
Porridge with water and milk. Liquid oatmeal

for 1 serving
Water - 3/4 cup
- For thick porridge - 1/2 cup
- For viscous porridge - 1/3 cup
- For liquid porridge - 1/4 cup
Butter - small cube
Salt - a pinch
Sugar or honey - 1 tablespoon

How to cook oatmeal in water
1. Pour 3/4 cup of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt and sugar.
2. Add the required amount of oatmeal, stir so that there are no lumps.
3. Cook oatmeal for 3-12 minutes at low boil.
4. Remove the pan from the heat and let the oatmeal steep under the lid for 5 minutes.
5. Place the finished porridge on plates, add butter.

How to cook oatmeal with milk in a slow cooker
1. Pour the required amount of oatmeal into the multicooker container, pour in water, add salt, sugar and butter to taste.
2. Close the multicooker lid, set the “Milk porridge” mode, time from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the type of oatmeal.

How to cook oatmeal with milk in a double boiler
1. Pour oatmeal into a rice bowl, pour in water, add salt and sugar.
2. Cook oatmeal for 5-25 minutes depending on the type of oatmeal.


Standard proportions oatmeal and liquid - 1:3. For example, pour one and a half glasses of liquid into half a glass of oatmeal. In this case, you will get a liquid porridge that can satisfy your morning hunger. For viscous porridge, use the proportions 1:2 (for half a glass of cereal, 1 glass of liquid), for thick porridge - 1:1.5 (for half a glass of cereal, a quarter full glass of liquid). Liquid means water or milk, or a mixture of them in an arbitrary ratio. For tasty, but not very high-calorie oatmeal, it is recommended to use half and half water and milk.

To obtain 1 serving of viscous porridge weighing 150 grams, you need 1/4 cup of oatmeal and 3/4 cup of milk.

Oatmeal and rolled oats are not the same thing. Hercules is a processed oatmeal specially designed to save porridge cooking time. Oatmeal is cooked for 40 minutes, which in modern reality is an prohibitively long time for preparing breakfast.

The essence of cooking oatmeal from oats - peeling, steaming to soften and flatten (hence the appearance - flakes) for quick cooking, then calcining for long-term storage. The result is the ability to prepare nutritious and healthy porridge in 3-15 minutes.

There are oat flakes coarse, medium and fine grind, this difference is expressed in the number indicated on the package. You need to cook oat flakes No. 1 (these oat flakes are called “Hercules”) for 15 minutes, this is the coarsest grind. Cook medium-ground oat flakes (No. 2) for 10 minutes, No. 3 (finely ground) cook for 5 minutes. The healthiest flakes are considered to be coarsely ground, they are minimally processed and contain a maximum of nutrients with an acceptable cooking time.

Thus, rolled oats and oat flakes- this is not the same thing, rolled oats are one of 3 varieties of oatmeal.

Oatmeal instant cooking(which must be poured with boiling water) has low nutritional value - just a few minutes after breakfast with such porridge you feel hungry again.

Oatmeal is similar in composition to human milk, making it a nutritious treat for children. However, children should often not be given oatmeal. From 6-8 months, once a week without salt and sugar, from 1-1.5 years, more often.

Daily Eating oatmeal for breakfast is recommended if you experience lethargy and drowsiness associated with an unhealthy lifestyle or stress.

If oatmeal comes out with a small bitterness, it means either the water is bad, or the oatmeal was stored incorrectly (or the expiration date has expired). Sometimes bitterness can be a consequence of the rolled oats variety; high-quality finely ground flakes will not be bitter.

Oatmeal is called "beauty porridge" for the content of biotin (slows down the aging process), antioxidant substances (normalize the digestive tract) and, in general, improves heart function. Oatmeal can be an excellent diet aid, but only if the dish is not salted or sweetened.

Calorie content oatmeal with milk - 360 kcal/100 grams.

Recently, when it has become fashionable to follow the energy needs of the body, oatmeal is flavored with bran. Oatmeal with bran even more healthy and nutritious.

Supplements for oatmeal - a handful of cinnamon or nutmeg, chopped prunes and dried apricots, raisins, fresh berries.

Decorations for oatmeal - banana slices, almonds, yogurt, citrus zest, honey, maple syrup.

Serve Oatmeal should be placed on plates, bowls or waffle cups.

Keep oatmeal with milk in the refrigerator for a day.

Cost of products for preparing oatmeal with milk - 35 rubles/150 grams (Moscow average as of June 2017).

