
Easter cookies. Shortcrust pastry cookies with icing sugar "Easter eggs" Homemade egg cookies for Easter

Published 04.04.2016
Posted by: FairyDawn
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 120 min

Easter eggs, which are usually decorated for Easter with colorful patterns and painted in different colors, can be made from cookies. Sweet cookies made from shortcrust pastry with sugar icing on the holiday table will look elegant and appetizing - they are pleasing to the eye!
Easter eggs cookies, the recipe with photo of which I offer, store well and can be prepared several weeks before the holiday.
It will take 2 hours to prepare the dish. The ingredients listed in the recipe make 5 servings.
For the test:
- cream margarine – 120 g;
- granulated sugar – 150 g;
- chicken egg – 1 pc.;
- flour – 245 g;
- baking powder – 3 g;
- nutmeg, ground cinnamon.

For the glaze:
- red, yellow and green food coloring;
- powdered sugar – 320 g;
- raw proteins – 40g.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Preparing shortbread dough for Easter cookies. The fastest and easiest way is to use a food processor. Place the diced butter margarine in a bowl, add granulated sugar, beat, then add the egg and beat again. Add wheat flour, baking powder, cinnamon and grated nutmeg and knead the dough. If you don't need all the dough, you can freeze the leftovers.

Sprinkle the board with flour, roll out a small piece of dough thinly, and cut out cookies into shapes.

Bake for 12 minutes in an oven heated to 160 degrees.

We make sugar. Mix powdered sugar and protein, rub vigorously, after about 6 minutes the mixture will become bright white.

Make a cone out of cellophane or fill a pastry bag with icing and paint the cookies completely.

Add green food coloring. Draw leaves around the flowers.

Add a drop of red dye to the white icing - you get a delicate shade of pink.

We draw smaller pink flowers, and put small pink dots on the white field.

It can only be dried at room temperature.

Shortcrust pastry cookies with sugar icing "Easter eggs" are ready.

Easter is a long-awaited holiday for children. After all, at this time all the relatives gather, they set a beautiful table with many delicious dishes, you can arrange games with eggs and give each other cute Easter souvenirs. We'll tell you how to make Easter cookies that kids are sure to love.


What makes a cookie "Easter"? Of course, the priority is the choice of thematic forms and traditional Easter scenes. Eggs, bunnies and bunnies, hens and chicks, flowers and baskets, butterflies and birds - don’t limit your imagination, feel free to experiment!


Easter Cookie Recipe

Ingredients: 200 g softened butter, 1 egg, 300 g flour, 130 g sugar, 1/2 tsp. baking powder, vanillin. If desired, you can add honey, cinnamon, and ginger to the cookies.

Cooking method. Combine eggs and sugar, beat with a mixer at medium speed. Add butter and mix until smooth and creamy. Gradually add sifted flour, add vanillin. Knead elastic dough. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in film and place in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.


Take out in portions and roll out into a thin layer, sprinkling with flour if necessary. Cut out the desired shapes.


You can use molds or pre-drawn and cut paper templates.

To ensure that the edges of the cookies are even and smooth, it is better to cut them from raw dough!

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the cookies on it. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 10 minutes. Cool the finished cookies on a wire rack. Decorate with glaze only after it has cooled completely!

Shortbread recipe

Each housewife has her own recipe, tested and approved by the household. We offer another version of Easter cookies.

Ingredients: 85 g butter at room temperature, 5 g vanilla sugar, 160 g flour, 1 egg (yolk), 25 g milk.

Icing (glaze) for Easter cookies

Now comes the most important part - decorating the Easter cookies. The decor is what makes these cookies Easter.


Icing is a sugar-protein mass that can be used to draw anything.

For the glaze: 1 egg white, 6 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, food coloring.

Beat 1 egg white with sifted powdered sugar. You may need more powder (depending on the size of the egg). At the end of whipping, add lemon juice or citric acid at the tip of a knife. The mass should be smooth and elastic: not liquid and not too thick. Beat on low speed first, then on high for a couple of minutes.

The glaze dries very quickly, so immediately after cooking, cover it with film.

