
Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos. Kebbe - what is it? Recipe for the national dish Kebbe What is Kebbe

Kibbeh, kube or kebbe is a dish that belongs to Mediterranean cuisine. In Syria, how good a housewife was was judged by her ability to cook kibbeh.

Today this dish is widespread in almost all countries of the world. And the kebbe attachment included with modern meat grinders greatly simplifies the process of preparing it.

Mediterranean food consists of cutlets made from finely chopped meat with onions, bulgur and spices. Chopped meat can be replaced with fish or vegetable. Cheese, nuts, onions, eggs or meat are used as filling.

In Arab countries, the dish is prepared in the form of spherical or torpedo-shaped croquettes, inside of which the filling is placed. The casing can be prepared from either ground or minced meat. The cutlet shell can also consist of a paste made from cereals, various seasonings and onions.

The main feature of kibbeh is the composition of the paste from which the shell is prepared. It must contain bulgur (crushed wheat), soaked in water, squeezed and kneaded by hand. Instead of bulgur, chopped rice is sometimes used.

In Russia and some other Slavic countries, an analogue of kibbeh are zrazy, peacock eye cutlets, inside of which there is a hard-boiled egg, Kiev-style cutlets with herbs and a piece of butter.

All of the listed types of cutlets can be made using an attachment. For this purpose, a kebbe sausage is formed from minced meat, hollow inside, and then filled with any filling, the edges are sealed and cooked.

Kebbe can be fried in a lot of fat

When making kibbeh by hand, after mixing the paste to the desired consistency, it is formed into flat cakes the size of a palm. Spoon the filling inside the cakes.

Semi-finished products prepared using an attachment or manually can be frozen, and then, as needed, removed from the freezer and used for cooking.

There are several ways to prepare kibbeh:

  • Fry in plenty of fat.
  • Boil in broth.
  • Simmer in sauce.

There is a way to prepare kebbe without forming individual patties. In this case, the pasta is rolled out into a large flat cake and placed on a baking sheet.

The filling is placed on top, and another pasta cake is placed on top of it. The edges of the top and bottom flatbreads are pinched, and the kebbe is cut into diamond shapes with a knife.

Crushed nuts fried with onions are sprinkled on top. Afterwards the pan is sent to the oven and baked. Sometimes this version of kibbeh is consumed raw.

Kebbe attachment in an electric meat grinder - what is it?

Many owners of electric meat grinders, which come with a confuser for kibbehs, do not understand how to use it correctly and what it is generally intended for. Therefore, such a useful thing is often stored in a box as unnecessary.

And housewives who know what a kebbe attachment is in an electric meat grinder, and have managed to appreciate its advantages, cook not only delicious cutlets with various fillings, but also homemade sausage.

Therefore, those who have the same part as in the photo are recommended to try it out.

The confuser consists of two parts:

  1. A circle that has an elongated convexity with a rounded end.
  2. A wide truncated cone - it fixes the attachment to the head of the electric meat grinder.

The minced meat that comes out of such a nozzle looks like a tube with thin walls. The same thickness of the shells of all cutlets ensures fast, uniform and high-quality frying.

And due to the fact that all kibbehs are the same size, such a dish is not embarrassing to serve on the holiday table.

If desired, you can install a kebbe attachment on any meat grinder, even a conventional mechanical one. Therefore, do not be upset if your meat grinding machine does not include the necessary accessory.

Visit your nearest hardware store and ask a sales assistant to select the parts you need, or buy them in an online store.

Plastic kebbe tips

However, before purchasing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the information regarding the features of kebbe attachments. So, they can be made of plastic or metal.

The latter are considered more durable and of higher quality. But, if the manufacturer used insufficiently high-quality metal, then over time the parts may become rusty.

To avoid this, after each use, you must carefully wipe them with a dry cloth, dry them, and only then put them in a box for storage.

Plastic confusers are cheaper, less susceptible to moisture, and their strength and durability directly depend on the quality of the plastic. The nozzle should not be too thin or have burrs, chips or other defects on the surface.

Sausages should be 5-7 cm long

To install a confuser on an electric meat grinder, you must:

  • Remove the grid and knife from the housing.
  • Attach a nozzle with a convexity to the housing head, and on top of it - a part in the shape of a truncated cone.
  • Secure the nozzles using a disk, screwing it along the thread.
  • Place the pre-prepared minced meat into a bowl.
  • Turn on the electrical appliance and, passing the minced meat through the nozzle, use a sharp knife to separate sausages 5-7 cm long.

The workpieces must be placed on the cutting board as carefully as possible. Using a spoon, place the filling into the cavity of the sausages and seal the edges.

