
Layered cottage cheese cookies in sugar. Quick cookies made from puff pastry puff pastry Puff pastry made from curd pastry

Incredibly tasty, puff pastry that simply melts in your mouth. It is prepared very easily and simply from a minimum set of ingredients. Everyone likes it without exception!!!

You will need:

cottage cheese (soft) 350 g
margarine (softened) 250 g
flour (sifted with baking powder) 420-450 g
baking powder 1 tsp.
vanillin 1 g
sugar (for sprinkling) 100 g

How to cook:

1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork with vanilla and softened margarine (if desired, you can replace it with butter).

2. Add flour with baking powder. I advise you not to add all the flour at once, but 400 grams, and add the rest as needed. Its exact amount depends on the moisture content and fat content of the cottage cheese. The dough should be soft but not sticky. Ready dough put in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. It spent about an hour there.

3. Roll out the chilled dough to a thickness of about half a centimeter (do not roll it out thinly - there will be no puff effect). For convenience, lightly dust the working surface and the dough itself with flour. Cut out cookies of any shape and size.

4. Pour sugar into a saucer. Dip one side of the finished cookies into sugar and press a little so that it sticks. Place the sugared cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

5. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until light golden brown. This will take 15-20 minutes - use your oven as a guide!

Let the cookies cool slightly. Warm cookies are absolutely beyond praise!

Bon appetit!

There are many different baked goods, but one of the most interesting and delicious is cottage cheese. puff pastry, from which you can bake very tasty and appetizing cookies. Of course, you will have to tinker a lot with this test, but the result is worth it.

This dough is prepared slightly in an unusual way: First you need to grate the butter into the flour, then add cottage cheese, sugar and an egg with salt. These cottage cheese cookies will turn out delicious only when all preparation conditions are met. Knead the dough well and roll out thin.

Lightly dust with flour and roll it into an envelope or simply in two. Roll out again and lightly dust with flour, make folds again and put the dough in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. After this, it is necessary to carry out all the same manipulations with it and in no case forget to crush each fold with flour.

After the dough has been repeatedly wrapped, it can be prepared for baking; to do this, you can cut out any shapes and place them on a baking sheet that has been greased with vegetable oil. Place the baking sheet with cookies in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Then place on a plate and serve.

Real puff pastries are always made without filling. Many housewives add grated dough to the dough when rolling it out. hard cheese, then the cookies, in addition to being flaky and curd-like, also turn out to be cheesy. You can prepare this dough without sugar and then you can put ham and hard cheese inside the cookies.

Many people will like these cookies. There are often situations when you prepare one cookie, but the result is completely different, but do not despair, since any baking is already a sign of the talent of a real chef.

Delicious homemade cookies, crispy and sugary on the outside, layered and tender on the inside, temptingly sweet, very cheesy! You probably remember it from childhood; this taste is impossible to forget. In different variations, these cookies were called “Triangles”, “Crow’s Feet”, “Shells”. Well, it’s not a matter of the name, but what to remember old recipe and baking cottage cheese cookies is a must! The recipe itself is simple, preparation does not take much time, and the cookies are simply indescribable, words cannot describe how delicious they are!

To prepare puff curd cookies in sugar you will need the following ingredients:

300 g cottage cheese (any fat content),
150 g butter,
300 g flour,
1 tsp. baking powder,
150 g sugar.

How to make puff pastry with sugar:

So, let's move on to the process of making puff pastries in sugar.

    Combine cottage cheese and softened butter in a deep container. You can also add a pinch of vanillin.

    Grind in a blender until smooth and creamy. It is important for us to break up the lumps of cottage cheese, otherwise they will burn during baking. If there are small grains of curd left here and there, it’s not a big deal.

    Add flour with baking powder.

    Knead soft dough.

    On a floured work surface, roll out the dough into a layer 3 mm thick. Cut out circles with a diameter of 9-10 cm using a suitable size cup.

    Pour sugar into a separate container. Dip one side of the dough circle into sugar.

    Fold in half with sugar on the inside, dip one side into sugar again.

    Fold it in half again and dip the resulting quarter circle in sugar on one side again.

    Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment, sugar side up and press them on top with your fingers, flatten the dough a little so that the layers do not open during baking.

    Bake cookies in the oven at 200-210°C for 15-20 minutes until browned. Let the finished cookies cool. The crack clearly shows that the sugar has melted in the inner layers of the cookies and soaked the dough, while the outside has baked into a sweet crust. Mmm, delicious!

These cookies are a real miracle! Delicate, with a subtle curd flavor, fluffy, airy, it is great for preparing both sweet and savory desserts. Any toppings are good! I prepare the dough for about five minutes! But there is one little trick. The dough should stand in the cold: on the refrigerator shelf for 2 hours or more, and if you want it faster, 10-15 minutes in the freezer will be enough. Therefore, I prepare this dough for several days at once in the evening, so that it stands overnight in the refrigerator. Then it is very convenient in the morning or whenever you want, break off a piece of dough and quickly prepare delicious pastries.


Cottage cheese - 500 gr
Butter - 250 - 300 gr
Flour - 500 gr
Salt - ½ teaspoon


Grind the cottage cheese with butter (the butter should be soft - at room temperature) until homogeneous mass and mix thoroughly with flour, to which we add salt in advance. That's all - the dough is ready.
We form a bun out of it and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. You can put it in a sealed container, a plastic bag, wrap it in cling film... As soon as the dough cools down and becomes hard, it is ready to work.

