
Christmas stollen - step-by-step recipe with photos. Sweets that conquered the world: German stollen - recipe with photo recipe for German stollen from grandmother Emma

New Year and Christmas are special times, so even baking is filled with a mysterious meaning. Christmas Stollen (Stollen or Christstollen) is a traditional German butter cake, which is prepared in late November-early December and wrapped in parchment for infusion and soaking until Christmas. After this aging, the cake dough melts in your mouth and has a rich taste. I also decided to test this recipe in my Pirogeevskaya kitchen and today I will tell you and show you what I got.

Ingredients (for two stollen weighing 700-800 g each):

  • Cottage cheese (homogeneous, like paste) - 250 g. The fat content of the cottage cheese does not matter, I most often use 5-9%.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 250 g
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Almonds (or hazelnuts) - 125 g
  • Candied fruits – 200 g
  • Raisins (seedless) - 250 g
  • Lemon - 1 piece (you will need both zest and juice)
  • Orange - 1 piece (you will need both zest and juice)
  • Rum (or cognac) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp.
  • Flour - 500 g (it may take a little more or less, depending on the properties of the flour itself)
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
  • Nutmeg (ground) - 0.5 tsp.
  • Coriander (ground) - 0.5 tsp. Choose spices to your taste.

The classic recipe involves heavy yeast dough and a lot of butter. I decided to start with a lighter version - a cupcake made from curd dough (Quarkstollen). My aunt, who lives in Bavaria, bakes stollen using this recipe every year, so I decided to trust it - and I didn’t regret it!

To impregnate the finished stollen:

  • Butter - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g

How to cook Christmas stollen

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Cut the candied fruit into small pieces, the size of a raisin. I recommend using candied citrus fruits (they are the most fragrant). Candied pomelo goes especially well with cake batter.

Try to make the cupcake truly elegant and festive, use candied fruits of various colors. You can add dried cherries or cranberries, kumquats, or combine different varieties/colors of raisins. It has long been believed that a Christmas cake should combine all the best and most delicious things.

You need to remove the zest from the orange and lemon.

Rinse raisins (250 g) thoroughly in running water and place in a bowl with the rest of the candied fruits. Squeeze orange juice, lemon juice here (about 100 g of each juice), orange and lemon zest.

Add rum (about 2-3 tablespoons) or cognac in the same amount to the container with candied fruits. Let this mixture steep thoroughly (at least 2 hours), but ideally for several days.

Butter (250 g) should be at room temperature at the time of cooking in order to whip well. If the butter was taken out of the refrigerator late and it is hard, chop it into pieces approximately 2 cm in size, so the butter will warm up faster and get the consistency we need.

It turned out that 100 grams of butter were warm, and I took 150 grams out of the refrigerator, so this method came in handy. Place butter and granulated sugar (120 g) in a convenient mixing bowl.

Beat these ingredients until smooth (the mass increases and becomes homogeneous, light and fluffy).

Now you need to beat in two eggs one at a time, stirring after each until smooth.

Add cottage cheese (250 g) and mix again. I use a homogeneous pasty cottage cheese, for example, like this:

If you have grainy cottage cheese, rub it through a sieve using a spoon.

The curd mass will become airy and homogeneous, without lumps.

After combining with the butter-egg mixture, you get an airy and tender base for the dough.

Now let's move on to the dry ingredients. Almonds (or hazelnuts) need to be crushed in a blender.

Don’t try to make the flour perfectly ground; let it be both fine crumbs and medium-sized pieces.

Combine almond crumbs with flour. Walnut “flour” makes stollen more crumbly in structure, do not exclude it from the ingredients.

Add baking soda (1 tsp), spices (cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg - all 0.5 tsp) and mix with a whisk (my daughter’s little hands help me). At this stage, our task is to uniformly distribute the soda in the flour.

Knead a homogeneous dough.

Add dry ingredients to the main ones.

Mix the dough. It turns out quite thick and does not stick to your hands.

Transfer the dough to a horizontal surface, flatten it into a flat cake and lay out the candied fruits and raisins squeezed out of the juice. Now our task is to mix all this into the dough.

The end result is such a beautiful bun.

I divide the entire volume into two parts. From each such blank there will be a stollen.

Roll each half of the dough into an oval shape.

Fold it like a book so that the bottom part is slightly visible from under the top.

