
Yeast for fermenting fruit mash. Why is alcoholic yeast better than baker's yeast? Preparing fruit for mash

Moonshine is made from beer, barley grains, vegetables and fruits. The article will discuss how to make moonshine from fruits.

How to make mash from fruits

There are different fruits, those that grow in Russia and exotic ones. Fruit mash is slightly different from the standard recipe in terms of the preparation process. That is, you will have to tinker with the fruit longer, but the result will be amazing.

For the correct technology, you should take both berries and fruits so that the taste is soft and delicate. The fruits, including the peel, are finely chopped, if apples, then the core is removed. Stone fruits or stoneless fruits are then added to the fruit. They can be removed or left as desired.

Sugar is added to the fruits in a filled container in certain quantities; if the fruits are sweet, then less sugar is added. They also add syrup by diluting sugar with warm water. It is prepared 1:1, if you add less sugar, then it can no longer be called syrup.

The next step is to add water to make the mash thin and non-liquid. It is better to stick to the recipe according to which you are preparing. And also use bottled water. Because tap liquids contain chlorine, which gives the drink an off-flavor. Or let the water sit for 2-3 hours, the chlorine will disappear, and add it to the wort.

Then yeast is added.

They are:

  • alcohol,
  • wine (including wild),
  • bakery;
  • pubs

Brewer's yeast is not suitable for moonshine; it is used to make beer. Such a drink does not have sufficient strength, and the mash will constantly rise to the top. But the moonshine from the finished beer will turn out great.

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Bakery and alcoholic drinks are suitable for moonshine; the base is not fruity.

Wine yeast is ideal for drinks with berries and fruits. Summer residents prefer “wild” bacteria that arise directly on unwashed fruits. It is believed that due to spontaneous fermentation, moonshine turns out soft and tender. But there is a danger in them; in parallel with beneficial bacteria, numerous microbes can develop that spoil fermentation.

If everything is prepared in exact proportions and the temperature is maintained at 25–28 degrees, then within a week the fermentation process will begin.

To ensure that the fermentation process goes smoothly, it is worth keeping an eye on it. The container where the mash is located must be covered with film and wrapped tightly, making 8 - 10 holes. The holes are needed to allow carbon dioxide to escape.

After three days, remove the film and use a large spoon to collect the fruit floating on top. And cover it again with plastic. The process should be repeated three times with an interval of 2 to 3 days.

After a certain period of time, the mash is prepared for distillation. If you leave it, the base will become a liqueur.

Fruit mash proportions:

  • fruit and berry puree 20 kg;
  • sugar 3 kg (less can be done if the berries are sweet);
  • wine yeast 100g;
  • 20 liters of water (bottled or settled).

If cherries are used in the puree, it is better to leave them with the pit. Because it gives the final drink a rich almond flavor. Many people believe that the aroma comes from wild apricot, but in fact this is not the case. The seed, although bitter, does not have a rich aroma.

By the way, it is known that ordinary liquid turns into ice at 0 degrees, and alcohol at -118. Therefore, many moonshiners use freezing instead of the first distillation. This saves time and effort. The container with the mash is placed in the freezer for 2-3 days, then decanting the alcohol. But then you will have to do the distillation using a conventional apparatus, since freezing does not remove fusel oils.

Banana moonshine

Bananas are an exotic berry that has successfully taken root in Russia. This fruit is soft and does not require extra effort in processing. It contains 30% sugar and 2% starch, which turns into sugar. B vitamins help well in the fermentation process.

But it turned out that making mash from it is a complex process. For wort it is necessary to have moisture, which is not available in the required quantity. And even more so in overripe fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare jam, which will act as a wort.

At the first stage, overripe fruits should be washed with warm water and separated from the peel. Since the peel contains 10% alcohol, it should not be thrown away. The peels with berries are placed in different containers.

When chopping the fruits, add 600 grams of granulated sugar and 2 liters of water for each kilogram. You need to cook in a Teflon-coated pan, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, as the berries burn easily. If the jam goes bad, then you can forget about good moonshine.

As it boils, foam appears; it should be collected and placed in a container with the peel. It contains a lot of sugar. When the jam is cooked and cools, it will resemble liquid compote. You should take gauze and strain.

