
Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Company news Transportation of cream confectionery products is carried out

Confectionery products have a limited shelf life and, like any food product, must be transported in compliance with strict requirements. Contrary to popular belief, this category of goods includes not only pastries and cakes, which require the most careful loading and transportation, but also cookies, candies, marshmallows and other similar products. Its shelf life, as well as the conditions of its transportation, depend on the characteristics of the product itself: composition, method of preparation, appearance, size.

Difficulty in delivery forces many companies to limit themselves to local manufacturers. Private confectionery shops and bakeries are also becoming more common. However, large manufacturers and the need for delivery over long distances still exist today.

What type of transport is used to transport confectionery products?

Transport used for delivery of confectionery products must ensure the following:

  • sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • manufacturer's requirements for storage conditions;

It will help protect confectionery products (both transport and product). It is also partly responsible for the preservation of the presentation: cookies and cakes must be transported in special boxes with a plastic coating, cakes - in individual packaging, sweets and chocolate - also in boxes.

The main requirement for transport is a clean body, the absence of other goods that can spoil food, and maintaining optimal temperature and humidity. The latter also depends on the region where delivery is carried out, the season and duration of transportation. Cakes, pastries, ice cream, special compartments on. The temperature can be either medium - from -2 to +18 for cakes, cookies, chocolate (depending on the type of product), or low - up to -20 (ice cream, some types of cakes that can be frozen).

And they don’t use it, since most confectionery products have a limited shelf life.

Loading and unloading as the most important stage of delivery

The value of a confectionery product depends not only on taste and degree of freshness, but also on appearance. If the product has lost its presentation (for example, it has become wrinkled or broken), it will not be purchased. Moreover, it is unlikely to be put on display. To prevent this, products are carefully packaged and secured in the van or cargo compartment.

Unfortunately, products may be damaged during loading and unloading. Most often, cookies, chocolate, waffles and other similar products are affected. They are very fragile and it only takes shaking the box vigorously to break them. Cakes and pastries can also get damaged quickly. It is enough to turn over or simply tilt the box strongly - and the cake will flatten and lose its presentation. Therefore, boxes must be marked, and loaders are warned that the cargo is very fragile and requires the utmost care.

Shelf life of confectionery products and its importance for transportation

Confectionery products are not among those products whose shelf life they strive to increase by all means. On the contrary, keeping a cake for too long can discourage buyers. Therefore, many goods simply cannot be transported over long distances: the degree of freshness matters to the buyer.

Before you start shipping or order a wholesale batch of products, you need to calculate how many days the transportation will take and how long the product can be sold. It is better to put cakes and pastries on the counter on the day of production (which means they should travel no more than 500-600 km, maximum 1000 km in an isothermal van). Their shelf life is limited to several days (from 48 hours). Candies, cookies, ice cream and other products can be stored longer, and they are sometimes transported not only from region to region, but also from other countries.

If we talk about a standard butter cake, its shelf life is 48-72 hours, from the moment of production to consumption. It is best if it is in the store on the day of manufacture.

Reception and delivery of goods

An important role is played by the moment of transfer of goods from the manufacturer to the carrier and from the final seller. In both cases, the receiving party must ensure that the cargo is in marketable condition and meets the declared qualities. All three parties sign documents confirming the excellent condition of the cargo. Only after this the cargo is transferred.

Caring for transport after completion of transportation

Ideally, transporting confectionery should not pollute the van or cargo area. However, sometimes this happens: goods fall out of damaged packages, crumbs fall out. All this must be removed immediately after the cargo is transferred to the recipient. The van is cleaned and washed using special products.

The preservation of the quality of goods during transportation is influenced by the following factors: selection of the appropriate type of transport, technical condition of the vehicle, method and conditions of loading and unloading operations, method of stowage in the vehicle, transportation conditions, duration of transportation. When choosing a transportation method, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the goods and their possible changes under various influences.

The main modes of transport used are air, sea, rail and road transport.

For transporting a certain type of food product (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products, etc.) specialized transport must be allocated with markings in accordance with the products being transported.

