
Khachapuri is the perfect recipe. Cooking khachapuri at home with cheese

Khachapuriis a national Georgian dish, which is a pie or flatbread made of dough with cheese filling inside.

The name "Khachapuri" comes from two words: "Khacho"- cottage cheese And "Puri"- bread(dough).

The product itself also consists of these parts: dough and cheese filling.

Khachapuri comes in several types:

1. Imereti– flatbread with cheese inside;

2. Mengrelian– cheese is not only inside, it’s also sprinkled on top;

3. Adjarian– open boat-shaped khachapuri + egg;

4. Achma or Sagan-Makarina– several layers of slightly boiled unleavened dough sprinkle with cheese, pour over melted butter.

The name khachapuri is taken from the area. Imereti, Adjara, Mengrelia are regions of Georgia. These are, for example, Ural, Siberian dumplings, etc.

DOUGHfor khachapuri, according to the classics of the genre, it can be yeast or yeast-free, but definitely NOT rich; no need to get carried away with the rich component of the dough ( butter, sour cream, sugar, etc.).

  • Yeast dough is kneaded using any fermented milk product: matsoni, yogurt, kefir, whey, etc. Or milk and even Borjomi
  • Without yeast dough knead using the same products (except milk), only the yeast is replaced with soda and baking powder.
  • The dough should be soft to the touch, like your earlobe and not stick to your hands.
  • The dough can also be puff pastry, and it is very tasty, although not a classic!
  • If you bake khachapuri in the oven, then yeast dough is a must.
  • If the oven is upstairs, in a frying pan, and there is no time to wait for the yeast to “work,” then knead the yeast-free
  • dough with soda (baking powder), let it rest for 20-25 minutes, and only after that bake.
  • Khachapuri (like people) can be fluffy and thinner. It's a matter of taste)))
  • Khachapuri can be baked in the oven, over coals using a KETSI clay frying pan, or on the stove in a thick-walled cast iron frying pan.
  • As fillingsmost often used for khachapuriImeretian cheese (chkinti-kweli).

Imereti cheese - is considered the ideal cheese for khachapuri; it is most often used to prepare Georgian pie. It is prepared from fresh, unboiled milk, so all the aromas, vitamins and minerals remain intact. It has a slightly sour taste and a dense elastic consistency. This cheese is something between rennet barrel cheese and mozzarella. Imereti cheese for khachapuri filling should be crumbled by hand without using a grater.

Suluguni – pickle Georgian cheese with sour milk, slightly salty taste and smell. It has a dense, layered and elastic consistency. It is made from pasteurized cow, buffalo, sheep and goat milk or mixtures thereof. The milk is first heated and then lactic acid bacteria are added to ferment it (sometimes with the addition of rennet).

When an elastic curd of cheese is formed, it is crushed into pieces, two-thirds of the whey is removed, lightly pressed, being careful not to remove all the whey, and left for 5 hours, turning the cheese periodically.

When the future suluguni matures to the required condition, eyes form on its surface. The ripened cheese is chopped, poured with milk, whey or water and cooked over low heat, stirring with a special wooden stirrer. After all, the viscous layered mass is laid out on the table, a piece is cut to fit the shape, the outer edges are folded inward by hand, rounding the surface. The formed head of cheese is dipped in cold water to cool and harden, and placed in a mold sprinkled with salt. Ready suluguni is sent to cold brine.

Often in khachapuri recipes you can find cheeses such asvats or feta cheese.

It’s difficult to buy high-quality Imeretian cheese in Russia, so we fantasize, experiment, and combine different cheeses.

For example:

  1. Adyghe + feta cheese or Chanakh cheese 3/1. You can add small pieces of butter.
  2. Barrel cheese (chanakh) + suluguni 4/1;
  3. Mozzarella + feta cheese 1/1;
  4. Mozzarella + suluguni 4/1;

If the original cheeses are unleavened ( Adyghe cheese, mozzarella), be sure to add salt.If, on the contrary, the cheese is very salty, you need to wash it, cut it into medium pieces and soak for ~ 50-60 minutes. V cold water so that the excess salt goes away.

Do not use hard cheeses such as Dutch or feta for khachapuri!

(names are clickable)

Imeretian khachapuri baked in the form of a round closed cake made from yeast or yeast-free dough with Imeretian cheese inside. For the filling you can use any combination of cheeses suggested above. The cheese in the product should be evenly distributed.

