
Soft drinks - recipes for soft drinks at home. Cold drinks at home Drink recipes homemade drinks lth

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To cram useful microelements into your body, you don’t have to choke on pills. You can put different ones in a blender delicious products and get a delicious and nutritious mixture.

website I found recipes for 30 interesting drinks in which vitamins just jump.

Spinach + banana + lemon

A small portion of spinach is enough to replenish daily requirement body in some vitamins and nutrients. Take 350ml water, add 3 bananas, a generous bunch of spinach leaves, juice of half a lemon or lime and mix well in a blender.

Blueberries + banana + lemon + celery

Blueberries are very tasty and healthy berry. It strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on human vision. Mix 2 bananas, 3 tablespoons blueberries, juice of 1/3 lemon, 2-3 stalks of celery, 1 glass of water in a blender.

Celery + spinach + lime + banana

Celery is a food that not only has the ability to burn extra calories, but is also rich in vitamins and nutrients. In a blender, blend 2 stalks of celery, 1 cup spinach leaves, 1 cup water, juice of half a lime, 1 banana. A multivitamin cocktail in your hands.

Spinach + banana + apple + lemon

A very interesting and healthy combination is banana and spinach. Bananas perfectly lift your spirits, relieve fatigue and energize you. Combine 1 cup fresh spinach leaves, 2 bananas, 1 apple, 1 cup water, juice of half a lemon and blend in a blender.

Cucumber + lettuce + lemon + honey

Such a simple drink can also please the taste buds. Cucumber has the ability to remove toxins from the body, and lettuce leaves are a rich source of vitamin E. The drink is prepared very simply and quickly: beat in a blender a bunch of lettuce leaves, 1 medium cucumber, previously peeled, juice of half a lemon, 1 glass of water, a spoonful of honey .

Carrots + beets + celery + cucumber + apple + parsley + ginger

We are preparing a thick drink that combines a powerful dose of vitamins and bright colors. In a blender you need to mix 1 carrot, 1 beet, 1 stalk of celery, 1 cucumber, 2 apples, a bunch of parsley and a small amount of ginger. Tasty and healthy.

Spinach + lettuce + celery + pear + banana + lemon

This drink will be a wonderful breakfast that will inspire you to new feats and lift your spirits. In addition, it will strengthen the immune system and the body's defenses. Take a handful of spinach leaves, 5 lettuce leaves, 3 celery stalks, 1 pear, 1 banana, lemon or lime juice, 1.5 cups of water. Wash, chop and place in a blender.

Carrot + apple + ginger + banana + orange + mint

Even just one look at this bright and juicy drink will lift your mood. Take 3 carrots, 2 green apples, a piece of ginger, 2 bananas, 1 orange, a handful of mint leaves. You need to make juice from carrots, apples and oranges and then mix them in a blender with other ingredients. Don't forget to treat a friend, because the recipe is for 2 servings.

Strawberry + lingonberry + banana + mint

Refreshing and juicy option The drink is berry with mint. Take 200 g frozen strawberries, 150 g frozen lingonberries, cranberries or cherries, 2 bananas, 1 glass of mint leaves, 1 glass of water. Mix all ingredients and place in a blender.

Banana + apple + bran + cilantro

A great start to the day can only be with a drink that contains a lot of healthy ingredients. Take half a banana, half a green apple, 1 tablespoon bran, a bunch of cilantro, basil, spinach or mint and blend well in a blender. It’s better to choose just one green so as not to mix the flavors.

Cucumber + spinach + pineapple + green tea + lemon + ginger

The drink can also be prepared using green tea. Then it will be rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth: 1 cucumber, 2 bunches of spinach, 2 cups of chopped pineapple, a cup of brewed green tea, juice of half a lemon, ginger root.

Grapefruit + flaxseeds + strawberries + grapes + avocado + banana + lemon

This drink contains a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and improves overall well-being. Grind a spoonful of flaxseeds in a blender. Then throw in all the other ingredients: half a grapefruit, 15 frozen strawberries, a handful of seedless grapes, half an avocado, 1 banana, the juice of half a lemon or lime. Mix well.

