
Baked goose meat. How to cook goose in pieces? Goose pieces: step-by-step culinary recipe

Hello dear readers of the blog site!

Agree, you cannot find a more universal dish for the holiday table than goose in your sleeve. It will delight guests with its beautiful view and will not leave even a large group hungry. And the hostess will not worry about whether everyone will like this hot dish. I'm sure everyone loves this bird!

Moreover, the New Year holidays are approaching, where such a dish would be just right. For me, New Year is associated with a Christmas tree, citrus fruits, salad and baked goose, but honestly, I can’t live without it. And also, I’m ready to kiss the person who came up with the baking bag. This is simply a miracle of cooking, you just need to place the food there and tie it on both sides, and then put it in the oven. And the carcass will bake in its own juices, resulting in juicy and tender meat, saturated with the aroma of spices or fruits. If this is your first time planning to prepare such a festive delicacy, then the recipes below will help you.

After all, everything is very simple, and the end result will delight not only you, but also your guests, who will leave full and satisfied!

Choose a recipe according to your taste and availability of ingredients and conquer your loved ones with a culinary masterpiece.

Goose baked whole in a sleeve with a crispy crust

An amazing baking recipe with honey and apples. What could be better than a combination of sweet and sour tastes? Therefore, you should definitely prepare such a goose with a golden crust for a festive event.


  • goose carcass – 4-4.5 kg;
  • sour apples – 800 g;
  • honey -50 g;
  • salt -20 g.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Wash the meat, get rid of any remaining feathers and excess fat. Blot thoroughly with paper or kitchen towel to remove excess water.

2. Pierce the muscles with a fork or sharp knife. Rub the carcass inside and out with salt. Leave for 1.5-2 hours.

3. After this, grease with honey on all sides. And wait another 3 hours (you can leave it overnight). Periodically rub the carcass with honey again.

4. Wash the apples and cut them into quarters. We clear the cores.

The most optimal variety of apples for this dish are “Kubanskie”.

5. After the time has passed, add pieces of apples to the goose.

6. Sew up the belly with thread. Place it in a baking sleeve and tie it on both sides with a special ribbon. Place on a baking sheet.

7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the goose for 20 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and continue baking for about 3-3.5 hours.

Cooking time depends on the size of the carcass, so the larger it is, the more time it will take to cook it.

Readiness is checked with a toothpick. They pierce the carcass; if clear juice comes out, then the dish is ready.

8. Once ready, remove the baking sheet from the oven. Cut the sleeve and remove the threads. Place on a plate, pour over the juice and serve.

mmm... simply delicious!

Bake a whole goose in a sleeve with buckwheat and mushrooms

A wonderful recipe for poultry stuffed with cereals and mushrooms. This option can be used as a universal one. Since absolutely any fillings are suitable for it, even fruit ones, in a word there is scope for activity.


  • goose – 3-4 kg;
  • buckwheat (boiled) – 250-300 g;
  • mushrooms – 300 g;
  • garlic cloves – 3-4 pcs.;
  • bulbs – 2 pcs.;
  • apples – 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • rast. oil.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Wash the carcass and dry it with a paper towel. Trim excess fat from the abdomen.

2. Mix honey with mustard, finely chopped garlic, a pinch of pepper and salt. Mix everything until smooth and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

3. Coat the carcass with the resulting sauce inside and out. Leave to marinate for at least 3 hours.

4. Cut the mushrooms into slices.

I use champignons most often because they are more readily available.

5. Peel the onion and rinse under running water. Then grind in your usual way.

6. Fry the mushrooms and onions together in a small amount of plants. oils Don't forget to stir constantly.

7. Wash the apples, remove core and peel. Cut into small pieces.

8. Mix boiled buckwheat with stewed mushrooms and apples. Mix. Let's taste it. If necessary, add some salt.

9. Put the stuffing into the goose. We sew it up or pin it with toothpicks and put it in a baking sleeve. We tie it on both sides. We pierce it in several places with a needle. And put it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 2.5-3 hours.

After the time has passed, carefully cut the bag so as not to get burned by the hot steam and take out our fried bird.
Place the goose on a platter and serve!

Goose with apples in the oven whole in a baking bag for the New Year's table 2019

An excellent dish for the New Year's table. We take new potatoes as a side dish and the result is simply delicious! Guests will be simply shocked by your culinary abilities and not a piece of such a bird will be left, tested from personal experience! So get ready to be praised!


  • mango curry sauce;
  • olive oil;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • goose – 2.5 kg;
  • apples (sour varieties) – 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • salt and paprika - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. 3 tbsp. l. Mix curry sauce with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, the same amount of lemon juice and finely chopped garlic.