Now add 1 liter of wort:

  • sugar 1 kg;
  • water 2 liters;
  • wine yeast 10 gr.

The banana pulp is placed in a container with peel and the same process is carried out. Upon completion, you should begin distillation in both containers. There is a nuance here: the peel should be distilled twice, and the former jam once.

As a result, the peel will produce a rich banana aroma, and the jam will produce a soft drink with subtle notes of bananas. When refining the moonshine, add orange or vanilla zest. And leave for 2 days for the destabilization process.

Making moonshine using plums

An alcoholic drink made from plums can be prepared with or without yeast. If there is no yeast, then they are collected unwashed and made into wort. Moonshine from plums is obtained with a strength of 52 degrees; if such a drink is placed in oak barrels and aged for about three years, then in the Czech Republic such a drink is called “brandy”.

Fruits and berries are a traditional component of mash. When using such raw materials, you can create fruit moonshine according to your own recipes. A properly prepared alcoholic drink will have a pronounced fruity aroma. The process of preparing fruit mash is not easy, but it is worth your effort - the soft, fruity distillate that results is much healthier and tastier than its sugar counterpart.

Fruit mash has its own characteristics. Having chosen the raw materials, find out how much sugar is contained in the fruits, use a special table for this. Usually, grapes, apples, plums, pears, cherries, raspberries and other fruits are used for fruit and berry mash, the main thing is that they are sweet. The sweeter the fruit, the tastier the brew and the yield of the finished product will be.

Ingredients and tools for mash

  • fruits or berries
  • sugar optional
  • wine or fruit yeast
  • meat grinder, press, juicer or blender for grinding or squeezing juice
  • large spoon for stirring the wort
  • fermentation vessel of suitable size

Algorithm for preparing fruit mash

  1. Wash the fruits under running water if they are very dirty
  2. Remove fruits that have large seeds.
  3. Grind the fruit with a meat grinder, blender or any other available method so that it resembles puree. Or you can squeeze pure juice with a juicer or press

    The red fermentation scheme is when the mash is placed together with fruit cake. The white fermentation scheme is when only pure juice without cake is fermented.

  4. Place the mass in a fermentation container; if the wort is too thick, add a little water, but the total volume should not fill three quarters of the container

    To increase yield or if the fruit contains little sugar, say less than 7%, sugar can be added. But keep in mind that the more sugar you add, the less flavor and aromatic qualities will remain from the initial raw materials in the final product.

  5. Calculate the amount of yeast required for the resulting wort
  6. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water, add to the wort and mix thoroughly. Yeast for fruit mash should be wine or specialized fruit yeast to ensure maximum fermentation and prevent extraneous odors
  7. To prevent air from entering the fermentation container, tightly seal and install a water seal. When exposed to air, oxidation occurs, which will ultimately affect the quality of the product.
  8. Place in a dark room with a temperature of 18-25 degrees
  9. If you ferment according to the red scheme (with cake), stir the mash for the first 3-4 days, a cap will rise that must be settled and prevent souring
  10. If everything is done correctly, then after 7-14 days of fermentation the mash will be ready for distillation. Fermentation time will depend on many factors, such as the amount of sugar, the yeast chosen and the ambient temperature.
  11. Before distillation, the mash must be filtered through several layers of gauze (if fermented with cake) to get rid of impurities that can burn during distillation and give off bitterness.
  12. If you used a white scheme, you only need to remove the sediment and that will be enough, but you can also additionally lighten the mash. Our opinion is that additional clarification for fruit mash is not necessary.

    Gentle lightening is carried out using hibiscus tea, gelatin or natural white clay. Under their influence, the yeast precipitates, and the mash becomes light. Clarification with bentonite (white clay) removes impurities well and saves time.

Moonshine made from berries and fruits is a drink that requires a creative approach. You can focus on the basic recipe, but at the same time improvise a little when making fruit mash for future moonshine.

  1. Removing seeds takes a lot of time, but the fruit drink will not be bitter in the end
  2. We do not recommend washing fruits that are not very dirty; there is wild yeast on the surface of any fruit and it is washed off when washed. Some fruits and berries can be brewed without yeast, such as grapes.
  3. Use a press or juicer and ferment pure juice. According to the white scheme without cake, the highest quality product is obtained
  4. For mash made from berries or fruits, use only wine or fruit yeast
  5. If you still decide to use sugar, it is better to replace it with glucose, fructose or dextrose
  6. Do not allow temperature fluctuations - this will negatively affect the fermentation process
  7. Clarifying the mash improves the quality of moonshine
  8. During fermentation, the fruit mash will have a specific smell. Therefore, it is better to place it in a separate room.

