
Curd bagels with jam. Baking from cottage cheese: cottage cheese bagels with filling How to make cottage cheese bagels

When we go shopping, we want to buy as many tasty and healthy products as possible. Therefore, when buying cottage cheese, we often overestimate the appetites of our loved ones, especially children, for whom eating is so valuable product turns into a real test. What do we get as a result? The money is spent, the family is left without goodies, and the cottage cheese sits and spoils. This is a very sad situation, but it can also be corrected by turning on your culinary imagination.

Recipe curd dough for bagels - this is the ideal solution in this situation, because you will delight your family with a wonderful delicacy, and spoil useful product don't allow it. We will offer several variations of this recipe, so write it down.

Features of working with curd dough

For some reason, many housewives have completely forgotten about such a wonderful version of baking dough. And in vain, because it is incredibly tender and soft, and the baked goods made from it are simply amazing. However, in order to get the desired result, you need to remember a few important rules that will protect you from failure:

  • The cottage cheese in the dough will be almost imperceptible if you grind it through a sieve or mince it. Then even the most fastidious home culinary critics will not guess about its existence. If there are no opponents of this product in your family, there is no need to process it so thoroughly; even cottage cheese mashed with a fork will turn out to be a successful dough;
  • A product of absolutely any fat content is suitable for baking, but here you will have to take into account the following pattern: regardless of the proportions indicated in the recipe, the dough will need more flour, the fattier the cottage cheese you choose. The recipes indicate certain average indicators, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a little more flour;
  • Sugar. Cottage cheese dough has a special relationship with it. In principle, if you add it as usual during the kneading process, nothing bad will happen. But most chefs recommend doing this at the rolling stage: roll it out, sprinkle it with sugar, roll it with a rolling pin again;
  • Butter or margarine? In many recipes these products are interchangeable. But if you still think about it, give preference to butter, it is much healthier.

As you can see, nothing too complicated. So let's get down to business.

The first recipe. Classical

This option is so simple and delicious that it does not require any additions, sprinkles or toppings. The preparation time is minimal, the effort is minimal, but the pleasure is simply unreal.


  • Cottage cheese - 300 grams;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Flour - approximately 2.5 cups (see for yourself);
  • Baking powder - 1 packet (we can completely replace it with a teaspoon of soda, just don’t forget to put it out);
  • Sugar - to taste (usually 1-1.5 cups for this amount of dough is enough, if you like it sweet, add more);
  • Yolk - 1 piece;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil - the amount necessary to grease the baking sheet.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to cook curd dough:

  1. Cottage cheese, butter, egg - all this should be at room temperature, so you need to remove these products from the refrigerator (especially from the freezer) in advance;
  2. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork (grind through a sieve or meat grinder) and mix with the already soft butter. Mix until relatively homogeneous.
  3. Mix all dry ingredients separately, sifting the flour, of course. If we use soda instead of baking powder, simmer it over the curd mass, then add the rest of the ingredients. And one more nuance: if you want to add vanillin, then add it along with flour, if vanilla sugar- then together with sugar at the rolling stage.
  4. Mix everything until you get a soft, elastic, but no longer sticky dough. Roll it into a ball and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Don't forget to cover the dough with plastic or a clean towel, otherwise it will dry out.
  5. After cooling, take out the dough and roll it out to a thickness of no more than 5 mm. If the circle turns out to be too large, it makes sense to divide the dough into 2 parts. At the rolling stage, sprinkle the dough with sugar, after which we “roll” it into the base;
  6. Divide the circle into equal segments (like pizza). You will get approximately 8 pieces, depending on the diameter of your base. Now we begin to roll the bagels: from the widest part of the dough we roll to the thinnest.
  7. Having wrapped the croissants in this way, we can once again dip their tops in sugar. Then place them on a greased baking sheet (don’t forget that they will rise during baking) and brush with yolk.
  8. Bake at 180-190 degrees until golden brown. On average it takes no more than 20 minutes.

These bagels are incredibly tasty on their own, but lovers of “special effects” can add raisins to the dough, chocolate chips, cinnamon, roll out the dough on a board sprinkled with ground nuts.

