
Recipes for fruit parfait for 2 servings. Fruit parfait

Fruit parfait is nothing more than a layered fruit and berry dessert. Layers of fruit in the parfait alternate with layers custard or yogurt. It’s not uncommon to add granola or nuts to the dessert for a variety of texture. Preparing such a delicacy is simply simple, and you can be convinced of this thanks to our recipes.

Fruit parfait with kiwi – recipe


  • kiwi - 3 pcs.;
  • pineapple - 1/3 pcs.;
  • papaya - 1/2 pcs.;
  • nuts or granola - 1 tbsp.;
  • - 1 tbsp.;
  • honey - to taste;
  • coconut flakes.


Peel the kiwi, pineapple and papaya and cut into cubes of equal size. Mix Greek yogurt with honey or any other sweetener. Place a layer of chopped nuts or granola in a tall glass or glass, spread sweetened yogurt and a layer of fruit on top. Repeat all layers until the glass is completely filled. You can also sprinkle the top of the dessert with chopped nuts or choose coconut flakes instead.

Fruit and yogurt parfait


  • low-fat yogurt - 3 tbsp;
  • vanilla extract - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • grapes (berries) - 1 tbsp.;
  • strawberries - 1 tbsp.;
  • cornflakes- 1/4 tbsp.


In a small bowl, mix yogurt, vanilla and sugar until sugar granules dissolve. Place a tablespoon of yogurt on the bottom of the bowls or glasses in which the dessert will be served. In another bowl, combine quartered strawberries, grapes and banana slices. Spread the fruit and berry mixture on top of the yogurt and repeat the yogurt layer again. Place layers of dessert one on top of the other until the selected form is filled. Sprinkle the dessert with granola or corn flakes on top.

How to make fruit parfait?



To prepare the airy cheese layer of the parfait, we need to mix cream cheese with vanilla pudding, then pour in the milk and beat until smooth. There should be enough sugar from the finished pudding, but you can add a little honey or stevia to taste. As soon as the cheese mass becomes homogeneous, mix it with whipped cream, trying to knead as carefully as possible so as not to lose airiness. Now spread the cream in layers with fruits and berries into a glass or bowl. Serve the fruit parfait chilled.

A dessert called parfait is a tasty and sweet treat that will not only “delight” your stomach, but also lift your spirits and be beneficial for the body as a whole. Often high quality and really delicious dessert

can only be tasted in restaurants or fashionable cafes. The same applies to our dish, look at the photo. Naturally, the price for such a “creme of pleasure” will not be small, to put it mildly, and if you really love sweets, then eating it in restaurants every time is not an option. That is why you simply need to master the recipe for your favorite parfait, or even better, not one, but several. After all, this dessert is prepared different ways

. Let's first look at the two main ones: fruit parfait and chocolate parfait. And if parfait is not yet your favorite dessert, look at its photo and I’m sure you’ll immediately want to try it.

  • This dessert is wonderful because its recipe allows for the use of any fruit, based on your preferences, because each fruit in this delicacy is delicious in its own way. To be convinced of this, just look at the photo: they are full of different colors and shades of certain fruits. The most common for this delicacy are bananas, apples, strawberries, and peaches. Our recipe will be based on those fruits that have a reasonable price and can be easily found at the market or in a store. So, we will need:
  • Peaches – 5 pieces;
  • Strawberries – 300 g;
  • Cream 33% fat – 200 g;
  • Natural yogurt – 500 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 150 g;

Camera (to take a photo of your beauty). You're ready to make the parfait! Let's start with our fruits. Of course, we choose ripe, fresh peaches and strawberries, because we want our dessert to be delicious. We will wash them thoroughly. Then peel the peaches, cut them in half and remove the pit. We tear off the “tails” from the strawberries, if there are any. Next, in a blender, we separately grind the peaches and then the strawberries. In the cream, and it must certainly be 33% fat, as the recipe says, we put powdered sugar

Next, we divide the whipped cream into two parts. We do the same with yogurt. Place one half of the cream and yoghurt into the peach puree, and the other half into the strawberry puree. Mix, but not too much, so that the mass looks like it has streaks. Pour our fruit parfait into transparent bowls, alternating layers, and place in the freezer for about 5-6 hours. After the time is up, we take it out, don’t forget to take a photo, and then eat and enjoy.

Chocolate delight

Now let’s learn another recipe for this yummy - with chocolate. For lovers of the latter, this combination of your favorite sweet with cream, and even chilled, will be a godsend on a hot day and will cool you down great. To prepare we will need:

  • Strawberries – 300 g;
  • White chocolate – 100 g;
  • Dark chocolate – 100 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Liqueur (for example, Baileys) - 2 tablespoons.

We start cooking with chocolate. We drown it, of course, in different vessels, then let it cool a little. Meanwhile, separate the yolks from the whites. In each bowl of chocolate we put two yolks and a tablespoon of alcohol. Mix everything very well so that there are no lumps.

