
Which cream is best for sponge cake? What delicious cream to prepare for sponge cakes

An experienced housewife prepares delicious cakes from absolutely any products that are in the house. Sometimes she doesn’t even use an exact recipe, but improvises “as the play progresses.” A novice cook is trying to bake her first cake, strictly following the instructions and weighing the ingredients down to the milligram. And how disappointing it can be when the planned cake doesn’t work out. Today we will talk about sponge cake, or rather about the cream for it. The taste and beauty of the cut cake largely depends on the latter.

Types of creams for sponge cake

You can layer the sponge cake with absolutely any cream. It is worth considering that:

  • if the cream is liquid (classic custard), then the sponge cake will turn out wet;
  • If the cream is denser (classic butter), the cake will turn out to be a bit dry.

It is best for a sponge cake to use custard cream and add butter or regular butter to it, but first soak the sponge cake with some syrup. You can add powdered nuts, berries from jam, lemon zest or candied fruits cut into small cubes to all creams.

Creams for sponge cake based on butter

For cream, you need to take only the best quality oil. Under no circumstances should you use the so-called “spread” - a mixture of butter and vegetable oil. With such a product the cream simply will not work.

Classic white cream

  • Soften 300 g of butter to a very thick sour cream.
  • Place the butter in a mixer bowl and beat until fluffy.
  • After the butter turns white, add 250 g of condensed milk. Pour in the milk in small portions and whisk the cream all the time.

Cream based on boiled condensed milk

  • Place a sealed can of condensed milk in a saucepan and fill it with water. Bring the water to a boil and cook the condensed milk for 4-5 hours.
  • When the can of condensed milk has cooled, open it.
  • Beat 300 g of soft butter with a mixer.
  • Place boiled condensed milk into the whipped fluffy butter and beat the cream until it increases in volume.

It is very good to add powdered walnuts to this cream. You will need half a standard glass.

Coffee cream

  • Prepare classic white cream. Take 50 g more oil.
  • At the very end, with the last portion of condensed milk, pour 80 ml of very strong sweet coffee into the mixer bowl. Mix the cream until the color is uniform.

Creams for sponge cake based on milk - custard

Custards for biscuits require the presence of a large amount of butter. In this case, the softened butter is introduced into the cream only after the latter has completely cooled. If you do not adhere to this strict rule, the butter in the cream will melt and the cream will turn out to be very liquid. Milk-based creams are best flavored with vanilla sugar or lemon essence.

Cream with milk and yolks

  • Grind 2 raw egg yolks with 1.5 cups of sugar.
  • 2 tbsp. l. mix flour with 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Pour half a glass of cold milk over the dry ingredients. Mix well.
  • Bring 1.5 cups of milk to almost a boil and add the yolks with sugar and a mixture of flour with sugar and milk. When introducing the cream, stir vigorously with a whisk so that it does not burn.
  • When the cream thickens greatly, remove it from the heat.
  • Let the cream cool. To prevent a hard crust from forming on the cream, cover it with cling film and press it down with your hand so that it lies directly on the cream.
  • After the cream becomes cold, beat it with soft butter (200 g).

Cream based on store-bought semi-finished product

A wonderful cream for sponge cakes is obtained from custard, which is sold dry in any store.

  • Cook the cream, strictly following the instructions on the package.
  • Cool the cream under cling film.
  • Add 200 g of soft butter into it and beat well with a mixer.

French cream Charlotte for sponge cake

This cream is quite labor-intensive to make, but with it, even from a ready-made store-bought sponge cake, you can make an amazing cake. Just don’t forget to soak the biscuit in sweet syrup with the addition of a tablespoon of cognac or liqueur. How to prepare French cream:

  • Heat 0.5 cups of milk and add 6 tbsp. l. sugar and a packet of vanilla sugar. Bring sweet milk to a boil.
  • Beat 6 yolks with a quarter glass of cold milk.
  • Pour the beaten yolks with milk into a deep ladle and pour hot sweet milk into it. Mix the mixture very quickly with a whisk and place the ladle on very low heat.
  • Constantly stir the cream with a whisk and do not let it boil. As soon as the cream thickens greatly and air bubbles begin to form in it, remove the ladle from the heat.
  • Let the cream cool and only then add 300 g of softened butter and 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder. Beat the cream with a mixer.

The biscuit goes very well with regular sour cream (100 grams of thick sour cream whipped with 100 grams of sugar). If there are no products for cream in the house, then the sponge cake can be spread with any thick jam. Apricot or peaches are best suited for these purposes.