Apple + lemon + cucumber

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, and apple is rich in iron and pectin. Why not combine these ingredients in one drink? Mix 1 apple, juice of half a lemon in a blender and add 2 cucumbers.

Pineapple + kiwi + cucumber + lemon

Avocado + banana + orange + greens + lemon

Avocado is a very valuable and nutritious fruit that should definitely be included in your diet. You can add vitamins and make an avocado drink. Peel 1 banana and 1 orange and place in a blender along with the avocado pulp. Add herbs, a glass of water and the juice of half a lemon. Healthy cocktail ready!

Apple + celery + cucumber + beets + ginger

All the ingredients are very simple, and the effect is impressive. Take 3 green apples, 1 stalk of celery, 1 cucumber, 1 small beetroot and ginger root. Mix everything well in a blender.

Cucumber + parsley

Yes, yes, this drink only has two ingredients. But what kind! Cucumber is 99% water, and parsley is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. This amazing combination freshness and benefits will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ginger + spinach + apple + honey

This drink, due to its valuable composition, will give a head start to, perhaps, everyone. Ginger is a very effective anti-inflammatory agent that is also a valuable source of vitamins. Combine 2 large handfuls of spinach, 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger root, 2 apples, 2 teaspoons honey and water in a blender. Water can be added gradually until you reach the desired consistency.

Blueberry + pomegranate + apple + cucumber + spinach

Pomegranate is very useful for the cardiovascular system. And the sour blueberry helps strengthen the immune system and stay healthy. Combine them in a juicy smoothie. In a blender, blend 3/4 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup pomegranate juice, 1 peeled apple, 1 peeled cucumber and a small handful of spinach leaves.

Orange + grapefruit + lemon + green tea + banana + honey

Why not make a mix of the most beneficial detox foods? This is undoubtedly green tea and citrus fruits. In a blender, add 1 peeled orange, half a grapefruit, the juice of half a lemon, a glass of chilled green tea, 1 softened banana and a teaspoon of honey. Beat well.

Broccoli + cauliflower + grapefruit + flax seeds + almonds + dates

All cabbage, without exception, is a valuable source of B vitamins and improves the functioning of the digestive system. We prepare smoothies from several types at once. Take a few florets of broccoli, a few florets of cauliflower, half a grapefruit, 1 teaspoon of flax seeds, a small handful of almonds and 4 dates and blend well in a blender until smooth.

Banana + apple juice + carrots + lemon

Take 1 banana, 1 glass apple juice, 2 tablespoons carrots, sliced, and the juice of half a lemon. Beat all ingredients thoroughly in a blender until smooth and enjoy the juicy and refreshing taste of a healthy drink.

Carrots + tomatoes + celery + olive oil + salt + pepper

To prepare this nutritious drink you need to take 1 carrot, 2 tomatoes, 1 stalk of celery, 1 teaspoon olive oil, salt, pepper to taste. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. So the charge of vitamins and vigor is ready!

In the hot summer, it’s good to cook yourself some tasty and healthy drink, which quenches thirst. It could be lemonade, kvass, cocktail or just a mixture of juices.

And today I continue the tradition and offer recipes for four soft drinks at home.

The website contains recipes for such drinks.

Prepare yourself any.

Cool drink blueberry kvass

You will need:

  • Drinking water - two liters,
  • blueberries - 250 grams,
  • lemon - one,
  • granulated sugar- 150 grams,
  • raisins - six pieces,
  • dry yeast - half teaspoon,
  • currant leaves - four leaves.


Wash and peel the lemon. We will need pulp.

Put the water on the fire, throw in the lemon peel and washed currant leaves. Boil it.

Mash the blueberries. Strain the boiling broth through a strainer and pour it over the blueberries. Now cool everything down.

Add granulated sugar and yeast to the cooled blueberry broth. Mix everything and put it in a warm place for one day.

