
Treatment of psoriasis with cabbage brine: reviews, correct use. Fresh and sauerkraut for psoriasis, treatment of scaly lichen with cabbage brine Benefits of cabbage brine

Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by papular, scaly skin rashes. Simply put, it is a dermatosis that comes in many varieties. It is quite difficult to get rid of this disease, since the patient, as a rule, has seriously impaired metabolic processes, and simple pharmaceutical medications are not enough.

For psoriasis, therapeutic nutrition is extremely important. Any doctor can confirm this. Since metabolic processes in the body are directly related to what we eat, for healing, first of all, it is necessary to adjust the daily menu and create your own therapeutic diet.

Those suffering from psoriasis should definitely stop smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeine. It is preferable to drink teas based on herbs: oregano, rose hips, mint, calamus and black currant. Also, do not give up water - on the contrary, drink plenty of it, preferably with lemon.

What to include in your diet to forget about the disease?

Due to the fact that psoriasis is a kind of cutaneous lipoidosis (an abnormality of lipid metabolism, characterized by elevated levels of lipids in the blood), most competent dermatologists advise limiting animal fats in the menu - meat, eggs, fish, dairy products.

Everyone knows that vegetables themselves have a positive effect on the human body and have no contraindications. In the case of psoriasis, there are also no exceptions. Vegetables can normalize metabolism, calm the liver and intestines (there is no unnecessary stress on these organs) and tone a person’s health in a very short time.

A vegetarian diet completely restructures the functioning of the body. Patients with psoriasis should definitely increase their potassium intake, especially during hormonal therapy. We will talk further about which vegetables are especially useful and necessary.

Uses of pumpkin

When treating psoriasis with pumpkin, you should avoid animal proteins and spices.. What part of the pumpkin is the most useful for illness? Surprisingly, far from pulp or seeds! Regular fetal tails are suitable for treatment. They need to be baked in the oven until ash-like. And at night, anoint the psoriasis spots with the juice of garlic, onion and celery, and sprinkle the smeared areas with this same pumpkin ash. The only downside to this treatment is the smell, but for the sake of your health it’s worth it.

Pumpkin is a vegetable native to South America, which was cultivated by ancient Indian tribes. Pumpkin pulp was used to prepare many dishes, and oil was produced from the seeds. Nowadays, the vegetable is used both in cooking and in cosmetology, and, of course, in therapeutic nutrition. The pulp of the fruit contains vitamins A, B, E, C, D and many trace elements such as potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium.

Potatoes against psoriasis

The next vegetable in the fight against psoriasis is ordinary potatoes. It has a high content of potassium and phosphorus, but is valuable only in its raw form. Raw potatoes rub on a fine grater and apply to the affected areas of the skin. Keep the compress for at least an hour. This method is less time-consuming and quite effective.

Treatment with sauerkraut brine

Who would have thought that such a simple and affordable remedy as cabbage pickle could get rid of psoriasis. What is the secret of this product? Brine can dry out the affected areas, so during treatment you often experience an unpleasant burning sensation, itching and discomfort. But this is only a sign that the skin is beginning to regenerate. The course of treatment is usually 2-3 months. Cabbage brine lotions can cure psoriasis forever.

How can celery help?

To cure psoriasis with celery, we need its root. It contains the most valuable substances that destroy the disease. For treatment, it is necessary to grind the root as much as possible to obtain a paste. Then apply the resulting pulp to the affected areas of the skin and cover with film and a towel. This compress is best done at night. The course of treatment is two to three months.

Using the Bow

The most difficult, but at the same time the most effective method of treating psoriasis is onion therapy.. But here you will need iron willpower and angelic patience, as well as about a month of free time. For example, if you have a vacation or vacation, then this method is just right. Every morning you need to take a hot bath with sea salt for half an hour. The proportion is a kilogram of salt per bath. Then rinse with chamomile infusion and dry. While drying, grate the onion on a fine grater (it should be as fresh as possible). Then apply the onion mixture to the affected areas of the skin. The biggest difficulty is that the onion pulp cannot be washed off. The next day, wash off the old gruel with soap and repeat the same thing. The course of treatment lasts a month. This method is not easy, but the results are very good.