2. Coat the outside of the carcass with the resulting mixture. Wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

3. Cut the apples into slices and core them. After the time has elapsed, we take out the goose and stuff it with the prepared fruit. Place in a sleeve and bake for 1 hour at 200 degrees.

4. After this, remove from the oven and remove the bag. This way the carcass will remain on the baking sheet. Now it needs to be covered with potatoes, boiled until half cooked and cut into slices.

5. Sprinkle the root vegetable with salt, paprika and olive oil. Coat the meat with curry sauce using a silicone brush.

6. Continue baking for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees. The dish is ready. This is such a beauty we have!

Place it in the center of the festive table and enjoy the extraordinary taste of the festive dish!

The best recipe for stuffed goose with rice and oranges up your sleeve

Wonderful goose with oranges, apples and rice. This set of fruits gives such an amazing taste that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from the dish. Try cooking it too!


  • goose – 2.5 kg;
  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • drain oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour apples – 3-4 pcs.;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a set of dry herbs of Italian cuisine - half a teaspoon;
  • ground sweet paprika - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Wash the rice and fill it with cold water. We put it on the stove. Wait until it boils and continue cooking for another 2-5 minutes until half done. It should not crunch when bitten.

2. Place on an iron strainer and rinse with cold water. Pour it into a deep bowl and mix with melted butter, salt and a small amount of zest.

3. Wash the fruits. Remove the core from the apples and cut into slices. We clean citrus fruits from peels, seeds and film. We chop the remaining pulp, like apples. Mix fruit and rice. The filling is ready.

5. Coat the carcass with salt, pepper, paprika and herbs. We put the filling inside. We sew up or secure the belly with toothpicks at your discretion.

6. Place it in the sleeve. Bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. Cooking time is 3-4 hours.

How to cook a goose in the oven so that the meat is soft and juicy

Delicious goose with potatoes and apples. The carcass turns out very juicy and soft, due to the fact that it is fried in its own juices, the meat turns out to be very tender. And the potatoes... Yes, it is impossible to describe this yummy in words, be sure to cook it and you yourself will understand all the superiority of this dish.


  • goose carcass;
  • potatoes – 6-8 pcs.;
  • apples - 3-4;
  • salt - to taste;
  • Provencal herbs - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • spices (ground black pepper, marjoram, nutmeg, basil, rosemary) - 2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Wash the carcass thoroughly on all sides. Trim the throat and edges of the wings. Rub thoroughly with salt and pepper inside and out.

2. Wash the apples and stuff the carcass with them.

Fruits will add a unique taste and aroma.

3. Place the stuffed bird in a baking bag and tie tightly on both sides. Place in the oven for 1 hour at 180 degrees.

4. At this time, peel the potatoes and cut them into large slices. Sprinkle with Provençal herbs, salt and add bay leaves. Mix.

5. Take the goose out of the oven and carefully remove the sleeve, cutting it. Remove excess fat from the pan.

6. Place potato pieces on the sides of the meat and place back in the oven. Continue baking for another 1 hour.

This turned out so delicious!

Whole goose in the oven in beer marinade

A good option for lean and tough meats. The goose carcass will become especially soft due to the fact that it will be steamed in beer. And the ingredients in this recipe are minimal.


  • goose – 3.5 kg;
  • beer – 300 ml;
  • ground black pepper – 2 tsp;
  • ground red pepper – 1 tsp;
  • cumin – 1 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Wash the goose thoroughly and rub it with coarse salt on all sides.

2. Mix peppers and cumin, also rub the carcass with them and leave for several hours (overnight).

3. Take it out of the refrigerator. We put it in the sleeve. Pour beer inside the carcass. We tie the bag from the neck side. We make several punctures in the sleeve.

4. Place in the oven and bake at 200-220 degrees for 2-3 hours.

To test for doneness, simply pull the bird's ham. If it comes off easily, the dish is ready.

Serve the dish on the table, treat your family and friends!

Homemade Christmas goose with apples and prunes

Christmas is approaching very soon, as a rule the whole family and relatives gather around the same table. And in the center of the table there is traditionally a Christmas goose - the main dish of the holiday table. Let's cook it so that it is aromatic with a crispy crust, and the meat is tender and juicy!


  • Goose - 2.5 - 3 kg. (gutted)
  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Pitted prunes - 300 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Rock salt
  • Allspice

Cooking method:

1. We carefully examine the bird; if there is excess fluff, we set it on fire. We wash it under running water, cut off the tail and get rid of the fat in the belly.

2. Then we start preparing the filling. Finely chop the onion. We cut the apples into slices, you can trim the peel, this is according to your desire. Cut the prunes in half, then mix everything together with salt and pepper to taste.