"Oatmeal, sir!" But not only among the residents of Foggy Albion this dish is a traditional morning dish. Even a small portion of oatmeal can fill you up and give you a boost of energy for the coming day. How should you prepare this dish? What are its beneficial properties? Let's figure it out.

Oatmeal is a constant companion for those who want to maintain their figure. If you accustom your body to a daily serving of oatmeal in the morning, you can achieve weight loss of several kilograms over time. True, porridge flavored with milk plus sweeteners and flavorings to improve taste does not always contribute to weight loss. This means you need to cook the porridge in water. How to do this correctly so as not to destroy the beneficial properties of the product?

Benefits of oatmeal

If we're going to start preparing oatmeal properly, let's look at what's beneficial in the product. Oatmeal contains a lot of plant fiber. And also vitamins (A, E, K, B1, B2, B6) and microelements (K, Fe, Mg, I, Zn, F). Regular consumption of the product helps normalize metabolic processes, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, has a positive effect on intestinal function, and can also be a good preventative measure for anemia. And the substances contained in the product help remove waste and toxins from the body.

How to cook oatmeal with milk

This dish is considered traditional. To prepare oatmeal with milk, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup oatmeal;
  • 3 glasses of milk (maybe half and half with water);
  • 17-20 g sugar or natural honey;
  • salt to taste;
  • a few grams of butter.

First you need to bring the milk to a boil, then dissolve sugar (honey) in the hot liquid. When the sweetener has completely dissolved, pour the flakes into the saucepan. Cover the container with a lid, turn up the heat and cook for four minutes. Then reduce the heat and cook the porridge for another six minutes. Ten minutes have passed, the fire has been put out and we leave the porridge for five to six minutes. Now you can put it on a plate and season it with a piece of butter for taste.

How long does it take to cook oatmeal?

The answer to this question has already been given a little higher. But it's a little incomplete. The fact is that oatmeal is now produced in different types. Therefore, before you start cooking porridge, carefully study the information on the packaging.

The above method works for most types of flakes. However, if you see the inscription “Traditional Flakes” or “Hercules” on the box, then such flakes need to be cooked longer, for 15-20 minutes. If it says “Instant flakes” or “does not require cooking,” then it is enough to cook them for 3-5 minutes or, in the latter case, simply pour boiling water over them and leave covered for 5-7 minutes.

Many manufacturers, by the way, indicate directly on the packaging the recommended method and time for cooking their product.

If you decide to cook porridge from oatmeal, and not from flakes, then you must first pour boiling water over the cereal and let it brew for 3-4 hours, then cook the crushed cereal for 30 minutes, and the uncrushed and unpolished cereal for up to 2 hours. Another option is to cook for 5-10 minutes after soaking, but after that leave the porridge in a warm place for another 3-4 hours, or even overnight. This method, by the way, is especially good for preparing porridge for breakfast.

How to properly cook oatmeal in water

No milk? No problem. You can prepare tasty and healthy oatmeal with plain water. The entire process of preparing the dish is identical to the first one, of course, except that water is used instead of milk. If you want to improve the taste of oatmeal, some people add steamed raisins, dried apricots, prunes, jam or pieces of fruit to the dish. A very tasty porridge is made with the addition of grated apple and a pinch of cinnamon powder.

You need to know this so as not to spoil the dish:

  • cook only as much oatmeal as you can handle at a time (cooled porridge will no longer provide as much taste pleasure as fresh porridge);
  • quick oatmeal in the morning - it's steamed in a thermal container the night before, all you have to do is add fruit and eat it;
  • Before cooking, it is recommended to rinse both oatmeal and cereal in water several times to wash off the husks, dirt and dust.

Which of the proposed methods of preparing oatmeal to choose is up to you. In any case, if such a breakfast becomes daily, then it will only benefit you and your body.

Not every housewife knows how to cook oatmeal with milk correctly so that it is tasty. Oatmeal is one of the healthiest breakfast options, easy to prepare and affordable.
You will learn how to deliciously cook oatmeal with water and milk from this article.


  • Milk -3 cups (or 2 cups milk and 1 cup water)
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • Raisins - 1/2 cup (optional);
  • Butter - 30 grams;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sugar - to taste.

When all the ingredients are prepared, we proceed to describe how to cook oatmeal with milk.


  1. Rinse the raisins well and pour boiling water for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Pour all the milk into the saucepan.
  3. Once the milk has boiled, add salt and sugar.
  4. Add oatmeal.
  5. Add raisins to the porridge.
  6. Cook the porridge over medium heat, stirring constantly. Cooking time depends on the type of oatmeal you choose. For rolled oats, it will take 10 - 15 minutes after boiling.
  7. When the porridge is ready, season the porridge with butter, stir and serve.