Cream confectionery products must be transported in refrigerated transport under conditions that prevent the temperature from rising above 6 degrees. C. Products must be packed in metal containers with lids, trays with lids, cakes must be supplied in standard cardboard boxes.

Depending on the conditions of transportation and storage, cargo is divided into ordinary and specific. Specific cargo requires special safety measures during transportation, loading and unloading and storage.

The specific properties of cargo are associated with their physical and chemical properties, volumetric and mass characteristics and biochemical processes occurring in organic products during transportation.

taken into account during transportation.

* Physico-chemical properties: flowability, hygroscopicity, caking, freezing, caking, viscosity, frost resistance, heat resistance, fire resistance, flammability, ability to self-heat and spontaneous combustion, explosion hazard, atomization, dust holding capacity, fragility, oxidizing properties, corrosion ability, harmfulness, toxicity , infectious hazard, radioactivity.

* Volume-mass characteristics: density, specific volume, specific loading volume.

* Possibility of biochemical processes: autolysis, respiration, ripening, germination, rotting, fermentation, molding.

As a result of transportation, the cargo must not change its chemical, physical or other properties that could lead to damage to the cargo itself, to damage to other transported cargo or to a violation of the general safety of transportation.

Only high-quality perishable goods are accepted for transportation. Cargoes are accepted for transportation upon presentation by the sender of quality certificates or certificates for each cargo shipment. These documents must indicate maximum transportation times and technical maintenance requirements.

In case of improper fulfillment of the obligation to ensure the safety of cargo accepted for transportation and before delivery to the consignee, the carrier is liable unless the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo occurred due to circumstances that the carrier could not prevent and the elimination of which did not depend on him.

Damage (spoilage) or shortage of cargo is certified by a commercial act, which is the basis for the carrier’s liability. The requirements for the content of a commercial act and the procedure for the relationship between the parties when drawing it up are established by transport legislation.

The main conditions, the observance of which ensures proper storage, are: a certain temperature and relative humidity; adequate lighting and ventilation; compliance with the commodity neighborhood; assigning permanent places to goods; ensuring financial liability; implementation of sanitary and hygienic measures to prevent loss and damage of goods.

Items must be protected from direct sunlight. During storage, especially long-term storage, goods are periodically inspected, rearranged, and, if necessary, cleaned of dust, mold, and rust.

During storage, goods are placed on shelves, pallets, racks, in cabinets, hung on hangers, and brackets. Storing goods on the floor is unacceptable. During storage, the product proximity must be strictly observed, excluding the transfer of odors, moisture, and dust from one product to another.


As a result of my research

Transportation of confectionery products has its own specifics and requires strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic requirements, storage rules and temperature conditions.

The most popular group of confectionery products is chocolate. Delivery and storage of chocolate products is a responsible process. It is known that chocolate is a capricious product. It has a narrow storage temperature range. Even with minor deviations from storage standards and requirements, chocolate may lose its shape, properties and taste.

Transportation and storage of chocolate

The quality of confectionery products, including chocolate, is maintained by the following factors: containers and packaging materials, conditions and terms of transportation, norms and terms of storage and sale.
Chocolate should be stored at a temperature no higher than +18° and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. To store this product, clean, well-ventilated warehouses without sudden temperature fluctuations are required. Chocolate should be protected from direct sunlight.
It is not allowed to store chocolate products together with products that have pungent specific odors, for example, herring, smoked products, etc.
When transporting chocolate, it is necessary to create conditions similar to standard storage. Otherwise, the carrier risks delivering a product unsuitable for sale. The optimal type of transport for transporting all food products is refrigerators.
When transporting chocolate and most confectionery products, it is extremely important to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and temperature conditions. These goods are classified as perishable, so transportation must be carried out in the shortest possible time.

The Transagency Group of Companies provides all the necessary transportation conditions and transports chocolate products, observing the requirements, rules and regulations for the transportation and storage of these products.

