
Delicious marinated pork kebab. How to marinate pork kebab? Juicy pork kebab

How to soak pork kebab so that the result is incredibly tasty meat? What ingredients should be added to the marinade, and which ones should you avoid? What recipes won't take much time but will be a lot of fun? Read all about how to properly marinate pork before a picnic!

Pork kebab is an amazing dish. Don't believe me? How else! Firstly, it succeeds almost always and for almost everyone (the only exception is, probably, frying over an open fire). Secondly, during the cooking process it loses a significant part of the harmful fat, and when it gets to the table, it retains only all the goodies and health benefits. Thirdly, it is ideally juicy, since the amount of fat in pork meat is greater than in beef and, especially, chicken.

Rules for marinating pork meat

It is only important to know how to properly marinate pork kebab, and then everything will definitely work out. And our advice will come to the rescue with this.
  1. You can use vinegar! Pork is probably the only type of meat that can be freely marinated with vinegar. In this case, you do not risk getting hard fibers, since they have a special structure. Marinade with vinegar for pork kebab is the easiest to prepare. And in some cases it will reduce preparation time. For example, a quick marinade for pork shish kebab based on vinegar and sugar mixed with water will allow you to use the carcass after infusing at room temperature within 3 hours.
  2. No need to add oil. Pork is already quite a fatty product, so you shouldn’t use additional olive or sunflower oil. Their task is to “seal the pieces” to create a crust and retain the juice inside. In our case, the pieces should get rid of some of the fat while on the grill, so it is not advisable to use vegetable oils.
  3. Marinating time - 12 hours. To properly marinate meat for shish kebab, you need to give it enough time to saturate with the components of the marinade. For pork, the period is at least 12 hours, during which it must be refrigerated. No quick ways to marinate pork kebab will give a similar result.

The easiest ways to marinate

You can prepare a marinade for pork shish kebab literally using available ingredients. The most popular ingredients are vinegar and mayonnaise. We'll tell you in detail about each recipe.

How to marinate pork kebab in vinegar

You will need:
  • table vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. spoons (for 1.2-1.5 kg of meat);
  • sugar - teaspoon;
  • onion - 2-3 large heads;
  • water - 8 tbsp. spoon;
  • pepper and salt.
  1. Remove films from the meat and divide into medium-sized portions (about the size of a child’s fist).
  2. Rub the pieces with pepper and salt, mix well.
  3. Peel the onion, chop into thick rings, and add to the meat.
  4. Dilute the vinegar with chilled water, add sugar, stir, and pour into the bowl with the kebab.
  5. Stir the contents, cover with a lid and pressure, put in the refrigerator.

Marinade for pork shish kebab with mayonnaise

An excellent recipe, which has one caveat - if you don’t want to harm your health, refuse store-bought sauce. Some components in finished formulations release harmful substances when heated. Therefore, prepare mayonnaise at home using an egg yolk, a spoonful of mustard, a drop of vinegar and vegetable oil. It will take you no more than 5 minutes to whip up a wonderful sauce. Using it, you will know exactly how to deliciously marinate pork kebab without compromising your health!

You will need:

  • mayonnaise - 300 ml (per 1 kg of pork pulp);
  • onion - 4 large heads;
  • pepper and salt.
  1. Divide the meat into kebab pieces, distribute salt and pepper evenly. Leave to sit for 15 minutes to saturate the pieces with salt.
  2. Gradually add mayonnaise, stirring with your hand and brushing each piece. You don't need to add a lot of sauce. Its volume should not cover the meat, but simply be present in it, enveloping the pieces well.
  3. Peel and chop the onion into rings. Mix some of them in a bowl with meat, and place the other part on top, press with a lid.
  4. Place in the refrigerator.

Diet marinades

Recipes for marinade for pork shish kebab with mayonnaise may seem too greasy, and with vinegar - too spicy. We offer you light dressing options with dietary ingredients.

Mineral water marinade for pork shish kebab

You will need:
  • mineral water - 0.5 l (per 2 kg of tenderloin or collar);
  • onion - 3 large heads;
  • cilantro (grains), a mixture of paprika and dried tomatoes;
  • black pepper, salt.
  1. Cut the meat and place it in a container. Add peeled and coarsely chopped onion to it.
  2. Season well, add cilantro seeds, paprika mixture and tomato. Add salt and mix well. Remember a little - let the onion release its juice, then evenly distribute the spices over the kebab pieces.
  3. Pour in mineral water until it lightly covers the meat. Place in the refrigerator.

Marinade for pork kebab with kefir

You will need:
  • kefir with a fat content of 3.2% - 500 ml (per 1.5 kg of meat);
  • sugar - teaspoon;
  • onion - 4 large heads;
  • pepper and salt.
  1. Peel the onion, grate 2 heads, chop the other 2 into large pieces.
  2. Transfer the grated onion to the meat, cut into pieces. Add salt and pepper, mix well.
  3. Gradually add kefir, constantly stirring the meat. The amount of kefir should be enough to lightly cover the kebab.
  4. Add sugar and stir.
  5. Place onion rings on top, cover with a lid, or better yet, press down the marinade with a weighted plate. Place in the refrigerator.
Armed with our recipes, you can confidently go on a picnic or cook aromatic, tender kebab at home!
  • Marinade for chicken kebab (in kefir, soy sauce, beer)
  • Marinades for turkey, beef and pork (in tomato juice, pomegranate juice, kefir, with kiwi)
  • Shish kebab on skewers from chicken hearts (outdoors, in an air fryer, oven and in a frying pan)
  • Homemade kebab in the oven (chicken, lamb, beef and pork)
  • Chicken kebab in the oven (from thighs, fillets and wings)
  • Shish kebab in a slow cooker (chicken, pork, beef)

Pork kebab is the most popular; it is pork that is most often fried outdoors.

Have you ever wondered why pork? This is because it turns out to be very tender, and the pork has a special taste that most people love. Today we’ll talk about marinade for barbecue, proper cooking of meat, and learn how to fry it so that it is soft and has a delicate taste.

How to choose the right meat

The basics of making barbecue are really simple. Initially, it is worth buying quality meat. The neck part will be the best choice, as it will give the kebab softness and juiciness. The backup option is brisket.