Fruit moonshine has the taste and aroma of fruits or berries from which the mash was made: tart and aromatic moonshine is obtained from cherries. The alcoholic drink made from plums is not too sweet and has a pleasant plum smell. Pear moonshine is very aromatic and tasty. In addition to fresh berries and fruits, you can use juice, jam, dried fruits and even aromatic herbs. Fruit distillates from raisins, dates, and dried apricots have an unusual taste.

Most fruits can be used as an ingredient for mash to subsequently produce moonshine. Fermentation is the process by which sugar is converted into alcohol by yeast.

Adding sugar to fruit allows you to increase the level of alcohol that is produced during fermentation. Using the fruit mixture, a stronger alcoholic drink can be produced. In order for the fermentation process of the mash to begin, yeast is needed. There are many available and can be purchased in stores or online.

To prepare the mash you will need:

  • At least 2.5 kg of fruit
  • Half a kilogram of sugar per 2.5 kg of fruit
  • 30 grams of lemon juice per 2.5 kg of fruit
  • Yeast
  • Press
  • Large saucepan
  • Big spoon
  • Five liter plastic bucket

Preparing fruit for mash:

1. Wash and peel the fruit thoroughly. Be sure to remove the seeds from them. Cut the fruit into medium-sized slices.

2. Place the chopped fruits in a saucepan and add water so that the liquid completely covers them.

3. Bring this mixture to a boil. Add sugar and lemon juice and mix everything well.

4. Remove the pan from the heat. Using a press, grind everything thoroughly. You should end up with a kind of fruit puree. You can also use a blender for this, but then it will take more time.

5. Let the fruit puree cool to room temperature.

6. Pour the fruit puree into a plastic bucket and add water (until the bucket is three-quarters full).

The fermentation process of mash:

1. Add yeast to the diluted fruit puree and mix everything well.

2. Cover the bucket with plastic wrap so that no air gets into it. Make 5-10 small holes in the film to allow carbon dioxide to escape.

3. Let your fruit puree sit for about three days.

4. Remove the plastic wrap and remove any mixture floating on the surface from the bucket. Do this with a large spoon. After this, mix everything again and cover the bucket with clean film. Don't forget to make about 10 holes in the film to allow carbon dioxide to escape! Leave the fruit puree to steep for another 2-3 days.

5. Remove the plastic wrap, then again remove any remaining fruit puree floating on the surface. Again, cover the bucket with clean film, make several holes in it and leave for 2-3 days.

6. At this stage, the fruit mash is completely ready. A distillation process can be carried out. If you so desire, you can leave the wort to continue fermentation, in which case you will get a fruit liqueur.

Technology for making mash from fruits - video:

Fruit mash. Part 1. Theory:

Fruit mash. Part 2. Wort preparation:

Fruit mash. Part 3. Add yeast:

Fruit mash. Part 4. Proportions of mash:

Fruit mash. Part 5. Adding wort:

Fruit mash. Part 6. Preparation for distillation:

Fruit and berry mash. Part 7. Distillation:

You can use different types of yeast. Even regular baker's yeast may be suitable, but it is still better to use special yeast designed for making wines and liqueurs.

The mash temperature should remain stable, approximately 25 degrees Celsius. Temperature fluctuations can negatively affect the fermentation process.

During the fermentation process, the fruit mash will smell unpleasant. Therefore, it must be located in places where the not-so-pleasant smell will not be audible to you and others.

There are times when during the fermentation process it is necessary to add water to the wort. This happens with intense evaporation. The vessel in which the mash is located must be two-thirds full during fermentation, watch this!

Yeast can be activated by stirring it with fruit puree, then leave it for one night, and the next day add it to the mash.

During fermentation, the fruit mash must be covered to prevent the entry of air and unwanted bacteria, which can spoil its quality, and therefore the quality of the future alcoholic drink.

