
Krakow cake.

These cakes use roasted almonds and are delicious, although, like most GOST recipes, they are very sweet. They consist of two layers - the bottom one is made of shortcrust pastry, the top one is made of almond-protein mass. I remember a time when they were quite popular, but then disappeared somewhere. Still, the technology is not very simple: the protein mixture with almonds and sugar must be brought to a boil and cooked with constant stirring until thickened. At home, there is no need to boil (although eggs with a lot of sugar tolerate boiling well), just warm it up so that the sugar dissolves.

Another technological subtlety is that the shortbread dough must be baked, but not browned before applying the top layer, spread the hot protein-almond mixture onto the cake and leave for an hour until it dries. And then back into the oven so that the protein mass rises and cracks.

Oh, here's another important thing. I used to somehow not attach any importance to words, but now it has become a little infuriating and annoying when baked goods from my books are called “according to Chadeika.” I'm not a guru and I don't want to be one. Everything has already been invented before me, believe me. This is especially true for basic recipes. And GOSTs too.

10 cakes
Shortbread dough:
100g butter
65g sugar
165g flour
1\2 tsp. baking powder

1 yolk
Upper layer:
3 squirrels
220g sugar
120g roasted almonds, unroasted, fry at 180C for 15 minutes.

60g flour

preheat the oven to 200C, then to 160C

baking tray covered with baking paper

Shortbread dough: mix 100g soft butter, 1 yolk, 65g sugar and beat well. Add flour and knead soft dough. Roll out into an even layer 19x26cm (draw a rectangle on paper), the thickness will be about 5-6mm.

Cool for 20 minutes in the freezer and bake at 200C for 15 minutes.

For the egg white mixture, beat 3 whites until soft peaks form.

Grind roasted almonds (120g).

Add sugar (220g), almonds...

And stir.

It will be like this.

Pour into a saucepan and heat, stirring well, to 70 degrees, so that the sugar dissolves and the mixture becomes sticky.

Stir in 60g flour.

Spread the hot mixture onto the baked layer and leave for an hour until a crust appears and your finger does not stick when touched.

Trim the edges, cut into 5x9cm cakes (10 pcs). Move them apart from each other at a distance of 2-3cm.

Wow! You won’t believe it, but I barely had time to catch the last cakes to capture them in the photo - I didn’t even see the sparkling heels... I don’t remember any other dessert that would disappear with such lightning speed. By the way, if you look closely, you will see that the photo models this time are not the best pieces that usually just ask for the lens, but the remaining ones that we managed to “grab” before they ran off into our stomachs. Naturally, they are on the edge and, of course, are not as beautiful as the central pieces were, but nothing can be done. I think that a few more hours of delay on my part would have deprived you of the opportunity to see even these remains.

And I was again prompted to bake Krakovskoe by nostalgia for the bright Soviet years, which are now commonly scolded. Yes, probably, not everything was good and correct there (however, I won’t get involved in politics, it’s not interesting), but what sweets there were! How pleasant it is now to remember the breathtaking spectacle of the most beautiful cakes on the shelves of bread stores, among which the Krakow one was not the most noticeable (in my childish naivety, I considered a real cake to be something super-creamy and super-colored) and, it seemed, not the most delicious.

And so, having recently come across Krakovsky’s recipe, I decided to update my impressions of it. As a result, everything turned upside down - Krakovskoe became one of my “favorites”. Really delicious!

P.S. By the way, does anyone know what this cake has to do with Poland? Why is it called Krakow?

To prepare the Krakow cake we will need:

for shortcrust pastry:

  • flour - 1 cup,
  • sugar - 2.5 tablespoons,
  • butter (or margarine) - 100 g,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • salt.

for protein dough:

  • eggs (whites) - 5 pieces,
  • sugar - 1 glass,
  • almonds - 80 g,
  • flour - 2.5 tablespoons.

First, let's make shortcrust pastry. Mix butter, sugar and egg until smooth.

Add flour to the mixture and knead the dough.

After 1-2 minutes, roll out a layer 5 mm thick (I don’t like a rolling pin, so I leveled the dough with my hand), transfer it to a dry baking sheet, prick it and bake until half cooked.

Let's start with the protein test. To do this, beat the egg whites and sugar.

Add roasted chopped almonds.

Shortbread cake with a crispy protein-nut crust.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 100 g butter;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • half a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 160 g flour (1 cup).

Ingredients for protein-nut filling:

  • 3 egg whites;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 120 g almonds;
  • 60 g flour.

Making Krakowski cake

Fry the almonds and crush them in a blender into fine crumbs.

Grind the egg, softened butter and sugar in a bowl.

Add flour, sifted with baking powder, and knead into a soft dough. Place in a cool place for 30 minutes.

Line a baking tray with baking paper. Roll out the chilled dough on a baking sheet into a rectangular layer 5-7 mm thick (layer size approximately 18 by 25 cm).

Bake for 10-15 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius.

Beat the whites in a blender until soft peaks form. Place the whipped whites in a saucepan, add sugar and chopped almonds. Mix with a spoon until smooth.

Place the saucepan with the protein mixture over medium heat. Heat with constant stirring to a temperature of approximately 70 degrees. Do not boil. Remove from heat and add flour.