If you follow all of the above, you can recover and find a new life. Getting rid of psoriasis has a positive psychological effect. When you are healthy, the world is perceived completely differently, brighter and more amazing. Don’t be lazy to spend time on treatment, because being healthy is real happiness!

Cabbage for psoriasis is a popular way to get rid of skin disease. Healers applied fresh vegetable leaves to the legs and arms to heal growths and plaques. Thanks to its healing effect, cabbage and its brine remaining after ripening contributed to the healing and exfoliation of the epidermis. What is the secret of such a healing effect?

The plant contains a full complex of vitamins that are responsible for the proper and continuous functioning of internal organs. Carotene, B1, B6, C, B3, K and U (a component that prevents the appearance of ulcers on the body and stomach) control all metabolic processes in our body.

Masks and vegetable compresses have a whitening effect, even out skin tone and lighten spots that appear when papules and plaques erupt in the acute phase of psoriasis.

Moisturizing elements have a beneficial effect on tissues, softening the skin and exfoliating excess keratinized epidermis.

Cabbage juice for psoriasis

The juice of this cruciferous vegetable is a cleansing and nourishing drink. You need to take vegetable nectar following certain rules:

  • Often, after drinking juice, an accumulation of gases forms in the intestines. This reaction of the body is associated with the properties of the vegetable to decompose toxic products rotting in the digestive tract.
  • If, as a result, normal bowel movements and the process of emptying are disrupted, enemas will help remove both gases and waste and toxins.
  • To make it easier to take folk remedy It is recommended to drink beforehand carrot juice or carrot-spinach mix. The substances included in them will prepare the body to absorb cabbage juice.
  • It is forbidden to add salt, sugar, pepper and other seasonings to the dish; if these components get into the juice, it will lose its healing properties.
  • The infusion is prepared from ripe leaves of the head of cabbage. The shelf life is no more than 2 days after spinning.
  • This juice therapy lasts 2-3 weeks, at the end of which the internal environment and skin are cleansed.

“We have implemented a national Russian development that can get rid of the cause of psoriasis and destroy the disease itself in a few weeks. "

Fresh cabbage leaves are also used for external use. We apply them to the affected areas and wrap them with a bandage to secure them. After 3 hours, remove the vegetable compress, wash the skin with cool water and apply fresh leaves. Repeat 2-3 times a day for two weeks.

Sauerkraut for psoriasis

The ripening process is the result of the action of lactic acid bacteria on a fresh product. When such food enters the stomach, its functioning improves by suppressing the proliferation of harmful microorganisms and maintaining the growth of beneficial ones. Nutritionists insist that cabbage and cabbage brine will help in the fight against scaly lichen.

The patient will be relieved of psoriasis by strengthened immunity, restored metabolism and renewed skin. This is exactly how pickled vegetables and their brine affect the body.

The following are considered contraindications to the use of such a vegetable diet:

  • Stones in the gall bladder.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach.
  • Kidney diseases.

Elena Malysheva: “How did I manage to defeat psoriasis at home in 1 week, without leaving the couch?!”

Sauerkraut for psoriasis

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut if you have psoriasis? It’s even necessary, because it’s very useful for psoriasis.

Treatment of psoriasis with sauerkraut and brine

It is curious, but this seemingly simple and easily accessible remedy, like sauerkraut brine, can quickly and very effectively help in eliminating psoriasis.

The secret is that this brine almost immediately dries out the sore skin, plus it removes the patient’s burning sensation, discomfort and itching. The skin begins to quickly recover and take on its former healthy appearance.

In fact, these wonderful compressors using brine from it help destroy psoriasis forever. Typically, this cure lasts for 240 days.

