
How to store handmade chocolate. How to store chocolates at home

How to store chocolate at home so it doesn't spoil? This problem becomes especially relevant in summer, in hot weather. Although the sweet is often eaten quickly, there are times when it needs to be saved until a certain moment (for example, until the arrival of a close relative). You can figure out how to properly store chocolate if you know everything about its types and composition.

Hazardous factors

This delicious delicacy is made from the ripened fruits of the cocoa tree, which grows in America, Australia and Indonesia. The process technology is quite simple: the beans are roasted and cocoa butter is added, powdered sugar, thickener and natural additives depending on the type of confectionery product.

Since the basis of chocolate is cocoa and sugar, these are the ingredients that are most exposed to external factors. If not the right conditions storing chocolate changes it taste qualities, appearance. All this is influenced by the following factors.

  • Low or high temperature
    At temperatures above 30 degrees, the product melts, as a result of which it loses its shape. At low temperatures, sugar crystals form on the surface of the tile. In the latter case, you can eat chocolate, but you are unlikely to dare to offer such a treat to guests.
  • Water
    If you store chocolate in a humid environment, mold will form on it. Consumption of such a product may lead to poisoning.
  • Sun rays
    Melted chocolate loses its shape, and when exposed to the sun for a long time, it loses its taste.
  • Oxygen
    The shelf life of chocolate directly depends on the packaging. The fact is that cocoa butter tends to oxidize when directly interacting with oxygen. This affects the taste of the product: it becomes bitter. That is why manufacturers use foil as packaging, which not only reflects the sun's rays, but also prevents the penetration of oxygen.

Storage conditions

Knowing all the dangerous factors that lead to spoilage of a confectionery product, it is easy to understand how to store chocolate. It is necessary to avoid sudden changes in temperature, humidity, dampness, and sunlight.

  • Since sweetness absorbs odors well, it should not be stored next to spices and seasonings. This will negatively affect the taste.
  • It is recommended to wrap the opened bar tightly in foil or in a branded wrapper to prevent oxidation of the cocoa butter.
  • Hold pastry need in a cool, dark place, away from sunlight and heating devices. Air humidity should not exceed 75%.
  • Many people ask whether chocolate can be stored in the refrigerator. Experts do not advise doing this, as this will result in a white coating on the chocolate. The optimal temperature should be 17–20 degrees Celsius. It is noteworthy that the delicacy can be stored in the freezer for several years (only if the product is frozen and thawed once).

Shelf life

You can accurately answer the question of how long chocolate can be stored by knowing the composition and date of manufacture. Manufacturers indicate the minimum shelf life on the packaging. If the product was stored in the store under the correct conditions, then it can be consumed even if the specified date is slightly exceeded.

The conditions and shelf life of the sweet directly depend on the cocoa content in the bar. The less the main ingredient, the faster the product deteriorates.

  • Bitter
    This chocolate is long-lived, since it can be consumed even a year after purchase.
  • Black
    In composition, it differs from bitter in that it contains powdered sugar. The more it is, the lighter the tile. Those with a sweet tooth can store this dessert for 12 months.
  • Lactic
    Due to the content of milk powder, the shelf life of the product is reduced by exactly 2 times and is 6 months.
  • With filling and additives
    This chocolate can be dark or milk. The main ingredients do not change, but nuts, raisins, cookies, sesame seeds, etc. are added to them. The sweet can only be consumed within the first three months from the date of manufacture.
  • White
    The product contains cocoa butter, vanillin, powdered milk, hence the milky color of the tiles. You need to eat it within 31 days. The answer to the question of why the treat cannot be stored for at least several months is simple: it does not contain cocoa.
  • Confectionery tile
    It is commonly used to make glazes. The product is based on cheaper analogues and substitutes: synthetic and soy. That is why it can be stored for only 14 days.

Proper storage of chocolate guarantees the preservation of its exquisite taste and appearance. However, at home, only seasoned people store this confectionery product for a long time: it is usually eaten within a few days after purchase.