If you purchased a ham, then you should not expect softness from the kebab; this part will make it too dry. Likewise, shoulder meat should not be used for barbecue. Choose meat with a lot of fat, the excess will be fried, and what remains will add juiciness. Naturally, it is better to overpay and buy chilled meat, it will be many times better quality than ice cream. If you save money, then under no circumstances defrost it in an accelerated way, but rather leave it at room temperature for several hours, so it will retain its basic properties.

First, you need to decide how your meat will be marinated, and after that, start looking for a recipe. There are quite a lot of them, we will try to introduce you to the main ones that will make the kebab soft and juicy. To make the meat aromatic, in addition to the usual onions and spices, kvass or beer is also added to the marinade. In some regions, pork shish kebab is prepared with the addition of wine. Dry wine is perfect for this recipe.

Many recipes require vegetables and fruits, namely their juices - lemon tomato and others. There are also ways to marinade with dairy products. Mayonnaise is very popular - it is added to various types of kebabs. There is a lot of information about all recipes on our website.

The most delicious marinade for pork kebab

It is generally accepted that the original kebab recipe is based on lamb, but many people use absolutely any meat for it. Beef and chicken are also often used, but not everyone will like this kebab. Most people consider pork to be the most aromatic and tasty. If you prepare it according to the recipe, you will get a beautiful dish with an appetizing crust and a delicate aroma. Therefore, to get a delicious kebab, be sure to buy pork, and your success will be guaranteed

Pork kebab on kefir

In terms of complexity, this recipe is very simple. The kebab according to this recipe will be so juicy that every family member will not resist this aroma and will happily go to the country with you. So, don’t hesitate and quickly go to the store to buy the necessary products. If you like our recipe, we will be very happy about it.

What you will need:

  • pork (neck) – 2 kg.
  • onions 5 pcs.
  • kefir - 1l.
  • spices.


If you want to get a tasty and soft kebab based on kefir marinade, then you need to buy high-quality meat. Look for the neck or loin as these are the best cuts and will make the kebab very juicy.

1.First, take the meat and rinse it well several times, then dry it with a paper towel.

2. Divide the pork along the grain, and then cut it into square pieces. If you follow the recipe, the meat will be cooked well on all sides. Take a separate bowl and place the chopped pieces there. It's better to take an enamel bowl or glass.

3.The onion needs to be cut into rings and spread evenly over the meat.

4.Take the necessary spices and sprinkle the pieces with the required amount. After this, stir the whole mass until it becomes homogeneous.

5.Now you need to pour the finished marinade all over with kefir, then mix everything again and cover with a lid or cling film. Place the meat in the refrigerator to soak in the spices and become soft. Leave it overnight, in the morning the marinade will be ready.

6. Find a grill and other tools, and you can start cooking.

7. Thread small pieces onto skewers, then place them on the grill.

8. Make sure that the meat does not burn; turn it often.

As a result, the pork should have a golden brown crust. Place sauce and herbs on the table along with the meat.

Marinade with pomegranate juice

If you use pomegranate juice for the marinade, your kebab will be very juicy, its aroma will seduce your loved ones and a group of friends. This recipe is one of the best that will make your dish aromatic and delicious. Cooking shish kebab according to this recipe will give you pleasure. The main thing in the marinade is chopped onion and real pomegranate juice.



1.First of all, peel and wash the onion, then divide each onion into 4 parts. The recipe requires onion in the form of shavings, so it is better to grate it or try using a blender.

2.Rinse the brisket several times, then cut it into medium pieces. Now you need to rub spices and salt into each piece separately. Next, place the meat in a separate bowl, preferably deep.

3.Now pour the onion shavings into this bowl and stir everything until smooth.

4. Gradually pour pomegranate juice over everything in several batches; there is no need to rush, otherwise the pork simply will not absorb the juice. Leave the drenched meat for an hour, covering it with a lid or film.

5. As time passes, move the marinade to the refrigerator and leave it there for 7-8 hours. It is most convenient to leave the meat to marinate overnight.

6.Prepare the grill and light the coals. While the fire is strong, place the meat on a skewer, then wait for the coals to smolder and place the skewers on the grill.

7.When frying, turn the meat over and spray it with water to keep it juicy. To check if the meat is done, pierce it occasionally. If you see clear liquid, then your kebab is ready.

Our dish is ready! Now it can be served on the table along with vegetables and herbs.

Recipe with mayonnaise

This marinade recipe is less popular among people. Many people think that kebab with mayonnaise will be too fatty, and mayonnaise contains a lot of cholesterol. But once you try this new dish, you'll immediately think differently about it. Seasonings will give it a special flavor, mayonnaise will add tenderness to the meat, and lemon juice will make it soft.


  • pork 2-2.5 kg.
  • mayonnaise 4-5 tbsp.
  • onions 3-5 pcs.
  • mustard 3 tbsp.
  • lemon 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf.
  • salt and spices to taste.


1.Rinse the meat and chop it into ready-to-serve pieces, place all the meat in a separate deep bowl, where it will marinate.

2.Add spices, mustard, then pour mayonnaise on top.

3. Distribute everything evenly over the surface of the pork. Cut the onion into rings and add a bay leaf. Finally, sprinkle with lemon juice.

4.Cover the marinade and let it sit at room temperature for about an hour.

5.Mix the meat with the spices and onions again, then put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning it will need to be additionally salted.

6.Put the pork on skewers, then you can start frying the meat. You can use coals or grill.

Recipe with mineral water

There are many different meat dishes. Each country is rich in its own meat recipes. You can list many, but kebab is considered one of the best.

Meat lovers always put this dish first, because it has a delicate aroma and a wonderful taste that everyone likes. Our recipe is based on mineral water, thanks to which the kebab will have a delicate taste. Among all the marinades, this one is the simplest.

To prepare you need:

  • pork 3 kg.
  • onions 1 kg.
  • mineral water with gas 1l.
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  • spices for barbecue.

First of all, you need to prepare the meat. The neck part will be the most suitable option. This part will be very soft because it contains more fat, which will retain all its juiciness during frying.

1.After purchasing pork, rinse it thoroughly several times and dry it with a paper towel.

2.Cut the meat into small pieces within 5 cm and place it in a separate container. Enameled dishes or glass are best suited for marinating.

3.Peel the onion and dry. Cut it into rings. If it will be used in other dishes, then it is worth crushing it even more.

4. Place the chopped onion over the meat, add spices and salt the marinade, rub the spices evenly over the meat with clean hands.