Features of transporting confectionery products

1. Transportation of confectionery products is carried out under strict control of temperature and humidity levels at any time of the year. Products such as cakes, rolls, and cream pies are delivered at temperatures from -2 to +20C. If necessary, quick freezing is used followed by transportation in refrigerators with a low temperature of -180C.
2. Cakes, pastries, cookies and other confectionery products are transported in refrigerated containers, which allow them to maintain the required temperature and maintain a given level of humidity for a long time. This is especially important in cases where confectionery products are transported over long distances.
3. Product packaging requires special attention. She is largely responsible for the preservation of the presentation. Cookies, waffles and other products that are fragile should be transported in corrugated boxes that protect the product from damage during loading, unloading and transportation. Cakes are packed in cardboard and plastic boxes.
4. Delivery times, that is, the time during which confectionery products are in transit, depend on the timing of product sales.

The Transagency Group of Companies transports confectionery products using a fleet of refrigerated containers, which regularly undergo technical inspection and timely necessary maintenance. All refrigerated containers are in good condition and undergo additional sanitary treatment for transportation of food products.

When transporting confectionery products, it is extremely important to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and temperature conditions. This group of goods is perishable, so transportation should take the shortest possible time.

1st Transport Company will provide all these conditions and deliver confectionery products in compliance with all rules and regulations for these products.

Features of transporting confectionery products

1. Transportation of confectionery products is carried out under strict control of temperature and humidity levels, regardless of the time of year. Cakes, rolls, pastries with cream are transported at temperatures from -2 to +2 0 C. If necessary, quick freezing is used, followed by transportation in refrigerators with a low temperature of -18 0 C.

2. Cakes, pastries, cookies and other confectionery products are transported in trucks with an isothermal body, refrigerators, specialized vans, which allow maintaining the required temperature and humidity for a long time, which is especially important when transporting over long distances. The use of these vehicles for the transport of other goods is strictly prohibited.

3. Special attention is paid to the packaging of products, which is responsible for preserving the presentation. Cookies, waffles and other fragile products are usually transported in corrugated boxes to prevent damage during transportation and handling. Cakes are packaged in cardboard and plastic boxes. Please note that cakes are not stacked on top of each other; special shelves must be provided for transportation in vans.

4. The permissible time for confectionery products to be in transit directly depends on the timing of product sales.

1st Transport Company will transport confectionery products in compliance with all conditions and sanitary standards. Our fleet of vehicles regularly undergoes technical inspection, all vehicles are in good condition, and for the transportation of food products they undergo additional processing. Our specialists will help you calculate the optimal route so that the cargo arrives on time and without delay.

No holiday is complete without everyone’s favorite treat – cake. Therefore, the delivery of cakes, pastries and other confectionery products must be carried out with extreme caution.

Confectionery products must be transported in a separate vehicle; other products, especially those with a strong odor, should not be in vehicles. The sender of cakes and other products must pack the cakes in separate boxes and bandage them. The boxes are marked with the date of manufacture and expiration date. The cakes are placed at a certain distance from each other. Small confectionery products such as eclairs, cakes, puff pastries and others are laid out on special trays in one layer and covered with lids.

During transportation of confectionery products, it is necessary to maintain the required temperature. When transporting flour-cream products from a bottom city to another, the carrier is provided with all the necessary accompanying documents, which indicate the exact date of manufacture and temperature conditions. The forwarder accompanying the cargo counts the goods upon receipt from the manufacturer and delivery to the customer. Loading and unloading of confectionery products should not be accompanied by sudden movements. After transporting the cakes, it is necessary to clean the cargo compartments of the body.

Requirements for vehicles for transporting cakes
Vehicles transporting cakes and other flour products must have a covered body to prevent dust and precipitation from falling on the products.

All containers and the vehicle itself must have permission from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities for the transportation of confectionery products. Such transport is usually used to transport only one type of product. And in accordance with the rules of the sanitary service, the body and racks must be sanitized every day, and disinfected once a month with products approved for use in the food industry. All persons involved in the production, loading and transportation of confectionery products must have a health certificate and undergo an annual medical examination.