
DIY New Year's gingerbread house - step-by-step recipe with photos. How to make a gingerbread house for the New Year? Recipe for making a gingerbread house for the New Year

For reference: gingerbread houses and gingerbread cookies are symbols of Christmas in Europe and America. And although gingerbread cookies have been prepared since ancient times, they became popular after the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel” by the Brothers Grimm. In the story, a brother and sister, imprisoned by an evil witch in a house of gingerbread and sweets, escaped the trap thanks to their ingenuity and resourcefulness.

How to make a smooth and beautiful gingerbread house? The easiest way is to buy ready-made cookies. But I recommend making the dough at home; it turns out pleasantly crunchy, with a bright taste of ginger and cinnamon. And what would New Year be without the magical aroma of baking coming from the oven? In stores you can find silicone molds for baking parts of an edible house. But you can do without them, it turns out even more beautiful. For construction, you will need patterns for the roof and walls - figures made of cardboard or paper, they need to be designed very clearly. The dough is cut with a sharp knife. When decorating the house, rely on your taste and imagination: you can add confectionery powder, coconut flakes (looks like snow) or even M&Ms. But icing alone can make the house cozy and festive, and it will not overload the structure. The main thing is to act extremely carefully and strictly according to the recipe. Master class is in front of you.


For the ginger dough:

  • Premium flour - 500 g;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 140 g;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • or baking powder for dough - 2 tsp;
  • Ground ginger - 2 tsp;
  • Ground cinnamon - 3 tsp;
  • Ground cardamom - 1 tsp;
  • Anise - 2 tsp;
  • Cloves - 1 tsp;
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 1 small pinch;
  • Honey - 2 tbsp;

For icing:

  • Powdered sugar - 500 g;
  • Citric acid - ½ tsp;
  • Chicken egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • or quail proteins - 10 pcs.;
  • Vanilla extract - 2 drops;
  • Boiled water.

For decoration:

  • M
  • Colored lollipops for windows;
  • Marmalade;
  • Jelly Bean.

How to make a gingerbread house from gingerbread cookies, step by step recipe

1. First, we prepare patterns for the actual size of the house parts. We transfer each one onto white paper or tracing paper. It is convenient to draw on a sheet of paper in a box as in the photo below.

I have prepared patterns with dimensions for you, you can simply download and print them. Then you need to cut out all the parts and cut through the windows. We cut off the door very carefully, we will need it later. There is no need to cut out the door handle; it will be convenient to mold it from the leftover dough.

The cover and walls will be needed in duplicate.

2. With the finished project at home, you can safely proceed to preparing the test. Pour flour, baking soda or baking powder into a deep bowl, add all the spices indicated in the ingredients.

3. Mix with a dry spoon.

4. Break the eggs into a separate bowl, add sugar and stir in the soft butter.

5. Beat until smooth using a mixer.

6. Add honey and mix.

7. Transfer the egg-butter mixture into a large container with the dry ingredients.

8. Knead the ginger dough with a spoon.

9. When all the ingredients are well mixed, proceed to kneading with your hands. The dough turns out very pleasant, soft, elastic and practically does not stick to your hands.

10. Roll it into a bun, flatten it on top and wrap it in cling film. Place in the refrigerator for at least an hour, preferably overnight.

11. It's time to warm up the oven to 180 degrees. The dough sat, soaked in spices and hardened. We divide it into four parts, leave one of them, and put the other three in the refrigerator. Roll the dough into a ball and place it on baking parchment or tracing paper.

12. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of approximately 4-5 mm. Try to keep the rolled out surface of the dough smooth; defects as in the step-by-step photo of the recipe can be smoothed out with a spoon or your finger. But if the dough begins to separate, you need to cool it.

13. We adjust the dimensions to the desired pattern: cover, facade, walls. Let's start with the big details.

14. Place the paper piece tightly so that it does not move, and very carefully cut off the excess dough with a knife. We remove the pattern.

15. Directly on parchment paper, the edges of which can be cut off or tucked for convenience, transfer to a baking sheet. It is very important that the parts are smooth and flat, otherwise the walls will turn out crooked and the gingerbread house will not stick together.

16. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes. The parts of the house should rise a little, brown, but not burn. In the photo below there are 2 roof parts, they are ready. Carefully transfer the parts with parchment to a flat surface and cool.

17. In this way we prepare all the details of the house. The photo shows a side wall with cut out windows; you need two of these walls.

