
How to dry apples in an apartment without an oven. How to dry apples at home

We sell apples almost all year round, but apples grown in summer or autumn are still considered the healthiest and tastiest. To preserve them for a long time, without worrying too much, you can dry them. Drying in an electric dryer is rightfully considered the best method of drying: it is relatively quick, convenient and easy compared to drying in the open air or in an oven.

Any variety of apples is suitable for drying, depending on your taste preferences. Some people prefer sweet varieties of apples, some like them sour. The main thing is that the fruits are free from rot, wormholes and damage.

How to cut apples for drying

Before slicing, apples must be washed and dried well. Clean the core with a special tool or knife, cut the fruit into slices or circles no thicker than 0.5 cm. If you cut them thicker, they will take much longer to cook. Whether or not to peel the fruit is up to you. The peel contains many vitamins, but when dried it becomes quite hard, which not everyone likes.

In order for apples to be stored longer and not lose color when dried, you can (but not at all necessarily) dip them in a saline solution before cooking. It is done like this: 1 tablespoon of salt is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Apples need to be soaked in it for 5 minutes, drained in a colander.

How to dry apples in an electric dryer

Place the sliced ​​apples in an even thin layer on the trays of the electric dryer. It is important not to pack them too tightly so that hot air can circulate freely between them.

You need to dry at a temperature of 65-70 degrees for about 8-10 hours. Periodically, you need to change the positions of the trays for uniform cooking, since the slices will cook faster on the lower tray.

The video from “VkusnoProsto iPoleno” shows how to prepare apples for the winter by drying them in a dryer.

If you have to turn off the dryer before the fruit is completely cooked, be sure to open the lid or empty the trays of fruit, otherwise they will pick up moisture again.

The drying time largely depends on the juiciness of the apples, the thickness of their cutting, and the model of the dryer, so their readiness must be checked periodically. Only through experience will you determine the optimal cooking time for dried fruits.

How to check the readiness of dried apples

The finished drying should be elastic, no moisture will be released when pressed, and the piece should not stick to your fingers.

If the piece is brittle and dry, it means the apples are too dry. You can use them, but there will be much less vitamins in such a product.

How to store dried apples

When drying is ready, you need to remove the trays from the dryer and leave the dried fruits until they cool completely. You can store them in cotton bags, paper bags, glass jars with tightly screwed lids.

Plastic bags or plastic containers are not suitable for these purposes, as drying can become moldy or insects may infest them. Bags of dried fruits are best stored in a dry, cool place protected from the sun. For example, in the pantry, but not in the refrigerator.

By drying fragrant apples for the winter, you can make delicious compote, porridge, and pies for your family. And just crunch some apple chips with hot tea.

The apple tree is one of the highest-yielding fruit and berry crops. There are often so many apples that even after making preserves, jellies or compotes, a couple of baskets of fragrant fruit remain. In this case, gardeners prefer to dry apples, and in winter cook them into compotes or add them to the filling for a sweet pie. How to dry apples to preserve maximum beneficial vitamins? There are several methods, each gardener will be able to choose the most suitable one for himself.

What apples can be dried?

Not all dried apples are tasty and aromatic. Sweet varieties of apples, for example, “Melba” or “Konfetnoe”, after drying become loose and a little bland, without a pronounced aroma. Therefore, it is better to leave such fruits for storage or cook compote, and for harvesting for the winter, choose sour or sweet and sour varieties:

  • "Antonovka",
  • "Anise",
  • "Borovik"
  • "Slav",
  • "Room Beauty"
  • "Granny Smith"

Even for further drying, you need to choose quality apples. Fruits that are rotten, wormy, or eaten by birds are not suitable. If there is only a small spot of rot, then you can use half the apple, cutting out the affected part and some healthy pulp. Selected fruits are thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and dried with a clean towel. Some gardeners prefer to peel apples, but it is better not to do this, because the peel contains most of the nutrients and vitamins that are preserved during careful drying. The type and shape of the slices depends on the cooking method, but most often they are rings or half rings, 5 mm thick; the core must be removed.