The shape of the stollen has a sacred meaning - it personifies the swaddled newborn Christ.

Place the stollen in a preheated oven for 1 hour (at a temperature of 170 C). Cover the surface of the baking sheet with baking paper or a Teflon mat. 15 minutes before the end of baking, cover the cupcakes with foil (mirror side up) to prevent them from browning too much.

Let's face it, these Christmas cupcakes will look nicely browned anyway.

Soak the finished stollen in melted butter (100 g), then sprinkle with powdered sugar through a sieve.

It is more convenient to impregnate with a silicone brush.

When the powder has absorbed a little, sprinkle it again. Stollen is dressed in a thick coat of sugar, in which it will be stored for 2-3 weeks until Christmas.

Stollen can be cut into pieces, tied with a ribbon and given to friends and family. A gift baked with your own hands will surely please them much better than a purchased one!

Bon appetit!

I look forward to your comments, photos of stollen, and reviews of the recipe. I am collecting a collection of stollens using the tag #pirogeevo # (tag on Instagram and VKontakte).

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Every housewife can surprise her loved ones and please them with a delicious delicacy during the New Year holidays. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the recipes for sweet adit in this article.

Real Christmas Dresden adit with marzipan: classic step-by-step recipe with photos

Not everyone is familiar with such a delicious sweet dish as adit. This product is traditionally baked in Germany and Austria, most often during the Christmas season. Shtolen can have different fillings, but the most popular is filling with candied fruits, various widow nuts, poppy seeds and marzipan.

The peculiarity of baking is that it is prepared from a “heavy” dough with a yeast base. In addition, be sure to follow the proportions of the filling when baking. After the adit is ready, it must be coat with melted fat butter and sprinkle thickly with powdered sugar.

INTERESTING: Shtolen is a very unusual pastry, if only because bake it in advance. It has a fairly long shelf life (up to three months). If you need a gallery for Christmas, it can be baked about a month in advance and stored in a cool place during this time. The longer the adit “ripens”, the tastier it becomes.

Dresden adit It is distinguished by its strict adherence to proportions and the filling of candied fruits along with marzipan. To prepare a adit, you must first prepare a dough for it.

You will need:

  • Yeast – 42 g (use only fresh)
  • Flour – 400 g (only wheat and only the highest grade, be sure to sift).
  • Milk – 4 tbsp. (2.5% fat content)
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.


  • Pour the milk into a small bowl and heat in the microwave for a couple of minutes until warm.
  • The yeast should be covered with sugar and left to stand until it melts.
  • After a while, add the remaining ingredients: flour and milk.

IMPORTANT: Prepare the candied fruit filling. Pour boiling water over them and let them brew. When the candied fruits soften, drain the water and pour rum over the candied fruits.

For the adit you need to prepare candied fruits:

  • Orange and lemon (any) – 80 g.
  • Raisins – 260 g (you can add any: dark or light).
  • Citrus zest – 1.5 tsp.

In the adit it is also necessary:

  • Vanilla extract – 0.5 tsp. (essence or vanilla sugar – 1 sachet).
  • Cloves - a pinch (ground only!)
  • Almond crumbs - 60 g (can be replaced with almond flour - marzipan).
  • Rum – 50 ml. (dark)
  • Salt – 1 tsp. (large, preferably sea)
  • Lemon essence – 2 ml (0.5 tsp)
  • Cardamom – 0.5 tsp.
  • Butter – 200 g (at least 73% fat content)
  • Milk – 125 m (fat content 2.5%)
  • Pepper – 1/3 tsp.
  • Sugar – 100 g.


  • After steeping the dough, you should start kneading the dough.
  • Gradually add spices to the dough one by one, without ceasing to knead it.
  • After the spices, stir in the almond crumbs.
  • Melt the butter a little in the microwave
  • Knead the dough with butter and gradually pour milk into it.
  • It is best to knead the dough with a mixer
  • After kneading, cover the dish and leave to “rest” (no more than two hours).
  • Then stir in the candied fruits along with the alcohol.
  • The mass should be quite fatty
  • Form the loaves
  • Place the adit into the oven (temperature 190)
  • Bake for exactly 15 minutes. Then take it out, brush the bread with butter and put it back into the oven.
  • Keep the product in the oven for another half hour until it is completely ready.
  • At the end, you should grease the finished baked goods with oil.
  • The adit is generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Christmas treat