Place the prepared glaze into cups and color with food coloring.


The icing is applied using a paper cone or a pastry syringe.


First draw an outline (the icing should be thicker so that the line does not bleed). Give the outline half an hour to dry. Then cover the remaining surfaces with more liquid icing (dilute the composition with warm water). Checking the consistency. Take a knife and draw a line in the middle of the finished icing, count out loud to three. On the count of three, the separated parts of the glaze should close together. The consistency is correct! To ensure that there are no bubbles on the finished product and the glaze spreads evenly, you need to let the icing stand, tap lightly so that the air bubbles rise up.


Properly prepared glaze hardens quickly and does not stick to your hands. The shelf life of the finished icing in a tightly closed container is 4 days. Definitely in the refrigerator! Before working, the glaze must be mixed well and do not forget to cover with a wet towel or film while working: the composition dries out VERY quickly.

Since raw egg whites are used to make the glaze, the eggs must be washed THOROUGHLY with soap or dried egg whites. This will protect you from salmonellosis and other “chicken diseases”.

How to Pack Easter Cookies for a Gift


If you want to give cookies as a gift, you can pack them in transparent cling film and place them in beautiful boxes.



You can also put it on a wooden skewer and decorate dishes on the table.


Easter Cookie Ideas

Of course, hens, cockerels, chicks and the eggs themselves are the main characters of the Easter theme in any decor, Easter cookies are no exception.


Do not try to make a cookie template with small parts, they can break off easily. It’s better to cut out the dough along the most simplified outline, and just draw everything you need.


Any glaze can be tinted with natural juices. The color will be pastel shades, and the quality guarantee is 100%. This is especially true for children with allergies.



White glaze looks very stylish. You don't have to tint the icing at all.


Try baking Easter cookies in the shape of an egg-box. You can hide a small surprise inside and decorate the outside with colored glaze.


An Easter box consists of several parts that are cut out according to a template, and after baking they are joined together with icing or liquid chocolate.

The best Cookie recipes with step-by-step instructions with photos

5 o'clock

380 kcal

5/5 (1)

For those who lovingly prepare holiday Easter treats and are creative in their cooking, here are some of the best recipes for very beautiful and delicious Easter cookies. On the bright holiday of Easter, it is customary to give it to children, friends, relatives and decorate the festive table for them.

Easter Egg Cookie Recipe

I love making Easter egg cookies. They turn out crispy, with a pleasant, delicate, vanilla flavor. But the most interesting thing is the creative process of decorating them. Each cookie turns out unique, unique and one of a kind. The icing itself is sweet, so you can reduce the amount of sugar in the dough a little if you don't like it too sweet. But if you do not cover all the cookies with icing, you can leave them as indicated in the recipe.

Kitchen appliances:

  • large bowl to knead the dough;
  • mixer;
  • a sieve to sift flour;
  • cling film;
  • parchment paper;
  • rolling pin;
  • scissors and paper or Easter egg cookie cutters;
  • cooling rack for cookies;
  • silicone spatula;
  • 4 plates for preparing glaze;
  • pastry bags or plastic bags.


For the test:

For the white glaze:

Step by step recipe


  1. Prepare all the products needed for the test. Take out the butter in advance, it should be softened. Place the soft butter in a bowl and beat it with a mixer. Add sugar and vanilla and continue beating.

  2. Then add the egg and continue to mix a little more.

  3. Mix half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of baking powder with the flour.

  4. Sift the flour mixture through a sieve directly into the bowl with the beaten butter, egg and sugar.

  5. Knead the dough in a bowl.

  6. Then dust the table with flour and knead it with your hands. It should turn out thick and oily. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, form the dough into a log, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

  7. Take out the dough. After being in the refrigerator it will become heavy and elastic. Turn on the oven to 180°C.

  8. Cut a small piece of dough (about 1/4 part) with a knife. Cut two sheets of parchment paper. Place a cut piece of dough between them and roll out, moving from the center to the edges. Roll out the dough to 2mm thickness.

