
Presentation on the topic of fish dishes.


For poaching, fish of high nutritional value with delicate skin and flesh (sterlet, pike perch, pike, cod, sea bass, mullet, eel, flounder, halibut, catfish) are used. Poached fish is tastier than boiled fish, since with this method of heat treatment, nutrients are more fully preserved. The fish is poached whole, in links and in portions. Portion pieces are cut from clean fillets and fillets with skin at an angle of 30°. Poach the fish in saucepans or a fish cauldron. The bottom of the saucepan is greased with oil, portioned pieces are placed skin side down or the part where the skin was, so that the thicker part of the piece is in the water. The fish is poured with hot water or broth so that the liquid covers it by "/3 of the height (for 1 kg of fish 300 g of liquid). The whole fish and links are tied with twine and the whole fish is placed on the grate of the fish boiler, belly down, the links are skin down, placed pour cold water or broth into a fish cauldron, add white roots, onions, salt, spices. To improve the taste, add citric acid, dry white wine, champignon broth, and cucumber brine. Cover the dish with fish, bring to a boil and simmer. on low heat for 10...15 minutes - portioned pieces, 25...50 minutes - whole fish, stuffed and links. The weight loss when poaching the fish is 18%. OGAPOU "Borisov Agro-Mechanical College" Technology for preparing baked fish dishes lesson on MDK 04.01 Technology,processing of raw materials and preparation of fish dishes

2nd year

Borisovka village, Belgorod region.

Baking fish For baking, use any river and sea fish, except for very large specimens. Baked dishes are prepared on baking sheets, portioned frying pans, dishes, shells, in which they are served.

Small fish are used for baking in their entirety (crucian carp, bream, carp, ide, tench). Larger fish are cut into portions without bones. Bake in an oven at a temperature of 250-280ºС, raw at 200-220 ºС. Readiness is determined by the formation of a golden brown crust. Fish baked with potatoes, Russian style

The fish is cut into fillets with boneless skin. Add some of the sauce to a portioned frying pan, place the raw fish in the middle, place potatoes cut into slices around them, and carefully place potatoes cut into circles on top of it in a fan-shaped manner, completely covering the entire fish on top. The dish is poured with the remaining sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese or breadcrumbs, sprinkled with melted butter and baked in the oven.

Main white sauce

in fish broth Fish baked with milk sauce Grease a portioned frying pan with oil and place boiled pasta on it, make a depression in the middle and place a portioned piece of poached fish. The dish is poured with hot milk sauce, sprinkled with cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked in the oven. Fish baked in sour cream sauce Buckwheat porridge is placed in a greased portioned frying pan, a depression is made in the middle and fried pieces of fish are placed, poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with cheese, poured with melted fat and baked in the oven. Fish baked in sour cream sauce Fish baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms, Moscow style A portioned frying pan is greased with oil and a little sour cream sauce is poured onto it, then a piece of fried fish is placed, and fried boiled potatoes are beautifully placed around it. Sauteed onions with fried mushrooms are placed on the fish, and a circle of boiled egg is placed on top. The prepared dish is poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with cheese, poured with melted butter, and baked at 250 °C.

Fish baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms, Moscow style


or sturgeon

Wheat flour

Fresh porcini mushrooms

Or fresh champignons

Bulb onions

Cooking fat

Mass of fried fish

Side dish – fried potatoes (boiled)

Sour cream sauce

Table margarine or butter

Weight of semi-finished product Place half of the stewed cabbage in a portioned frying pan. Poached fish, poached cucumbers, sautéed onions, and capers are placed on it. Place a layer of stewed cabbage on top, level it, sprinkle with grated cheese or breadcrumbs, pour in fat and place in the oven for 15 minutes until a crispy crust forms. Before the holiday, they decorate it by laying pickled fruits and berries, olives, a carved slice of lemon, capers, olives, beautifully sliced ​​cucumbers and parsley on its surface. Weight of semi-finished product