Squeeze lemon juice from pulp. Wash the raisins. Prepare the bottles.

Strain the infused drink. Add squeezed lemon juice, raisins and stir.

Now all that remains is to pour the almost finished kvass into bottles and put them in the refrigerator for a couple of days so that it can brew.

Cool drink at home cucumber cocktail

You will need:

  • Cucumbers - a couple of pieces,
  • fresh mint - 50 grams,
  • dill greens - 100 grams,
  • yogurt or kefir - half a liter,
  • water - one glass,
  • salt.


Wash the cucumbers, peel and grate into large meshes of a grater.

Wash mint and dill, dry and chop with a knife.

Mix drinking water with yogurt, add cucumbers, herbs, and salt. Mix everything well and cool.

The drink is ready. Can be served.

Cool vitamin drink

You will need:

  • Water - 1 liter,
  • pear - one,
  • orange - one,
  • granulated sugar - 100 grams.


Wash the pear and cut into slices. Peel the orange and disassemble or cut into slices.

Pour over prepared fruits cold water, pour granulated sugar and put on fire. Bring to a boil. After this, you can cook for about ten minutes.

Now remove the drink from the heat, cool and serve.

Cool drink at home - cherry kvass.

You will need:

  • Drinking water - three liters,
  • cherries - one and a half kilograms,
  • granulated sugar - 2/3 cup,
  • raisins - one tablespoon.


Wash the cherries and remove the pits. To boil water. Pour boiling water over pitted cherries, put on fire and cook until the cherries are softened and the water turns dark red.

Strain the cherry broth. Add granulated sugar, pre-washed raisins, cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for two or three days.

Prepare the bottles. When signs of fermentation appear, pour the cherry kvass into bottles. Add a few twists to each bottle, but don't overdo it.

Seal the bottles with corks and place them in a cool place for five or six days.

Serve cherry kvass with ice cubes.

Lemonade is a cold drink for a hot summer day that can be not only tasty, but also healthy.
Blueberry lemonade

Lemon 4-5 pieces
Water 2 glasses
Sugar 1 cup
Blueberries 0.5 cups
crushed ice
Remove the zest from four lemons (cut with a knife) and squeeze the juice from them into a separate bowl.
Pour water (2 cups) into a large jug or other container, add sugar, pour in lemon juice and add cut zest. Mix everything.
Grind the berries into a puree using a blender or spoon and add the mixture to the lemonade, then put the drink in the refrigerator. Let it brew for a while and cool, then pour into glasses and garnish with lemon slices and add ice. For convenience, you can strain the lemonade, but this is not at all necessary.
Green tea lemonade
Green tea 4 glasses
Lemon (juice) 3 pieces
Fresh mint (leaves) 0.5 cups
Water 2 glasses
Pour the tea into a jug or other container, add lemon juice (squeeze directly into the container, we won’t need the pulp and crusts), then add mint leaves and water. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator.
When the drink has cooled, pour it into glasses and garnish with mint leaves.
Cranberry lemonade

Cranberries - 3/4 cup.
Sugar - 1/2 cup.
Sparkling water or just water - 1l.
Zest of 1/2 lemon - to taste.
Crush the cranberries with a wooden spoon, strain the juice through cheesecloth or squeeze with a juicer, add sugar and sparkling water. You can add pieces of fresh lemon zest for flavor.
Refreshing drinks for you!

Non-alcoholic drinks can be refreshing in summer and warming in winter. They contain useful substances and, just as importantly, do not contain harmful additives, like “store-bought” juices. Children, and adults too, enjoy drinking fruit, berry-milk and milkshakes.

Today we will look at such non-alcoholic drinks, or rather recipes without alcoholic drinks home-cooked:

Strawberry milk drink

  • 2 tbsp. Grind strawberries with 100 g of honey in a blender.
  • 4 tbsp. Pour hot milk into the strawberry mixture and beat with a mixer.

Strawberry drink

  • 2 tbsp strawberries and 1/2 tbsp. beat sugar with a mixer.
  • Pour 3 tbsp into the resulting mixture. sparkling water, mix and pour into glasses.

