
Diet dumplings with turkey - step-by-step recipe. Diet turkey dumplings - tasty and healthy Minced turkey dumplings recipe

Turkey meat differs from other types of meat in its tenderness, minimal amount of fat and excellent taste, which is why it is used to prepare various dishes. One of these is everyone’s favorite turkey dumplings; they are prepared as simply as any other “pies” with meat, but their taste and calorie content stand out noticeably among other types.

Despite the obvious advantages of turkey meat, it also has minor disadvantages, so that they are not so noticeable in the dish - take a simple recipe with culinary recommendations to help.

When preparing dumplings with turkey, it is important to take into account the fact that such meat is quite lean, there is practically no fat in it, so the dumplings may turn out a little dry. To avoid this, add a little turkey fat to the minced meat.

Minced turkey dumplings: recipe with cream


  • Wheat flour – 700 g + –
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs. + –
  • Purified water – 200 ml + –
  • Salt - to taste + –
  • Vegetable oil – 40 g + –

Minced meat products

  • Turkey meat – 800 g + –
  • Turkey fat – 100 g + –
  • Cream 33% – 50 g + –
  • Cream 33% – 50 g + –
  • Onions – 100 g + –
  • Spices - to taste + –

Making turkey dumplings

To make homemade dumplings with turkey mince, you need to first prepare this minced meat. It is not recommended to buy ready-made minced meat on the market; manufacturers may add additives that are harmful to health. It’s better to spend 20 minutes of time, but make aromatic natural minced meat with aromatic spices for every taste.

  1. We make minced turkey dumplings: grind the poultry meat in a meat grinder along with turkey fat and onions.
  2. Add cream and spices to the resulting mass, mix everything thoroughly.
  3. We make the dough for dumplings: sift the flour, mix it with eggs, vegetable oil, water, then begin to knead the dough mass.

We serve ready-made dumplings with sour cream, homemade mayonnaise, adjika, sour cream or any other sauce. Greens in such a dish will also not be superfluous.

Turkey dumplings are easy to prepare, but at the same time, a very delicious dish. The delicate filling makes this beloved product truly tasty and special.

It's easy to replace chicken stuffing with ground turkey if that's what you planned to put in the dough. Try to cook something similar in your kitchen, perhaps this particular dish will become a signature dish in your family for many years.

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Turkey dumplings

Turkey does not cause allergies, contains very little fat, although it is very tender and not dry. 200 g of this meat is the daily protein requirement for a person. Turkey has one property for which the bird is popular among women: vitamin PP, contained in large quantities, helps resist cellulite.

So fitness fans can also afford harsh masculine food. Just choose not breast, but dark meat, even with skin. Going overboard with dietary properties is still not recommended; dumplings should have at least a little fat.

Store-bought ground turkey contains a lot of leftover bones. This is not bad for cutlets, but it will harm the taste of dumplings. So make your own ground turkey!

Unlike dumplings with ground pork, beef or lamb, turkey dumplings don't require a lot of onions. The onion will overpower the taste of the meat, so one small onion is enough.


  • turkey, 700 g
  • flour, 2 cups
  • water, 150 ml
  • egg, 1 pc.
  • onion, 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l.
  • greens, small bunch
  • nutmeg, pinch
  • salt, to taste
  • black pepper, to taste

How to cook turkey dumplings

Grind the turkey with onions, mix with chopped herbs, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Mix the minced meat. If it turns out liquid, add a teaspoon of starch. Place the minced meat in the refrigerator for an hour.

Cut the dough into small pieces, roll it out, and squeeze out circles with a glass. Place the minced meat in the middle and make dumplings. Place the turkey dumplings prepared for future use in the freezer on a cutting board, and after freezing, pour them into a bag.

Cook in boiling salted water for 5 minutes after surfacing.

They prepared it. Look what happened


Turkey dumplings

This dish is Russian, but each region of Russia has its own cooking characteristics. Many people think that dumplings are only dishes made from poultry, beef or pork, but no: they even come with cabbage.


  • Flour 2 cups
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Boiling water 1 glass
  • Turkey 400 grams
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Spices To taste

Sift the flour. Add salt to it. Mix the flour and salt with your hands.

Make a well in the flour and crack the egg into it. Quickly knead the egg and flour with a fork. The flour will absorb moisture and absorb the egg.