18. Cut out the facade of the house, the door and 4 parts of the chimney pipe.

19. Round windows are very easy to cut out using a shot glass or cookie cutter. We make square windows using a small and sharp knife.

20. The part of the house that is not on the pattern is the floor or stand; the whole house will be attached to it. This part should be larger in size than the roof part. We cut it out randomly, the edges can be slightly rounded.

21. We bake all parts of the house in turn.

22. Using cookie cutters, you can cut out Christmas trees, snowflakes or other New Year's paraphernalia from the leftover dough. If there are no molds, you can cut them out arbitrarily with a knife.

23. To make the seams at home more even, the parts need to be sharpened using a fine grater at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Now everything is ready for assembly.

24. We proceed to preparing the “cement” for assembling the house; thick icing will serve as it. Using a mixer, beat the whites with sifted powdered sugar. If necessary, add a drop of water to make the consistency very thick but sticky.

26. First we decorate the roof, drawing tiles with icing. To work with icing, it is very convenient to use plastic bags with a zipper, cutting off a tiny corner for squeezing out.

27. Break several candies with a kitchen hammer so that you get not very small fragments.

28. Transfer the wall detail onto parchment paper. Place the pieces of candy into the recesses for the windows in the wall.

29. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for a few minutes. When we see that the candies have melted and the caramel has spread in an even layer, carefully remove it from the oven along with the baking sheet, trying not to move the part. Leave to cool until the caramel windows are set. We do the rest of the windows in this way.

30. To avoid unsightly joints, cover them with icing.

31. We draw patterns with icing on all the details of the edible composition (except for the stand). If the parts are cracked, you can glue them together using thick icing and wait a little. We assemble a chimney pipe from four parts as in the photo. We wait until the icing has completely hardened. It is best to postpone the remaining work to the next day. Or wait at least an hour.

32. Place a sheet of parchment paper on the work surface. We assemble all 4 walls of the gingerbread house. We glue the joints together, placing a mug or glass on each side for support, so that the height of it can comfortably support the roof. The walls are placed at a slight slope to the base.

33. When the icing has dried a little, you can attach the roof, resting it on the circles. Attach a chimney pipe to the top. Lubricate the joints with more liquid icing for decoration. Let the structure set well, the icing should completely harden.

34. Remove the mugs and remove the parchment.

35. We transfer the gingerbread house to an edible platform, coating the bottom of the walls and the base itself well with icing.

36. Cover all joints.

37. We make “icicles” on the roof, decorate the chimney, and install a door. Powdered sugar will serve as “snow”; sprinkle it over the house through a fine sieve.

38. This gingerbread house is so beautiful and elegant, and most importantly, it turned out delicious! If desired, you can turn on the light using a small battery-powered LED flashlight. Then the candy windows will sparkle with different colors.

This is what the gingerbread house looks like from the back.

This photo shows the rear view, from the other side.

And this is the front view. A gingerbread house for Christmas is perfect from every angle! The main thing is not to rush in preparing it, but to enjoy the process. And, of course, follow the recommendations below.

  1. It is better to choose flour of the highest quality; it makes baked goods a little more tender. In order for the flour to be saturated with oxygen, it is advisable to sift it first.
  2. The eggs in the recipe are of category C1.
  3. Spices should be used freshly ground, as if they sit, they lose their aroma and may acquire an unpleasant odor. The spices in the recipe can be adjusted to taste. With this set, the cookies come out very fragrant, with a slight spiciness of ginger.
  4. The gingerbread house is made from classic gingerbread dough, the recipe for which you will find in the link. The finished gingerbread dough can be stored in the freezer for about 2 weeks. At the same time, the dough is better saturated with aromas and acquires a more chocolate shade.
  5. To make the dough roll out more evenly, you can cover it with parchment on top. Or use attachments on a rolling pin so that the layer turns out to be the same thickness.
  6. From a similar dough you can make a delicious chocolate Christmas tree for the New Year by adding cocoa powder instead of aromatic spices.
  7. Chilled dough is easier to work with. But the heavily frozen butter included in its composition will not allow you to roll out an even layer. If the dough has been in the kitchen for a long time and has become very soft, tears or sticks when rolled out, put it in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  8. The details of the house should not be very thin. Let the walls of the house be stronger and thicker, the rolled dough 5 mm thick rise a little in the oven, the gingerbread cookies will turn out softer - such a house will be stronger and easier to assemble.
  9. Transfer the rolled out dough onto a baking sheet with parchment paper. Or you can even roll out the gingerbread cookies on a baking sheet. If you deform the dough during transfer, it will be extremely difficult to glue a smooth house.
  10. Small uneven parts are smoothed out using a fine grater, on which we grind off excess corners.
  11. The icing hardens quite quickly, usually a couple of hours is enough. Thick icing, used for gluing parts, hardens much faster.
  12. Little sweet tooths will love decorating their home using their favorite candies and marmalade. Cooking with the whole family is a pleasure.

