
Kozinaki at home - Very tasty photo recipe. Homemade kozinaki Soft kozinaki at home

Hello, dear readers. Today I will show you a recipe for kozinaki made from seeds. I've been meaning to do this for a long time, but never got around to it. And just then my daughter began to often bring kozinaki from the school cafeteria. And I won’t be a prophet if I say that each of us wants the best for our children. It’s just that our daughter is not greedy, and treated me to a dessert made from sunflower seeds, and I came across rotten sunflower seeds. This prompted me to make them at home to be sure of the quality of the kozinaki.

The recipe is very simple and quick, and also contains a minimum of ingredients, which are also proven. I made a large portion, if you have too much, it can be easily divided into two parts. We simply have a lot of lovers of roasted sunflower seeds, especially in this form.

Composition of kozinaki from seeds

  • Sunflower seeds - 400 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams or 6 tablespoons
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons

We will also need parchment paper and vegetable oil to grease the paper.

To prepare, we need a minimum of ingredients and a minimum of time. We will do this in a frying pan. We have an old frying pan for such purposes. But you can use both a cauldron and a stewpan. I do not recommend using enamel and non-stick cookware.

Place the frying pan on low heat. Pour all the sugar there and add honey. Our spoons are large, so 6 spoons yield 150 grams of sugar. We buy honey from a beekeeper we know, we try to take the first honey, so it’s not even candied. If you don’t know a beekeeper, then we have already written about how.

We wait until all the sugar has dissolved so that there are no grains. At the same time, I stirred the sugar with a spoon. When it has completely dissolved, add sunflower seeds and mix everything well. We do not remove from the heat, as the seeds are cooler than the sugar, and it immediately becomes thick. I was able to mix everything well within 2 minutes.

The seeds can be added either fried or raw. It depends on your taste or wishes. Raw seeds are healthier, but fried seeds are tastier. We made it from roasted seeds.

While the sugar was still dissolving, I took parchment paper, greased it with vegetable oil and put it on the table, where we will pour the mixture of sugar and seeds.

I smeared the paper without getting my hands dirty. I poured a spoonful of oil on one sheet and pressed it with the other sheet. Placing two sheets of paper between my palms, I made circular movements.

When we have poured our seeds onto the paper, we can use a spoon to distribute the seeds over the sheet. Then cover with a second sheet of paper and you can roll it out with a rocker.

At first I tried to simply press it with the bottom of the pan, but it turned out to be a thick layer. Then I took a rocker and just rolled it out like dough.

Then he took off the top sheet of paper and divided it into pieces. The pieces can be made in any shape as you wish. I made it about two centimeters wide so that it would be easier to bite. You can press it with whatever you want, I did it with a spatula. Now we leave our kozinaki to cool. It took us about 20 minutes to cool down.

After this, divide into pieces and place on a plate. Now you will learn how to grease parchment paper well. Where the paper was poorly lubricated, it was more difficult to separate it from the seeds. This is the beauty we got.

Even in childhood we made similar kozinaki. True, back then we had to husk the seeds ourselves. Now it’s easier, I went to the store and bought it. And I’m sure this is not the last kozinaki recipe on our blog. There are still many interesting recipes ahead.

Making kozinaki is so easy that any schoolchild can do it! Many people still associate this delicacy with their childhood - their mothers or grandmothers probably prepared it for them. The list of ingredients contains only two main products - raw seeds and sugar (honey).

Kozinaki is a Georgian sweet, and it is traditionally made from walnuts, but since the seeds are much cheaper, and the taste of the created dessert does not suffer, we will prepare them from sunflower seeds. They can be purchased at the market or supermarket.


  • 200 g raw seeds
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 50 ml boiling water
  • a pinch of salt


1. Rinse the purchased seeds in water and place them in an even layer on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in the oven. Heat the seeds for 30 minutes at 120–150° C, opening the oven door slightly, then pour them into a deep container. Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan or cauldron and pour in water. There is no need to add more water, no matter how much you might want to! We have to make caramel. Place the container on the stove and cook over medium heat, stirring, for about 8 minutes.

2. As soon as the sweet mass begins to bubble, stir it continuously and watch the color.

3. It should turn golden brown. It is at this moment that you remove the mass from the heat.

4. Pour the hot caramel seeds into the container and stir everything instantly! If you hesitate, the mass will seize in the container.

5. Place it in an even layer on parchment paper greased with vegetable oil, and place the paper on a baking sheet. This must be done very quickly, otherwise the kozinaki will break in your hands when the caramel hardens.