Festive cake shtolen curd with raisins with yeast: recipe, photo

You will need:

  • Flour – 650 g (sift, use premium flour)
  • Sugar – 200 g
  • Cottage cheese – 270 g (use soft curd mass)
  • Butter – 270 g (73%)
  • Candied fruits – 160 g
  • Nuts – 150 g (preferably almonds)
  • Rum – 175 ml (preferably dark)
  • Lemon – 1 pc. (small size)
  • Baking powder - 1 package (about 15 g).
  • Vanillin optional

IMPORTANT: To coat and sprinkle the adit, you will need butter - approximately 100 g, and a pack of powdered sugar (100 g).


  • Before kneading the dough, soak the raisins in rum.
  • First of all, you should give the oil time to soften.
  • Soft butter should be mixed with sugar in a mixer
  • Gradually beat in the eggs and keep kneading the mixture.
  • Add the curd mass or rub the curd through a sieve.
  • Gradually sift and add flour
  • Add the filling
  • The dough should be given a characteristic adit shape - a loaf (see photo).
  • The gallery is laid out on parchment
  • It should be baked for an hour. The temperature in the oven should not exceed 180.

Important: If after an hour it seems to you that the adit is not ready, hold it for another ten to fifteen minutes. Remove the adit and, without allowing it to cool, grease it with butter. Sprinkle a generous amount of powdered sugar on top of the liquid butter.

Shape of the adit

Chocolate stollen: recipe

For marzipan you will need:

  • Chopped almonds or flour – 100 g.
  • Powdered sugar – 50 g.
  • Granulated sugar – 150 g.
  • Water – 40 ml.


  • Sugar should be dissolved in water and put on fire
  • The mass is heated over low heat and after boiling, cook for 5 minutes.
  • The mixture should be thoroughly kneaded for five minutes so that it does not burn.
  • After this, add almond crumbs or flour and stir the mixture for another 4 minutes.
  • Place the finished mixture on a cold surface and knead the marzipan.

IMPORTANT: Well-kneaded marzipan should be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

For the chocolate gallery you will need:

  • Flour (premium grade) – 0.5 kg (sifted)
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Cocoa – 25 g.
  • Cottage cheese – 250 g (mashed through a sieve, or soft curd mass)
  • Butter – 200 g (butter, 73% fat, one pack)
  • Vanillin for aroma – 1 package
  • Baking powder – 2 sachets (about 3 tsp)
  • Cognac – 3 tbsp.
  • Egg – 2 pcs. (preferably homemade)
  • Dried cherries

IMPORTANT: Before kneading the dough, soak the cherries in boiling water, drain the water and pour boiling water over it.


  • Mix soft butter with sugar.
  • Gradually beat in the eggs and knead the dough.
  • Add curd mass.
  • Add cocoa and continue stirring.
  • Add vanilla and baking powder to the dough.
  • Stir and gradually add flour.
  • At the last stage, add cherries and diced marzipan to the dough and form a characteristic loaf.
  • Place the stollen on parchment paper and place in the oven for 45 minutes. The oven temperature should not exceed 180 degrees.

IMPORTANT: The baked adit is greased with butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar while hot.

Shtolen with cocoa

Recipe for stollen without yeast on sourdough

You will need:

  • Sourdough – 300 g.
  • Flour – 850 g (sifted)
  • Milk – 350 g (fat)
  • Oil (at least 73%) - 200 g
  • Sugar – 75 g (the adit will be moderately sweet)
  • Egg – 4 pcs. (preferably homemade)

For the filling you will need:

  • Light raisins – 180 g (can be replaced with dark ones)
  • Dry cranberries - 100 g (if desired, you can replace them with other dried berries, for example, cherries).
  • Orange zest – 100 g (if you don’t want a strong aroma, reduce the amount to 50 g).
  • Almond crumbs or petals – 60 g.
  • Rum (for berries) – 4 tbsp.

Preparing the starter:

  • Wheat sourdough – 30 g (fresh)
  • Flour – 150 g.
  • Water (purified) – 150 g.

IMPORTANT: All ingredients should be mixed and left to ferment for some time (at least 10 hours).