That's all the recommendations. After trying the recipe once, you will want to make a Christmas house every year. It is colorful, fabulous, fragrant and very tasty. This greatly lifts your spirits and creates a festive atmosphere. Cook with pleasure! After all, there is a warm family holiday and weekend ahead. Have a good mood, peace to you and Merry Christmas!

If you have the opportunity to spend the whole day in the kitchen, don’t be lazy to make your own gingerbread house! This is an ideal decoration for the New Year's holiday and a great joy for little children, who, by the way, can safely be involved in the process.

Making a gingerbread house is a creative and exciting task! By getting together with the whole family, you can develop a design, come up with an interesting design, and just have fun. So, let's start the process and prepare a gingerbread house, following the step-by-step recipe with photos!


For the test:

  • butter - 120 g;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • ground ginger - 4 teaspoons;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • baking soda - a small pinch;
  • flour - about 300 g (how much the dough will take).

For caramel (gluing):

  • sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 40 ml.

For the glaze:

  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - about 150-200 g.

For decoration:

  • colored caramel - 2-3 candies;
  • chocolate pillows - about 100 g;
  • any confectionery toppings - optional.

New Year's gingerbread house recipe with photos step by step

  1. First of all, you need to cut out the blanks for the gingerbread house from cardboard. You can find ready-made templates on the Internet or come up with a model yourself. In our example, we made blanks of the following sizes:
    • side walls - 2 pcs. (107x120 mm);
    • roof - 2 pcs. (90x140 mm);
    • facade - 2 pcs. (105x160 mm, with the wall height being 107 mm);
    • house base - 1 pc. (150x210 mm).
  2. Also, do not forget to cut out windows and doors on the facade and side walls. If you want to make a large house, you need to prepare 1.5-2 times more dough than indicated in the recipe.
  3. When the templates are prepared, we begin kneading the dough. Mix the softened butter with sugar and beat with a mixer until a soft and fluffy mass is formed. Add liquid honey and beat again.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients: ginger, cinnamon, cocoa powder, baking soda and 100 g of sifted flour.
  5. Add the dry mixture to the oil mixture in portions, stirring. Gradually add flour and knead the dough.
  6. We adjust the dosage of flour during kneading: it may be needed a little more or less than indicated in the recipe. The dough should be soft and slightly crumbly, not sticky to your hands. Roll it into a ball and place it on the refrigerator shelf for 20-30 minutes - after cooling, the dough will become more elastic.

  7. Roll out a thin layer on parchment paper and cut out parts of the future house using the templates. We make sure that the thickness of the layer does not exceed 3 mm! If you make the layer thicker, the dough may remain loose inside, and the workpieces will not be strong enough. In addition, the finished house can simply collapse under its own weight.
  8. Carefully transfer the parchment with the parts to a baking sheet. We decorate the windows of the house with caramel. To do this, grind it into fine crumbs, for example, by placing it in a plastic bag and tapping it with a chop mallet. Place caramel crumbs in the “windows”. When exposed to temperature, the caramel will quickly melt, and the windows will become colored, as if the lights were turned on in the house.
  9. We bake the components of the house for about 8-10 minutes at 180 degrees - do not overbake! Freshly baked dough will be soft at first, but will then harden very quickly.
  10. We collect the scraps of dough and bake cookies using molds in the shape of Christmas trees, deer, people, etc. By the way, ready-made cookies can also be used in the design of the house.
  11. When all the component parts are completely ready, we begin to “assemble” the gingerbread house.

