
Compote of dried fruits and jam. Dried fruit compote

The taste of dried fruit compote has been familiar to many since childhood; even today it is served in kindergartens and schools. This is not only sweet, tasty and aromatic, but also a healthy drink. It contains vitamins, can strengthen the immune system, and is recommended for the treatment of diseases and during diets. To prepare a tasty and healthy dried fruit compote, you need to know how to cook it correctly.

Composition of dried fruit compote

You can make dried fruit compote from different ingredients. According to the classic recipe, it is prepared from apples, pears, prunes, dried apricots and raisins. But everyone can independently select a set of components for dried fruit compote.

You also need to understand that prunes clog the taste of other foods, so it is not recommended to put them in large quantities.

Some are accustomed to adding rose hips to dried fruit compote to make the drink healthier.

Sometimes the compote recipe includes exotic fruits: dried bananas, dates, pineapples.

Benefits of the drink

Depending on the composition, dried fruit compote has a certain value for the human body:

  • prunes increase hemoglobin levels, restore digestive function;
  • dried apples and pears have a positive effect on kidney and liver diseases;
  • dried apricots are useful for edema, blurred vision, anemia;
  • raisins have a positive effect on the central nervous system due to their magnesium content;
  • Figs improve respiratory function and restore the functioning of the pancreas.

Consequently, dried fruit compote has many beneficial properties. Depending on what valuable elements need to be obtained, the composition of the drink is selected.

How long should you cook dried fruit compote so that it does not lose its beneficial properties? There are several ways to prepare the drink:

  • When the compote boils, remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket and let it brew for about 10 hours.
  • Cook the dried fruit compote for half an hour, starting from the moment it boils (you don’t have to infuse the drink).

For reference! If a recipe uses sugar, it is recommended to add it at the end of cooking. The quantity is selected individually and depends on taste preferences. If you sweeten the drink with honey, it will be even more beneficial. However, in this case, it is not advisable to drink compote for people prone to allergies.

Recipe 1: classic compote with sugar

To cook dried fruit compote according to the classic recipe, you can purchase each ingredient separately or buy a special set. The best option is to make the blanks yourself, since in this case you can guarantee the quality of the product.


To make dried fruit compote according to the classic recipe, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • dried apricots – 50 g;
  • dried apples – 200 g;
  • prunes – 100 g;
  • dried pear – 50 g;
  • citric acid – 2 g;
  • water – 3 l;
  • sugar to taste.

Cooking method

Before you start cooking compote, you need to sort out the dried fruits and then rinse them. If they are too dirty, it is recommended to soak them in warm water for a while.

You need to cook dried fruit compote as follows:

This step-by-step recipe for making dried fruit compote is used in the children's menu.

Recipe 2: dried fruit compote without sugar

Despite the fact that in kindergartens and schools they cook compote according to the classic recipe, a sugar-free drink will be healthier for children. It is especially recommended for people prone to allergic reactions.


The compote for this recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • dried apricots – 200 g;
  • dried bananas – 200 g;
  • quince – 200 g;
  • water – 3 l.

Since this step-by-step recipe does not contain sugar, sweet dried fruits are used.

Cooking method

Before cooking, you need to prepare the main ingredients. To do this, pour boiling water over the dried apricots, soak in it for about 20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly under running water. The rest of the dried fruits can simply be rinsed to get rid of dust.

To prepare dried fruit compote, you need to do the following:

When the compote has cooled, it can be served.

Recipe 3: dried fruit compote with pumpkin

The presented recipe is quite unusual, since pumpkin is found in the list of ingredients. At first glance, it may seem that this is not a very suitable ingredient for compote. Despite this, its taste acquires a certain “zest” and becomes sweeter.


You will need the following ingredients:

  • a set of dried fruits to taste (apples, pears, dried apricots and others) – 200 g;
  • dried rose hips – 50 g;
  • pumpkin – 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • sugar to taste.

Thanks to the use of pumpkin, the taste of the compote is even more intense. And by adding rose hips, the drink becomes healthier.