  • Before cooking, soak dried fruits in boiling water, drain and add alcohol to absorb.
  • Sourdough and milk are poured into a large basin.
  • Gradually beat in the eggs and begin kneading the dough.
  • Add the butter melted in the microwave.
  • Gradually sift and stir in the flour.
  • Add the filling.
  • Let the dough rest in a warm place for half an hour before baking.
  • Form a characteristic loaf (or a couple) and place on a baking sheet in the oven.
  • The adit should be baked for half an hour in the oven, where the temperature is no more than 190 degrees.
  • The finished adit is poured with melted butter and generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Sourdough recipe

Stollen without rum and alcohol: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour – 0.5 kg.
  • Butter (butter, at least 73% fat) – 300 g (1.5 packs).
  • Milk – 250 ml. (1 glass)
  • Almond flour – 100 g.
  • Yeast – 50 g (necessarily fresh)
  • Sugar – 85 g.
  • Spices to taste. You can add cinnamon, cardamom, cloves or even pepper).
  • A pinch of salt


  • Raisins – 1 cup
  • Dates – 0.5 cups (pitted)
  • Candied fruit – 100 g.
  • Nuts – 100 g.
  • Lemon or orange zest from one fruit
  • Dried cherries – 100 g.
  • Cognac or rum – 100 ml. (for pickling berries)


  • The yeast is covered with sugar. You need to wait for them to melt.
  • Heat the milk, add yeast and remaining sugar.
  • Add soft butter and almond flour to the mixture
  • Gradually add flour to knead the dough
  • Add spices to taste
  • Add nuts, zest and soaked berries
  • Knead the dough with your hands, form the loaves and place them on a baking sheet.
  • Let the loaves sit in a warm place for about 40 minutes to rise.
  • Place the adit in the oven for 70 minutes
  • It is necessary to bake adit at a temperature of no more than 190 degrees.
  • The hot adit must be greased with oil and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Recipe without alcohol

Stollen from Yulia Vysotskaya: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour – 700 g (sift)
  • Yeast – 25 g (necessarily fresh)
  • Milk – 1 glass
  • Sugar – 1 cup (can be reduced to 200 g)
  • Butter (at least 73%) – 300 g.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Egg – 2 pcs. (preferably homemade)
  • Almonds (can be replaced with any other nuts) – 100 g.
  • Rum – 100 ml. (can be replaced with cognac)
  • Raisins (light) – 150 g.
  • Candied fruits – 150 g (any)
  • Orange zest - from one fruit
  • Ginger root – 15 g (fresh, grated)
  • Cardamom – 0.5 tsp.
  • Vanillin – 1 package (or fresh pod)
  • Salt – 1 pinch


  • Candied fruits and berries are soaked in slightly warmed alcohol for half an hour. Add a spoonful of honey, zest and grated ginger root to them.
  • Melt yeast with sugar
  • Add yeast and remaining sugar to warm milk. Add eggs and mix everything thoroughly. Add 250 g soft butter.
  • Add almonds to the mixture and begin to gradually add flour, kneading the dough.
  • Add the filling to the dough, continue adding flour and kneading the dough.
  • Form two loaves from the resulting dough. Leave them to rise at a warm temperature on a baking sheet.
  • After half an hour, place the bread in the oven. Bake them for about 50 minutes. The oven temperature should be no more than 180-190 degrees. When a beautiful golden crust appears on the adit, the baking is ready.
  • Grease the hot adit with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

How to store adits?

Shtolen is a baked product with a long shelf life. However, it only needs to be stored at sub-zero temperatures. If you leave the adit in the refrigerator, then its shelf life should not be longer than 1.5 months (taking into account that the temperature in your refrigerator is minus 18-20 degrees).

IMPORTANT: The adit can be stored for more than two months (up to three). To do this, wrap it in food foil and place it in the freezer.

Video: “Christmas adit”


  • 250 g butter
  • 250 g sugar
  • 250 g cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% or higher
  • 2 eggs
  • 700 grams of flour
  • 1 lemon
  • 200 g assorted nuts
  • 350 g dried and candied fruits
  • 100 ml cognac or rum
  • 50g powdered sugar
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • salt - on the tip of a knife
  • 1 tbsp. vanilla sugar

Prep time 25 minutes + 60 minutes baking.

Yield: 5 pieces.

As soon as Christmas approaches, all of Europe traditionally goes to the store for festive stollen, and the best housewives bake the most famous pies in Europe - stollen. What is this? Why is he so popular? What ingredients does classic stollen contain and how to prepare it yourself? Our article will answer all these questions.