Fish baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms, Moscow style

Or zander

Weight of poached fish

Stewed cabbage No. 773


Tomato puree

Or fresh champignons

Or crackers

Table margarine

Table margarine or butter

Weight of finished hodgepodge

Pickled fruits

Requirements for food quality Appearance: golden brown crust on the surface. Taste and smell: characteristic of this type of fish, side dish and sauce. Consistency: juicy, fish and side dish are not burnt or stuck to the dishes. Shelf life of baked fish dishes
  • Baked fish dishes are prepared according to demand.
  • Answer the questions
  • What kind of fish is used for baking?
  • What side dishes and sauces are fish baked with?
  • What kind of dishes are baked in?
Determine the dish based on the ingredients (potatoes, mushrooms, fish, sour cream, pepper, salt, cheese, butter.) What are the requirements for the quality of baked fish dishes?
  • Fill the table
  • Used literature, Internet resources
  • 1. Anfimova N.A. Cooking. – Moscow: Academy, 2011.
  • 2. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering events. - M., Economics, 2007
  • http://img1.russianfood.com/dycontent/images_upl/24/big_23680.jpg
  • http://uchebana5.ru/images/1687/3373867/740692c.jpg
  • http://ist1.objorka.com/img0004/70/470_0162_7573_6hi.jpg
  • http://cs622428.vk.me/v622428510/4c783/BxS5TppxPJs.jpg


The quality of dishes prepared at home also largely depends on the correct selection of kitchen equipment and utensils. You need to know that you can cook and bake fish only in enamel or clay dishes. Aluminum and other metal pots and pans (except black cast iron) give the fish an unpleasant gray color and significantly worsen the taste. In addition, trace elements contained in fish are destroyed.

Fish intended for food should be handled following the following hygiene rules: 1. Use clean containers. Fish should not come into contact with fuels and lubricants, various oils, spoiled fish or any other contaminated objects or spoiled products.

3. If you do not immediately start cooking the fish, after gutting and washing it should not be cut into small pieces or fillets, but rather left whole. The smaller the cuts, the more exposed meat that is easily susceptible to bacterial contamination and spoilage.

4. To wash fish, you definitely need clean water, preferably running water. Since some of the nutrients dissolve in water and the fish becomes less tasty, it should not be kept in water for a long time. But, on the other hand, it is advisable to wash the fish more thoroughly and for longer, thereby reducing the risk of spoilage.

Primary fish processing: thawing frozen fish, freeing it from contaminants and inedible parts, cleaning it from scales, separating parts of the fish that have low nutritional value (head, fins, tail), gutting; flattening or giving fish the size and shape corresponding to the type of culinary product.

Thawing Frozen fish is thawed before cutting. The fish with the skeleton is placed in a bowl and filled with cold water. During thawing in water, fish loses a certain amount of mineral salts and organic substances contained in it. To reduce these losses, small amounts of salt are added to the water. To prevent the fish from freezing, it is stirred during thawing.

Small fish weighing up to 1 kg thaws in 1.52 hours, large ones in 34 hours. Cod and haddock are slightly thawed to make them easier to handle. Fish with a cartilaginous skeleton are thawed in air at room temperature for 610 hours. To avoid rapid hydration and loss of nutrients, cod and perch fillets are thawed in air in a cold room.

Cleaning the scales The fish is scraped using a knife or a special scraper, or scraped with a sharp thin knife, holding it horizontally and slightly raising the tip. Fish with small, tight scales, such as perch, should be placed in boiling water for a few seconds and then scraped. They scrape carp, crucian carp, bream, perch, and roach. Pike, pike perch, and cod are scraped with a sharp knife.

Gutting 1. With a knife: or with scissors, cut the abdomen from the caudal fin to the head, release the insides by hand and remove. Discard the gallbladder, digestive organs and swim bladder (edible parts of the offal, set aside). Then cut off the gills, fins, and remove the eyes. Two methods are recommended.

