
Vegetable soup with meatballs. Soup with green peas and meatballs Soup with meatballs and green peas recipe

It's as simple as shelling pears, it's elementary, it's like two and two, but! But the aroma from it throughout the house is so incredibly amazing that it seems as if in front of you is a plate from a gourmet restaurant, no less, that the soup was conjured by a chef who has no less than three Michelin stars hidden in his pocket, that all this was prepared from manna from heaven and the tears of rainbow unicorns, no less. But in fact - the simplest soup on a quick fix. Surprising but true. To be fair, it must be said that all this will be relevant if you add young green peas to the pan - yesterday I just managed to snatch two glasses from some granny. It seems like it’s not the season yet - I can’t imagine what kind of greenhouse she grew it in, but by and large it doesn’t matter to me, the main thing is that I have a great one ready for dinner meatball soup and green peas , and he's wonderful. With all my heart I recommend that you take note, if not the recipe (I myself, as a rule, prepare soups on a whim, focusing on the general idea, and not on detailed instructions), then at least an idea. The soup is actually very easy to prepare and you won't regret making it at least once.

It is impossible to turn the minced meat back...

Actually in my family meatball soup I used to prepare it according to my grandmother’s standard version - meat balls, potatoes, carrots, vermicelli. For years, decades. Until a certain moment, the thought that he could be somehow different did not even occur to me, but then one day it dawned on me - and that’s it, off we go! Now I try, experiment, search and find, and at the same time share with you.

How to cook soup with meatballs and green peas


300 g minced meat;

2 tbsp. l. semolina;

    We take any frozen minced meat and thaw it. This is normal homemade minced meat 50:50 beef with pork. Excellent and lighter calorie meatballs are obtained from minced chicken or turkey. We add very few ingredients to the minced meat: onion, garlic, salt and ground black pepper. Recently I started adding finely ground khmeli-suneli seasoning. Its interesting aroma appears when you bite into the meatball. This makes the dish more attractive. Peel half an onion (the second will go directly into the soup) and 2 cloves of garlic.

    Finely chop the onion and garlic. Place the minced meat in a separate deep spacious plate, add onion and garlic, salt, suneli hops and a little Tsarskaya vegetable seasoning. Knead the minced meat thoroughly by hand. When the minced meat is mixed for a long time and thoroughly, the products made from it become dense and solid. They will never fall apart. You can play golf with my meatballs.

    Roll the meatballs in your hands. It is advisable to wet your hands with warm water. A dozen meatballs are enough for one and a half liters of soup. Put a pan of water on the fire, add a little salt. After the water has boiled, feel free to put all our meatballs in there. Reduce the heat and work on the vegetables.

    We will cook light and light soup. Therefore, there will be no fried vegetables, no tomatoes or other thickeners in it. Peel one potato and chop it finely. Take some zucchini and cut the zucchini into cubes. Peel a couple of small carrots and cut them into “pancakes”, cut the remaining half of the onion. We put all this abundance into the pan with the meatballs. Cook the soup over low heat.

    Open a jar of green peas. You can use it together with the juice available in the jar. Sometimes this water is over-salted, in which case we simply pour out most of the juice (brine). Add the peas at the very last moment, 5 minutes before the soup is ready. Check the dish for salt and add it. Usually, peas add enough salt to the soup. Add bay leaf.

    Soup with meatballs and green peas is ready. Serve it on the table, garnished with greens. Mayonnaise or sour cream is not for everyone. Many people like it clear soup. These soups are especially good with homemade croutons. You can use ready-made factory crackers.

The composition of the products is incredibly simple. And although the soup cooks very quickly, the process can be sped up even more if you use ready-made minced meat. It would be ideal to use a mixture of beef and pork, although you can also use pure beef.

This time I decided to prepare the perfect soup, so I took two types of meat and personally twisted them together with onions in a meat grinder. If you use ready-made minced meat, chop the onion in a blender as finely as possible. If you can make a paste out of it, it will be even better.