The second recipe. With filling

What can you use as a filling? Anything: jam, marmalade, chocolate spread, marmalade, even Turkish delight or marshmallows. We'll tell you more useful option- bagels with apples.

For the dough, we will need the same ingredients as in the first recipe, and in the same quantities, so we will not take them out separately.

Filling ingredients:

  • Apple - 2-3 pieces (see the amount of dough);
  • Liquid honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • Juice of ½ lemon.

Now to the cooking process:

  1. Prepare the dough as described above.
  2. For the filling, peel the apples, cut out the seeds and cut them into thin slices (you can grate them, the kids like it better that way). Watering lemon juice so that the filling does not darken.
  3. Mix the apples with honey, you can also add ground nuts here, and place them on the widest part of the dough. If the apple is sliced, then 1 slice, if grated, about a tablespoon. Roll it into a bagel.
  4. Place the formed bagels on a baking sheet, brush with yolk and place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Due to the moist filling, they may take a little longer to bake, up to 30 minutes.

The finished baked goods need to cool slightly (you understand, the filling is hot), after which you can sprinkle powdered sugar and serve to the table.

It’s very difficult to spoil curd dough. Not even that: to bake tasteless bagels, you need to try hard. No strict proportions! You can sprinkle everything by eye, and it will still turn out delicious. I offer you two simple ways cooking incomparable homemade baked goods for every taste. Curd dough for baking bagels (recipe No. 1) can be crumbly sandy or airy soft (option No. 2). Choose, cook and enjoy your tea!

Universal crumbly curd dough

You can use it to make cookies, bagels, rolls and even cakes. Brilliantly simple, fast and tasty.

Number of servings: 4

Cooking time: 30 min.

Level: easy

Required Products:

  • cottage cheese of moderate moisture and medium fat content – ​​400 g;
  • unsalted butter – 150 g;
  • premium wheat flour - approximately 300 g;
  • small salt– a pinch;
  • baking powder - 3/4 tsp;
  • sugar – 5-7 tbsp. l. (for rolling bagels);
  • filling – nuts with sugar, raisins, marmalade, thick jam etc.

How to prepare curd dough for crispy bagels (step-by-step recipe):

  1. The filling is at your discretion. One condition is that it should not be too liquid, otherwise it will leak onto the baking sheet during baking and burn. I usually take leaf marmalade, very thick jam or dried fruit. This time I decided to wrap the ground up bagels walnuts with sugar. It turned out very tasty and not cloying. To prepare the same filling, peel the walnuts from membranes and shell particles. Transfer to a blender or food processor. Add 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar or powdered sugar. Grind into crumbs. The filling is ready.
  2. Now the dough. Its preparation takes just a few minutes. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance to soften it. You can use margarine instead, but I don’t buy it on principle and I don’t recommend it. But it's the owner's business. Cut the butter into cubes and place in a deep bowl. When it becomes soft, add cottage cheese. Fat content, in principle, does not matter much.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with butter. You should get an almost homogeneous curd mass. You can mix by hand or use a mixer (food processor).

  4. Mix flour with baking powder. Sift. Add to the dough. Don't add all the flour at once. If you overdo it, the bagels will turn out tough.

    Please note: The amount of flour may differ from what I indicated in the list of ingredients because it depends on the moisture content of the cottage cheese.

    First, add 250 g, and if the mass is too sticky and liquid, add more.

  5. Knead the dough. It will turn out smooth and practically not stick to your hands. Don't knead for too long. As soon as the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, you can begin to form the bagels.
  6. Roll out the curd dough into a layer 2-3 mm thick so that it is convenient to roll the bagels. Cut it into segments as shown in the photo.
  7. Place the filling on the wide end.
  8. Roll the roll towards the sharp end of the workpiece.
  9. Roll each bagel in sugar. No sweetener was added to the dough itself, as you noticed. Therefore, the baked goods will not turn out too sweet.
  10. Place the bagels on a baking sheet lined with paper. You can slightly bend them into a crescent shape. Bake at 200-220 degrees. Approximate cooking time is 20-25 minutes (until browning).
  11. Ready cottage cheese pastries Cool a little. Serve. The dough turns out crispy, crumbly, literally melting in your mouth.

