
How to measure 170 grams of flour without scales. How to determine the weight of food without scales

The Internet today is simply overflowing with all kinds of recipes, including various baked goods. In many of them the quantity necessary products is given in grams, which presents some difficulties for inexperienced cooks and confectioners. Of course, it would be nice to have electronic scales for such cases, which are characterized by high accuracy and the ability to determine the mass of even a very small amount of a substance - down to several grams. But if they are not there and there is no possibility of legalization? How then to measure the required volume of ingredients? In fact, there is nothing simpler. It is enough just to know the capacity of some cutlery, spoons, glasses, etc. Here are some recommendations in this regard.

Of course, the easiest way is to measure the product by eye. Many experienced housewives do just this. To do this, you need to have a good eye and also know the capacity of the pack. But there is one catch. If you have at your disposal a package weighing 1 kg, then measuring half a kilo will not be difficult. Although in any case the result will not be the most accurate. It will be much more difficult to cope with such a task when you need to separate 275 g of flour from a pack weighing 1.5 kg. No eye can help here. In such cases, it is recommended to resort to more accurate measurement methods.

Baking recipes typically use large amounts of flour. In such cases, the ideal measuring tool will be the most ordinary faceted glass. Before use, it should be washed and then thoroughly wiped with a dry towel made of fabric that absorbs water well. If this is not done, the flour will stick to the walls and this will create certain difficulties. So, use a prepared glass to scoop out the flour so that it fills the container with a slide. Then, using a knife, carefully remove the slide. After all the manipulations are done, approximately 150 g of flour will remain in the glass. The error of this method of measurement is very small - plus or minus 5 g, which in comparison with the volumes required for baking is simply an insignificant difference.

The disadvantage of this method is that it can only measure volumes of round values ​​in increments of 150 g, that is, 150, 300, 450, etc. A small space for maneuver opens up if there is a mark on the glass, that is, a special horizontal line.

If you fill a glass with liquid to this mark, you will get exactly 200 ml, but if you measure flour - 130 g. However, using these two values ​​- 150 and 130 g, it is unlikely that you will be able to measure, for example, 250 g or 110 g. Therefore, the most accurate a way to purchase a special measuring cup, on the transparent wall of which divisions are applied, allowing you to very accurately determine the amount of products poured into it. Today, such products are available in a large assortment in hardware stores. Moreover, they can be used for measuring not only flour, but also any bulk or liquid products.

Sometimes measuring cups are marked with only one type of graduation, designed to determine the volume of liquid. Of course, you can measure flour using such containers. To do this, it is enough to know the density of the substance, which when multiplied by volume gives mass. The density of flour is such that 1 ml of volume contains 0.65 g. Thus, 100 ml is 65 g of flour. This method has two significant drawbacks.

Firstly, you need to make calculations, albeit very simple ones, but still.

Secondly, on measuring cups there are mainly divisions corresponding to round numbers. For example, if you need to measure 75 g of flour, then it will be 115 ml. It is unlikely that you will find the corresponding division on the scale.

Flour is also used not only for baking, but also in other recipes. For example, for breading or giving a mixture of liquid products the desired thickness and viscosity. In such cases, the amount of flour given in the recipes is limited to a small mass - from 10 to 50 g, so for measuring it is better to use spoons - a tablespoon or a teaspoon.

In the first case, first you will have to choose a spoon whose dimensions meet generally accepted standards, because today every manufacturer strives to develop its own original design. As a result, the volume of tablespoons can vary greatly. At the same time, there is a certain standard for such products, and when recipes mention a tablespoon as a measure of weight and volume, it should be remembered that they mean generally accepted sizes. It is not necessary for us to know all the proportions; it is enough that the scooping container should be 7 cm in length. Such a heaped tablespoon holds 15 g. If the volume of flour is leveled along the edges with a knife, that is, the mountain is removed, then 10 g of flour will remain in the spoon. Another important detail: if the recipe indicates the required amount of flour in tablespoons, then heaped spoons are meant.

If you need to measure out a very small amount of flour, then the best assistant will be a teaspoon - the length of the scooping part is 5 cm. If you fill such a cutlery with flour with a slide, you will get 12 g. Without a slide, a teaspoon holds 7 g. Although the slides are different...

Have you decided to make pancakes or pies, but don’t have anything on hand to measure out the right amount of flour? And as luck would have it, in the recipe all the products are in grams? Not a problem, there are simple ways to measure flour without scales. This can be done using improvised means. Of course, the result will not be as accurate as on an electronic scale, but we are in the kitchen, not in a chemical laboratory.

How to measure flour with a glass

It’s good if you have a simple cut glass lying around the house. It is believed that 200 grams of water can be placed in it. But this does not mean that the same amount of flour will fit in there. There are tricks to measuring flour in a glass.