Mingrelian khachapuri - also have a round shape, but cheese is not only added inside the flatbread, it is sprinkled on the top of the product, after having previously greased it with egg. The dough is yeast.

Adjarian – khachapuri in the shape of a boat, cheese filling which are poured with egg at the end of cooking. Adding milk and eggs to the dough is wrong. The dough for Adjarian khachapuri should be simple, “bread”: water, flour, yeast.

It is also incorrect to lubricate the product before and after baking with egg, butter, or milk.

The beauty, even the chic, of Adjarian khachapuri lies in the combination of FRESH dough and a very CREAMY CHEESE filling: it is in this wonderful contrast.

And, of course, traditional: DO NOT add suluguni cheese to the filling for Adjarian khachapuri! Unfortunately, this is a very common mistake. The fact is that suluguni, like any custard cheese, hardens quickly, and the filling in Adjarian khachapuri should be liquid, even after cooling. A broken piece of pie is dipped into liquid yolk and eaten. Combinations of cheeses No. 1 and 3 are suitable for filling khachapuri.

Achma or sagan macarina("sagan" - a high baking tray for such khachapuri, "macarina" - dough products) - This is a special type of khachapuri, consisting of layers of dough, sprinkled with cheese and sealed in the form of a large pie. The simplest dough is suitable, like for dumplings or dumplings.

Khachapuri "Penovani" It got its name from the type of dough, that is, “foaming” (from Georgian - puff pastry).

In addition to cheese, khachapuri is prepared with meat, and then it will be kubdari. And if you use beans as a filling, you get lobiani.

Although, calling these pies the word “Khachapuri” is not entirely correct: we already know WHAT the first part of this word “khacho” - “cottage cheese” means))) But since these pies are similar in shape, dough composition, and cooking technology to “ main character" of the article, you can briefly talk about them:

Please note that since 2010, khachapuri has been a patented official trade name.

Some tips for preparing khachapuri:

1. The dough should be soft. It is advisable to roll it out with your hands and not with a rolling pin.

A simple recipe for khachapuri with cheese - the most popular Georgian pastry. The word “khachapuri” itself comes from “khacho” - cottage cheese and “puri” - bread (remember, there are such Indian flatbreads -?). If you haven’t tried these delicious ones inside yet, I recommend you do!


Traditionally, young Imeretian (“imeruli”) cheese is used in the khachapuri filling, apart from which nothing else can be added. But if you do not live in Georgia, then finding it will be problematic. Therefore, I offer several options for replacing it.

Cheese filling options: It’s best to take equal amounts of Adyghe cheese (brynza, good homemade cottage cheese) and suluguni (mozzarella), if there is no suluguni or mozzarella, then you can have Adyghe cheese + feta cheese or only Adyghe cheese. And also add a little butter, sour cream and, if necessary, salt.

Usually yeast-free dough for khachapuri it is mixed with matsoni (there is such a fermented milk product), instead in this recipe I will take equal parts kefir and sour cream.

Khachapuri with cheese

Composition (on):

Khachapuri dough:

  • 250 ml matsoni (or 125 ml kefir + 125 ml sour cream)
  • 300 g flour (or as needed)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon soda
  • 100 g butter (less possible)

Cheese filling:

  • 350 g of Imeretian cheese or half Adyghe cheese (brynza, cottage cheese) and suluguni (mozzarella)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • salt (if needed)
  • 25 g (1-2 tbsp) butter

And also butter for greasing khachapuri

Khachapuri – video recipe:

Khachapuri with cheese - recipe:

  1. Prepare your food. Leave the butter for the filling in a warm place until it softens. If the cheese is too salty, soak it in water for several hours.

    Products for khachapuri

  2. Melt the butter for the dough. Mix kefir with sour cream (or take matsoni) and add salt, sugar and soda. Stir and pour in the melted butter. Stir until smooth, the mixture will foam a little.

    Preparing the dough

  3. Now gradually add flour while kneading the dough. It should turn out soft and fluffy. Due to the oil, it will hardly stick to your hands.

    Khachapuri dough

  4. Grate the cheese or chop it in another way. Add softened butter, sour cream and salt (if the cheese is not salty enough). Mix well, mashing with a fork. The filling for khachapuri is ready!

    Adviсe: You can take more cheese than indicated in the recipe (the more, the tastier the khachapuri will be), but less is not worth it. If you use fatty cheese, you don't need to add butter. The amount of sour cream can also be adjusted - the filling should not be too dry or wet.