Stollen (German: Stollen) or Stolla is a traditional German Christmas cake, generously flavored with various nuts, dried fruits, candied citrus fruits and spices. It is generously sprinkled with powdered sugar on top and wrapped in parchment in the shape of the swaddled baby Christ. As a rule, these cupcakes are baked 3-4 weeks before Christmas and placed in a cool place to mature. During this time, dried fruits infused with alcohol and spices become even more aromatic, and the taste of stollen fully manifests itself.

Of all the types of Christmas cakes (Dresden, almond, poppy seeds, sourdough stollen, yeast stollen, etc.), we chose curd stollen. The recipe with photos will demonstrate the step-by-step preparation of this one of the most delicious cupcakes, baked especially for Christmas.

How to cook stollen - recipe for German stollen without yeast

Prepare all baking ingredients. The first of the three secrets of good stollen is high-quality and fresh ingredients. As with any holiday baking, take premium wheat flour and sift it through a sieve so that the baked goods are loose and airy.

First of all, soak dried fruits and candied fruits in alcohol. It is best to do this at night so that the fruit is soaked in cognac and after 3-4 weeks in a cool place the aroma turns out to be real - festive, Christmas.

As additives, I took 50 g of dried cranberries, 50 g of dried cherries, 50 g of dried apricots (dried apricots), 50 g of raisins, 50 g of kumquats (citrus fruits), 100 g of multi-colored candied pineapple. Of course, what exact ingredients will be in your stollen is up to you, but it is kumquats and lemon zest that give that very citrus bouquet, which is so useful on a winter Christmas evening.

Divide the butter into 2 parts - 200 g and 50 g. Place most of the butter in a deep and wide bowl and melt slightly in the microwave. Add granulated sugar and rub with a pastry whisk until white. You can do this using a food processor; a dough paddle will do the job perfectly.

Beat 1 egg into the sugar-butter mixture and add it to the dough for stollen with cottage cheese. When the egg is completely mixed, add another one, and do the same with the third. The mass will become more liquid and airy.

After the eggs are added to the dough, stir in the fat cottage cheese. I have cottage cheese from the store, 9% fat. Homemade cottage cheese of a uniform consistency will cope with the same task.

After this, add lemon juice and zest of ½ lemon, as well as vanilla sugar, to the bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves. At this stage, you can add other spices for the Christmas stollen. The classic recipe includes vanilla, but cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, allspice or ginger would also be appropriate.

Add flour little by little and mix into the dough. I recommend kneading the dough with 500 g of wheat flour, and leaving 200 g for adding when mixing in the mass of dried fruits and nuts on the table. By adding flour gradually, you regulate its amount so as not to look for the answer to the question - why the stollen turned out to be tough.

So, when the dough begins to more or less hold its shape, sprinkle a thick layer of flour on a flat surface and place the mixture on the table. Use your hands to flatten the dough into a flat cake and add the nuts. You can also take nuts according to your taste and budget, I have the following ratio: 50 g of walnuts, 125 g of almonds and 125 g of hazelnuts. Stir the nuts into the dough.

Drain the dried fruits and dry a little. Form the flatbread again and place the dried fruits on it and mix them into the dough. At first it will be difficult to do this, but the more you stir, the more homogeneous the dough becomes and the dried fruits “fit” into it.

The result is a soft dough similar to yeast, from which products are easily formed. This is the second secret of a good stollen - the dough must be kneaded well and allowed to rise until all the ingredients are combined.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease it with vegetable or butter. Form five stollen of equal weight from the dough and distribute them on a baking sheet at a short distance from each other so that they have room to “grow”. The shape for stollen is traditionally oblong, like a log, and resembles a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. The Christmas cupcake will not spread much, so you don’t need to use any borders or borders.

Bake the curd stollen according to the recipe in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 1 hour. Check readiness with a dry match. If it remains dry, then the cake can be taken out.

Just sprinkle the buttered cupcakes generously with powdered sugar. It is in this form that stollen are usually sold and served to guests.

Freshly baked German stollen, the recipe with photo of which you just looked at, will undoubtedly be delicious right away, but hold on. Wrap in foil or parchment paper, tie with a pretty ribbon and store.