Using a mixer, knead the dough, constantly adding boiling water in a thin stream. The dough should thicken and form a ball. At the very end of kneading, pour in vegetable oil and knead the dough again. We get a ball like this.

Divide the dough into 3 parts, each of which into 2 more. Roll out one of the dough parts into a thin layer. To make dumplings, I use a special dumpling maker, but you can use a stack by cutting out circles of dough and manually filling them with minced meat.

Place the minced meat into the cells. It should be made from twisted turkey and onions. Add salt, spices and 0.5 cups of water. Then your dumplings will be juicy. Mix the minced meat well.

Now roll out the dough layer again and cover the dumplings with this layer. Roll with a rolling pin and press out the dumplings. Let's get these beauties.

Boil the dumplings in hot salted water. After floating, remove them from the water with a slotted spoon. Season with sour cream or butter. Serve to the table.


Dumplings with turkey

Turkey meat – 400 g

Pork lard – up to 100 g

Apple – optional 1 pc.

Spices - to taste

Salt – 2 pinches

Cooking Instructions

When I decided to make turkey dumplings, I remembered different ingredients. This is a recipe with the addition of shrimp and ginger root to the minced meat, which appears on the Internet, as an option from Ilya Lazerson. These include recipes with different vegetables and even fruits in minced meat.

All this is very interesting, and I liked this composition of the minced meat: turkey fillet, pork lard, onion, apple and Provençal herbs as spices. Dough for dumplings can be prepared with either water or milk, or you can simply buy it ready-made at the grocery store.

For the turkey dumplings, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Prepare minced meat from pieces of turkey fillet, lard, onion and, if desired, apple by grinding these ingredients in a meat grinder.

Add salt and spices, such as a mixture of Provencal herbs. Stir.

The dumpling dough needs to be rolled out thinly and cut into circles using a device or a suitable glass. Dough scraps can be reused by adding them to fresh dough portions.

For each circle of dough, place a portion of minced meat in the center - for example, about 1.5 tsp.

Pinch the edges of the dough, first creating a crescent shape, and then pinch the ends together. Place dumplings in a single layer on wooden boards sprinkled with flour.

The dumplings, or rather semi-finished turkey dumplings, are ready. You can either cook them right away or freeze them for later like I did.

Most often, I simply cook the dumplings in salted water, throwing them into boiling water, and after floating, at a medium boil for about five minutes. Sometimes I cook it in the microwave, steam it in a slow cooker, fry it in a pan or bake it in pots.

  • Ingredients:
  • Dough:
  • - premium wheat flour – 2 cups;
  • - egg – 1 pc.;
  • - vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • - water (warm boiled) – approximately 150 ml.
  • Ground meat:
  • - turkey (red meat, oily skin) – 700 g;
  • - onion - one small onion;
  • starch - a heaped teaspoon (optional if the minced meat turns out watery);
  • - garden greens - several branches;
  • - nutmeg – minimal amount;
  • - salt, pepper - to taste.

Dumplings are a man's food. But where there are men, there are women. This means that dumplings need to be (sometimes at least) prepared in such a way that the ladies find it tasty and easy, and don’t want to count calories. That's why, with purely masculine cunning, we suggest making dumplings with turkey meat!

The turkey proudly carries the banner of diet food. In fact, not everything is so simple, because the battle between good and evil takes place in portion sizes, and not at all in the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. But most women do not like to dive into such depths of knowledge. They were told: turkey! They believe. Well, what about us... What do we need? Turkey is turkey, as long as the dumplings are successful.

Here is the first secret of the dish. To ensure perfect dumplings with turkey meat, do not add white turkey breast meat to the minced meat. Minced turkey dumplings are prepared much more juicy if red meat and skin with fats go into the meat grinder.

The second secret. You should not use ready-made, store-bought ground turkey to make dumplings. Industrially produced minced meat is prepared from boned frames and contains a lot of bone residue. Such minced meat is quite edible, but the dumplings don’t turn out so well, and no attempts to improve the taste with all sorts of additives help.

Cooking method:

1. Break an egg into warm water, pour in oil, and add a little salt. Mix.

2. Gradually add the sifted flour to the mixture of water, butter and eggs and knead the dough. Cover the finished dough with a towel or film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

3. Grind the turkey meat and skin in a meat grinder. Add finely grated onion, chopped herbs, one (one!) shavings of nutmeg, salt and pepper. Stir in the minced meat. If necessary, add starch to the minced meat. Place the finished minced meat in the cold for an hour to mature.