  • Ingredients:
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 500 ml. cream 30% fat
  • 200 gr. prunes
  • 150 ml. liqueur
  • This is one of my favorite creams, it is tender, tasty and very quick to prepare. In addition, the taste of buttercream can be changed by combining it with prunes or jam. I want to tell you how to prepare butter cream and how to make the filling with a unique accent of prunes.
  • To make the cake filling tasty, it is advisable to soak the prunes the night before. To do this, take prunes and remove the pits. Using a knife or kitchen scissors, chop the prunes.
  • Pour the chopped pulp with Amaretto liqueur or any other fruit liqueur. If you are preparing the filling for children's cakes, then despite the fact that the alcohol in the cake is not felt at all, it is still better to replace the liqueur with sweet syrup or just water.
  • Place the prunes in the refrigerator to steep overnight.
  • The next day, grind the swollen prunes and liqueur in a blender. It is not at all necessary to grind until smooth. The mass may contain small pieces of prunes and the consistency should resemble not very dense jam. If there is not enough liquid, then add a little more liqueur or just sweet syrup.
  • Separately, whip the chilled cream in a clean bowl. The cream can be whipped either using a mixer or the long-proven method - by hand. Start beating at the lowest speed, gradually adding sugar. Beat until a stable cream is obtained.
  • The filling ingredients - whipped cream and prunes are ready. Now the most interesting thing awaits us - we will assemble the sponge cake.
  • Place the first layer of cake on a cake plate or large dish. Lubricate it with prune mass, and apply 1/3 of the whipped cream on top.
  • Place the second cake layer, grease it with prunes and cream on top. For the third cake, we repeat all operations.
  • Using a long knife, smooth the surface of the cream so that the sponge cake turns out smooth and beautiful. Decorate the cake with candied fruits or fresh fruits, sprinkle with grated chocolate on the sides.
  • That's it, our unique sponge cake is ready. We put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it soaks a little. It turns out very tasty if you make a sponge cake with cream and raspberry jam. Be sure to try it!

Butter cream for sponge cake with cocoa

  • Ingredients:
  • 2 tbsp. sugar or powdered sugar
  • 500 ml. cream 25-30% fat
  • 3 tbsp. cocoa
  • Plain buttercream and cocoa buttercream are a great combination for any sponge cake. These two creams are the same in structure, but different in taste and color, which allows you to play and get different effects.
  • To obtain buttercream with cocoa, first add cocoa to the cooled cream. Mix and taste. Due to the fact that pure cocoa is now very rare and mainly cocoa powder with sugar and other additives is sold, the amount of cocoa will need to be adjusted. If the taste of cocoa is weak, then add a little more cocoa until the desired result is obtained.
  • Start whipping the cream at low speed. We use a frame mixer. Gradually add sugar.
  • Whip until we get a fairly thick cream. Cocoa buttercream whips much faster than regular buttercream, so it's important not to overdo it. Cream in which pieces of butter have begun to form and whey has begun to separate is no longer suitable for cake.
  • Lubricate the cakes with the finished cream, not forgetting to first soak them in sweet syrup or liqueur.
  • We decorate our biscuit using a culinary syringe.

Chocolate glaze for sponge cake

  • Ingredients:
  • 150 gr. dark chocolate
  • 150 ml. cream
  • This is the simplest and fastest cream for sponge cake that you can think of, and what is most important - it is fail-safe, it turns out almost always. By the way, it is also very tasty, goes great with regular and chocolate sponge cake. To make this chocolate cream, all you need is chocolate and cream. If there is no cream, then milk and a piece of butter will perfectly replace them.
  • So, heat the cream (100 ml of milk and 50 grams of butter) to a boil. There is no need to boil, just bring to a boil and turn off the heat.
  • While stirring, melt the chocolate pieces in the hot cream. As a result, we get a very beautiful and tasty cream that quickly becomes thick.
  • We grease the layers of sponge cake with this chocolate cream, decorate the cake and hide it in the refrigerator.
  • For more details on how to prepare chocolate cream (glaze), read the step-by-step recipe for chocolate glaze.

Condensed milk cake cream

  • Ingredients:
  • 200 gr. butter
  • 200 gr. condensed milk
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. liqueur (optional)
  • But this condensed milk cream is well known to everyone from the distant Soviet times, when cream and chocolate were either a great luxury or a big shortage, but this butter and condensed milk cream is just that: fast, affordable and reliable! It always works, even from margarine, but I don’t recommend using margarine, otherwise it will taste like margarine))).
  • So, beat the butter heated to room temperature with a mixer.
  • Without turning off the mixer, gradually pour in the condensed milk.
  • To make the cake cream taste richer, you can add a little liqueur.
  • For more details on how to prepare a delicious cake cream from condensed milk and butter, see the step-by-step recipe.