Cocktail "Delight"

Makes 4 servings:

  • 240 g strawberries, 500 ml milk, 1 egg yolk and 60 g sugar - beat with a mixer until foamy.

Non-alcoholic drink: Refreshing Lassi cocktail

This cocktail is from Indian cuisine.

We need:

  • 200 g yogurt
  • 300 ml cold water
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon


  1. Beat yogurt, water, sugar, vanilla sugar in a blender until thick foam.
  2. To decorate a glass, you need to moisten the edges of the glass and dip it in sugar.

You can also dip in honey and then coconut.

3. Pour the cocktail into glasses and, if desired, sprinkle cinnamon on top.


We need:

  • 3 peaches
  • 1 banana
  • 100 g strawberries
  • 200 g ice cream “Plombir”
  • 200 ml baked milk
  • 200 ml cream, low-fat


  1. Peel the peaches, remove the pit and cut into pieces.
  2. We sort the strawberries and remove the stems.
  3. Peel the banana and cut it into slices.
  4. Blend all fruit and berry products in a blender until pureed.
  5. Add ice cream, baked milk and cream to the resulting puree, beat everything.
  6. The cocktail is poured into glasses and decorated to your liking.

A refreshing cocktail of apricot and lemon juice

We need:

  • 1 liter apricot juice
  • 1 liter of mineral water
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • several ice cubes from the juices of any berries


  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with apricot juice. If you want something sweet, add sugar and mix.
  2. Add to juices mineral water and add ice cubes, mix thoroughly.
  3. The refreshing cocktail is ready, pour into glasses.

In the summer you are always thirsty, and this is quite normal, because with sweat in the heat we lose up to a liter of liquid per hour! Many go the usual way and buy lemonades and other carbonated drinks, which - alas! - do not always bring the desired relief. And we go to the store again for another bottle of carbonated joy...

In order to break this vicious circle, wise housewives prepare refreshing drinks that bring real, not imaginary, relief. Along with ancient, time-tested recipes, they come up with new recipes for refreshing drinks, some of which the Culinary Eden website brings to your attention. For preparing refreshing drinks, it is better to use regular sugar, and fructose - the benefits will be incomparably greater. To further cool your drink, prepare unusual fruit ice: freeze fruit juice in ice trays and add it to glasses with drinks. This will add extra flavor to your summer cocktails. If your family loves dried fruit compotes, do not cook them as usual, but pour boiling water over them and leave in a thermos. Prepare fruit drinks more often - thanks to natural juices, all vitamins are retained in them. And if the heat has driven you to the store and you want to freshen up immediately, buy a bottle of tonic - it is believed that it is the bitter taste that cools best (and not sour, as many people think).

Let's try to prepare such a tasty and refreshing drink, such as kvass. Thanks to yeast, kvass contains many B vitamins.


½ loaf of black bread,
25-30 g dry yeast,
½ cup Sahara,

Cut the bread into small slices and place to dry in a low-heat oven. Place the finished crackers in a 3-liter jar and fill with hot water up to the shoulders. Add 3 tbsp. sugar and cool to 35-38°C. Dissolve the yeast in a glass of water and add it to a jar of cooled water. Stir, cover and place in a warm place for 2 days. Then strain and add the remaining sugar and raisins, seal and refrigerate for a day. Kvass is ready! Do not throw away the grounds, use it as a starter for the next batch of kvass or homemade bread.

Berry kvass

800 g berries,
250 g sugar,
4 liters of water,
25 g yeast,
1 tsp citric acid.

Mash the berries lightly, add hot water and bring to a boil. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. Strain, add yeast, sugar, citric acid and leave to ferment for 6-10 hours. Strain and cool before using.
Caraway kvass. Pour boiling water over the cumin seeds, boil and cool to body temperature. Strain, add yeast and sugar and leave to ferment for 6 hours. Then skim off the foam, add citric acid and cool.