    Cheese filling for khachapuri

  5. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Take one piece and form into a flat cake on a floured board. Since the dough is soft, this can be easily done by hand.
  6. Place 1/4 of the filling in the center of the cake.

    Roll out and add cheese

  7. Now gather the edges at the top to make a pouch, pinch and tear off the excess dough.

    Collecting the dough in a bag

  8. Using your hands or using a rolling pin, make a cake 1-1.5 cm thick (you shouldn’t make it thicker, but you don’t need to make it as thin as na), sprinkling it with flour.

    Cooking khachapuri with cheese

  9. Place the khachapuri in a preheated dry frying pan (like these flatbreads, they are also mostly baked without oil). Cover with a lid and bake for a few minutes over medium heat.

    Put it in a frying pan

  10. Turn it over to the other side and hold it a little longer, but without the lid. Ready khachapuri should be covered with light brown spots on both sides.

    Bake on both sides

  11. Remove the khachapuri from the pan and immediately brush with butter. Prepare the rest of the tortillas in the same way. (Cover them to keep them warm.)

Delicious khachapuri is ready

If you are not afraid to experiment, then you can also add herbs to the filling (usually they are not added to khachapuri) and spices. It will also turn out very tasty, although it won’t be quite khachapuri :)!

Recipe for khachapuri with cheese and herbs:


Khachapuri with cheese and herbs

Khachapuri with cheese is delicious served while it is hot or warm!

P.S. If you liked the khachapuri recipe,

Dinner table Georgian house It’s unthinkable without cheese flatbreads – khachapuri. An analogue of bread is served with main courses, and also as an independent dish. A simple recipe for making Caucasian pies is based on ancient culinary traditions of cooking from everyday household products: flour and milk. Still classic dough on khachapuri mixed with matsoni drink is considered the most correct and delicious.

Interesting Facts. Presumably cheese scones originally from the northwestern part of Georgia. They served as complete food for shepherds who herded sheep in the mountains for weeks. Their provisions consisted of a flour mixture and cheese, which was baked on hot stones. The food did not spoil under the scorching sun and was very filling.

The culinary symbol of the Caucasus comes from two components: “khacho” - cottage cheese and “puri” - bread. It is made in the oven or fried in a frying pan, depending on what kind of dough is used.

Ingredients for the flatbread

The composition of the base of the pies depends on the selected of three types of raw materials - yeast-free, yeast, puff pastry. All of them go equally well with the stuffed mass, but each individually has its own traditionally refined taste.

Yeast-free dough for khachapuri

Baking products:

  • Caucasian kefir – 0.5 l;
  • flour mixture – 700-800 g;
  • vegetable oil– 0.5 cups;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoon.

The correct flatbread should be made from unleavened dough mixed with the national healing drink. The Caucasian fermented milk product replaces the action of yeast, making its contribution to the fermentation process of the mixture.

Fermented milk element

Today, the ingredients for yeast-free khachapuri are produced on an industrial scale. You can not only buy, but also easily make matsoni at home.

Interesting Facts. Matsoni is considered to be one of the reasons for Caucasian longevity. The healing drink has long been consumed by highlanders, who kept the recipe secret. The passionate love of a Georgian for a Slavic woman helped to find out the secret. To gain her favor, the horseman in love told the scientist Mechnikov about the composition of the drink. He also told how to prepare dough for khachapuri using it. The scientist's reward was help in marrying a beauty.

Ready-made starter can be purchased in the store, or you can also make it yourself by kneading 150 grams of sour cream and 1 liter of milk, cooled to 50°C. Add sour cream, stir, cover with a blanket. After 5 hours of simmering in a warm place, put it in the refrigerator.


Top grade wheat flour not required to use. It is much better to cook from first grade flour. Rye, oatmeal, and even buckwheat flour mixtures are suitable for baking. Prepared wheat is sifted to make it fluffy, but there is no need to sow durum flour.


This component plays many roles in the flatbread action:

  • connects components;
  • prevents the dough from sticking to your hands and the table;
  • improves taste qualities.

Some housewives use cow's butter or margarine instead of vegetable oil to obtain a complete baked product. And they’re doing the right thing, because you shouldn’t skimp on this component.

Advice. It is better to use butter in any baking. Of all the fats in margarine, 50% are trans fats, which increase cholesterol and provoke cardiovascular diseases.