Despite the relative ease of preparation, fruit moonshine has some taste characteristics that are characteristic exclusively of specific types of fruits or berries. Considering the fact that almost all fruits and berries are excellent raw materials for mash, the wide range of this drink is not surprising. Regardless of the type or variety of fruit raw materials, moonshine always acquires a pleasant aroma and excellent taste, filling literally every sip of this drink with unique summer notes.

Braga based on fruits and berries: the right approach

So, when discussing the topic of preparing moonshine from fruit raw materials, it is important to note that the raw mass of each type of moonshine contains a certain sugar content. As a rule, the most fructose, glucose and sucrose are found in cherries, grapes, pears, apples and plums. It is for this reason that these fruits are most often taken as a basis in the process of preparing mash. Moreover, the natural qualities of fruits and berries often eliminate the need for glucose.

On the Internet you can easily find a huge number of recommendations and tips regarding the preparation of moonshine, but does any recipe for this alcoholic drink come down to one rule? The sugar content should reach 25%. Thus, to ensure high-quality fermentation, this preservative must be additionally added to fruit or berry wort. So,
for example, if a plum contains 10% sugar, in order to comply with the correct fermentation technology, another 15% sucrose must be added to the total mass of raw materials. Using tables of sugar content available on the Internet for different types of fruit, you can accurately calculate the proportions of all ingredients that form the basis for preparing the mash and the drink itself.

Fruit mash: preparation algorithm

In its classic form, the process of making mash looks like this:

If the recipe was followed exactly, then after 7-10 days of fermentation in a warm place, the mash can be filtered by pouring through cheesecloth.

Moonshine recipe from dried fruits and homemade chacha

If the mash recipe has been properly prepared, then distilling moonshine from dried fruits or berries will not be difficult. However, here too it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. First of all, you need to make sure that by the time of distillation the raw materials are completely fermented, otherwise during the heating process the peels of berries and fruits may burn, ruining the entire batch of product. To distill thick mash, it is recommended to use a steam generator or a water bath, which will completely eliminate the risk of burning.

As for the preparation of chacha, in general it is prepared according to the same algorithm. At the same time, adding glucose to chacha? This is absolutely not a mandatory rule. In this case, you need to focus on your own experience and feelings. At the same time, many agree that the use of glucose helps soften the taste of the drink.

Finally, using a clear example, let’s look at the classic proportions that must be observed to prepare moonshine:

  • 10-12 kilograms of dried fruits (fresh fruits or berries);
  • 100 grams of dry yeast or 500 grams of pressed yeast;
  • 4-5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 20-25 liters of water.

There are 4 main types of strains used in the alcohol and food industries. Each option has distinctive characteristics and individual advantages; only by these criteria can you determine which yeast is best to use for fermentation.

  1. Bakery

Used for the production of bakery and confectionery products. Bakeries for making moonshine are considered not the best option, since this type significantly reduces the quality of alcohol, giving it an unpleasant odor and bitterness.

  1. Wine

The main component in the distillery industry. Moonshiners who do not make drinks for personal use in large quantities do not use such a product due to the high price. But in fruit and berry mash, wine strains help improve taste and enhance the pleasant aroma.

  1. Alcohol

The best yeast for making mash and other preparations with subsequent processing into alcohol. They will be able to express themselves to the maximum in wort made with granulated sugar and grain crops.

Actually, this is the main list of ingredients that are often used in the moonshine brewing process. But today we will talk about alcoholic yeast, since among competitive products they have the most extensive list of advantages.

VIDEO: Special method of yeast propagation

Features of alcohol strains

Alcoholic yeast for home brewing, compared to analogues, has a higher degree of vital activity in an alcoholic environment. Thanks to this component, it becomes possible to increase the alcohol concentration in the mash to 18-19°. This affects the increase in the volume of output product.

Fungal activity significantly reduces the time required for fermentation. The wort in which alcoholic yeast was used for moonshine will be ready for distillation after 5-7 days. In addition, the consistency reduces the number of harmful components formed during prolonged fermentation. The list of undesirable impurities includes the following components:

  • fusel oils;
  • acetone;
  • aldehydes.

It turns out that when using alcohol strains, the process of purifying moonshine with coal, milk or potassium permanganate is not necessary. But this task is recommended to be carried out to improve the taste of the drink.