  9. If you have cookie cutters, use them. If not, make a cookie cutter out of paper. For example, in the shape of an egg. Cut a square out of paper and draw an egg on it. Cut it out with scissors. Place the stencil on the rolled out dough and carefully cut out the cookie with a wooden stick or small knife.

  10. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and transfer the dough pieces onto it with a knife. Correct, trim the testicles from the dough with your fingers. Fill the entire pan with them.

  11. Place the baking sheet with cookies in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. Once the edges of the cookies turn brown, they can be removed from the oven.

  12. Remove the cookies from the oven and place on a wire rack. Make cookies from the remaining dough in the same way. Roll out the dough carefully, try to make it the same thickness, because thinner dough will burn.


  1. Once the cookies are ready, it's time to start frosting. Separate the white from the yolk. For the glaze you only need egg white. Beat it at low mixer speed until foamy. This can also be done with a whisk or fork.

  2. Sift 150 grams of powdered sugar into the protein and add a teaspoon of lemon juice.

  3. The more powdered sugar, the thicker the glaze becomes. Mix everything with a spatula to form a beautiful, homogeneous white mass with the consistency of thick sour cream. Rub it well with a spatula. This will be the base for the glaze.

  4. At this stage you need to add dyes. Divide the glaze base into 4 plates using 2 tablespoons each.

  5. Open the dye packet and add some to the white base. Stir with a fork. You can adjust the color - make it more or less saturated.

  6. Choose the colors you like and make 4 colors of frosting. In a separate bowl, leave more of the white base.

  7. Transfer the white icing into a pastry bag, or if you don’t have one, then into a regular, clean plastic bag. Use scissors to cut the edge of the bag and make a small hole through which it is convenient to squeeze out the icing. Distribute all the dyes into the bags.

Decorating cookies

Video recipe for Easter egg cookies

This video has a wonderful recipe for Easter cookies.

Easter Bunny Cookies Recipe

In order to make Easter Bunnies or Easter Bunnies cookies, you will need special bunny-shaped cutters. Cinnamon and honey are added to the dough, so the bunnies are not only cute, elegant, and festive, but also very tasty. When you bake these cookies on the eve of Easter, your home will be filled with the blissful honey-cinnamon aroma of baking.

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 5.

Kitchen appliances:

  • Bowl;
  • mixer;
  • rolling pin;
  • parchment paper;
  • cookie cutters in the shape of bunnies;
  • baking tray;
  • oven.


For the test:

For the glaze:

Step by step recipe


Glaze and decoration

  1. While the pieces are cooling, prepare the glaze. Separate the white from the yolk thoroughly and add lemon juice to the white.

  2. Beat the mixture with a mixer. Start at low speed, then gradually increase it to maximum.

  3. When foam appears, add powdered sugar. For contour glaze, 240 grams of powder are used, and for filling - 150-180 grams.

  4. Color the icing in different colors. It is not necessary to paint the contour glaze.

  5. Transfer the colored icing into a bag and pierce with a toothpick.

  6. Outline the bunnies with icing.

  7. Next, use the glaze to fill it. You can help yourself with a teaspoon or toothpick. If you find the glaze too thick, return it to the bowl and add a little water. The top of the cookie bunnies can be decorated with coconut flakes or confectionery sprinkles.

  8. Leave the cookies for a while for the glaze to harden.

Such wonderful and tasty cookies can be stored for up to two weeks.

Video recipe for Easter bunnies cookies

And in this video you can see how these cookies are prepared.

How to serve these cookies correctly and with what?

Easter cookies are usually given to guests as a holiday gift-compliment. It is offered with warm milk, fruit juice, kefir, yogurt or curdled milk. A cup of tea made from fragrant herbs will go perfectly with Easter cookies.

Easter cookies are culinary creativity and a flight of fancy. For it, you can prepare any dough you like: shortbread, with the addition of honey, vanilla, spices. You can even make the dough without flour, based on eggs and coconut. It is important to give the cookies a festive shape (Easter egg, bunny, cockerel, lamb) and paint them with icing sugar. Paints can be used both industrial and natural: turmeric, beet juice or spinach.

And if you are a big connoisseur of original holiday recipes, try cooking the famous Chinese one - it will certainly pleasantly surprise your loved ones.