We take the dough out of the refrigerator and make whatever we want out of it. Sweet and unsweetened puff pastries with different fillings and no filling at all. In any case, it will be very tasty.
There is no need to grease the baking tray or pan. Place the cookies in hot oven(200 - 220 degrees), it will be ready in 10-15 minutes, depending on the quality of your oven.

About the ingredients:
The cottage cheese should be without lumps. Choose the fat content yourself according to your desire and taste.
Oil can also be replaced with any other hard fat- margarine, for example. My grandmother made cottage cheese cookies with lard - and it was also very tasty. I didn’t even know about it for a long time, because... The taste of lard was not noticeable in the cookies.

Examples of quick puff pastries curd dough

Unsweetened cookies:

1. Just puff pastries, bagels, bows without filling or slightly salted. Roll out the dough (approximately 0.5 cm thick, you can experiment with this later), cut into cubes, triangles, as you like - and into the oven. In 10-15 minutes you have delicious crispy cookies on the table, which can be spread with sweet or unsweetened additives - jam, chocolate butter, sprinkle with sour cream or unsweetened sauces for every taste.

2. Cheese puffs. Roll out the dough, cut into squares, add grated cheese (any kind you like), roll diagonally.

3. Puff pastries with ham (piece or finely chopped), pieces of chicken with added herbs and in general with everything you can think of and like.

Sweet cookies:

1. Mini bagels with jam. I roll out the dough into a tube, cut it into pieces and roll each into an oval or a circle (like dumplings or a little larger). Jam on top - not very liquid and roll it up. Exactly this favorite cookies at my family's. You can ready-made cookies sprinkle with powdered sugar.

2. Flowers with sugar and jam. This is when you have time and desire to play a little with baking. Roll out the dough, cut out circles with a glass. Place marmalade, jam, or yolk on the bottom circle and sprinkle with sugar. Place a second circle on top, make a depression in the center with your finger for jam or jam berries. Cut the petals with a knife.

3. Think for yourself - there are many options for both fillings and baking forms. The result is always the same - very tasty!

1. You need to work with this dough very quickly - you literally have a few minutes between the time the dough is taken out of the refrigerator and put in the oven. If you fiddle for a long time, the dough will soften and lose its fluffiness when baking. Therefore, do not make complex dough structures, make the simplest and fastest ones.

2. This dough, like any puff pastry, does not like “wet” fillings, so you should not make it with fresh berries and fruits. Or try changing the proportions - add more flour and roll out thinner. But this will be a slightly different dough.

3. If you don’t have a couple of hours to cool the dough, use the freezer: 10-15 minutes and the dough is ready to use.

4. This dough can be stored in the refrigerator for several days (5-6 days). The shelf life depends on the cottage cheese. At the same time, every day it does not lose its qualities, but becomes more airy and tastier. You can keep it in the freezer much longer. But before using it, it is better to defrost it on the refrigerator shelf.

Bon appetit!

Puff pastry made from cottage cheese and butter delicious pastries. Curd sugar puffs are quickly prepared and eaten just as quickly. A huge advantage of baking is the ease of production and a minimum of components.

For baking Puff pastry made from cottage cheese and butter, we purchase:

- cottage cheese, fat content from 5%

- butter (250 grams), can be replaced with butter margarine

- wheat flour (up to 450 grams, depending on the quality of the cottage cheese)

- baking powder (1 teaspoon)

- vanillin (1 gram sachet)

granulated sugar for sprinkling cookies

Initial actions.

- take out the butter from the home refrigerator. The oil should warm up naturally to room temperature. Softened butter is much easier to mix with cottage cheese.

— rub the cottage cheese with a tablespoon through a fine metal sieve. Thus, we rub all the lumps, and the cottage cheese turns out with a smooth structure. And the cookies will become flakier.

wheat flour sift through a sieve to remove inclusions and saturate the flour with air.

- Pour granulated sugar into a small plate. It will be easier to dip the puff pastry in sugar.

Knead the curd puff pastry.

— mix vanillin into the cottage cheese. Stir with a table fork.

- add butter. Mix thoroughly again with a fork. We achieve complete homogeneity of the mixture.

- Mix wheat flour into the cottage cheese in parts. After each piece of flour, knead the dough vigorously.

— the dough is soft and should not stick to your hands.

- Roll the dough into a ball. Tightening cling film and place in the home refrigerator for 1 hour. (The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer, up to 3 days, so baked goods can be prepared as needed from pre-prepared dough.)

Formation of curd puffs. Bakery.

— heat the oven to 200 0 C.

- cover a baking sheet with parchment or baking paper.

- take the dough out of the refrigerator.

- Pinch off pieces and roll out on a floured cutting board.

— the rolled out sheet of dough should not be thin. To achieve the maximum effect of layering of cookies, we achieve ½ centimeter thickness of the sheet.

- cut out cookies using templates.

— Dip one side of each cookie into granulated sugar. Press slightly with your fingers so that the sugar adheres better to the surface.

- Place the cookies on the baking sheet with the sugar-free side in one row.

- Bake for about 20 minutes until nicely tanned.

— ready-made puff pastries are served for tea!

Have a pleasant and delicious meal! Puff pastry made from cottage cheese and butter. Curd puffs sugar quickly.