  • Ingredients:
  • 250 gr. butter
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • 2 eggs
  • vanilla
  • cognac
  • A very delicate and tasty cream, consists of two components: the custard part and the butter part. It is not difficult to prepare, but requires consistent execution of the recipe. Used for biscuits and other cakes, it is the main cream in the Kiev cake. Let's look

  • Ingredients:
  • 200 gr. butter
  • 4 tbsp. powdered sugar
  • 4 tbsp. condensed milk
  • cocoa
  • cognac
  • Excellent cream, holds its shape well, suitable both for filling sponge cakes and for leveling the surface of the cake. Also used for cake decoration, easy to work with. Check out the step-by-step recipe for chocolate cream.

  • Ingredients:
  • 130 gr. milk
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 2 yolks
  • 50 gr. Sahara
  • 50 gr. hazelnuts
  • 1 packet vanilla
  • 10 gr. starch
  • Beat milk, egg yolks, sugar, starch and vanilla in a blender until smooth.
  • In a water bath, heat the mixture almost to a boil. At the same time, stir the mixture with a wooden spatula all the time.
  • When the cream thickens, add finely ground hazelnuts. Stir and remove from heat. Let the cream cool properly.
  • Beat the butter in a blender at maximum speed. Then add cold cream to the butter in portions. Continue whisking until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  • Lubricate the soaked sponge cakes with nut cream. Instead of hazelnuts, you can put peeled and grated almonds or grated walnuts.

  • Ingredients:
  • 800 gr. full fat sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. sugar or powdered sugar
  • For the cream we take fresh fatty sour cream, non-acidic. Start beating with a mixer.
  • Gradually add powdered sugar or sugar. Beat until the cream is smooth.
  • Spread the cakes with sour cream. Cream is used for biscuits and other cakes, for example, for Honey cake.

Custard for sponge cake

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1l. milk
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • vanilla
  • Custard for sponge cake is prepared in the same way as cream for Napoleon cake. Bring the milk to a boil and then turn it off.
  • Beat the eggs by hand or in a blender, add sugar and flour.
  • Pour the egg mixture into the milk, which has cooled to 80°C, in a thin stream. Stirring continuously with a wooden spatula, heat the cream until thickened. Boil for a couple of minutes and turn off.
  • Let the cream cool slightly, then add vanilla and butter. Beat the cream well with a broom. Grease the biscuit cakes with the prepared custard.

Coffee cream for biscuits

  • Coffee cream for sponge cake is prepared according to the same procedure as vanilla cream. The only difference is that when preparing the egg-milk mixture, we do not add 100 ml. milk, and 50 ml. In addition, pour in 50 g of freshly prepared strong natural coffee. Bring the mixture to almost a boil, add gelatin, and then cool. Add whipped cream to the cooled mixture in the same way.

Vanilla cream for sponge cake

  • Ingredients:
  • 200 g cream 30% fat
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 100 g milk
  • 2 yolks
  • 10 g gelatin
  • vanillin
  • Soak gelatin in cold water or milk.
  • Grind the yolks and sugar thoroughly in an enamel bowl, and then add warm boiled milk.
  • Stirring continuously, heat the mixture to 80°C. Do not bring the mixture to a boil. Combine the egg-milk mixture with gelatin. After the gelatin is completely dissolved, add vanillin, stir thoroughly, and then leave to cool to 25°C.
  • Beat the chilled cream with a mixer until a thick, fluffy mass is formed.
  • Combine the whipped cream with the cooled egg-milk mixture. We grease the sponge cakes with the finished cream, which we pre-soak with any sweet syrup or liqueur.

Strawberry cream for sponge cake

  • Ingredients:
  • 200 g strawberries
  • 150 g cream 30% fat
  • 80 g sugar
  • 100 ml. milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 10g. gelatin

P.S. With each of these creams the sponge cake turns out delicious in its own way. Which one to choose depends on personal taste and preferences.

  • Grind the yolks and some of the sugar thoroughly, and then pour in warm milk. Stirring constantly, heat the mixture until thick.
  • Pour gelatin diluted in water or milk and cool the egg-milk mixture.
  • Whip the cream with the remaining sugar, add the egg-milk mixture, and then mashed fresh strawberries.
  • Use the resulting strawberry cream to grease the sponge cakes, which should preferably be soaked in sweet strawberry juice.

Bon appetit! Delicious and healthy recipes from Alena Khokhlova

- which one to choose, because there are so many of them? And how to make sure it works?! We'll help you choose and teach you how to cook!

Hi all! Those who are just starting to make cakes often ask me: “What cream is suitable for this sponge cake? What do you recommend? So, to make it easier for everyone, I decided to create this article and describe here, of course, not all, but many creams that go well with sponge cakes.

What should the cream be like to “fit well” with the biscuit? Based on my experience, I will say: it must be quite stable in order to confidently stay inside. Too liquid cream will flow out under the weight of the cakes, especially if they are heavy, well-soaked, or prepared with natural butter, with chocolate, etc. However, the cream for the layer should not be too dense (as for leveling), otherwise it will be dry and, perhaps, , not gentle enough. The golden mean is what we need!)

