
Pancake recipe made from regular flour. How to cook delicious pancakes How to bake pancakes from pancake flour

This mixture already contains egg powder, milk powder, salt, sugar and baking powder. For 500 g of finished flour, 800-900 g of liquid is consumed. You can dilute it to the desired consistency with water, milk or even kefir.

The pancakes turn out beautiful, with holes and very tasty. And if you add berries, chocolate spread or any other filling of your choice, you will get a great snack for guests and children :) It takes very little time to prepare. This is especially helpful when you need to make breakfast for the whole family, but you don’t have time. Try it, you will definitely like it. They are delicious even with or stuffed. I have made a selection of the best options especially for you, choose which one you like.

Classic recipe for pancakes made from pancake flour in milk with an egg in a frying pan

I’ll start with the cooking option that I use most often. The treat according to this recipe turns out to be lacy and unusually thin. And when my son takes them to kindergarten for Maslenitsa, they are eaten first, literally in a couple of minutes. Just have time to cook more and more :)

Required ingredients:

  • 1 chicken egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tsp without a slide of sugar;
  • 400 ml milk;
  • 2 tbsp. water (possible without it);
  • 2-3 cups prepared flour;
  • 1/3 tsp. soda (quench with 9% vinegar).

How to cook:

1. Break the egg into a bowl and whisk with a whisk. Add salt, shake again.

2. Add sugar, mix well again. Pour in milk and a little water, or you can leave it out.

3. While sifting, gradually add flour. The consistency should not be too liquid, but not too thick. If the dough turns out thick, add a little milk, if liquid, add more flour mixture. Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough.

4. Heat some oil in a frying pan. Fry over fairly high heat.

The pancakes cook very quickly, they turn out nice and rosy, and moderately sweet. From this amount of dough you get 12 ruddy pieces. You can serve them with any additions, I like them, although they are tasty just like that. Prepare for your health!

Pancakes made from pancake flour in water without milk

This recipe is suitable for emergency situations, for example, if the refrigerator is almost empty or guests unexpectedly come. The recipe is very simple and with a minimum of costs. And the family or guests will remain full and satisfied.

You will need:

  • 500 g flour;
  • 3-4 tbsp. any vegetable oil;
  • 800-900 ml of water.

How to cook:

1. Sift the flour, so it is saturated with oxygen and there will be fewer lumps in the dough. Mix it with water, add oil. The dough should be medium thick.

2. Bake in a heated frying pan. The pan does not need to be greased with oil.

The ingredients are very simple, but the delicacies turn out very tender. This recipe is simply irreplaceable if you often do not have enough time to prepare a nutritious and tasty breakfast. Bon appetit!

How to make thin pancakes with holes from pancake flour using kefir?

The secret of delicate delicacies with holes is thorough beating of the dough. The better you beat it, the more beautiful the pancakes will turn out. A small amount of carbonated water added to the dough will not spoil it, but will only improve the result.

Required products:

  • 200 g flour;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 400 ml kefir;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

1. Sift the pancake flour mixture into a bowl. Add salt and stir.

2. Make a well in the center, add eggs there and beat the mixture.

3. In a separate bowl, mix kefir, water and sugar. Pour the mixture into the flour, mix well. The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps. Use a mixer if desired.

4. To allow the dough to rest, set it aside for 20 minutes, then pour oil into it. Beat well again.

5. Heat the pan well. Fry on both sides in butter.

After frying, you can additionally grease it with butter, it will only be tastier :)

Delicious pancakes without eggs with pancake flour “Pyshechka”

This recipe only requires 2 ingredients. Despite this, it turns out to be an excellent breakfast that will not leave your household indifferent. Also, if you want to please your loved ones with something tasty, but uncomplicated, this option is simply ideal for you. How to properly dilute pancake flour is described in detail in the recipe.

Be sure to try your favorite recipe. Share your impressions in the comments. If you liked the article and found it useful, share it with your friends. Happy culinary experiments!

Every housewife in the countries of the former USSR knows at least one recipe for making delicious pancakes. Now such an interesting thing as pancake flour has appeared on supermarket shelves. It differs from the usual one in that it already contains everything necessary for a full test.