How to store stollen? Put it in a cool place (in the refrigerator, on the loggia or in the basement) for 3-4 weeks, it should “rest.” The cake will become qualitatively better, the dough will be saturated with the aromas of candied fruits, alcohol-soaked raisins and kumquats, and spices. Its taste and Christmas variety of smells will become much richer.

Why doesn't stollen spoil? Traditional Christmas cakes are aged for at least a month. These muffins contain eggs, fat, and butter, however, these muffins do not spoil for almost centuries. Alcohol as a preservative greatly increases the shelf life of stollen, as does cottage cheese.

It is in this beautiful form that homemade Christmas stollen can be presented to friends and family, taken to work and treated to colleagues and co-workers. Merry Christmas!

Stollen (German: Stollen, Christstollen) is a traditional German Christmas cake made from heavy yeast dough with candied fruits and dried fruits filling. To prepare real stollen, it is extremely important to maintain the correct proportions: for ten parts by weight of flour you need at least three parts of butter and six parts of candied fruit. Candied fruits and dried fruits are pre-soaked in alcohol, and the finished cake is packed in paper and kept in a cool place for about a month. From the point of view of the confectionery process, this makes sense - alcohol maximizes the aromas and serves as a kind of preservative, and the oily dough has the ability to absorb and retain odors. And given the fact that the yeast dough for stollen contains a huge amount of all kinds of spices, you can fully imagine how wonderfully fragrant the brewed and ripe cake will be when it is taken out and unwrapped in due time!
Cooking stollen is a special pleasure. Sort through dried fruits, cut candied fruits, flavor the filling, grind spices in a mortar, monitor the growing yeast dough, knead pliable dough, form round, appetizing loaves, inhale the enchanting Christmas smells wafting from the hot oven, wrap the finished stollen in parchment, tie with a rope and hide in storage - all this is so inspiring, pleasing and gives anticipation of the holiday! And then for a whole month you can mentally return to the treasured delicacy, which is waiting in the wings in a secluded place, becoming better every day... Be sure to pamper your loved ones, give them sweet winter magic!

To prepare Christmas stollen you will need the following ingredients:

200 g raisins,
100 g dried cranberries,
150 g candied fruits,
1 orange,
100 ml cognac.

200 g butter,
170 g milk,
100 g sugar,
450 g flour,
1 tbsp. l. dry yeast,
a pinch of salt,
spices (cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cardamom, star anise, nutmeg, etc.).

Sugar crust:
50 g butter,
70 g powdered sugar.

How to cook Christmas stollen:

So, let's move on to the process of preparing Christmas stollen.

    A day before preparing the stollen, you need to prepare the filling. To do this, wash and dry the raisins and cranberries, cut the candied fruits (I used melon and ginger) into pieces and put everything together in a jar.

    Wash the orange, wipe it thoroughly, remove the zest and squeeze out the juice.

    Mix cognac with orange juice and zest.

    And pour this mixture over candied fruits and dried fruits.

    Close the jar tightly with a lid and leave for a day so that the berries and fruits are saturated with the aromatic liquid. Shake the jar from time to time. This is what its contents look like the next day - juicy shiny pieces, like gems. The smell is simply intoxicating!

    Now you can prepare the dough for stollen. First we put the dough - add a tablespoon of sugar, a tablespoon of flour and dry yeast to warm milk.

    Mix everything and cover with cling film. We make a hole in the film for air circulation. Leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.

    This is where we select and prepare spices. I took a few cardamom seeds, three clove buds, a couple of star anise petals and a pinch of coriander seeds, added a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar and ground them in a mortar. Then I also mixed in a little ground cinnamon and nutmeg. You can also add vanillin.

    Sift the spice mixture into the oil.

    By this time, the dough is ready, the yeast has come to life and formed a lush foam.

    Add the remaining sugar and spiced butter to the yeast dough.

    Mix in the flour in several additions.

    Knead the soft dough - due to the large amount of oil in the composition, it will not stick to your hands, it will be convenient to knead. Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes.

    Cover the container with the dough with cling film, do not forget about the hole.

    Place the dough in a warm place for 40 minutes until it rises. It is convenient to proof the dough in an open oven at a minimum temperature. The dough will double in volume.

    Add the filling to the dough - candied fruits and dried fruits along with the liquid remaining in the jar.

    Mix (add a little flour if necessary) and divide the dough into two equal parts.