Drink "Tsarsky"

1 water,
1 lemon,
½ cup Sahara,
2 tbsp. honey,
1-2 tbsp. raisins,
5 g yeast.


Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Cut the lemon peels and add water. Place on fire and boil for 2 minutes, cool, strain and add raisins, honey, juice and yeast. Place in a warm place to ferment for a day or two. After fermentation, skim off the foam, pour into a container with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate for three days. Serve with a wedge of lemon.
Kvass can be prepared not only with pressed yeast, but also with sourdough bread(if you like to bake homebaked bread). Don't want to bother with the starter and want a refreshing drink right away? Make lemonade!

Fruttini. Dilute fresh berry or fruit juice with cold water and add sugar and lemon juice to taste. Serve with ice or frozen fruit juice.

Kiwi lemonade

6 pcs. kiwi,
1 stack Sahara,
¾ stack. freshly squeezed lemon juice,
1 liter of sparkling water.

Prepare kiwi puree. Combine lemon juice with sugar, add kiwi, stir and dilute with sparkling water.

Mojito (non-alcoholic)

½ lime
3 tsp Sahara,
200 ml sparkling water,
a few sprigs of mint, ice.

Remove the zest from the lime. Cut the lime into 4 parts and squeeze into a glass. Add sugar and zest, crushed mint leaves and ice. Fill with sparkling water or Sprite.

Currant julep

100 ml fresh currant juice,
80 ml raspberry juice,
20 ml mint syrup,
strawberries, ice.

Combine all liquid ingredients and add ice. Garnish with strawberries. Such drinks can be prepared from any juice, the main thing is that they are fresh and not from boxes.

Honey "Limede"

1 stack fresh lime juice,
5 stacks water,
2/3 stack. Sahara,
2 tbsp. honey.

Stir sugar in water until it is completely dissolved. In a jug, combine sweet water, lime juice and honey. Cool in the refrigerator.

Cocktail “Lemon”

1 liter of mineral water,
2 lemons
1-2 tsp. aloe juice (or pharmaceutical aloe essence) for each glass.
Pour mineral water (preferably non-carbonated) into glasses, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and aloe juice.

Cocktail “Northern”
1 kg carrots,
500 g cranberries,
500 ml water,

Prepare juice from carrots and cranberries, mix, add water and add sugar to taste, if necessary. Add ice.

Iced tea is a foreign invention. But it caught on with us only in the form of an advertised drink in bottles. Try making iced tea yourself, it’s much healthier.

Iced green tea


2 tsp green tea,
4 tbsp. liquid honey,
4 grapefruits,
mint, ice.

Brew the tea, wait until it cools slightly, stir the honey and pour into glasses. Place them in the refrigerator. Squeeze the juice from the grapefruits and also cool in the refrigerator. Before serving, pour grapefruit juice into the tea, add ice and mint leaves. Instead of grapefruit juice, you can add any citrus juice to iced tea. Don't want extra acid? Try adding berry or fruit juice, feel free to experiment with flavors!

Iced flavored tea

4 tea bags,
4 stacks water,
½ lemon
peppermint oil,
sugar, ice.

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and cut the rind into small cubes. Brew tea bags in boiling water, add lemon peels. Then remove the tea bags and place the bowl of tea in ice water to cool quickly. Cool the tea in the refrigerator. Before serving, pour lemon juice into the tea and add a drop of mint oil. Add sugar to taste.
Iced coffee also works well in hot weather. And besides, it invigorates!

Cappuccino "Cooler"

1 ½ cups cold natural coffee,
1 ½ cups chocolate ice cream,
¼ cup chocolate syrup
1 cup whipped cream.

Blend all ingredients except whipped cream in a blender until homogeneous mass. Pour into glasses and garnish with whipped cream.

Iced coffee (quick method)

2 tsp instant coffee,
1 tsp Sahara,
3 tbsp. warm water,
150-200 ml of cold milk.

Pour warm water into a jar with a tight-fitting lid and place instant coffee and sugar. Close the lid and shake the jar until the coffee foams. Pour into a glass with ice and add milk. Add sugar to taste.