6. Then let the whole mass cool and break it into pieces. Many cooks cut the mass with a knife while it is still warm - a matter of taste. Uneven, fuzzy edges of sweets look much more attractive. Serve kozinaki with a cup of tea or coffee. Remember that dessert is very high in calories and should be eaten little by little.

Note to the hostess

1. Caramel comes in different degrees of viscosity and density. Although classic kozinak is always hard, you can still soften it a little. To make it not brittle, but slightly viscous, something like toffee, the caramel base should be made with a mixture of sugar and starch molasses. The consistency depends on their ratio, and you can determine the most acceptable one for yourself only through experimentation. At first it is better to use a 1:1 ratio, and make adjustments when preparing the treat later.

2. It is advisable to buy industrially peeled seeds, but sometimes shell remains are found on them. Removing them by simply rubbing them in your palms is problematic: if they did not succumb to the factory machine, it means they are firmly stuck to the grains. You will have to carefully review the raw materials and manually get rid of the stuck husks.

3. Many have already encountered an exotic product - Turkish seeds with a snow-white shell, a pleasant nutty flavor and a high content of vitamins. They also make kozinaki, and excellent ones at that. Striped gray-black (domestic) is a suitable material, but you cannot buy a hybrid of corn and sunflower, as it is an inedible variety.

4. Varieties are allowed to be mixed; seeds of different sizes – large and small – will look good in a kozinak plate.

Kozinaki is an incredibly tasty delicacy that comes from Georgia. Traditionally, honey and walnuts were used in preparing the delicacy, but today you can increasingly see kozinaki with various ingredients on store shelves.

In the former post-Soviet countries, the most common kozinaki is made from sunflower seeds, which you can prepare yourself if you wish.

Many people have been familiar with the extraordinary taste of such a delicacy as kozinaki since childhood. Kozinaki are quite nutritious, because the nuts contain a lot of vegetable protein, thanks to which the delicacy can be a healthy competitor to meat dishes.

No less useful components are represented by antioxidants, vitamin E, as well as carbohydrates necessary to fill the human body with energy.

Another useful ingredient is honey, which is filled with vitamins, minerals and all kinds of micro- and macroelements. Even small children know about the beneficial properties of this beekeeping product. Honey helps strengthen the immune system and is also used for medicinal purposes in the fight against various diseases.

To summarize, we can say that kozinaki is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy and nutritious, but this is not always the case. The fact is that preparing kozinaki most often involves heat treatment of honey, as a result of which all its beneficial properties are lost.

It is also important not to forget about the high calorie content of this delicacy, which, as a rule, reaches 500-600 calories per 100 g of product. In this regard, leading nutritionists strongly recommend giving up kozinaki to those people who want to lose excess weight.

Another serious contraindication is diabetes. These nuances must be taken into account if you are wondering how to prepare kozinaki at home.

There are many variations in the preparation of this popular delicacy, which differ in the ingredients used. At home, it is not difficult to prepare the classic and most popular kozinaki, in which the main ingredient is sunflower seeds. The ingredients that will be needed for this are presented:

  • peeled sunflower seeds – 300 g;
  • honey – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – ½ cup;
  • lemon – 1 slice;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. spoons.

The first step is to prepare the syrup, for which you need to mix the specified amounts of lemon juice and sugar. Add a tablespoon of honey to a frying pan with a small amount of oil (it is better to give preference to a liquid product).

As soon as the honey begins to boil, you need to pour the prepared syrup of lemon juice and sugar into the frying pan. All ingredients should be heated, stirring regularly.

The signal for adding sunflower seeds should be the darkening and thickening of the mass. After this, the contents of the pan should be thoroughly mixed and heating continued, reducing the heat to low.

Cook the mixture for no longer than one minute. In this case, it is necessary to stir the contents regularly to avoid burning.

After the specified time has passed, the heated mass should be placed on a baking sheet covered with baking paper soaked in oil. It is recommended to leave the kozinaki in this position for 2-3 hours, which is necessary for the mass to harden. The treat is ready!

According to the traditional recipe, walnuts are used in the preparation of kozinaki. If you decide to enjoy traditional kozinaki, you need to use the following in their preparation:

  • peeled walnuts – 500 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • honey – 100 g.

Nuts should be peeled not only from shells, but also from husks. To make the task easier, it is recommended to pour the nuts into a frying pan and heat them a little, stirring regularly. As soon as a pleasant aroma appears, the product should be poured into a towel and rubbed thoroughly. As a result of the manipulations, nuts should remain separated from the husk.

The next step is to chop the nuts into medium-sized pieces using a knife. After this, you can start preparing a syrup consisting of honey and sugar. The ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and melted in a water bath or low heat. The resulting syrup must be added to the chopped walnuts.