3. Fill the carcass with our aromatic filling, compacting it tightly and not forgetting to salt the abdominal cavity well first. Then we need to fix the toothpicks on the belly so that all the filling remains inside and gives its aroma and taste to the meat.

In a separate bowl, mix salt and pepper and rub the bird with this mixture using rubbing movements.

4. Then place the stuffed carcass in a baking bag and send it to a preheated oven at 180C for 1.5 - 2 hours. After the time has passed, we release the bird from the sleeve and send it back to the oven so that the crust browns.

When our bird has already acquired a pleasant ruddy color, we take it out of the oven, remove it from the toothpicks and serve it to the table!

Baked goose with quince in the sleeve

An incredible recipe for roast goose in a sleeve with quince, which gives the meat a special and unique taste. Therefore, if you have not yet baked a bird with this tart fruit, be sure to try it, this dish is worthy of your attention.

Ingredients for marinating:

  • Mustard;
  • Salt;
  • Seasoning for poultry;
  • 2-3 green apples;
  • 1 quince;
  • Garlic;

I suggest you watch the step-by-step preparation in the video, where the author succinctly and simply demonstrates the entire process from marinating to baking:

Bon appetit!

Goose in the oven stuffed with sauerkraut

This recipe is one of my favorites. Stuff the bird with sauerkraut and mushrooms, preferably dried white ones; if you don’t have those, then champignons will also work - it’s as easy as shelling pears! And what a festive dish it turns out to be, everyone’s mouth is already watering just from the aroma, I’m not talking about the taste...


  • White cabbage - 250 gr.
  • Sauerkraut - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. lie
  • Dried mushrooms
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices

Cooking technology:

1. First of all, I start cooking with the goose. I rub a clean, featherless carcass with salt and pepper on all sides and always from the inside.

2. Now that our bird is soaked in spices, let’s get down to preparing the filling. Cut fresh cabbage and chop onion. Fry the onion in a frying pan, then add cabbage to it and continue frying for another 10 minutes. Then add sauerkraut and dried mushrooms to the frying pan. Simmer on maximum heat for 15 minutes, adding 1 glass of water.

It’s better to use dried porcini mushrooms, but if you don’t have them, then you can replace them with champignons, it will also be delicious.

3. Now we need to stuff the carcass with our cabbage, I carefully lay it in and place it in the sleeve. I won’t sew up or pin up the abdomen this time.

4. Preheat the oven and send our stuffed carcass, bake at 170C for 2 - 2.5 hours.

Then we place the roasted goose on a large flat dish and serve it to the table so that guests can admire this beauty! Then carefully cut into portions!

mmm... it turned out very tasty!

These are the different and delicious recipes we have prepared today. Maybe you have your own proven cooking method? Be sure to share it in the comments, we will be very interested.

Cook with pleasure and good mood!

Baked goose is a very tasty dish that is a decoration for the holiday table. To the bird turned out tender, juicy, with an appetizing golden brown crust, it is very important to prepare it correctly. In my recipe, I will tell you how to fry a whole goose in the oven so that it turns out very tasty, just melting in your mouth. So let's get started!

Kitchen appliances and accessories: baking sheet, baking sleeve, knife, bowl, oven mitts, grater, kitchen board.


How to choose a bird

Give preference to young, large goose. There is more meat in such a bird, and it will cook faster. To distinguish a young goose from an old one, look at its feet. In a young bird they are light yellow, and in an old bird they are red.

Since the most high-calorie part of the goose is the skin, to reduce the fat content of the finished dish, bake the bird without it.

Preparing for baking

The bird carcass must be thawed, cleaned, washed, dried with a paper towel and the outer phalanges of the wings removed so that they do not burn during the baking process. Since the goose is quite fatty, I advise you to cut off his excess fat. Also don't forget to cut off the wen. If there are remains of feathers on the carcass, they must be removed.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. To make it easier to cook, you can cut the goose into 2 parts. But this is optional.
  2. We wash the carcass and dry it. We make cuts all over the surface of the bird so that it is better saturated with spices and cooks faster.
  3. Grate the zest of one lemon. Peel and chop 3 cloves of garlic and a small piece of ginger.
  4. Put it all in a bowl, add some dried basil, cumin and thyme.
  5. Add spices for meat (to taste), salt and paprika, diluted in a small amount of water.
  6. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

  7. Rub the goose with this mixture. We try to ensure that the seasonings get into the cuts on the skin of the bird.
  8. Leave the goose to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 6-8 hours, or better yet, overnight.
  9. After this, we take the bird out of the refrigerator and water it with paprika diluted in water to give the goose an appetizing appearance after cooking.
  10. We also coat it with honey (you will need 2-3 tablespoons). We coat the bird on all sides, both outside and inside.
  11. Place the goose in a baking sleeve. We put a little dill and garlic inside the bird. We tie the ends of the sleeve, leaving a small hole for steam to escape.
  12. Bake at 180-200 degrees for 2 hours. After an hour, turn the bird over and cook for another hour.
  13. We take the finished goose out of the oven, carefully open the sleeve to allow steam to escape, and bake for another 30-40 minutes, without the sleeve, to form an appetizing golden brown crust.
  14. Transfer the finished bird to a large dish and serve with a side dish and sauce of your choice. Bon appetit!