It is recommended to take two eggs if they are large. Small testicles should be increased to three. With this element, the khachapuri dough turns out tender and crumbly. Taste and nutritional value increase. The egg structure binds all the components in the mixture.


If necessary, deviate from the recipe and increase or decrease the amount of salt depending on your culinary preferences and health. In any case, a pinch of salt will not harm your health, and the dough with it will retain its shape. And it will become stronger.

Interesting Facts. Many people refuse salt, considering it harmful to the body. This misconception has been refuted by scientists, because a complete refusal of salt will harm your general condition. You need to maintain balance and observe moderation.

Kefir dough

Some people buy real Caucasian sourdough in the store, while others make it at home. Khachapuri dough is easy to make using kefir or yogurt. Instead of national drink mix the composition using ersatz:

  • 1 glass – kefir drink;
  • 1 glass - sour cream.

Oil, eggs, salt are thoroughly mixed into the liquid ingredients. Pour the flour gradually, in small parts, to achieve the desired consistency.

Consistency of the base for khachapuri

The dough, prepared at home using yeast or another method, should be elastic, but not hard and slightly stick to your hands. The degree of readiness of the yeast-free version is determined by the absence of lumps and uniformity of texture. Other actions are suggested with yeast dough for khachapuri.

Yeast dough

To prepare khachapuri using the yeast method, you need to take the following products:

  • flour mixture – 500 g;
  • instant yeast - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil – 50 g;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt and sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • water – 1 glass.

Dissolve sugar in warm water. Add dry yeast without stirring. Leave for 16 minutes until a foamy head forms. Pour in slightly warmed two types of oils and salt. We begin to pour flour into the mixture in portions, kneading with a spoon and then with our hands.

Advice. It is convenient to knead tender yeast dough for khachapuri in a dough mixer or bread maker. The readiness process is determined by the ball that forms inside the device.

Place the finished base in a warm place, covering the surface to prevent it from drying out.

As the composition matures, it is kneaded a couple of times and then placed on the table to form khachapuri.

Secrets of flatbreads

Roll the ball into a roll and divide it into several pieces. In the old days, the volume of flatbreads was measured by the circumference of the frying pan in which khachapuri was fried. Modern housewives cook yeast baked goods using wind equipment. Based on preferences, roll out the shape and fill it with filling. The flatbread is pinched on all sides, placed seam down and rolled out, then placed in a hot cabinet.

Advice. The cake must be rolled out until translucent. The thinner it is, the tastier the finished khachapuri.

The outer side is greased with a mixture of sour cream and egg and baked for 20 minutes at 200°. Ready product Remove from the oven and once again grease with butter while hot. Some videos suggest pouring oil through a hole made inside the khachapuri.

Boiled dough

One of the varieties of khachapuri - achma - is baked from boiled dough. The preparation method is similar to the classic dumpling composition: flour mixture, water, salt. The finished semi-finished product is divided into several parts, rolling each one in a circle. Then they are immersed in boiling water one by one for 10 seconds. After the hot procedure, the cake is placed in cold water.

Khachapuri is assembled from several layers of grated cheese and boiled flatbread, greased with butter. The puff pastry is placed in the oven for one hour and served, generously poured with butter. Nourishing and tasty.

Adjara became famous not only for boiled dough, but also for Adjarian-style khachapuri. They are formed in the shape of a boat, in the middle of which there is a fried egg and oil filling.

Puff pastries

It’s difficult to achieve multi-layering at home, so it’s easier to buy puff pastry for khachapuri. Another national version cheese bread - envelope-shaped foam, baked in the oven from puff pastry.

Purchased layers flour product leave to defrost at room temperature. Then use a rolling pin to form thin squares. Fold the layers in half again and roll out thinly. The procedure is repeated three times. Leave the dough to rest. At this time, prepare the filling.

Filling for khachapuri

Each region has its own way of preparing the filling. Rachinsky lobiani are filled with a bean-bacon mixture. Svaneti is famous for meat khachapuri called kubdari.

The national flavor of the dish is given by Caucasian herbs, which are mixed with cheese.


Main ingredient Georgian delicacy– cheese filling – chkinti-kveli, or Imeretian cheese. It is obtained from cow's milk by adding a special starter. The cottage cheese sours in brine for 2-3 days, acquiring a salty taste. The young cheese is then used to produce suluguni.

Interesting Facts. IN classic version They turn exclusively to Imeretian cheese. Suluguni is not used in khachapuri.

Whatever filling is added to the flatbread, the basis of the dish is khachapuri dough according to the Georgian recipe.