The birthplace of stollen is Dresden. It is baked several weeks in advance of Christmas and then enjoyed during the holidays. The finished baked goods are generously sprinkled with powdered sugar so that it looks like the main Christmas symbol - the newborn Jesus, wrapped in swaddling clothes.

What products are needed to prepare stollen?

I would like to remind you that this is an incredibly tasty homemade delicacy. Since this pastry is made from soft yeast dough, the following basic ingredients of good quality are needed: wheat and almond flour, butter, egg, sour cream, cottage cheese, milk and cream.

As for yeast, it is better to use soft pressed yeast rather than dry yeast; the dough is rich and will rise better.

To enrich the taste of the product, it is necessary to add various goodies, flavors, spices to the dough; the following are good: raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits, dried cranberries, rum, cognac, brandy, various types of nuts, orange juice, cinnamon, cardamom, natural saffron, small dried fruits , powdered sugar, marzipan, and other additives depend on the type of recipe and your imagination.

General principles for preparing stollen

1. Stollen is prepared several weeks before Christmas (two or three).
2. The dough is prepared with yeast and preferably on dough, since the composition includes a lot of baked goods. To do this, just mix the yeast with a small amount of sugar and dissolve it in the warmth of the milk. Place in a warm place to continue fermentation.
3. Mix a mixture of seasonings, nuts, raisins and other toppings 5-10 hours in advance, or even overnight, so that they infuse.
4. When the liquid dough is ready, you can start kneading the dough: add the rest of the flour and liquid into the dough, beat in the egg, prepared goodies and knead the dough.
5. Soften the butter and knead into the overall dough texture.
6. Place the finished kneaded dough in a warm place and let it rise slowly but surely until the rise doubles or triples (60 or a little more minutes is enough).
7. Next, the dough is transferred to the work table, which is generously sprinkled with flour and kneaded lightly, rolled into a ball, rolled out with a rolling pin, and made into an indentation with the edge of your hand, stepping back from the edge by a third of the layer. Place on a baking sheet for another 30 minutes for a good rise.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180-190 C for more than one hour (70 minutes). 9. Dust the surface with powdered sugar.
9. The finished stollen is carefully wrapped in paper like a child and stored in a convenient place, without much humidity, until the holidays.

1. Christmas cake

This Christmas cake resembles Easter cake in appearance. You can add any candied fruits, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dogwoods, cranberries to the dough. A significant share of success comes from filling it with ingredients; the more fillers, the better. This pie is very popular in Milan and beyond, we also prepare and enjoy it.


  • flour - 550 grams;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • soft butter - 100 grams;
  • chicken egg - three pieces;
  • flour - 1/4 cup and as much milk;
  • dry yeast - one sachet;
  • zest from lemon and oranges - from one piece;
  • candied fruits - 100 grams (pineapple and peach);
  • raisins - one handful;
  • prunes - half a handful;
  • Marsala - 70 milliliters;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon.

A homemade Christmas pie recipe is prepared as follows:

Rinse raisins and prunes well. dry on paper towels. pour cognac or marsala and leave overnight. In the morning, squeeze out excess alcohol with your hands and dry on paper towels. Chop the prunes with a knife.

In a small bowl, mix warm milk and water, add a pinch of sugar and add dry or soft activated yeast. Add 40 grams of sifted flour, cover the bowl with film and let the dough increase in volume.

Beat the eggs with sugar and zest in the bowl of a food processor and carefully add the yeast mixture to them. Mix with a whisk on low speed. Add the remaining sifted flour, soft butter, salt and candied fruits, raisins and prunes squeezed out of alcohol. At medium speed, mix the dough until it has a homogeneous texture. The dough will stick to your hands - this is normal. Cover the food processor bowl and let the dough stand for about 30 minutes.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour and place the slightly risen dough on it. For at least five minutes, hug the dough with your hands, then transfer it to a bowl and brush with melted butter. cover with a cotton towel and let it rise again. This will take three hours.

Preheat the oven to 170 C. Place the risen dough again on a floured work surface and lightly knead it with your hands. Return to the bowl, brush the top with melted butter and let rise again.

Finally, transfer the dough into a greased pan (tall and narrow) and bake for the duration of the tutorial. Be sure to check the readiness with a wooden stick.

We decorate according to our preference and taste and catch the magical aromas of the holiday pie.