2. Cut the meat from the gills to the vertebral bone, break the head at the base of the vertebral bone and take out the entrails along with it. Discard the inedible parts of the offal, remove the eyes and gills, and cut off the tail and fins. After gutting, the fish must be washed thoroughly. Cutting fish with bone skeleton. Fish is cut in two ways: with bones and skin and filleted. When processing fish, the right hand and the handle of the knife must be dry.

When cutting fish, you should try not to damage the meat. Bacteria easily penetrate through damaged areas. The skin of the fish and the surface of the peritoneum form a protective shell. Particular care must be taken not to pierce or cut the intestines so that its contents do not fall into the abdominal cavity. The blood and mucus covering the fish with adhering dirt are washed off. Later, washing the carcass must be repeated. Carefully remove dried blood under the spine, as it gives an unpleasant taste and contributes to the spoilage of the fish.

Practical methods for cutting fish Whatever way you plan to cook fish - whole, boneless, filleted or cut into pieces - the first thing you need to do is clean and fillet it. Fish that are netted in deep waters are gutted before they reach the shore. Fish caught close to the shore or in fresh waters is sold undetected. In most cases, the offal of such fish must be removed, and the fins and scales must be removed.

Removing fins This operation is performed mainly for aesthetic reasons. Fish, which should be served whole, looks neater and more attractive if its fins and tail are removed. The dorsal and other large fins are firmly attached to the skeleton of the fish. It is more convenient to separate them with large scissors. If you are boiling the fish whole, it is easier to remove the fins with your fingers after the fish is cooked.

Removing the fins To remove the fins, place the fish on a cutting board. Using scissors, cut off the dorsal fin, making a cutting motion towards the tail. If you are going to remove the bones, the dorsal fin is cut off completely. Then insert the tip of the knife into the bone tissue underneath the fin that connects the fin to the fish's body, and remove the fin and bones, using the knife as a lever. Finally, cut off the pectoral, ventral and anal fins.

Removing scales All fish, with the exception of eels and sharks, are covered with scales. In many species of fish, scales are small and are an integral part of the skin. Others (carp, mullet) have wide and bony scales. However, it adheres loosely to the skin and can be scraped off with a knife blade, a special serrated blade, or a fish scaler. It is recommended to immerse fish with firmly attached scales (river perch, tench) in boiling water for one moment, after which the scales can be easily removed.

When a recipe calls for the fish's head to be removed, cut off the head just behind the gill openings. The photo shows the preparation of herring to separate the meat from the bones before frying. Using large scissors or a sharp knife, cut through the abdomen down to the anus (photo on the left). Remove the entrails (photo on the right). Run the knife along both sides of the ridge to remove any pooled blood. Rinse the fish in cold water. Gutting fish

If you are going to cook the whole fish, either stuff it or make a jellied fish from a whole fish, then it is preferable to gut it through the gills to preserve the shape of the fish. To clean flat fish, the innards of which occupy a small area directly under the gills. Just make a small cut behind the gills and pull out the insides. Gutting fish

Skinning Flatfish Place the fish on a cutting board, dark side up. Using a sharp knife, cut the skin where the body meets the tail (photo on the left). Using the blade of a knife or your fingernails, start by cutting the loose end away from the meat until you can get a firm grip on it.

Removing the skin from a flat fish Take the free end of the skin with one hand and press the tail with the other, using a napkin to prevent your fingers from slipping. Pull the skin firmly towards the head of the fish. Having reached the jaws, turn the fish to the other side and, holding it by the head, continue to tighten the skin until the tail is free.

Skinning Flatfish Flatfish that will be cooked whole should only be skinned on the dark, top side, as the white skin on the underside helps keep the fish whole during cooking. Round fish or large flat ones such as turbot are easier to skin after they are cooked or after the fillet has been cooked.

Removing bones to prepare fillets Almost any fish can be filleted, but fish with a distinct bone structure, such as flatheads, produce the best results. To separate the meat from the bones, you will need a knife with a long, sharp blade that is flexible enough to glide over the bones of the fish. The basic principle of filleting holds true no matter what kind of fish you're dealing with.