Precautionary measures

Cabbage juice, sauerkraut and its brine are among the most effective folk methods for solving problems such as psoriasis, but it should not be regarded as a cure for all diseases.

Medical staff argue that the systematic use of this medicinal vegetable in the process of treating psoriasis contains a number of different contraindications, and in fact:

  • Citizens with urolithiasis and kidney failure are not allowed to eat it;
  • pancreatitis;
  • peptic ulcer (including duodenal ulcers);
  • increased acidity, gastritis, gastroduodenitis.

The benefits of sauerkraut are undeniable.

Sauerkraut juice provides the human body with extraordinary benefits. Brine is formed during the fermentation of cabbage. This drink has a rich mineral and vitamin composition.

The use of brine favors:

Brine is generally beneficial for males. This is a good remedy that increases male strength and reproductive function of a man.

The benefit of brine for women is that the juice enhances metabolism and helps to lose excess weight. It also eliminates human contamination and cleanses the intestinal tract.

Cabbage juice contains an excess of antioxidants that destroy the production of free radicals, which helps curb the progression of aging.

Gennady 34 years old, Petrozavodsk

I bought a jar and began to heal my right leg: I soaked gauze in brine and wrapped the leg in several layers. I wrapped it in film on top and put on a stocking.

A week later I took off the stocking, my delight knew no bounds: 80% of the psoriasis had disappeared. I did this procedure 6 more times. There are 3 small spots left, which I now lubricate with iodine. Like this.

Video on the topic

About the treatment of psoriasis with cabbage brine in the video:

Cabbage brine for the treatment of psoriasis

In Rus', people have been treated since ancient times cabbage brine and the most salty or sauerkraut, and the list of diseases is simply huge.

Not because previously there was nothing to treat patients with, but because the properties of this product are unique.

Does cabbage pickle help with psoriasis? This is a question often asked by adherents folk recipes. Let's figure out whether it is useful for patients with this disease, and how traditional medicine advises using it.

Benefits of cabbage brine

The main ingredient in brine is table salt.

Each housewife has her own, special recipes. According to cooking methods, cabbage preparation can be divided into three types.

The concentration of the solution depends on the method of preparing cabbage:

  • Pickled cabbage – 2.5-3.5%.
  • Sauerkraut – 4-7.5%.
  • Salted cabbage 9 – 30%.

In addition to salt, the brine contains fermentation products - organic acids (acetic, lactic).

They are formed only from the juice of this vegetable, by transforming its components, and are not added from the outside, as with marinades.

This is what distinguishes pickled foods from salted ones. Both of these media (salty and acidic) are used in the treatment of psoriasis with cabbage brine using external methods.

All the substances that it is so rich in White cabbage, go into brine almost completely. The longer the fermentation continues, the more of them there are in the solution.

Moreover, useful substances come not only from cabbage, but also from accompanying components:

  1. cranberries,
  2. dill,
  3. parsley,
  4. carrots,
  5. currant and cherry leaves and so on.

The cabbage itself supplies the brine:

How can one doubt whether cabbage brine helps in the treatment of skin diseases if, when consumed internally, the body receives vitamins and nutrients that cleanse and strengthen the body.

But most of all we are interested in its external use for this disease. It has a stronger effect.

How to treat with brine and leaves

First of all, we need to decide what kind of cabbage preparation suits us. For treatment, it is better to use salted and sauerkraut. What can you add when salting?


If the cabbage is sauerkraut, then the main pH background will be acidic, it can be aggravated with cranberry extract. That is, it is better to ferment cabbage with cranberries.

Direct treatment of psoriasis with cabbage leaves or gruel obtained by fermenting finely chopped cabbage is very effective if applied overnight to the plaques.

However, this method will not work if the affected area is too large or the spots are in hard-to-reach places.

Salted cabbage

  1. If the cabbage is salted, the effect of salt on the skin will be used. You can add dill, carrots, currant, cherry, and apple leaves there.
  2. Pepper, garlic, cinnamon, mustard and other spices should be excluded to avoid skin irritation.