Cooking method

Before cooking, dried fruits need to be soaked in boiling water for a few minutes.

The process for preparing dried fruit compote is as follows:

When the compote is ready, remove it from the stove and leave for a while to steep and cool. Thanks to the use of cinnamon, the drink acquires a particularly pleasant aroma and unusual taste.

Recipe 4: dried fruit compote with raisins

In some recipes used to prepare dried fruit compote, in addition to traditional apples and pears, you can see raisins. Why not include it in the list of main ingredients if it does not spoil the taste of the drink, but rather, on the contrary, makes it more enjoyable?


List of ingredients required to prepare dried fruit compote according to this recipe:

  • dried apples – 100 g;
  • dried pears – 100 g;
  • apricots - 50 g;
  • prunes – 100 g;
  • raisins - a pinch;
  • water – 3 l.

The proportions can be changed depending on taste preferences.

Note! In this case, you don’t have to use sugar, since the drink will “take” the sweetness from the dried fruits.

Cooking method

The process of preparing dried fruit compote:

The compote is ready. It is enough to cool it at room temperature and you can serve it.

Recipe 5: dried fruit compote with honey

Honey is a natural sweetener that contains vitamins and is beneficial for the human body. If you are not allergic, it can be used as a substitute for sugar. This compote will have a pleasant taste and rich aroma.


To prepare dried fruit compote with honey you will need:

  • dried cherries – 20 g;
  • dried pears – 40 g;
  • dried apples – 20 g;
  • dried plums – 40 g;
  • honey – 70 g;
  • raisins – 20 g;
  • water – 1 l.

Cooking method

Preparing this compote is very simple:

Cover the pan with a lid and leave for half an hour for the drink to infuse.

Recipe 6: dried fruit compote with frozen strawberries

If you add frozen strawberries to the main ingredients, you can get a fortified drink that can be used as a means to prevent colds. Children will appreciate this compote.


Dried fruit compote with frozen strawberries is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • dried apricots – 100 g;
  • raisins – 50 g;
  • prunes – 100 g;
  • dried apples – 150 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 fruits;
  • frozen strawberries - a handful;
  • water – 1.5 l.

Cooking method

Before cooking, you need to pour boiling water over the dried fruits and let them sit for about 2 minutes. They should then be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

After half an hour, remove the compote from the stove and leave to cool. It is advisable to drink it chilled.

Video: how to cook delicious dried fruit compote

To make dried fruit compote tasty and healthy, you need to prepare it in accordance with the recipe and also follow the basic recommendations. Each action is clearly demonstrated in the video.

Dried fruits are a source of vitamins and nutrients in the winter season. They are often consumed as an independent dish, and used in cooking as a filling for various confectionery products. Many housewives make compote from dried fruits; the proportions of the components play an important role in preparing the drink. The benefits of compote also depend on the time of heat treatment of dried fruits.

Useful properties of the drink

With the arrival of cold weather, the human body experiences a need for increased amounts of vitamins. Vegetables and fruits become sources of nutrients. However, in most stores in winter, on the shelves you can find imported products, the benefits of which many seem dubious. Special treatment of fruits with chemicals that increase their shelf life can harm human health. In this case, dried fruit compote comes to the rescue.

The proportions of water and dried fruits, as well as the brewing time of the drink, can significantly affect its beneficial properties. The high vitamin content helps provide:

  • normalization of full metabolism;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • excellent condition of skin, hair, nails;
  • improved vision;
  • increased mental activity.

It is important to remember that a long brewing process will make the drink richer and more flavorful, but less healthy.

Correct proportion

Many inexperienced housewives often wonder how to maintain the correct proportions. It is not difficult to cook dried fruit compote; it is much more difficult to determine the amount of ingredients. In fact, a lot depends on personal taste preferences. There is an average rate of dried fruits for a certain volume of water, but if you prefer a rich and pronounced taste, the amount of dried component can be increased.