Recipe video

From this video you will learn how to deliciously cook a whole goose in the oven and how to bake it so that it turns out very juicy and tasty.

Other marinade options

  • The easiest marinade is apple cider vinegar.. Dilute it with water (1:3-4) and pour it over the goose overnight.
  • You can also rub the bird with salt and pepper, pour dry white wine over it and wrap it in cling film. You need to marinate the goose in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
  • You can also use cranberry puree and a mixture of your favorite herbs for the marinade.
  • You can coat the bird with a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise (1:1), to which you need to add seasonings to taste.
  • You can also use ready-made grill seasonings, soy sauce, and sour berry puree for the marinade.

How to deliciously roast a whole goose in the oven

  • During preparation It is necessary to turn the bird over. If you bake not in a sleeve, but on a baking sheet, periodically pour the melted fat on top.
  • Instead of a baking sleeve, you can use foil. It is advisable to take it in 2-3 layers so that it does not tear and the juice does not leak out.
  • 40 minutes before the goose is ready, you can add potatoes to it. or other vegetables. This way you will get both the main dish and a side dish for it. Also very tasty sour varieties. To give the dish a new taste sensation, you can cook the bird with oranges, cabbage or cranberries.
  • To check the doneness of the bird, pierce its carcass in the thickest part. If clear juice comes out, it means it’s ready, if it’s pink, then it’s not yet.

Other cooking options

You can cook not only goose for the holiday table, but also, both without adding any other ingredients and... It is very convenient to bake duck in the oven. After cooking, there is no need to wash the baking tray to remove fat; duck and goose cooked in the sleeve also turn out very juicy. Another dish that deserves your attention is. I advise you to prepare for it, as for other poultry dishes, some delicious berry sauce, such as cranberry.

If you have your own recipes for cooking a whole goose in the oven, be sure to write them in the comments. Share your secrets. Also write what sauces you prepare for poultry. Thanks in advance and good luck with your cooking!

Goose is a tasty and healthy bird. Cooking a goose will require patience and a lot of time. It can be prepared whole or in portions. Goose, cooked in pieces, will be a suitable dish for both the daily menu and the holiday menu.

Recipe for goose cooked in pieces

Dish: Main course

Cooking time: 3 minutes

Total time: 3 minutes


  • 500 g goose meat
  • 3 pcs. bulb onions
  • 4-5 leaves bay leaf
  • salt
  • black pepper

Step-by-step recipe with photos

How to cook goose in pieces

1. The goose carcass must be cut into pieces. We select the necessary pieces of poultry, wash them and dry them. Then the meat must be lightly fried. To do this, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Then carefully place the meat in a frying pan and fry on both sides. The meat should be golden brown.

2. The finished bird must be placed in a pan of a suitable size.

3. Pour plenty of water over the meat. This is done so that it simmers evenly during the cooking process. Next, place the pan on the stove.

4. While the water in the pan comes to a boil, you need to prepare the onions. To do this, we clean it and rinse it. Then you need to cut the onion into half rings.

5. The onion should be fried until soft and golden brown.

6. When the water in the pan with goose meat comes to a boil, you need to add spices to it. Add salt, pepper and bay leaves to the container.

7. Finally, pour the fried onions into the pan.

8. Then you need to mix the ingredients.

9. Place the pan on the stove and continue to simmer the meat for 2 hours. The meat that separates well from the bones is considered ready.

Cooked goose in pieces can be served with any porridge. It goes great with rice.

Goose prepared according to this recipe will not only diversify the menu, but will also bring a lot of pleasure while eating.

Roast goose, as a holiday dish, is most often associated with Christmas. However, long before Christmas, it was served in Europe at festive feasts on St. Martin's Day, which is still celebrated on November 11, dedicating it to the completion of all agricultural work. This holiday marks the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. On this day, in most European countries and, first of all, in Germany, where geese are especially loved, a dish with this bird is always on the festive table. Most German housewives know how to cook a goose in the oven, and not just in one, but in many different ways.