You should not use cabbage leaf treatment when pickling this vegetable; it is better to use brine.

  • They need to wipe the plaques morning and evening.
  • Moreover, you cannot wipe or wash off the brine.

You need to let it dry naturally. Use these treatments until the spots lighten. You can do this for a long time, irritation and allergic reactions are not noticed.

Frozen pickle

A very effective remedy is to freeze the brine with ice cubes in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

This treatment of this skin disease with cabbage brine is especially recommended for severe itching.

You can add mint leaves to salted cabbage. This will not spoil the taste of the product; it can be eaten.

Thus, it is possible to treat psoriatic rashes. Other external agents are also used.

But you need to remember: if there is acid in the medicines from the pharmacy, then use better juice sauerkraut.

If you wipe the plaques with brine in the morning and evening, then the pharmaceutical product can be used during the day.

It is especially effective to alternate the treatment of psoriasis with cabbage brine with the use of birch tar or celandine decoction.

Cabbage pickle treats psoriasis

Dear readers! We have collected another portion of the recipes you sent to the editor. But we remind you that before using them you should still consult your doctor. After all, even the most useful recommendations there may be contraindications.

Pain due to osteochondrosis can be cured if 100 g of garlic is infused in 250 g of vodka for 10 days in the dark, and then rubbed into the sore spot.
The following recipe will help remove unnecessary salts, stones, and cleanse blood vessels: leave 100 g of cinnamon + 250 g of vodka for two weeks in a cool, dark place, take 1 tbsp. l. morning and evening 20 minutes before meals. Make 4 servings for a two-month course of treatment. Repeat treatment no earlier than after 3–4 years.
Valentina Mishukhina, Altai Territory, p. Togul

You can cleanse the pancreas of toxins using bay leaves. Place 10 bay leaves in a thermos, pour 300 g of boiling water over them, close and leave for a day. Then strain the infusion and drink 50 g (no more!) half an hour before meals. As soon as you finish the prepared volume, move on to the next portion, prepared in advance. So treat for two weeks. Then, if you can, do a blood test - you will see very good changes.
You can also take parsley for cleaning: mince 2 kg of fresh roots and pour
3.5 liters of milk. Cook until the consistency of porridge is about an hour and a half. The finished dish should be eaten within three days, without eating anything else. By the way, this method greatly desalts the body, so after treatment you need to drink mineral water for several days.

Sometimes after the flu, after overwork, inflammation of the optic nerve - neuritis - can develop. Visual acuity suddenly decreases, and some fields of vision seem to disappear. Treatment should be started as early as possible. Calendula, eyebright, blueberry leaves, St. John's wort, yarrow and plantain will help. It is useful to take infusions of these herbs orally or apply lotions to the eyes.
I also want to tell you about Kalanchoe. This plant has helped me out more than once. If I burn myself with an iron or something hot in the kitchen, I apply a crushed Kalanchoe leaf - the pain goes away and the burn heals faster. At
If I have a runny nose, I drop Kalanchoe juice into my nose, diluted 1:1 with water. It helps a lot!
L. N. Rozanova, Ulyanovsk region, Inza

For viral hepatitis: dilute 4 g of mumiyo in a glass of water, add honey and take 1 time in the evening for 28 days.

For cirrhosis: take 0.35 g of mumiyo in the morning on an empty stomach, 0.2 g in the evening. Course – 10 days. Break – 5 days. Repeat up to 10 courses.

For cholecystitis: take 0.2 g of mumiyo once every 10 days. Break – 5 days. Course – 2–3 times.

For nephritis: dissolve 2 g of mumiyo in 1 liter of water. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals for 10 days. Break -
5 days. Repeat the course 3-4 times.

Take 0.2 g mummy for 10 days. Break – 5 days. Repeat the course of treatment 2-3 times.

Arterial hypertension. When pressure increases, it improves mental and physical performance, memory, attention, normalizes all types of metabolism, stimulates activity immune system This is the recipe: you should drink 0.2 g of mumiyo in the morning and evening for 10 days. Break – 5 days. Repeat the course 3 times.