Therefore, there are absolutely no difficulties in how to bake pancakes from pancake flour. But even with the presence of such a miracle product, it cannot be denied that the dish will turn out tastier if you add natural dairy ingredients to it. Therefore, today I advise you to read about how to make pancakes from pancake flour.

Recipe for pancakes made from pancake flour on water

Kitchen utensils and equipment: plate; non-stick frying pan; mixer or whisk; shoulder blade; deep plates and bowls; sieve.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • The dough made from this special flour makes the work of housewives easier, since it already contains some ingredients.
  • The manufacturer placed egg powder, milk powder, sugar, salt and some other ingredients in one package. But this does not limit you in any way, and you can add any ingredients to the dough at your discretion.
  • But before you cook pancakes from pancake flour, you need to know a few secrets that will help you prepare a very tasty dish.
  • If you add eggs to the dough, then only the freshest ingredients are used for cooking, and they need to be beaten separately from all the ingredients.
  • Also, when adding salt and sugar, dissolve them in water or milk before adding them to the dry ingredients. This way you can avoid sugar or salt crystals getting into the dough structure.

Do not add granulated sugar to the dough. If there is a lot of it, it will caramelize and burn during the frying process.

Cooking sequence

Video recipe

Be sure to pay attention to the video, which shows how to prepare a very tasty and simple dish - pancakes using water. But according to the same recipe, you can make pancakes from pancake flour with milk.

  • How to serve and how to complement the dish
  • You can complement this dish in a variety of ways. You can prepare it with sweet or savory toppings. Eat pancakes as a snack with preserves, jams, sauces, condensed milk.
  • The options for preparing this dish are not as varied as the options for serving and complementing it. For example, you can use a simple recipe for kefir pancakes with pancake flour. Or make pancakes from pancake flour with milk. In any case, the cooking sequence will not change much. In these cases, you simply need to replace the water with your desired dairy product.
  • But to prepare thin pancakes from pancake flour, you must use milk or kefir in the recipe. If you add water, you shouldn’t expect a thin and delicate dish.

  • Be sure to sift the flour immediately before preparing pancakes. This is necessary not only to cleanse it of unwanted impurities and particles, but also to saturate it with oxygen and make it airy.
  • In order for you to get proper, tasty, thin and delicate pancakes, you must first mix all the liquid ingredients, and then pour them into the sifted flour in a thin stream.
  • This way you can control the process of dough formation and prevent the appearance of a large number of lumps.
  • To make lacy pancakes easily and simply, you need to separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat them separately.
  • If you add vegetable oil or butter to the flour earlier than the other ingredients, the dough will be elastic and dense. If a recipe calls for slaked soda, be sure to ensure that it is all dissolved and dissolved correctly. Otherwise, the pancakes will end up tasting like soda.
  • Excessive amounts of vegetable oil in the dough will provide high fat content and calorie content.

Also, if you add more eggs than necessary, you will end up with an omelet rather than a pancake. Well, if there are no eggs or there are few of them, then the dish will tear.

Today I shared with you my little secrets and talked about how to bake pancakes from pancake flour. In fact, this simple recipe is so simple that even a novice cook can handle it. Therefore, share this recipe, cook for health and make your loved ones happy. Write your recipes in the comments, leave reviews, and be happy. Bon appetit!

The mixture is packaged in a plastic jar and couldn’t be easier to prepare - you just need to combine the contents with 800 ml of water and mix thoroughly. The dough turns out liquid and, despite the fact that we stirred it for a long time with a mixer, there were still small lumps in the dough. The dough spreads evenly over the frying pan and immediately sticks, so we had to grease the frying pan with oil before each pancake. Pancakes bubble during frying, but unevenly. When ready, they turned out to be thin, tasty, very elastic pancakes. Their taste is subtle, but pleasant. Suitable for any filling.

Pancake flour, “Raspak”, 300 g, 35 rubles

Manufacturer: “Raspak”, Moscow. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, plant-based dry cream substitute (molasses, palm oil, emulsifiers: E471, E481, stabilizers: E340, E452, sodium caseinate, anti-caking agent E551), sugar, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate E500 (ii) , salt, acidity regulator: citric acid, egg product.