Take half the cream and beat it with a mixer into a strong foam. After dividing equally, we also place them in bowls with chocolate. Mix carefully so as not to damage too much airy cream. But the consistency, as the recipe says, should be uniform.

Next, we beat the whites, also with a mixer, and also into a stiff foam. Divide into two parts and again add to the bowls. Mix thoroughly but gently again. We take clear bowls or glasses, about 200 milliliters in volume, and fill them with layers of chocolate, alternating dark and light. But the dark one should be at the top. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for 3 hours. When we have taken out our deliciousness, we whip the cream that we have left again. Then we put them in pastry bag and decorate each bowl.

Now you know how to prepare fruit and chocolate parfait so that it turns out like in the beautiful glossy photos. As you can see, the parfait recipe is quite simple and not at all labor-intensive, which anyone can do.

Video recipe for making parfait

Dessert is one of the favorite dishes of many. Moreover, it is dessert that serves as an excellent excuse for have a good time, discussing important matters and making decisions. Today the site “Beautiful and Successful” will answer the question “How to prepare fruit parfait - delicious frozen dessert?. Your mouth is probably already watering. And this is not surprising! After all, this is a dish French cuisine just begs to be put on your table.

Which fruits to choose for parfait?

When choosing ingredients for a fruit parfait, you can really go wild. First of all, focus to your preferences and love for specific fruits. In this amazing dessert Each fruit is beautiful in its own way.

The most common are banana, orange and apple parfaits. Of course, you can prepare not only fruit parfait, but also berry and fruit parfait. By the way, “Beautiful and Successful” recently shared very tasty recipes with its readers.

Secondly focus on the situation, for which this wonderful dessert is prepared. For example, you can take 1-3 fruits for family enjoyment. For big company optimal assorted fruit parfait. And for the holiday, it is advisable to choose themed fruits, for example, apples for the Apple Savior.

How to make banana parfait?

You'll love this dessert to all exotic lovers. Also, the banana taste will give you a great mood, and the dish itself will charge you with vigor and new strength.


  • Yellow bananas – 2 pieces;
  • Cream 33% – 2 cups (400 ml);
  • Eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Sugar – 100 grams (slightly less than half a glass);
  • Juice of one lemon;
  • Grated zest – 1 teaspoon.

If you wish, you can add a tablespoon of grated chocolate. Your fruit parfait will sparkle with new colors of taste.


First, separate the whites, and beat the yolks until foamy. Next, pour water over the sugar and boil for about a minute. Then, with constant stirring, pour sugar into the eggs, add the zest and mix everything. Place in the refrigerator to cool.

The second stage is working with bananas. They need to be cleaned and softened. Then pour in lemon juice, cream and add chocolate if desired. Next, combine the egg and banana mixture, transfer to a final parfait bowl, and place in the freezer. Cooking time 8-10 hours .

Then comes the time of pleasure exotic taste of the original dessert.

How to make orange parfait?


  • Orange zest (grated) – 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Sugar – 150 grams (¾ cup);
  • Cream 33% – 2.5 cups (500ml).

You can also use chocolate if you wish. And on top of the finished orange parfait you can sprinkle cocoa powder.


To begin, beat the separated yolks with half the sugar and zest. You should end up with a light air mass.

In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar. Once the mixture is homogeneous, mix egg mixtures. Next, whip the cream and mix with other ingredients. If desired add grated chocolate.

That's all. The perfect parfait is almost ready.

All that remains is to distribute the mixture into molds or transfer to another container and freeze for at least 8 hours. If you are preparing dessert in one bowl, then Before serving, cut it into pieces immediately after freezing.

How to make fruit parfait from apples?

What makes this parfait special is: absence raw eggs , which not every person loves. But even without eggs, apple dessert is simply wonderful. And you can enjoy it almost every day.


  • Applesauce – 1 cup;
  • Cream 33% - 0.5 cups;
  • Sugar – 180-200 grams (1 glass);
  • Juice of one lemon.

You can make the puree yourself or buy ready-made ones. You can even be original and buy baby applesauce (or apple-pear, apple-banana, etc.).


The puree must be thoroughly mixed with sugar and refrigerated for about an hour.

Mix puree and cream. Then the parfait should be distributed into molds and set to freeze. Cooking time 8-10 hours. Amazing fruit parfait is ready!

How to make berry parfait?

This is the most summer dessert, which can save you in the heat and lift your spirits. Of course, it is best to use freshly picked berries from your dacha.


  • Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries - half a glass each;
  • Cream 33% - 2 cups;
  • Eggs – 2 pieces;
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons.

Also great for this dessert. White chocolate. They need to sprinkle the finished parfait.


Whisk the cream, sugar and yolks in one bowl, and the whites in another. Then mix both masses.

Rinse the berries, rub through a sieve or mash with a masher. Next, mix all the ingredients and place in the freezer for 8-10 hours.

Your summer berry parfait is ready. Bon appetit!

As you can see, prepare a luxurious dessert and surprising your loved ones is not so difficult! And it’s especially nice that you can endlessly use your imagination when preparing fruit parfait. Enjoy your enjoyment!