Yarukova M.A., Omsk region, p. Kalinino

Recipes from a herbalist

I inherited my passion for herbal healing from my grandfather. He was a competent herbalist. I offer my readers proven recipes.

The first one helped me and many others who tried it to get rid of psoriasis. Who said that psoriasis cannot be cured? The treatment is very simple; you need to lubricate the damaged areas daily with cabbage brine, prepared for the winter. After a week, the psoriasis plaques will literally begin to crumble, and new pink skin will appear in their place. If after a few months psoriasis begins to appear again, “feed” it again with the brine that he is so afraid of.

The second recipe is for pain and heaviness in the stomach. Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body. Fill a 700-gram jar with green horseradish leaves and pour vodka. Leave in a warm place for 2 weeks. Strain the infusion, pour it back into the seven hundred and top it up with water. Leave for another 2 weeks. Drink by
2 tbsp. l. before meals.

Infusion of cyanosis for diseases of the bronchi and lungs: pour 3 g of roots and 8 g of herb into 20 ml of boiling water, brew in a thermos for 2 hours, strain, cool to room temperature and take 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers, drink a decoction of marshweed. Brew 10 g of herb in a thermos with 200 ml of boiling water for 2 hours, strain and take 3 tbsp. l. in 30 min. before meals. A decoction of cyanosis roots also helps: 6 g per 200 ml of boiling water, brew in a thermos for 2 hours, take 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals.

Bezverkhny N.M., Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk

The use of medicinal properties of vegetables for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by papular, scaly skin rashes. Simply put, it is a dermatosis that comes in many varieties. It is quite difficult to get rid of this disease, since the patient, as a rule, has seriously impaired metabolic processes, and simple pharmaceutical medications are not enough.

For psoriasis, therapeutic nutrition is extremely important. Any doctor can confirm this. Since metabolic processes in the body are directly related to what we eat, for healing, first of all, it is necessary to adjust the daily menu and create your own therapeutic diet.

Those suffering from psoriasis should definitely stop smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeine. It is preferable to drink teas based on herbs: oregano, rose hips, mint, calamus and black currant. Also, do not give up water - on the contrary, drink plenty of it, preferably with lemon.

What to include in your diet to forget about the disease?

Due to the fact that psoriasis is a kind of cutaneous lipoidosis (an abnormality of lipid metabolism, characterized by elevated levels of lipids in the blood), most competent dermatologists advise limiting animal fats in the menu - meat, eggs, fish, dairy products.

Everyone knows that vegetables themselves have a positive effect on the human body and have no contraindications. In the case of psoriasis, there are also no exceptions. Vegetables can normalize metabolism, calm the liver and intestines (there is no unnecessary stress on these organs) and tone a person’s health in a very short time.

A vegetarian diet completely restructures the functioning of the body. Patients with psoriasis should definitely increase their potassium intake, especially during hormonal therapy. We will talk further about which vegetables are especially useful and necessary.

Uses of pumpkin

When treating psoriasis with pumpkin, you should avoid animal proteins and spices.. What part of the pumpkin is the most useful for illness? Surprisingly, far from pulp or seeds! Regular fetal tails are suitable for treatment. They need to be baked in the oven until ash-like. And at night, anoint the psoriasis spots with the juice of garlic, onion and celery, and sprinkle the smeared areas with this same pumpkin ash. The only downside to this treatment is the smell, but for the sake of your health it’s worth it.

Pumpkin is a vegetable native to South America, cultivated by ancient Indian tribes. Pumpkin pulp was used to prepare many dishes, and oil was produced from the seeds. Nowadays, the vegetable is used in cooking, cosmetology, and, of course, in medical nutrition. The pulp of the fruit contains vitamins A, B, E, C, D and many trace elements such as potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium.

