
A traditional dish of Mediterranean countries is gazpacho. Assortment of Gazpacho soup, cooking technology, serving options Technico technological map for green gazpacho

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The dish of Spanish cuisine is a special diet that can be classified as dietary food. Indeed, in addition to the variety of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, a balanced gazpacho will never lead to obesity.

Positive properties of a refreshing snack

At its core, for Mediterranean residents, gazpacho is considered a certain type of food that is followed throughout life. The main benefit is the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and the maintenance of active longevity. Cucumbers, due to their coarse fiber content, normalize intestinal function. Sweet peppers are distinguished by a high presence of vitamin C, and thanks to tomatoes, the metabolic process in the body is accelerated. Naturally, a decrease in body weight will be noticed due to the general improvement of the body.

Gazpacho is a cold soup, the main ingredient of which is fresh vegetables, pureed in the process with the addition of various spices.


The gazpacho recipe assumes the presence of vegetables, preferably straight from the garden:

  • bell pepper (red) – 200 g;
  • tomatoes (tomatoes) – 500 g;
  • – 250 g;
  • onion – 1 pc. medium size;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • chili pepper – ½ piece;
  • apple (sweet) – 1 piece;
  • lemon juice – 30 ml;
  • tomato juice – 200 ml;
  • sunflower oil (unrefined) – 60 ml;
  • soft bread or loaf – 80 grams;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • ground black pepper – 1/3 tsp.

Cooking technology

All vegetables undergo primary processing, which includes the removal of spoiled, beaten fruits, as well as foreign objects. They are then sorted by size and quality for more efficient mechanical cleaning and thermal treatment. The final step is washing the root vegetables.

How to prepare gazpacho? The stalk of the bell pepper should be cut off and the seeds removed. The outer side of the root vegetable is laid out on a hot frying pan, cut into pieces, to char or acquire the desired color and food flavor. Then turn off the heat, cover with a lid and cool.

Tomatoes and cucumbers should be peeled. Do the same with sweet peppers. Separate apples from seeds and peel. Also clean the garlic, onions and chili peppers. Cut all products into small pieces of arbitrary shape and grind with a blender. To the finished mixture add butter, salt, pepper, the pulp of the baked goods without crust, as well as tomato juice and. Grind again and leave in the refrigerator for an hour or a day, after covering the finished dish with a lid.

The secret of a delicious dish from the best chefs in the world lies in many factors, but one of them is cooking with love.

Technology of a classic dish

The classic gazpacho recipe includes a mandatory ingredient - tomatoes. Other products can be modified depending on the imagination and preferences of the cook. The total cooking time is 1 hour 30 minutes, of which an hour will be spent preparing the ingredients.

For the soup you will need:

  1. Cucumbers 4 pcs.
  2. Red sweet pepper 3 pcs.
  3. Ripe large tomatoes from 10 to 15 pcs.
  4. Garlic 4 -5 pcs.
  5. Stale white bread or bran 3-5 slices.
  6. Red onion 1 pc. (large).
  7. Olive oil from Spain ITLV 125 ml.
  8. Red wine vinegar or de Jerez – 4 tbsp. l.
  9. Small bunch of leaves
  10. To taste, add tomato juice, cold water or dry red wine.

The recipe for classic gazpacho soup requires strict adherence to the preparation technology of each step.

To make the dressing, grind the salt and garlic in a mortar. Then break the bread pulp and combine with the resulting mass, continuing to grind.

Pour olive oil into the resulting mass, stirring with a pestle. Cover the finished homogeneous mixture and let it stand for 1.5 hours.

Finely chopped red onion should be placed in a bowl and poured with red wine vinegar or de Jerez, which will contribute to better marinating.

To simplify the primary processing process, the tomato needs to be slightly cut and dipped in boiling water. This procedure will greatly simplify peeling the root vegetable. A similar procedure should be done with all tomatoes. Peel the cucumbers.

Place the red bell pepper on a baking sheet, pre-greased with oil, and place in the oven. Simmer at 200°C for about 10 minutes until a dark golden crust forms. Cool and remove the skin and stalk with seeds.

Coarsely chop the existing greens and place them together with the vegetables in a blender in moderate portions, gradually mixing a new portion with the previous one until it comes to the onions. send along with vinegar. And only at the very end does the turn come to the contents of the mortar (salt, bread, olive oil). After grinding all the ingredients in a blender, it is recommended to place the finished homogeneous mass in the refrigerator for 8 - 10 hours.

After diluting it with cold water, cool tomato juice or dry red wine, you can serve it in plates or glasses.

Gazpacho recipe in Spanish or Muslim style

What is Andalusian gazpacho? The name of the soup dates back to 1492, when almost the entire coast of Spain was occupied by Muslims. And already in 1983, the Spaniard Rafael de Aquino began selling the first jars of Andalusian gazpacho, after which the whole world learned about this tender and cold soup.