Apples consist of approximately 90% water, therefore, after drying 1 kg of fresh juicy fruits, the gardener receives only 100 g of dried fruits.

How to dry apples outdoors?

How to dry apples outside? This is the oldest and most common method, however, for those who do not have a suburban area, it is unlikely to be suitable. When harvesting fruits in this way, you need to choose dry and sunny weather. Apples are cut into slices and placed on wide baking sheets or a mesh, well-permeable surface (grid). First, place parchment paper on the baking sheets. Next, the apple slices are laid out on the surface in one layer. With this drying method, the half rings should be thin, no more than 4 mm. Cover the top of the baking sheets with a piece of gauze to prevent road dust and natural debris from settling on them. Apples must be in direct sunlight and not in the shade. The gardener may have to rearrange them several times during the day, choosing a lighted place on the site.

How to dry apples outdoors correctly? To harvest in this way, it is necessary to carefully monitor weather conditions. The air should not be humid, otherwise mold will appear on the product. For this reason, trays of fruit are placed in a dry and warm room at night. When choosing this harvesting method, you should take into account that this process is long and labor-intensive; apples must be dried in the open air for at least 5–7 days. However, fruits dried under natural conditions retain more vitamins and nutrients.

Technology for drying apples in the oven

To cook fruit in the oven, they can be cut into rings 6-7 mm thick. How to dry apples in the oven correctly? With this method of preparation, it is easy to overdry and spoil the product, so it is recommended to carefully study the preparation technology.

The oven must be preheated to such a temperature that the process of evaporating the liquid is as efficient as possible, but at the same time the fruits do not become covered with a hard crust. The optimal temperature is +50 °C. Next, you should prepare one or more baking sheets (the choice depends on the volume of the oven) and cover their bottoms with baking paper. Place the apple slices evenly and in one layer. Professionals advise drying fruits by opening the oven door slightly; this will ensure natural air circulation, which will have a beneficial effect on the evaporation of liquid. After an hour, it is recommended to swap the trays for more uniform heating, and after 2 hours, stir the apples. Now the air temperature in the oven should be increased to +70 °C and the door should be closed tightly.

How to dry apples and determine their readiness? After some time, you can notice that the slices have dried out and decreased in size by about 2 times. This means it’s time to lower the temperature to +50 °C. Now there is very little left - after 2–2.5 hours of simmering, the dried fruits will be ready. A properly prepared product is brownish in color and elastic. This can be checked by tearing the slice; the edges will become uneven and elongated. If the apple breaks easily in your hands, it means it is too dry. Such dried fruits do not have a good taste, but can be used to make compote.

How to dry apples in an electric dryer?

The process of preparing fruits in a specialized electric dryer is a little simpler; the gardener does not have to worry about them burning or drying out. The procedure takes at least 7–8 hours, just like in the oven.

How to dry apples in an electric dryer and what is required for this? The dryer consists of a block with a compressor, mesh trays and a lid. Depending on the configuration, the dryer may be equipped with other parts, for example, a fine mesh for drying berries. The temperature of the exhaust air can be adjusted, as a rule, the juicier the fruit, the higher the temperature should be set.

Apples are cut into slices and placed in containers. As a rule, the dryer is equipped with several such trays, which are installed on top of each other. The optimal temperature range is from +55 °C to +60 °C. During the drying process, it is recommended to stir the apples and, if possible, change containers.

How to dry apples naturally indoors?

Some chefs prefer the natural process of drying fruit, but it is not always possible to take trays of sliced ​​slices outside. How to dry apples at home? The fruits must be cut into rings, having first removed the middle, then string them onto a thick nylon thread. The thickness of the slices should be about 4–5 mm, since the drying process will be long. The string of apples must be hung in a dry and warm room, in city apartments, this is the kitchen. You can fasten the thread to the hooks and bring it closer to the ceiling, stretching it horizontally, and then evenly straightening the strung slices. In such conditions, the fruits will dry for at least 10 days.