5. Our marinade is almost ready, all that remains is to fill it to the very top with mineral water and cover our container. Wait about 12 hours for the pork to marinate.

6.As soon as the specified time has passed, you need to take out the meat and drain the remaining mineral water from it.

7.Now you should add a couple of tablespoons of oil and mix the mass. After this, you can put the marinated pork on skewers, try to leave gaps between the pieces of about 0.5 cm. You can add onions between them, this way you will make the kebab very unusual.

8.After the skewers are ready, they can be placed on the grill tightly one to one. In order for the meat to be fried and at the same time not burnt, it is necessary to select the correct height between the coals and the meat. The optimal size would be approximately 15 cm or slightly less.

9.When a fire forms, you need to immediately sprinkle the meat and coals with water. Rotate the skewers evenly so that our dish does not burn.

10.If the meat has been marinated for as long as indicated in the recipe, then your kebab will definitely be ready in half an hour. To make sure it is done, pierce the meat. Transparent juice will notify you that the dish is completely ready. You can also cut off a small piece and taste it.

Now arrange the meat nicely on a tray; there is no need to remove it from the skewers, and then place it on the table.

Marinade with kiwi

If you put kiwi in the kebab, it will become very soft. The undoubted advantage of this method of marinating is its speed, because the whole process will take about two hours.

The fruit from the tropics has an unusual composition, rich in many enzymes. It can split tissue just like lemon. If you bought something tough enough, then kiwi will help you in this matter.


  • pork 2 kg.
  • medium sized onion 2-3 pcs.
  • kiwi 1-2 pcs.
  • spices.
  • salt to taste.

1.First, wash the pork, divide it into small pieces, and place it in a saucepan or deep bowl.

2.Cut the onion into rings and sprinkle on top of the meat.

3. Finely chop the greens and add them there.

4.Now you can sprinkle the marinade with salt and add the necessary spices.

5.The main highlight in this option will be the kiwi, which needs to be grated and added to the meat. Then you need to mix the whole mass with clean hands.

6.Wait a few hours for the meat to marinate, then start with the most important thing - cooking on the grill.

As you can see, this recipe is very simple. It is important that you do not keep the meat in the marinade for more than the specified time, otherwise its taste will disappear, and you will have to forget about the aromatic smell and delicate taste.

Kiwi should be added to the marinade last. Alternatively, this can be done while lighting the grill. This citrus fruit only takes 15 minutes to tenderize our pork.

Marinade with vinegar

This recipe is also very unusual, it combines sugar and vinegar.


  • pork – 1 kg.
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp.
  • sugar – 2 tsp.
  • pepper, spices.
  • salt to taste.

Marinade preparation process:

  1. Rinse the meat under running water.
  2. Divide the pork into portions using a knife.
  3. Place the meat in a deep bowl and sprinkle with spices.
  4. Peel and chop the onion into rings, then add it to the meat.
  5. Mix vinegar with 8 tbsp. spoons of water.
  6. Pour the mixture into the meat, add sugar and mix well.
  7. Let it sit in the room for a while, then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Bon appetit!!!

Pork shish kebab in the oven

The oven will be an excellent assistant in cooking barbecue at home. The cooking process is quite complicated. To make the dish soft and juicy, you must first make the right marinade.

Now let's take a closer look at our recipe in the oven. To prepare we will need:

Cooking process

On the table, pork kebab will go well with vegetables. By the way, this recipe is suitable not only for the oven, but also for the frying pan.

Pork shish kebab in a slow cooker

Most people love barbecue, but don't have time to cook it. It’s often not possible to go out into nature, and in rainy weather you don’t even think about it. It was precisely this situation that influenced the creation of an unusual recipe.

My company and I went out into nature, but suddenly it started to rain, which prevented us from doing so. Plans changed dramatically, and we had to come up with something with the meat. The slow cooker was the first solution.



  • Fruit trees are the most suitable firewood for cooking barbecue. They give a high temperature, smolder for a long time, and their aroma is very strong.
  • If it is difficult for you to determine the distance from the meat to the heat, then plain paper will help us with this. Choose a distance at which it will smolder rather than burn. This method is universal.
  • If you have several pieces of meat that are very small, then place them on the edges of the skewer, in this case they will not burn.
  • To prevent the coals from catching fire again, you can sprinkle them with salt.
  • For a beautiful presentation of kebab, you should use vegetables and herbs - they will complement your dish well.

With the arrival of spring, I want to breathe in the freshness and aroma of budding trees. It is at this time that people celebrate May Day and Victory Day, on which they go out into nature with their families.

What vacation could there be without delicious and aromatic pork kebab? Then a lot of questions arise. “How to choose the right meat?” “Which marinade is best to prepare?”

So, the choice of recipe occurs individually, depending on taste preference. We suggest considering the main options for preparing marinade for barbecue.

Marinade recipe for pork kebab to keep the meat soft (simple classic recipe with kiwi)

Kiwi contains natural acid. For pickling, it is best to use natural ingredients rather than artificially created ones in the form of vinegar essence. It is important to remember that when combining the filling with meat, it should not be left overnight, as the exotic fruit greatly softens the meat fibers. Therefore, this step-by-step recipe is considered the fastest, most delicious and aromatic.


  • pork (loin) – 1.6 kg;
  • kiwi – 120 g;
  • onion – 420 g;
  • spices, salt to taste.

1. Rinse the meat, cut into pieces of the same size, add a little salt and pepper. Stir with light and pressing movements.

2. Remove the peel from the onion. Using a blender, puree until smooth. Combine it with meat and mix.

3. Peel the kiwi. Turn into a paste and pour into the meat, stir and leave to marinate for 2 hours. After the time has passed, it is allowed to fry.

Next, I suggest you consider marinade options for pork shish kebab, which I once prepared myself and tried accordingly. As they say: “there are no comrades according to taste and color” - choose your kebab recipe and quickly go to nature!

Properly marinating meat is the most important stage in preparing a tender and flavorful dish. The chosen method determines the taste of the finished ingredient. Despite the fact that the pork pulp will be of the highest quality, it all depends on the marinade made.

These step-by-step recipes will help make the meat tasty, aromatic and soft. The main condition for cooking is to maintain the proportions of meat and the main product for the marinade.

The easiest way to pre-prepare meat pulp for frying is to marinate it in a large number of onion slices. Due to the significant release of onion juice, the meat softens, and when fried it turns out tender and soft.