Andalusian gazpacho can easily be called a salad, but only liquid. It includes a standard set of products, which, if desired, can be replaced or diluted with an ingredient from your imagination. The soup is based on tomatoes, herbs, onions, red and green peppers, and garlic. This whole substance is seasoned with Spanish olive oil and vinegar. Depending on the required consistency or the already obtained texture (thicker or thinner), the ready-made soup can be diluted with bread crumbs.

Cooking method

We first carry out external cleaning of all vegetables. After which it is permissible to peel the tomatoes, cucumbers and garlic. All vegetables should be chopped not too finely, and then placed in a blender bowl.
Season the chopped vegetables until pureed, season with oil, salt, pepper to taste and mix again in a blender. Andalusian gazpacho is served in a deep bowl garnished with parsley.

It is worth noting that it is better to prepare the soup in the summer, when there are fresh vegetables from the garden. Then it is especially rich in taste, that is, without preservatives.

Regardless of the method or recipe used to prepare gazpacho, it still remains a soup with a gently velvety texture that will save you from the heat. The main and constant ingredient of which is ripe red tomatoes. The soup is prepared only in a blender and cooled in the refrigerator.

Spanish gazpacho soup was considered the food of the poor and legionnaires, and now it is one of the most popular dishes not only in the southwest, but throughout the entire Earth's hemisphere.

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Chapter 1. Modern technologies for preparing Spanish cuisine

1.1 Characteristics of culinary products of Spanish cuisine


Importance, characteristics of the main types of raw materials, quality and safety requirements.

to Spanish dishes.

Chapter 2. Development of technology and recipes for Spanish cuisine.

2.1. Compilation of an assortment list of dishes of Spanish cuisine.

2.2.Technological process of preparing, decorating and serving specialties of Spanish cuisine.

2.3.Experimental study of signature dishes of Spanish cuisine.

2.4. Drawing up technical and technological maps for the developed specialties of Spanish cuisine.



Applications (photos of dishes, diagrams, posters).


Spanish cuisine is one of the best in the world in terms of the quality and variety of products used, and is the attraction and pride of the country.

The use of olive oil for cooking is ubiquitous in Spanish cuisine today, but until the early 20th century, the most common fats in Spanish cuisine were animal fats.

Spanish cuisine is not a single national cuisine, but 17 different cuisines of its regions.

What makes Spanish cuisine relevant is its nutritional value, which is where the Mediterranean diet originated. The impact of the Mediterranean diet on health has been well studied over the past 10 years. A solid scientific base has been formed, clinical indications have been described, and statistics have been collected. Not long ago, the Mediterranean diet joined the list of intangible UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It deserves this rating because it provides effective assistance in the fight against obesity and heart and vascular diseases - and as a result helps to increase life expectancy.

In more detail, this diet helps with the following ailments (both in their prevention and treatment):

Metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes

Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction

High blood pressure, stroke

Some cancers

Depression, dementia, Alzheimer's disease

This is a diet for long-livers, giving a high quality of life until old age, and also significantly prolonging a person’s life.

Spain is a peninsula washed by two seas. It is logical that residents of coastal areas eat mainly fish and seafood. By the way, in Spain there are two types of fish - fish caught in the Mediterranean Sea is different from fish caught on a hook in the Atlantic Ocean.

The most common dishes are fish, seafood, legumes and rice. The most popular meat is pork - recipes for Spanish dishes rarely contain other types of meat. It is customary to add tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggs, garlic, onions, olives, almonds and wine to dishes.

In general, food in Spain is one of the most pleasant ceremonies of everyday life. Spaniards eat with pleasure, without rushing. The diversity and richness of the culinary arts, coupled with the Spaniards' commitment to the culture of the plate and tablecloth, have made it very easy to find a place where you can eat well everywhere, be it a big city or a small village. In traditional home settings and in famous high-class restaurants, where five forks lie in front of you (on a classification scale, the number of forks ranges from one to five), everyone can choose the right balance between price and quality in accordance with their tastes and habits.


      Characteristicspanish cuisine

Not much is known about how, what and from what they cooked in Spain in ancient times. The history of Spanish cuisine underwent major changes during the period of the invaders. When the Carthaginians and Phoenicians came to the territory of the Iberian Peninsula, they began to use products such as grapes and olives for cooking, which had previously been practically unused, although they were already growing in Spain at that time.

For cooking at these times, only vegetable fats were used; vegetable oil was not used.

The Roman conquerors introduced new changes to Spanish cuisine. It was at that time that olive oil and garlic began to be actively used in Spanish cuisine, both separately and together. During the reign, onions, cabbage, and lentils began to be actively used in cooking.

In the northern part of Spain, mushrooms were actively used, which are still popular there.