Did you like the cookies made from our recipes? Perhaps you have any comments or additions. Write in the comments and tell us if you have ever made and decorated cookies like this before. In this case, you can certainly give good advice to those who are taking on this for the first time. Your feedback is very important to us. Cook with love!

Step-by-step master class on how to bake cookies for Easter with photos and videos!
Easy to make, great for painting. You can make cookies in the shape of eggs for Easter!

To bake cookies you will need:
3 eggs (s1)
240 grams of butter (well, it happened)))
Glass of sugar
2 cups of flour
A pinch of vanilla
Cocoa - a heaping tablespoon.
A heaping teaspoon of baking powder.

How to make delicious cookie dough:
Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer.

Add room temperature butter. The butter can be cut into cubes first.

Beat until smooth.

Immediately add flour and a teaspoon of baking powder on top.
Add a little vanilla, at the tip of a knife or a little more.

Knead thoroughly first with a spoon, then with your hand.
The dough will crumble, but when you start to mix it with your hand, it will seem that it is too soft.

Separate half and mix with cocoa by hand (the simplest cheap one will do).

Wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator for an hour or, if you are in a hurry, in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Take them out one at a time and roll them out. I rolled it out on a plastic board without flour. I rolled it out with a package of cling film, since the dough does not stick to it. If it sticks too much when cutting with molds, put the rolled out dough in the freezer for 5 minutes. It turned out to be about half a centimeter layer, you can make it thicker.

Cut with cutters and, using a sharp knife, lift from the board and transfer to a baking sheet.

How to bake cookies for painting:

I baked on baking paper and did not grease it with anything.

Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. It baked quickly, about 20, maybe 25 minutes, the bottom of the cookies remained almost the same color as the top. To check the readiness, I simply broke one cookie and saw that it was not raw inside.

Also with brown cookies. I laid it out on the same paper, nothing stuck. The cookies are very tasty, incredibly aromatic, not hard, and at the same time they are easy to decorate with icing.

I wrote how to make the glaze in the gingerbread recipe. To be honest, this time I just added powdered sugar to the white of one egg by eye. I also sprinkled food coloring there (I had dry Parfait coloring in a set, sold in supermarkets). Attention, if you use dyes, do not use them for eggs; firstly, they may not be suitable for internal consumption, and secondly, they may be salty!

The powder must be sifted. I mixed with a fork, added a teaspoon of water, and mixed thoroughly.

And also for the first time I tried to do eggless frosting!
I poured a little water and added powdered sugar by eye and kneaded. In the photo you can see the pink icing - it is more marmalade-like in appearance, slightly transparent. I liked it even better than traditional frosting!

How to decorate Easter cookies with icing
I put the finished glaze in long bags and tied them in a knot, cut off the tip of the bag with nail scissors... that’s all the wisdom) I also had a nozzle for painting, but I didn’t get to it - I didn’t have enough strength for fine painting, I painted everything from the holes in the bags) If you want to paint with glaze, use a thicker one; if you want to fill cookies with glaze for the background, add a third of a teaspoon of boiled cold water.

Here are some ideas for decorating Easter themed cookies with icing. By the way, molds of bunnies and eggs and some other sets for children's creativity from the Luch factory) Naturally, without plasticine)))

And now video How to bake cookies for Easter with children!!!

Read more:

For the test:

  • 1.25 kg flour
  • 500 g dark honey or herbs
  • 360 g butter ( fat content 82.5%)
  • 250 g brown sugar
  • 50 g peeled ginger root
  • 50 g sugar-free cocoa powder
  • 2 yolks
  • 1 orange ( zest)
  • 1 lemon ( zest)
  • 3 tbsp. l. Roma
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1-2 tsp. ground cloves
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
  • 1/4 tsp. anise seeds
  • 1/4 tsp. salt

For the glaze:

  • 200-230 g powdered sugar
  • 1 protein
  • 1/2 tsp. lemon juice

Prepare the dough. Place honey, sugar and butter in a separate container. Place in a water bath and heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. The mixture should not boil.