Filleting Flatfish Place the skinned fish on a cutting board with the tail facing you. Using the tip of a sharp, flexible knife, cut the fish down the center along the spine from head to tail. Insert the knife blade at a slight angle between the end of the fillet closest to the head and the ribs. Holding the fillet with one hand and making small cuts, separate the meat from the ribs at the head.

Filling the fish Cut the fillet that is on the right side. If the fish was caught during the spawning period, there may be a bag of orange caviar under the right fillet. Caviar can be preserved for fish broth, or it can be served on its own as a delicacy, boiled or fried.

Filleting Flatfish Once the fillets have been removed from the top of the fish, turn the fish over and repeat the same operation on the bottom. You will end up with four pieces of fillet and a clean skeleton. Save the skeleton to use in preparing fish broth.

Filling round fish Place the cleaned fish on one side, with the tail facing you. Holding the fish firmly with one hand, use a knife to separate it into pieces along the spine from head to tail, cutting deep enough so that the spine becomes visible.

Filling Round Fish Separate the fillet from the head by cutting out the spine just behind the gills. Holding the head of the fillet, insert a knife between the fillet and the ribs. With the knife blade parallel to the ribs, cut the entire length of the fillet using short cutting movements.

Filling round fish Holding the fish by the spine that is now on the surface, use the flat of a knife to separate the bottom fillet from the ribs. If you fillet fish with small, delicate skeletons (such as herring), some bones may remain in the meat. Gently pull them out with your fingers or tweezers.

Filling Round Fish Place the fillet skin side down and trim about one centimeter of meat from the skin near the tail. Pressing this skin with your fingers, insert the knife under the meat at a slight angle and, cutting with short strokes away from you, separate the fillet from the skin. Repeat with the other piece.

Filling round fish Prepare fillet dishes as soon as possible after they have been cooked. Pieces of fillet that are not protected by skin dry quickly in the air. For the same reason, you should not grill fillets. It should be carefully fried in oil or boiled briefly in fish broth or sauce. The fillet is very tasty fried in whipped dough or baked in sauce.

Signs of fish freshness have long been known: 1. Bright red gills. If the fish has bled, the color of the gills is quite light. The gills of frozen fish are gray with a reddish tint. 2. A clean and not particularly strong smell, despite the fact that each type of fish to some extent has its own specific smell, which is also different for sea and lake fish. 3. Light and somewhat bulging eyes.

4. Meat that is elastic to the touch. When pressed, there are no dents left on it. The meat sticks well to the spine. 5. Bright color and shiny scales. The degree of brightness of the color largely depends on the shelf life of the fish, as well as on whether it was stored raw or dry, bruised or not. When frozen, the color of the fish fades. 6. A uniform layer of mucus covering the entire skin. You should check the walls of the abdominal cavity and the insides of uneviscerated fish, as well as the scales and color of the meat in the spine area for signs of spoilage.

Gradually appearing signs of fish spoilage: 1. The beautiful, bright red color of the gills (see above for possible deviations) disappears, acquiring brown, gray and green shades. The gills become covered with mucus and give off an unpleasant odor. The color of the gills of fish that have fallen asleep in water is quite light from the very beginning.

2. The smell of fish is becoming stronger and more unpleasant. 3. The eyes of the fish become cloudy and sunken, gray in color. The degree of cloudiness of the eyes indicates the stage of deterioration of the fish. 4. The elasticity of fish meat gradually disappears. When you press on it, it leaves a slowly disappearing mark. The meat is separated from the spine. 5. Bright colors fade, especially in lake fish.

Boiling When cooking, foods are heated in water, broth, milk or steam. The temperature of the liquid and product when cooking in ordinary containers does not exceed 100°C. The use of higher temperatures greatly speeds up the cooking process. The relationship between the amount of product and the amount of liquid during cooking varies. Cooking with a small amount of liquid, when the liquid does not completely cover the product, is called poaching, and poaching the product with spices and seasonings is called stewing.