Lush curd bagels made from kefir dough

Extreme airiness in the absence of yeast. Bake soft buns and pies are much faster and easier!

Number of servings: 3

Cooking time: 30 min.

Level: easy


  • medium fat cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • kefir of any fat content – ​​70-100 ml;
  • wheat flour, premium – 200-250 g;
  • vegetable oil refined – 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • table salt – 1/3 tsp;
  • sugar – 3-5 tbsp. l.;
  • baking soda – 1/2 tsp;
  • filling – raisins, thick jam, boiled condensed milk etc.;
  • egg yolk - for greasing the top (optional).
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling finished baked goods.

Detailed recipe with photos:

  1. Warm the kefir a little. Pour into a deep bowl suitable for kneading dough. By the way, you can use yogurt or ayran instead. Add cottage cheese to it. If it is grainy, it is better to rub it through a metal sieve, then the bagels will turn out more airy.
  2. Pour in vegetable oil. Thanks to him, the dough will not go stale for a long time.
  3. Add sugar. If the filling is sweet, then 3 tablespoons will be enough. If it's unsweetened, add more.
  4. Beat with a mixer until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Mix flour with soda. Sift. Add to the rest of the dough ingredients. There is no need to quench the soda with anything; it will react with sour kefir and cottage cheese. Due to this, the bagels will turn out airy.
  6. Mix the ingredients. You may need a little more or less flour than indicated in the recipe. Focus on the consistency of the dough. It should turn out non-sticky, smooth, pliable.
  7. Cut half of it. Roll into a rectangular layer or circle as described in the previous cooking method. Cut into triangular pieces or segments.
  8. Spread out the filling.

    Tip: If you use dried fruits, they must first be steamed to make them softer. Pour boiling water over them and wait 7-10 minutes.

  9. Roll the dough into a bagel, moving from the wide end to the narrow end. Place the bagels on a baking sheet. They will increase noticeably during baking, so leave 3-4 cm between pieces. If desired, brush the surface with egg yolk mixed with a tablespoon of water or milk.
  10. Place the bagels in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 15-20 minutes. You can check readiness with a toothpick. Sprinkle the finished baked goods with powdered sugar.

Cottage cheese bagels not only incredibly tasty, but also very nutritious, as they are prepared from cottage cheese rich in protein and calcium. If there is some of this valuable thing in the refrigerator fermented milk product, then you shouldn’t miss the chance to cook hearty and healthy pastries.

basis classic recipe is curd dough for bagels, thanks to which the dessert turns out very tasty and tender even without filling.

For preparation you will need:

  • 350 g cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 600 g flour;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • 240 g sugar;
  • a little vanillin, salt and sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a mixer, the cottage cheese is mixed with butter.
  2. Combine bulk ingredients (flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, vanillin) in a deep bowl.
  3. After thorough mixing, the contents of the two containers are combined and kneaded until elastic dough, which goes to “rest”.
  4. After half an hour, petals are cut out of the pre-rolled dough and rolled into a croissant shape.
  5. The formed products are brushed with egg yolk and placed on a prepared baking sheet, which is placed in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20 minutes.

Simple recipe with sugar

The aromatic products have an incredibly crispy crust thanks to the granulated sugar melted on top.

To complete the recipe you need:

  • cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • flour - similar amount;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • baking powder - sachet;
  • sugar – 120 g;
  • salt and soda.

Bagels with sugar are prepared as follows:

  1. The melted butter is mixed with the cottage cheese until smooth, then curd mass add flour, salt, soda, baking powder.
  2. The kneaded dough is divided into two parts, one of which is rolled out and sprinkled with a third of the specified amount of sugar.
  3. The layer is cut into 10-12 segments, which are rolled up in the shape of bagels.
  4. Similar manipulations are performed with the second part of the test.
  5. The products are laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment and sprinkled with the remaining sugar.
  6. Bagels are prepared for 20 minutes at 200-220°C.

