
Stuffed turkey fillet. Turkey fillet stuffed with fried mushrooms, onions and cheese Turkey stuffed with cheese

The idea arose on the market when I saw it. Turkey, i.e. and her fillet is a piece weighing almost 1.5 kilograms. Initially, it was planned to make zrazy from minced meat, but then the zrazy smoothly flowed into chop meat.

I cut about half of the fillet into plates about 1 cm thick, beat it a little to get flat pieces, especially the edges, so that it would be easier to wrap, and spread it with marinade, which included the following elements:
Sunflower oil (you can also use olive oil, if you like) - 2 tbsp. spoons
Mustard - half a tablespoon
Lemon juice - about half a lemon
Kikkoman soy sauce - tablespoon
Pepper, salt - to taste
The mixture is whipped with a pastry brush until it becomes a paste, then each plate is coated with it on one side, folded so that the greased side touches the ungreased side, placed in a plastic bag - and in the refrigerator. It can keep in the refrigerator from 2 hours to 3 days.

The next step is preparing the filling. At first I thought only about mushroom, but then fruit and berry ones joined it.
Two words about fillings.
I did the mushroom one like this: I defrosted the boletus, drained the juice, cut it into pieces and simmered it in oil over very low heat for about 30 minutes. Separately, I fried the onion, sprinkled it with flour, stirred it lightly, about half a tablespoon, fried it for about 5 minutes, added the mushrooms to the onion, then diluted half a glass of sour cream with the remaining juice and poured over the mushrooms and onions. The mixture was stirred well and simmered over low heat until thickened. Salted and peppered with black ground pepper.

Fruit and berry. I fried one finely chopped onion in melted butter, put 5-6 dried apricots, cut into thin slices, into the onion, added about half a cup of raisins, fried it all, stirring regularly, added plum puree without sugar and slowly added plum juice when it thickened. Then I added salt and pepper with hot red pepper. I checked for acidity and harmonized it by adding a little sugar.
I added dried herbs to both fillings - parsley and dill.

Next, the filling is placed on the layer, the sides are tucked in and the whole thing is neatly rolled up. Since I don't secure the rolls with anything, it makes sense to brush the edges with beaten egg.

To be completely sure that the rolls will not open when frying, I double bread, or even triple - first I sprinkle them lightly with flour, then I dip them thoroughly in a beaten egg, then in ground breadcrumbs, again in the egg and again in the breadcrumbs. After that, I let them rest in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

I fry on all sides in a mixture of sunflower and ghee until golden brown and put it in the oven - at a temperature of about 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Step 1: prepare the minced meat.

First you need to soak the turkey fillet. Then finely chop the garlic and parsley. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Pour into a bowl, followed by 1/2 tsp lemon zest. add salt 1/4 tsp. a little pepper and mix thoroughly.

Step 2: fill the fillet.

Using a cutting board and a knife, make a longitudinal hole, do not cut through, about one and a half centimeters to the end. We open it like a book. Then add the filling and distribute evenly.

Step 3: cover and bake.

The fillet must be folded so that the filling is in the middle and the edges secured with toothpicks. Rub the fillet with sunflower oil, paprika and salt and place in a baking dish. Place it in a preheated oven (180 degrees) and bake at 200 degrees for about 1 hour. Check the fillet for doneness using a knife; if clear juice flows out when pierced, it means it’s ready.

Step 4: Pull and serve.

After we have pulled the meat out of the oven, it must be covered with foil for ten minutes. The next step is proper registration. Cut it like an ordinary roll into slices and place it on a dish or a beautiful plate. Chop the greens, spread the salad, add tomato slices, then lightly sprinkle with lemon juice. In this form, it can be served to the table. Bon appetit!

When rubbing the fillet, use ordinary oil, which has a characteristic aroma, but without bitterness, and always fresh.

You can use fillet of any weight, but you will need to adjust the ingredients yourself.

Use the meat seasonings you prefer most at your discretion.

  • I made two stuffing options from one turkey fillet. One is fried mushrooms with onions and cheese, and the second is with dried fruits and pineapples.
  • First I'll talk about the mushroom recipe.
  • The fillet weighed about a kilogram and I cut it diagonally without touching the small fillet. In one thick piece I made a cut in the form of a pocket, and the second already consisted of a large and small fillet.
  • I squeezed the juice of 1/2 lemon onto the meat and left it to marinate while I minced it. I fried diced onions and champignons in olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Rub the fillet with poultry spices and salt.
  • I cut the cheese into 2 oblong pieces and stuffed the pocket so that there were fried mushrooms and onions between the pieces of cheese. Then I pinched the pocket with toothpicks, put butter on top and baked it together with the second stuffed pocket in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with water periodically to prevent the meat from drying out.
  • In the second recipe I will describe the preparation of fillet with dried fruits and pineapples.
  • Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!
  • Total cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes.
  • Category:

Do you think ? There is an interesting recipe - turkey fillet stuffed with zucchini and eggs.

Turkey meat is tender and dietary and goes well with this familiar vegetable. I was so interested in this recipe that I didn’t calm down until I tried it. This is what happened.


  • 1 piece of turkey fillet weighing 800 g
  • 1 zucchini
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 slice of bread
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 30 g butter
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 50 g hard cheese
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • Salt, pepper to taste


First, use a sharp knife to cut a piece of turkey fillet, leaving one side short to form a pocket. It is advisable to choose a piece that is not very thick - mine was very thick (I realized this later).

Wash and cut the zucchini into pieces. Season with salt and set aside.

Boil two eggs in salted water (cook for 8 minutes).

In a meat grinder, grind a piece of white bread, two peeled cloves of garlic, chopped zucchini, an egg and a bunch of parsley. Mix to obtain a homogeneous minced meat. Add grated hard cheese.

Cool boiled eggs in cold water and remove shells.

Salt and pepper the inside of the turkey fillet pocket. Put half the minced meat in it, put one egg inside, add the second part of the minced meat and the second egg. Sew the hole using a needle and thread.

Heat butter and vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the stuffed piece of turkey on all sides. Salt, pepper, add a glass of dry white wine. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes, turning the meat over from time to time and, if necessary, adding a little water.

Remove thread. Serve hot or cold. The meat turns out very soft, juicy and aromatic.

If my fillet were thinner and longer, I would have room for more minced meat. Therefore, you need to pay attention to this when choosing a piece for stuffing. Then you will have more “green” in the cut.

Here's how to cook turkey fillet.