Stew and simmer food in a sealed container. When steaming, place the product on a wire rack so that the water does not come into contact with the product. Cover the dish with a lid and boil the water in it - the resulting steam cooks the product. Before cooking, you can pour boiling water over the minced fish. This method is called blanching

Frying Frying. When frying, foods are heated without adding liquid (water, broth, milk), but with more or less fat. In culinary practice, several types of frying are used, differing from each other in the way they transfer heat to the fried product.

In the oven, the product is fried on all sides at once. Its surface, which is not in contact with the bottom of the dish, is fried due to the heat emitted by the heated walls. This technique is called baking. When frying in a large amount of fat, the product is completely immersed in fat heated to 160–180°C. Hot fat, enveloping the product, creates good heat transfer conditions and ensures uniform formation of a crust over the entire surface of the product.

Boiling of meat reaches 40%, frying - 37%. In fish, boiling and frying are 18–20%. When poached in portions, fish of various species loses soluble substances on average about 1.5% of its weight. Along with weight reduction, heat treatment changes the consistency of meat and fish. Raw foods exhibit noticeable resistance when pierced with a needle. The needle enters freely into products that have been cooked through heat treatment. Finished products are easy to cut and chew.

Preparation: Disassemble the greens, remove wilted branches, and rinse thoroughly in cold water. Set aside a few stems to decorate the dish. Finely chop the remaining greens. To give the dish a sharper taste, you can add crushed or finely chopped garlic cloves.

Preparation of the dish Place a bay leaf on the bottom of a baking dish (it is best to use a ceramic or fireproof glass dish, not a metal one), then place half of the chopped potatoes tightly, circle by circle. Lightly add salt. Place half of the prepared carrots and onions on top. Place half of the chopped tomato and herbs in the next layer.

Preparation of the dish Rinse the pike perch fillet thoroughly in cold water, dry it with a paper or linen towel and cut into pieces 5 cm wide. Check that all bones and fins have been removed. And if not, then carefully remove it with a sharp knife.

Preparation of the dish Place the pieces of pike perch on the vegetables so that when the finished dish is served, the portions are approximately equal. Next, vegetables are placed on the fish, layer by layer in reverse order - tomatoes and herbs, carrots and onions. The topmost layer is densely packed, circle by circle, potatoes. Since the potatoes take the longest to cook in this dish, they should be lightly rubbed with salt.

Preparation of the dish Fry the flour in a frying pan until golden brown. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Pour flour into sour cream or cream, add half of the grated cheese. Add salt, taking into account that the potatoes are already salted, and pepper to taste. To stir thoroughly.

1. Is fish thawed in water? 2. Is the fish carcass washed after removing the scales? 3.Lasting is cutting fish into fillets? 4. Should the weight of fish for layering be 200 grams? 5. For poaching, is fish cut at an angle of 90 degrees? 6. Are cut portions of fish washed? 7. Are potatoes poured with cold water for cooking? 8. Is the potato mass for making mashed potatoes diluted with warm milk? 9.Are boiled potatoes dried to make mashed potatoes? 10. Is butter for Polish sauce boiled?

Grading: score “5” score “4” score “3” score “2”

P\pRaw materials Weight per 1 gross Portion, net g Pollock fish Onion Parsley (root) Poached fish Garnish Sauce Yield 275

Operation number Work content Graphic image Operation 1 1. The fish is cut into portioned pieces at an angle of 30 degrees with skin without rib bones. Operation 2 2. Portioned pieces are placed in a saucepan, skin side down. Operation 3 3. The fish is filled with hot water to 1/3 of the volume (1 kg of fish - gram of water) Operation 4 4. Add chopped parsley root, salt, pepper, citric acid, butter Operation 5 5. Simmer until tender

3. The fish is filled with hot water to 1/3 of the volume (1 kg of fish - gram of water)

5.Simmer until cooked for minutes.