If desired, you can add nuts, dried fruits, and any berries to the porridge. Choose according to your taste.

Now you know how to cook oatmeal with milk, deliciously and quickly. Bon appetit!

Oatmeal with milk is the most common type of breakfast, which has not lost its relevance for centuries. Despite its external unattractiveness, oatmeal is rich in nutrients, gives a boost of energy and a feeling of fullness until lunch, and there are many recipes for its preparation. Therefore, every breakfast with oatmeal can be original and tasty every day.

General cooking rules

Recipes for making oatmeal are varied and very colorful. This is explained by the versatility of this type of breakfast, its prevalence in many countries around the world and the speed of preparation. Oatmeal is ideal for children from an early age, active working people, retirees, adherents of any type of diet: vegetarians, vegans, healthy diet, etc.

Oat grains are rich in vitamins B, E, macro- and microelements, and contain amino acids. Oatmeal is a low-calorie dish that contains complex fats and carbohydrates, which are broken down in the body for a long time, maintaining a feeling of fullness. For people with diabetes, oatmeal will help maintain proper blood sugar levels.

Doctors and nutritionists strongly recommend that with any diet and food restrictions, you balance your diet in such a way that complex carbohydrates enter the body. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to prepare oatmeal correctly and tasty, so that this type of breakfast is not only healthy, but also not boring for a long time.

Depending on the structure of the ingredient (grains, flakes of various processing), recipes and especially cooking times will differ, but there are general rules for preparing viscous porridge.

  • A saucepan with thick walls and a bottom with a tight-fitting lid. A thick-walled aluminum or non-stick pan is best for cooking porridge. Ceramic saucepans or pots, pots with titanium and granite coating, which can be placed on an open fire, retain heat well and allow the porridge to brew and not cool for a long time.
  • The size of the pan should be generous. Porridge tends to swell and increase from its original volume by 1.5-2 times (the volume of increase depends on the ingredient: grains, flakes, Extra flakes, etc.).
  • Preparing cereals for cooking. No matter how well the grains are polished and the flakes are cleaned, before cooking it is imperative to rinse the cereal under running water.
  • To make the porridge cook faster and not burn, it is better to pour the cereal overnight or for several hours.
  • Before starting cooking, it is better to grease the bottom of the pan with butter or olive oil so that the cereal does not burn; you should also grease the edges of the pan so that the foam from the milk does not run off onto the stove.

  • You should not cook porridge directly with pure milk. It will cook on it much longer, and the milk will lose its rich aroma and taste. It is better to cook the required amount of cereal in a small amount of water until half cooked, and then add boiled or pasteurized milk to the desired consistency.
  • The ratio of proportions and consistency of the finished porridge. Oatmeal has a viscous consistency and, as a rule, is cooked in a proportion ratio of 1 to 2, i.e., 2 cups of liquid are taken for 1 glass of cereal. The longer the porridge sits ready, the thicker it becomes; this factor must also be taken into account. If the family prefers porridge with a liquid consistency for breakfast, then you can add 200-250 g of cereal per liter of liquid (milk and water).
  • During the cooking process, the porridge must be constantly stirred, not forgetting to skim the foam from the milk. If it remains in the porridge, it will turn into a lump that will end up in the serving plate.
  • After the allotted cooking time, the porridge must be allowed to brew, swell and absorb all the flavors and aromas. To do this, you can simply leave the pan on a hot stove, but it is better to wrap it in a blanket and let it stand for 5-10 minutes.
  • Add spices and oil at the end of cooking. You can put a piece of butter on each serving plate, so the taste will be even richer and your breakfast will be nutritious.

There are no strict rules for preparing a healthy breakfast based on oat grains, but by adhering to the above points, your breakfast porridge will turn out tasty and satisfying. You can diversify your daily traditional breakfast dish by alternating different recipes, as well as using your imagination when serving.

Classic recipe

On store shelves today there are many oatmeal cereals of varying degrees of processing, which determines their cooking time. The classic or traditional method of preparing milk oatmeal involves using whole grains for cooking, rather than the Hercules cereal that is familiar to many. It is whole grains that contain the greatest amount of nutrients and microelements.

To make oatmeal tasty and nutritious according to the classic recipe, let’s look step by step at how to prepare oat grains for breakfast correctly.