After thorough mixing, the mass should be placed on parchment paper and leveled. In this case, it is also recommended to pre-lubricate the parchment with oil, because this will prevent the mass from sticking to the material.

All you have to do is wait for the mass to harden and homemade kozinaki will be ready to eat.

Georgian kozinaki at home is a simple and at the same time tasty delicacy with a rich taste that any housewife can prepare. You've probably seen kozinaki in stores, and most likely ate them as a child. But modern store-bought kozinaki are nothing compared to the deliciousness you prepare yourself.

Kozinaki from seeds


  • Hulled sunflower seeds – 400 g.
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Honey – 50 g.


  1. Mix sugar and honey and keep on low heat, stirring until you get a liquid, homogeneous mass.
  2. Add the seeds and stir until they are all well coated with honey.
  3. Place the sweet mass on the parchment. Flatten it into a layer.
  4. While the mass is warm, cut it into strips or cubes.
  5. When the mixture has cooled completely, break it into pieces.

Kozinaki with walnuts


  • Peeled walnuts – 500 g.
  • Sugar – 60 g.
  • Honey – 100 g.


  1. First, peel the nuts from the husks. To do this, bake them in a frying pan, stirring constantly, until a pleasant smell appears. Then wrap it in a towel and rub – the husk will separate.
  2. Chop the nuts with a knife into medium pieces.
  3. Now mix sugar and honey and melt them.
  4. Add nuts to sugar and honey, mix.
  5. Place the sweet mass on the parchment and smooth it out. Cut into pieces.
  6. When the mass has cooled, break it.

Kozinaki with sesame


  • Sesame – 300 g.
  • Honey – 300 g.
  • Lemon juice – 20 ml.


  1. In a dry frying pan, fry the sesame seeds until golden brown. Be sure to stir so it doesn't burn.
  2. Melt honey, add lemon juice and stir.
  3. Add sesame seeds, mix everything until smooth.
  4. Place the sweet mixture on parchment paper, smooth it out, cut it and let it cool.

To prepare kozinaki, you can use different nuts: peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios. Poppy seeds, dried fruits, chocolate sauce and other ingredients are also added to this delicacy. In a word, use your imagination, and you will definitely come up with wonderful sweets. You may even be able to create an original combination of ingredients and cook kozanaki according to your own unique recipe.

  • Do not pour the sweet mass onto the foil (it is recommended to use it in many kozinaki recipes). When the mass hardens, pieces of foil may stick to it and will have to be peeled off. This is not a very pleasant process.
  • If you want to make kozinaki in the form of balls, roll them with your hands dipped in cold water. Just let the sweet mass cool a little so as not to get burned.
  • To smooth the surface of the sweet mass, use a rolling pin moistened with cold water.
  • To prepare dietary kozinaki, you can replace sugar with fructose, and nuts with pearl barley or oatmeal.
  • You can make kozinaki in the form of various figures. To do this, use silicone molds (they are sold in any supermarket). The sweet mass does not stick to them and separates well.
  • Store kozinaki in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Even in this form, they can be stored for no longer than two months.

Remember that kozinaki is a rather high-calorie delicacy. Therefore, eat it in moderation to keep your figure slim.

There is probably not a person in the Russian expanses who has not tried kozinaki. For almost everyone, they personify the time of serene childhood. Mothers probably want to introduce their offspring to bright memories and sweet sensations. But not always and not everywhere there is an opportunity to buy the treasured delicacy. Well, that means you need to make your own kozinaki. At home, they are prepared easily and quickly. In addition, you will be absolutely sure that nothing unnecessary was slipped into the sweetness. Moreover, it becomes possible to vary its taste in accordance with the wishes of the younger generation.

Kozinaki: benefits and harm

The positive qualities of a dish are primarily determined by the ingredients used by the cook. Unfortunately, all the benefits of honey in kozinaki are not manifested, since it is exposed to thermal effects. But if you haven’t fried them first, you have a lot of vitamin E. Nuts will supply your body with almost all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Don’t forget about their nutritional value: the delicacy is highly recommended for those recovering from an illness.

As for the harm, kozinaki are contraindicated only for diabetics, however, like other sweets. Allergy sufferers should also treat them with caution. But the harm for those losing weight is highly exaggerated: the delicacy is so sweet that you won’t be able to eat much of it.