As in the first option, the contents of the package are simply mixed with water. The mixture turned out to be liquid and bright yellow. The pancakes bubble very much even in a not very hot frying pan. They are easy to fry - they turn over without any problems, and it is not at all necessary to grease the pan for each new pancake. The pancakes themselves look appetizing - but turned out to be completely tasteless. But these pancakes have good elasticity, and they are suitable for some bright, preferably salty filling. True, because of this elasticity, pancakes have to be chewed long and hard.

“Pancakes without yeast”, “Bake at home”, 300 g, 65 rubles

Manufacturer: “Russian Product”, Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavetsky district, village of Detchino. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, sugar, dry egg melange, salt, baking powder (sodium bicarbonate - baking soda), acidity regulator - citric acid, Vanillin flavoring.

It is recommended to dilute the mixture with milk and add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough. The dough turns out liquid and bubbles well already in the mixer. The pancakes fry quickly, turning out thin and with lots of holes. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to wrap anything in these pancakes - they tear too easily. But they are very tasty, sweet and vanilla-scented.

“Classic pancakes”, “Golden morning”, 500 g, 90 rubles

Manufacturer: “Khlebzernoprodukt”, Rostov region, Taganrog. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, enriched with a vitamin-mineral mixture, granulated sugar, whole milk powder, egg powder, edible sea salt; food additives: baking powder - sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), acidity regulator - citric acid.

In addition to water, you must add two tablespoons of sunflower oil to this mixture. The amount of water can be varied depending on what kind of pancakes you want. For thin ones, it is recommended to take 850 ml of water, for thicker pancakes - 800. We poured 850 ml: it turned out to be a thick dough that mixes very poorly, we even got several large lumps.

But in a hot frying pan it spreads wonderfully and the pancakes come together quickly. You don’t have to grease the frying pan with oil, the pancakes will still turn out elegant and rosy. True, when we tried them, it turned out that although they were elastic, they were tasteless. It’s not interesting to eat them just like that; you need a bright filling. They chew nicely.

“Pancakes”, “Bakerville”, 225 g, 48 rubles

Manufacturer: Prommix, Moscow. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, sugar, sodium bicarbonate E500ii, corn starch, sodium pyrophosphate E450i, salt.

A pack of the mixture should be combined with 500 ml of water or milk, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and two eggs. We kneaded the dough with milk, and it turned out to be moderately liquid. The pancake bubbles very well in the pan, but when baked it acquires a bright yellow tint. The pancakes had a soft, not sweet, but on the contrary, a distinctly salty taste. The edges crunched pleasantly. Good pancakes.

Pancake flour, “S.Pudov”, 1 kg, 44 rubles

Manufacturer: “Khlebzernoprodukt”, Rostov region, Taganrog. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, white sugar, egg powder, whole milk powder, table sea salt, food additives: sodium bicarbonate - baking soda, sodium pyrophosphate.

You only need to add milk or water to this flour, and the proportions of dry mixture and liquid are indicated on the package - this is so as not to use the entire kilogram of flour at once. We kneaded the dough with milk, and it turned out thick and beautiful yellow. When frying, despite the abundance of oil in the pan and in the dough, the pancakes turn out a little dry. But this dryness did not prevent them from being elastic and tasty.

“Pancakes with yeast”, “Bake at home”, 400 g, 74 rubles

Manufacturer: “Russian Product”, Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavetsky district, village of Detchino. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, sugar, dry egg melange, salt, dry instant baking yeast.

The contents of the package should be mixed with 600 ml of water or milk and placed in a warm place for 40 minutes. And then add 150 ml of hot water or milk and stir well. We added milk. When frying, pancakes behave well: they bubble, cook beautifully and easily slide out of the pan. Despite the presence of yeast, the pancakes turned out thin. Therefore, if you want to get thick yeast pancakes, then it is better to find a suitable recipe and do everything yourself with regular flour. Ready pancakes smell of yeast and Moskovskaya buns. Tasty, sweet and stretch well - you can wrap any filling in them. They also have a great crispy crust that surrounds the pancake.