The cuisine of Spain amazes with its perfection. It can be conditionally divided by locality. So, in Madrid you can try native Madrid dishes, such as rennet - entrails stewed in a special way, a large number of cod dishes, Madrid-style meat. You won't see all this anywhere else. People in Madrid love pea soups, tripe with sauce and pepper. And how many types of ham and wine exist in Madrid! It is simply impossible to try everything in one trip.

The south of Spain produces the highest quality olive oil. In addition, it was here that people first began to deep-fry foods.

The famous gazpacho soup and meat on skewers also come from the south of Spain.

What sweets and other confectionery products can you try in Madrid!

The Spaniards inherited all the sweets from the Arabs. The traditions of many nations are combined here. Only in Madrid you can taste truly Spanish dishes, Arabic, Asturian, and Andalusian. Madrid has enriched the entire Spanish cuisine with recipes, giving it a special flavor and taste.

Catalan cuisine stands apart in Spain. The local chefs do not skimp on spices and seasonings. So salting fish became an economic strategic production. It is worth remembering only the famous anchovies from Escala. In Catalonia, they eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, and they also know how to combine meat with traditionally sweet dishes. You will enjoy delicious pork leg with sugar and eggs, as well as tender rabbit meat in chocolate sauce. The chefs of Catalonia are so skilled and have such a wild imagination that only they could think of serving fried chicken with lobsters, chestnuts and truffles.

The main seafood in Spain are clams, squid, shrimp, crabs, shells, and oysters. In terms of nutritional content, seafood is similar to fish, but there are some differences. Seafood is a valuable supplier of protein (18-20%). Unlike fish, the protein in seafood has a more fibrous structure and is therefore somewhat more difficult to digest, but it gives you a feeling of fullness faster.

Seafood has a strong flavor and therefore requires minimal processing when cooking. Since seafood spoils quickly, it is often sold frozen or cooked, as well as in a variety of canned foods and ready-to-eat salads.

Spain is also the world leader in olive oil production. Olive oil is popular due to its high content of saturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid, which actively reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol while maintaining the level of “good” cholesterol. That is why olive oil is useful for people suffering from digestive disorders, liver and gallbladder diseases. Olive oil is especially beneficial for children, as it stimulates bone growth.

Olive oil is a healthy fat, but it is very high in calories, like other fats. It is recommended to store olive oil in a dry, cool (but not cold), dark place where various odors will be inaccessible, since the oil easily absorbs them. If the oil is stored in the cold, then over time a natural sediment may form; this does not affect the quality of the oil in any way, and after it is heated, the sediment disappears. Thanks to the Arab influence, rice was added to Spanish cuisine, which is distinguished by its richness of carbohydrates and relative poverty of protein substances. The benefits of rice are due to its composition, the main part of which is complex carbohydrates (up to 80%), approximately 8% of the composition of rice is occupied by protein compounds (eight most important for human body amino acids). Exceptional

benefits of rice

is that it does not contain gluten (this is a plant protein that can cause a severe allergic reaction). Rice grains also contain fiber; its proportion is small (only 3%), so rice is an excellent side dish for vegetable dishes.

The optimal storage of rice is in a cool, dry place for no more than 18 months.And what kind of gazpacho could be more authentic than the one that is prepared year after year in a real Spanish family.But you need to remember that with gazpacho, like with borscht, the recipe is different for each housewife and region.This recipe is from Madrid. The kind that the Spanish mother cooked all her life, and her mother too. I don’t know about grandma :-)

And pay attention, gazpacho is written with one “h”, and not as some scholars write (B. Burda for example), “gazpacho" The dish is Spanish. It's the Italians who often double the "h". And there is no mayonnaise or broth in this soup! Maybe she disappointed someone... Above the mentioned erudite for sure. (Well, it annoys me! I admit it!) But bread is a must in this soup. It all started with him!

The Arabs, having occupied the territory of Spain for many years, also contributed to Spanish cuisine. First there was an Arabic soup made of bread, olive oil, garlic and water. Spanish peasants began to add various vegetables. And this is how the gazpacho we know now turned out.Only once upon a time everything was ground in a mortar, with backbreaking labor, but now, with the help of a blender, the soup is ready in a matter of minutes.

This soup perfectly quenches thirst and fills you up on a hot day.


5-6 servings


  • 1 kg ripe tomatoes, skin removed
  • 150 grams of white bread
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 red bell pepper, seeds removed
  • 1 small green bell pepper, seeds removed
  • 1 small cucumber, peeled
  • ½ medium red onion, peeled
  • 4 tbsp. red wine vinegar
  • 100 ml olive oil
  • 1 tsp
  • cumin
Salt to taste Cooling soup: 2 hours

Total cooking time: 2 hours 10 minutes

1) Cut off the crust of the bread, cut the flesh into pieces and place in a bowl. Pour vinegar and enough cold water over the pulp to soak the bread.

2) Coarsely chop all the vegetables.