Not every consumer has developed the habit of paying attention to the expiration date of food products. Sometimes this ends disastrously for health. During the holidays, people buy sweets without thinking that they might stumble upon expired goods. Therefore, it is important to know about the expiration dates of chocolate and chocolate candies.

All food products are provided with information about the expiration date of the product, including chocolate sweets. It is impossible to store them indefinitely, and safe use depends on many factors:

  • fat content and;
  • the presence of filling or filler in the form of nuts, dried berries and fruits, waffle or biscuit layer, rice balls;
  • manufacturing method - factory or home;
  • presence or absence of packaging;
  • storage conditions: temperature, humidity, light.

How does composition affect preservation?


If you carefully read on the packaging what the chocolate is made of, you will see the name “cocoa liquor.” It is obtained from cocoa fruits (beans). And then, as a result of complex technological influence, oil and powder are separated from the cocoa mass. It is the taste of butter that a person feels when a chocolate piece “melts” in the mouth.

There are three main types of chocolate, and each of them can be enjoyed for a certain time. Let's look at how long chocolate can be stored and how it depends on the cocoa content in it:

  1. Black - is different lowest content cocoa butter and the largest - grated cocoa. Therefore, it has the longest shelf life - 12 months.
  2. Milk – More butter and less cocoa are used for production. It can be stored for no more than 10 months if the composition does not contain any additions or fillings.
  3. White - the highest content is cocoa butter, and there is no cocoa liquor at all. Shelf life - no more than a month.

As you can see, it all depends on the oil content in the chocolate.

Do you know that…

After cocoa butter reacts with air to oxidize, the taste of the bar changes and begins to taste bitter.

New to the market is ruby ​​chocolate, named for its pink color. It contains no dyes and has a berry flavor.


Confectioners surprise consumers with the variety of products they produce. But:

  • Additions to the composition reduce the shelf life of chocolates to 4 months, and assorted chocolates delight in taste for only 2 months. These time frames apply to products manufactured at the factory.
  • If chocolate and chocolate candies were made at home, then after 72 hours they can no longer be eaten.

Manufacturers understand that antioxidants increase the time it takes to consume dessert. Therefore, they are included in the product. Knowing this, you need to carefully study the inscription on the label. Give preference to those products that are manufactured according to GOST rather than according to TU.

Do you know that…

The time it takes to consume the delicacy will be reduced if you choose a filling with a high oil content and a liquid consistency.

Expiration dates of popular brands of chocolate

You should trust well-known brands. Their products are in demand, and the manufacturer is unlikely to spoil their reputation. The shelf life of popular types of chocolate differs:

  • Alpen gold – the composition includes fillings, but the manufacturer has increased the shelf life from 9 to 12 months;
  • Milky way - gentle milk chocolate, but the period was extended to 12 months;
  • "Alenka" - in milk product nothing is added, so the period of use is 6 months;
  • “Babaevsky” chocolate – stored for 12 months.

What should be on the packaging of a quality product?

The delicacy in the store attracts attention with its colorful design and additions in the form of nuts, fruits, berries, and filling. When choosing a dessert, it is useful to study the information on the packaging. It should have:

  1. Information about the manufacturer (its name, location, contact details).
  2. List of ingredients, arranged by weight from heavy to light: cocoa mass, cocoa butter, sugar, sometimes cocoa powder, vanillin or vanilla extract, etc.
  3. The percentage of cocoa, and for dairy, also the content of dairy products.
  4. Net weight of the dessert, production date, shelf life and energy value.
  5. Certification marks and an indication that the product is manufactured in accordance with GOST.

The packaging itself must be tight and undamaged. All information is printed in large font. High quality printing.

You will learn how to choose a quality product in a store from the video:

Do you know that…

Unfortunately, the presence of antioxidants, vegetable fats and preservatives are regulated by GOST. They are in all products. Therefore, you must either prepare the dessert yourself, or choose a product with a minimal list of extraneous ingredients.

