
Make mastic from milk powder. Mastic recipes photo step by step

If the appearance of the cake puzzles you no less than the taste, then we recommend recipes for making mastic, using which you can decorate a cake at home no worse than any experienced pastry chef. After all, what could be more original than a product decorated in this way.

To help you, we will tell you how to make mastic from condensed milk, which you can always get. The main thing is to take only natural and best quality products for its preparation, follow a few simple recommendations - and success is guaranteed.

Mastic made from condensed milk, powdered sugar and milk powder - recipe


  • condensed milk – 110 g;
  • powdered sugar – 160 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • powdered milk – 160 g.


To implement the most popular recipe for making mastic from condensed milk, mix powdered sugar and milk powder in a suitable bowl, and then, adding lemon juice and gradually condensed milk, mix the mass first with a spoon. Then we spread it on a surface dusted with powdered sugar and complete the kneading, achieving a homogeneous plastic texture of the mastic. When ready, you can divide the resulting lump into the required number of parts and mix each with a dye of the desired color. We recommend that when starting preparation, you first sift the powdered sugar and milk powder, then the mastic will not contain unwanted lumps.

This mastic is perfect for covering cakes, but to make figurines you will need slightly different proportions of components, which we will discuss in the next recipe.

How to make mastic from condensed milk at home for sculpting figures?


  • condensed milk – 55 g;
  • – 110 g;
  • powdered milk – 110 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.


To make figures, the mastic must be much denser and harder. Only in this case, products made from it will not float and will retain their original appearance until the cake is served and consumed. As we mentioned in the previous recipe, the dry ingredients, namely powdered sugar and milk powder, must first be sifted and mixed in a bowl. After this, add condensed milk and lemon juice and knead thoroughly, achieving a dense, uniform mastic texture. In this case, kneading it is more difficult and takes a little longer. At first it is quite loose and even crumbly, but with prolonged kneading it becomes plastic.

Milk mastic with condensed milk


  • condensed milk – 380 g;
  • powdered sugar – 340 g;
  • infant formula – 350 g.


Mastic with condensed milk can also be prepared using infant formula, for example “Malyutka” or “Malysh”. Mix it with powdered sugar in a bowl of a suitable size, and then add condensed milk and knead. Knead the mastic for seven to ten minutes. During this time it should become homogeneous and plastic. Now we wrap the lump of mastic with cling film and let it stand at room conditions for thirty to forty minutes. After this, if desired, fill the lump with the desired color, if necessary, dividing it into parts first.

Mastic from condensed milk at home - recipe with starch



In this case, to prepare mastic, we take all the components equally, using a kitchen scale to determine the amount. Sift the dry ingredients (milk powder and powdered sugar) and mix in a bowl with condensed milk. Knead the resulting mass with your hands, placing it on a table sprinkled with starch, and add starch while kneading until you obtain a non-sticky plastic lump texture. Before use, let the mastic rest under the film for half an hour.

Let's consider today a recipe for milk mastic, which is very easy to make at home from the most affordable ingredients.

Perhaps the sugar mastic according to this recipe is the most delicious for children to eat cartoon figures from it.

In addition, any housewife will appreciate a number of its advantages in her work, because:

  • This mastic makes very good small and complex details of the type of different characters;
  • cake figures hold any shape perfectly;
  • joining seams are easily smoothed;
  • The mastic is edible and I really like the taste.

Research archaeological work gives us information that dairy farming was carried out about 3 thousand years ago BC by residents of the Middle East. They were the first to use it as food.

Other sources speak of a different truth, claiming that milk was given to humans by cattle in Europe 6 thousand years BC. At the same time, the dairy product was used not only as food, but also for medicinal purposes. According to Hippocrates, 400 years ago BC, the healing milk remedy was recommended to be taken as a healing drink that cures many diseases.

The dairy product is very healthy, we know that. But powdered milk is invaluable for practical purposes: storage, use and taste.

Ingredients for 1 serving of several figures

150 grams of powdered sugar

150 grams of any baby formula or milk powder

150 grams of condensed milk

food coloring (if necessary)



cling film

How to prepare milk mastic

Sift baby formula (or milk powder) through a fine dry sieve. We do the same with powdered sugar.

You can do everything at once in one bowl.

Mix the ingredients a little. Although these manipulations are not particularly important at the current stage of mastic preparation.

Pour 2/3 of the prepared amount into the mixture of dry ingredients.

Stir the mixture a little and look at the result.

It’s just that the consistency of manufacturers can be completely different: one is thicker, another is thinner.

If the milk turns out to be thick, use more than the volume indicated in the ingredients. Reduce liquid condensed milk in proportions.

We try to thoroughly knead the mastic dough with the gradual addition of condensed milk until the composition begins to crumble.

As a result, we obtain a plastic and homogeneous mass of a pleasant cream color.