Another way that will speed up the process a little is to dry the apples on a central heating radiator. To do this, plywood or thin boards are prepared, which should be 1.5 times wider than the battery. The slices are laid out on boards and waited for several days for them to dry naturally. The apples will need to be stirred periodically.

These methods of harvesting fruit are good only if there are few fruits. To prepare more dried fruits, it is recommended to use the methods mentioned above.

Video on how to dry apples

Should apples be washed before drying?

As before eating any fruit in its pure form, apple fruits need to rinse well in clean running water.

This way you will protect yourself and your family from germs and bacteria, which accumulate on the peel. Then the apples are left to dry for a short time before proceeding to the next stage - slicing.


What and how to remove from the fruit before drying?

Washed fruits will need to be inspected for damage, dents and holes left by insects.

It is not necessary to throw away the fruit if a trace of a worm was found on one side - carefully cut out the excess so that the surviving part of the apple remains.

If you plan to completely peel the fruit peel, core and tails, then stock up on special devices. For peeling, there is a razor knife for planing fruit.

Works on the same principle as regular razor– the peel of the fruit is “shaved” with smooth movements. The apple coring tool is self-explanatory. Passing from the tail to the other end of the apple, this knife carefully cuts out the middle of the fruit along with the seeds.

Does it need to be cleaned? skin from an apple before drying? It all depends on what recipes you need ready dried fruits. The peel will not interfere with the preparation of compotes and jelly, and only fully peeled fruits will be optimal for charlotte, jelly and other desserts.

Some believe that the peel will preserve the main a lot of nutrients, so it should not be cut off. And the peel itself is rich in calcium, phosphorus, antioxidants and vitamins A and C. However, it is important to consider where the fruit was purchased.

Store-bought apples with smooth, waxy skin not always useful. It is better to remove such skin.

Options for cutting shapes

How to cut apples for drying? There are a huge variety of shapes and sizes, starting from circles, slices, and ending with cubes. Regardless of what type of cutting you choose, try to make apple slices as identical as possible.

Such cutting of apples for drying will provide you with a supply of not only aesthetically attractive dried fruits, but will also guarantee that the apples dry quickly and evenly.

Can be cut small slices from a whole apple, holding it carefully in your free hand.

Gradually you will cut off most of the pulp from the fruit along with the peel, and all that remains is to throw out the core and tails.

In the event that there will be drying or the apples themselves will have to thread, the most profitable option would be rings or dense slices in the shape of a month.

Optimal slice sizes

How to cut apples for drying? Don't make slices too thin or thick. In the first case, the apples will dry out and turn into a tasteless film, and in the second, the drying process will be prolonged. If you cut the fruit on the rings, then make each one no more than half a centimeter thick. If the apples are too small, it is most convenient to cut them into quarters and slices approximately 5-7 mm.

Which method and should I save it? light shade of flesh from “rust”- this is an individual question. Depending on your means, the presence of citric acid in the house, etc., you can use these tips or dry the apples immediately after slicing.

On taste dried fruits will not be affected by natural color changes.

Oxidation protection

What to do to sliced ​​apples didn't darken? At least three different methods have been found to help preserve fruits from oxidation of iron in the pulp. The first and simplest is blanching. Bring a large pan of water to a boil, then cook the apple pieces in it for 2-3 minutes.

The second way is to use saline solution. For a 1% solution, it is enough to dilute 100 grams of iodized salt in a bucket of water (1 teaspoon per liter). After keeping the sliced ​​apples in this solution for several minutes, after drying you will get a product with a pleasant light yellow hue, like fresh apples.

The third way is to keep the apples in the solution for a couple of minutes citric, tartaric or acetic acid(2 grams per liter of cold water).

Another way - fumigation. Apples are usually fumigated with sulfur dioxide for no longer than 10 minutes.