  • Preparation of ingredients. You need to take 1 glass of whole grains, 2 glasses of milk, salt on the tip of a knife, sugar to taste, 30-50 g of butter.
  • Before cooking, the cereal must be thoroughly washed and the transparent shells removed from the grain. It is enough to pour cold water over the grains and these shells, as well as small debris, will float, after which they can be easily drained.
  • To reduce cooking time, it is better to pour cold water over the grains and leave them in a cool place overnight. After swelling, the oat grains will cook twice as fast.
  • Be sure to pour a small amount of water into the bottom of the pan so that the milk does not burn to the bottom, and let the water boil. Then pour in 2 cups of milk. Over medium heat, stirring occasionally, bring milk to a boil.

  • Add salt to the boiling milk at the tip of a knife and add the cereal, reduce the heat to low and cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. It is better to add sugar at the end of cooking.
  • During cooking, foam will accumulate on the surface of the milk, which must be collected with a spoon and removed from the pan;
  • After 15 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and cover tightly with a lid, even if it seems that the grains are not cooked enough. To brew and get ready, the porridge needs another 5-10 minutes. For a better thermal effect, you can wrap the pan in a blanket.
  • After 5 minutes, add some of the oil and let stand for another 10 minutes.
  • Hot porridge is placed into portioned plates. You can add a small piece of butter to each if you wish.

The consistency of classic oatmeal with milk is viscous and viscous. Eating whole grain cereal for breakfast will give you a boost of energy and a feeling of fullness until lunch.

According to the traditional English recipe, oatmeal is cooked in water in a ratio of 1 cup of whole grains to 1.5 cups of water, just like in the classic recipe described above. But boiled warm milk and sometimes even sour cream are added to the deep portion plate. English oatmeal is often eaten not sweet, but with the addition of spices: red or black pepper, paprika, basil, Italian dried herbs.


For those who adhere to a proper nutrition system or diet, oatmeal with milk is a good choice for breakfast.

Oat grains or flakes act like a brush on the human intestines, cleansing it of harmful substances. Whole grain oatmeal has a low glycemic index, which means it is suitable for people who adhere to a low-calorie diet, and at the same time replenish the necessary level of complex fats and carbohydrates. The long process of splitting grains allows you to maintain the required blood sugar level, so this breakfast is suitable for patients with diabetes who, for health reasons, must adhere to a diet.

For a dietary breakfast, you can choose either whole grain cereals or oatmeal. The recipe for preparing dietary porridge with milk is not significantly different from the classic one, but it has its own nuances.

  • Choosing a type of cereal: whole grain cereals are the most healthy, since each grain retains all the useful elements, and they are also filling, because they take longer to break down in the body. Hercules flakes boil quickly. The cereal porridge will have a more homogeneous consistency. The least useful in terms of quality composition are “Extra” flakes or instant porridge in portioned sachet bags. The top hard layer has been completely removed along with some of the beneficial microelements, but such porridges can be prepared even without cooking.
  • Proportions: 1 cup of cereal, 1.5 cups of milk, 1.5 cups of water. The consistency of dietary oatmeal is less viscous due to the use of more liquid. Milk is a fairly fatty product, so for dietary porridge it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1;

  • When preparing a diet breakfast, do not add salt and sugar. If you need sweet porridge, you can add honey or a sugar substitute to the serving plate.
  • The preparation time for a dietary dish is 15-20 minutes, if “Hercules” flakes are used – 8-10 minutes, “Extra” flakes are cooked for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Instead of butter, it is better to add corn or extra virgin olive oil to a dietary dish. Vegetable oils should be added only to the pan, because in a portioned plate it will not look appetizing enough.
  • There is no need to cook the oatmeal until it is completely cooked; it is better to let it sit in a warm place. You can add honey, fresh fruits, and dried fruits to your dietary oatmeal portions to taste.

Many nutritionists advise preparing porridge-scrub for the intestines without cooking. Oatmeal is poured overnight with low-fat milk or one percent kefir in a ratio of one to two in a glass or plastic container. Close tightly and place in a cool place or refrigerator. In the morning, this porridge can be heated in the microwave or eaten cold.

When preparing diet porridge, you should strictly follow the diet instructions and the list of permitted foods.

Other options

A traditional breakfast of milk oatmeal porridge can become quite varied and not get boring for years.

You can diversify oatmeal not only using different cooking recipes, but also using methods: in a slow cooker, in the microwave, in a saucepan.

You should definitely experiment with the consistency of the porridge. Due to its properties, oatmeal makes a viscous porridge, but if you add half a serving of liquid, oatmeal can become an interesting side dish for vegetable stew or omelet. With a ratio of cereal to milk of 1 to 3, you will get a very liquid porridge that will remind you of breakfast from childhood.

