.
  2. In a bowl, grind soft butter with vanilla and sugar. Add cream and mix well.
  3. Pour this creamy mixture into a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Here you need to constantly stir and wait until the cream begins to thicken.
  4. Cool the cream and add it to the pureed cottage cheese. Knead until smooth.
  5. Pour boiling water over dried fruits for 5 minutes, rinse and, if necessary, cut into smaller pieces.
  6. Divide the chocolate bar in half, grate one of them into the cottage cheese, and add dried fruits there.
  7. Place all this sweet cottage cheese in a bowl lined with two layers of gauze. Press down on top with something, such as a jar of water.
  8. That's it, put it in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours or even a whole day!
  9. Pour melted chocolate (from the remaining half) over the finished Easter.

Creamy with raisins and cookies

Delicate aromatic Easter with the addition of raisins and crispy cookies. Depending on which cookies are chosen, the overall taste will change. Chocolate, nut, creamy, oatmeal, with fudge - there are a million options!


  • Cottage cheese – 550 g.
  • Butter – 160 g.
  • Cream (liquid) – 160 g.
  • Chicken yolk – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar (preferably powdered) – 200 g.
  • Raisins – 150-200 g.
  • Cookies – 150-200 g.
  • Vanillin – 1-2 pinches;


  1. Pass the cottage cheese through a fine meat grinder, blender or sieve. You should get a soft mass.
  2. Add powdered sugar, cream and softened butter to the cottage cheese. Mix well, you can use a mixer.
  3. Beat in a couple of yolks and continue beating.
  4. Pour hot water over the raisins for 5-10 minutes, rinse and dry. Crush the cookies into small pieces. But not to the point of agony!
  5. Add cookies with raisins to cottage cheese, mix again.
  6. Place in a pan, put pressure on top, and place in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Tsarskaya raw

If the first royal Easter was “hot,” then this one is “cold,” that is, without heat treatment.


  • Cottage cheese – 0.5 kg.
  • Powdered sugar – 1 cup;
  • Vanillin – 2 pinches;
  • Liquid cream (from 20%) – 0.5 cups;
  • Butter (or margarine) – 200 g.
  • Raw yolks – 2 pcs.
  • Raisins and other additives – 1 handful;


Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. If it is too wet, it is advisable to squeeze it out a little more through cheesecloth.

Beat soft butter with sugar, vanilla, chicken yolks and cream.

Add the creamy mixture to the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.

Steam the raisins and rinse with hot water, mix into the cottage cheese.

Collect the bean bag, cover it with gauze in 2-3 layers. Lay out the cottage cheese and place the weight on top.

Leave in the refrigerator (not freezer) for the next 12 hours.

Then carefully turn it over, remove the mold and gauze. Garnish with raisins and any other sweet ingredients.

Easter with carrots

An original recipe for lovers of all things carrot.


  • Cottage cheese – 1000 g.
  • Carrots – 500 g.
  • Zest of one orange;
  • Butter – 200 g.
  • Sugar – 220 g.
  • Vanillin – 1-2 pinches;


Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes softer at room temperature.

Peel the carrots, wash them, add water and cook until tender. You can check with a fork. Soft means ready. If desired, carrots can be sweetened by adding a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the water.

While the carrots are cooking, you need to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. If it is grainy, you will have to wipe it 2-3 times.

Combine soft butter with sugar and vanilla. Grind well in a bowl.

Boiled and cooled carrots should be rubbed through a sieve in the same way as cottage cheese. Add orange zest to it.

Mix cottage cheese, carrot puree and butter. Stir until the color is even.

Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, in which we first place gauze. Press down on top with a weight and place in the refrigerator to chill. It will take 12-15 hours.

Then we release, decorate and serve!

Easter with cocoa

Wonderful Easter custard with cocoa, chocolate and candied fruits.


  • Cottage cheese – 1000 g.
  • Milk chocolate – 220 g.
  • Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar – 170 g.
  • Butter – 200 g.
  • Vanillin – 3 pinches;
  • Liquid cream – 400 ml.
  • Candied fruits – 200 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.