Potatoes against psoriasis

The next vegetable in the fight against psoriasis is ordinary potatoes. It has a high content of potassium and phosphorus, but is valuable only in its raw form. Raw potatoes are grated on a fine grater and applied to the affected areas of the skin. Keep the compress for at least an hour. This method is less time-consuming and quite effective.

Treatment with sauerkraut brine

Who would have thought that such a simple and affordable remedy as cabbage pickle could get rid of psoriasis. What is the secret of this product? Brine can dry out the affected areas, so during treatment you often experience an unpleasant burning sensation, itching and discomfort. But this is only a sign that the skin is beginning to regenerate. The course of treatment is usually 2-3 months. Cabbage brine lotions can cure psoriasis forever.

How can celery help?

To cure psoriasis with celery, we need its root. It contains the most valuable substances that destroy the disease. For treatment, it is necessary to grind the root as much as possible to obtain a paste. Then apply the resulting pulp to the affected areas of the skin and cover with film and a towel. This compress is best done at night. The course of treatment is two to three months.

Using the Bow

The most difficult, but at the same time the most effective method of treating psoriasis is onion therapy.. But here you will need iron willpower and angelic patience, as well as about a month of free time. For example, if you have a vacation or vacation, then this method is just right. Every morning you need to take a hot bath with sea salt for half an hour. The proportion is a kilogram of salt per bath. Then rinse with chamomile infusion and dry. While drying, grate the onion on a fine grater (it should be as fresh as possible). Then apply the onion mixture to the affected areas of the skin. The biggest difficulty is that the onion pulp cannot be washed off. The next day, wash off the old gruel with soap and repeat the same thing. The course of treatment lasts a month. This method is not easy, but the results are very good.

If you follow all of the above, you can recover and find a new life. Getting rid of psoriasis has a positive psychological effect. When you are healthy, the world is perceived completely differently, brighter and more amazing. Don’t be lazy to spend time on treatment, because being healthy is real happiness!

The article was written based on materials from the sites: vitiligos.ru, psoriazkozhi.ru, thepsorias.ru, sobesednik.ru, narrecepti.ru.

One of the ways to treat psoriatic skin lesions is cabbage. For psoriasis, both fresh and pickled vegetables (including brine) are used. Healers used cabbage leaves as compresses, simply applying them to inflamed areas. The effect is amazing - faster healing of plaques and active exfoliation of the epidermis.

The therapeutic effect is due to the composition of cabbage:

  • The vegetable contains almost all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal passage of metabolic processes.
  • The compress removes the redness of the skin that is typical during an exacerbation of psoriasis.
  • Cabbage softens the skin well, improving the removal of psoriatic scales.

Treatment of scaly lichen with cabbage

When the disease worsens, you can use not only cabbage - fresh and pickled - but also brine.

Cabbage brine for psoriasis is used as follows: apply the product to the surface of each psoriatic plaque and let it dry. The procedure is carried out in the evening. The duration of the course is a week.

Cabbage juice is widely used in the treatment of scaly lichen. While drinking the drink, you may encounter the problem of increased gas formation. To reduce the likelihood of developing flatulence, you must first drink carrot juice or a mixture of carrot and spinach juices. They will prepare the intestines for the absorption of cabbage juice.

You cannot add any seasonings, including salt and pepper, to the drink. Any additive “kills” beneficial features juice The product is prepared from ripe vegetables and stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two days.

The total duration of the course is three weeks. As a rule, by this point the pathology goes into remission and the skin clears up.

Fresh leaves can be used as compresses, applied to the inflamed area. Then secure with a bandage and leave for three hours. After this, apply new leaves. Duration of use is two weeks.

Sauerkraut for psoriasis is another home recipe for treating scaly lichen. To alleviate symptoms, you need to eat a little pickled vegetable before each meal. Duration of therapy is a month.

How does pickled vegetables help with scaly lichen? During ripening, many lactic acid bacteria are formed. Consumption of the product in food helps restore the number of beneficial bacteria. As a result, impaired immune defense and metabolic processes are restored. The result is cleansing of inflamed skin.