How to prepare a whole goose for roasting

The goose is a bird with an individual character, both in life, in fairy tales, and in cooking. You can’t run to the store or market at the last moment to grab a prettier bird and quickly fry it. It may not turn out golden on the outside and soft on the inside with a juicy, flavorful filling. The goose needs to be given time and attention. The goose planned for the holiday, and this is a festive, elegant dish, must be prepared in advance, 2-3 days before the celebration. The optimal weight of poultry for roasting is 4 kg.

  1. Gut a fresh goose from the market. At a store-bought one, check the quality of the gutting and remove the bag of giblets (if there is one). Defrost frozen poultry on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (previously it was defrosted in a spacious, ventilated cellar, but now few people have access to this). The defrosting process usually lasts 25-30 hours.
  2. Cover the table with film. Place the carcass on it, inspect it and carefully remove the remaining feathers with tweezers. Another way is to quickly scald or very briefly heat the carcass in the oven or microwave, let it cool a little and remove the remaining feathers. In addition, folk wisdom suggests singeing a goose not only over a gas stove, but even with a blowtorch. But this must be done carefully, because... Fat will leak out of the carcass.
  3. Using scissors, cut off the first phalanx from each wing. They usually burn when baked, and they are of little use. Typically these wing parts are used along with the neck and giblets in soup. Some cooks even remove the wings completely, although the goose will not be as beautiful.
  4. Using a sharp small knife, remove some of the visible fat around the abdominal incision and around the neck opening.
  5. Use a knitting needle or a thin skewer to pierce the skin on the goose's breast and at the junction of the legs with the body. The puncture should run parallel to the skin so that the meat is not damaged.
  6. Take a large saucepan, the diameter and height of which will allow you to easily place the goose there. Boil water and lower the carcass halfway there for 1 minute, first with the neck hole down, remove. Wait for it to boil again and lower the carcass a second time with the opposite side, also for 1 minute. Completely drain the water that has gotten inside and dry the goose inside and out with a cloth (not paper!) towel.
  7. Lay a new, clean, dry film, place the carcass on it and rub it with salt, 1 tsp. per 1 kg of weight, salt can be seasoned not only with black pepper, but also with dried oregano, sage, thyme, cumin or your favorite spice in reasonable quantities.
  8. Place the goose on a plate and refrigerate for 2-3 days, turning occasionally. The ideal option is to hang the bird in a cold cellar. During this time, the meat will soften, and the skin will dry out and when baked, it will become not only beautiful, but crispy and tasty.

How to bake a goose in the oven

Humanity has accumulated some experience in cooking goose in the oven. By following all the rules and advice, the likelihood of getting a positive result is very high. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the goose is a capricious bird. You may not obey the first time; it is useful to carry out a rehearsal before preparing a festive dish, taking into account the rules of preparation and baking.

  • The filling is determined by the specific cooking recipe. It could even be simple fresh white bread, cut into cubes and mixed with fried onions. It is important not to stuff the goose very tightly; the minced meat should lie loosely and fill the belly by ⅔, so that there is room for it to increase in volume when it warms up and absorbs the goose fat.
  • The goose must be stuffed before placing it in the hot pot. You cannot store raw stuffed poultry as a semi-finished product.
  • Sew with thick threads and large, clearly visible stitches. It is important that the threads are easy to remove from the finished goose carcass. It is better to chop off the neck hole with wooden skewers or skewers. The legs can be tied crosswise so that they do not stick out in different directions.
  • Preheat oven to high temperature, usually around 300°C.
  • Pour 1 cm of water into a baking tray with high sides, place a wire rack on it, and place the goose on it, breast side down. Place this structure in the oven on a medium level, taking into account the height of the carcass, for 15 minutes. Close the door.
  • Reduce the temperature to 160-150 °C and carefully turn the goose onto its back. To avoid getting burned, you need to use a cooking mitt. Bake for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the size of the carcass. From time to time, pour a spoon on a long handle with the juice that will be obtained in the pan.
  • If the goose starts to burn, cover it with a sheet of foil on top and add a little hot water to the pan.
  • Readiness is usually checked with a knitting needle, which must be pierced through the leg. The juice released from the puncture site of the carcass should be transparent. However, haute cuisine masters do not like this procedure; they believe that it violates the integrity of the dish.

Video recipe

How to cook goose in the oven

It is customary to cook a real goose whole for the holiday. In different regions of Germany, which actually dominates this branch of cooking, there are different traditions and different fillings for stuffed poultry.

  1. In Bavaria, goose giblets are mixed with bread soaked in milk, flavored with onions and spices, and hard-boiled eggs are added.
  2. In the Rhine Valley, raisins and prunes are soaked in alcohol for the filling and apples with a lot of marjoram are added to them.
  3. In northeastern Germany, goose is stuffed with prunes soaked in schnapps, which is mixed with breadcrumbs.