An aqueous solution with 0.1 - 0.2% will give a similar effect sulfurous acid, for which 2-3 minutes will be more than enough.

If you treated apples with fumigation or sulfurous acid, ready-made dried fruits be sure to scald with boiling water before direct use.

What to cut with?

What knife should you use to cut apples for drying? Naturally, ideal for work sharpened knives, the handle of which fits easily and comfortably in the palm of your hand.

An ordinary kitchen knife from the range is quite suitable universal, however, if possible, purchase specialized knife – for sedum and cutting fruit.

They are small in size, with a flat or curved edge (a concave blade is most convenient), where part of the blade does not exceed 6-8 cm.

What devices are there for cutting apples for drying? In addition to the traditional method manually using a regular knife, they will help you cut apples special tools and devices.

One of them is mechanical device, which simultaneously peels and slices a whole apple into a thin spiral. Subsequently, the apple cut with this device can be easily divided into separate half rings.

Also designed for slicing apples knives in the form of a circle with blades going towards the center. The sharp blades have an additional circle inside, which simultaneously with cutting into equal slices removes the core.

For a dessert version of dried fruits, it would be a good idea to keep the apples in sweet water or sugar syrup.

Leave the already peeled and chopped apples in syrup in the refrigerator for the night, and by morning you can start drying.

Despite the abundance of models of vegetable cutters and fruit slicing devices, most often this is a mechanical device that Fits securely on the table(suction cup or clamp).

The apple is placed on special teeth, and a special side blade is pressed against its edge. With the help rotating handle The apple, as if on a spit, is gradually peeled, and at the same time can be cut into a spiral or equal parts.

How to use with a special machine for cutting apples for drying, you can learn from the video:

Watch also the video tutorial on how to use special device for slicing apples for drying:

Summing up

Preparing apples for drying will not take much of your time, and will only contribute to the preparation high-quality and tasty dried fruits.

Properly processed fruits by one method or another will not only retain their attractive appearance and beneficial properties, but also will be stored much longer than usual.

Large harvests of apples make them accessible to all segments of the population. People try to eat them not only fresh, but also to prepare them as much as possible for the winter: they make preserves, jams, and compotes. However, when cooked, apples lose most of their vitamins. If you want to preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible, it is better to prepare apples in the form of drying. Drying has many advantages:

There are many ways to dry apples. Modern housewives often use stoves. And yet, the method of drying fruits in open areas has been used for centuries due to its simplicity and accessibility.

Is it possible to dry apples in the sun? It is convenient to harvest dried fruits in the fresh air in those regions where summer is hot and dry. Autumn should also pamper you with sunny days and high enough air temperatures so that housewives can dry late varieties of apples.

The main advantage of this method of preparing dried fruits is that you can dry a large harvest of apples almost in one go. The main thing is that there is enough space to lay out the apples. In addition, this method saves energy.

Flaws drying apples in the fresh air:

  • need to protect drying apples from flies;
  • necessity hide at night drying: at this time the humidity is higher, dew falls in the morning, and the apples may disappear;
  • if the weather changes unexpectedly and it's going to rain, then the process will have to be interrupted and the apples dried at home.

Basic rules

It is advisable to process apples not all at once, but divide into portions(about half a bucket each).

In order to have time to complete all the necessary procedures before the slices are cut oxidize and darken. It is necessary to select ripe ones, preferably undamaged apples.