While we start looking for sketches on the Internet for future cakes, wrap the mastic dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

Please note: This baby food mastic is great only for sculpting figures and small parts. If there is a need to “dress” the cake in mastic, then it is better to use either mastic .

During the preparation process, it was possible to color the milk mastic immediately, but we will begin to color it in parts while working with it, when we start.

The only drawback of such an easy-to-prepare and use sugar mastic from baby formula is that it is not snow-white. Its creamy hue comes from condensed milk and baby formula. Even if you use milk powder in the ingredients, you will not achieve white mastic.

There are many cake recipes, some of which are passed down from generation to generation.

Culinary experts do not get hung up on monotony and are always in search of something new.

Mastic is an interesting option for decorating a cake that will surprise everyone.

A special paste is designed for modeling confectionery products.

It is used to create a variety of jewelry.

With its help you can cover the cake, giving it a more aesthetic appearance.

In addition, you can sculpt figures, flowers or inscriptions.

The result of working with the paste depends only on your imagination, since the finished mastic is easy to use.

Choice of mastic

There are three main types of mastic: sugar, flower, and Mexican paste.

The first type is used most often.

The sugar variety is suitable for covering cakes, covering gingerbread cookies, pastries, and cookies.

With its help you can sculpt simple figures and decorations.

Flower paste, as its name suggests, is used to create flowers as well as decorations.

It is quite plastic and easy to roll out, so this mastic is well suited to the recipe for covering cakes.

Thanks to the thickener included in its composition, the figures dry quickly and keep their shape well.

The third type of mastic is Mexican.

It is intended for modeling.

The low percentage of thickener content allows you to work on creating jewelry for a long time.

Mastic can be white or colored.

The cost of the latter is significantly higher, so it will be more economical to buy food coloring.

It is enough for repeated use.

To give the mass a new color, you need to gradually add dye to it.

It is very important not to overdo it, otherwise it may become unsuitable for working with confectionery products.

Basic rules for preparing mastic

  1. Before you start working with the paste, you need to prepare the powdered sugar. It is important that it is finely ground, otherwise the mastic will tear.
  2. During cooking, you must carefully monitor the density of the mixture. If you overdo it with powdered sugar or dye, the mass will also tear easily.
  3. The prepared mixture should be periodically “rested” in the refrigerator so that it does not stick to your hands.
  4. Shelf life in the freezer is up to 4 months.

DIY pastry recipes

Mastic is not always available to housewives, but do not be upset if you cannot find it on store shelves.

You can prepare it yourself.

Gelatin composition

This cake mastic recipe is suitable for sculpting figures and decorations.

You cannot cover dessert with it, as it quickly becomes hard.

For preparation you will need:

  • water - 50ml;
  • powdered sugar - 500g;
  • gelatin - 10g.

Pour gelatin into a medium container and fill it with water at room temperature.

Leave the mixture for about half an hour for the gelatin to swell.

At this time, the powdered sugar should be sifted through a sieve to avoid lumps.

The swollen gelatin is placed on the fire and brought to a boil, then it must be removed from the stove.

Add 250g of powdered sugar to the warm component and stir thoroughly.

Then put the mixture on the table and gradually stir in the remaining powder.

It will be ready when it stops sticking to your hands.

Marshmallow mastic

The mastic recipe for covering the cake includes:

  • 100g marshmallows;
  • 250g powdered sugar;
  • 90g starch;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice;
  • 1 hour spoon of butter.

You can often find an option where it is advised to mix marshmallows only with powdered sugar.

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This mastic for covering cakes according to the recipe turns out to be fragile and difficult to work with.

To make the paste plastic, starch, oil and lemon juice are used.

First you need to melt the marshmallows.

It is more convenient to do this in a water bath, since the whole process will be before your eyes.

Stir the candies while they heat up.

If you need a colored mixture, it is better to color it at the moment by adding a couple of drops of dye.

You need to prepare a mixture of powder and starch in advance by passing them through a sieve.

The mixture is gradually added to the melted marshmallow until the mass begins to thicken.

As soon as this happens, place the mastic on a table sprinkled with starch and powdered sugar.

Grease your hands with butter and knead the paste, continuing to sprinkle with the previously prepared mixture.

It is important not to miss the moment when the mixture stops sticking to your hands.

The finished mass must be wrapped in cling film and left in the refrigerator for half an hour.

And here is a video recipe for such mastic for a cake:

Milk paste

The proportions of the components are determined depending on the required amount of finished mastic.

You need to mix milk powder and powdered sugar in equal parts.

For accuracy, you can use a kitchen scale or measuring cup.

Add condensed milk to this mixture (1:1:1).

The resulting mass must be thoroughly kneaded.

The prepared milk mastic for the cake according to the recipe is placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, after which you can work with it.