Bagels made from curd dough “Tenderer than tender”

Beautiful, melt-in-your-mouth culinary products that require very little time and a minimum of ingredients to prepare:

  • cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • sugar – half as much;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil – 60 ml;
  • flour – 250 g;
  • filling - optional;
  • salt and soda.

In preparation:

  1. The cottage cheese is kneaded with sugar and salt on the tip of a knife.
  2. After adding the egg, the mixture is whipped.
  3. Gradually add oil, then add soda.
  4. Flour is sifted into a bowl with the contents.
  5. The dough is kneaded, a layer is rolled out to a thickness of up to 3 mm, which is cut into diamonds, and a filling of jam, marmalade, or marmalade is placed in the center.
  6. The formed products are laid out on a baking sheet and baked for 15-20 minutes at 180°C.

How to cook with jam?

Bagels stuffed with jam are a wonderful dessert for tea, disappearing from the plate in an instant.

Cooking with jam from:

  • 400 g cottage cheese;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 240 g sugar;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • thick jam (optional);
  • a small amount of salt, vanillin and vegetable oil.

Preparation stages:

  1. The cottage cheese with melted butter and the dry ingredients are mixed separately, after which all the ingredients are combined.
  2. The output is soft dough with a plastic structure.
  3. After 30 minutes, the elastic mass is rolled out into a thin layer, from which triangles are cut out.
  4. Jam is placed in the center of the geometric figures, after which the bagels are rolled up, brushed with yolk and placed on an oiled baking sheet.
  5. Culinary products are baked for 20 minutes at 180°C.

Bagels with curd filling

Appetizing products that will appeal to both adults and children are prepared from:

  • 300 g flour;
  • 125 ml milk;
  • a piece of butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 g cottage cheese;
  • raisins and sugar - 20 g each;
  • a small amount of powdered sugar, salt and yeast.

When preparing, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Yeast and sugar are dissolved in warm milk, after which the contents are left for 10 minutes.
  2. At the end of the specified time, egg and salt are added to the mixture.
  3. Sift flour into a bowl and knead the dough.
  4. After adding oil, kneading continues.
  5. While the dough is rising for about an hour, the filling of cottage cheese, raisins and sugar is prepared in another bowl by combining them and mixing them.
  6. A layer is rolled out from the dough and divided into segments.
  7. When the filling is in the center, bagels are formed, dusted with powder and baked for 20 minutes at 200°C.

Bagels with marmalade

Children are crazy about delicious dessert stuffed with different varieties marmalade with a variety of flavors.

To prepare a culinary product you need:

  • butter – 200 g;
  • sour cream – 240 ml;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • flour – 500 g;
  • marmalade – 200 g;
  • salt and soda - a pinch each.

When preparing a culinary dessert:

  1. The dough is prepared from butter, sour cream, sugar, flour, salt and soda.
  2. The plastic mass is divided into several balls, which are rolled out and cut into triangular segments.
  3. Slices of marmalade are laid out closer to the outer edge, after which the dough is rolled into a bagel shape.
  4. The culinary products are laid out on a baking sheet, where they are lightly greased with oil and baked for 20 minutes at 180°C.

Delicious dessert with poppy seeds

A variation of cottage cheese bagels, for which you need to prepare:

  • 425 g cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • 150 g butter;
  • three times less sunflower oil;
  • 350 g flour;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • 280 g sugar;
  • 40 g poppy seeds.

When preparing delicious baked goods:

  1. Grind cottage cheese with ⅔ sugar in a bowl.
  2. Then an egg, a mixture of oils, baking powder and flour are added to the mixture.
  3. A layer is rolled out from the kneaded dough, over which the remaining sugar and flour are evenly distributed, slightly pressed with a rolling pin.
  4. The dough is divided into segments, from which bagels are formed, baked in the oven for about 20 minutes at 180°C.