The classic Georgian khachapuri pie is made from the following ingredients:

  • suluguni cheese – 350 g;
  • Adyghe cheese – 650 g.
  • 2 pcs. - eggs;
  • 80 g – butter.

The whites are whipped with a pinch of salt, and the butter is melted. At this time, quickly rub on coarse grater cheeses and fill with egg mixture. Mix carefully.

Heat a dry frying pan and place the rolled out layer puff pastry. After browning the bottom layer, turn it over, brush with the remaining yolks and cover with a lid.

Advice. Soak cheese that is too salty for the filling in cold water for 2 hours.

Classic Georgian khachapuri

There is nothing easier for a Georgian housewife than baking quick yeast-free khachapuri. Baking replaces bread and also complements main dishes. Many Russian housewives love Caucasian cuisine and prepare khachapuri.

Of course, you are unlikely to get mountain sourdough here, but kefir is available in every grocery store.

Frying pan recipe

Traditional Russian porridges can easily be replaced with hearty flatbreads Georgian cuisine, having a set of products available:

  • kefir – 450 ml;
  • flour mixture – 700 g;
  • soda, sugar and salt - 1 teaspoon each;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cheese – 500 g;
  • cow butter – 250 g.

The whole mixture is mixed with kefir with the addition of eggs and butter. Consistency quick test for khachapuri it should be moderately elastic and not stick to your hands. The flatbreads are filled with filling and fried on hot frying pan without oil, until golden brown on both sides.

Hello, my dear food lovers! Today we will touch a little on Georgian cuisine, namely, we will find out what it is real recipe khachapuri with cheese.

Let's find out the special subtleties of cooking khachapuri among different nationalities. This is unusual and aromatic dish can be prepared from different types dough and according to different recipes.
Let's find out how to prepare such a dish at home, and consider some recipes step by step.

First, let's figure out what the dough for creating khachapuri is. The dish can be prepared from puff pastry, unleavened dough or yeast dough.
It is believed that real dough is made on matsoni. You can make this fermented milk product yourself.

To do this, you need to heat three liters of milk, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream to it, and then close the container with a lid and wrap it in a towel. The product should sit for 2 hours, and then it should be placed in the refrigerator.

You need to wait until the mass thickens. If you don’t have matsoni, you can make it with kefir.
The shape of khachapuri can also be different. They are made closed or open, as well as oval, triangular, and also shaped like an envelope.

It is especially important that the layer of dough is thin, the thinner the better.

You can make flatbreads in a frying pan or in the oven. The resulting dish is greased with melted butter.

Which cheese to choose for khachapuri?

Traditionally, Imeretian cheese is used to prepare khachapuri, but pickled or soft cheeses, for example feta cheese or suluguni.

Khachapuri with cheese and cottage cheese is also popular.
Chopped herbs are often added to the filling: dill, cilantro and parsley. The following products can also be added to the filling: mushrooms, potatoes, ham and minced meat.

Some interesting information about khachapuri

Everyone considers Khachapuri Georgian, but to be precise, it is Caucasian, because each region can offer its own recipe for the dish.

The word khachapuri is translated as bread and cheese. Khacho is bread, and puri is cheese.

The dish has been around for a very long time.
Depending on the region, this dish may have different appearance and taste. Adjarian flatbreads look like boats.

And the product in marl has a round shape. It is stuffed with Imeretian cheese.

Cooking secrets

There are a large number on the Internet interesting recipes with photo. But there are certain rules that apply to any recipe.
The amount of flour is indicated, but in different recipes You may need more or less of this product.

The texture of the dough should be soft, no need to use a lot of flour. It should sit for some time.

If the cheese is over-salted, then it needs to be soaked for several hours.

The most delicious recipes

So, let's look at the most interesting recipes.

Adjarian khachapuri recipe

The dough for such flatbreads is made using yeast and dough. Khachapuri look like boats with an egg baked inside.
To prepare a dish with filling and egg you will need the following ingredients:

  • warm water and milk 1 glass;
  • a packet of yeast;
  • 3 tablespoons of oil;
  • eggs;
  • spoon of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 kg flour.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Make a dough and use it to knead the dough.
  2. While it is rising, make the filling.
  3. Grate 0.5 kg of cheese and add two eggs.
  4. Salt the filling, add herbs and spices.
  5. Divide into 6 parts and roll out flat cakes.
  6. Place the filling in the middle and spread it out.
  7. Fashion a boat.
  8. Place the khachapuri on parchment and bake in the oven until half cooked.
  9. Before the dough is fried, break into the middle of the boats a raw egg and add greens.