In addition, there are apple-onion, nut, bacon-mushroom fillings and many, many others. In addition, the goose is fried in large pieces and served with stewed cabbage, a multi-layer casserole with goose liver or giblet stew is made. The culinary experts of our country do not lag behind the Europeans and offer recipes for cooking goose in the oven with national flavor.

Goose stew with mushrooms

INGREDIENTS for 6 servings:

  • 1 large goose or 2 small ones
  • 2 bottles of dry red wine
  • 1 onion and 1 carrot each
  • 1 pinch dried celery or 1 branch fresh
  • 1 bunch of fresh herbs (dill, parsley)
  • 250 g porcini mushrooms, canned in their own juice or boiled fresh
  • vegetable oil, preferably olive oil
  • 50 g butter
  • 50 g flour
  • salt pepper


  1. Rinse the goose, inspect it, if necessary, remove any remaining feathers and trim off excess fat. Cut the carcass into 12 parts, and small carcasses into 6. Chop the vegetables and herbs. Place the goose in a deep container, cover with herbs and pour in wine. Place in a cool place for 10-12 hours.
  2. Remove the poultry pieces from the marinade, wipe and, if necessary, squeeze lightly. Filter the marinade through cheesecloth. In a deep frying pan, fry the pieces of meat on all sides without oil. Drain off the rendered fat; it will not be needed.
  3. In the same frying pan, stir-fry the flour in dissolved butter, slowly pour in the entire marinade, add the goose, bring to a boil, cover with a tight lid, and place in the oven at 200 °C for an hour and a half.
  4. At this time, place the porcini mushrooms in a colander, allow them to drain properly, chop and fry in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. Just before the goose is ready, pour the mushrooms evenly into the frying pan. White bread croutons can be a compliment to this dish.

Merchant style goose recipe

INGREDIENTS for 6-8 servings:

  • 1 goose 3.5-4 kg
  • 2 apples
  • 2 carrots
  • 6 onions
  • 400 ml poultry broth
  • 200 ml dry red wine
  • several green onions
  • 5 pieces. spicy cloves
  • 2 pcs. allspice
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • salt, ground black pepper
  • 800 g potatoes boiled the day before in skins
  • 2 yolks
  • 350 g plums
  • butter


  1. Prepare the goose for roasting as described above. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper on all sides. Tie on the legs and wings. 3 hours before the celebration, turn on the oven and preheat it.
  2. Cut the washed apples and 2 peeled onions into equal large cubes and fill the goose’s belly with them. Seal the cut with wooden toothpicks or thread.
  3. Wash and peel the carrots, chop the remaining onions and green onions, place in a large roasting pan along with the spices, pour in the broth. Place the goose on top, breast side down. Place the roasting pan, covered with a lid, in a hot oven for half an hour. After 30 minutes, turn the goose breast side up and bake for another 1.5 hours in the oven without a lid.
  4. At this time, peel the potatoes, grate them coarsely, mix with slightly beaten yolks, season with salt and pepper, make flat cakes with a diameter of 5-6 cm, fry the flat cakes in oil on both sides. Remove the pits from the plums and simmer them a little in the remaining butter in the pan.
  5. When the goose is ready, remove it from the roasting pan, place it on a platter and cover it to keep warm. Filter the broth, add hot plums to it, wait until it boils and simmer the sauce for 5 minutes. Cut the goose into portions. Serve with plum sauce and hot potato cakes.

Video recipe

Goose legs in the oven

This is a very juicy, simple and economical dish. It can be served as a side dish with any stewed or boiled vegetables, including Brussels sprouts or cauliflower.

INGREDIENTS for 4 servings:

  • 4 goose legs 300-350 g each
  • 100-150 g of carrots, onions, celery root
  • 1 apple, preferably sour
  • 3 sprigs thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 200 ml dry red wine
  • 700 ml broth, vegetable or chicken
  • 175 g roasted chestnuts, vacuum packed
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper, flour


  1. Wash the goose legs, dry them, rub with salt and pepper. Fry in a deep frying pan or in a 1 tbsp Dutch oven. l. oil for a few minutes until the fat is rendered out. Remove the legs from the roasting pan and discard the fat; you won't need it.
  2. Peel the onion, apple, celery and carrots and cut into equal small cubes, fry together with bay leaf and thyme in 1 tbsp. l. oil for 5 minutes in the same frying pan, add tomato paste and wine, stir, boil a little.
  3. Place the legs in a roasting pan, pour in the broth and simmer in the oven, without covering the roasting pan with a lid, for an hour and a half, first at 200-210 °C, then lower the temperature to 180 °C. Remove the roasting pan from the oven.
  4. Remove the legs and place on a plate, cover with a lid. Add chestnuts to the sauce, bring to a boil and thicken with flour if necessary. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Place a leg of goose, chestnuts in sauce and any vegetables on a plate.