How to preserve chocolate products

Food products, and chocolate and candies made from it belong to this group of goods, require compliance with certain storage conditions. Neglect of this point leads to an unpresentable appearance and becomes dangerous to health. It’s worth understanding in detail how to store chocolate:

  1. Maintain recommended temperature. If it is above 22 degrees Celsius, the product melts and loses its shape. Cocoa butter comes to the surface and interacts with air, giving the dessert a bitter taste. As the tile hardens further, it will lose its gloss. The optimal storage temperature is from 5 to 22 degrees.
  2. Maintain indoor humidity at the proper level. Dry air causes the treats to dry out. It crumbles and the taste changes. Excessive moisture also negatively affects the preservation of the product, making its structure viscous and sticking to the teeth. If the humidity is within 70%, the quality of the dessert will not change.
  3. Ensure the safety of the packaging. It also has an aesthetic value and protects sweet products from dust, dirt, insects, and does not allow the penetration of light. The foil wrapper retains the vanilla flavor. Cardboard prevents damage: cracks, chips.

Storage at home

Sweet desserts are usually eaten quickly. But if something remains, the question arises of how to store chocolate and chocolate candies at home. To make your favorite delicacy enjoyable, follow these rules:

  • store in a cool, dark place and avoid temperature changes;
  • make sure that the dessert is packaged in original wrapper or foil, and then in a container;
  • Avoid proximity to odorous spices, perfumes, scented candles, otherwise chocolate products will absorb foreign odors.

Do you know that…

Whitish coating on chocolate dessert, which appears during storage at home, does not indicate damage to the product. This proves the use of natural ingredients and a minimum content of preservatives.

Is a refrigerator suitable?

There is often doubt about whether chocolate can be stored in the refrigerator. Definitely not. The temperature in the refrigerator is much lower than necessary for storage.

If the treat is returned to room conditions, moisture will appear on the surface. When it dries, it forms a coating in the form of white spots called “gray hair” - these are crystals.

Chocolate can be frozen in the freezer at -18 °C, both in pure form and in the form of ready-made desserts

When the expiration date has expired

If, upon external inspection, the chocolate bar has a smooth shiny surface, breaks with a pleasant crack, the break is matte, and is not damaged, then the delicacy is in perfect order.

To determine that sweets are not suitable for consumption, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. An expired product may harbor insects. They make passages and leave traces of vital activity in the form of grains.
  2. A spoiled dessert changes the pleasant vanilla taste to a sour, rancid one. Acquires a foreign odor.

It is better to throw away chocolate and candies with such symptoms. The oxidation of fats produces peroxide acids, which are poisonous to the body.

Note to the hostess

If there are no organoleptic changes (taste, smell, color), the product can be processed for the preparation of glazes, sauces, and included in baked goods.

Scientists have proven the positive effect of dessert without fillings and additives on immune system, vision, teeth, skin. Knowing the “secrets” of storing and choosing quality chocolate, you can get not only pleasure from eating it, but also benefits.

Store correctly and be healthy!

Chocolate is a favorite delicacy of many, which, alas, tends to expire. You won’t be able to store chocolate forever, no matter how much those who are losing weight might want to, hiding the bars in secluded places for a “rainy day.”
Shelf life and shelf life depend on the manufacturer and type of chocolate: bitter will last much longer than white. The term is also affected by various impurities and flavoring additives.

Varieties of chocolate

There are three main types of chocolate, which are found in almost all brands:

  • Bitter.
  • Lactic.
  • White.

The higher the cocoa content in chocolate, the longer the shelf life. For white chocolate it is minimal and is only 30 days from the date of production. This also applies to chocolate that contains dairy products.

Shelf life of milk chocolate

Under the right conditions, milk chocolate can be stored for up to 10 months. Milk chocolate that contains any additional additives, such as nuts or raisins, has a shelf life of 6 months from the date of production. Thanks to various additives, the period is significantly reduced.