Khachapuri in Georgian

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g flour;
  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 kg of fermented milk cheese;
  • 200 g butter;
  • salt.

This is a simple recipe, because there is nothing superfluous in it.

  1. To prepare, sift the flour into a bowl, and then make a hole in the flour into which you pour the milk. Then beat in 2 eggs.
  2. Knead the dough first with a spatula and then with your hands.
  3. To make the filling, you need to mash the fermented milk cheese and add salt.
  4. Divide the dough into 5-6 parts and roll them out to a thin flat cake.
  5. Then place each tortilla in boiling water for 10 seconds and then rinse with cold water. This needs to be done quickly.
  6. Then place the tortillas on a baking sheet and top them with pieces of butter and filling. Place the second tortilla on top, and then more filling.
  7. The top cake should be greased only with butter. Brush the top of the product with egg.
  8. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

Khachapuri in Abkhazian

Try making khachapuri in Abkhazian style. Interestingly, in Abkhazia such flatbreads are called khachapur or Abkhazian achash.
Here's what you'll need to prepare the dish:

  • 130 g butter;
  • 1 kg of Adyghe cheese;
  • 1 kg flour;
  • 500 ml high-fat kefir;
  • egg;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • half a teaspoon of sugar and salt.

Main stages of preparation:

  1. First make a yeast starter. To do this, pour warm water into a glass, add yeast, a tablespoon of flour and sugar. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes.
  2. Then sift the flour into a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Pour the starter and egg into it.
  3. Knead the dough, periodically adding kefir and butter.
  4. The dough should be kneaded until it becomes elastic.
  5. Place it in a suitable cup and leave it in a warm place for an hour.
  6. Then prepare the filling. Grate the cheese and chop it.
  7. Divide the dough and cheese. Each khachapur should require 200 grams of cheese filling and dough.
  8. Roll out each piece of dough into a 3 cm thick cake.
  9. Form a ball out of the cheese and place it in the middle of the flatbread.
  10. After this, wrap the ball with dough and roll it out into a flat cake 1 cm thick.

Place the rolled out cake on a baking sheet and make a hole in the middle to allow steam to escape. Then bake the dish in the oven for 15 minutes.

Details of the preparation can be seen in the video.

Khachapuri in Imeretian style

To make such flatbreads, prepare the following set of products:

  • 400 grams of cheese;
  • egg;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • egg for dough;
  • sugar and salt;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 50 grams of oil for lubrication.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Stir soda into kefir, add vegetable oil, sugar, salt and egg.
  2. Add flour to the mixture and knead the dough. There should not be too much flour to make the dough softer. Leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Grate the cheese coarsely, add the egg and herbs.
  4. Divide the dough into pieces and roll out the flatbreads and add the filling. Gather the edges at the top and pinch in the center.
  5. Press down the bag and roll it out with a rolling pin. Then turn it over and roll it out again.
  6. Place the finished cakes in a dry frying pan and bake.
  7. When one side is browned, turn it over. You can cover with a lid so that the cakes are well baked.

Place the finished khachapuri on a plate and brush with oil.

Delicious lavash cakes

Quick khachapuri can be made from lavash.

To do this, you will need thin ready-made pita bread in the amount of 1-2 pieces, as well as the following products:

  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • suluguni or Adyghe cheese 300 gr;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt, spices;
  • 100 grams of butter.

Here are the main preparation steps:

  1. Cut the pita bread to the width of the baking sheet.
  2. For the filling, mix cottage cheese, cheese and spices. And then put in the butter.
  3. Place the filling in a thin layer on the pita bread.
  4. Then roll the pita bread into a roll.
  5. Brush the surface with whipped yolk and place in the oven.

You can make closed envelopes or a closed pie from pita bread.

Lazy dish

Prepare lazy khachapuri.

For it, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of hard cheese;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 grams of greens;
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter and flour.

You need to prepare the dish like this:

  1. Mix all ingredients into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Pour oil into the frying pan.
  3. Pour the dough with a spoon. You need to fry on both sides, like...

Khachapuri with cottage cheese

To make this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 liters of kefir;
  • 4 cups flour;
  • egg;
  • 2 tbsp each butter and cottage cheese;
  • salt and half a teaspoon.


