
Lenten cabbage rolls with grated potatoes. Lenten cabbage rolls Cabbage rolls with potatoes and mushrooms

I offer you a recipe for lean cabbage rolls with mushrooms (champignons) and potatoes.
Let's prepare all the ingredients.

First of all, you need to cut onions (1 pc.) and champignons (about 300g); instead of champignons, you can use any mushrooms, including frozen ones.

Place the onions and champignons in a frying pan (preferably deep), sauté in vegetable oil with the addition of water (about 200g). You need to sauté the mushrooms and onions so that half of the water remains in the frying pan; it will be needed for stewing the cabbage rolls in it.
When the mushrooms and onions are ready, add them with a slotted spoon or whatever is more convenient so that the liquid remains in the pan.

Mash boiled potatoes (2 pieces) with a fork in a deep bowl. Add spices to the potatoes (I have dried herbs and a mixture of peppers), salt and fresh herbs if you have them (I have a little of them, since they haven’t grown yet), to taste.

Transfer the sauteed champignons with onions to the mashed potatoes and mix everything.

Next, dip the prepared cabbage leaves into boiling water for 2 minutes, remove and let cool for a couple of minutes.

The cabbage leaves have cooled, the stuffing for cabbage rolls is ready.

We begin stuffing the cabbage leaves with the filling. And put the cabbage rolls in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

Fry the finished cabbage rolls on both sides in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Next, place the fried cabbage rolls in a deep frying pan, where the champignons and onions were sauteed and the liquid remained. Sprinkle the cabbage rolls with spices to taste and add a little salt, add a bay leaf and fill everything with water, but do not fill the cabbage rolls completely, about half.

Simmer the cabbage rolls over medium heat for about 20-30 minutes, until the cabbage is ready.
My cabbage rolls turned out to be rather inaccurate, as I was unlucky with the cabbage; the cabbage was very dense.
The cabbage rolls taste very tender.
I hope this recipe will be enjoyed by those who are currently fasting.

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

Approximate cost per serving: 50 rub.

Another delicious cabbage rolls recipe for you, dear hostesses. How to cook cabbage rolls with potatoes and fish we tell you, now let's cook cabbage rolls with potatoes and mushrooms. There is nothing unusual in the preparation of such cabbage rolls, the only difference is in the filling.

Stuffed cabbage recipe

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Stuffed cabbage rolls with potatoes and mushrooms

How to cook delicious cabbage rolls

Type of dish: Potato dishes

Cuisine: Russian


  • Potatoes - 400 g,
  • cabbage - 700 g,
  • any mushrooms - 200 g,
  • onions - 2 pcs.,
  • butter - 70 g,
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Bay leaf,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt.


  1. Wash the potatoes, cover with cold water, add salt and boil, then peel and rub through a sieve.
  2. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and pass through a meat grinder. Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in melted butter until golden brown, then add the mushrooms and cook until done.
  3. Combine the prepared ingredients, add salt and mix.
  4. Wash the cabbage, place in salted boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then remove, cool and separate into individual leaves. Beat off the petioles with the handle of a knife.
  5. Place the filling on the prepared cabbage leaves, roll them into an envelope and fry on both sides in vegetable oil.
  6. Dilute tomato paste with 1 glass of warm water, pepper and mix well.
  7. Place cabbage rolls on the bottom of the pan, pour over the resulting sauce, add bay leaf, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 25–30 minutes.

Bon appetit!

For reference: Stuffed cabbage rolls are a dish of Eastern European cuisine, which has analogues in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines, consisting of minced meat or vegetables with boiled rice and/or buckwheat, wrapped in cabbage or

    Traditionally, cabbage rolls with this filling are served without meat in the Carpathian region on Christmas Eve. Tasty, nutritious and at the same time lean, they will diversify your usual daily diet. It is best to use forest mushrooms for this recipe; they are more aromatic and have a brighter taste. If you don’t have any, you can cook it with champignons, but you can add some spices to the filling to enhance the taste and smell. You can cook in a saucepan on the stove, in the oven, or in a slow cooker.


  • White cabbage - 1 pc. (large)
  • Fresh mushrooms - 400 g
  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 300 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Seasonings for mushrooms - to taste

Step-by-step preparation of the recipe:

We disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves and blanch them for 2-3 minutes in boiling water. Cut off the hard part. We cut large leaves in half, then the cabbage rolls will turn out neat and small in size.

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater or on the prickly side, like for potato pancakes. Salt, drain excess liquid and add mushrooms and onions.