Cooking with apple filling

The recipe for making bagels with apples is quite simple if you first prepare the following food set:

  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • flour – 400 g;
  • baking powder – 5 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • apples – 2 pcs.;
  • honey – 25 ml;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. The butter is kneaded with cottage cheese in a deep bowl, where baking powder, salt, sugar and sifted flour are added.
  2. An original dessert, for which you take:

  • cottage cheese and flour - 200 g each;
  • butter – 125 g;
  • sugar – 75 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • baking powder – 7 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

When preparing, you must follow this procedure:

  1. The dough is prepared from cottage cheese, butter, eggs and baking powder.
  2. The zest is removed from the citrus and ground with half the sugar.
  3. The dough is divided into two parts, from which circles are rolled out.
  4. Then it is sprinkled with zest and sugar and divided into triangles, rolled into bagels.
  5. The products are laid out on a greased baking sheet, sprinkled with the second half of sugar and baked for about 15 minutes at 190°C.

So, to prepare a delicious and fragrant pastries and please your sweet tooth healthy dessert, just follow the recipe.

Today we have sweet pastries from cottage cheese dough: delicious bagels curled from cottage cheese with filling.

The bagel gets its name from its shape, similar to animal horns, sometimes rolled slightly like croissants. When baked, the curd dough slightly increases in volume, making the bagels soft, tender and very tasty. Any filling for bagels with cottage cheese is suitable: thick jam, plastic fruit marmalade, bananas, grated apple with dried fruits, chocolate pieces, boiled condensed milk, berries. You can do without the filling by sprinkling the layer of curd dough with sugar and cinnamon or poppy seeds, and then roll it into a bagel or triangular puff pastry. The top of these bagels is also sprinkled with sugar, then when baking the sugar bagels will be covered with crispy caramel.

Bagels made from curd dough

While I was preparing this post, I found a very good video recipe from the YouTube channel from Lila Yaroshenko:

Curd bagels with bananas

Well, here's mine step by step photo recipe delicious bagels from cottage cheese.

For the recipe for cottage cheese bagels you will need:


  • Cottage cheese – 500 g,
  • Butter – 150 g,
  • Sugar – 0.5 cups,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Soda – ¾ teaspoon.
  • Vinegar for extinguishing soda,
  • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups,
  • This time I also wanted to try adding 1 egg to the dough (it’s better not to put a lot of eggs in the dough with cottage cheese, it can turn out tough),
  • Filling for bagels - your choice,
  • Sugar or powdered sugar for sprinkling (sugar - for sugar bagels before baking, powder - for bagels with filling after baking).

Cooking process:

The cottage cheese for the bagels was made from whole milk (bought at the market), with good fat content, so the sourness was not felt at all in it. How the curd dough behaves will largely depend on the curd that you use for baking. Wet cottage cheese will take a little more flour than indicated in the recipe. You will understand how much flour you need in the dough for bagels when you roll it into a ball, the main thing is not to pour it all at once.

The cottage cheese dough is prepared quite quickly, all the ingredients specified in the recipe: cottage cheese, salt, butter (it needs to be grated on coarse grater), sugar, slaked soda Place in a deep dish and mix.

The only thing is that at the very beginning it is better to break the grainy cottage cheese into small lumps or mash it with a fork. Next, add white flour, but not all at once, but 2/3 of it to begin with.

The curd dough should not be too stiff, but at the same time it should be plastic, mold well and not stick when rolled out.

In fact, cottage cheese dough is suitable not only for making bagels, cookies and buns, you can bake pies from it, savory pies and pizza, in which case sugar should be excluded from the recipe. Sometimes, due to its increase in volume, curd dough is called false yeast dough. There is some truth in this, undoubtedly.

While working with the cottage cheese dough, you need to add flour to the table. After rolling this dough into a ball, you can store it in the refrigerator for several days in cling film, or even freeze the leftovers and use them for quick baking.

This is the kind of curd lump I got, I divided it into 4 balls (to make it easier to roll out).

For the filling of cottage cheese bagels I used apple jam slices according to my mother. I put it in a sieve to drain liquid syrup, but the apples remained.