Pancake flour, Market. Crossroads", 1 kg, 37 rubles

Manufacturer: “Zernoprodukt”, Ryazan. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, granulated sugar, table salt, whole milk powder, egg powder, acidity regulator citric acid, baking powder sodium bicarbonate.

The required proportions are not stated on the packaging, and it is not clear in what quantities to take flour, water or milk: the manufacturer only advises to bring the dough to a creamy consistency. We added water, but the desired consistency looks unpleasant, the dough is too faded. If you don't know how to bake pancakes, then don't even try to cook with this mixture - you'll most likely be disappointed. Our finished pancakes turned out to be thin, holey, with lumps stuck in the flesh of the pancake - and very bland, reminiscent of paste in consistency and taste. There is no need to buy such flour.

Pancake flour, “Pyshechka”, 1 kg, 68 rubles

Manufacturer: “Skyfood”, Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, Nekrasovsky village. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, sugar, salt, baking powder (sodium bicarbonate), egg powder, acidity regulator (citric acid).

Flour must be mixed with water or milk, but the proportions and desired consistency are not indicated. We prepared the dough with a creamy consistency. It turned out to be unusually yellow, but it pours easily into the frying pan and bubbles up nicely. The pancakes were baked very strangely - their wavy, uneven surface vaguely resembled brains. You can’t eat this, it’s some kind of slug.

Pancake flour, “According to grandma’s recipe,” 1 kg, 51 rubles

Manufacturer: “Zernoprodukt”, Ryazan. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, sugar, whole milk powder, egg products, salt, acidity regulator - citric acid, baking powder - sodium bicarbonate.

At first it seems that this is the most pointless pancake flour, because you need to add a lot of things to it: melted butter, eggs, sugar, salt and milk. The consistency of the dough should resemble heavy cream. We followed the instructions and the dough turned out very fluffy. And the finished pancakes turned out to be one of the best - thin, tasty, rosy, with a pleasant crust around the edges and good elasticity, which will allow you to wrap any filling in the pancake. The only difference is that the taste lacks a little salt (we added as much as was indicated, and it is also included in the mixture). It looks like porridge made from an ax - you can do the same manipulations with regular flour.

“Tsar's pancakes”, “Aladushkin”, 800 g, 50 rubles

Manufacturer: Petersburg Mill Plant, St. Petersburg. Ingredients: first grade wheat flour, sugar, whey powder, baking powder (sodium bicarbonate, sodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate), salt, egg powder.

The packaging says in what proportions and in what order to take flour, water or milk and vegetable oil. The dough in the frying pan behaves strangely, as if it were made of starch and not flour - but it lays interestingly on the frying pan and pleasant bubbles immediately appear on the pancake. But quite quickly the pancake becomes translucent, similar to a jellyfish, and begins to quickly burn even in an oiled frying pan, despite the presence of oil in the dough. The finished pancakes had a very unpleasant texture - as if you were chewing a jellyfish again. The taste is balanced, but boring. Well, at least the crispy crust around the edges of the pancake is something.

Pancake flour “Special”, “Garnets”, 500 g, 68 rubles

Manufacturer: “Garnets”, Vladimir. Ingredients: whole-ground wheat flour, premium baking wheat flour, “Extra” table salt, sugar, egg melange, whole milk powder, acidity regulator - citric acid, baking powder - sodium bicarbonate.

The packaging indicates the proportions of the mixture and water and the desired consistency. The pancakes are not the thinnest, and have an amazing gray color - due to whole-ground flour. The dough falls beautifully on the frying pan, the pancakes turn out thick and dense. Bubbles are frequent. Ready pancakes smell like rye bread. These are savory and slightly salty pancakes with more smell than taste.

Flour for pancakes and pancakes, “Sasha + Masha”, 1 kg, 40 rubles

Manufacturer: “Khlebzernoprodukt”, Rostov region, Taganrog. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, white sugar, table sea salt, baking powder - sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), acidity regulator - citric acid.