  1. Knead the dough using these ingredients.
  2. Then prepare the filling. To do this, take 500 grams of cottage cheese, an egg, herbs and a little cheese.
  3. Add a little oil to the mixture.
  4. Roll out the flatbreads in a thin layer, and then place the filling in the middle.
  5. Carefully roll out the finished flatbread and place the filling in the middle. Pinch the edges.
  6. Fry the flatbread in a non-stick pan.

For children, you can make flatbreads from the cheese mixture with the addition of candied fruits, raisins and dried fruits.

I hope that your khachapuri will be a success. If you have your own, share it in the comments.

Bon appetit and see you again!

Khachapuri - National dish Georgians, which has earned popularity both in the Caucasus and far beyond its borders. There are many variations of the cooking recipe; almost every Caucasian family uses its own, suitable for the taste preferences of the household. Both puff pastry and yeast or lean dough can be used. Cheese, meat or even fish are suitable for filling. However, Georgians themselves prefer the traditional recipe, which any housewife can reproduce in her own kitchen. To properly prepare khachapuri with cheese at home, it is better to follow the classic recipe step by step, supported by photos or videos to avoid mistakes.

Khachapuri traditional

Despite the variety of cooking options, true connoisseurs of Georgian cuisine will easily determine the discrepancy with the classic recipe, because it uses dough and filling prepared in a certain way.

In Georgia and Armenia, the dough is made on the basis of this fermented milk product like matsoni. It is quite difficult to purchase it in a store; it can only be seen in large supermarkets in the metropolis, and not always. It is much easier to do it yourself using the following recommendations:
  • Boil 0.5 liters of cow's milk and cool;
  • 1 tbsp. mix sour cream with a bacterial starter or a drug to normalize intestinal function, Hilak Forte (5 drops) will do;
  • Combine the mixture with milk that has cooled to room temperature, wrap tightly in a towel and let stand for about 4-6 hours.

It is proposed to use the resulting product for the test at the rate of 2 tsp per 1 liter of milk. Then the dough will turn out to meet the standards of the classic Caucasian recipe khachapuri with cheese. If you can’t use Georgian matsoni as a basis, you can replace it with kefir, which will make the process of preparing an already quick dish easier.

For the filling, Georgians choose Imeretian cheese, but it is very difficult to get it outside of Georgia, so variations were selected for combining cheeses of other varieties, the taste of which would be similar to “Imeruli”.

  • Adyghe cheese and suluguni;
  • Adyghe and mozzarella;
  • Adyghe and feta cheese.

If the second component is not at hand, you can only take Adyghe cheese or high-quality homemade cottage cheese.

Before starting cooking, you need to check the availability of all ingredients and follow the step-by-step recipe.

  • 250ml matsoni;
  • 300g wheat flour;
  • 0.5 tsp each of soda and salt;
  • 1 tbsp sugar;
  • 100g butter.
  • 350g Imeretian cheese (or equivalent);
  • 2 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1-2 tbsp butter;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

In order for the finished khachapuri to turn out ruddy and have an attractive glossy shine, you need to take some more butter, melt it and lubricate the resulting product.

A homemade khachapuri recipe can be quickly and easily reproduced in your kitchen, especially if you have a photo or video as a visual example.

  • For the dough, mix matsoni, salt, sugar and soda in a container. Add melted butter to the resulting mush. Mix thoroughly, the mixture should foam a little.

Before actual cooking, it is better to keep all the ingredients on the table so that they are at the same temperature. This will help avoid the formation of lumps, and the dough will come out homogeneous and ready for further use.

  • Pour flour into the container, you can gradually knead the dough with your hands. It is better to add flour through a fine sieve, which will prevent the formation of lumps. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you can grease them sunflower oil or sprinkle with flour.

  • Grate the cheese or finely chop it with a knife, add soft butter and sour cream.

If the cheese is very salty, you need to soak it in water for 3-4 hours. If there is not enough salt, add it based on your taste.

The amount of butter and sour cream can be changed depending on the desired filling. It should not turn out dry or watery.

  • We divide the resulting amount of dough into 4 equal parts, this is exactly how much khachapuri we will ultimately get. To prevent it from sticking to the table or other work surface, sprinkle it with flour. We take one part of it and roll it out, forming a flat cake. You can do this with your hands, as the dough will be very pliable and soft.
  • We also divide the filling into 4 equal parts and place one of them in the center of the resulting dough piece.