Each cottage cheese bun needs to be rolled out into a circle and then divided into segments (as in the photo). The width of the segment is exactly the length of the bagel. Place the filling on the wide end and roll it into a tube from the wide end to the narrow end.

It is very important to find the golden mean here. Because it's extra sweet filling may escape from the bagel and burn on the baking sheet.

I placed the cottage cheese bagels with apples on a perforated pizza baking tray.

But I dipped the sugar bagels with cottage cheese on one side in sugar and placed the unsweetened side on a baking sheet lined with foil (at the right time I didn’t have parchment or baking paper on hand, this probably happens to you too ;-)).

To make the bagels soft, do not roll out the curd dough too thin. Baking cottage cheese bagels or sugar cookies should be done in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown. At higher temperatures, the bagels may brown quickly but remain raw in the middle.

Today, I did not grease the cottage cheese bagels for this recipe with anything before baking, but if desired, they can be greased with a beaten egg and dipped in sugar or in sugar with ground nuts.

Once the bagels have cooled a little, sprinkle them with vanilla powdered sugar and place them on a beautiful plate.

Here in this photo there is a very beautiful breakdown of my curd cookies - bagels.

Like all cottage cheese baked goods, bagels need to be consumed within 1-2 days, then the dough with cottage cheese becomes gummy. But ours don’t live more than one day :-).

Hostess Anyuta wishes you a pleasant tea party!

Very tender, tasty and easy to prepare baked goods from the budget category. A win-win dough based on butter and cottage cheese is kneaded in a matter of minutes and, provided simple technology is followed, it always turns out.

As a filling you can use sugar (as in the proposed recipe), marmalade, thick jam, chocolate, nuts and dried fruits. Crumbly, golden cottage cheese bagels fly apart in an instant, no matter how much you prepare them, because they turn out very tasty. Try it, maybe this recipe will become your signature.


  • cottage cheese with fat content from 5% - 400 g;
  • butter, unsalted (margarine) – 250 g;
  • wheat flour (highest grade) – 400 g;
  • sugar – 100-120 g;
  • vanillin – 1/3 tsp;
  • baking powder (baking powder) – 1 tsp. with a small slide;
  • chicken egg, category C-1 – 1 pc.;
  • fine salt - a small pinch.

How to make bagels from cottage cheese

It is better to use cottage cheese for bagels with medium or high fat content; the fattier it is, the more crumbly the dough will be. Also, do not take the product too wet, otherwise you will have to add more flour, which will make the bagels hard and tough. If main ingredient has a grainy texture, it is better to additionally rub it through a metal sieve. Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl.

The butter in this recipe can be replaced with quality butter margarine for baking. Cut it into small cubes and add to the cottage cheese. Add a small pinch of salt. Grind with a fork or blender until the consistency is almost homogeneous.

Mix flour with baking powder, sift into a bowl with cottage cheese and butter.

Quickly knead the dough. It is not advisable to knead the mixture with your hands for a long time; it is important that the butter does not melt from the warmth of your hands. This is the view shortcrust pastry, so you need to quickly collect it into a ball, wrap it cling film and place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

To prepare the filling and topping, mix sugar and vanillin.

Divide the “rested” dough into parts to make it easier to work with. Keep unused dough covered with film to prevent it from drying out. Roll out one part on a floured surface into a layer about 2 mm thick. Cut a circle out of it using a large plate or pan lid.

Cut the circle into 8-12 segments.

Sprinkle with sugar.

Roll each segment into a bagel, starting from the wide edge. Attach the tip well so that the bagels do not open when baking.

Place the resulting pieces on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. When baking, the bagels will increase slightly in volume, so you need to leave small gaps between them.

Beat the egg with a fork until smooth.

Brush the top of the bagels with egg and sprinkle with sugar. Place in preheated oven on medium level. Bake at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

During the baking process, the top of the baked goods will be covered with a golden caramel crust.

Cottage cheese bagels are delicious both warm and cooled. Store at room temperature, under a waffle towel. You can’t put it in the refrigerator, because the temperature change will cause the bagels to lose their crispness.