All recipes, as always, have been repeatedly tested by me personally, as well as by site readers. They are guaranteed to work. However, the creams, of course, taste different, and I will try to describe the features of each as objectively as possible, so that you can understand as clearly as possible what you will get and make the right choice. After all, to each his own.

So, let's go!

Cream cheese, or cheese cream

Roughly speaking, there are two cream cheeses: and. For the filling inside the cake, I recommend using. better suited for leveling a cake: in general, both of these creams are stable, but they are stronger with butter.

Today, cream cheese is one of the most beloved creams by both confectioners and their clients. He's really good. It behaves obediently in cakes and goes well with fruits, berries, caramel, condensed milk and any other additives. Quick and easy to prepare. There are a million options for proportions. It seems like there are so many confectioners, so many proportions) The ones I use are . But you can add more cream and also play with the amount of powdered sugar.

If you have never tried cream cheese, then I must warn you: the taste of the cream has a slight salty tint due to the actual cheese from which it is made. Many people really like this taste: salt seems to set off, emphasizes the sweetness of everything else, it sounds very piquant) Unusual, surprising, fresh, if you like. But for some it is so unusual that it causes rejection. Therefore, cream cheese has both ardent fans and opponents, those who categorically do not like it. If you have tried cheesecake, in a cafe or at a party, but a real one, made with cheese and not cottage cheese, then the taste of cream cheese will be familiar to you.

As for the cheese. Of course, for cream cheese it is not “Rossiysky”, not “Poshekhonsky”, not “Yantar” cheese or even “Omichka”, but curd cheese like “Philadelphia”. True, this particular brand cannot be found in Russia today, and confectioners take available analogues: “Hochland”, “Violetta”, “Kremette”, “Kaymak”, etc. This is not processed cheese! This is cream cheese, that is, without additives like dill, tomatoes, etc. Some people make it with ricotta, but, as for me, this is something else, not cream cheese. Yes, curd cheese from different manufacturers differs slightly in consistency, degree of salinity, color and other characteristics, so you may have to try several different cheeses to choose the one that best suits you.

You can also add a few spoons of fruit or berry puree, good cocoa powder, melted chocolate or chocolate chips to standard cream cheese. You will now have a new cream) Do not overdo it: two or three tbsp. l. will be sufficient.

Mascarpone cream

Another wonderful cream, also based on cheese, although now it’s mascarpone. As you know, its taste is delicate, delicate, exceptionally creamy. This cheese is not salty, but rather, on the contrary, slightly sweetish, closer to neutral. So it turns out the most delicate and super creamy! I love him very much and can recommend him with a clear conscience. The cream behaves perfectly in a cake, especially if you assemble the cake in a ring and leave it to stabilize overnight. However, I recommend collecting all cakes only in a ring and be sure to give them time to settle, at least a few hours, or better yet, overnight.

The main rule for preparing this cream is that the cheese and cream must come directly from the refrigerator! Otherwise the cream may separate. Just as in the previous case, you can add fruit and berry puree to the cream, the berries themselves or pieces of fruit, various syrups, nuts (better caramelized, they will crunch better), melted chocolate, chocolate chips or cocoa powder. Experiment!

But keep in mind that it is better to lightly boil the puree with sugar and cool it, and only then add it to the cream, this way the cream will be safer, and with it the cake will have a longer shelf life. Raw berries and fruits turn sour quite quickly inside the cake, so if you add them, keep in mind that the cake will need to be eaten as soon as it sits, that is, literally within a few hours! Better yet, add canned fruits or boil fresh ones with sugar for just a few minutes, cool and only then use for the cake.

Proportions and technology for preparing cream in pictures -.

Sour cream

Another great cream for your sponge cakes!

It is very easy to make, but you need to prepare: there must be sour cream! Only with such sour cream the cream will be strong, stable and will stick perfectly inside the cake. If you use regular sour cream, unweighed, even with high fat content (in our stores the maximum is 30%), the cream will be liquid and can only be used for cakes with a large number of thin cakes such as or. Such cream will not hold between sponge cakes. But based on weighed sour cream, the cream turns out, although delicate, but quite suitable for a sponge cake. Moreover, you remember: you need to assemble the cake in a ring and give it time to brew in the refrigerator for at least several hours. During this time, the cream will get stronger and will not go anywhere.

Cream Sundae

It was under this name that I once found this cream. This is exactly what I remembered, wrote down, tried and later published here. Out of habit. But in fact, the more accurate name is sour cream custard. Why am I focusing on this? The fact is that, judging by my blogging experience, this cream does not remind everyone of ice cream (and I don’t want your expectations to be deceived), which, of course, does not in any way detract from its other advantages. And there really are a lot of them! Thanks to a decent amount of butter, the cream is stable enough for both filling the cake and for the outer coating. It can be used both for a multi-layer honey cake and for a sponge cake, suitable for both vanilla and chocolate cakes, and can be combined with any additives. The taste of sour cream is quite noticeable, as is the taste of butter, so all products must be of the highest quality! No spreads, margarines or cheap “type of oils”, no sour cream products, only natural, fresh ingredients. As much as you can find.