1. Place the garnish on the plate 2. Poached fish on the side Garnish, pour oil over the sauce, serve separately

Before release, the poached fish is stored in broth at a temperature of degrees. Implemented within 30 minutes.

The fish is cooked and its shape is preserved. The color, taste and smell correspond to the type of fish and the spices used. Garnish: boiled potatoes are cooked, the shape is preserved. Drizzled with oil and sprinkled with herbs Mashed potatoes - a homogeneous mass, the consistency is thick, fluffy, homogeneous, Color from white to light yellow, taste and smell characteristic of mashed potatoes.

Game “Weak Link” 1. Why is it strictly forbidden to put wet specials. clothes and metal objects on electrical equipment 2. What can happen if you spill liquid on the frying surface of a heated stove? 3. Why can’t you check the temperature of the frying surface of the stove with your hand? 4. What utensils should not be used for cooking? 5. To avoid cutting your fingers, what rules should you follow when working with a knife? 6. Why can’t you wash and wipe electrical equipment while it’s on? 7. Why shouldn’t you handle hot kitchen utensils with your bare hands? 8. The cook received heatstroke, what is the reason? 9. What can happen if you do not immediately clean up liquids that fall on or do not wipe dry spilled liquids on the floor? 10. Why is it prohibited to leave an unloaded stove burner in full heat mode?

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Everyone knows very well that fish is a very valuable and nutritious product. Highly qualified healthy nutrition experts say that fish dishes should definitely be present in our diet at least a couple of times a week. This is especially true for our children, whose bodies simply need this product. In addition to the fact that fish dishes are very healthy, they also amaze with their variety and, of course, unforgettable taste. After all, what could be tastier than unusual, delicious cold or hot fish dishes.

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Fish dishes have been familiar to people since ancient times. Even the diet of primitive man included fish. And this is not surprising, because it contains all the useful substances necessary for human life. Fish is also a low-calorie product, it contains almost no carbohydrates, so it often takes pride of place in many diets.

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With its taste and nutritional value, fish has occupied one of the important places in Russian cuisine since ancient times. Fish dishes are rich in proteins, fats, vitamins, and various extractives. The range of hot fish dishes is extremely diverse in terms of preparation methods - boiled, poached, stewed, fried and baked fish.

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DISHES FROM BOILED FISH are well digested and absorbed. Fish with a bone skeleton is boiled whole or in portions, and sturgeon fish is boiled in links in the form of large pieces and portions. The fish will be tastier if it is boiled whole or in large pieces. Mostly small fish and those that are difficult to cut raw are boiled whole. Fish weighing more than 1.5 kg are usually cut into layers along the spine so that the vertebral and costal bones remain on one half of the layer, and only the costal bones on the other. Sturgeon fish is cut into sections, which are scalded, and then the bugs (bone plates) are removed.

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Pike perch, salmon, trout, mullet, small Caspian pike, nelma, sterlet, small sea bass, river and lake crucian carp are boiled whole. The fish carcasses prepared for cooking are tied with twine so that they do not lose their shape, and placed on the grill of a fish pot, belly down, the sturgeon fish links skin down. After this, the grid with the fish is placed in a fish cauldron, filled with cold water (2 liters per 1 kg of fish), salted, onions and parsley roots are added. The cut pieces of fish are placed in a bowl in one row, skin side up, and the skin of each piece is cut in two or three places so that during the cooking process the portioned pieces of fish retain their shape, pour hot water, add spices, vegetables and salt. When boiling portioned pieces of sturgeon fish, do not add vegetables.

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After the liquid boils, reduce the heat and bring the fish until fully cooked without boiling. If you cook boiled fish at a high boil, its meat will be tough and the broth will be cloudy. Fish broth is used to make soups and sauces. Taking into account that some ocean fish (flounder, halibut, horse mackerel, mackerel) have a specific taste or smell, when boiling them it is recommended to add a little vinegar, dill, sweet capsicum, cucumber pickle or dry white wine or cook them in a spicy broth. When boiling trout and salmon, table vinegar is added to the water to preserve their color (2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water).