Let's consider basic rules drying apples on the street (for example, in the country):

  1. For drying outside you need to choose the right varieties: Golden winter parmen, Montuaner, Renet Orleans, Rosemary, Renet Simerenko, Antonovka, Aport, Pepin. All these varieties of apples are autumn and have a sweet and sour taste. Unlike sweet summer apples, when autumn varieties are dried, more dry pulp remains and the taste of dried fruit is more pronounced.
  2. Apples are necessary rinse thoroughly and wipe dry so that excess moisture does not delay the drying time.
  3. If the apples are purchased and you know that they have been processed several times chemicals, then it is better to remove the peel from the fruit. It is better not to cut off the peel of domestic apples unless it is hard. It is believed to contain many vitamins.
  4. Next, the apples are removed core. The easiest way to do this is to use a tube with sharp edges. If it is not there, then the apple is divided into four parts and the inedible part is removed with a knife.
  5. Cut the apples into slices using a slicer or a knife. no thicker than 1 cm.
  6. To save light shade Apple pulp and slices are kept in a saline solution for several minutes (100 g of salt is dissolved in a bucket of water).
  7. Processed apple slices are laid out in one layer on baking sheets or grids.
  8. Top with apple slices several layers of gauze in order to at least partially protect future dried fruits from flies and dust.
  9. Every day you need all the slices turn over.

Large apple slices can be strung on a strong thread or wooden sticks. In this case there will be no need everyday turning over lobes

At this stage, the preparatory work for drying apples is completed. Now you need to decide where it is best to place the baking sheets so that you get the most delicious and healthy dried fruits.


How to dry apples on the street or in the country. Let's look at several ways.

In the sun

How to properly dry apples in the sun? If you place baking sheets with apples in direct sunlight, drying the apples in the sun will take four to six days.

After which the baking sheets need to be kept for a few more days. in a dry, ventilated area until final drying.

No matter how hot the weather is, baking sheets are essential overnight. clean the room. Since air humidity rises significantly at night, all drying can go down the drain.

On hot days, apple slices quickly become dry, however, intense sun rays destroy some vitamins and organic compounds.

In the shadows

Apples can also be dried in the shade, it will take much longer, however, the resulting drying will be healthier than the one that was dried in the sun. Trays can be placed in the shade only on very hot summer days, when air humidity is low and the temperature is high.

It is advisable that the baking trays well blown by the wind. And it is imperative to turn the slices at least once a day, and hide the dryer in the house at night.

In the bathhouse

What to do with autumn apple varieties? The sun is shining, but it is no longer warm, and the air humidity is already high. If you have a sauna at your dacha, then you can not only take a steam bath in it, but also dry apples, while enjoying their aroma.

How is apples dried in a steam room? It is most convenient to arrange the apples cut into slices on a metal mesh or string on a strong thread. Attach the finished structure under the ceiling, closer to the stove. The bathhouse needs to be heated for 3-4 hours so that during this time the temperature does not drop below 90 degrees.

Then the stove can no longer be heated, the bathhouse will gradually cool down, and in the meantime the dryer will finish drying.

It is advisable to keep the finished drying for a few more days. in a dry, well-ventilated area.

The main thing is that the bathhouse is hot and dry.

If you constantly throw water on the stones, then humidity will rise to 80% and under such conditions it will no longer be possible to dry apples.

Are they dry or not?

Recommendations regarding the number of days required to dry apples are relative. It all depends on the temperature and humidity, as well as on the variety: summer apples dry out faster than autumn varieties. So how do you understand drying ready or not?

If the skin is on the apple slices darkened, and the pulp stopped sticking, then the drying is completely ready. You can also additionally check the readiness by pressing firmly on the pulp with your finger: if it is under your finger will not spread to the sides, which means the apples are already quite dry.

Dried apple slices should remain soft and bendable, otherwise they are overdried. IN overdried Apples retain fewer vitamins and nutrients.

The color of the dryer does not indicate its readiness. Summer varieties of apples are obtained lighter, winter – darker. The color of the pulp becomes lighter if the apples were treated in a saline solution at the preparatory stage.

How to store dried fruits?

Properly prepared drying is only half the battle. We still need it save until winter so that it does not become moldy or eaten by mice and insects. ? This simple matter has its own nuances:

Simple process requiring minimal quantities financial investments. If you do everything correctly, then dried apples will always delight you with their aroma and taste on cold winter days, they will help diversify the table with compotes and pies.