  1. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender or through a sieve. Mix with butter.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla. Pour cream into a saucepan and add beaten eggs.
  3. Bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes. All this time you need to stir with a fork or whisk.
  4. Melt the chocolate and add cocoa to it. Pour into cooled cream.
  5. Combine cottage cheese with chocolate cream, add candied fruits and mix everything well. You should get a homogeneous color mass.
  6. Line a special mold with gauze, place chocolate curd in it, saucer on the bottom, pressure on top. Place in the refrigerator for 12-13 hours.
  7. The finished culinary product can be served either without anything (as in the photo) or with confectionery topping.

With pumpkin

If you have pumpkin lying around, you can make pumpkin Easter. Simple, bright, delicious! There are no eggs here, and this Easter is also made without cream. I didn’t give up butter so that there would be no “naked” cottage cheese at all.


  • Cottage cheese – 500 g.
  • Butter – 130 g.
  • Pumpkin – 320 g.
  • Sugar – 150 g.
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch;
  • Cinnamon – 1 pinch;


Wash the pumpkin, remove the skin, cut into cubes. Place in a saucepan, add water and cook until tender. Add another 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to the water. The pumpkin should become soft.

For now you can make cottage cheese. Pass it through a fine sieve until smooth and tender.

Place a piece of melted butter in a bowl, add sugar, cinnamon and vanillin. Grind until sugar dissolves.

Add butter to the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.

Cool the boiled pumpkin and mash it into a puree. Also stir it in cottage cheese.

Place the resulting mass in the bean bag, with a weight on top.

Leave in the refrigerator for 12-16 hours.

On custard fudge

Delicate creamy Easter custard. It just melts in your mouth! For all lovers of dairy desserts.


  • Cottage cheese – 520 g.
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Liquid cream (as thick as possible) – 1 cup;
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • Juice of half a lemon;
  • Candied fruits, dried berries, nuts at your discretion;


  1. Rub the cottage cheese thoroughly through a sieve, add lemon juice and dried fruits to it. Mix.
  2. Beat eggs into a saucepan, add sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat with a whisk, add cream and beat again.
  3. Place on low heat (or better yet, a water bath), simmer and stir until the mixture has the consistency of cream.
  4. This cream needs to be cooled and added to the cottage cheese. Mix well.
  5. Prepare a bowl (all according to the standard), put cottage cheese in it. Place in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
  6. Then the finished Easter can be decorated with nuts, berries, etc. on top.

With condensed milk

Thanks to the condensed milk, this Easter tastes like ice cream. We do not add sugar, since condensed milk is already super sweet.


  • Cottage cheese – 550 g.
  • Condensed milk – 150 g.
  • Butter – 110 g.
  • Sour cream – 100 g.
  • Candied fruits and nuts – 100 g.
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch;


Stir melted butter with condensed milk, vanilla and sour cream.

Add them to the cottage cheese. Now you need to go through the blender thoroughly so that there are no even small lumps. If you don’t have a blender, first rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Add candied fruits to this mixture and mix again.

Cover the pan with gauze, pour the whipped cottage cheese into it, and put pressure on top. Refrigerate for 15 hours.

Colored Easter

If you are bored with the usual white or cream shade, then I suggest making a striped Easter!

We get the color using fresh berries. In this example there will be blueberries. But if you wish, you can add: cherries, currants, raspberries, etc.


  • Fat cottage cheese – 850 g.
  • Butter – 100 g.
  • Sour cream – 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar – 130 g.
  • Chicken yolks – 2 pcs.
  • Blueberries – 50-100 g.
  • Vanillin – 2 pinches;


  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve a couple of times.
  2. Place the yolks in a cup, add sugar and vanillin. Cook and stir in a water bath until the color changes to lighter (and until thick). Place this bowl in a saucepan with water - this will be the bathhouse.
  3. Cool the yolk mass and mix with cottage cheese.
  4. Mash the berries in a separate saucepan and add the remaining sugar. Add a couple of tablespoons of water and cook for a few minutes over low heat.
  5. Divide the curd mass into 2 equal parts. The first one will be white - untouched. But in the second you should add sugar berries and sour cream.
  6. That's it - now we have 2 colors of curd mass.
  7. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, alternating white and berry. Place in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
  8. You can decorate with berries and grated nuts.