  • Firstly, you need to pour the flour with a spoon, and not scoop it out of the bag directly with a glass. Otherwise, voids will form in the container near the walls, and less flour will fit in. Fill the glass without a slide.
  • Secondly, we don’t compact the flour in the glass, but we also don’t loosen it.

Did you do everything right? In a faceted glass you will have 160 grams. If you compact the flour, then 210 g will fit into a glass. If you first sift and loosen it, then only 125 g.

There are other ways to measure flour. Here is a small table that will help you take the right amount of flour at the right time:

Ideally, of course, it is better to make control measurements. Ask a friend for a kitchen scale. Weigh the flour once in a glass and spoon. Write down the data and hang it somewhere visible in the kitchen. Then, if necessary, you can always measure the right amount of flour.

Keep in mind that if you store your flour incorrectly, the results may be different. There will be more damp and caked flour in the glass.

How much to weigh in grams

Everything would be fine, but most often you need not 160 or 25 grams. Usually, recipes use “round” numbers. This is where the question arises, for example, how to measure 100 grams of flour?

The easiest way is to pour out an extra 30 or 60 grams from a glass (depending on the glass), that is, 100 grams will be a little more than half a tea glass and a little less than half a faceted glass. You can put 4 level tablespoons. There is a more cunning way. It will require us time and some simple devices.

So, we need a ruler and a blank sheet of paper. On a sheet of paper we draw a rectangle 10 by 20 centimeters. On the larger sides (20 cm) we measure 2 cm, put dots and connect them with lines. Before us is a rectangle 10 by 2 cm. Right?

Pour a kilogram of flour onto the paper. We distribute it evenly over a larger rectangle, the one we drew at the beginning (20x10 cm). Make sure that the flour does not extend beyond the rectangle. Then carefully use a knife to separate the part that occupies a smaller rectangle (10x2 cm). This is 100 g.

We do the same thing when we don’t know how to measure 200 grams of flour. Only then do we measure on the 20-centimeter side not 2, but 4 cm. Next, do the same according to the algorithm. By the way, this method is also suitable for measuring sugar or cereals.

Skilled cooks can stick to a recipe by adding everything necessary ingredients by eye, intuitively calculating how much flour or sugar is needed. But sometimes you need to follow a recipe in detail, otherwise a complex dish may not turn out as planned. If you don’t have a glass with marks or scales at hand, you can measure the proportions using ordinary utensils.

How to determine the weight of food without scales

Previously, measuring instruments were rare; cooks knew how to determine proportions with what was at hand. This science was quite accurate: it worked well homemade baking, complex desserts, multi-component dishes. Therefore, the “weighing” method without scales can still be used today. Popular utensils that will suit:

  • Soviet faceted glass - it is made according to the standard and serves as an excellent measure;
  • any glass made of thin glass: first determine its volume, it is indicated on the bottom;
  • teaspoon, dessert and tablespoon;
  • jars of different sizes - for measuring ingredients in large volumes.

The weight of food without scales or at home is determined using glasses, spoons or jars of the correct volume. These auxiliary products can be used both for bulk products such as cereals or spices, and for any others: just check the measurement table. All ingredients have their own density, so their weight will be different. For example, in a thin glass with a volume of 250 ml 350 grams will fit berry puree and only 50 - corn flakes. By memorizing the parameters of the ingredients you use most often, you can determine the desired proportions by eye.


Liquid products also have different densities and, accordingly, weights. A tablespoon of butter or syrup will be much heavier than the same volume of water.

Converting grams into tablespoons and glasses is more difficult than it seems: you need to take into account the mass of the ingredient, its density and properties. It is better to measure fruits and vegetables in glasses, spices - in teaspoons, and bulk products can be measured with both. For large quantities of ingredients - for example, for jam - you can use glass jars different volumes.

The parameters of the same products may vary: eggs are not always the same size, fruits and vegetables may be more watery or dry. So the risk of error always remains. In preparing soups or hot dishes, proportions are not critical, but in such a delicate process as baking, maintaining the correct amount of ingredients is very important. If you overdo it with moisture, the dough will be heavy, sticky and will not bake well. And vice versa: if you do not add water, the bread will not be so fluffy, it will begin to crumble, and the baking and fermentation process will take longer.

Not only the container is important, but also the amount of product you put in it. A heaped tablespoon will weigh a little more than one without.

Table of weights and measures

To make calculations more convenient, you can refer to a special table that shows the grams of different utensils. The capacity of the glass can be found on the bottom, and the standard faceted glass of the USSR sample is always the same. Product measurements for spoons are given without a slide.