According to the recipe, the classic dried fruit compote should be cooked at the rate of 80 g of dried fruit per 1 liter of water. A healthy drink can be prepared either from one type of dried fruit or using assorted fruits. We should not forget that prunes, apricots and cherries have a richer taste, while apples, pears, and raisins have more neutral flavor notes. Therefore, if we cook compote from dried fruits, the proportions of the components can be changed.

Selection of dried fruits

The quality and taste of this beloved drink to a large extent depends on the correct selection of ingredients. It is important not only to combine dried fruits that suit your taste, but also to pay attention to their quality. A good product has a smooth, characteristic shape, without visible flaws or defects.

Unscrupulous harvesters often use fruits with signs of rotting for drying. Such a product usually has an unpleasant color and can be identified visually. High-quality drying, dense to the touch, has a pleasant aroma characteristic of the type of fruit, without foreign odors.

Preparing the Components

Properly cooked compote will delight you with its excellent taste and beneficial properties at any time of the year. However, it is important to be careful when preparing dried fruits. First of all, they need to be washed several times under running cold water to remove spoiled fruits and small specks.

Next, the dryer is poured with cold boiled water and left for half an hour to swell. After the time has passed, the water must be drained and the dried fruits should be rinsed again under running water using a colander. The presence of seeds in dried fruits can affect the taste of the compote after infusion. It is better to remove the bone from the swollen drying.

How to cook compote correctly

For a drink to be healthy, its taste must be natural. You should not add sugar, honey or citric acid to it. Dried fruits must be cooked taking into account the cooking time of each component. For example, raisins and dried apricots will cook much faster than an apple or pear. A component such as prunes has a laxative effect, so it is better to add it to the broth in small portions.

Having calculated the amount of ingredients needed, pour water into the pan and bring to a boil over high heat. If several types of dried fruits are used for compote, they must be added gradually. First of all, apples, pears, and cherries are dipped into boiling water. After 4-5 minutes of boiling, add dried apricots and prunes; at the last stage, you can add raisins and dried fruits.

The average boiling time for compote is no more than 15 minutes, after which you need to remove it from the stove and leave for 2-3 hours. The finished drink is filtered and, if desired, flavored with sugar or natural honey. The compote can be drunk chilled as a tonic drink or warm in the cold season. To obtain unusual flavor notes, spices or herbs are added to the drink. Dried fruit compote goes very well with cinnamon, anise, and cardamom.

Compote for children

A healthy drink made from dry fruits, prepared at home, can replace factory-produced children's drinks. It will not only perfectly quench thirst, but also help strengthen the baby’s body, increase immunity, and provide a supply of nutrients. Experts recommend giving children a decoction of dried fruits from the age of six months. However, you should not get carried away with components that can cause allergic reactions.

The proportions of dried fruit compote for a child must be observed in order to obtain a drink that will not harm the baby’s health. To prepare a healthy decoction, you should take 200 g of pre-prepared drying. In a saucepan you need to bring 750 ml of water to a boil, then put the dried fruits in it and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

5 minutes before readiness, you can add a few raisins, then remove the broth from the heat and leave for 3-4 hours. The finished compote is filtered through a sieve and natural honey is added to taste. A healthy drink is introduced into the diet in crumbs of 1-2 teaspoons, and it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the child’s body. Also, a child from one year old can be given boiled fruit from compote. It is not advisable to make the broth too sweet; experts recommend leaving the natural taste of the fruit without drowning it out with additional components.

Compotes for the winter - recipes with photos

How to cook dried fruit compote! Using our step-by-step instructions with photos and videos, you will prepare compote that is tasty, quick, and most importantly healthy!

30 min

60 kcal

5/5 (2)

Dried fruits - what could be healthier than them? It is very difficult to answer this question, because they are extremely beneficial for the body.

But there is one peculiarity of dried fruits, and it is that there is a part of people who simply cannot stand their taste and even smell. The solution to this problem is very simple - compote.

Now I will tell you how to properly cook compote from the best dried fruits in a matter of minutes at home according to GOST. I provide you with three recipes for this drink. The first one is traditional. The second contains information on how to prepare such a compote in a slow cooker. But the third one will teach you how to prepare first-class compote from dried apricots.