If you put a sausage casing on the body of the meat grinder, you can prepare delicious homemade sausages or sausages.

Kebbe recipe

For those who do not know what kebbe is and how to prepare it correctly, there are many variety of recipes with step-by-step instructions.

It is better to prepare minced meat from lamb and beef

To prepare classic kibbeh, you need to grind 1 kg of lamb or beef. If desired, you can mix both.

For the shell you will need:

  • 0.5 kg minced meat.
  • 1 onion.
  • 250 g bulgur.
  • Pepper, salt.

The filling consists of the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg minced meat.
  • 1 onion.
  • A handful of pine nuts.
  • Salt, pepper and other spices as desired.

Step-by-step preparation

First you need to fill the bulgur with warm water and leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards, the cereal is placed in a colander and lightly squeezed.

If you want to save time, you can place the bulgur soaked in water and place it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Then drain the water and squeeze.

To prepare the kebbe filling you will need:

  1. Fry the chopped onion in olive, vegetable or animal fat.
  2. Add minced meat to the pan and fry until light brown.
  3. In another frying pan, fry the pine nuts and then combine them with the minced meat.
  4. Season the resulting filling with salt and pepper. If desired, you can add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

The filling is left to cool, and in the meantime they begin to prepare the shells. They are prepared as follows:

  1. First, knead the bulgur well with your hands.
  2. Then, using a meat grinder, grind 0.5 kg of meat along with 1 onion.
  3. Combine the bulgur with minced meat and pass the mixture through the meat grinder again to make it more homogeneous.
  4. Install the kibbeh attachment and pass the finished minced meat through it.
  5. The hollow sausages emerging from the meat grinder are cut off with a sharp knife or torn off by hand, carefully placing them on a cutting board in one layer.

When the filling has cooled, they begin to carefully place it into the sausage blanks. This can be done using a teaspoon or dessert spoon. For convenience, it is recommended to place the shell on the palm of your hand and, after placing the filling inside, carefully seal the edges.

Kebbe is grilled or deep-fried. A multicooker with a set frying mode can also help with cooking. The average frying time for one side is 5-7 minutes.

Once you get used to the nozzle and fill your hand, you can begin to experiment, changing the composition of the filling and minced meat for the shell. There are many kebbe recipes that can be prepared using a modern meat grinder.

Thanks to the use of a convenient and easy-to-use confuser, even an inexperienced housewife will be able to cook every day culinary masterpieces, delighting household members and surprising guests unusual dish oriental cuisine.

In the dynamic rhythm of modern life, we increasingly surround ourselves with electrical assistants. The kitchen is no exception. Remember how much time and effort it used to take to prepare meat and process it into minced meat! Now you can handle minced meat in a matter of minutes thanks to an electric meat grinder. And with the help of different attachments you can not only chop meat, vegetables, nuts and fruits, but also squeeze out juice and even treat yourself to excellent homemade sausages. The kebbe attachment will help with this.

What is a kebbe attachment and why is it needed in a meat grinder?

Most happy owners of electric meat grinders usually pick up this attachment when unpacking a new item, and then conveniently forget about it. Some are interested in information about it and only after that they send it to the box. And only a part of the lucky ones learn to use it and become proficient in preparing kebbe and homemade sausage.

Kebbe is a traditional Arabic dish. Kebbe sausages are similar to stuffed cutlets: the minced meat shell contains a filling of various ingredients (minced meat, mushrooms, walnuts). This is also the name of a nozzle made in the form of a hollow tube, with which you can make tunnels from minced meat.

The kebbe confuser is attached to the meat grinder in the same way as other attachments. You just need to first remove the knife and grill from the body. You can also use it to make homemade sausage and frankfurters by putting a sausage casing on the cone.

It takes a certain amount of dexterity and skill to make kebbe sausages quickly and accurately.

Kebbe confuser for electric meat grinder

Confusing devices are made of plastic, sometimes metal. Plastic parts are more fragile and require careful handling. In high-quality models, electric meat grinders and attachments are made of more durable plastic; they are more durable than their cheap counterparts. When buying a kitchen unit, carefully inspect the attachments for burrs, chips and cracks - there should be none.

Metal parts are, of course, stronger, but they also require careful care. If you forget to dry them properly after washing, they will become rusty.

Your electric meat grinder didn't have such an attachment in its set? Don’t worry, the consultants at the household and digital equipment store will help you choose the right accessory.

How to use the nozzle?