Expiration date of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate lasts the longest. Its shelf life is 12 months. Chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa and minimal additives and fats will last without problems and longer if the necessary storage conditions are maintained.

When buying chocolate, they rarely look at the expiration date. You can really neglect this without fear of poisoning only in the case of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. You should definitely look for the manufacturing date on the packaging of any other product!

Popular brands

Shelf life and shelf life may vary by manufacturer, not just by type. Each manufacturer stamps the production date on the packaging. Also, the chocolate packaging will necessarily indicate a warranty expiration date, for which the manufacturer is “responsible.”

Shelf life of Milka chocolate

While according to GOST the shelf life of milk chocolate without fillers is 6 months, the manufacturer Milka sets it at 12 months. The period is increased due to special oxidizing agents that prevent the dessert from losing its properties and deteriorating during this period.

Chocolate "Alpen Gold"

The period varies from 9 to 12 months depending on the type. Alpen Gold offers a large number of tiles with various original additives, the use of which significantly reduces shelf life.

Shelf life of Alenka chocolate

A milk chocolate bar from the legendary Soviet brand “Alenka” has a shelf life of 6 months. Classic milk chocolate under this brand is usually produced without additives or oxidizing agents.

Storage Features

To prevent chocolate from spoiling, you must follow certain storage rules:

  • Avoid exposure to sunlight.
  • Do not hide it in the refrigerator - it will become covered with a white film. The optimal storage temperature is +16-19 degrees Celsius. Optimal humidity is 75%.
  • Keep away from products whose odors may permeate it. That is, away from spices, herbs, and chemicals.
  • Store in packaging or airtight container.

If the chocolate has been stored a little longer than its expiration date, it can still be eaten. In general, after the expiration date, chocolate can be safely thrown away - it is already dangerous to eat it.

On the Internet, you can increasingly see recommendations that chocolate should under no circumstances be stored in the refrigerator. There is an opinion that this can cause it to deteriorate and become covered with a white coating. Is this true and what should you do in the summer, when there is a high probability that your favorite delicacy may melt due to high temperatures? We decided to understand the intricacies of “chocolate science” and found answers to these questions.

What can happen to a chocolate bar on a hot summer day if it is left in a car or on a sunny windowsill? After some time, it will melt and will be more like hot chocolate, popular in the winter season.

When faced with this situation, many people try to save their favorite treat and put it in the refrigerator, but then get disappointed because it doesn't look as appetizing as before. The chocolate changes shape and white spots appear on its surface. Given this bitter experience, we might conclude that refrigeration has a negative effect on chocolate. In fact, everything is not quite like that.

Chocolate Science: Factors Affecting Storage


When exposed to air and light, chocolate oxidizes. Under their influence, the properties of the fat contained in the product change, which leads to a change in taste and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

White chocolate is made without cocoa powder, which means it does not have the same protection and is very sensitive to air and light. To prevent oxidation, store White chocolate in sealed and lightproof packaging.


Substances from the environment can penetrate through tiny openings in the packaging and affect the chocolate. In addition, water and alcohol from the filling may also be released into the environment.

Because of this, chocolate began to be sold in sealed packages, although you can still find chocolate bars wrapped in aluminum foil or cardboard wrapper.

Ostwald ripening

The same thing that happens with ice crystals also happens with small cocoa butter crystals: over time, they can increase in size. This effect is known as Ostwald ripening.

Groups of cocoa butter crystals may form on the surface of the chocolate as white spots. The process accelerates with temperature fluctuations. You may have observed this effect if you accidentally left chocolate on a cold windowsill overnight. When the product begins to heat up the next day under the influence of temperature, moisture is released. During this process, cocoa butter settles on the surface of the chocolate, forming an unappetizing white coating. However, rest assured that this layer has nothing to do with mold and does not in any way affect the taste of the treat.


Chocolate contains 0.6% water and, without proper packaging, can quickly absorb moisture, initiating the process described above (in the worst case, it can become moldy). In this regard, it is recommended to use sealed packaging that protects chocolate from exposure to microbes. Due to their low water content, their growth is much slower.