Traditional recipe for dried fruit compote

Kitchen appliances:

  • Containers.
  • Kettle.
  • Cutting board.


How to choose ingredients?

For such a delicious compote, you need to choose very good dried fruits. As for each dried fruit individually, I want to give you some advice. When purchasing dried apricots, pay attention to those that are either brownish in color or pale yellow. The point is that such fruits may not have been treated with chemicals.

When choosing prunes, you need to pay attention not to shiny fruits, but to those that have a matte tint. When choosing dried apples, pay attention to their appearance. They should not be moldy, and it is best to choose those apples that do not have a bright color. They should be inconspicuous.

Healthy and harmless raisins are dark in color; you should not buy light ones.

Step by step recipe

  1. Take a kettle, fill it with water and place it on the stove. Let the water boil, and at this time pour all the dried fruits that you have prepared into a separate bowl. When the water boils, start pouring boiling water over the dried fruits.

  2. Dried fruits should remain in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Drain the water and rinse the dried fruits thoroughly.
  3. Prepare a pan and place dried fruits in it and pour boiling water over it.

  4. On a cutting board, cut the lemon into two parts. Set aside one part, and squeeze the juice from the second into a pan with dried fruits.

  5. Add sugar to the pan. Cook your dried fruits over low heat. Many people argue about how long to cook dried fruit compote. I advise you to cook it for twenty minutes. This is the most optimal time for cooking. Don't forget to cover the pan with a lid.
  6. Ready! You have prepared a wonderful compote with your own hands. This dried fruit compote will be delicious even for a child!

Compote recipe video

Recipe for dried fruit compote in a slow cooker

Cooking time: 2 hours.
Number of servings: 6-8 servings.

Kitchen appliances:

  • Multicooker.
  • Containers.
  • Colander.


  • Dried fruits – half a kilo.
  • Clean water – 2.5 liters.
  • Sugar – 300 g.

Step by step recipe

  1. Prepare your dried fruits. Wash them and remove foreign objects. Dried fruits should be washed with cold water. I recommend using a colander to make this faster and easier.

    I recommend that before preparing the compote, place the dried fruits in a deep container and pour boiling water over them. After this, you need to let the dried fruits sit in boiling water for some time. This will not only make their structure softer, but also remove chemicals and other additives.

  2. Place your dried fruits in the multicooker bowl. Sprinkle with sugar and fill with water.

  3. Close the lid of your multicooker and set the cooking mode. Some multicooker models have a “drinks” section in the menu, where you can select the “compote” option. If your multicooker does not have such modes, then you can easily select the “stew” mode. Set the required time. In our case, you need to allocate an hour for the cooking process.

Cooking video

I invite you to watch the video, which clearly explains how to prepare such a drink.

Dried apricot compote recipe

Cooking time: 20 minutes.
Number of servings: 6 servings.

Kitchen appliances:

  • Colander.
  • Cutting board.
  • Pot.


  • Dried apricots – 400 g.
  • Sugar - according to your preference.
  • Clean water – 2.5 liters.

Recipe step by step

  1. Rinse the dried apricots using a colander. Do this under cold running water. After this, let the dried apricots stand so that excess water drains from it.

  2. Using a knife and cutting board, cut each dried apricot piece in half. Place the dried apricots on the bottom of the pan.

  3. Pour clean water into the pan. It is better to use purified water so that the heavy metals contained in the water are not present in the compote.

  4. Add sugar to the water and place the pan on the stove. Bring the water to a boil and place on low heat. Cover the saucepan with a lid. Continue cooking for about eight minutes. Congratulations, the compote is ready!

What to serve compote with?

Compote is a universal drink that goes well with both salty and sweet, so you can safely serve it with absolutely any dish.

Dried fruit compote has long been a favorite drink for many. In ancient times it was called - vzvar. It can be cooked all year round, regardless of seasonality. You can also make it from frozen berries. But is there anything in comparison with an infusion of aromatic dried fruits? In the autumn-winter period, such a drink is simply a godsend, since it is a storehouse of useful vitamins.