Step-by-step use of the confuser:

  1. The nozzle is completed in two parts: the first part (a circle with a long convexity) is attached to the head of the device body. A second part, similar to a truncated cone, is put on it. Don't forget to remove the knife and grid from the meat grinder!
  2. For the meat casing, it is better to roll the minced meat and cook it ahead of time.
  3. After installing the electric meat grinder, the prepared minced meat is placed in its bowl.
  4. We turn on the device, pass the minced meat through the confuser and begin to sculpt sausages 5-6 cm long.
  5. Very carefully place the pieces on the cutting board.

You can stuff kebbe using a sausage maker

Prepared sausages can be fried in fat or grilled, but can also be baked in the oven.

If you don’t have an electric meat grinder yet, don’t worry, the kebbe confuser is also made for mechanical models. Experienced chefs recommend cooling the mechanical meat grinder in the freezer before starting work, then the sausages will turn out to be a feast for the eyes.

The kebbe attachment is a modern device for meat grinders, thanks to which you can not only feed your household homemade sausage, but also surprise guests with an exotic dish from oriental cuisine. There are a huge variety of kebbe recipes, and a convenient and simple solution in the form of a confuser will help you prepare culinary masterpieces every day.

If you have tried kebbe at least once, you will probably be delighted with this interesting and hearty dish. And although it seems quite complicated, it is actually easy to prepare at home if you know the basic rules and use special tools.

The essence of the dish

What it is? By kebbe we mean a dish that consists of some kind of sausages, stuffed with filling. The sausages themselves are traditionally made, although other types of meat are also suitable, such as veal, pork. But cereal is added to the minced meat, which makes the “frame” more dense.

The filling can also be meat, but you can experiment. It is best to make the base using a meat grinder. Modern models are equipped with many attachments, including a special attachment for kebbe.

How to cook?

How to cook real kebbe? We offer several interesting recipes.


Base ingredients:

  • 500 grams of lamb pulp;
  • one head of red onion;
  • one glass of bulgur ( wheat cereal);
  • water;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

For filling:

  • 100 grams of lamb fat;
  • 200 or 300 grams of lamb;
  • half a glass of pine nuts or walnuts;
  • one head of red onion;
  • parsley;
  • two or three tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • spices and salt to taste.


  1. First you need to prepare the bulgur. To do this, simply immerse it in water and leave for half an hour so that the cereal swells. Then squeeze out the bulgur and place it in a dry container to dry it a little.
  2. Now take care of the lamb intended for the base. It needs to be washed well, freed from veins and fat, and cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel the onion and cut the head into several pieces.
  4. Now mince the lamb along with the onion, then add the bulgur, pepper and salt, mix everything well. As a result, you will get a fairly dense and homogeneous mass.
  5. Now move on to preparing the filling. Wash the lamb; you don’t have to remove the fat, as the filling should be quite fatty.
  6. Then peel the onion and chop it with a knife.
  7. Wash the greens and chop with a knife.
  8. Chop the peeled nuts, but not too much.
  9. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the lamb with nuts and onions. At the end, add chopped herbs, seasonings and salt.
  10. Start building the base. Attach the kebbe attachment to the meat grinder and pass the base through it. As a result, you will end up with hollow sausages.
  11. Fill the sausages with the filling and seal the edges.
  12. The last stage is directly heat treatment. Heat the lamb fat in a high-rimmed frying pan or saucepan and fry the kebbe in it.


This recipe involves using vegetables as a filling. The base itself will be made from beef. Ingredients:

For the base:

  • 600 grams of beef;
  • onion head;
  • a glass of bulgur;
  • half a glass of water;
  • salt;
  • pepper mixture.

For filling:

  1. 1 zucchini;
  2. one sweet pepper;
  3. one carrot;
  4. one onion;
  5. dill or parsley;
  6. half a glass of vegetable oil;
  7. salt and seasonings.


  1. First prepare the base. To do this, wash the beef and cut it into medium-sized pieces (they should fit easily into the meat grinder). The onion should be peeled and cut into several pieces. Grind the beef and onion in a meat grinder. Fill the bulgur with water, and after 15-20 minutes, squeeze out and mix with the minced meat, adding a mixture of peppers and salt.
  2. Now move on to preparing the filling. Peel the onion and chop finely with a knife. Wash the carrots well and grate coarse grater. bell pepper Peel the seeds, remove the stem and core, and then cut into small cubes. You can pour boiling water over it and remove the skin. Peel the zucchini and also cut into small cubes. Wash the greens, dry them and chop or tear them by hand.
  3. Heat about 3-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry all the prepared vegetables until fully cooked. At the end, add herbs, seasonings and salt.
  4. Now pass the base mixture through a meat grinder using the kebbe attachment. Fill the sausages with the filling and fry them in the remaining oil until golden brown.

