
How to bake honey sponge cake in a slow cooker. Honey sponge cake in a slow cooker

“Honey cake” is a delicacy that has been loved by many since childhood. Our grandmothers, mothers prepared it, and now we often cook it too. A fragrant piece of cake soaked in cream is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Making honey cakes is simple, and not many ingredients are used. It is important to use natural honey when preparing the dough. Homemade honey cake, unlike store-bought honey, does not contain dyes or flavors. The disadvantages of this cake are its high calorie content and quick disappearance from the dish.

I prefer honey cakes with sour cream or curd cream. The cakes are well soaked, and the cake turns out tender and tasty. I suggest preparing a fluffy honey sponge cake in a slow cooker. Thanks to Lena Sokur for the sponge cake recipe.

I prepare the products according to the list.

In a bowl, combine honey and soda.

I heat the honey and soda in a water bath, stirring from time to time. The mass turns out fluffy and increases in volume.

In another bowl, combine eggs and sugar.

Beat eggs with sugar using a mixer for about 10 minutes.

In a third bowl, sift the flour with a pinch of vanillin.

Pour the honey mixture into a bowl with beaten eggs and mix gently with a spoon from top to bottom.

I add a few tablespoons of sifted flour to the honey-egg mixture, again stirring with a spoon using gentle movements from top to bottom.

Add some flour again and mix. I do this until all the flour is used.

I grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and put the dough into it (the volume of my multicooker is 4 liters).

I place the bowl with the dough in the multicooker, close the lid and turn on the “Baking” mode for 1 hour 10 minutes. The result is a lush, aromatic honey sponge cake.

Using the steam tray, I remove the honey sponge cake prepared in the multicooker from the bowl and transfer it to a wire rack, letting it cool. I cut this biscuit into 4 parts.

To prepare a cake with cream, I make sure to soak the cakes in syrup (otherwise the cake will be a little dry), layer it with cream made from sour cream, cottage cheese, powdered sugar and vanillin.

Enjoy your tea!

Honey cake is one of those recipes that quickly gives good results. Baking with natural honey has a pleasant taste and aroma, and if you follow a simple recipe, it turns out fluffy. In addition, when using modern kitchen appliances - a multicooker, you can save time on cooking and give the honey cake the ideal shape.

Multicooker Baking Recipes

Not all baked goods can be cooked in a slow cooker, but cakes, pies, charlottes, casseroles, and muffins turn out great in it. Most often, they try to cover the cake from the device with glaze, since a beautiful golden crust cannot be achieved, but inside the dough is perfectly baked, fluffy and light. Baking with honey has a variety of recipes based on its ingredients, and is also ideal for cooking in a slow cooker.

The secret to getting fluffy and light dough for any recipe is the right consistency. The dough should look like thick sour cream, homogeneous, and it’s good if small air bubbles appear in it when beating with a mixer.

  1. Cottage cheese from a slow cooker

For half a kilo of homemade, non-dry cottage cheese:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 200g 2.5% kefir;
  • 100g semolina;
  • 150g sugar;
  • a packet of baking powder (at least 2g);
  • salt;
  • vanilla or cinnamon;
  • dried fruits 150 g (washed, dried, finely chopped).

Slowly add sugar to the heavily beaten eggs and continue beating; add the remaining ingredients one at a time and continue beating. At the end, baking powder is added, and then dried fruits. The liquid mass is poured into a multicooker bowl coated with butter. In the “Baking” mode, the curd is cooked for 45-50 minutes. It is recommended to serve well chilled.

2. Chocolate cupcake

A simple recipe for chocolate cake from a slow cooker will require a few ingredients and effort:

  • a pack of margarine;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 50 g cocoa;
  • 100 g milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • baking powder.

Melt margarine in a multicooker bowl or in a steam bath, add sugar, cocoa and milk, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and begins to boil. A third of the mixture is poured to decorate the finished cake, and eggs and flour with baking powder are added to the remaining cooled part. Everything is whisked as you add it. The finished homogeneous mass is poured into a bowl, which does not need to be greased (there is enough fat in the dough), baking takes 45 minutes.