The proportions of flour, vegetable oil, water or milk are written on the packaging. Moreover, you can choose for both pancakes and pancakes. The batter is thick and the pancakes immediately become thick and bubbly. But despite the considerable frying time, these pancakes do not brown at all and remain pale - and thick to boot. The ready-made ones smell like something vanilla-confectionery - either cookies or meringue, and they also have a slightly eggy aftertaste. They chew poorly - if they were thinner, it would be more pleasant to eat.

Whole grain buckwheat-spelt pancake flour, “Endaksi”, 500 g, 47 rubles

Manufacturer: Endaksi, Vladimir. Ingredients: buckwheat flour, whole grain spelled flour, whole grain wheat flour, whole milk powder, powdered sugar, egg powder, baking powder: soda (sodium bicarbonate), "Extra" food salt, acidity regulator: food grade citric acid.

The proportions are indicated on the packaging; here you need to add water and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. The result is a very thick dough that is not easy to pour into the pan. Due to the presence of buckwheat flour here, the pancakes quickly fall apart. But those that manage to survive turn out to be golden, delicious pancakes with a strong smell of buckwheat. These are some of the most delicious pancakes in our review. Except that they lack a little salt and they stick a little to the palate.

Manufacturer: Endaksi, Vladimir. Ingredients: oat flour, whole grain spelled flour, whole grain wheat flour, whole milk powder, powdered sugar, egg powder, baking powder: soda (sodium bicarbonate), “Extra” food salt, acidity regulator: food grade citric acid.

The packaging indicates the proportions - how much flour, water and oil to take. The dough turns out liquid, the pancakes are easy to fry and turn over easily. The finished ones came out very beautiful - golden, with cute holes. But when it came time to try them, it turned out that they were not at all plastic, they were easily torn and it was obvious that nothing was worth wrapping in them. The taste is very fresh.

“Classic homemade pancakes”, “Makfa”, 1 kg, 55 rubles

Manufacturer: “Makfa”, Chelyabinsk region, Sosnovsky district, Roshchino village. Ingredients: 2 grade durum wheat flour, deodorized soy flour, sugar, salt, yeast.

The proportions are not written, only the desired consistency of the dough is indicated - for pancakes and for pancakes. We chose a thinner dough for pancakes, and it turned out ugly - gray and strange. By the way, it needs to be pre-steeped for 40-50 minutes. The pancakes squeak very loudly in the frying pan; this did not happen with other samples. The finished pancakes turned out torn, without lace holes, and also very bitter and strongly sticking to the palate. The golden brown crust on these pancakes is easily removed with your finger, revealing a slippery jellyfish underneath. Terrible pancakes!

“Classic pancakes”, “Fitodar”, 250 g, 34 rubles

Manufacturer: “Eremeevskoe”, Yaroslavl. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, sugar. salt, milk powder, egg powder, baking soda - baking powder, citric acid - acidity regulator.

The proportions are indicated on the package; you need to add water and vegetable oil to the flour. Pancakes made from this flour also turn out to look like jellyfish - both in translucency and consistency. They also have wildly ugly holes - large and sparse, and some have strange films left in them. The dough, no matter how much you fry it, comes out whitish. They probably would have looked better if we had been able to fry them, but we weren't able to. The pancakes smell nice, but taste so-so, although the taste balance is maintained.

Bottom line

Half of the pancakes we liked are made from ready-made mixtures, where the entire contents of the package are used and almost nothing needs to be added. These are “Test” blends, both variants of the “Bake at Home” and “Bakerville” brands. The pancakes made from S. Pudov pancake flour were also quite good. The pancakes made from buckwheat-spelt whole grain flour “Endaksi” were amazing and also delicious.

And the worst were the pancakes made from the mixtures “Makfa”, “Aladushkin”, “Pyshechka” and “Market”. Crossroads."

Flour is the most important ingredient in pancake dough, since you can bake pancakes without eggs, milk and sugar, but without flour this dish will not work. Interestingly, using one recipe you can bake pancakes that are completely different from each other if you use different flours. Which flour to choose is a matter of taste, but it is necessary to take into account some subtleties that novice cooks are not always aware of.