When the sugar has dissolved, add all the spices, cocoa powder, orange and lemon zest. Stir and remove the container from the water bath, let the mixture cool to a temperature not lower than +68°C.

Sift flour, baking powder and salt into another container. When the mixture has cooled slightly, add some of the flour and knead the dough thoroughly. Cool again a little, and then add the yolks, rum and knead the dough well with your hands.

Add the remaining flour into the dough gradually. There is no need to try to mix in all the flour. The dough should be dense and elastic. It will be slightly sticky. Gather the dough into a ball, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 6-8 hours.

Preheat the oven to 220-240°C. Line a large rectangular baking tray with baking paper.
Roll out the dough into a layer 3-5 mm thick on a work surface sprinkled with flour ( or on a baking sheet). Cut out shapes from the dough using cookie cutters. Transfer the figures to a baking sheet.

Cookies can also be cut out in another way: roll out the dough on a baking sheet, cut out shapes, and then remove excess dough from the baking sheet. This way the cut out cookies will not be distorted.

Bake cookies in preheated oven for 7-9 minutes. Be careful not to overdry. Ginger cookie ( like gingerbread) does not become dense and crispy during baking. If the cookies have risen slightly and browned on the edges, they are ready.

Remove the pan from the oven. Let the cookies cool, then remove them and place them in a single layer on a flat surface to prevent them from becoming deformed.
If the finished cookies spread a little around the edges during baking, cut off any bumps with a knife while the cookies are warm.

It is better to bake cookies a day before decorating: finished cookies can be wrapped in parchment or cling film.

For the glaze, in a clean bowl, whisk the egg whites with lemon juice, gradually add the sifted powdered sugar and stir in. The glaze is ready when the white mixture hangs from the whisk but does not flow. Do not beat the egg whites too vigorously: the glaze will become saturated with air and will bubble.

Decorate the cookies with icing.

How to decorate cookies with icing - master class

For decorating Easter cookies art-cook Tatyana Khromushina I decided to use two contour technologies - openwork decor and drawing with liquid glaze. Therefore, we apply a contour for each design on the cookies.

  • Thick consistency glaze for contour ( consistency is like the outline of children's stained glass paints).
  • The glaze is not a very thick consistency for filling the inner contour.

To work with icing, first of all, you need a bag, and a fairly hard one. It can be made from a plastic file. Any convenient clean tubes of suitable diameter will also work. The correct diameter of the bag hole is about 1.5 mm. It is convenient to close the bag with a paper clip. If you are using a tube, cut off the end, wash thoroughly and close with a clip. The icing should be stored in as airtight containers as possible, otherwise it will dry out quickly.


2. When the outline is completely dry, proceed to openwork painting. Using the same thick glaze, draw even, strictly parallel lines of the same thickness. The distance between the lines should be approximately equal to their thickness. This is the bottom layer of the fishnet.

3. When the glaze has set ( If it's the right consistency it will take about 10 minutes.), draw the top layer of the fishnet. The thickness of the lines and the distance between them should not differ from the bottom layer.

4. Let the glaze mesh dry. Now fill the desired cells with drops of thick glaze, following the chosen pattern ( you can take any textile lace pattern).

5. Decorate the design with lace fringe: along the edge between every two dots of glaze, place another one in a checkerboard pattern. If there is space left, the fringe can be made longer.

6. Another version of the fringe is made from droplets of glaze, carefully pulled down with a wooden toothpick.

Drawing on liquid glaze (enamel)

1. Apply the outline with thick icing. The contour line should be smooth and uniform in thickness.

2. Thin the thick glaze to the desired consistency with lemon juice. The glaze should drip, but not spread. If you dilute the glaze too much, it will not dry well, and when dry it will become transparent. Therefore, to give the filling glaze the desired consistency, add lemon juice one drop at a time, stirring constantly.

3. Apply the diluted filling glaze inside the dried outline.

4. Drizzle pattern icing onto the background in desired locations. Its consistency should not be as thick as the outline, but thicker than the background fill. Draw lines with a toothpick to create a design.

5. Draw a “frill” along the edge of the outline with thick glaze: it will complete the design and hide any unevenness.