You can add no sugar at all to the porridge, which is thick in consistency, and consume it lightly salted with freshly squeezed juice or sweet tea.

You can replace added sugar by using honey or urbech - this is a ground mass of apricot kernels or black cumin seeds. Thanks to natural sweet additives, the beneficial properties of breakfast will increase significantly, and the taste will only improve.

If it is difficult to get urbech in your region, you can use various toppings, jam or Nutella chocolate dessert, chocolate drops, coconut flakes, fresh or frozen fruit.

Today, many people refuse to eat lactose-containing products and replace cow's or goat's milk with products of plant origin. In this case, it is quite acceptable to cook oatmeal with plant-based milk.

  • Almond milk has a sweetish, creamy taste and is ideal for making sugar-free breakfast porridge. Almond milk is rich in Omega-3, calcium, zinc, phosphorus. Almond milk on supermarket shelves is made from roasted almonds, and therefore has lost some of its beneficial elements (folic acid, zinc). Therefore, it is better to make your own almond milk from unroasted almonds.
  • Coconut milk - the sweetest type of lactose-free milk, which contains, in addition to many useful microelements, lauric acid. Lauric acid supports the immune system and helps fight viruses. Despite the sweet taste, this type of milk contains less sugar and fructose than other types of lactose-free products.

  • If children do not really like milk porridge, and adults are bored with the monotonous look and taste of a traditional breakfast, you can diversify the traditional milk oatmeal with various additives.

    • Dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, kiwi and melon chips, dried banana or pineapple go well and bring out the flavor of oatmeal.
    • Fresh fruits: banana, apple, peach, pear. The choice is limited only by personal preferences and the seasonality of a particular fruit. Oatmeal with a banana or apple should be served immediately before consumption, since these fruits, reacting with oxygen, turn black and lose their appetizing appeal.
    • You should not get carried away with instant cereals, because due to excessive grinding of grains, the beneficial properties in the cereal are practically not retained, and for long-term storage, each package contains a lot of sugar and preservatives.

      Oatmeal with milk is an ideal option for breakfast, which can be varied with various additives and types of milk. Oatmeal can be given to children as a first complementary food if you grind the finished dish in a blender.

      To learn how to cook oatmeal with milk, watch the following video.

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest types of breakfast for adults and children. This is a traditional Russian dish. In Rus', oatmeal was used to prepare porridge. The most popular ingredient these days is rolled oats.

Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates and a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. This breakfast is very nutritious and gives the body a lot of energy for a long time due to long digestion. Porridge is recommended to be eaten to regulate blood sugar levels due to its low glycemic index. Systematic consumption of oatmeal also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins.

Porridge is also very popular because of its taste. It can be easily combined with various additives and fillers.

Oatmeal is usually cooked from rolled oatmeal, but it is healthier to eat porridge made from whole grains, however, it will take more time.

Oatmeal is cooked in water or milk. When using milk, the calorie content of the dish increases. .

Porridge can be cooked on the stove, in the microwave or in a slow cooker. A recipe for milk oatmeal in a slow cooker can be found, in a microwave - in.

You can add pumpkin to oatmeal, it will be even tastier and healthier.

How to cook oatmeal with milk on the stove?

For the recipe for making oatmeal with milk you will need:

  • 0.5 cups of oatmeal grains or flakes;
  • 1.5 glasses of milk (2.5 or 3.2% fat);
  • sugar and salt to taste;
  • 25 grams of butter.

Step by step recipe:

  • Pour milk into the pan and wait until it boils.
  • Add salt and sugar.
  • While stirring the milk, gradually add flakes or cereal grains.
  • Cook the porridge over medium heat until tender, stirring constantly. Oatmeal is boiled for 8-10 minutes, grains - 25-30 minutes.
  • Add oil to the porridge and leave for 5 minutes.

You can add to oatmeal:

  • Fruits. The most suitable additions to oatmeal are bananas, apples and pears.
  • Dried fruits. Don’t get carried away with adding them, because they are very high in calories. A small handful is enough.
  • Nuts. The most commonly used nuts are walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts.
  • Seeds. The most popular are sunflower and flaxseeds.
  • Yogurt. It is best to use white yogurt without additives with a fat content of 1.5-3%.
  • Cinnamon. Gives a bright taste to the dish. 0.5-1 spoon per plate will be enough.
  • You can use honey instead of sugar. It is processed completely differently and does not harm the body.

All these additives will give oatmeal a new taste; they can be combined and changed. Every day there will be a completely new dish on the table that will charge the body with vigor and strength for the whole day.