Wheat flour for pancakes: a culinary classic

It is not necessary to cook pancakes from only one type of flour; you can mix flour and get new dishes each time. Pancakes are also made from soy, flax, sesame, spelled, amaranth, almond, pumpkin and even chestnut flour. If you still prefer the classics, then there is nothing easier than delighting your household in the morning with crispy and flavorful pancakes. And with the “Eat at Home” pancake mix it has become even easier, because you just need to add water or milk to it! You can try different recipes and be amazed at the rich variety of modern dishes. The children will be happy, your loved ones will be happy, and you will enjoy experimenting!

Vladimir, you have been involved in Russian cuisine for a long time, tell us what kind of pancakes there are?
If we are talking about Russian yeast pancakes, then their preparation in Rus' has been a sacrament since ancient times. The dough for Maslenitsa pancakes was placed on the new moon, water was drawn from a well, and the pancakes were always prepared by a woman. In a Russian oven, the meat spirit was fried in pancakes on large cast-iron frying pans. And then they ate it with different fillings - sour cream, caviar, salted fish. And there are a lot of pancakes in Russian cuisine - downy, Guryevsky, boyar, royal. There are many nuances in the dough; the flour used for cooking has a different ratio of flour and eggs.

Moreover, you need to understand that back then they baked not from premium flour, but from what was at hand - buckwheat, spelled, oatmeal, rye. Second-grade flour, coarsely ground. This is where the subtleties with the dough begin. After all, different flours give different rises: rye flour is one, and premium flour is another. Pancakes with buckwheat flour rise well, but are brittle due to low gluten. And then the texture of the pancakes is different - some melt in your mouth, while others need to be chewed to understand the taste.

What flour do you recommend making pancakes from now?
Now there is a special flour for pancakes, pancake flour. This is a ready-made mixture containing premium flour and bran flour. It's universal. However, my grandmother, who is over eighty, always makes pancakes from premium flour. The flour for the dough must be sifted before kneading so that the texture becomes looser.

What kind of yeast should I use?
Yeast for pancakes should not be used dry, but fresh pressed at the rate of 15-20 g per liter of liquid.

How to properly knead the dough?
Previously, they used fresh well water for pancakes. Chlorine contained in tap water interferes with the growth of yeast. Do not experiment with water; I recommend kneading the dough with milk of minimal fat content. It needs to be heated just above room temperature, and the yeast should be raised in it. Mix with a whisk. When the yeast and milk have been mixed, you need to knead the batter. Add a little sugar and flour so that the yeast starts working, stir and place on the dough. Eggs are added later: they interfere with the rise.

How long to soak the dough?
The dough should rise for about forty minutes. The container must be covered with a towel. Under no circumstances should it be covered with film. When the dough rises, add the remaining ingredients.

In what proportion and sequence should I knead the dough?
Take 3 eggs per liter of milk, add sugar and salt to taste, and add flour to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Eggs are divided into whites and yolks. Beat the yolks until white with sugar. Beat the egg whites separately to make the pancakes fluffy. Add flour and mix gently, let the dough stand and rise a little longer. And you can bake.

Is it right to dilute the dough with water or milk before frying?
No. It is better to knead the dough correctly from the beginning. If you still want to add something - milk or cream, you must let the dough sit for the yeast to start working. Otherwise, there is every chance of getting sticky pancakes that won’t rise. And in order for the yeast to work, the temperature must be above room temperature: dough, like dough, loves heat.

Is there another way to prepare pancake dough?
Make the dough, let it rise for 40 minutes, and once it has risen, put it in the refrigerator. This preserves the rise of the dough. Then you can take out the dough and add milk, pureed yolks and whites, and the remaining flour. This dough can be reusable.

What if the pancakes are made with buckwheat flour?
Buckwheat flour does not have much gluten, so the pancakes are brittle. And you need to add it a little. Take the bare minimum or in proportion: one part buckwheat and two parts premium flour.