3. Charlotte in a slow cooker

Charlotte in a slow cooker is an option for both beginners in baking and pros.

  • for 800 grams of peeled apples you will need a glass of flour and sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • powdered sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • baking powder;
  • cinnamon.

Melt the powder in heated oil, stirring constantly, pour the mixture into the bowl of a multicooker set to heating mode, and lay out the apples. You can first mix the fruit with ground cinnamon. A dough of heavily beaten eggs, flour, and sugar is poured onto the apples. Baking duration is 40 minutes.

Any multicooker cupcake will taste better if you turn it into a cake. To do this, the lush cake is cut into several smaller ones, soaked in cream, and decorated with glaze, nuts, and fruits on top.

Even an amateur pastry chef can create a rather exquisite dish for the holiday table if he follows the step-by-step recommendations without errors.

Honey cake from a slow cooker: recipe

Baking with natural honey is not only a healthier product than one based on sugar, but it is also aromatic and has a special color. Honey cake in a slow cooker has quite a variety of recipes, so you should carefully choose the ingredients.

Important! It is better to immediately mix baking powder with flour, and after adding it to the dough, bake immediately. This way, soda (or another substance) will not lose its “airy” properties.

  1. In a simple and very sweet recipe, for 150 grams of honey you take one and a half cups of sugar, 5 eggs, and 2.5 cups of flour + baking powder. Add liquid honey to the eggs beaten with sugar, mix, add flour and baking powder. Place in a slow cooker for 50 minutes.
  2. Biscuits with honey in a multicooker turn out tall and soft, all you need to do is beat eggs (6 pieces) with a glass of sugar and a glass of honey until stiff foam, and beat well again. Add 2 cups of flour with baking powder, beat. Each beating approach should take at least 5-7 minutes! Cooking duration is 70 minutes in the “Baking” mode. When preparing the dough, you should take into account the volume of the bowl in the multicooker: from the indicated products you get a full 2 ​​liter bowl, which is not filled to the brim by 5-8 cm.
  3. Quick baking with honey in a slow cooker is made from 4 chicken eggs, 100 grams of sugar, a glass of sour cream, a glass of honey, 2 glasses of flour, baking powder. Constantly whisking the eggs with sugar, add sour cream, honey, and at the end – flour and baking powder. Bake for 80 minutes.
  4. The honey cake will turn out more tasty and original if you add chopped walnuts, lemon zest and juice. One serving of the pie includes half a glass of nuts and one lemon, from which all the juice is squeezed into the dough, and half of its skin is grated on a fine grater. The baking duration does not change, but the taste will not be so sickly sweet.

Baking with honey can be prepared not only as a dessert, but also as a snack. For example, you can cook charlotte with stewed cabbage. The recipe will be the same as for charlotte with apple. Among the differences:

  • add ground black pepper (a teaspoon) to the dough;
  • The filling is not laid out in a separate layer, but mixed with a spoon with the dough.

The baking time for all types of pies is approximately the same - about an hour; cooking in a pressure cooker will take less time.

It is better to create cakes based on honey dough using sour cream, curd, and acidified creams, which will saturate the base and dull the overly sweet taste of the dough. The sponge cake can be easily changed in shape, which significantly expands the combination options.

Honey cake without honey, sugar, eggs

Not everyone likes the characteristic smell and aftertaste of honey pies, and for some people it can be a health hazard. Culinary experts suggest using little tricks so as not to deny yourself a tasty dish, but without an unwanted ingredient. How to replace honey in baking so as not to lose taste? For example, you can replace honey with maple syrup, or even jam with a liquid consistency! The proportions added to the dough will depend on the sweetness of the product. Usually the ratio of substitutes and honey is 1:1, or 1:1.5. The remaining components of the dessert remain unchanged.

The presence of honey in the dough gives the bottom of the pie some semblance of caramelization; the effect of substitutes will not be as pronounced. When adding jam, it is better to remove seeds and fruit skins from it using a strainer, if this was not done when rolling into jars.

Considering the high calorie content of the dish, it will not be possible to stick to a diet and enjoy honey cake. But if the problem is not only the fear of excess weight, but also endocrine system disorders, then it is better not to add sugar to baked goods at all. There will be enough sweetness from honey, and beaten eggs will become foamy if you add a pinch of salt to them.