Here's what it actually looks like:

Chocolate yummy

It is necessary, gradually stirring, to melt the chocolate in a water bath until smooth.

Then add liquid honey and mix well.

Depending on the quality of the chocolate, oil may appear and must be drained.

This concludes the preparation of the recipe for mastic for decorating cakes.

The mass should be packed in cling film and left for a day at room temperature.

Please note that the chocolate paste heats up quickly from your hands, so you need to cool it in the refrigerator while modeling.

What quickly flies around the table is the crispy brushwood, the recipe for which is here. It goes great with tea.

Traditional yeast dough for pizza has long been replaced by other cooking methods. For example, now it can be made with kefir. Read the recipe in the article.

Step-by-step recipe for a delicious mastic cake

Preparing a mastic cake according to a recipe is not always a long process.

To do this, you can use ready-made sponge cakes, which will save not only time, but also nerves.

For this treat you will need:

  • a pack of sponge cakes - 3 pcs;
  • chocolate paste - at least 250g;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l;
  • milk - 400ml;
  • lemon zest without pulp;
  • sugar to taste, at least 250g;
  • butter at room temperature - 250g;
  • bananas and kiwi (fruit can be substituted).

Recipe for making a cake with mastic step by step:

  1. Semolina porridge is cooked using milk and 3 tbsp. spoons of cereal. Once ready, let it cool to room temperature. You can put it on the balcony or place it in the refrigerator.
  2. While the porridge is cooling, cream the butter and sugar. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add lemon zest to it. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the cream will turn out bitter.
  3. Add the mixture with butter to the cooled porridge, mix well, cool. The cream is ready.
  4. Cut the fruit into thin slices. It is better to choose soft fruits so that they are not noticeable in the dish.
  5. Now, according to the recipe, you can assemble a cake from mastic as in the photo. Take the first cake layer, spread it generously with cream, and put bananas on top.
  6. Next, another cake layer and repeat the steps, but with kiwi.
  7. There is no need to cover the top cake with fruit cream. You can press down the dessert a little on top so that the cream is distributed evenly. Excess around the edges must be removed.
  8. Since you can’t cover the cakes with fondant, you must first cover it with chocolate paste. This mass should be melted; it can be warmed up a little in the microwave. It is more convenient to apply with a thick knife. Dip it into chocolate, scoop it up and apply evenly to the dessert on all sides.
  9. Place the coated dish in the refrigerator to allow the paste to harden. Then take it out, heat the knife on the burner and even out the coating of the confectionery product. A hot knife will melt the paste and smooth the surface. Place it in the refrigerator again. A quick and tasty cake is completely ready to be covered with mastic.

Perhaps in the video below you will find a design idea for yourself:

Creative cake decoration

What the treat will look like depends only on your imagination.

For example, if you are preparing a party for a child, you can use a decoration in the form of a teddy bear, which is best prepared in advance.

You can fasten the parts with melted chocolate.

To ensure an even coating, you can use a special pastry iron.

To cover the unevenness from below, roll up a rope or multi-colored balls and place them along the edge of the dessert.

For decoration, you can use molds, which are sold in specialized stores, or you can mold yourself whatever comes to mind.

A DIY mastic cake is an excellent choice to please your loved ones.

Making pasta sometimes takes a long time and requires some skill, but such a culinary masterpiece will remain in the memory for a long time.

Milk mastic is a great addition to any cake, because it is easy to sculpt different figures from it.

To prepare it, you need baby formula, which greatly simplifies the preparation procedure.

It will take no more than 10 minutes to knead, and the mastic itself will turn out tasty, plastic, and not sticky. It can be painted in any color, which means that the flight of imagination is practically unlimited.

What you need - what baby formula to use

To prepare mastic you need:

  • 100 grams of condensed milk,
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar,
  • 150 grams of baby dry formula,
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice,
  • food colorings.

The choice of infant formula deserves special attention.

The stores offer a huge selection of baby food, but the following mixtures “prove themselves best” in the culinary field:

1.Malyutka - this infant formula has been familiar to mothers since Soviet times. Its composition has changed several times, and today food under this name is in no way inferior in quality to its foreign counterparts. It is used in baked goods, which turn out tasty and fluffy. In addition to its good taste, it is worth noting its low cost - about 250 rubles per 350 gram package. Mastic from baby formula Malyutka It will definitely turn out plastic and easy to sculpt.

2. Baby - another inexpensive and quite suitable mixture for making mastic. Its price is even lower - about 200 rubles for a similar package. Balanced composition, safety, high-quality ingredients - all this makes it useful not only for children, but also for adults.

If you have any other formula left after feeding your baby, you can use that too. In general, any baby dry food that has been stored correctly is suitable for making mastic.

Step by step recipe

When all the ingredients are prepared, you can start mixing the mastic.