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Boiled fish goes well with the following side dishes: boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, vegetable stew, pickled or pickled cucumbers, fresh tomatoes or cucumbers, and cauliflower. Tomato or steam sauce is best suited for boiled fish with a bone skeleton; horseradish sauce is best for sturgeon fish. When serving, boiled fish is placed skin side up, a side dish is placed on the side, the sauce is served separately or poured over the fish.

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The duration of cooking boiled fish depends on its size. For example, small fish is cooked for 5-10 minutes, medium - 15-20, large - 30-40 minutes. Boiled fish should have a soft consistency and the flesh should not be pink. The readiness of the fish is determined by piercing the surface with a needle in the thickest place. If the needle easily penetrates into the thickness of the meat, and clear juice is released at the puncture site, then the fish is ready; if cloudy or slightly pinkish juice appears at the puncture site, the fish should be finished cooking.

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The word "STEAMED" is a professional term, and in Russian cuisine recipes this processing method is called "steaming". Poaching is a type of cooking and is done in a small amount of water or broth with the addition of aromatic vegetables, fresh porcini mushrooms, cucumber brine, etc. The fish is poached whole (with or without head), in links or portioned pieces (rounds, flesh with skin and bones, flesh with skin without bones, flesh without skin and bones). Small specimens of fish are allowed in whole, as well as fish intended for banquet dishes.

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The fish is cut into boneless fillets: cleaned, gutted, the head and fins are cut off, cut along the spine and the bones are cut off from the resulting halves. Sturgeon fish can be poached whole links, with bugs and cartilage removed, and cut into portions before serving. It is also allowed to be served in portions. To do this, the fish links (halves) are washed, scalded, bugs are removed, cartilage is cut, cleaned of bruises and cut at an angle of 30 degrees into portions with or without skin. The prepared fish is placed in a flat pan, the bottom of which is greased with oil, and such an amount of fish broth is added so that it covers the fish halfway. White roots, onions, spices are added to the broth, and brine or a decoction of porcini mushrooms is added. Close the lid tightly and cook the fish until tender over low heat on the stove (in the oven).

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In some cases, to improve the taste and aroma of poached fish, dry white wine is added to the broth, especially for sturgeon, as well as a decoction of fresh porcini mushrooms (champignons). Ocean fish and sturgeon are also poached with the addition of cucumber brine. The poaching time depends on the thickness of the portioned pieces and the size of the fish and ranges: for portioned pieces - from 10 to 15 minutes; for whole fish and links - from 25 to 45 minutes.

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The poached fish is placed on a dish, poured over with sauce, garnished with boiled potatoes, slices of beef, slices of lemon or pickles, capers and olives. In ancient Russian cuisine, it was customary to garnish poached fish with vegetables that were cooked together with the fish: carrots, parsley, turnips and other vegetables.

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On special occasions, fish is prepared poached in a ring. To do this, small pike and pike perch are selected, scaled, gutted, gills and eyes are removed, washed thoroughly, rolled into a ring and the tail and head are fastened with thread. After poaching, fish eyes are imitated by making them from olives, carrots, etc. The fish is placed in a ring on a round dish covered with a napkin, and the side dish and sauce are served separately.

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MACKELER BAKED WITH MUSHROOMS AND VEGETABLES. Cut carrots, celery, onions into cubes, simmer with sunflower oil and a little water, add salt; as soon as the vegetables begin to brown, add sweet ground red pepper, peeled mushrooms cut into pieces, grated red tomatoes and olives; after evaporating the juice, add hot water, add ground black pepper and finely chopped parsley; steam everything over low heat for 30 minutes, place the fish on top and bake in a moderately heated oven (about 30 minutes). 2-3 carrot roots, 1-2 celery roots, 2 onions, 1/g cup butter and olives, 1 teaspoon each red and black pepper, 250 g mushrooms, 5-6 tomatoes, 2 tablespoons herbs, 500 g fish , salt to taste.