Video recipe

Baked goose breast

INGREDIENTS for 4 servings:

  • 2 goose breasts, skinless but boneless
  • 150 g onion sets
  • 200 g stalked celery
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 liter chicken or vegetable broth
  • 150 ml orange juice
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. orange liqueur (or other alcohol)
  • 2 tsp. dried rosemary
  • sour cream
  • salt, pepper, flour


  1. Rub the washed and dried goose breast with salt, pepper, and rosemary (you can use marjoram instead of rosemary). Pour a little water into the bottom of the saucepan, place the breasts skin side down, and simmer in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 °C. Then lower the temperature to 160-150 °C and simmer for another 50-55 minutes, pouring the resulting sauce with a long spoon.
  2. During this time, peel and chop finely all the vegetables. turn skin side up, pour vegetables into a saucepan, pour broth over everything and continue simmering for another 30 minutes.
  3. Carefully remove the goose breasts from the sauce, let them drain, coat the skin with sour cream, whipped with a pinch of salt, and grill for 3-4 minutes until the skin browns and becomes crispy.
  4. Grind the sauce formed in the saucepan with a mixer or blender, you can rub it through a sieve (the mass will be more homogeneous, but the procedure will take a long time), add juice and liqueur, pour into the saucepan, heat and thicken with flour if necessary. If you don’t have orange liqueur, you need to take ordinary vodka, add a few drops of juice squeezed out of scalded orange peel with a garlic press, and a pinch of powdered sugar. Season the sauce with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Place the breast on a plate, cut into slices, put thick sauce on the side, and garnish with fresh blue rosemary flowers. Serve with potatoes, best young or simply small, boiled whole. Potatoes of the same size will add a special chic to the dish.

Video recipe

How do you cook goose?

Baked goose is a national dish that was prepared in ancient Rus' for festive meals. Currently, it is becoming increasingly difficult to catch a wild goose and few hunters can boast of such luck. Therefore, it is very important not to spoil the trophy during the cooking process.

Goose dishes prepared at home are a true decoration of the table. What could be tastier and more appetizing than golden-brown, crispy-skinned game served for a festive dinner?

How to prepare a carcass?

To learn how to cook wild goose, you need to familiarize yourself with the properties of the meat. Not only does it taste great, but it is also very healthy because it does not contain harmful chemicals found in captive-bred birds.

Initially, the carcass is plucked and gutted, and the remaining feathers are removed. After which the bird should be kept in a cold place for several days. Cooked poultry may be a little tough. The older the game, the more likely it is to get dry meat, so to give it juiciness, the carcass should be kept in the marinade for some time.

There are several ways to marinate wild goose, each of them is good in its own way. The choice of the most suitable method depends solely on taste preferences.

How to marinate correctly?

  1. Take honey and mustard in a 1:2 ratio, mix the ingredients, thickly coat the surface of the carcass and leave to marinate overnight.
  2. Another marinade recipe for wild goose. Scald lemon cut into slices with boiling water. The carcass, previously washed and rubbed with spices, is poured with dry white wine and covered with lemon slices. Cover the dishes with cling film and place in the refrigerator for a day. To completely cover the carcass with marinade, you will need one bottle of wine. To marinate a carcass in this way, you will need a deep container.
  3. For housewives who want to deliciously cook wild goose in pieces, the following marinade recipe is suitable. You need to take: eggs, mustard, finely chopped prunes, mayonnaise, butter, spices and salt. Mix all ingredients, immerse the meat cut into pieces into the marinade. Leave for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. Before cooking the goose in the oven, you can use any remaining marinade to re-process the goose. To do this, you can use a culinary sleeve into which you can carefully place the marinade.

Secrets of delicious dishes

Wild goose cooked at home will decorate any table. However, not every cook knows what can be prepared from this game. Cooking such a bird requires knowledge of some features and cooking secrets.

Whole roasted poultry requires special skill - it can dry out very quickly and the meat will lose its taste. But, fortunately, now all the cooking secrets are available and every housewife can use them.

In order to get a tasty and appetizing dish, it is not enough to know a lot of recipes that will help you prepare culinary delights from goose. There are some secrets that will help you properly prepare a wild goose for subsequent heat treatment. This process is simple, but it will require a lot of patience and time.

If it is a fresh product, you need to know how to properly pluck it and, if necessary, gut it. If it is frozen, then you will have to wait at least two days and only then process it.