  • pork fillet – 2 kg;
  • onions – 2 kg;
  • ground pepper – 25 g;
  • bay leaf – 5 sheets;
  • table salt – 10 g;
  • granulated sugar – 10 g;
  • lemon juice – 80 ml;
  • ground coriander – 5 g.

1. Peel the onion, wash and cut into medium-sized cubes. Crumble the bay leaf into a separate bowl with your hands.

2. Combine the prepared ingredients in a blender bowl and grind until pureed.

3. Rinse the meat, dry it and cut into equal pieces. Combine in a large container with prepared onion gruel, spices, sugar, salt and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly, cover and leave in a cool place for 6-10 hours.

Pork shish kebab – marinade with mayonnaise

A simple and common way to prepare marinade for pork meat. Experts recommend using full-fat mayonnaise sauce or store-bought “Provencal”, but without additives. For piquancy, “Shashlichny” ketchup is added, as it contains aromatic spices.


  • onion – 500 g;
  • meat without bones and skin – 1.5 kg;
  • grill seasoning – 30 g;
  • liquid smoke – 5 ml;
  • “Provencal” mayonnaise – 40 g;
  • ketchup – 45 g;
  • table mustard – 2 tsp;
  • garlic – 4 cloves.

1. First of all, you need to prepare the pork: rinse, dry and cut into equal pieces. Peel the onion from unusable parts and chop into strips.

2. Combine meat, onion and seasoning in a large container. Leave for 60 minutes, covering first. In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise with ketchup, mustard, chopped garlic and liquid smoke.

3. Grease the meat pieces with the prepared mixture, cover and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Shish kebab marinade with vinegar and onions for pork shish kebab

Making a marinade with wine vinegar and herbs is quite easy and simple. The difference from other cooking options is the absence of vinegar essence. The filling turns out to be aromatic and spicy, thereby imparting an unusual taste to the pork.


  • onion – 400 g;
  • meat pulp – 1.5 kg;
  • white wine vinegar – 50 ml;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • sesame oil – 55 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tsp;
  • chili – 15 g;
  • cloves - on the tip of a knife;
  • cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • thyme, thyme;
  • bay leaf – 2 leaves.

1. Pre-process the meat, cut into suitable pieces. Peel the garlic, rinse and pass through a press. Chop the clean and prepared onion into strips.

2. Peel the hot pepper and cut into 2 equal parts. Combine all liquid ingredients with bulk spices and mix thoroughly.

3. Pour into meat, add garlic and onion. Stir the contents well, cover and put in a cool place for 8 hours. If necessary and desired, you can sprinkle the pieces with finely chopped dill before frying.

Classic kebab according to a Caucasian recipe from the chef of a Caucasian restaurant

The secret to preparing the most delicious kebab, according to the chef himself, is the right meat and the right spices. So he fries meat only from the neck of pork and marinates it according to the classic recipe: thyme, two types of pepper (black and red), bay leaf, vinegar and vegetable oil, onion and salt.

Watch the video and everything will become clear to you:

Marinade for pork kebab with soy sauce and lemon

The composition of the marinade has an acidic base, since lemon fruit is used for preparation. In turn, soy sauce will give the finished dish some piquancy and a beautiful blush during frying.


  • pork pulp without skin, bones – 2 kg;
  • onion – 1.5 kg;
  • lemon – 1 fruit;
  • spices for pork to taste;
  • table salt – 30 g;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • soy sauce – 50 ml.

1. Rinse the meat pulp to remove any blood and dry it with disposable napkins. Chop into medium-sized cubes and place in a convenient bowl.

2. Peeled onion, chop into half rings. Mash a little with your hands and combine with meat pieces.

3. Squeeze freshly squeezed juice from the lemon fruit, add spices and a mixture of peppers, and pour in soy sauce. Mix thoroughly using light, pressing movements. Cover and leave in a cool place for 4 hours, stirring regularly. Half an hour before frying, add salt.

Pork shashlik – kefir marinade

The fermented milk drink contains acid, which makes the meat pulp softer. Kefir will come in handy for this dish. It is important to remember that you should not marinate the pieces for a long time in kefir. Otherwise, the result will be the same as in acetic acid. Time period from 3.5 to 4 hours. In Tatar cuisine, a special kefir drink – “Ayran” – is used in the classic recipe.


  • pork neck – 3 kg;
  • onion – 1.4 kg;
  • kefir – 1 l;
  • table salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • mixture of spices (coriander, paprika, nutmeg, cumin);
  • dry dill, basil;
  • ground red pepper.

1. Rinse the pork and dry it with clean, disposable napkins. Cut into cubes measuring 5 cm by 5 cm. It is better not to chop into small pieces, otherwise the meat will turn out a little dry. Large ones, on the contrary, may not be cooked through. Place in a plastic bowl suitable for mixing.

2. Peel the onion, rinse and chop into strips. In order for the vegetable to release its juice faster, you need to mash it a little. Place in a container with meat.

3. Mix everything thoroughly, making light and pressing movements. Add prepared spices, dry herbs, ground pepper and fermented milk drink. Mix everything well, cover and put in a cool place for marinating, but not in the refrigerator. Remembering to stir the contents of the container from time to time.

In terms of time, 40-60 minutes before the start of frying the kebab will be enough. It is recommended to salt the meat 10-15 minutes before cooking, since salt particles draw out all the juices from the pulp, therefore, the dish will not turn out soft.

Pork shashlik marinated in mineral water (mineral water)

For large quantities of meat, it is better to use mineral water for the base of the marinade. It quickly penetrates deep into the fibers, making them juicy and soft. And if you add aromatic dry herbs and spices, the composition for meat will be ideal.


  • pork flesh without bones, skin – 4 kg;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • paprika – 2 tbsp;
  • coriander (seeds) – 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper – 10 g;
  • salt.

1. Rinse the meat, dry it with dry cloths and cut into equal pieces. Remove skins and other unedible parts from onions. Chop it into half rings and combine it with meat pieces. Cover and leave for 60 minutes to absorb onion juice.

2. After the time has passed, add all the prepared spices and seasonings and mix thoroughly. Then pour in mineral water. Fill with liquid so that it completely covers the pieces.

3. Seal the container with meat in the marinade with cling film. Leave it like this for 8 hours, or better yet 10, in a cool place.