Squeeze the garlic into the onion-meat mixture, add coriander, salt and pepper to taste. And now it’s the turn of that very secret of meatballs. To make them elastic and tender at the same time, add mayonnaise to the minced meat. If you are categorically against mayonnaise, you can replace it with melted butter. The effect will be similar.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly with your hands, squeezing it in your fist. Then we “beat” the minced meat - take pieces of minced meat and forcefully throw it back into the bowl. This will make it even more tender and uniform.

Now, with hands dipped in cold water, form small meatballs from the minced meat.

Throw our meatballs into boiling water and cook them for 10-15 minutes, skimming off the foam. There won’t be much of it, but I highly recommend taking it off. During this time, the meatballs will be cooked and at the same time they will create a broth for us, in which the vegetables will already be cooked. Many will argue that meatballs are usually added to the soup at the end, when the potatoes are almost ready, and cooked for another 10 minutes. However, I think this approach is fundamentally wrong, since in this case the vegetables are boiled in water, and not in broth, and the foam from the vegetables It's definitely not possible to remove it.

In the meantime, fry the chopped onion and finely grated carrots in vegetable oil.

I don’t like to fry carrots and onions too much; I prefer to just simmer them. But if you like full-frying in your soup, you can safely fry the vegetables until golden brown.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes. The ideal option is the size of meatballs. Then the soup in a plate will look more impressive.

Using a colander, remove the cooked meatballs.

How often, due to the eternal lack of time, housewives, in order to feed their families, increasingly use semi-finished products that are not entirely healthy. We propose to break this vicious circle and go a different way!

And so, today on our agenda we have soup with meatballs and green peas. The costs are minimal, and the benefits are maximum! The soup turns out light, as it is cooked almost for vegetable broth and at the same time satisfying, since it still contains natural meat in the form of meatballs.

This soup can be prepared in a very short time. It is enough to have frozen meatballs and fresh or frozen peas in the freezer.

Taste Info Hot soups / Meatball soup


  • Minced meat (we use turkey) – 250 g;
  • Green peas (fresh frozen) – 100 g;
  • Potatoes – 250 g;
  • Carrots – 60-70 g;
  • Onions – 100 g (30 g for minced meat);
  • Vegetable oil – 30 ml (for frying meatballs);
  • Butter – 30 g (for sautéing vegetables);
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • Turmeric – 0.5 tsp;
  • Purified water – 1.5 l.

How to make soup with meatballs and green peas

Since we will be preparing our soup with meatballs, naturally there should be chopped meat. Which one to choose is up to you, of course, and decide for yourself whether to buy ready-made or grind it from meat.

Now, as for green peas: here you also have the right to choose. You can use canned green peas to make meatball soup, or you can use fresh frozen ones. We used the second option. In the summer, we often prepare soup with fresh peas.

In order to cope with the task in the shortest possible time and without making unnecessary movements, simply follow this recipe step by step.

Let's start by putting a pan of water on the fire, and while it is heating up, let's take care of the potatoes and carrots, since they will be the first to go into our soup.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small, approximately equal pieces, so they will cook at the same time, and in ready dish will look aesthetically pleasing.

Immediately put them in a saucepan along with a bay leaf and then peel the carrots, separate about half, cut into rings and also place in the saucepan. The rest of the carrots will be used for sautéing.

Now, without wasting a minute, let's start preparing the meatballs. To do this, add very finely chopped onions, a fragrant mixture of peppers and, of course, salt to taste to the existing minced meat.

Then mix the minced meat well and form it into meatballs approximately the size of Walnut(they will shrink in volume as they cook).

After which we send them to the heated and watered vegetable oil frying pan for light frying.

Fry the meatballs over medium heat until slightly browned. It is not necessary to fry meatballs for soup; if you are preparing soup for a child or you are on a diet, then it is better not to fry them.

Immediately put it in the pan.

And pour the grated onto the frying pan coarse grater carrots and finely chopped onion, add butter and sauté the vegetables over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes (stirring).

Then add the sauté to the soup. Wash freshly frozen green peas under running water cold water and also add it to the soup.

Let the contents of the saucepan boil for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

Set the table and pour our aromatic freshly brewed soup with meatballs and green peas into plates.

That's all! Let's start the meal!