Here, for example, is my recipe. Take 2 cups of buckwheat flour, 2 cups of wheat flour, 4 cups of milk, 3 eggs, 100 g of cream, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 25-30 g yeast, 2 tbsp. l. butter and salt. Pour buckwheat flour into a saucepan, add half the warm milk, and first dissolve the yeast in it. Stir and place in a warm place. When the dough has risen, stir it with a wooden spoon and pour in the rest of the milk, add wheat flour, mix the dough well and put it back in a warm place. Wait for it to rise and add the yolks, mashed with 2 tbsp. l. melted butter, sugar, salt. Stir. Separately, beat the cream with the whites. Carefully add to the dough and, after mixing carefully, place again in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. And start baking.

How to knead dough for yeast-free pancakes?
Everything is simpler here: for 1 liter of milk you need to take 5 large eggs, sugar and salt to taste, add flour to the desired consistency. Mix with a whisk. Usually, kefir or mineral water is added to such pancakes for fluffiness. They can be prepared with whey, or with milk. When there is sugar and flour, fermentation will still occur. This dough is also kneaded to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Let stand for 20 minutes and you are ready to bake.

How to get thin pancakes?
You need to add more eggs - take six for a liter of milk. And you don’t need a lot of flour, the dough should be liquid, then the pancakes will turn out thin.

Is it true that if you add vegetable oil to pancake batter, it will not stick to the pan?
The fattier the dough, the better the pancakes hold up when frying. It’s like with meat, if you take a piece of meat with fat, it will fry beautifully and will not stick, but fillet - on the contrary. And this principle works for pancakes. You can add 2 tbsp to the dough. l. vegetable oil per liter of liquid, no more needed. A little oil can be added to the pan when frying. And fry, of course, in a well-heated frying pan.

Which frying pan should you choose for pancakes?
If we talk about our ancestors, then pancakes were always cooked in a large cast-iron frying pan and fried in the oven. Before this, the frying pan was covered with salt and fried so that the pancakes would stand up well. Therefore, it is correct to fry in a cast iron frying pan. It is better to take a thicker frying pan; it heats up more evenly and the dough is fried in it, and not only burned on the outside, as in Teflon. A frying pan with an anti-battery coating is more suitable for crepes.

If pancakes tear during frying, what's wrong?
Or there is little gluten in the dough - and then you need to add a little flour to it. Or the frying pan is not heated properly.

What fillings for pancakes are traditionally Russian?
The fillings for Russian pancakes were often with vegetables - those that were available in winter. Beetroot, carrots, turnips, and pumpkin were wrapped in pancakes. Another filling was added during frying - pancakes with seasoning. When the dough is poured into the frying pan, the pancake is placed on it, the pancake is turned over and fried on the other side with the filling. As a topping, it’s good to take a baked apple, pickled lingonberries, fish - salted or smoked trout, salmon, sturgeon or beluga, as well as boiled eggs with green onions, and mushrooms fried with onions.

What are the traditional sauces for pancakes?
Traditional sauces include a variety of honey and berries. Most often, lingonberries and cranberries, pureed with powdered sugar. Here’s another wonderful sauce - Staroyelsky: made from sour cream and honey in equal proportions with powdered sugar. European versions of sauces are maple syrup or orange juice mixed with zest and Cointreau liqueur, it must be flambéed ( set fire to) and evaporate.

Is it appropriate to cook chicken for Maslenitsa?
Kurnik is a merchant's layered wedding cake. And preparing it according to, rather, a Slavic custom, rather than a Christian one. However, for us, the Maslenitsa holiday is an occasion to eat delicious pancakes, including in the form of chicken.

What kind of pancakes should I use to make kurnik?
It’s better to make yeast pancakes, but thin ones. And then prepare the fillings - chicken, mushrooms and rice. Break the boiled chicken into fibers, add butter and a little fresh parsley. Fry the mushrooms, add butter and herbs. Boil rice and mix with boiled egg, butter and herbs. Place a layer of pancakes on a cast-iron frying pan, layer them, alternating fillings, cover with dough on top and bake in the oven - you get a layered Russian pie. If you prepare chicken chicken for Maslenitsa, it is advisable to make it without chicken.