Products Glasses Spoons
thin-walled, 250 ml faceted, 200 ml Dining room Teahouse
Granulated sugar 200 160 20 5
Coarse salt 355 275 24 7
Fine salt 400 320 30 10
Starch 155 130 25 7
Powdered sugar 190 140 21 6
Wheat flour 160 130 24 7
Millet 220 180 21 6
Rice 245 185 24 7

Using utensils, you can measure not only bulk cereals, sugar and salt, but also ordinary products, the volume of which you need to know for some recipes. It is worth considering that the parameters may differ: so for the most accurate measurements it is best to use scales. But if mathematical accuracy is not so important, then this method will do. Approximate calculations are given in the table.

Products Glasses Spoons
Thin-walled, 250 ml Faceted, 200 ml Dining room Teahouse
Milk 250 200 15 5
Cream 10% 250 200 15 5
Sour cream 20% 260 210 25 10
Water 250 200 15 5
Jam 320 265 35 15
Peanut 175 140 25 8
Beans 220 190 23 6
Strawberry 150 120 25
Currant 155 125 25 8
Blueberry 200 160 35
Egg white 253 207
Egg yolk 276 230

It is more convenient to carry out some measurements individually. For example, one egg contains 50-60 grams, the yolk weighs about 20, the rest is the white. An average apple weighs 200 g, an average cucumber, potato and tomato weigh 100 g each. It’s easier with products bought in the supermarket: you just need to divide the total weight by the number of ingredients - and you will get the average weight of one piece.

Alternative methods

To find out the exact weight of products in a container whose volume is unknown to you, use the following rule: take an accurate meter (a cut glass, a tablespoon) and calculate exactly how much product in grams is included in the container you need. Having completed the operation once, you can record the approximate volume and use a convenient container as a measuring container.

Another method is based on the mass of the product and an equal volume of water. To do this, you need to take two large containers of different volumes so that one fits freely into the other. Put a kilogram of sugar or buckwheat in the smaller one, and then put it in the larger one and fill the free space with water to the very edge. As soon as you pull out the “control” container, you will get a volume of one kilogram bulk product. The mark at half this level will be 500 grams.

How to measure food correctly

How you measure your ingredients is important. If you make inaccuracies, the result may not be what you expected, even if at first glance you did everything right. To ensure your calculations are accurate, pour the products correctly:

  • liquids - pour into the desired container to the brim;
  • spoon syrups and viscous liquids into the container;
  • transfer light bulk ingredients gradually so that holes do not form;
  • measure grains dry;
  • Do not wash meat, fish, vegetables that absorb moisture well.

Any change in the properties of products affects their weight. If the room is very humid, the salt and sugar will become saturated with water and become heavier. Fermentation process in fermented milk products makes them easier. You should also not compact the ingredients: this can increase the weight several times for the same volume.


You need to sift the flour after measuring. It is saturated with oxygen, increases in volume, becoming more fluffy and airy, so the calculations will not be entirely correct.

Sometimes in recipes, especially if you like to cook according to the precepts of foreign chefs, there are other measures that differ from the usual ones. The references to tableware also differ: if we have a “glass,” then “cup” is more common there.

To figure out the quantity and translate everything into the usual grams, just check the list:

  • cup (in America) - 250 g;
  • cup (England) - 280 g;
  • pint - 470 g;
  • ounce - 30 g;
  • quart - 950 g.

You can prepare a dish with ideal proportions without a kitchen scale. Familiar utensils can always come to the rescue, and an experienced housewife knows how to determine the right amount by eye. In order for the measurements to be correct, you should be careful about how you fill the containers: do not compact, do not loosen the ingredients, fill the space tightly, but not too much. All foreign grams can be converted into familiar ones, and the volume of the dishes can be measured using spoons. But for convenience and simplicity, it is better to purchase a special measuring cup or scale - this will make cooking easier, more enjoyable and faster.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


If you don't have a kitchen scale, or at least a special measuring container with marks, measuring out the amount of flour needed for a recipe is not that difficult. Other kitchen tools will come to the rescue. Read about how to use them correctly.

How to measure grams without scales

Strictly observing the proportions and adding the amount of cereal, water, and spices strictly specified in the recipe is the key to any successful dish. This is especially important for baking. If you accidentally add more or less flour than required, the dough will come out completely wrong. In the absence of a special device, it will be possible to weigh it using other available means. Every housewife will need information on how to do this correctly.

How many grams of flour are in a faceted glass?

First of all, it is worth saying that this item is a faithful assistant in measuring food for many housewives. It is very accurate and will definitely help you easily collect the required volume of any liquid or bulk substance. If you fill it with premium wheat flour to the very top with a cap, you will get 160 g. This value is approximate. If the vessel is filled to the rim, it will be 130 g.

If you don't know how to measure flour without a scale, use these tips:

  1. The grain product must be unsifted. There is no need to try to scoop flour from the general bag, but carefully pour it in small portions. Otherwise, voids will form near the walls of the dish, due to which the volume will not be enough for the dish.
  2. Do not compact the dry substance or knock on the container when filling. Because of this, the result will be completely different.
  3. Use the table that contains data on the volume of different products. It can be easily found on the Internet.
  4. It is advisable to select a separate container for your measurements, as accurate as possible, and always use only it. If you take a different one each time, then a dish with the same recipe may differ in taste or even go bad.