  12. We will glue the parts of the house together using caramel. To prepare it, pour sugar into a fireproof container with a thick bottom and add drinking water. Stirring, bring to a boil over medium heat.
  13. Continuing to stir, cook the sweet mixture until golden brown. To check readiness, take a small amount of syrup and place it in a container of cold water. If a solid caramel forms after a couple of seconds, the syrup is ready!
  14. Now let's move on to the most important stage. Carefully, so as not to get burned, dip the parts of the house end-to-end into hot caramel and quickly fasten them together. First, we glue the side wall and facade together and attach them to the base.
  15. Then we attach the second side and the back wall of the house. You need to work quickly, as the caramel hardens very quickly. At this stage, it is better to get an assistant, since it will be difficult to hold the house together alone. To prevent the unused caramel in the bowl from hardening, it is better to cover it with a lid and periodically warm it up over low heat.
  16. Last but not least, we attach the roof. Leave the formed house for about an hour.

    How to make gingerbread house frosting

  17. Mix chilled raw protein with lemon juice. Beat until white foam is obtained.
  18. Add sweet powder in portions, without ceasing to work with the mixer. As a result, the whites need to be beaten into a stiff mass, otherwise the icing on the house will not harden. If necessary, increase the dosage of powder.

  19. Place the glaze in a plastic bag and cut off the tip. Carefully process the gluing areas to hide traces of caramel. We apply glaze to the roof, and then attach chocolate pads to imitate tiles. If desired, we complement the house with any confectionery toppings. You can also use the glaze to form “icicles”. If the consistency of the glaze is correct, they will hold their shape well and harden quickly.

Congratulations! You made your own gingerbread house! Unfortunately, gingerbread dough quickly becomes stale and hard. Therefore, if you want to have a tea party, it is better to do it immediately after preparation, or simply leave the house as decoration. We wish you pleasant and happy holidays!

Despite all the apparent complexity, preparing such a house is quite simple. In addition, to save time when preparing the holiday, it can and even should be prepared in advance. It stores very well and only becomes tastier over time.

And also, a gingerbread house is not only a decoration for the New Year's table, but also an excellent sweet gift.

Place butter, honey, sugar and spices for gingerbread in a separate pan with a thick bottom. Place over low heat to heat, stirring the contents from time to time - the mass should become homogeneous. Heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, but under no circumstances let the mixture boil!

Note: You can prepare a mixture of seasonings for gingerbread (if you can’t buy ready-made ones) yourself - just mix 1 teaspoon each of ground ginger, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom... Use the specified amount in the recipe, use the rest in other recipes .

Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and stir in the grated lemon zest and fresh ginger.

Now you can measure the required amount of flour and mix it with baking powder and cocoa powder.

During this time, the mass will cool down a little and you can first stir in the eggs, one at a time, until smooth. And then add the sifted flour mixture with cocoa.

Knead the dough, adding additional flour to the work surface if necessary. The dough turns out to be very plastic, practically not sticking to your hands. And even if it seems to you that it is still sticky, I would not recommend “weighting” this dough with a large amount of flour - just knead it until smooth.

Then put it in some kind of sealable, airtight container (a bowl with a lid or just a food bag) and put it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours (very convenient for the night).

Before you start working with the dough, take it out half an hour beforehand - let it warm up and soften a little, it will be easier to roll it out.

During this time, you need to decide on the size and type of house. You will have to draw and cut out patterns of parts from paper - the roof, front and sides.

After rolling out the dough, attach paper templates and cut out the required number of pieces from the dough.

2 pieces from each template.

From the remaining dough you can cut out decorative details at your discretion - a pipe, a fence, a Christmas tree... Whatever your imagination is enough for.

After all the decor, I still had dough left and from it I simply baked the base for the house.

Bake the house parts for about 10-12 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, until a beautiful golden color. We must remember that for smaller parts the time may be shorter, otherwise they may burn.

Allow all baked parts to cool completely on a flat surface to avoid deformation.

Now it’s time to prepare the sugar-lemon glaze - this is both a decoration and a means of “gluing” the parts of the house together.

You need to squeeze out the lemon juice, strain it through a strainer to remove the seeds and any pulp.

The New Year and Christmas holidays are already upon us. Along with elements of Western culture, the fashion came to us during the New Year holidays not only for Santa, Christmas wreaths, deer, but also for gingerbread houses.

Today for you are several recipes for gingerbread houses with step-by-step photos, as well as a video master class from Tatyana Litvinova on how to bake and beautifully decorate a festive gingerbread house!!!

Gingerbread house No. 1

For the test:

4 cups flour
1 packet of baking powder
200 g butter
200 g powdered sugar
5 tablespoons of liquid honey (if the honey is candied, heat it in a water bath)
4 egg yolks
Spices 1 tsp:
ground ginger,
cinnamon (this is to taste, because not everyone likes cinnamon),
zest of 1 lemon,

Cooking method:

1. Knead the dough, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.
This dough is very tasty and fragrant, but you need to work with it very carefully.