Preparing to cook

To make compote from dried fruits as tasty as possible, you need to know the correct preparation technology.

  1. The compote mixture contains various fruits, so it is worth considering the cooking period of each in order to preserve all the beneficial properties. First, hard ones are added: apples, pears, and then soft ones: apricots, prunes, raisins.
  2. For two liters of water, take about 500-600 g of fruit mass.
  3. When harvesting, apples and pears are cut into slices, sometimes in the form of straws.
  4. In the store, choose dried fruits that have not been treated for pests. A high-quality product has a rich color, without a white coating.
  5. Bring the purchased mixture to a boil once and drain the liquid.
  6. Ideally, brew the drink without using sugar. If it is present in the recipe, first cook the sugar syrup.
  7. Before cooking, sort the fruits and remove twigs or leaves. Rinse twice.
  8. Standard cooking time is 30 minutes.
  9. Afterwards the infusion process begins, this is necessary to fully saturate the taste and obtain the required consistency. Cover the container with compote with a towel and let cool. It will take about five hours. If possible, wait overnight.
  10. After being refrigerated, the drink will become clearer and more saturated in color.
  11. Preferably choose a ceramic container for cooking; the compote will cool in it longer. If you don't have it, you can use a stainless steel pan.

Classic recipe for dried fruit compote

For a drink according to the classic recipe, a uniform composition of the dry product is used. It includes apples (regardless of the variety), pears, and possibly plums. You can buy this mixture in a store or dry it yourself.


Servings: 10

  • fruit mixture 500 g
  • water 3 l
  • sugar (optional) 100 g

Per serving

Calories: 41 kcal

Proteins: 0.1 g

Fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 10.4 g

35 min. Video recipe Print

    Boil syrup from liquid and sugar.

    For 0.5-0.6 kg of the main composition of dried fruits, take 2 liters (3 liters) of liquid. The amount of liquid can be varied to achieve the desired concentration.

    Wash the fruit mixture twice.

    Soak and stand for an hour. Rinse.

    Cook for half an hour.

    Wrap the pan in a blanket and let it sit for six hours.

The right dried fruit compote for a child

Children of all ages love compotes. How not to pamper your baby with a healthy product. But taking into account the age of the child, the composition of the mixture must be changed so that the drink brings more benefit rather than harm.

For babies

Breastfed children, after introducing complementary foods, also need dried fruit compote. First, cook at home using only apples.

  1. Take 25 g of dried cloves per 200 ml of liquid.
  2. Dry apples must be of reliable quality.
  3. Rinse thoroughly twice.
  4. Cook for half an hour.
  5. Leave for five (six) hours.

Before introducing compote into your diet, be sure to consult your pediatrician. Do not add sugar to the drink. As the child grows, you can add other components, but you need to know their effect on the body: pear strengthens, prunes mildly weaken, and berries can cause allergic reactions. It is advisable to prepare compote fresh daily.

Video recipe

Formula-fed babies

Such babies can enjoy compote after three months. It increases the amount of iron in the blood, fills the body with microelements and vitamins. Boiled prunes help normalize the functioning of the digestive system and eliminate constipation. But first, prepare the classic version from apples, give 10-15 ml per day.

Children over one year old

It’s a little easier with babies older than one year. They have matured, the functioning of the digestive tract has normalized, and the body has become stronger. A tasty compote with healthy qualities will not leave them indifferent. Your child can already diversify apples by adding new ingredients. 2-3 liters of water are added per 0.5-0.6 kg of weight.


  • Apples;
  • Cherries;
  • Raisin;
  • Pears;
  • Plums.

How to cook:

  1. Fruits are taken in arbitrary variations based on a total mass of 0.5-0.6 kg.
  2. Wash twice, soak in liquid.
  3. Drain, place in a saucepan, add the required amount of water.
  4. Cooking time is half an hour. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add the raisins.