  1. Sift through the powdered sugar.
  2. Sift the baby formula, pour it into the powder and mix well.
  3. Add lemon juice and condensed milk. Combination condensed milk and baby formula allows you to get the stickiness that is needed for high-quality sculpting of figures.
  4. Knead the “dough” and transfer it to the table.
  5. Add food coloring.
  6. Wrap the mastic in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  7. Before using mastic, sprinkle the rolling pin and table with starch.

When the mastic is ready, you can start preparing the cake. This can be a light sponge cake, which will be decorated with charming figures made of fondant.

To prepare the biscuit you will need:

  • 1 cup flour,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 5 eggs.

Cooking steps:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks, leaving the whites on the table to warm up.
  2. Beat the yolks with sugar until smooth foam is obtained.
  3. Add sifted flour and mix.
  4. Lightly salt the whites and beat them until they form peaks, so that they do not roll off when the bowl is tilted.
  5. Add two tablespoons of egg white to the yolk batter and mix. Then lay out the remaining protein. Place a spoon in the center of the container and carefully turn it over to mix the dough again.
  6. Heat the oven to 180C and bake for 35-40 minutes.
  7. Remove from the oven and turn over.

Now all that remains is to prepare figures from mastic, make your favorite cream and assemble the cake, decorating with mastic figures.

Ideas for mastic figures and cake coverings

A few ideas:

  • Cartoon characters and fairy-tale animals are suitable for a children's cake.
  • Volumetric congratulations and numbers are always relevant.
  • Flowers and floral designs look beautiful on the cake.
  • Experienced chefs can make almost anything out of mastic.


  • Powdered sugar should be without additives, and condensed milk should be of high quality, manufactured in accordance with GOST.
  • It is very important to observe the proportions of the products; it is best to use a kitchen scale.
  • It is difficult to connect parts from dried mastic, so you should not stretch the process while sculpting.
  • Milk mastic is not very suitable for covering a cake due to its softness; it is more intended for sculpting figures.

Powdered milk - 160 gr.

Powdered sugar - 160 gr.

Condensed milk - 200 gr.

Lemon juice - 2 tsp.

Mix powdered milk with powdered sugar and sift. Gradually add condensed milk and lemon juice and knead. You need to knead the mastic until it becomes an elastic and homogeneous mass (the consistency is approximately like dumpling dough). Wrap the finished mastic in plastic to prevent it from drying out.

You don’t have to add lemon juice to the mastic, but in this case it will take a very long time to dry.

You can use milk mastic immediately after kneading, or you can use it after a week (if there are pieces left). It stores well in the refrigerator. I had it in the vegetable compartment (it can be stored for a week without problems, I haven’t tried it again). Only after refrigeration, it needs to be thoroughly kneaded so that it becomes elastic again. You need to tint ready-made mastic in different colors. (I have powdered paints and dilute them with water).

I roll out the mastic on starch. I tried it on powder, but didn’t really like it; starch works better. Covering a cake with such fondant is a pleasure. She is very pliable, gentle and most importantly does not “wooden”.

This mastic is well suited for covering cakes, making flowers, leaves and small parts. But it is not suitable for sculpting figures; if it is thick, it takes a very long time to dry. I unknowingly molded her into a girl, so her legs began to spread and lengthen and the effect of cellulite arose. girl_haha

If the mastic begins to crumble during work, you need to add a little condensed milk, knead well again and you can continue working.

If after tinting or during work it becomes too soft, sticky or begins to spread, you need to add a mixture of milk powder and powdered sugar.

While the mastic is “fresh” it sticks well to water and cognac (vodka will probably work too). But when the mastic products are completely dry, you need to glue them either to the icing or to the chocolate.

If you need a shine effect, then I applied cognac on top with a brush (I didn’t try it with vodka). Also, after applying cognac, the mastic leaves a very pleasant smell.

This mastic, like other types, is not friendly with cream. Therefore, you need to lay it on oil creams and ganache. These creams can also be easily applied on top of the mastic. (I did this in the “Palette” cake. My colors were made from butter + condensed milk cream).

Milk mastic tastes very pleasant. Even those who don’t like powdered milk will surely love it. (This happened to my sister. She can’t stand powdered milk, but she eats mastic with pleasure.) It’s not as cloying as gelatin. For the experiment, I added a little marshmallow to it (after holding the marshmallow for 15 minutes in a water bath and then grinding it). There were no changes in elasticity, but the taste became more interesting, a little sour.

This mastic, in my opinion, has only one drawback - it does not come in white! Its color is slightly yellowish.

Yes, I forgot to say that milk mastic can be painted on top. Only the paints should not be very liquid, or their layer should not be “thick”, otherwise the mastic will not dry for a long time.

You need to store a cake covered with this mastic in the refrigerator, and to prevent the mastic from “fogging up,” the temperature in the refrigerator should not be very low.