The product must be homemade. When fermenting, you do not need to use a lot of salt. If the cabbage turns out to be too salty, then it must be washed.

When you can’t treat psoriasis with cabbage

The use of vegetables in the treatment of scaly lichen will have to be abandoned in the following cases:

  • in the presence of urolithiasis;
  • diagnosed pancreatitis;
  • ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney diseases.

After the cabbage procedure, rinse your skin with warm water without detergents and lubricate with moisturizer. This vegetable, preserved in its own fermented juice, represents a whole wealth for the body. Treatment of psoriasis in human infants. However, only sauerkraut retains the maximum amount of useful substances and is widely used in folk cosmetology and medicine. Increased acidity of gastric juice. It boasts the presence of: This unique phenomenon has scientific justification. Psoriatic rashes treatment of psoriasis with herbs will become much less common bother if you eat sauerkraut for psoriasis centuries at least 3 times a week, while avoiding fried, smoked, sweet and spicy dishes. People began to use sauerkraut for psoriasis and many other diseases (scurvy, gout, rheumatism, colds, metabolic disorders, etc.) in ancient times.

You can take baths with its addition, but since such large volumes of juice are difficult to get, you can make lotions, compresses or local baths. Few people know that sauerkraut for psoriasis will bring more benefits than many medications. For external treatment, sauerkraut juice for psoriasis is rubbed into plaques.

The fermentation process and the resulting acidic environment do not allow cabbage to be consumed in fermented for people with illnesses: When sauerkraut, do not use pepper and other hot seasonings. But not everyone can eat this wonderful dish. Leaves for the treatment of psoriasis of the feet and sauerkraut juice for psoriasis can be used for external and internal use.

Sauerkraut and psoriasis

Cabbage treatment of psoriasis by a homeopath is a wonderful, versatile vegetable that can be prepared in various forms. Anyone who doubts whether sauerkraut can be used to treat psoriasis Staraya Russa for psoriasis has no idea what an invaluable product this is in relation to the treatment of this disease. Treatment of psoriasis with Jerusalem artichoke. With all this richness, the product has a very low calorie content (27 kcal per 100 g). Using this wonderful herbal product as healthy dish on your desk, and also as a topical remedy for psoriatic spots, you will have universal remedy for psoriasis has seen the fight against psoriasis and other ailments. Possessing large fiber, cabbage helps cleanse the intestines and remove waste and toxins, which is necessary for patients with psoriasis.

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut if you have psoriasis? Not only is psoriasis possible in the spring, but it is also necessary. It is not recommended to mix burn psoriasis juice with other ingredients. Cabbage leaf

, after it has fermented well, you can apply it to the affected area, wrap it in film and leave it overnight.

Being an antiseptic and containing acid in its composition, cabbage disinfects the skin, eats away diseased cells from the surface, nourishes new cells with useful minerals and vitamins, promoting their rapid growth. Cabbage for psoriasis can be used to eliminate psoriatic plaques typical of the pathology. In this case, the vegetable is used in any form, in addition to this medicinal properties

Even the cabbage brine obtained by preparing sauerkraut has this property. When using cabbage in any form, the mechanism of action on the skin of the body is approximately the same. Thanks to special chemical composition

  1. the vegetable, when consumed as food and for treating surfaces affected by psoriasis, has the following effects:
  2. Saturates epidermal cells with vitamin complexes and microelements.
  3. Reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes on the surface of the body.
  4. Eliminates or significantly reduces itching and redness of the skin.
  5. Softens integument and keratinization.

Helps accelerate the processes of regeneration of epidermal cells while simultaneously exfoliating dying elements.

When using cabbage, you should remember that it cannot help defeat the pathological process on its own.

What is this article about?

Uses of sauerkraut

The vegetable in this form is considered a tasty and medicinal product.

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut if you have psoriasis? Sauerkraut for psoriasis is a unique means of combating pathology, so it is not only possible, but also necessary to eat it.