Iced Mocha

1 ½ cups natural iced coffee,
2 stacks milk,
¼ cup chocolate syrup,
¼ cup sugar.

Cool freshly brewed coffee, pour into ice trays and place in the freezer overnight. Place frozen coffee, cold milk, syrup and sugar in a blender jar. Beat until smooth.

Vietnamese iced coffee

4 stacks water,
2-4 tbsp. natural ground dark roast coffee,
½ cup condensed milk,
16 ice cubes.

Make some coffee. Add condensed milk and stir. Place 4 ice cubes in each of 4 glasses and pour in coffee. Using a long-handled spoon, stir the coffee into the ice until it cools.

Smoothie from fresh berries and fruits perfectly refreshes and nourishes with vitamins. “Culinary Eden” offers only a small fraction of smoothie recipes, since there are a great many options for preparing this drink.

"Cold watermelon"

2 stacks chopped watermelon pulp without seeds,
5-6 ice cubes,
1 tsp honey.

Grind the ice in a blender, add watermelon and blend for 1 minute. Then add honey and beat for 10 seconds. Instead of watermelon, you can use overripe melon in this cocktail, and replace honey with lemon juice.

Citrus Banana Smoothie

4 oranges,
3 bananas,
1 grapefruit,

Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits and pour into a blender. Add banana slices and ice and blend until smooth.

Lemon-strawberry smoothie

⅓ stack. lemon juice,
1 stack water,
1 stack strawberries,
¼ cup Sahara,
a handful of ice cubes.


Combine all ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth.

Pineapple-orange smoothie

1 stack orange juice,
½ cup pineapple juice,
2 tbsp. lemon juice,
2 stacks crushed ice.

Beat all ingredients in a blender until fluffy and homogeneous. Serve immediately.

Milkshakes are not only refreshing, but can also replace an afternoon snack. Just don't get carried away with ice cream shakes, if you're watching your figure, they're quite high in calories.

Pina Colada smoothie

2 stacks chopped pineapple,
1 ½ cups pineapple juice,
¼ cup coconut milk,
1 stack ice,
1 stack low-fat natural yogurt.

Freeze pineapple cubes and yogurt. Let it thaw slightly, place all ingredients in a blender and blend.

Orange sorbet

200 ml orange juice,
½ cup milk,
½ cup water,
½ cup Sahara,
½ tsp vanilla extract,
a handful of ice.

Beat all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into chilled glasses and serve.

Fruity Amy

1 stack strawberries,
1/3 cup frozen blueberries
2 bananas
½ cup orange juice,
1 ½ cups natural yogurt.

Beat all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Strawberry mousse

500 g strawberries,
2-3 tbsp. Sahara,
milk - optional (if you want a thinner drink, add more milk),
whipped cream for decoration.

Cool the strawberries in the freezer. Beat in a blender with milk and sugar, pour into glasses and garnish with whipped cream.


½ cup cold milk,
¼ cup sparkling water,
3 tbsp. powdered milk,
½ tsp vanilla extract,
2 scoops of vanilla ice cream.

Mix the milk in a blender bowl, powdered milk, sparkling water and vanilla extract. Whisk. Add ice cream and churn again.

When talking about refreshing drinks, we cannot ignore low-alcohol cocktails. A summer evening in a pleasant company with a glass of cruchon is simply pleasure... The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol, otherwise pleasure will turn into suffering. And, of course, such drinks should absolutely not be given to children.


500 g apples,
200 g cranberries,
100 g sugar,
200 ml water,
1 stack dry white wine,
vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Squeeze the juice from apples and cranberries. Prepare syrup from sugar and water and cool. Combine both types of juice, syrup, vanillin and wine. Pour into a jug and place in the refrigerator to cool. Serve over ice.

"Russian Forest"

1 kg cranberries,
1 liter of water,
100 g sugar,
5 g cinnamon,
100 ml cherry liqueur.