Detailed recipe and cooking technology with photos - .

Cream Charlotte

But this cream is a real oil cream. But for oil it’s very good! Of course, if you use only high-quality products and, first of all, real butter, and not margarine or an incomprehensible product that says butter, but in reality it is something terrible with an oil smell.

Charlotte cream is a Soviet heritage, it was used in many confectionery products of those years, for example, in the famous. But you, of course, can use it for other cakes, those that you come up with yourself.

What is so attractive about any buttercream? It sets very quickly in the refrigerator, and the cake with it turns out strong, which is very good for transportation and creating complex designs, so-called 3D cakes. If you have noticed, American and Australian confectioners almost always use buttercream to layer the cake layers, even if it is something other than Charlotte. Firstly, apparently, they taste so good, and in general - this is how it is, and secondly, it’s really convenient to work with butter cream: the cake comes together quickly and even without a ring, it doesn’t need to be infused, there is practically no shrinkage, I kept it in the refrigerator for an hour and can be leveled.

But it has one minus, but it is significant: not everyone likes this cream, it’s still too greasy. And speaking specifically about Charlotte, it’s sweet too. However, according to my observations, lovers of those old, Soviet pastries are simply delighted with it!

Tip: be sure to add cognac! Just believe me: it will be much tastier and more aromatic.

Swiss meringue buttercream

This cream, of course, is more suitable for leveling cakes, but, as I already wrote, if for some reason you want to use butter cream for filling a cake, then you can easily use this one. The taste is like butter cream, and that says it all. However, you can add cocoa powder or berry puree to it, it will be more interesting. And also, don’t neglect the cognac, the taste of the cream will greatly benefit from this, and you increase the shelf life a little.

Chocolate ganache

One of my favorite creams, if, of course, you can call it that, because the word “filling” is more suitable. After all, you can fill anything with ganache: cake, cupcakes, macarons and any other cakes, sweets, etc. Ganache can also be used to level the cake. It's all a matter of proportions; they will be different for each type of product and the chocolate itself.

I'm already talking about ganache. Even though the article was written a long time ago, I still completely agree with it, the main thing is true. But the proportions - I repeat! - will differ depending on what exactly we are preparing. In general, you can invent your own, in which the ganache will completely suit you in taste, consistency and behavior. The main thing to remember is that the more cream and less chocolate, the less strong the ganache will be. For leveling, you need a stronger ganache; for filling, a more delicate one is suitable.

For example, to at least have something to focus on. For the inside of the cake, I can recommend 1:1 for milk chocolate, 1:1.5 (chocolate-cream) for dark and 1.5:1 for white. This is for relatively dense fillings. In fact, you can take a lot, just significantly less chocolate! Just beat it well afterwards! Then, most likely, it will not be ganache, but cream stabilized with chocolate; it will be tender with a light chocolate taste. Less strong, of course, but very tasty, as I like to say - like melted ice cream. But it all depends on what else you have in the cake, how sweet and dense your cakes are, etc. So don’t take these words as truth, just experiment!) After all, if you decide to come up with your own cake, then you need to be prepared to samples and to the fact that you will not immediately find your ideal relationships between the components!

Well, one more piece of advice, or rather a rule: be sure to let the ganache sit in the refrigerator for several hours. So, by the way, you will see what it will be like in the cake. If it is too dense, you can add cream and a little butter (it will add plasticity).

That's all for today!)

I think you can already choose from this list cream for sponge cake, which suits you!

I don’t recommend using meringues, even if they are stable, for filling the cake. Who doesn’t know, it’s just the name that’s so interesting; in fact, it’s a well-known protein custard. It is still too dry to be inside the cake, so it is good to use for finishing.

However, there are many more creams that are perfect for sponge cake, and I will definitely talk about them in one of my next articles.

Stay tuned!) And happy creativity to you!

Delicious cream for sponge cake is the main component of a festive dessert. Even perfect cakes can easily be ruined by unsuccessful impregnation. The best recipes for cream for biscuit treats are published below.

Ingredients: liter of full-fat cow's milk, 2.5 tbsp. spoons of high-grade flour, vanilla sugar to taste and a glass of regular white, half a standard stick of butter, 5 tablespoons of eggs.

  1. The eggs with all the dry ingredients are beaten until smooth. There should not be even the smallest lumps left in the mixture.
  2. Cold milk is poured into the pan with the whipped ingredients. The mixture is cooked with constant stirring for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Melted butter is added to the almost finished cream.

All that remains is to beat the treat with a mixer at the slowest speed.