The dish contains a large amount of vitamin C, and this component is contained even more than in a fresh head of cabbage.

Consumption of the product allows you to saturate the blood with additional electrolytes to normalize metabolic processes.

  • Use vegetable and cabbage pickle for psoriasis to have the following effects on the body of psoriatic patients: functionality intestines and its further cleansing of waste and toxins;
  • stimulation of the processes of reproduction of representatives of microflora beneficial to humans;
  • normalization of the functioning of the immune system of the psoriatic body, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of the pathology.

By influencing the activity of the intestinal bacterial flora, the product leads to partial stabilization of metabolic processes in the body. Those metabolic reactions that play a special role in the normal functioning of immune system cells are normalized.

This effect on the psoriatic body leads to a decrease in the intensity of the manifestation of inflammatory processes, which in turn reduces the severity of the signs and symptoms of psoriasis.

It should be remembered that the effect exerted by sauerkraut is insignificant and cannot independently influence the course of the pathology, so cabbage can act as an additional means for maintaining the pathology in the stage of long-term and stable remission. Its use as a remedy gives an effective effect only in combination with medications recommended by the attending physician.

The product has an optimal effect on the body when used together with ointments and creams, as well as with systemic medications.

The sour juice obtained by fermenting the vegetable can be used to treat psoriatic plaques. For this purpose, the affected areas are lubricated with it, after which time is given for absorption into the skin.

This treatment helps soften the skin and accelerate the healing process of the skin in places where the pathological process develops.

Contraindications and restrictions for the use of sauerkraut

Cabbage is an effective folk way to combat psoriatic manifestations, but it is worth remembering that it is not a panacea. You should not give preference to vegetable juice and compresses from it and refuse traditional drug treatment.

In addition, when using the product as a preventive measure against the development of symptoms characteristic of lichen planus, it should be remembered that the use of cabbage is limited by a number of contraindications.

The vegetable is not recommended for consumption if you have urolithiasis or kidney failure. In addition, there is a ban on the use of this product if acute or chronic pancreatitis is detected in a patient at the stage of exacerbation of the pathological process.

The consumption of this dish is significantly limited by the presence of psoriatics, along with psoriasis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as gastritis, accompanied by increased acidity of the stomach. An additional limitation may be erosive gastritis and esophagitis.

Psoriatic patients need to know that lichen planus is a persistent pathology that requires the use of all available means and methods for anti-psoriatic therapeutic measures.

The majority of patients who combined traditional methods of treatment with the use of sauerkraut leave positive reviews about this combination, which indicates the positive effect of sauerkraut on the patient’s body.

Popular cooking methods

Making really tasty sauerkraut is quite difficult. In order for it to be crispy, you need to know a large number of cooking secrets.

You can ferment cabbage at any time of the year. At the same time, you can experiment with some recipes and change the ratio of ingredients; you can add some additives to the dish that can change its taste. In this case, you should choose only those additional components that are approved for use in the presence of psoriasis.

The simplest recipe for pickling a vegetable involves using it directly and the required amount of salt.

The most common cooking recipe is salting in large glass jars with the addition of carrots.

In addition, during the cooking process you can add dill and caraway seeds, as well as juniper berries to the dish.

If you want to diversify the taste ready-made dish When salting, you can also add to it:

  1. Bay leaf.
  2. Apples.
  3. Cranberries.
  4. Lingonberries and some other ingredients.

When preparing all the ingredients, you should remember that carrots and berries should be approximately 4% of the cabbage weight.

The simplest pickling recipe is as follows:

  • 10 kg of white cabbage;
  • 400 g carrots;
  • 180 g table salt;
  • sugar as desired;
  • Dill seeds.

The cabbage is chopped with a shredder. After chopping, grated carrots and salt are added to it. The whole mixture is kneaded with your hands to obtain cabbage juice, then dill seeds are added to it. The finished mixture is packed tightly into jars. The cooking process takes about 3-5 days. After the cabbage is fermented, it is stored in the refrigerator.