Guests are rushing to see you, but there is nothing to treat them with? No problem. You can find everything you need for this dessert in your nearest supermarket, and preparation will take about 10 minutes. And believe me, they will be delighted with the combination of delicate whipped cream and juicy sweet fruits.

What is parfait

Parfait ( fr. parfait) is translated from French as “immaculate, beautiful.” The dessert was invented in France. IN cookbooks it has been known since the end of the 19th century.

A classic parfait is a layered dessert of fruit or berries with whipped cream. It's usually served cold or even frozen, but my favorite is to simply use the ingredients chilled in the refrigerator.

Fruit parfait recipe

To make the parfait, you need heavy whipping cream. Look for 35% and no less. I don’t recommend saving either; cheap ones are often thrown away. Choose Parmalat or Petmol. These two brands have never let me down.

From fruits you can take ripe soft pears, melons, peaches, nectarines, mangoes, oranges. Diversify the dessert with strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Take sweet cherries or, on the contrary, sour cherries. Today I will be making a parfait with melon, mango, nectarine and strawberries.

Indulge yourself and add a crunchy component. It could be nuts chocolate balls or pieces of crushed cocoa.

Mint leaves and grated chocolate are ideal garnishes.

By 07/07/2019

When you want a delicious dessert, but don’t have the energy to bother, I make fruit parfait

Fruit Parfait: Ingredients

  • - 400 gr
  • - 200 gr
  • - 200 gr
  • - 200 gr
  • - several branches
  • - 1 liter Buy in goods for 390 rubles.
  • - taste Buy in goods for 135 rubles.

Prepared by freezing or strongly cooling whipped fresh heavy cream, no baking.

Parfait ingredients

The ingredients for the pafe dessert must include fresh whipped cream, for more rich taste add beaten eggs with sugar, brought in a water bath until thickened, and then cooled; there should also be aromatic components that give the parfait an unforgettable flair (this can be fruit extract, fresh or dried fruit puree, vanilla, coffee, chocolate, etc.). d.).

If you look at it, a classic parfait is nothing more than whipped and then frozen creme brulee, cooked with cream, but without baking

The structure of a modern parfait, which is served in European restaurants, is very precisely organized - first they create the base of the dessert, which is saturated with aromas with the help of impregnation, then they connect it with the next layer of dessert, adding cold whipped cream, which was previously combined with hot egg yolk and sugar. Finally, this still life is decorated with egg whites whipped with sugar to give the parfait a complete and elegant appearance.

The assembled dessert is placed in a cold place so that everything freezes well and forms a single flavor ensemble.

In France, parfaits are served on dessert plates, in ceramic bowls, topped with whipped egg whites; they can also serve parfaits in thin, tall glass glasses so that the structure of the dessert is visible.

American parfait

Americans, who also really love this dessert, prefer to mix much more ingredients into parfaits.

They include granola (granulated muesli made from oatmeal, nuts and honey), nuts, yogurt, liqueurs, and even gelatin fillers made from fruits. The top of the parfait in the American version is usually topped with whipped cream.

The history of the parfait

The history of the creation of the parfait dessert goes back to 1894. In those days in France there were no refrigerators, much less freezers, ordinary ice was used. Parfaits were mainly served at the royal table; the dessert was based on a whipped mixture of sugar syrup, eggs and cream. The high fat content of the dessert, which was achieved by introducing heavy cream, made it possible to create a porous, airy structure - while whipping, the mixture was cooled with snow or ice by placing a container with the ingredients there. In this case, water crystals did not have time to form and the texture turned out to be very delicate, truly perfect.

Modern technologies also use this physical phenomenon - when preparing regular ice cream, it is also constantly stirred, while freezing.

Parfait and Harry Potter

When telling the story of the creation of parfait, one cannot fail to mention the dessert, which is described in the book about Harry Potter - “The Philosopher’s Stone”. It mentions that while Drsley and Harry were heading to the zoo, Harry was eating the leftover Knickerbocker dessert that Dudley had left for him. The latter complains that his first Knickerbocker didn't have enough ice cream on top.

The well-known knickerbocker is an ice cream dessert consisting of several layers, usually served in a large, tall, conical glass glass. It is eaten with a long dessert spoon.

The Knickerbocker is especially popular in the British Isles.

The dessert recipe was first written down in the 1920s, and it can contain ice cream, whipped cream, fruit, and small meringues. All these fillings are arranged in layers and alternated in a tall thin glass glass. The dessert is topped with aromatic syrup, nuts, whipped cream and sometimes a cherry.

By the way, the Americans also made serious progress in the topic of creating the Knickerbocker and came up with the alcoholic citrus cocktail Knickerbocker; the legend about it is also connected with the history of the resettlement of Dutch colonists with the often found surname Knickerbocker to American lands.

Parfait in England

And now - about the British understanding of the term "parfait". In the United Kingdom, when you order a parfait from the waiter, be prepared to be served a tender meat pate, which the British prepare from chicken or duck liver, ennobling its taste with liqueur.