How many grams of flour in a tablespoon

Some recipes require very little, so what should you do? In this case, you should measure with spoons. This is not a difficult task. You need to determine how much flour is in a tablespoon. If with a slide, then 25-30 g, depending on its height, and if without it, then 20 g. 1 tsp. will hold from 9 to 12 g. In the dessert room will fit 15-20 g. These values ​​are correct if the grain product is dry, because a wet one will be heavier. You also need to remember that some cutlery, especially those left over from Soviet times, are heavier than modern ones.

How much flour in a 250 mm glass

We are talking about a thin-walled product. Such vessels are also called tea vessels. How to measure flour without scales using it? If you fill the vessel, leaving about a centimeter at the top empty, you will get 160 g. We are talking about wheat. The same amount will fit in corn, because they are the same in density. But rye is denser, so it will fit 130 g. Potato, on the contrary, is lighter, it will be 180 g.

How to weigh flour without scales

Not every housewife has a device for measuring the mass of food in the kitchen, however, people cope perfectly even with very complex recipes. In order to weigh out the required portion, you can use vessels or spoons: dessert, table, tea. With one of these items on hand, you can easily get the grain you need for baking.

How many tablespoons in a glass of flour

Depends on the type and content. If the faceted one contains 130-160 g, then it will contain 4.5-5 tbsp. l. with a hat. There are five of them in the teahouse. If you take a level spoon from the first, you get from six and a half to eight. If you use tea, then 8. Many people do not understand how to measure 100 grams of flour without having a measuring device at hand. It's very simple: take 5 tbsp. l. without a slide or 3.5 with it. Now you know how many tablespoons are in 100 grams of flour.

If you have a faceted glass, then to get 100 g you need to pour so much so that the flour does not reach the rim by about a centimeter. There is another way. Sprinkle flour a little at a time, compacting it. To do this, after each new portion you need to carefully hit the dishes on the table. Get the tallest hat you can. You will get approximately 200-210 g. Then, from the resulting volume, separate approximately half by eye. This will be 100 g.

Continuing the topic of how to measure any ingredient when there is no scale or measuring cup, today we’ll talk about how to measure flour in such a situation. Baking recipes often indicate the amount of flour in grams. Experienced housewives, already reading the recipe, can determine what kind of dough will be obtained and how much flour is needed. What about young people who are just beginning to learn the basics of culinary art? There's no need to get upset. Flour, like sugar, can be measured with a glass or spoon. And, conversely, if you indicate how many glasses are needed, you can convert it to grams. Usually when people talk about a glass, they mean a cut glass. We use it more often and we inherited this measurement from our grandmothers.

How to measure flour without scales using a glass

A faceted glass comes with or without a rim. A glass with a rim holds 250 ml of liquid. And in a glass without a rim - 200 ml. This is what we will proceed from.

If you pour flour into a faceted glass with a rim to the very edge, then ordinary wheat flour the highest grade will contain 160 grams.

In a rimless glass of the same flour there will be only 130 grams, or more precisely, 128 grams.

The same amount, i.e. It will be 130 grams if you pour flour into a glass up to the rim.

When baking pies or buns, it is certainly more convenient to use a glass to measure flour. Such recipes usually require 400 grams or more of flour. What to do if there is no cut glass? But there is still some kind of glass or cup for tea in the house.

Let's say you have a glass of 180 ml. To calculate how much flour there will be in such a glass, you need 180x160/250, where 180 is the volume of our glass. 160 is the weight of flour in a faceted glass with a rim and 250 is the volume of a faceted glass. You can calculate based on the volume of a faceted glass without a rim.

How to measure flour without a scale with a spoon

It takes much longer to measure cake flour with a spoon. But this method is quite acceptable. I have a special mug-shaped sieve for sifting flour. It’s more convenient for me to pour flour into it with a spoon.

A tablespoon (deep, not flat) of flour will contain approximately 20 grams. Why approximately? If you scoop it with such a slide as in the photo, then 20 grams.

If the slide is higher, and the flour is not sugar and does not fall off the spoon, then you can scoop out approximately 25 to 40 grams of flour.

With the same small heap, a teaspoon of flour will contain about 10 grams. But you usually need to measure flour with a teaspoon only if it is for a face mask, and then it is oatmeal or potato flour.

Now many people have multicookers or bread makers. They usually come with a measuring cup. Usually they are small. I have a 100 ml glass for the multicooker. You can also measure flour with it, knowing that 100 ml will contain 64 grams of flour.

Second-grade wheat flour, from which bread is usually baked, practically does not differ in weight. Therefore, you can measure it using these methods.