How to submit?

Kebbe is best served hot with any side dishes, sauces, sour cream or even yogurt.

  1. If you don’t have a special attachment, don’t despair, because the base can be made by hand. To do this, form the minced meat into sausages and remove the middle with your hands or a spoon.
  2. It is advisable to remove all ingredients from the refrigerator in advance so that they reach room temperature.
  3. If the base turns out to be too dry, you can add a little cold water to the minced meat.
  4. Instead of bulgur, in principle, you can use any other cereal, for example, millet, buckwheat or rice. But it is better to grind whole grains in a coffee grinder so that the base has a uniform consistency.
  5. If you are used to eating only dietary and healthy foods, then you can not fry the kebbe in a large amount of oil (this is harmful for both your figure and your health), but bake it in the oven or even steam it. The dish will turn out no less tasty, but also healthy.

Be sure to please your loved ones or guests with such an interesting dish!

Cut the second onion and fry in fat. We pass the lamb through a meat grinder, then mix it with fried onions. Add spices, a little water and simmer in a frying pan. After the water has evaporated, add pine nuts and turn up the heat. Fry for another three minutes.

We install a special kebbe attachment on the meat grinder, through which we pass the finished minced meat. We will get cylinders of a certain size, which should be filled with lamb and nuts, carefully sealing the edges.

After this, the kebbe needs to be fried again in fat until cooked and served.

Kebbe is best served with herbs or finely chopped vegetables.

Lebanese kebbe recipe


  • bulgur -200 g
  • minced beef – 1200 g
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • spices, salt, pepper
  • butter – 75 g
  • pine nuts – 100 g.

Bulgur or wheat grains should be soaked for half an hour in water, preferably warm, and squeezed out. Grind the beef, onions and spices through a meat grinder and mix everything thoroughly in a blender, then put it in the cold. Separately, grind 300 g of beef, pine nuts, mix and fry in oil. Don't forget to add another onion as well. Ready minced meat should be cut in small pieces, and pre-moisten your hands with water, as when preparing lula kebab. You need to make balls skillfully, giving them the shape of pies. They should be filled with the first minced meat and baked in the oven. Serve kebbe sprinkled with finely chopped herbs on top. The Lebanese love to garnish the dish with basil and a special herb called kunjuk. It adds flavor to the meat and original taste. When decorating the dish, you can use your own imagination and decorate the kebbe with vegetables or even fruits.

Kebbe is a gourmet dish. It just melts in your mouth if you cook it right. As for the calorie content and benefits of the dish, you can eat it without fear.

Marvelous delicious recipe kebbe on video:

Kebbe - traditional oriental meat dish, vaguely reminiscent of the cutlets familiar to the Slavic culinary tradition. They are a two-layer minced meat, the outer part of which is mixed with specially ground flour, and the inner part is with the addition of nuts. Chefs are offered various variations of this dish, among which even completely vegetable analogues have appeared. Manufacturers appreciated the popularity of this masterpiece of culinary art and took care of making its preparation easier by developing a device of the same name.

This is a two-part attachment for a meat grinder, consisting of an outer truncated cone and an inner liner with a convex center and peripheral holes. Most often made of plastic, metal versions are slightly less common.

Kebbe is intended to facilitate the preparation of the dish of the same name, namely to form its outer layer, a hollow outer shell.

Plastic options are durable and practical, but with frequent use they can become covered with burrs, which prevent the formation of a fairly even and dense shell of the future dish. They are equipped with electric meat grinders of almost all well-known brands, with the exception of economy class appliances.

Metal versions of kebbe are more commonly found in hardware stores as separately sold equipment. Compatible with old type manual meat grinders. They are durable, resistant to mechanical damage, but are prone to rust if not properly maintained. Therefore, after washing, it is recommended to wipe them dry before storing them.

Features of the nozzle, how to use

Kebbe consists of two parts that need to be nested inside each other. The resulting structure is attached to the head of the meat grinder, from which the knives and grate are first removed.

Experienced chefs recommend cooling the metal nozzle in the freezer before use.

Then the pre-cooked minced meat is placed into the meat grinder receiver and the device is started. The output should be hollow meat tubes into which you need to place the second component of the dish.

To facilitate a non-trivial task, you can use a device for forming sausages, the diameter of the outlet hole of which coincides with the circumference of the hole in the minced meat tubes.

The finished dish is fried according to the original recipe, but baking and steaming are also acceptable.