Sour cream recipe

Ingredients: 260 ml of medium fat sour cream, a full glass of regular sugar (with a slide) and a bag of vanilla, 1 teaspoon of thickener.

  1. To prepare the simplest sour cream for sponge cake, you need to place the pre-chilled dairy product in a deep bowl.
  2. The sour cream is whipped with a mixer at the slowest speed and, at the same time, granulated sugar is poured into it in a thin stream. Its crystals should completely dissolve in the mass.
  3. Add aromatic vanilla sugar. The mixture continues to be whipped until thick.
  4. If the consistency of the cream does not suit the owner, you can correct the situation with a thickener. But this is not a mandatory step at all. After adding the thickener, the mass is whipped again.

After coating the cakes with this cream for high-quality impregnation, they should stand for at least 5-6 hours.

Curd cream for cake

Ingredients: 80 g butter, 440 g powdered sugar, a pinch of vanilla extract (5-7 g), 320 g low-fat cottage cheese.

  1. Using a mixer at low speed, combine the melted butter, mashed cottage cheese and vanilla extract. The mass is whipped until it becomes fluffy and as homogeneous as possible.
  2. Next, the mixer is replaced with a spoon. Powdered sugar is poured into the mixture in minimal portions. After this, beating with a mixer is repeated. You need to operate the device for at least 2.5-3 minutes.

This recipe makes the curd cream for the sponge cake very airy and light.

Protein layer for cake

Ingredients: 120 ml of filtered water, a faceted glass of granulated sugar, whites from 3 chicken eggs of category C1, 1 tbsp. spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  1. First, the sand is filled with the specified amount of water. Cook sugar syrup in a saucepan over low heat. When it is completely ready, you can easily roll the mass into a ball.
  2. At the same time, beat the egg whites until they form a thick foam. Citrus juice is added to them.
  3. Immediately after removing from the heat, the syrup is added to the whipped whites with constant stirring.
  4. Next, you need to continue whisking the mixture until it cools completely. You can speed up the process by placing the container with the cream in a bowl of ice water.

As soon as the mixture has cooled, you can coat the cakes with it.

Yogurt cream for sponge cake

Ingredients: 420 ml of any low-fat yogurt, ¾ standard glass of boiled cold water, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of gelatin powder, half a glass of berry syrup or liquid jam.

  1. The gelatin is poured with water, stirred well and left to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Usually the packaging contains detailed instructions on how to dilute it correctly.
  2. The swollen product is transferred to a saucepan, filled with syrup or jam and heated over low heat. You need to constantly stir the ingredients and make sure that all the grains dissolve.
  3. The mass, which has cooled to approximately body temperature, is combined with yogurt and actively whisked with a whisk.

The cakes, greased with the resulting yogurt cream, should stand at room temperature for a couple of hours.

How to cook with chocolate?

Ingredients: 2 standard glasses of full-fat milk, 1 full glass of granulated sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of dark cocoa powder, 2 tbsp. spoons of high-grade flour, 2/3 of a standard stick of butter.

  1. First, mix all the dry ingredients in a saucepan.
  2. Little by little, cold milk is added to the bulk products. Each time a thick mass is mixed, which must be gradually diluted with liquid.
  3. The saucepan is placed over medium heat. Its contents are brought to a boil with constant stirring.
  4. When the mass has cooled a little, oil is added to it.

The finished chocolate cream must be cooled completely before use.

Butter cream for sponge cake

Ingredients: 1.5 standard packs of softened butter, 220 g of powdered sugar, 120 ml of full-fat milk, a pinch of vanillin.

  1. The milk is poured into a large saucepan and brought to a boil. Next, the liquid should be cooled to approximately room temperature. If a pasteurized dairy product is used, this step can be ignored.
  2. Vanillin and powder are poured into the cooled liquid. Add slightly softened butter. The mixture must be whipped for 3-4 minutes until smooth and airy.

To make the buttercream thick and very tender, you need to choose high-quality fatty oil for it.

Original lemon layer

Ingredients: ¼ teaspoon vanilla seeds, 1.5 standard glasses of filtered water, 4 tbsp. spoons of corn starch, 80 g of butter, 3 large lemons, 4 yolks of chicken eggs, a full glass of granulated sugar, a pinch of table salt.

  1. The first thing to do is deal with the lemons. They get rid of the zest, which is rubbed on a fine grater. The juice is also carefully squeezed out of citrus fruits.
  2. Mix cornstarch and sugar in a saucepan. Add lemon zest and vanilla seeds.
  3. Water and fruit juice are poured into the mixture. The saucepan is placed over medium heat, where its contents are brought to a boil.
  4. The egg yolks are stirred with a whisk. Half of the mixture from the previous step is added to them with vigorous stirring.
  5. The mass is sent to the saucepan with the remaining ingredients, brought to a boil and cooked for 3-4 minutes until thickened.
  6. After removing from the heat, add oil to the treat.