Salads for nature:

Marinade for pork shish kebab with tomato juice (paste, sauce)

Meat pre-marinated in tomato juice, sauce or paste is no less tasty. It is recommended to choose the base carefully, but it is better to opt for a home-made product or tomato adjika. With packaged juice, it is important to look at the composition, since the fewer preservatives, the better.


  • meat pulp without bones and skin - 3 kg;
  • tomato juice – 900 ml;
  • onion – 1.5 kg;
  • barbecue seasoning to taste;
  • salt, table salt to taste.

1. Rinse the pork and dry it with clean disposable napkins. Cut into pieces of the same size and place in a convenient container for marinating.

2. Peel the onion, remove unedible parts and rinse. Cut into several pieces and grind through a meat grinder.

3. Combine the finished mass with meat pieces, add seasonings and juice, mix thoroughly. Cover and leave to marinate for 4 hours. It is important to remember that salt is added half an hour before frying.

Instead of juice, you can use tomato paste. The meat is prepared in the same way, only 0.5 kg of concentrated puree is taken for 3 kg of meat.

It is also often served with barbecue.

Marinade with pomegranate juice

The beauty of this step-by-step recipe is that no matter what additional spices are added, the marinade will still taste like pomegranate. The meat is finger-licking, soft and savory in taste.


  • pork (loin) – 4 kg;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • caraway;
  • coriander;
  • oregano;
  • paprika;
  • laurel;
  • onion – 1.5 kg;
  • pomegranate juice – 1 l;
  • salt to taste.

1. Rinse the meat, dry it and cut it into cubes of the same size. Peel the onion from husks and other parts unsuitable for food. Chop into rings or half rings, as you prefer. Combine in a separate container, mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for 60 minutes.

2. After the time has passed, add the prepared spices, the main thing is not to overdo it. Leave again for 1 hour, and then pour in the required amount of pomegranate juice. Stir well, leave the container with the contents for 6-8 hours, stirring the contents regularly. Add salt half an hour before cooking meat on coals.

With beer

Beer lovers will love this recipe. By the way, gourmets and maybe even you will like it more than with vinegar or mayonnaise. Beer shish kebab exudes the aroma of malt, the aroma of live fermentation. I only advise you to buy beer that is really fresh and lively; other lower quality ones can ruin the taste of the kebab.


  • beer (dark or light) – a liter bottle or two half liters;
  • onions – 500 grams;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • ground coriander – 2 teaspoons;
  • paprika – 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Everything is the same as in the previous recipes. Prepare the meat, finely chop the onion, the garlic can be chopped or pressed in a crush.

Add spices, garlic and onions to the meat. Gently mix and pour in the main ingredient – ​​beer. Let it soak and saturate for 6-10 hours.

How to choose the right pork meat?

It is important not only to properly prepare the marinade for meat, but also to know the recommendations for choosing pork:

1. For a juicy kebab, the neck, shoulder, and loin are perfect.

2. The color of the meat should be pink. The lighter the color, the younger the age of the animal and the dish itself will be much tastier and softer.

3. There should be a natural shine; dullness indicates that the animal is not young. If you cook such a piece, the kebab will turn out tough and tasteless.

4. Fat layers should be white, not yellow.

5. The smell is natural.

6. When purchasing a piece of meat, you need to take it without bones, films or skin.

How to properly grill shish kebab?

Before you start frying the marinated meat, the pieces must be properly placed on skewers. Thread it evenly, so that the meat is evenly distributed throughout the entire skewer, and also so that nothing hangs down in the form of separate pieces. The onion must be completely removed from the meat, otherwise it will start to burn and the taste of the kebab will change.

Step-by-step technology for frying meat:

  1. Make your own coals or purchase ready-made ones. Don't forget to keep the coals smoldering. The heat is low - the meat is dry, and if flames burst out, then the pieces will burn. In order to maintain approximately the same temperature, it is recommended to keep a bottle of water next to the grill;
  2. Place skewers with skewered meat on the grill; if necessary, you can additionally coat each piece with vegetable oil. This way, the meat will bake faster and will not remain raw inside;
  3. Turn skewers regularly. This is required so that the pieces are evenly fried;
  4. Be sure to monitor the cooking process and not leave the grill;
  5. Check the meat for doneness, remove it from the skewers onto a clean plate.
  6. The finished dish can be served with fresh vegetables and boiled potatoes. As a sauce you can use garlic, soy, pomegranate, tomato.

Now you know how to cook the most delicious kebab so that the meat is soft and juicy. Use any marinade recipe and shock your loved ones and friends.

Bon appetit! And have a great weekend!

The May holidays are approaching, and you must already be anticipating the delicious aroma of charcoal-roasted meat. Shish kebab is no longer just a meat dish, it is a ritual, a common noun, a tradition that is strictly observed on any warm weekend of the summer season.

But in order for its taste to be just as incomparable, you should know how to choose and prepare it correctly. An important part of any kebab recipe is the marinade. The editors of FindoutVse.rf have collected the most popular recipes for barbecue marinade and some tips on choosing meat and spices.

Choosing the right meat

The generally accepted advice is the same everywhere - use fresh meat, preferably not frozen, and it is better to marinate it yourself rather than buy ready-made meat. Not all parts of the pork carcass are equally suitable for making barbecue - somewhere there is too much fat, somewhere on the contrary - not enough, one part is a little tough, and the other has only sinews. Below is a list, in descending order, of the parts of pork that are best suited for charcoal grilling.
  • Collar or, more simply put, neck. The meat there is tender, juicy, with thin layers of fat, ideal.

  • Carbonate is part of the carcass from the back. Also suitable for a successful weekend in nature.

  • Tenderloin - side of pork. Often there is little fat and the stringy film needs to be cut off.

  • The loin is a soft part, but a bit dry.

  • Ribs are more suitable for barbecue, but they are also used for barbecue. The meat between the bones is tender, but there can be a lot of fat there, so you need to look carefully when purchasing.

  • Shoulder – ok if there is no neck, tenderloin or carbonate. But the blade part is more rigid and must be filled with an acid-based marinade.

  • Ham - changing the appropriate part of the pork - it is tougher, more sinewy and there is always a risk that it will be impossible to chew it.