Place a tablespoon of filling into the cabbage leaf and carefully twist it.

Place in a thick-bottomed saucepan or multicooker bowl and pour in sour cream diluted in 1 tbsp. water.

Cover with a lid, put the pan on low heat and simmer for at least 1 hour, and in a slow cooker they cook for about 2 hours, until the cabbage leaf becomes completely soft.

And now everything is ready.

Bon appetit everyone!

They say that the healthiest food combination for the body is proteins and healthy carbohydrates (vegetables). Based on this, one of the healthiest dishes is the well-known cabbage rolls. Moreover, this is a very self-sufficient dish and does not need any addition or side dish. Each housewife has her own cooking recipe. The principle is the same for everyone, but each one tries to add something of its own. Some in the composition, some in the cooking technology. This is how they have done it since time immemorial. After all, the ancient Greeks enjoyed eating peculiar cabbage rolls in 425 BC. Then any filling was wrapped in cabbage leaves and called them “cabbage dolma.” Now we know dolma as a Georgian dish (meat filling in grape leaves). It will be interesting to know that the Jews prepare “holishkes” - they wrap either minced meat with rice or rice with raisins and lemon zest in cabbage leaves. Practically, you can find something similar in the cuisine of any nation in the world.

To try something new, you can make cabbage rolls with potatoes and mushrooms! It turns out very tasty and original! An excellent option for vegetarians, as they are prepared without meat. If you want to cook them during Lent, you don’t need to use sour cream, but instead simmer them in tomato paste with the addition of sautéed carrots.

To make the cabbage easier to separate into leaves, you need to cut out the stalk and boil it for 5-10 minutes (depending on the size of the head). When you blanch the leaves to make them softer and easier to roll, cook them in boiling water with spices (bay leaf, sweet and black peas, cloves). To add extra flavor to the cabbage rolls, you can pre-fry them in a frying pan, then put them in a saucepan and simmer. It will be very tasty if you cook them in the oven, you just need a closed container so that the liquid does not boil away quickly. If there is none, then simply cover the top with foil and pinch the edges.

If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then use kefir, fermented baked milk or unsweetened yogurt instead of sour cream. By the way, with fermented baked milk, you get a very interesting and unusual taste. You can add fresh herbs and green onions to the filling itself. Cheese lovers can also use this product. You can grate the cheese and add it to the filling or just sprinkle it on top. If you bake cabbage rolls in the oven, then 10-15 minutes before they are ready, remove the lid and sprinkle with a thick layer of grated cheese.

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Wash the potatoes thoroughly and peel them.
Grate the peeled vegetables on a medium grater and squeeze out excess water.
Basically, you need to prepare the potatoes exactly the same way as you would for hash browns.

Step 2: prepare mushrooms and onions.

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in butter until golden brown.
Peel the mushrooms, rinse with water, scald with boiling water and cut into small pieces. By the way, you can take any mushrooms, of course, wild ones are better, but in winter, for example, you can replace them with store-bought champignons or oyster mushrooms.
Add the prepared mushrooms to the frying pan with the onions, salt and pepper and simmer all together for 20 minutes, stirring frequently.
After preparing the mushrooms and onions, let them cool to room temperature.

Step 3: prepare the filling.

Mix stewed mushrooms and onions with grated potatoes. Add eggs, marjoram and a little more salt and pepper to this lean minced meat if you see fit. Mix everything very thoroughly.

Step 4: prepare the cabbage leaves.

Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and cut the core from the core.
Boil salted water in a suitable sized saucepan.
Place a head of cabbage in boiling water and blanch it for 10-15 minutes so that the leaves become soft and elastic.
After this, the cabbage needs to be removed from the pan, cooled and disassembled into leaves.

Step 5: wrap the cabbage rolls.

Place about 1.5 tablespoon potato and mushroom minced meat. Then fold the filling inside and place the cabbage roll, seam side down, on a cutting board while you prepare the rest.

Step 6: Stew cabbage rolls with potatoes and mushrooms.

Simmer the cabbage rolls in a large saucepan. Place them carefully in the hot broth, close the lid and cook over low heat for 60 minutes after boiling.

Ready cabbage rolls with potatoes and mushrooms should be served hot, straight from the pan.

Step 7: serve cabbage rolls with potatoes and mushrooms.

Before serving, pour tomato sauce over the cabbage rolls and garnish with fresh herbs. That's all! A complete lunch for the whole family is ready. Eat with pleasure.
Bon appetit!