All that remains is to cool the cream and grease the cakes with it. The product is stored under cling film.

Option with condensed milk

Ingredients: 2 standard packs of high-quality butter, 380 g of condensed milk, 60 g of cognac.

  1. The butter softens to the point where it can be easily whipped with a mixer. It is processed at low device speed until it becomes airy.
  2. Gradually condensed milk is added to the mass. If you wish, you can cook it a little right in the jar so that the color of the product becomes caramel. The main thing is not to overcook the condensed milk until it thickens.
  3. Lastly, cognac is added to the mixture. In general, any alcoholic drink will do. It is better to choose an option without obvious flavorings that can spoil the appetizing aroma of the future cake.

This recipe produces a fairly dense and very tasty cream that easily spreads onto the cakes.

Caramel cream

Ingredients: 1.5 faceted cups of granulated sugar, ¼ cup of liquid natural honey, 1/3 cup of filtered boiled water, 65 g of high-quality butter, 2.5 cups of full-fat milk, ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of vanillin.

  1. A full glass of granulated sugar is poured with the specified amount of water and cooked in a saucepan over high heat until the liquid acquires a dark amber hue. Immediately after this, butter is added to it. It will quickly begin to melt. At this time, you need to actively mix all the components.
  2. Liquid honey is poured into the saucepan. The ingredients are mixed again.
  3. In a separate bowl, add baking soda and the rest of the granulated sugar to the milk. The liquid is brought to a boil.
  4. The milk will be cooked until the sugar crystals in it are completely dissolved. Only after this can you pour the slightly cooled caramel from the saucepan into the sweet milk mixture.
  5. The cream is almost ready. All that remains is to mix all its components well, remove the mass from the heat and add vanillin to it. You can use other natural flavors to suit your taste. For example, cinnamon.

When the cream has cooled almost completely, it’s time to start assembling and decorating the cake.

Curd and fruit cream

Ingredients: 130 g granulated sugar, a little more than half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese, 60 g gelatin, 220 g each of fresh or canned apricots and strawberries, 2 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 550 ml of heavy cream.

  1. Gelatin is diluted in water or syrup from canned fruits. The product is then left to swell for approximately 20 minutes. When the waiting time has expired, the gelatin is dissolved in a water bath and cooled.
  2. The cottage cheese is kneaded with a fork, mixed with sand and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Prepared gelatin is added to the mass. The products are mixed until smooth.
  4. The mixture is divided into two parts.
  5. Berries and fruits are mashed separately into puree. The skin of fresh apricots is first removed. There is no need to prepare canned ingredients for grinding.
  6. The strawberry part is added to one half, the apricot part to the other. Whipped cream with a mixer is added to both mixtures. They should turn out very airy and fluffy.

Many people enjoy baking and love to try sponge cakes. But few people know the origin of this popular dessert in our time.

Biscuit translated from French literally means “twice baked.”

In the Middle Ages, biscuits were the food of English sailors. Since there is no butter in the biscuit dough, it stores well and is not susceptible to mold. Sailors took biscuits with them on voyages and they did not spoil for a long time.

Once upon a time, a courtier of Queen Elizabeth was traveling on a ship and tried the everyday food of sailors. He was captivated by the unsurpassed taste of the biscuit. This is how the biscuit found its way onto the tables of high society and its recipe began to spread throughout the world.

Cream for sponge cake - general principles of preparation

It's hard to imagine a sponge cake without cream. It is the cream that can highlight all the delicious taste of the cake. Cream is a bulk mass that is prepared from eggs, cream, milk, butter, sour cream. You can layer it with it and decorate cakes, creating real confectionery masterpieces.

The cream is a perishable product, so it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 36 hours.

Throughout the history of sponge cake, its traditional recipe has not changed, although cream recipes have been subjected to experiments and improvements.

In the process of preparing cake cream, you will definitely need a mixer, a whisk, a thick-bottomed pan, a spoon, a bowl, a measuring cup and a kitchen scale.

You can consider standard recipes for creams for sponge cake. These creams can be taken as a basis and personally modified or amended.

Before covering the cakes with cream, it is better to soak them in syrup. This procedure will take approximately 15 minutes. When making syrup, the proportion of sugar and water is important. For a cake weighing 800g, approximately 500g of impregnation is needed. The impregnation recipe is simple: you need to boil 250 ml of water and add 250 grams. sugar, boil, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and vanillin. You can add alcoholic beverages, fruit syrups, and cocoa to the impregnation.

When making cream for sponge cake, it is important to ensure that all equipment and hands are clean. To prepare any cream, you need high-quality and fresh products.

Recipe 1: Custard for sponge cake

Custard is one of the best creams for sponge cakes as it is very soft and light. Due to their light texture, they will not be suitable for decorating a cake. This cream is spread between the cakes.