2. To build our house, we need to cut out templates. The wall is 15 cm wide and 17 cm high.

3. From each such template we need to cut out two parts from the dough - these will be two of the four sides of our house.
4. And one more template for the two remaining sides of our house.
The template is 17cm long and 7cm wide.
5. The roof template is 22 cm long and 14.5 cm wide.
6. On a sheet of parchment, roll out the dough into a layer 5-6 mm thick. If you roll it thinner, the gingerbread will be too dry.
We attach ready-made templates and cut along the contour.
We remove the trimmings and transfer the cut out parts along with the parchment onto a baking sheet

7. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven at 180oC for 20 minutes.
8. After baking, while the dough is still hot, cut out the details of the doors and windows using the same templates cut out of paper.
9. Cut out while the pastry is hot. Cut the cut out window in half lengthwise. These are future shutters. Cool all parts on a wire rack.

10. Now we cut out the windows in the side walls of the house.
11. From the remaining dough, cut out the roof of the house, Christmas trees, a pipe, small stands for the Christmas trees, any interesting details and figures.

12. This is what the windows look like from the inside. We attach the marmalade to the cut out windows using a glaze of powdered sugar and egg white.

13. Making white glaze or icing:
It simultaneously replaces paint for painting on the house and glue for gluing parts together.

This recipe is amazing, the aroma of this house is so crazy and attractive that you want to eat everything at once! But don't do this! The best thing is that the brightest taste and aroma opens in 2-3 weeks! Then your house will begin to emit such an aroma that you will immediately understand - it’s time! If you prepare this house for Christmas, it will delight you with both taste and aroma until the end of January! Immediately after baking, as soon as the dough cools, it becomes hard, but by the time it ripens, it becomes soft, sometimes even the roof falls in - it will be so soft and melting in the mouth. This gingerbread house recipe is also suitable for novice housewives!

How to make the dough for a gingerbread house:
(The honey dough recipe was published in the CAKE DECO magazine, author Svetlana, personally tested, written down from my own experience)

To prepare this test you will need:
500 gr. honey,
2 eggs,
500 gr. Sahara,
300 gr. oils,
50 gr. cocoa,
2 tsp baking powder,
3 tbsp. l. rum or cognac or 3 drops of flavoring,
Spices - 1 tsp. cinnamon, a pinch each - cardamom, cloves, ginger, anise,
Zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon,
1250 gr. flour.

Step-by-step preparation of dough for a Christmas house:

1. Place honey, sugar and butter in a large (heat-resistant) container. Place on low heat and heat, stirring. Make sure it doesn't boil!! We wait until the sugar is completely dissolved - take the mixture into a spoon and pour it back, making sure that there are no sugar crystals in the mixture! Remove from heat and leave to cool until warm.

2. Mix half the flour with spices, baking powder, zest and cocoa.

3. Add eggs into the warm honey mixture, not beaten, but simply mixed until smooth, in 2 additions. Add rum/cognac.

4. Gradually stir the spiced flour into the honey mixture with a spoon. Next, we begin to add the rest of the flour little by little, but not all of it. Bring the dough to a state of dense and elastic. And put the dough in a bag in the refrigerator to rest. This will reveal the properties of the dough. Usually the dough rests overnight, the next day you can start adding the rest of the flour. Flour is mixed into the dough until it is elastic, but not hard.

It is not recommended to mix in all the flour specified in the recipe. I have had occasions where much less flour was needed, and also on one occasion where more flour was used than in the base recipe. This happens because of other components - for example, because of the quality of honey.

In order to understand whether there is enough flour, you need to roll out the dough (no thinner than 5 mm) and cut out something not large. I usually try it on a Christmas tree (Photo 2). If the Christmas tree has lost its shape (photo 3) - add more flour boldly! (Photo 4)

Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4

BAKE at 180 degrees. The original recipe said 20 minutes, according to experience - no more than 10 minutes. And then, after 8, you should already be careful that it doesn’t burn!

Well, we have the dough ready, we can start building the house! We take absolutely any house template! I made very small ones and made the template myself. If it is difficult for you to draw a template for a gingerbread house, you can take a ready-made one in the previous article How to make a gingerbread house, recipe for goats and gingerbread, master class. or count by cells and draw the same on a notebook sheet.