A Lenten honey cake cannot include eggs, milk, kefir, or sour cream. Melted margarine in a steam bath, half a glass of warm water, or mineral water will help improve the binding capabilities of products in the Lenten version. The splendor, of course, will not be the same as the egg options, but the taste is a good option. You can even make a Lenten cake by making a ball of jam between the layers.

Secrets of dough with honey for baking

Honey dough can be prepared quite simply for baking in the oven or for cooking in a slow cooker. But every housewife wants to add her own twist to well-known recipes. Some experiences undoubtedly deserve attention.

Target Facilities Result
Increasing the amount of minerals and vitamins obtained from the dish.

Increasing the amount of fiber.

- adding flour from different types of grain - darker color on the cut;

Unusual grain aroma;

Increasing the beneficial properties of the final product

- adding apricot jam (the most useful) - change in color and taste of baked goods;

Best utility indicators

- cream based on natural sour cream and fresh fruits - neutralization of sweetness;

Increased nutritional qualities;

Softening the dough;

Greater mineral and vitamin potential

Neutralization of sweetness - juice or zest of citrus fruits - appearance of a characteristic aroma;

Less pronounced sweetness of the dish

Pronounced golden crust - edges of the bowl, previously greased with butter, sprinkled with sugar - caramelization of the edges of baked goods
Soft dough - adding kefir and mineral water to the dough;

The use of creams based on sour cream (others are too sweet)

- fluffy cake;

Soft, non-sweet dough texture

Perhaps the main secret of a delicious honey cake with natural honey is the selection of the bee product itself: the less pronounced the taste and smell of the culture from which it is collected, the better. Buckwheat honey, for example, will add not only its buckwheat smell, but also a bitter taste.

Honey cake in a slow cooker is a choice for housewives who value their time, but do not want to say goodbye to the high quality and usefulness of the product. The variety of recipes and approaches to preparing a dish helps you find exactly your culinary station, and the photos posted on culinary forums will become a treasure trove of ideas for your own serving variations.

First prepare a thin biscuit dough.

If the honey is liquid, then we won’t melt it, just mix it with baking soda and set it aside for a while.

While the honey and soda begin to interact, let's get down to the main task, beat the eggs. Separate the yolks from the whites. Divide the sugar into two equal parts and mix one half with egg white, the second with egg yolk.

Beat the egg whites with sugar until fluffy, add a little lemon juice if desired, this will speed up the process of turning the whites into a strong foam. The yolk must be ground until white with granulated sugar. Then mix two masses: protein and yolk. Add baking soda slaked with honey to the egg mixture. Mix the mass thoroughly, which will become even fluffier.

Melt butter or margarine in a multicooker bowl. By doing this, you will immediately grease the mold in which you will later bake the sponge cake with honey.

Pour melted and slightly cooled butter (margarine) into the airy dough base. Mix everything again, and at the end add pre-sifted wheat flour.

Mix all ingredients and immediately pour the dough into the greased multicooker bowl.

Bake the honey sponge cake using the Baking program, making sure to open the steam release valve. Cooking time in a pressure cooker (power 900 W) is 33 minutes, in a Panasonic multicooker and similar (volume 4.5 l) - 60 minutes.

If you want to bake a biscuit in the oven, then do it at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 - 45 minutes.

While the base is baking, prepare the chocolate cream.

In a deep bowl, combine the egg yolk with water and condensed milk until smooth. Add cocoa powder and mix everything again so that there are no lumps. Place the cup over low heat and cook with constant stirring until thickened. To prevent lumps from forming, mix the cream using a small whisk, which is very convenient. The mass will be homogeneous and thicken quickly.

Cool the chocolate cream with condensed milk a little, and then add softened (or cut into cubes) butter or margarine. Use the whisk again, stir everything until the butter (margarine) is completely dissolved.

Cool the baked honey sponge cake slightly and cut into three layers. Soak each cake with coffee and wine impregnation. Coat the cakes with chocolate cream and fold into a cake, which is covered with cream on top. If desired, you can decorate the honey sponge cake with whipped cream; I had seeds in the glaze, which complemented my baking.