Easter without cottage cheese

And this is the culmination of the entire collection of recipes. We will prepare Easter from milk without a single grain of cottage cheese. How is this possible? It's simple! We will make cottage cheese ourselves.

In terms of ingredients, it will not be very cheap, because you will have to compensate with other products.


  • Milk – 3 l.
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp.
  • Butter – 350 g.
  • Sugar – 200 g.
  • Vanillin – 2 pinches;


Pour milk into a saucepan and place on low heat.

Beat eggs with sour cream.

When the milk starts to boil, pour the egg-sour cream mixture into it.

Stir vigorously, cook and stir constantly. Wait until the milk begins to curdle. Pieces of curd and translucent whey will begin to appear.

Place cheesecloth in a large saucepan and pour in the liquid cottage cheese. Carefully collect and hang somewhere for a while until the whey leaves the curd. You can help with your hands, then you won’t have to wait long in the bean box.

Cover the bean box with gauze, put cottage cheese in it, pull up the edges of the gauze on top, and press them with a weight.

Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Why so “fast”? The cottage cheese has already been squeezed out thoroughly.

And then we take it out, turn it over, remove the walls of the beanbox and decorate it according to our preferences.

  • The most important thing in preparing such dishes is the freshness of the ingredients. Since the cottage cheese is pressed in molds for a long time, you just need to buy it as fresh as possible!
  • We always use gauze! Otherwise, the cottage cheese will simply stick to the walls of the bean box.
  • Instead of sour cream, you can use thick yogurt, fermented baked milk or snowball.
  • The taste and color can be enriched with honey, fruit syrups, jam, vegetable and fruit juices.
  • Add aroma: cinnamon, vanillin, nutmeg.
  • Cream and sour cream should be as fat as possible - at least 20%.
  • I recommend not saving and buying natural butter. Since in such large quantities all kinds of margarines will be, to put it mildly, harmful.

Easter cottage cheese. An integral part of any Easter table. Cottage cheese Easter can be either raw or baked, or custard or boiled. And how tasty cottage cheese Easter turns out to be depends to a large extent on the quality of the cottage cheese used for its preparation.

Baked cottage cheese Easter is especially tasty - this type of Easter is usually baked in the oven, and candied fruits, raisins, nuts or cocoa are often added to it. And custard (boiled) cottage cheese Easter always turns out to be very tender - in order to prepare it, a mixture of cottage cheese, butter, sour cream and eggs is brewed in a saucepan. This is exactly how the famous “Tsarskaya” Easter cottage cheese is prepared!

In general, cottage cheese Easter can be prepared in two ways: cold and hot. In order to prepare cottage cheese Easter using the cold method (that is, raw Easter), all components are carefully ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and to prepare boiled Easter, the mass is heated over a fire until bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the pan. Of course, you have to put in more effort to prepare hot cottage cheese Easter, but it turns out much more tender and sweeter than the raw version.

Ideally, the cottage cheese for preparing cottage cheese Easter should be fresh and quite fatty (however, some housewives claim that excellent cottage cheese Easter is also obtained from dry low-fat cottage cheese). Selected homemade cottage cheese is especially suitable for these purposes, and if it was made from baked milk, it is doubly good (to prepare such cottage cheese, the milk is heated in the oven for several hours), because Easter made from such cottage cheese will boast an extremely pleasant pink color. color!

In order for the cottage cheese Easter to always turn out homogeneous, the cottage cheese must be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve, and only after that it is combined with all the other ingredients and the future cottage cheese Easter is thoroughly kneaded. You can always beat the curd mass using a mixer.

Sour cream for making Easter cottage cheese should be non-acidic, as well as sufficiently fatty and thick, and the cream should also have a high fat content (at least thirty percent). And sugar can always be replaced with powdered sugar - it will be much easier to grind it with egg yolks, and the finished product in this case will boast a more delicate consistency. As for eggs, to prepare cottage cheese Easter it is best to take the yolks, which are ground with sugar or powdered sugar until they lighten. And the lighter this mixture turns out, the better!