A significant advantage is the small foam head. If when using bakery bottles you need to leave up to a third of the volume of the bottle empty so that there is enough space for foam, then with alcohol bottles there is no such need - white “lambs” appear on the surface in small quantities.

This is due to the peculiarities of the development of fungi - less carbon dioxide, respectively, less foam during fermentation.

If you follow the rules for preparing mash and the proportions of the components, the result will be the highest quality raw materials and good moonshine, respectively. At the same time, time costs will be reduced to a minimum, since the product will mature much faster than a product using other yeast for mash.

Popular manufacturers

There is a wide range of domestic and foreign products on the market. On thematic forums, moonshiners actively debate which yeast is best for moonshine. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Participants in discussions make a single mistake when defending the chosen manufacturer, since all types have a specific purpose. For example, one type of alcohol strain does not perform well in a sugar mash, but works well in a fruit mash environment, another - on the contrary, but, in addition, is still capable of improving the taste of the grain wort.

  1. Siha-Distarome - used in the preparation of moonshine on a berry or fruit base. The product can improve taste, subject to strict adherence to the rules of low-temperature fermentation at a temperature of 10-15°C. After opening, the product will need to be consumed without a trace, since when storing an open product, the properties necessary for fermentation are lost. Sealed yeast can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 years.

  1. DistilaMax DS – strains that are best used in the production of sugar, wheat or rye mash followed by distillation into whiskey with a strength of more than 40°.

  1. Siha-AmyloFerm - alcoholic yeast intended for fermentation of grain crops, Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes. Such a product can be added to the mash without prior activation, but the quantity will need to be increased by 20°. The manufacturer does not provide for storage of the product after the integrity of the packaging has been damaged.

  1. Fermiol is a Polish-made product that is used without prior activation. Added to mash made with fruit and wheat.

  1. Turbo-24 - ferments ingredients within 1-3 days, but subject to all recommendations indicated on the package. At the end of fermentation, the wort reaches a strength of 15-20°.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Based on reviews from distillers and statements from manufacturers, it should be noted that alcohol yeast has a wide range of advantages. Among the most important advantages are:

  • high work efficiency;
  • increasing the strength level of the mash to 18-19°, when baking strains begin to die already at 12°;
  • increasing the volume of the finished product after distillation;
  • acceleration of the fermentation process, 3-5 days are enough for ripening;
  • reducing the number of harmful components - acetone, aldehyde, methyl and isoamyl alcohol, fusel oils;
  • less formation of “foam cap”.

Despite many positive reviews and advantages, disadvantages were also found in alcohol yeast:

  • since the time required for fermentation is reduced, the fungi die much earlier;
  • due to the minimal emission of carbon dioxide, it is difficult to accurately determine the degree of readiness of the wort; half of the criteria by which maturation is calculated are not suitable in this case;
  • When using compressed yeast, you need to use the product in a volume similar to bakery yeast.

Another disadvantage of the product is its inaccessibility. Such strains are not sold in regular grocery stores. You need to look for a specialized alcohol store, but they are not available in all cities. It is easier to purchase such a product through online platforms, but the risk of receiving an expired product increases.

VIDEO: Why alcohol drinks are better than baking ones

In order for the final result when preparing moonshine to live up to expectations, you should not only use high-quality alcohol strains, but also take into account the recommendations of experienced moonshiners.

  1. To ferment mash with alcoholic yeast, you need to store it in a room with a constant temperature of 23-28°C, without direct sunlight and wrapped in a warm blanket.

It is much more convenient to use a regular aquarium heater - it is set to the desired interval and lowered into the container. From this point on, the temperature will be constant.

  1. The fermentation tank must be sealed with a water seal. It is also not recommended to use boiled, distilled water or from a centralized water supply system. The best option is bottled store bought.
  2. Stir the mash regularly, this will improve its quality and speed up the ripening process.

If grapes are used as must, the mash is regularly stirred with a wooden stick for the first 4-5 days to prevent the pulp from completely blocking the access of oxygen. After 5 days, carefully remove it with a slotted spoon and squeeze it out, and add the juice to the main liquid.

Fruit mashes are mainly started with wild yeast, which is present in abundance on the peel. This is why fruits are never washed before being harvested. The maximum that can be done is to wipe off the dust with a dry cloth.

VIDEO: How to make cognac from grape chacha