At regular consumption of dried apples you can improve your metabolism and increase your body's resistance to colds.

Unfortunately, many types of delicacies revered by our ancestors have been forgotten. For example, dried fruits. At first glance, it would seem that there is nothing so special about such a simple product. But dried fruits in confectionery and drinks are delicious, and there are so many vitamins that you still need to look for another product with such a set. In addition, there is nothing complicated about how to dry apples in the oven of a gas stove, in a microwave, in an electric dryer and wherever else they can be dried.

If possible, it is better to take proven, personally grown fruits; if not, then buy them. Again, better from the garden. The store is also not bad, but you will have to peel the “official” fruits. You never know what kind of chemical treatment there was. By variety, the best for “dry” preparations are: Aport, Antonovka, Anis, Titovka, Borovik or Slavyanka, Renet, Semerenko, Montuaner.

But, again, the best variety is the variety preferred by each individual. The main thing is that the apples meet certain criteria. Were:

  • fully mature;
  • moderately sweet with a slight sourness;
  • not tart;
  • with juicy, medium-density pulp;
  • no signs of illness.

The color of the peel does not matter. Before drying apples at home, you don’t have to peel the peel on fruits from your own garden.

The size of the fruit also does not affect the quality and taste. The only thing is that sizing the apples will be necessary before cutting so that the pieces turn out to be approximately the same size, which in turn will make it possible to dry everything within the same time.

Some people prefer to take fruits from the tree for drying. The pad doesn't seem to fit. This is nonsense. Even a fruit from a tree that is healthy and ripe will still have to be peeled and cut. Why lose a quality “product”? By the way, it is better not to use summer varieties for drying. Most of them have an increased amount of moisture.


Any type of drying, like drying apples in a microwave, oven or in the air, involves preparing the necessary tools, materials and fruits. You will need:

  • container for harvesting (buckets, bags, bags);
  • a bucket for processing cut pieces;
  • knife for slicing and coring;
  • you may need a special device in the form of a tube to remove the core from a whole apple, if the pieces need to be obtained in the form of “bagels”;
  • salt or citric acid.
  • unlimited water.
  1. All collected fruits are thoroughly washed in running water, calibrated, dried or wiped with a cloth.
  2. The core is removed either with a tube or with a knife. Depends on your wishes.
  3. Pieces up to 1 centimeter thick are cut (a thickness of 5 millimeters is considered ideal). The cut is thick enough not to fall apart and thin enough to dry quickly.
  4. The next stage is color preservation. This is at the request of those who prefer light, rather than dark, rich decoctions. This is done using a weak solution of salt or citric acid. Everything cut is poured into a bucket with the prepared solution for 2-3 minutes. Sometimes it is recommended to preserve color using sulfuric acid. It’s probably possible to do this, but why use chemicals when there are natural ingredients (salt, lemon). After the procedure, it is useful to immediately lay out the cuttings not in a place to dry, but on a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.

In the case where it is intended to preserve color, you need to cut no more than half a bucket in volume, so that the pulp does not have time to darken, or, if the work is done slowly, until the color of the pulp changes.

And one more thing - don’t forget to prepare the container. Before drying apples in the oven of a gas stove, you need to prepare metal baking sheets. Sheets made of any material are suitable for natural drying.

Drying methods

There are several ways to bring fresh chopped apples to the desired condition. There are methods that are simple to implement but take a long time. And there are fast ones, but expensive or somewhat technologically complex. Let's look at the main ones.

Air drying

A classic way to prepare dried fruits. All work is done without prejudice to other matters. Fresh slices are laid out on trays in one layer, not thickly. There are no trays, the pieces can be strung on a rope or wooden rod. Then there are two options: you can dry the apples in the sun, or in the shade.

In the first case, the summer should be hot, without rain. Future dried fruits are covered with gauze or a very fine fly net. They are exposed to the sun during the day, and removed indoors at night or when it rains. After 4 days, the finished products can be stored.