Invariable ingredients of any kebab

Almost all recipes always use three ingredients: onion, salt and ground black pepper. In addition to pepper, other spices are often used and chosen according to taste. Traditionally this is:
  • caraway;
  • nutmeg;
  • khmeli-suneli;
  • coriander;
  • oregano;
  • turmeric;
  • paprika and others.
You can buy a ready-made mixture, or you can experiment with flavors and look for the best seasoning option - hot or spicy.

Well, the barbecue is always served with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, radishes, various sauces, and herbs. Sweet and sour berries go well with fried meat - lingonberries, cloudberries, currants.

How to marinate pork kebab in kefir

When marinating pork in kefir, you will never overdo it with acid. Kefir contains the optimal amount for softening. Kefir will not add taste and aroma; other ingredients – onions and spices – will do that. Salt, as a rule, is not added to the kefir marinade in advance, but about half an hour before frying.

The less fat in the meat, the fattier the kefir should be, so for pork the ideal option would be kefir with 1% fat content.

Cut the meat into 4-5 cm pieces. Cut the onion (~700 g) into rings and mix with the meat. Then fill with kefir (1 liter of kefir is enough for about 2 kg of pork) and place in a cool place for 6-8 hours.

Kefir can be successfully replaced with natural yogurt, but you should remember that sweet fermented milk products are not suitable for pickling.

How to marinate pork kebab with lemon

Lemon pulp, i.e. acid will perform its direct function as a marinade - it will make the pork softer, but the zest will give the meat a piquant taste and aroma. Lemon goes well with soy sauce, wine or cognac.

The ideal ratio of ingredients: 2-3 lemons, a couple of cloves of garlic and 0.5 kg of onions for every 0.5 kg of meat.

Squeeze the juice from the lemons and chop the onion so that it also gives juice. Then you need to grind the garlic with spices in a mortar and mix with lemon and onion juice. Pour the resulting mixture over the meat cut into small (4-5 cm) pieces and leave for 6-8 hours.

You can also not squeeze the juice out of the lemons, but cut them into slices and mix with pieces of pork. When cooking, you can throw a couple of circles on the coals and fry the rest along with the meat. Eating lemon is not necessary.

How to marinate pork kebab with vinegar

Vinegar is perhaps the easiest and cheapest way to marinate pork. The main thing is that the marinade is not too acidic, so the vinegar must be properly diluted.

It is believed that for 150 ml of water you should take 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar or 1 teaspoon of 70% vinegar essence. In practice, you can use less so that the solution is weaker.

Before pouring the marinade over the meat, try it on your tongue - it should be sour, but not scalding. If you want to urgently rinse your mouth, it means that the solution is too saturated and the kebab will be spoiled.

Usually pork is marinated in vinegar for about 3-5 hours. Sometimes it is left overnight, but this is not necessary.

How to marinate pork kebab without vinegar

If you don't have vinegar on hand, you can make do with onion, salt and black pepper. For 2.5 kg of pork (it is better to take the neck or carb) you will need 1 kg of onion (you can use regular onion or red), about 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Place the onion in a thick layer on the bottom of the pan, add salt and pepper. Then add a layer of meat cut into pieces. Next is another layer of onion. Alternate layers until the pan is full. The meat is marinated using onion juice, so it is better to keep it longer - overnight or at least 5-6 hours.

How to marinate pork kebab with kiwi

Kiwi is a fruit that is sweet and sour and very juicy. It cannot be said that it will add any special aroma and taste to the meat, but the protein-breaking enzyme actinidin, found in kiwi, will make it soft and tender.

A quick recipe for kiwi marinade: for half a kilo of pork, take 1 kiwi and 1 medium onion. Peel the fruit and mash until pureed. We cut the onion into rings and, together with the kiwi, mix with the meat, add salt and pepper, then press down with a weight and leave for 40 minutes.

You can pour lemon juice over the pork and season the meat with zest, and add spices to the traditional salt and pepper: thyme, paprika or cilantro. You need to marinate pork with kiwi for no more than two hours, otherwise the structure of the meat will collapse.

Fresh kiwi can be served as an addition to ready-made kebab.

How to marinate pork kebab in Georgian style

Georgian shashlik always means an abundance of fresh herbs and vegetables, natural sauces like tkemali and incomparably fresh meat. And if earlier in Georgia they grilled beef or lamb on coals, now not a single family celebration can be held without pork kebab - there it is called mtsvadi.

It is believed that real Georgian kebab should be fried only on grapevine coals. You can marinate meat in vinegar, dry red wine or pomegranate juice. But what always remains the same is the spices. Black pepper, thyme, cumin, sometimes hot chili.

You can often come across the opinion that the classic Georgian shish kebab recipe comes from Kakheti, the eastern region of the country, where meat is not marinated in principle, but immediately fried over coals. And they even salt it only when the meat is already slightly fried. And the meat should be served under fresh pomegranate juice: take a pomegranate with the shell intact and crush it in your hands, trying to crush as many grains as possible, then carefully open the skin and squeeze the meat into the juice.

How to marinate pork kebab: video

For those who find it easier to perceive information by ear, YouTube has become a real salvation - on this video hosting you can find dozens of pork kebab recipes with videos. For example, here is the favorite recipe of the most popular Russian culinary video blogger Slavny Druzhe:

Pork shish kebab recipe from blogger Oblomoff

And here's how Armenian chef Sergey Martirosyan prepares shish kebab. He is not only an excellent cook, but also a good teacher: he explains everything in detail and is understandable even for “dummies” in cooking.

The secret of the perfect kebab

And here is a recipe for lovers of the classics, called by the author “Soviet-style shish kebab.” Especially for lovers of marinade with vinegar - the taste of childhood!

Pork shashlik “Soviet style”

How to marinate pork kebab quickly and tasty

Any acid-based marinade can be quick. If the pig died while still young, and its meat was not frozen, then an hour is enough for the future kebab to be saturated with juices and aromas and achieve the required softness.

To speed up the marinating process, you can press down the entire mixture with a small weight - the process will go faster under pressure, and then immediately thread it onto skewers and fry.

How to marinate pork kebab in mineral water with lemon

For the marinade, you can use ordinary mineral water, but it should be highly carbonated and cold. It is not advisable to use sodium or potassium water.

Water will not add any taste or aroma, but it is the gas that will penetrate the fibers of the meat and make the kebab not only natural, but also very soft and juicy.

Meat can be left in mineral water for 4-5 hours or more. All other ingredients for the marinade remain the same.