In the step-by-step photo recipe presented, the biscuit is baked using a multicooker - a Unit pressure cooker (power 900 W).

Experiment and cook with pleasure. Bon appetit and good recipes!

The multicooker copes well with any kind of dish – both first and second courses, and baked goods. Biscuits are especially good in it. Always fluffy, tall, soft, tender, rise evenly, do not burn, are perfectly removed from the mold, in general, the dream of any housewife. Of the many biscuit recipes, today I present to you the most fragrant honey biscuit. How to make honey sponge cake in [...]


5 eggs
1 cup of sugar
2 cups of flour
6 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon baking soda

The multicooker copes well with any kind of dish – both first and second courses, and baked goods. Biscuits are especially good in it. Always fluffy, tall, soft, tender, rise evenly, do not burn, are perfectly removed from the mold, in general, the dream of any housewife. Of the many biscuit recipes, today I present to you the most fragrant honey biscuit.

How to cook honey sponge cake in a slow cooker:
We put honey in a metal bowl, pour soda into it and put it on the stove.

Heat over low heat, stirring until the mass foams and increases in volume several times.

Beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer until stable, dense white foam. Depending on the power of the mixer, this may take 6-10 minutes. Well-beaten eggs are the key to any successful sponge cake.

Add honey and flour to the beaten eggs and mix gently with a spoon.

It is not recommended to mix the biscuit dough with a mixer after adding flour; it is believed that this will make the biscuit less fluffy. Although sometimes after adding flour I continue to mix the dough with a mixer at the lowest speed, and the quality of my biscuits does not suffer.

Grease the multicooker mold with any oil, lay out the dough. Prepare the honey sponge cake in the multicooker on the “baking” mode for 80 minutes. It is impossible to set such a time right away, so first we set it for 60 minutes, after the signal we turn off the program, wait a minute and turn on “baking” again for 20 minutes. After 80 minutes, remove the honey sponge cake from the multicooker. Usually, baked goods are removed using a steaming tray. In this case, it was not needed because the biscuit turned out to be very tall, and the tray did not fit into the multicooker pan. I turned the biscuit over onto a towel stretched around the multicooker bowl, and then set it to cool on a wire rack to prevent the bottom from fogging up. Delicious, soft, aromatic honey biscuit is ready. It's good on its own with a cup of tea or milk, and also makes a great base for honey cake.

Bon appetit!

Honey cake is a delicacy that has been loved by many since childhood. Our grandmothers, mothers prepared it, and now we often cook it too. A fragrant piece of cake soaked in cream is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Making honey cakes is simple, and not many ingredients are used. It is important to use natural honey when preparing the dough. Homemade honey cake, unlike store-bought honey, does not contain dyes or flavors. The disadvantages of this cake are its high calorie content and quick disappearance from the dish.

I prefer honey cakes with sour cream or curd cream. The cakes are well soaked, and the cake turns out tender and tasty. I suggest preparing a fluffy honey sponge cake in a slow cooker. Thanks to Lena Sokur for the sponge cake recipe.

I prepare the products according to the list.

In a bowl, combine honey and soda.

I heat the honey and soda in a water bath, stirring from time to time. The mass turns out fluffy and increases in volume.

In another bowl, combine eggs and sugar.

Beat eggs with sugar using a mixer for about 10 minutes.

In a third bowl, sift the flour with a pinch of vanillin.

Pour the honey mixture into a bowl with beaten eggs and mix gently with a spoon from top to bottom.

I add a few tablespoons of sifted flour to the honey-egg mixture, again stirring with a spoon using gentle movements from top to bottom.

Add some flour again and mix. I do this until all the flour is used.

I grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and put the dough into it (the volume of my multicooker is 4 liters).

I place the bowl with the dough in the multicooker, close the lid and turn on the Baking mode for 1 hour 10 minutes. The result is a lush, aromatic honey sponge cake.

Using the steam tray, I remove the honey sponge cake prepared in the multicooker from the bowl and transfer it to a wire rack, letting it cool. I cut this biscuit into 4 parts.