  • We gather the edges in the center of the cake, fasten them together and tear off the excess. You should get a neat bag, which must be rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. Sprinkle a little flour on top.

  • We heat the frying pan and place our flatbread there to bake. Oil is not usually used for cooking, so the pan must be dry. Cover with a lid and fry over medium heat for several minutes. After turning the cake over, you no longer need to cover it with a lid. Brown spots should form on the product, then it can be considered ready.
  • When the dish is removed from the heat, immediately brush it with melted butter. This will give it a golden hue and a glossy shine. Prepare the remaining 3 khachapuri in the same way.

You can add fresh cilantro, so beloved by Georgians, to the filling. The dish will acquire new taste qualities, but will no longer be considered traditional.

Khachapuri in Adjara

A favorite variation of preparing khachapuri is Adjarian style. Yeast dough is used here, and the ingredients will differ significantly from traditional recipe. However, despite its originality, this dish has earned love even among the Georgians themselves.

Homemade khachapuri with Adjarian cheese can be prepared correctly yourself, following step by step instructions. But first, let’s check whether we have prepared all the components:
  • 125 ml milk;
  • 125ml water;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • 400g flour;
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet (7g);
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 2 tsp sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt.

All ingredients must be at the same temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to take them out of the refrigerator in advance and put them on the table.

  • Adyghe cheese - 250g;
  • mozzarella cheese - 200g;
  • raw egg - 4-5 pcs;
  • 100g butter.

It is better to make khachapuri dough in a large container, since it will rise and increase in size due to the activation of yeast. If the bowl is too small, the product will quickly “run away”. To bake delicious khachapuri at home, follow the guide step by step:

  • In a deep bowl, mix warm water and milk. Add yeast, sugar and a little flour. Place the container in a warm place for 10 minutes to allow the yeast to become active.

  • When the dough is ready, break an egg into it, add salt and pour in sunflower oil. Mix thoroughly.
  • When the mixture has become homogeneous, we begin to gradually introduce the flour sifted through a sieve and actively knead the dough. It should be smooth and slightly sticky. We form a ball out of it, cover the bowl with a lid or cling film and leave for about an hour so that it increases in size and “reaches”.

  • After an hour, take out the dough and knead it thoroughly, returning it to its original dense shape. Then we leave it alone again.
  • While the dough is rising, you can make the filling. Hard cheese Grind it on a grater, or you can mash the mozzarella with a fork. Combine the cheeses together and add butter. Mix the components thoroughly.

  • If desired, you can add herbs or your favorite herbs and spices to the filling. This will only have a positive effect on the taste of khachapuri, because they will contain already favorite notes.
  • After an hour, we take our dough out of the container and divide it into 5 equal parts. We roll out one of them on a table sprinkled with flour, the thickness is about 3-4mm. This will be our preparation for future “boats”.
  • Spread the filling onto the edges of the workpiece, leaving a small clean area between the opposite sides. After this, we roll up the edges into a tube, as if rolling cheese into them. We fasten the clean sections of the cake together, you should get a boat. We place the cheese filling in the center, having previously greased the workpiece with egg yolk.

  • The egg yolk must be separated from the white. You can add garlic or dried herbs. It is necessary to grease the boat so that the baked goods turn out golden brown. It is more convenient to use a silicone brush, in this case there will be no pale spots left.
  • Place a baking sheet with our boats in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake until the crust is slightly golden. You can check the readiness with a toothpick by piercing the dough with it. If it remains clean, Adjarian-style khachapuri with cheese is about to be ready.
  • A few minutes before it’s ready, take the khachapuri out of the oven, crush the filling a little and pour in the raw egg. Return the pan and wait for the whites to turn white. When baking is finished, you can remove the finished boats from the oven and serve.

To decorate the resulting masterpiece of cooking, you can use cilantro, which is close to Georgian dishes. This will give the pumps brightness and a fresh shade.


There are also variations with meat or fish, but khachapuri is more correctly prepared using cheese. The housewife herself can choose how to cook: in a frying pan or in the oven. The recipe can be selected taking into account the available components and the most convenient preparation option. Everyone will be able to choose the one closest to their heart. Classic recipe This incredibly tasty and quick-to-prepare dish, reproduced at home, will not leave either guests or household members indifferent. After all, how nice it is to watch on a friendly or festive table this little piece of Georgia that can transport you to Tbilisi without leaving your home. Having tried khachapuri with cheese once, it will be difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of cooking it again and again!