
Viennese waffles kcal. Viennese waffles

How much do Viennese waffles cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

So famous pastry How waffles got their original name from the German language and the word waffel. It is worth noting that waffles are the result, as the confectioners initially thought, of unsuccessful preparation of cookies. However, having tasted the first waffles, the confectioner decided to give life to a new type of thin and dry biscuit, which was distinguished by its imprint on the surface and unusual taste, as well as its crispy texture.

Both the first and modern waffles are made from batter, which is placed in special molds and then baked. Typically, waffle batter contains only a few ingredients - flour, cream, chicken eggs, as well as sugar or its substitutes. For the manufacture of various types waffles also use other ingredients. For example, cocoa powder for chocolate wafers.

Over the centuries-old history of the existence of confectionery products in the global culinary tradition, a huge number of recipes for making waffles have accumulated. It is worth noting that waffles are used both as an independent confectionery product and as an important ingredient in some desserts. Wafers are used to make cakes; for this purpose, the confectionery product is coated with cream and connected to each other.

Waffles are served with ice cream and fresh fruit and berries, with jam and marmalade, as well as syrup, chocolate, caramel and other sweet flavors. A special type of confectionery product includes the famous Viennese waffles. A confectionery product such as Viennese waffles differs from other types of product in its appearance, taste, as well as basic consumer characteristics.

Viennese waffles are so-called fluffy or airy waffles, which are often used by confectioners in the process of preparing pastries, cakes or desserts. Calorie content Viennese waffles depends primarily on the recipe of the confectionery product. However, the average caloric content of Viennese waffles prepared according to classic recipe without filler is 367 kcal, which is contained in 100 grams of product.

This type of confectionery product, such as Viennese waffles, can be easily found in domestic grocery stores. However, it’s worth trying homemade Viennese waffles at least once to experience all the deliciousness for yourself. homemade baked goods. To make Viennese waffles at home you will need flour, chicken eggs, baking powder or baking powder, cow's milk or cream, butter, as well as sugar and lemon juice.

Initially, a dough is formed from the above ingredients. Then ready dough for Viennese waffles, they are placed in a special form and baked. Finished Viennese waffles are brushed pastry cream, condensed milk, chocolate, caramel, jam or marmalade, as well as other fillings and served as a dessert.

Calorie content of Viennese waffles 368.6 kcal

Energy value of Viennese waffles (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

Properties of Viennese waffles

Such a famous confectionery product as waffles got its original name from the German language and the word waffel. It is worth noting that waffles are the result, as the confectioners initially thought, of unsuccessful preparation of cookies. However, having tasted the first waffles, the confectioner decided to give life to a new type of thin and dry cookie, which was distinguished by its imprint on the surface and unusual taste, as well as its crispy texture.

Both the first and modern waffles are made from a batter that is placed in special molds and then baked. Typically, the waffle dough contains only a few ingredients - flour, cream, chicken eggs, as well as sugar or its substitutes. Other ingredients are also used to make different types of waffles. For example, cocoa powder for chocolate wafers.

Over the centuries-old history of the existence of confectionery products in the global culinary tradition, a huge number of recipes for making waffles have accumulated. It is worth noting that waffles are used both as an independent confectionery product and as an important ingredient in some desserts. Wafers are used to make cakes; for this purpose, the confectionery product is coated with cream and connected to each other.

Waffles are served with ice cream, as well as fresh fruits and berries, jam and jam, as well as syrup, chocolate, caramel and other sweet flavors. A special type of confectionery product includes the famous Viennese waffles. A confectionery product such as Viennese waffles differs from other types of product in its appearance, taste, and basic consumer characteristics.

Viennese waffles are so-called fluffy or airy waffles, which are often used by confectioners in the process of preparing pastries, cakes or desserts. The calorie content of Viennese waffles depends primarily on the recipe of the confectionery product. However, the average caloric content of Viennese waffles prepared according to the classic recipe without filler is 367 Kcal, which is contained in 100 grams of the product.

This type of confectionery product, such as Viennese waffles, can be easily found in domestic grocery stores. However, it’s worth trying homemade Viennese waffles at least once to experience the beauty of home-baked goods. To make Viennese waffles at home, you will need flour, chicken eggs, baking powder or baking powder, cow's milk or cream, butter, as well as sugar and lemon juice.

Initially, a dough is formed from the above ingredients. Then the finished dough for Viennese waffles is placed in a special form and baked. Ready-made Viennese waffles are coated with confectionery cream, condensed milk, chocolate, caramel, jam or jam, as well as other fillings and served as a dessert.

Calorie content of Vienna waffles is 368.6 kcal.

Energy value of the product Vienna waffles (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates).

Waffles are a flour confectionery product that is adored by many people. The first waffles began to be baked back in the Middle Ages. Then they were considered a type of cookie; their main differences were the method of preparation, the unique design and imprint on the product, as well as the composition.

Benefit or harm?

The greater nutritional value of waffles can be attributed to useful qualities product, and to harmful ones. The delicacy quickly satisfies hunger, and the sugar it contains actively stimulates brain activity. If you look from the other side, abuse of this sweetness can lead to various health problems, in particular obesity.

There is a praline filling, which is made from fat, nuts and sugar. Thanks to the presence of nuts in the recipe, these waffles are rich in B vitamins and protein. plant origin. They also contain vitamin PP and minerals.

How many calories are in waffles?

The sweet consists of wafer sheets with layers of filling between them. The calorie content of the wafer sheets themselves is about 342 kilocalories. They are usually made from cream, sugar, eggs, flour, and butter. Each of these ingredients has its own energy value, which is reflected in the total calorie content of the waffles.

The filling can be very different (chocolate, fruit, cream, praline and others), so the calorie content of waffles can vary greatly. How large quantity The filling contains sugar and fat, the higher the calorie content of the waffles - it can increase energy value this product is doubled. If you are watching your weight, do not forget to pay attention to the composition of the sweets.

So, let's look at how many calories are in waffles with different fillings (per 100 grams of product):

  • homemade with raisins – 452 kcal;
  • with condensed milk – 510 kcal;
  • With fruit filling– 350 kcal;
  • calorie content of wafers in chocolate – 518 kcal;
  • waffles “Artek” - 495 kcal;
  • Viennese waffles – 424 kcal;
  • homemade waffles – 490 kcal.

As you can see, the highest calorie content is for waffles in chocolate, and the lowest for waffles with fruit filling. If you don’t look at the energy value of the product, the most popular are waffles with fat filling. They retain their crunchy properties much longer than fruit ones, since there is no excess moisture in the filler.

Who shouldn't eat waffles and why?

Of course, those who have problems with excess weight should not eat waffles. It is not recommended to indulge in this sweet product for people who have any problems with the pancreas, kidneys, liver, or those who are sick diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. You should not give waffle treats to small children under 5 years old, and older ones can eat waffles only in limited quantities.

Low-calorie waffles recipe


  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife.


Separate the egg yolks from the whites, then beat them. Add soda and salt to the beaten yolks, mix thoroughly. Next, add 1 glass of water to the mixture, combine it with flour. Mixing well, pour in the remaining water. If you want your waffles a little sweeter, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. Bake the sheets in an electric waffle iron. Choose the filling according to your taste.

Custard filling recipe


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 200 g butter.


Mix sugar, eggs, milk, flour. Then put on the fire and cook until boiling, stirring constantly. Once boiling, cool until completely cool. Beat the softened butter and carefully add one spoon at a time to the cream.