Wild goose baked in the oven until golden brown turns out juicy and delicious if you use one secret:

  1. To make a tasty dish you will need a pan of boiling water.
  2. Bring water to a boil, place the carcass in it for 1 minute. If it does not fit entirely, you need to alternately lower the front part of the carcass, and then the tail.
  3. Any water that gets inside the bird is drained, and the carcass is thoroughly dried. After which you can rub it with salt, pepper, spices and leave for several days to soak.

Wild goose dishes

Wild goose meat is very tasty and at the same time it contains many useful substances necessary to maintain normal functioning of the body. There are many ways to deliciously cook a goose: you can grill it, boil it, bake it in the oven, or stew it.

In order to prepare this dish you will need: goose - 1 carcass, ½ glass of white wine, 200 g butter, ½ glass of broth, salt.

Cooking method:

Salt and pepper the gutted and washed goose well outside and inside, place in a heated oven in a casserole dish or deep baking tray. While frying, pour over the separated juice.

When the goose is browned on all sides, drain a little fat from the baking sheet, pour in wine and broth, and cover with a lid. Fry the bird until done and cut into portions. Place the finished dish on a large plate, pour over the juice remaining after stewing.

Royal goose cooked in a slow cooker

The fastest way to cook this game is in a slow cooker. When cooked, it is soaked in sauce, saturated with aromas and turns out very tender.

To prepare a wild goose in a slow cooker, you will need the following ingredients: goose carcass about 2 kg, 3 apples, 50 ml of balsamic vinegar, a glass of hot water, 3 teaspoons of sugar, 3 sprigs of rosemary, 50 ml of vegetable oil.


Cut the processed and washed goose carcass into medium-sized pieces. Wash the apples and cut into slices. Add vegetable oil to the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Baking” mode, and place the goose pieces into it. Add the rosemary sprigs and leave to cook for an hour.

Next you need to prepare the sauce. Pour sugar into a small cup, pour balsamic vinegar and add hot water. An hour after cooking the goose in a slow cooker, pour the prepared sauce over it, add apples to it, turn on the “Baking” mode and bake for 30 minutes.

The prepared dish is served with baked apples and sauce.

Wild goose baked with prunes

Some recipes suggest combining this bird with prunes and potatoes.

To prepare this dish you will need: a wild goose carcass, a handful of prunes, 2-3 pcs. kiwi, 3 cloves of garlic, salt to taste.

Rub the prepared carcass with salt and grease with marinade. To prepare the marinade, you need to mix peeled kiwi in a blender with prunes and garlic. Coat the carcass thickly with the resulting mixture and leave to marinate for 3-4 hours.

To cook a wild goose in the oven you will need: 1 wild goose carcass, 10-12 apples, 4 large onions, ginger, 1 teaspoon each of cumin and marjoram, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Free the prepared carcass from excess fat and rub inside and outside with caraway seeds mixed with salt. Stuff the carcass with small apples (Pepina, Tirolka varieties) and sprinkle salt mixed with marjoram into their cuts. Bake the goose in the oven with onions and butter, often basting with the broth that separated during frying.

Separately, bake 6-8 large apples with ginger, cover the goose with them, and pour the sauce over them.

This wild goose dish is often prepared for the holiday table. It is prepared very simply, and the taste is very refined.

To prepare this dish you will need: 1 wild goose carcass, fat (oil) for frying, for stuffing small cabbage forks, 1 lemon, herbs, pepper, salt to taste.


Rub the gutted, washed carcass with separated wings, paws and head well with salt inside and out. Place it in the casserole with its back down, pour in fat or melted butter. Fill the goose's abdominal cavity with shredded cabbage mixed with lemon (cut a small lemon into thick slices for one carcass).

Sew up the carcass with threads and simmer in the oven for 2 hours until cooked, turning occasionally to bake a uniform golden brown crust.

Serve the game to the table, cut into portions with apples or cabbage, garnished with herbs.

Goose cooked in tangerine sauce

The recipe for this dish will not leave indifferent even gourmets. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients: wild goose carcass, 30 g poultry fat, 300 g (5-6 pieces) tangerines, 350 g red sauce, 30 sugar, 500 g garnish, salt taste.

Cooking process:

Cut the fried wild goose carcass into portions, pour in the sauce with tangerine zest, and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

To prepare the sauce, you need to remove the zest from the tangerine and cut it into thin strips. Boil in water for 2-3 minutes, drain in a colander and add the resulting zest to the red sauce.

When serving, place the goose on a platter and pour the sauce over it. Place tangerine slices (without peel) on top of the sauce. Garnish the dish with fried potatoes.

Dishes prepared from this bird have long been considered a sign of wealth at home and the owner’s luck. In order to surprise and delight your home and guests with your skills, you can use these simple tips. Properly cooked game will help create an atmosphere of celebration and comfort in your home.