Drying in a shaded place assumes the same “production” conditions in terms of weather, temperature and humidity, plus good ventilation. However, more time is needed here - from 7 to 10 days. Do not forget to move the slices both in the sun and in the shade so that they do not stick together.

Drying in a gas oven

Drying apples at home in a stove takes from 6 to 9 hours. The whole procedure is divided into 3 stages.

  1. The slices are placed on a baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 50º-55ºС for 2 hours. The door is left slightly open to better remove evaporated moisture.
  2. After 2 hours, the dried pieces are turned over, the temperature is increased to 70ºC, and the oven door is closed.
  3. After reducing the total volume by 2 times, the temperature again drops to 50ºС. All you have to do is wait for it to be ready.

A question may arise about what signs to use to determine readiness. The question is correct, it will be considered after describing all the methods for preparing dried fruits.

Drying in an electric oven

Essentially, drying apples in a ventilated oven is the same process, but with its own nuances.

  1. In an electric oven with built-in ventilation, the doors do not need to be opened slightly.
  2. The primary temperature is set to about 50ºС.
  3. At the second stage it rises to 80-90ºС.
  4. On the third day it drops again to 50ºС.

According to the layout. Instead of a baking sheet in an electric oven, it is more advisable to use a wire rack. On the grill, hot air will “flow around” the slices from all sides.

Drying in the microwave or air fryer

The fastest way to prepare dried fruits is to dry apples in the microwave or air fryer. The method is simple, all the work takes time to drink coffee.

  1. The slices are laid out on a plate.
  2. The plate is placed in the microwave.
  3. The power is set to 200-250 W.
  4. The time is set to 3 minutes.

Everything can be taken out. But as always, you can’t do without nuances. Since the amount of moisture in the pieces depends on the variety and can vary, drying apples in the microwave should be done in stages. Set the timer not for 3 minutes, but for 30 seconds, so that the oven can be opened and checked for the degree of readiness of the slices.

Drying in an electric fruit dryer

What is advantageous about this method is that it does not require a separate baking sheet. Fruits are placed in the unit on the built-in mesh, the required mode is set, a little wait (about 8 hours), the dried fruits are ready in the electric dryer. What if the model is outdated, without designation of the type of fruit? Then the temperature is manually set to 70ºС. And one more note. In any model, the cutting in the lower tray should not reach the top.

When are dried fruits ready and how to store them later?

The finished product is checked by touch and visually. You can try it.

Prepared slices:

  • should all be the same shade;
  • do not push through;
  • do not stick together;
  • have elasticity, do not break.

The answer to the question of how to store dried apples at home is simple. Dried fruits are stored in fabric bags, cardboard boxes or glass containers with a lid, in a dry place.

Delicious recipes from dried apples

Shortcrust pastry cakes with dried fruits

For the filling you need:

  • a glass of dried fruits;
  • a glass of walnuts;
  • 250 grams of jam;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 2 egg whites.

A shortcrust pastry crust is baked. Dried fruits are kept in boiling water for 20 minutes. All solid ingredients are crushed. The whites and sugar are whipped into foam. The still warm cake is spread with egg whites, sprinkled with crushed goodies, and put into the oven until the egg whites are browned. Jam is used to spread the raw crust before baking. As you can see, dried apples really complement the recipe, making it much tastier and more interesting.


You will need:

  • liter of water;
  • about 100 grams of dried fruits (including apples);
  • one or two cloves (to taste);
  • 1 teaspoon ginger, cut into small squares;
  • 5-6 rose hips;
  • 50 grams of honey.

Place everything except honey into the water at once. Cook for 15 minutes. Add honey, stir, hide the saucepan under the blanket for half an hour. Sbiten is delicious both warm and cold.

That's all. The main methods of preparing dried fruits are discussed. Which one to choose, fast and expensive or slow and cheap, everyone will decide for themselves. In any case, if the “production” technology is followed, there will always be a bag of tasty and healthy dried fruits in the house.