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PIKE BAKED WITH CHAMPIGNONS. Cut the fish into pieces, place in a deep enamel frying pan, sprinkle with salt, ground black pepper, finely chopped onions and parsley or dill, add a bay leaf, pour in white table wine (can be replaced with diluted vinegar) and put in a cool place for 30 minutes; Cut the mushrooms into very thin pieces, place them on the fish, sprinkle with vegetable or melted butter and bake in the oven (45-60 minutes). 500 g of fish, 400 g of champignons, 1 onion, 1-2 bay leaves, 1 glass of wine, 1 tablespoon of oil, herbs, pepper, salt to taste.

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BAKED COD WITH FRESH MUSHROOMS AND SWEET PEPPERS. Chop the mushrooms into cubes, add salt and simmer with melted butter over low heat until tender; chop the pepper pods, grind butter and sugar with tomato puree, combine everything with mushrooms, add salt, mix thoroughly and boil; cut the fish into portions, sprinkle with salt, ground black pepper, roll in flour and place in a deep frying pan with melted butter; Cover the fish with a mixture of mushrooms and peppers, sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs, drizzle with melted butter and bake in the oven (15-20 minutes). Serve with boiled potatoes, cut fresh cucumbers and tomatoes separately. 450 g fish, 200 g mushrooms, 600 g capsicum, 60 g butter, 20 g flour, 15 g crackers, 40 g tomato puree, 3 g sugar, black pepper, salt to taste.

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STURGEON, SEVERGA, BELUGA, FRIED "FRIES". Prepared portions of fish without skin and cartilage are doused with boiling water, washed, dried with a cloth, sprinkled with salt and pepper, breaded in the mixture, moistened in lezone, re-breaded in the mixture or white breading and deep-fried. As soon as the fat has drained, the fish is placed for 5-7 minutes. into the oven, where it is brought to full cooking. Fried fish fries are placed in a heated plate, poured with oil, a slice of lemon is placed on top, and boiled potatoes are placed next to it. Sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs. The sauce - mayonnaise or tomato - is served separately in a gravy boat. Sturgeon (beluga, stellate sturgeon) 400 g, egg 1 pc., breading mixture 5 tables. spoon, vegetable oil 4 tbsp. l., salt, ground pepper to taste, sauce 200 g, butter 2 tbsp. l., lemon 1/2 pcs., parsley or dill to taste, garnish 600 g.

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FISH "FRIES" SPECIAL. Pieces of fish flesh with skin (weighing 10-12 g) are salted, sprinkled with ground red pepper, then deep-fried, and brought to the oven until fully cooked. Fried fish is placed on the table with garlic seasoning, lemon juice and herbs. The seasoning is prepared according to the following recipe: add salt and ground black pepper to finely chopped dill, parsley, cilantro and grind everything well, gradually adding finely chopped garlic and lemon juice, after which vegetable oil is also gradually added, the mass is kneaded until smooth, separately It is allowed to serve a slice of lemon to the outlet. Fried fish "fries" are served both cold and hot. Fish pulp 500 g, ground red pepper 1/4 teaspoon. l., salt 1/2 teaspoon. l., 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of greens. l., garlic 12 g, lemon juice 3 tbsp. l., ground black pepper 1/6 teaspoon. l.

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SMALL FISH, FRIED. The fish used is gutted with the head and the gills removed. The heads of bulls must be removed. The cooked fish is salted, sprinkled with pepper, breaded twice in flour, egg lezone, then in the mixture and deep-fried; the fish is brought to the oven until fully cooked. When serving, fish fries are placed on a plate, poured with butter, and a side dish is placed next to it - fried potatoes, or tomato sauce or mayonnaise is served separately in a gravy boat. If fried fish is served with sauce, do not pour oil on it. Herring (greenling, smelt, gobies, pollock) 400 g, wheat flour 1 table. l., egg 1 pc., breading mixture 4 tbsp. l., 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, garnish 600 g, sauce 300 g or melted butter 2 tbsp. l.