Mixing flavors

Fat-soluble volatile substances contained in the flavors of cheese, fish and meat can be quickly absorbed by chocolate. Because of this, the product may acquire a not very pleasant smell and taste.

White chocolate is especially susceptible to off-flavors, so it should be stored in airtight containers that are free of lingering odors from other foods.


Cocoa butter comes in various crystalline forms. Types III and IV are eliminated at the manufacturing stage. The chocolate we buy contains only type V crystalline forms, the melting point of which is approximately 32°C, so the treat literally melts in your mouth!

At high temperatures (for example, when chocolate is left inside a machine on a hot day), the larger type VI crystalline forms begin to melt at around 37°C. The consequence of this is that the chocolate loses its original taste and no longer melts in the mouth.

How to properly store chocolate?

Freezer storage

Tests carried out with chocolate placed in freezer at a temperature of -18°C, showed that under such conditions the properties of the product are preserved in the best possible way. That's why The best way The best way to preserve holiday chocolate treats is to freeze them.

Refrigerated storage

Packaged chocolate can be stored in the refrigerator at any temperature and humidity level for several months without any problems. Its taste and smell will remain unchanged. If the packaging is opened, the chocolate must be placed in an airtight container to avoid contact with air and prevent the absorption of foreign odors.

Comparison tests between storing chocolate at room temperature and storing it in the refrigerator have shown that the difference in quality is clear. So don't believe the rumors: chocolate can be stored in the refrigerator. The main thing is to follow the rules.


  • It is much better to store chocolate in the refrigerator than at room temperature (20°C).
  • Chocolate can stay fresh for several years if it is stored in the freezer.
  • Storing packaged chocolate in the freezer does not require a specific temperature or humidity level.

However, from my point of view, it is best not to store it delicious treat, and without delay eat it immediately after purchase. I think that many chocolate lovers will agree with the saying of the Irish writer Oscar Wilde: “I can resist everything except temptation.”

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On the Internet you can find different (often diametrically opposed) advice on how to properly store chocolate candies and bars. We asked our chocolatiers, who know everything about this product, to tell us:

  • At what temperature should the treat be stored and is it permissible to use a refrigerator for this purpose?
  • why chocolate becomes covered with a white coating and is it possible to eat sweets with “noble gray hair”;
  • what determines the shelf life of chocolate and what to do with candies and bars that have expired - eat them or throw them away.

Our customers will be able to find several valuable life hacks in the article. They will help preserve chocolate gifts in the cold or in the summer heat without a refrigerator. And they will allow you to present the recipients – clients, employees, business partners – with fresh food with excellent taste.

What is chocolate afraid of and in what conditions does it feel comfortable?

Let's start with the fact that chocolate is not afraid of the cold - it is afraid of temperature changes. The more often the changes occur, and the greater the temperature amplitude, the worse the product feels. The result of stress can be the appearance of a whitish coating on a chocolate bar, which is commonly called gray hair. If we talk about the temperature at which chocolate should be stored, then:

  • Sweets feel most comfortable at +17–20°C; in this case, the relative air humidity should not exceed 70%;
  • the +30°C mark is critical for the product - at this temperature it begins to melt and quickly loses its shape.

Direct exposure to sunlight, moisture and oxygen is detrimental to chocolate. Sunlight can change the color of chocolate, turning it light brown; and worsen the taste of the delicacy, giving it an unpleasant bitterness.

Under the influence of oxygen and moisture, the process of oxidation of cocoa butter, which is part of the product, can begin. This will cause the chocolate to taste rancid. This “delicacy” will not cause harm to health. But it won’t give you any gastronomic pleasure either.

Foreign odors can seriously spoil the taste of chocolate. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the airtight packaging of sweets and bars intended for storage. And do not place chocolate near strong-smelling substances and foods.

Why does chocolate turn grey?