Egg – 1 piece;

Milk – 1 glass;

Sugar – about 5 cups;

Flour - 2.5 tablespoons;

Butter – 50 grams;

Vanilla sugar - to taste

Cooking method

Pour milk into a non-stick pan, add sugar, flour, vanilla and egg.

Beat everything with a mixer for about 30 seconds until everything is well mixed and there are no lumps of flour left.

After this, you need to put the pan on the stove and cook the cream over low heat for about 5 minutes until thickened, while whisking from time to time with a mixer (this way there will be no lumps).

Leave the cream to cool.

When it is warm, you need to put soft butter in it and beat well with a mixer until smooth. You can spread the cooled cream over the cake layers and decorate the cake as desired.

Recipe 2: Buttercream for sponge cake

Butter cream for a sponge cake can serve as a decoration and emphasize its wonderful taste. This cream is considered one of the most popular in Europe. Since the base of the cream is oil, the butter should be without additional flavoring additives.


Butter – 350 grams;

Condensed milk – 1 can;

Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

Beat the soft butter thoroughly with a mixer at medium speed until fluffy and fluffy.

Add vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly.

Pour condensed milk into the mixture in a thin stream, while beating with a mixer (at low speed). Then increase the mixer speed and beat for about 5 minutes until the cream is smooth.

The cream is ready.

Recipe 3: Chocolate cream for sponge cake

The taste of the cream is delicate, light, chocolate, with the aroma of vanilla, as if created for a sponge cake. However, it has a high calorie content.


Cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons;

Milk – 500 ml (it is better to use thicker milk);

Sugar – 3 tablespoons;

Butter – 1 tablespoon;

Starch - 3 tablespoons;

Vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

Pour 250 ml of milk into a saucepan, add butter, cocoa, sugar and mix everything thoroughly.

Place on low heat until it boils and cook for 3 minutes, stirring continuously (it’s better to do this with a wooden spoon, so the cream won’t burn).

Remove from heat. At this time, add starch to the remaining milk and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Pour milk and starch into the hot mixture, add vanilla sugar and put on low heat.

Cook for about 2 minutes, stirring thoroughly, as the cream will become thicker as it cooks. Remove from heat and cool.

You can grease the cake layers with cold cream and decorate the cake.

Recipe 4: Curd cream for sponge cake

Delicate curd cream for sponge cake will make it an ideal dessert and will delight you with its unsurpassed taste. This cream is not only easy to prepare, but also low in calories. Curd cream contains many B vitamins, organic acids, calcium, phosphorus and even iodine. This cream is delicious and healthy.


Cottage cheese – 500 g;

Cream 30% – 250 ml;

Powdered sugar – 200g.

Cooking method:

Grind the cottage cheese with powdered sugar using a mixer or blender.

Beat the cream with a mixer at high speed into a fluffy mass and then add to the cottage cheese.

Mix everything thoroughly and gently until smooth.

The curd cream is ready and can be immediately used to decorate and grease the cake.

Recipe 5: Protein cream for sponge cake

The lightness of the protein cream will give the sponge cake extraordinary tenderness and airiness. This cream will perfectly decorate the cake and emphasize the lightness of the dessert.


Egg whites – 4 pieces;

Water –100 ml;

Sugar –200 g;

A pinch of salt;

Vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

Sugar should be poured into water and boiled for about 20 minutes over medium heat. It is important to check the readiness of the syrup; to do this, you need to drop it into a glass of cold water; if a ball forms, then it is ready.

Next, beat the whites with a mixer at high speed with a pinch of salt. Pour the syrup into the fluffy protein mass in a thin stream, while making sure to continue beating the mass with the mixer, but at medium speed.

The protein cream is ready and can be immediately used to decorate the cake.

Cream for sponge cake. Tricks and useful tips

  • When preparing butter cream, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the butter, since the taste of the cream depends on it;
  • When preparing custard, it is important to remember: the more flour you add, the thicker it will be;
  • When making protein cream, you need to pay attention to the dishes. There should not be a drop of water in it, otherwise the cream will not whip up. This cream must be used immediately after preparation, since during storage it ceases to be fluffy;
  • The secret of making curd cream is to use only fresh and homogeneous ingredients for it.
  • To give chocolate cream a more expressive taste, you need to grate the chocolate and sprinkle it on the cakes, and then grease the cakes with cream
  • To prevent the custard from forming a crust when cooling, you need to sprinkle it with sugar on top or stir frequently.
  • For each of these creams, you can add different fruits or berries. The same cream, but with the addition of fruit, will give its own touch of originality and uniqueness.
  • Using food coloring, creams can be given bright and unusual colors.
  • By adding a few drops of essence to creams, you can give the cream an interesting taste.

Everyone has different tastes, so only experimentation will help you determine what you like best.