Pour the hot egg white mixture onto the baked crust and smooth it over the surface. Leave the crust on the counter for about 1 hour until a crust forms on the egg white mixture.

After the crust has formed, use a sharp knife to cut the crust with the protein filling into 10 pies and carefully move them apart on the baking sheet so that they do not touch each other.

Place the baking sheet with the cakes in the oven and bake at 160-170 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes. The top crust should become creamy.

source http://irigen.ru/culinary/baking/pirozhnoe-krakovskoe/

Nov 7, 2017 admin

A complex recipe for Krakow cake according to GOST home cooking step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 1 minute. Contains only 223 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 11 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 minutes
  • Calorie Amount: 223 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 8 servings
  • Complexity: Complicated recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Dessert

Ingredients for eight servings

  • I made 2 standards, I give one, as per GOST:
  • Sand semi-finished product main number 16:
  • Premium wheat flour - 99 gr
  • Premium wheat flour for dusting - 8 g
  • Granulated sugar - 40 gr
  • Butter - 59 gr
  • Melange - 14 g (I had 2 small yolks for 2 norms)
  • Sodium bicarbonate - 0.1 g
  • Ammonium carbonate - 0.1 g
  • Essence - 0.4 g
  • Salt - 0.4 g
  • Sodium bicarbonate and ammonium carbonate can be replaced with 4 grams of baking powder.
  • I replaced it with baking powder. I didn't add any essence.
  • Semi-finished almond number 28 for Krakow cakes:
  • Premium wheat flour - 38 g
  • Granulated sugar - 129 gr
  • Egg whites - 61 g (for 2 norms 4 whites)
  • Roasted almond kernels - 70 gr

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Preparation of semi-finished shortbread:
  2. Place butter in a container, add granulated sugar, melange, sodium bicarbonate and ammonium carbonate (or baking powder), salt, essence and mix for 20.30 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained (5.8 minutes is enough for me). Then add flour and continue kneading the dough for no more than 1.2 minutes. Shortbread dough should have a smooth surface without lumps or traces of unkneading, a color from light yellow to yellow, and a pleasant smell.
  3. Molding.
  4. Roll out the dough into a layer on a flour-dusted table. Then the layer is transferred to a baking sheet using a rolling pin. Before baking, the surface of the dough is pricked in several places to prevent swelling. The pan for baking shortcrust pastry is not greased.
  5. Bakery.
  6. Baking duration at +200. 225 C 6-7 minutes.
  7. Characteristics of the semi-finished product. Rectangular shape. Thickness no more than 8 mm. The crumb is well porous, crumbly, light brown in color.
  8. Preparation of semi-finished almond product:
  9. Beat the egg whites for 7.8 minutes (2-3 minutes is enough), add finely chopped roasted almonds and granulated sugar. Stirring continuously, heat to a boil and boil for 8.10 minutes. (maybe 5-7 minutes, the color will be a little lighter and the semi-finished product itself will be more tender), (test for thread formation), then cool a little, add flour and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  10. Molding. The almond mass is applied in an even layer 5.6 mm thick onto the semi-finished shortbread baked until half cooked and left at a temperature of +15. 20 C until an elastic crust forms, then cut into cakes and place on baking sheets.
  11. Bakery. Baking duration is 20.25 minutes at a temperature of +150. 160 C.
  12. Characteristics of the semi-finished product. Rectangular shape. The top crust is glossy and thin. The crumb is porous.
  13. Bon appetit!

How long have I been looking for this recipe, this is the taste of my childhood... . . There is no sophistication or luxury in these cakes, but they have a unique zest that made them unforgettable for me. They are a little different from what I remember, and it is clear why our beloved food industry, in order to save money, used almond extract and peanuts, and not real almonds... . In general, the cakes turned out gorgeous, all exactly according to GOST, as it should be... . . I’ll tell you right away that the recipe is academic, I basically weighed everything down to the gram... . . and then this is not my idea - this is GOST of the USSR.

The recipe for “Krakow cake” is very simple to execute, the main thing is to follow the specified recipe exactly. First you need to start preparing the dough. The flour is mixed well with soda, at this time the oven is preheated to 180 degrees.

Using a mixer, beat sugar with butter and salt until a homogeneous fluffy mass is formed. At the end, eggs are added, and everything is beaten well again, pre-sifted wheat flour is added in small portions (the flour must be sifted so that the cakes turn out more tender and soft).

You need to prepare a homogeneous and elastic dough. The baking tray is generously greased with butter and sprinkled with a small amount of flour so that the cake does not burn. A sheet of dough rolled out in a thin layer, no thicker than seven millimeters, is laid out on a baking sheet.

Then the baking sheet is placed in the oven and the cake is baked for 15 minutes until fully cooked. The finished cake is removed from the oven and left for a while to cool completely. “Krakow cake” turns out very tasty and tender.

Now you need to prepare the nut layer - beat the eggs, then add sugar and almonds - the mass is placed on the stove and heated well (it is important to constantly stir the mixture), but the mixture must not be boiled. Then the mixture cools slightly and flour is added.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and poured onto the cooled cake. The baking sheet is again placed in the oven, as soon as the nut layer is covered with a crust, the baking sheet is removed from the oven, then the cake is cut into cakes and can be served.