As the child grows, in the absence of a food allergic reaction, you can gradually add dried apricots and berries. Introduce gradually to watch for allergies or digestive problems.

Multicooker recipe for nursing mothers

For women who have infants, compote will serve as a source of replenishment of strength and essential vitamins. The baby gets everything he needs through breast milk. The substances present in dried fruits will help restore the mother’s body, especially in terms of increasing hemoglobin. The compote will enhance lactation and replenish the deficiency of potassium and calcium. Dates increase lactation, this plays an important role in case of lack of milk. Rose hips will replenish the body with vitamin C. When choosing ingredients, pay special attention to the components: exclude those that can provoke an undesirable reaction in the baby.

The advantage of cooking in a slow cooker is maximum preservation of vitamins with the lid tightly closed. In this case, there is no need to wrap it for infusion. There are kitchen appliances with a “compote” mode. In other models, use -- “cook” or “stew.” Cooking time 1 hour. Options for proportions can be changed as desired.


  • Dates;
  • Apples;
  • Cherries;
  • Pears;
  • Plum;
  • Raisin;
  • Rose hip;
  • Prunes.


  1. Wash the ingredients several times.
  2. Place in a bowl, except dates, raisins and prunes.
  3. Ten minutes before the end of the regime, add prunes, dates and raisins.

Video cooking

Dietary compote without sugar

Compote without sugar will be sweet, but dietary, because dried fruits, rich in fructose, will provide taste. Two to three liters of water are needed for 0.5-0.6 kg of fruit mixture.


  • Plums;
  • Apples;
  • Pears;
  • Water.


  • Sort the mixture, wash it twice, and leave to soak for an hour.
  • Drain the liquid.
  • Cook for half an hour.
  • Cover and let sit for six hours.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, taste preferences and contraindications, the composition of the ingredients can be varied. If desired, you can use honey, but add it to the finished compote only after it has cooled.

The benefits and harms of dried fruit compote

The broth is used not only for prevention, but also as an additional remedy in the treatment of certain diseases. In addition to the main fruits, you can add strawberries, chokeberries, raspberries, dates, blueberries, prunes, lingonberries, dogwood, dried apricots, raisins, peaches, pineapple, blackberries, and figs. Compote is useful with any ingredients, but each new component brings its own peculiarity and taste.

  • Pear has a fixing effect. If you have an upset stomach, compote will be an excellent addition to treatment.
  • Dried apricots(dried apricot), prunes-- has a laxative effect on the intestines, normalizes digestion processes.
  • For anemia dried apricots And apricot will compensate for iron deficiency.
  • During colds and elevated temperatures, acetone is formed in the body. Rose hip will not only replenish the body with vitamin C, but also help reduce its level.
  • Raisin It has anti-stress properties and helps lift your mood. Rich in potassium. A huge amount of boron has a preventive effect against osteoporosis.
  • Plum Helps cleanse the blood and remove toxins from the body.
  • The classic set of pears And apples. The drink helps remove toxins, cleanses the blood, and alkalizes the body, provided that it is brewed without sugar.
  • Figs helps normalize thyroid function and stabilize overall hormonal levels.
  • Has a significant positive effect on the visual analyzer blueberry .
  • Dried pineapple Perfect for dietary compote options.

Who can and who can’t drink compote

So many useful properties! However, it is necessary to remember some negative aspects when drinking the drink.

  • If there is a tendency to allergies, the components of the mixture must be selected more carefully.
  • Due to the presence of sugar, it should be excluded from the diet of patients with diabetes.
  • Compote made from a low-quality mixture treated with chemicals will be harmful.

Calorie content of compote

The drink is considered dietary.

The calorie content of 100 ml of standard compote without sugar is 60 kcal.

When adding sugar or honey, the calorie content increases. It also varies depending on some additional components: berries, dried apricots, raisins, etc.

Over a long period of time, some preparation tricks have been developed that will help make the drink as tasty as possible, and, importantly, healthy.