If chocolate is stored incorrectly, a white coating may quickly appear on it - sugar or fat bloom. It is important to understand that the graying process is absolutely normal: it is directly related to the behavior of the ingredients that make up the product. Fat graying, for example, is caused by cocoa butter crystals. They grow inside the tiles and appear on their surface in the form of whitish spots.

Both sugar bloom and fat bloom appear on chocolate as a white coating.

Natural “graying”—professionals call it “Ostwald ripening”—sooner or later begins in any properly tempered chocolate. But violation of storage conditions, temperature changes and exposure to moisture can trigger the early and rapid development of the process.

Chocolate, on the surface of which the effect of Ostwald ripening has appeared, does not look very appetizing. But such a product does not immediately change its taste properties: this takes time. Therefore, tiles with a white coating are worth trying. If chocolate seems delicious to you, eat it calmly and with pleasure.

What determines the shelf life of chocolate?

The shelf life of bar sweets largely depends on the type of chocolate. At the same time, fillers and toppings significantly limit the life span of the product.

White chocolate has the shortest shelf life, as well as bars with various additives. Whereas classic dark chocolate without fillers in the right conditions can be stored for many months without changing its taste. And even after the expiration date, such chocolate can be eaten without fear for your health.

The shelf life of chocolates is primarily affected by the composition of the filling. For example, there are designer handmade sweets that “live” only 2 weeks. After this period, eating sweets is highly discouraged: it can lead to poisoning.

By and large, there can only be one piece of advice here - in each specific case, carefully study the packaging and see what expiration date the manufacturer has determined for their product.

Why is it possible to store chocolate in the refrigerator, but not advisable?

We found out that chocolate is not afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, you can use both the refrigerator and the freezer to store treats. But only if you are going to eat the sweets yourself and do not plan to use them as gifts.

The fact is that as soon as you take the chocolate out of the refrigerator, it will become covered with condensation. Moisture and temperature changes will provoke the development of oxidative processes, which can change both the appearance of the delicacy and its taste.

The good news is that the oxidation process takes time. Therefore, you can safely enjoy chocolate or candies that have been stored in the refrigerator for several weeks - until they begin to change their taste. But we do not recommend taking risks by presenting such sweets as a gift.

How to properly store gift chocolate?

What if you receive a shipment of gift chocolate and need to arrange for it to be stored in your office for a few days or weeks? If the process takes place in the summer, then we advise you to do the following:

  • place boxes of sweets in the shady part of the room, away from windows and direct sun;
  • Place gift wrappers on the floor (this is important!) - on the top shelves of cabinets, where warm air accumulates, the chocolate can melt or even dry out.

In summer, in the shade, at normal room temperature, you can store chocolates, figures or branded bars without refrigeration. The main thing is to ensure that the room temperature does not rise above the critical 30-degree mark.

This is what chocolate that has been stored in a hot room or in the open sun will look like.

If you received gift chocolate in winter, then you do not need to immediately open the boxes brought from the street. Let them sit in a warm room for a few hours first. When packaged, the chocolate will warm up gradually, slowly reaching room temperature. This will help avoid condensation, which can affect the taste and appearance product.

The main life hack for our clients

Most delicious chocolate– this is fresh chocolate; especially when it comes to corporate gifts. Therefore, our last and main recommendation, addressed primarily to Benkoni clients, will be as follows.

Do not order delivery of gifts and promotional sweets in advance - several weeks or months before the desired date. It is better to use the convenient order booking system that operates in our company.

It consists of the following:

  • we draw up an agreement and take a small advance payment to document the fact of the transaction;
  • We prepare packaging for your company in advance and reserve a place in the work schedule of our chocolate production;
  • a few days before sending gifts, we launch the entire production cycle and fulfill the “sweet” part of your order.

Thanks to the booking system, you can receive fresh and tasty corporate sweets in branded packaging on time. At the same time, you will save yourself from the hassle associated with the proper storage of chocolate or copyright ones.