Classic kozinaki

First, take two glasses of nuts and lightly fry them. Small kernels, like pistachios or peanuts, can be left whole; large ones can be chopped, but not too finely. A glass with a heap of sugar is poured into a frying pan, supplemented with half a glass of honey, water (three-quarters of a glass) is poured into the container, and after boiling, the syrup is cooked for about a quarter of an hour. With the appearance of foam, nuts are poured into the vessel (four hundred grams, that’s about one and a half glasses). At the same moment, add half a spoon of soda; it is needed to make the dessert “bubbly”. The mold is lightly coated and the finished “dough” is placed into it. After cooling, nut kozinaki is cut into triangles or diamonds at home. To speed up the process, you can place the mold in the refrigerator. If everything is done correctly, the dessert will be crispy but soft.

How to cook kozinaki at home without honey?

This option is suitable for those who have allergies in the family who react to bee products. The recipe will also come in handy when you simply don’t have honey on hand. To do without it and get delicious kozinaki from nuts at home, take a glass of kernels - you can only walnuts, you can mix them with peanuts, as you like. The nuts are dried in a dry frying pan and crushed. You should end up with pieces, not flour. Four tablespoons of sugar with cardamom, taken on the tip of a knife, are simmered over low heat until it becomes syrup. To facilitate the process, you can pour in a spoonful of water, only then you will have to wait until it evaporates. The nuts are poured into the syrup, kneaded, and laid out on parchment lightly coated with oil so that it can be separated more easily. The sausage is rolled up and hidden in the refrigerator for ten minutes. Afterwards, the kozinaki (it’s not at all difficult to prepare them at home) are cut into circles and served with tea. If you like these sweets in a different shape, you can form a layer, and when it starts to set, cut it as needed.

Diet treat

Those who take care of their figure and do not trust assurances that oriental sweets are safe do not have to deny themselves a little pleasure, since you can make kozinaki at home in a waist-friendly version. They are also suitable for people prone to diabetes, since the sweet ingredients are replaced with banana. The glass is soaked in water for half an hour, after which they are dried on a paper towel and ground with an equal amount of dry counterparts. Three bananas are pureed in a blender, flavored with cinnamon (half a spoon) and cardamom (pinch), mixed with seeds. Small cakes or figures are molded from the mixture, sprinkled with sesame seeds, laid out on a sheet lined with parchment and placed in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Airy dessert

Nuts and seeds are a traditional filling when making kozinaki at home. The recipe that we offer below is quite original: it uses a more familiar one. Combining the traditions of this country with Georgian ones turned out to be very successful. And you don’t even have to look for a special kind of rice; regular, round rice will do.

Half a glass of cereal is boiled in a large volume of water for about a third of an hour. Then it is carefully strained, and even dried with a towel, scattered on a baking sheet lined with parchment and hidden in the oven. At a temperature of 80 degrees and periodic stirring, the rice should dry for 2.5-3 hours. Next, it is fried in a slightly greased frying pan in small portions until puffed up. Three tablespoons of granulated sugar are diluted with five cold water, mixed with two tablespoons of flower honey and a few grains of citric acid. The thick syrup is boiled, cooled a little and mixed into the rice. The mass is straightened into a cake, cooled and cut into pieces. Homemade rice kozinaki is ready and waiting for its connoisseurs.

Pearl barley kozinaki

The unloved cereal in this dish turns into a delicious dessert. A glass of pearl barley is soaked for about twenty minutes; The main thing here is not to overcook it so that it doesn’t become too soft. Pour a little, three tablespoons, of vegetable oil into a deep frying pan and add the cereal. With continuous stirring, it dries well until it turns white and begins to swell. At this time, add sugar, 3-4 tablespoons. Mixing at this stage should be especially intense. The grains begin to brown and stick together a little. When it becomes completely golden brown, the mass is laid out on a greased plate. Once it cools down, you can break it and use it with tea.

Oatmeal - go!

Those who dare to experiment with rice and pearl barley will probably agree to try the dessert with “rolled oatmeal”. Its main advantage is the speed of preparation combined with a wonderful taste. Five tablespoons of sunflower oil without flavoring and the same amount of sugar are combined in a frying pan. When the latter melts, pour in an equal amount of flakes. The mass is quickly mixed, and after thickening, placed on a plate moistened with cool water and leveled. Quick kozinaki at home are immediately cut and after half an hour, even without refrigeration, are available for eating.

Something about Georgian delicacy

If you already know how to make kozinaki at home, and your loved ones have tried them and were delighted, then it’s time to experiment. To start, you can try making caramel from brown sugar.

The taste can be changed by adding lemon juice, cinnamon, vanilla or apple cider vinegar (the main thing is not to overdo it).

Homemade kozinaki made from seeds will be especially tasty if you mix several varieties: pumpkin, sunflower, sesame.

Nuts combine perfectly in kozinaki with prunes, dried apricots and

An interesting taste effect comes from coating the finished treat with melted chocolate. Moreover, black is more suitable for nut, and white for pome fruit.