Mash the cranberries with a wooden spoon and squeeze out the juice. Pour water over the pulp and boil for 5 minutes along with sugar and cinnamon. Let cool, strain, combine with juice and cherry liqueur.

Cherry cup

1 bottle of white wine,
120 ml rum or cognac,
500 g cherries,
sugar, ice.

Remove the pits from the cherries and place them in a glass jar. Add sugar and place in the refrigerator to release the syrup. Try not to crush the berries! When all the sugar has dissolved in the berry juice, pour chilled wine and cognac into the glass jar. Serve in a glass maker with a container of ice next to it.

"Cherry physical"

½ cup cherry juice,
½ cup ginger ale,

Slowly pour ginger ale into a glass of cherry juice. Serve over ice.

Cocktail with ginger beer and ice cream

250 g vanilla ice cream,
1 bottle of ginger beer,
½ cup whipped cream
4 cherries for decoration.

Place 1 scoop of ice cream into tall glasses. Carefully pour the beer down the side of the glass. When the ice cream is hidden under the beer, put the ball back in and fill it with beer. Garnish with whipped cream and cherries.

And may the summer be hot, and may refreshing drinks lift your spirits!

Larisa Shuftaykina

First of all, there are two groups: non-alcoholic drinks and alcoholic drinks. Both of them can be successfully prepared at home. In the summer heat, recipes for summer drinks become especially relevant. At this time, doctors and nutritionists in unison recommend preparing and drinking cold drinks, the recipes of which will help you survive the hot season with benefit for the body. You can choose the recipe for a refreshing drink to suit your taste. This is a drink made from oranges, a mojito soft drink recipe. lemon drink, cold cranberry drink recipe, rosehip drink recipe, basil drink recipe, cherry drink recipe, sea buckthorn recipes and many others. You can even make a tarragon drink at home, the recipe for which is quite simple, the only thing you need to do is buy fresh tarragon. So choose and prepare soft drinks; the recipes are usually quite simple. But for a holiday or feast, you can also prepare something unusual and interesting. For example, the drink sherbet, the recipe for which was invented in the East many centuries ago. Lemonade is perhaps the most popular cold drink. The lemon drink recipe is one of the most popular. Mint is usually added to lemonade. Drink Recipes made from mint and lemon are often recommended for children. Please also note that the recipes for drinks for children will help you prepare savory and fruity drinks without pasteurization or preservatives.

Now let's move on to the topic of alcoholic homemade drinks. Recipes for alcoholic drinks are not created in order to quickly prepare alcohol and feel alcoholic intoxication, the main thing here is taste. Interestingly, for some men, making drinks even becomes a hobby. Recipes for alcoholic drinks are often of interest to men. Such drink recipes at home they allow you to prepare them to the highest standards, from the most natural ingredients, so to speak, hand-made. Recipes for alcoholic drinks can also be very simple (pour in alcohol, wait, and drink), or more complex, where the fermentation process is involved. Homemade alcoholic drinks - recipes for tinctures, moonshine, wine, liqueurs and many others. They are drunk on their own or used in cocktails. And the recipes coffee drinks They will tell you how to prepare drinks that are incomparable in taste and aroma from coffee, milk, cream, spices, and alcoholic beverages.

One of the most popular drinks among women today is ginger drink. The recipe for a ginger drink may differ slightly, but the basic idea is simple: grate ginger, pour boiling water over it or boil it a little, and drink to your health. Why is ginger drink so popular? - you ask. And all because ginger is used for weight loss. Drink Recipes ginger can contain honey, lemon, sugar, but in this way they become more caloric. Keep this in mind when you prepare a ginger drink for weight loss. The ginger drink recipe will also help you prepare an excellent cold remedy. Therefore, in winter it is very useful to drink drinks made from ginger; recipes for such drinks will help improve your health and combat flu and colds. During the cold season, it is worth remembering about a drink such as honey. The drink, the recipe for which our ancestors knew, also has healing powers. But there is also kvass, sbiten and other homemade delicious drinks. Recipes with photos will show you how to cook them.