Lemon or lemon juice goes well with mineral water. To do this, simply cut it into slices or squeeze the juice of one fruit.

How to marinate pork kebab in 2 hours

The desire to eat meat in nature often comes suddenly. A disposable grill, grate and coals are sold in every supermarket during the season, but we recommend marinating the meat yourself. How to do it quickly - in 2 hours or less?

There are two options: vinegar or highly carbonated mineral water. Please note that mineral water does not have high acidity, so the meat should be cut into small pieces. Crushed garlic or onion will help speed up marinating.

There is no more suitable treat for a meal in the fresh air - meat fried over coals, saturated with the aroma of smoke, tender and juicy - what could be tastier. Choose the cooking method that suits you and enjoy the amazing taste of a traditional “picnic” dish. We have no doubt that you have your own secrets of delicious kebab - if this is not your grandmother’s secret recipe, share them in the comments. You can also read a selection of the most delicious chicken recipes on the site.
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Pork kebab is the most common type of spring, “May” kebab in our country. It is fried in all dachas, plantings and many courtyards on the First and Ninth of May.

Before cooking meat over an open fire, it is usually marinated to add additional interesting flavors. Let's look at the classic ways to marinate pork kebab. Below we will present a variety of basic marinade options for this type of meat.

Choosing meat for barbecue

So, you need to start, of course, with selecting a good piece of meat. To prepare a delicious pork kebab, any fresh meat with a minimum of bones and a small amount of fat is suitable.

Freshness can be easily determined by pressing on a piece of pork. Ideally, it should be elastic and quickly return to its original shape before pressure. If the dent cannot be restored, it is better to discard this piece.

Another useful guideline when choosing is the color of the meat. From it one can quite definitely judge the age of the animal. A darker color indicates that this is no longer a young pig, but a full-fledged adult pig. The best choice is pork that is pink when cut and evenly colored.

You also need to take a close look at the presence of mucus and blood on the piece - in our case this is a big minus.

As for the fat that is inevitably present in pork, in fresh meat it is by no means yellow, not sticky and transparent

The best parts for barbecue experiments are the neck, loin, loin and brisket. The ideal option for juicy and tasty kebab is the neck. It has a good balance of meat and fat.

Loin, brisket or tenderloin are initially leaner. To give these parts of the carcass the necessary juiciness, they need to be properly marinated. Shoulder, ribs and ham are not suitable for barbecue, although marinating them for a long time can achieve a passable result.

Frozen meat in the absence of fresh meat is not the best option. Although this is where the effect of culinary imagination can work when preparing raw materials and choosing an original marinating method. The main thing in this situation is the natural defrosting of pork on the refrigerator shelf, and not in the microwave. In this case, the nutritional and taste characteristics of the product will be preserved. Many pros in the kebab industry use the technique of salting frozen meat and then keeping it in the cold for two to three hours.

The worst option is repeatedly frozen meat. The kebab from it is guaranteed to turn out not juicy.

To summarize, we can conclude that choosing meat is the most important step in preparing kebabs. You should start culinary “witchcraft” with marinades only after purchasing a suitable piece of pork.

It is better to choose meat, of course, at the market. Only there will you be able to fully examine it, touch it, smell it and experience all the other delights of trade.

Cut it like “shish kebab”

So, the meat has been purchased. Before you marinate the pork kebab in an original way, you need to cut it correctly. This passing moment for many barbecue lovers should be taken more seriously.

To ensure that the kebab pieces do not end up raw or overcooked, they need to be cut according to a certain system

The cutting principles here are:

  • you need to use sharp knives for slicing, the cuts of the pieces should be smooth, otherwise the protruding edges will hang down during the frying process, burn and spoil both the taste of the dish and the mood of everyone around you;
  • cutting dimensions - 4*4 cm in thickness and length, another option - rectangular, elongated pieces for fixing on a skewer along their length;
  • before slicing, it is better to immediately remove excess fat, all kinds of films and veins, while a little fat will be useful for greater juiciness;
  • cut the pork across the grain - this is necessary in order to avoid “shrinking” of the pieces.

How to marinate correctly

Sooner or later, it will definitely come to the most creative part of cooking kebabs - marinating the meat. Here, of course, you also cannot do without knowledge of standard techniques, tricks and nuances that have been developed in barbecue practice for decades. The main thing is to understand why meat is marinated at all.

If the above rules for choosing meat for barbecue are followed, then marinating is carried out for a dual purpose. Firstly, the meat is thus given a wide variety of tastes and aromas, plus additional juiciness if necessary. Secondly, meat pre-treated with marinade cooks faster.

If the kebab is fried, contrary to all the rules, from the first piece of pork that catches your eye, then marinating will be needed for the third purpose. Using the right ingredients (acids, enzymes, dairy products) will help break down the structure of the meat, making it more tender, more digestible and easier to digest.

In order to properly and tasty marinate pork kebab, you need to adhere to the following simple rules.

Composition of marinades

Marinades need to be made from three main parts: active ingredients (enzymes, dairy products, acids), all kinds of seasonings to taste, vegetable oils. The active part of the marinade will properly influence the meat structure. Seasonings will make up the aromatic and flavorful “bouquet” of the kebab. Oils are needed to seal the surface of the pieces, which will avoid loss of juice during frying. In addition, vegetable oil is an ideal conductor and amplifier for spices and seasonings.

The most popular ingredients for kebab marinades:

  • onion;
  • salt;
  • ground black and red pepper;
  • dried sweet or;
  • dried basil, coriander, thyme;
  • chilli;
  • dry mixtures - turmeric, suneli hops, curry, garam masala;
  • adjika;
  • cumin;
  • Bay leaf;
  • lemon juice;
  • kefir;
  • mayonnaise;
  • table wine

Of course, the list of common ingredients for marinade is not limited to these products and spices. Every experienced “kebab cooker” has in his repertoire many original discoveries and interesting “tricks” that make this dish unique.

At the same time, you need to remember that the meat should be salted either before the immediate start of frying, or already in its finished form. The best salt is coarsely ground.

It is also advisable to forget forever about the existence of such a gastronomic misunderstanding as ordinary vinegar. As a last resort, you can use its wine variety.

Classic mustard is great for additional tenderization of frozen pork.
Beer and sparkling water have recently become very popular among barbecue makers. These drinks are used to soak meat. The presence of gas bubbles helps in the destruction of meat fibers and additional softening of the raw materials.