2. Christmas Stollen

Since the quality of flour may be different for everyone, I advise you to add flour gradually, following the consistency of the dough. The dough should be soft and manageable and slightly stick to your hands. Nuts and candied fruits can be absolutely anything, it’s a matter of everyone’s taste.


  • butter - 120 grams;
  • sugar - 130 grams;
  • cottage cheese - 150 grams;
  • one large egg;
  • zest - from one lemon and tangerine;
  • baking powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • flour - about 300 grams;
  • rum - 30 milliliters;
  • almonds and raisins - a handful;
  • candied pineapple - one handful;
  • melted butter - 40 milliliters;
  • powdered sugar - a lot.

Christmas stollen is prepared according to a home recipe as follows:

Soak clean and dried raisins in rum overnight. Beat soft butter with sugar until smooth, add the egg, pre-beaten cottage cheese (important!), zest, baking powder and most of the flour, beat.

Add raisins, almonds and candied fruits, mix, add flour and knead into a smooth dough. Form the dough into an elongated, not too wide and low “loaf”, lightly press with the edge of your palm in the middle and fold the edges of the stollen into the loaf again.

Transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in an oven preheated to 180C for about 40 minutes. Coat the finished and hot stollen with a pastry brush coated in melted butter and roll generously in powdered sugar.

Cool, wrap a baking sheet in several layers of food paper and leave in a cool place for three days. The original recommended three decades.

3. Stollen with cranberries

These German Christmas pastries, which the locals love to bake and eat so much, that we also wanted to cook and treat our households.


  • butter - 60 grams;
  • walnut and hazelnut kernels - 50 grams each;
  • sugar - 70 grams;
  • egg - one piece;
  • baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • flour - 280 grams;
  • high fat cottage cheese - 125 grams;
  • dried cranberries - 100 grams;
  • cognac - 50 milliliters;
  • vanillin - by preference.

Stollen with cranberries is prepared according to a home recipe as follows:

Pour cognac over the berries and let it brew for three to four hours. Lightly fry the nuts in a dry frying pan and grind in a blender into crumbs. Beat soft butter in a blender with sugar and vanilla, add egg and cottage cheese, beat until smooth.

Transfer the curd mass into a deep bowl, add cranberries and cognac and mix the nut crumbs. Add baking powder to the curd mass and sift the flour in parts, mix into a smooth and elastic dough. Then place it on a floured work surface and roll it out into a semicircle.

Use a rolling pin to make a small indentation in the middle and fold the stollen in half. We transfer it to a baking sheet lined with parchment and place it in a preheated oven at 200 C for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 170 C and bake for another 35 minutes. Remove the finished stollen from the oven, coat with 100 grams of butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar in three additions.

Wrap the cooled stollen in parchment paper and place it in a cold room for three to four weeks. Only available on Christmas Day.

4. English Christmas cake

As you know, after cooking, Christmas cupcakes need to be kept completely intact for about two weeks, or even more. But you want to try it earlier, or someone didn’t have time due to lack of time, then the proposed recipe will be just for you.


  • good quality flour - 230 grams;
  • a set of dried fruits soaked in rum or whatever you like - 400-450 grams in an amount of at least five types (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, cherries, dried apricots);
  • baking powder - 3.5 teaspoons;
  • brown sugar and butter - 150 grams each;
  • dry figs - 170 grams;
  • fresh egg - three pieces;
  • nut (hazelnut) - 50 grams;
  • almonds - 100 grams;
  • zest - from one lemon and one orange;
  • rum, cognac or armagnac - at your discretion.

How to make English Christmas cake

1. Pour dried fruits with alcoholic drinks in advance.
2. Place all ingredients included in the recipe in a mixer bowl and beat in the eggs. 3. Sift flour and baking powder on top.
4. Add flour along with baking powder.
5. Turn on the mixer and achieve homogeneity at low speed.
6. Place the finished dough in a prepared round pan and sprinkle the surface with almonds, after frying until golden brown.
7. Make a dent in the middle of the cake with your hands, then when baking the cake will have a smooth surface.
8. Bake in a preheated oven for 90 minutes, cool, and then soak with alcoholic beverages by piercing in several places.
9. Wrap in thick paper and a cotton towel and leave for three hours. Repeat the impregnation process again.
10. Decorate the surface according to your imagination.
11. Let stand for several days, cut and consume.

Until we meet again, my dear friends and fans of my site, write, I will answer all questions with great pleasure.