
Quail stuffed with apples in bacon with cherry sauce. Quail with bacon and stuffed with mushrooms and carrots

Recently, baked quails have become one of our favorite dishes for Sunday lunches. The first time I baked these birds with pineapples (my sister called us bourgeois in this regard:))). Today I will tell you how to cook quail with bacon and young garlic. This is a very simple recipe, no fuss. We will need the quails themselves - 4 pieces, this is based on 2 pieces per person. Birds 120-150 gr. I bought the bacon already cut into long slices, it is very convenient to use it in this form, since it is not always possible to thinly cut the bacon into pieces. We also need young garlic, it is more tender and aromatic. One small head will be enough. Please note that I didn't use any spices or salt, there's just enough of that in the bacon and it will share nicely with the quail.
So let's get started. My quails are frozen, so they need to be thawed.

Wash the carcasses and let the water drain.

Push 2-3 cloves of garlic and one slice of bacon inside each bird, wrap each bird with another slice and pin the bacon with toothpicks (then they can be easily removed).

I will bake the quail in a cauldron. Pour into the bottom of the cauldron vegetable oil- 1 tablespoon. Coat each quail in this oil. Then pour 50 ml of ordinary water into the cauldron, this is necessary so that the quails are initially steamed and then fried.

Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Cover the cauldron with a lid and place in the oven for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, take out the cauldron, check the quails - turn them over. Place the cauldron in the oven for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes (25 minutes from the start of cooking), remove the cauldron from the oven and turn the quail over again. Remove the cauldron for the next 10 minutes.
After another 10 minutes, take out the cauldron, turn the quail over again and put the cauldron in the oven for 5 minutes. Then turn off the oven. The total cooking time for the quail will be 40 minutes. During this time, the quails will be ready, the garlic and bacon inside the birds will also be cooked.

As a side dish for quail, you can prepare boiled new potatoes, cauliflower, fried in breadcrumbs.

Quails have both disadvantages and advantages. The downside is that they are small. And the plus is that they are very tasty if prepared correctly.
In my experience, quail tastes best when cooked longer. Although some people like it grilled, in my opinion it turns out a little tough. One way or another, I bring to your attention a recipe of either French or Old Russian cuisine, which is quite suitable for some special occasion.

You will need:

Small quails, 4 pcs.
Raw smoked bacon, 8-12 strips
Small onions, or shallots, 6 pcs.
Garlic, 3 cloves
Celery stalk, 1 pc.
White dry wine, 300 ml
Chicken broth, 1 cup
Salt to taste (don't forget the bacon!)
Black SM pepper

Chop the celery and garlic and peel the onion.

We put one onion inside each quail, as well as a couple of circles of garlic, and tie the legs.

Mix flour with salt and pepper and roll each quail in it.

In oven safe containers, on butter fry the quails on all sides.

We take out the birds and fry the 4 halves of the remaining onions and celery with garlic in the same oil.

Place the quails in a bowl and “wrap” them crosswise in bacon.

Sprinkle with thyme and add wine, letting it simmer a little. Then add the broth.

Cover with a lid and place in the oven at 200 C for 1.5-2 hours. Yes! Don’t be surprised and don’t believe what they write - they say, quail can be cooked for 20-30 minutes, since they are small. Indeed, after 30 minutes the meat will be formally baked, but it will be tough. And we need it. so that it practically falls off the bones.
After the required time, we get something like this:

All that remains is to blend and heat the sauce.

You can serve. For example, with potatoes baked with olive oil and rosemary.

Bon appetit!

Marinate the quail a day in advance. Wash, dry and cut off the bottom of the wings. Peel the skin a little from the bottom of the legs and lift it slightly to the top (so that they do not burn). Season each with salt and black pepper. Place the quail in a suitable bowl, squeeze out the orange juice and add soy sauce taste. Place breast side down and marinate overnight. *Do not pour out the marinade afterwards, it will still be useful during the cooking process.

Cut the onion, carrots and champignons into small cubes. Fry on olive oil First, briefly onion and carrots, then add mushrooms and fry until most of the liquid has evaporated. Finely chop the parsley and add to ready-made filling from mushrooms. Salt and pepper to taste.

Use a spoon to stuff each quail with the stuffing. Wrap each with a piece of bacon, first wrapping it vertically and then wrapping two pieces horizontally. Tie the legs and breast together with kitchen string. It is convenient to tie the shins first, turn them over backwards, grabbing the thighs, and wrap the breasts. Sprinkle with chopped thyme, sprinkle marinade on top and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. about 50 minutes. During the cooking process, I advise you to take it out a couple of times and sprinkle with marinade.