How long does it take to marinate pork kebab?

The meat should be marinated for at least 4–6 hours. Frozen raw materials – at least 12 hours. The most extreme minimum when using express marinades is 2 hours.

In what container should I marinate?

In order to marinate pork for barbecue, you should use only glass, ceramic or enamel dishes. Aluminum and plastic are strictly not recommended. When products come into contact with such surfaces, they may react and absorb anything harmful from the cookware.

It is better to cover the kebab soaked in marinade with a lid for better absorption of seasonings.

Standard and popular recipes

Let's get to the recipes. Let's start with the most obvious ones. Meat, onions and black pepper - what could be simpler?! This simple composition was the most popular in our country about 40 years ago during the Brezhnev stagnation, when food abundance not only did not exist, but was not even foreseen.

  • half a kilo of onions;
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • black peppercorns.

All that is required for this marinade is to chop the onions in any manner and then grind them in a blender bowl. The goal is onion pulp. At the same time, you need to heat a few black peppercorns in a dry frying pan, and then crush them with the flat side of a knife.

Sprinkle pre-prepared meat pieces with vegetable oil, salt and season with crushed black pepper. Next, spread the onion pulp onto the pieces of pork and thoroughly “massage” each piece.

Time to marinate meat in onion gruel - 2 hours

With lemon juice

The above recipe can be enhanced. Take the same ingredients in the same quantity. A nuance would be the use of lemon juice. To do this, take an additional two lemons per 2 kg of pork.

Lemons should be cut in half and squeeze their juice onto the pieces of pork prepared in advance, at the same time mixing well and “massaging” the meat. Then you need to repeat all the same operations. As a result, the marinated kebab will acquire a pleasant citrus taste.

With tomato juice

The third option is using onion pulp. Instead of lemons, you can take a couple of tomatoes. Grind them in a blender bowl along with two or three cloves of garlic and a small amount of parsley. Pour the tomato puree over the sliced ​​pork pieces, then massage them.


Fermented milk products, such as yogurt or kefir, act on meat much more slowly than aggressive acids. They do not harden the outer surface of the meat. The principle of operation here is different. Calcium found in dairy products triggers enzymes that break down protein. A kind of “aging” of the meat occurs.

You will need (for 2 kg of pork):

  • two glasses of full-fat kefir;
  • half a kilo of onions;
  • salt,
  • black peppercorns.

The cooking technique completely repeats the first recipe. Next, kefir is poured into the mixture of pieces of pork and onion gruel. Granulated sugar is added. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. Let it brew for an hour under normal conditions, then place the entire volume of marinated meat in the refrigerator. Kefir will begin to soak the future kebab for a long time and persistently.

It is advisable to keep the meat in the marinade for at least half a day, ideally a day

Kefir. Version 2.0

You can soak pork kebab in kefir with the addition of herbs, garlic and hot chili pepper. The result will be a very aromatic and spicy dish.

You will need (for 2 kg of pork neck):

  • two large onions;
  • two glasses of kefir;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs: dill, garlic arrows; green onions, basil;
  • one tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • hot chili pepper;

There will be no onion porridge in this recipe. The onions should be cut into large rings. Chop the greens as needed. Garlic arrows can be replaced with regular garlic. Cut the chili pepper in half, remove seeds and finely chop.

Place all ingredients in a saucepan with prepared pork and stir. Salt, sugar, season with ground black pepper. Then pour kefir over the future kebab. To cover with a lid. You can marinate in kefir from half a day to several days.

Based on mayonnaise

Another simplest way to marinate. Suitable in case of temporary time pressure.

You will need (for 1 kg of neck):

  • 250–300 g mayonnaise;
  • two or three large onions;
  • salt, any spices to taste.

Pour mayonnaise over pre-prepared pork. Chop the onions into half rings and add them along with your favorite spices to the bowl with the kebab. Mix thoroughly. Leave for an hour or two and send to the grill.

Quick marinade option - mayonnaise-based sauce

Based on mineral water

This method is also perfect for express pickling. Water rich in carbon dioxide further softens the meat in a short time.

You will need (for 2 kg of neck):

  • one liter of mineral water;
  • a pair of large onions;
  • two or three bay leaves;
  • one teaspoon of dried rosemary;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Add salt, ground black pepper, and dried rosemary to the pre-cut pork, as if for a shish kebab. Cut the onions into half rings, mash by hand, and add to the meat. Crumble the bay leaf with your hands and sprinkle it over the future kebab.

Fill the bowl with all the ingredients with mineral water. It is better to take highly carbonated types. Cover the container with a piece of cling film and marinate for an hour to four hours as needed.

This basic recipe can easily be enhanced with any suitable spices.

On table wine

An excellent option for a delicious barbecue marinade. Any dry red wine is suitable for it. White wine lovers can also not despair and use their favorite varieties.

You will need (for 1 kg of pork neck):

  • five to six small onions;
  • a glass of dry red wine;
  • a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary;
  • two bay leaves;
  • half a teaspoon of ground red pepper;
  • salt.

Season the pre-cut meat as required with spices. Chop the onions into rings and mash a little for better release of juice. Add to the bowl with the future shish kebab. Add a sprig of rosemary there.

After about twenty minutes, pour dry red wine over the pork, add bay leaves

Marinate at room temperature or refrigerate if the picnic is planned for the next day.

With pomegranate juice

Great marinade recipe. Pieces of pork, soaked in sour pomegranate juice, acquire a wonderful taste and aroma. In addition, the finished kebab will receive an appetizing, reddish color.

Pomegranate juice can be obtained by squeezing fresh fruit or purchased ready-made in the store.

You will need (for 2 kg of neck):

  • half a liter of pomegranate juice;
  • five to six small onions;
  • salt, ground black pepper, suneli hops, coriander to taste.

Divide the bulbs in half. Grate half of it or grind it using a blender. The other one is to cut into rings.

Place the meat prepared in the standard way into a suitable container. Add seasonings, salt. Pour pomegranate juice and carefully “massage” the pieces of pork.

Place both types of onions in the marinade. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover the container with a lid or cling film. Keep in the refrigerator. The ideal holding time is two days. During this time, the future kebab can be stirred several times for uniform marinating.

The recipes above provide a simple base. Based on them, you can create your own recipes by adding your favorite ingredients, spices and seasonings.