Roll out the dough, and remember that it must be at least 5 mm. Otherwise, the wallpaper will then be very hard and will never become soft. Lay out the template and cut out the parts. We lay them out on parchment.

And we bake.

If it's burnt...

If you happen to get a little burnt while baking, don’t be upset.

We take a knife and scrape it, only carefully so as not to break the workpiece. If the edges are not straight, then the house may “move” during assembly. To avoid this, you can also trim the edges with a knife or grate them. Then your blanks will become even and the house will be easier to assemble!

That's it, the preparations are ready! The dough is enough to make 4 small gingerbread houses or 1 large one with various decorations such as Christmas trees, fences, etc. It depends on your template! You can either leave the remaining dough in the refrigerator or freeze it! It keeps great!

How to assemble a gingerbread house:

We will combine and decorate the blanks with icing sugar.

How to make icing sugar for a gingerbread house:
I take the following ratio: for 1 protein approximately 200-250 grams of powdered sugar. Why approximately, because proteins are also different, you need to look at the mass. But you shouldn’t decide whether it’s enough or not right away, when you start beating with a mixer, but after 3 minutes, when the mass turns white, and if it’s liquid, then add more powder! You only need to use purchased powder! Otherwise, you will get large particles and the color will not be white. In the industrial production of powder, additional cleaning units and special equipment are used to make the grind very fine. By the way, it is best to additionally sift purchased powder through organza, then the glaze will be perfect.

You need to beat until soft peaks form; if it turns out too liquid, everything will flow; if it’s too thick, it will be difficult to apply and will not stick to the workpiece.

You can apply glaze to the workpieces in several ways: using store-bought pastry bags, using regular bags with a sharp edge, using a syringe, or cream nozzles.

I have different attachments - however, for those who are keen, I recommend buying them! Great potential for creativity opens up! Therefore, I will tell you how I decorate using these attachments.

You can also put the tips in a piping bag, but I think that's a waste of money. Because these bags are disposable, you just throw them away later))) I suggest making cornets from parchment (you have it, since you baked on it!)

How to make a cornet - a bag for glaze with your own hands:

Cut a triangular piece from your roll of paper,

and cut into triangles. It turns out 4 triangles. We cut it carefully; the quality of the cornet made depends on this.

and connect to the corner.

We do the same with the other edge, bringing it to the same corner.

We wrap the resulting edge inward,

carefully cut in two places and wrap the piece on the outside to secure it.

So, we are ready to assemble the gingerbread house, we have the blanks, icing, and cornets.

How to assemble a gingerbread house!
Cut off a corner of the cornet, insert the nozzle into it and apply the glaze with a spoon. We wrap the edge and secure it.

We begin to paint the details, this time I first drew up the blanks and only then assembled them, but you can paint an already assembled house.

When painting, it all depends on your imagination; you can make a complex drawing depicting flowers or brickwork, I had a simple drawing that was accessible to everyone! I made an imitation of tiles on the roof, and decorated the sides with simple curlicues. It looks beautiful if you cover the entire side with glaze, let it dry and then paint on top, but it turns out to be a lot of glaze, and I had a house for children!

When the preparation of the blanks is completed, you need to give it time to dry, you can drink tea))))

Then you can start assembling the house! You can assemble the house either on a gingerbread base or, like me, on any other stand - I have disposable plates. Assembling begins with one of the end parts and sides - glaze is applied and, as it were, glued to each other. If the glaze is liquid, it will be difficult to glue, because... It won’t stick; if it’s thick, it simply won’t apply.

Glue all 4 sides and let them dry - I did it for about 20 minutes!

We hold both sides of the roof for a while to prevent them from rolling off, and leave them to dry a little. After that, you can start making snow decorations from the remaining glaze! Don't forget to make like icicles from the roof!

This time my windows are empty, due to lack of opportunity to buy marmalade in Egypt. But if there is such an opportunity, we buy either single-color large pieces or straight pieces (sold in large supermarkets, as briquettes). Cut it off, or take a ready-made marmalade, and glue it onto the icing in place of the window! After drying, you can decorate the window with snow decor. You can also make shutters for windows from the cut out part and glue them to the glaze as well.
Antonina Bodyagina
[email protected]

Many step-by-step master classes with photos on baking and sweets, dozens of recipes for delicious cupcakes can be found in the ABOUT TASTY section! Bon appetit and inspiration!