  • It is recommended to add pears and apples at the beginning of cooking. Then the rest of the ingredients: rose hips, cherries, chokeberries, prunes, apricots, dogwoods. And the raisins are poured in almost before the end of cooking.
  • Try adding smoked plums, of course, if there are no contraindications. The compote will become piquant and unique.
  • If honey is added to a recipe, add it strictly after it has cooled. In hot compote, it will lose vitamins, which are destroyed at high temperatures.

Boil, experiment - with any set of fruits, the infusion will be useful and will delight your loved ones and friends. Don’t regret spending your free time in the kitchen and perhaps you will become the author of another culinary masterpiece.

dried fruits - 300 grams;
fine sugar - 200 grams;
water - 2 liters.

Well, let's start creating:

Initially, you need to rinse the dried fruits in cool water.

Now take a clean container, pour water into it and put it on the fire.

When the liquid starts to boil, add dried fruits and let them cook for 20 minutes. If you wish, you can add a little dried apricots and raisins to the compote and cook for another 15 minutes.

Sugar should be added to the drink 10 minutes before it is ready. When you remove the compote from the heat, let it steep for two hours.

Dried apple compote

dried apples - 200 grams;
water - 2.5 liters;
sugar - 200 grams;
cloves and allspice - 2 peas each.

Now let's start creating our drink:

First you need to sort out the dried apples, rinse them, and transfer them to a container. Fill the contents with water and send to the fire.

As soon as the liquid with apples boils, pour sugar into the boiling broth and let the compote cook until the apples become soft.

If you wish, you can add lemon juice from half a citrus to the drink.

Also add cloves and allspice to the compote; when the drink is ready, cool it and treat it to your household!

Compote from a mixture of dried fruits

dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dried apples - 100 grams each;
fine sugar - 150 grams;
lemon - 0.5 citrus;
water - 1.5 liters.

Now let's start cooking:

First, prepare the dried fruits, wash them, pour hot water over them, and let them sit for two minutes.

Then drain the water, rinse the dried fruits again and transfer to a container.

Add lemon slices here, add sugar, pour in boiling water and put everything on the fire, cook the drink for 25 minutes, do not forget to cover the container with a lid. After the compote is cooked, let it sit for two hours, and the rich, tasty and healthy compote is ready!

Dried fruit compote in a slow cooker

dried apples - 200 grams;
dried apricots, prunes, raisins - 100 grams each;
sugar - 400 grams.

Well, let's get cooking:

Pour boiling water over the dried fruits and let them sit for a couple of minutes.

Then rinse them in cool water.

Now set the “quenching” mode to start, as soon as the beep sounds, the compote will need to be poured, cooled and treated to your household!

Dried fruit compote for children

water - 200 milliliters;
any dried fruits - 200 grams.

Well, let's get cooking:

First you need to wash the dried fruits thoroughly and transfer them to a container. Then fill them with hot water and leave them overnight.

After the specified time has passed, mix the contents, then add sugar here, put on the fire and boil.

After the compote boils, immediately turn off the heat and let it brew for an hour. That's it, cool the drink and treat your little one!

Dried fruit compote for babies

water - 200 milliliters;
dried fruits - 20 grams;
sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Now let's start cooking:

First, you should wash the dried fruits thoroughly, then put them in a container, pour in warm water, and let them sit for half an hour.

After the specified time has passed, rinse the dried fruits, transfer them to a clean container, and fill them with boiling water.

Then put the water and sugar on the fire separately and let it boil.

Place dried fruits into boiling liquid and simmer the drink for half an hour.

Now cool the compote, dilute it 1:2 with water and treat your baby!

Dried fruit compote for a nursing mother

dried apples or pears - 200 grams;
sugar - to your taste.

Well, let's start cooking:

First you need to wash the dried fruits, pour boiling water over them and set aside for 20 minutes.

Then transfer the dried fruits into a container, pour in water and put on low heat, let the drink cook for forty minutes.

A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add sugar to the compote, after cooking, cool the drink and that’s it, let the nursing mother enjoy an incredibly tasty homemade healthy drink, the dried fruit compote is ready!