4. Make dumplings from dough and minced meat.

5. Pour 2.5 liters of water into the multicooker, heat to a boil, add salt. Place the dumplings in boiling water and cook for five minutes after floating.

Remove the finished dumplings to a dish and sprinkle with soy sauce.

Wash the turkey meat, dry it and cut it into small pieces.

Then pass the meat through a meat grinder.

Fresh lard (without skin) and peeled onions are also minced and added to the minced turkey, salt and pepper to taste, mix well and the dumpling filling is ready.

On a table sprinkled with flour, roll out the dumpling dough thinly (1-2 mm thick), then cut out circles from it with a glass.

Pour water into a saucepan and salt it. Bring water to a boil, add bay leaves and a couple of allspice peas, lower the dumplings. Stirring occasionally with the back of a tablespoon to prevent the dumplings from sticking, wait until they float. Then boil for another 3-4 minutes and remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon.

Very tasty and satisfying turkey dumplings are ready. Place them on plates, add butter and dill to taste.

These juicy dumplings should be served hot with sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Let's go! Let's start by preparing the filling. Everything is simple here. Grind the turkey and onions through a meat grinder. Add semolina and basil to the minced meat.

While you are kneading the dough, the semolina in the filling will swell, which will make the core of the product less liquid.

Sift the flour through a sieve, add eggs and salt.

Add water a little at a time (as well as milk/cream, if you decide to include them in the list of ingredients). Knead the dough for a long time, using your hands. Think positive during the process. This way a piece of your soul will get into the dish. This is also an important factor, because the psychological aspect always plays a role in any business. The consistency of the resulting mass is similar to chewing gum - elastic, does not stick to your hands, thick.

Now, perhaps, the most interesting part. Modeling. If you have a lot of patience in your arsenal, then make dumplings by hand. I decided to use the dumpling maker. Roll out a thin layer of dough so that it is slightly visible in the sun. Place it on the dumpling maker and carefully place the filling on top with a teaspoon.

Cover the top with another thinnest layer of dough and go over it with a rolling pin.

I immediately put the first portion in boiling salted water with the addition of a bay leaf (I freeze the rest for future use).

Cook for 5 minutes after the dumplings have floated to the surface.

An unusually delicate combination is obtained with butter. Sun, kindness, warmth and comfort into the windows of your home! Bon appetit!

Turkey dumplings
When I decided to make turkey dumplings, I remembered different ingredients... This is a recipe with the addition of shrimp and ginger root to the minced meat, which appears on the Internet, as an option from Ilya Lazerson. These include recipes with different vegetables and even fruits in minced meat.

All this is very interesting, and I liked this composition of the minced meat: turkey fillet, pork lard, onion, apple and Provençal herbs as spices. Dough for dumplings can be prepared either with water or with milk, or you can simply buy it ready-made at the grocery store.

For the turkey dumplings, prepare the ingredients according to the list.
dumpling dough - 300 g
turkey meat - 400 g
pork lard - up to 100 g
onion - 50 g
apple - optional 1 pc.
spices - to taste
salt - 2 pinches

This recipe is available step by step on the website http://www.iamcook.ru/showrecipe/8577

Prepare minced meat from pieces of turkey fillet, lard, onion and, if desired, apple by grinding these ingredients into a meat grinder.
Add salt and spices, such as a mixture of Provençal herbs. Stir.
The dumpling dough needs to be rolled out thinly and cut into circles using a device or a suitable glass. Dough scraps can be reused by adding them to fresh dough portions.
For each circle of dough, place a portion of minced meat in the center, for example, about 1.5 tsp.
Pinch the edges of the dough, first creating a crescent shape, and then pinning the ends together. Place dumplings in a single layer on wooden boards sprinkled with flour.

The dumplings, or rather semi-finished turkey dumplings, are ready. You can either cook them right away or freeze them for later, like I did...

Most often, I simply cook the dumplings in salted water, throwing them into boiling water, and after floating up, it’s already at a medium boil for about five minutes. Sometimes I cook it in the microwave, steam it in a slow cooker, fry it in a pan or bake it in pots.

Bon appetit!