
Delicious liver chops. Pork liver chops in batter

Beef liver is a real storehouse of vitamins beneficial to the body (A, B, C, E), macro- (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus) and microelements (iodine, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, selenium, zinc ). That is why it should be included regularly in your diet. There are many dishes based on this product, one of which is chops. They are easy and simple to prepare, you won’t even get tired. Taste qualities of this dish You can diversify it with your favorite seasonings that go with it.

In addition to products for preparing chops from beef liver in batter, we will need a cutting board, a meat hammer and cling film, which can be replaced with a baking sleeve...

If you have time, you can pre-soak the liver in cold water or milk for 30 minutes and then dry it with a paper towel. I used a mixture of peppers for seasoning.

Cut the liver into 5 finger-thick pieces. I took the kind of board that I wouldn’t mind using for the beating process.

First take one piece, salt and pepper it on both sides, cover cling film and carefully beat it with a hammer on one side. You can also lightly sprinkle the liver with flour to prevent the film from sticking. Our task is to break the veins, but be careful not to make minced meat out of the liver. If small holes form, it’s okay - they will be covered with batter. We beat off all the pieces.

Prepare the batter: beat 3 eggs into a bowl, add 3 tablespoons of flour and 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise. You can prepare less batter so that it does not remain. For 2 eggs - 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Add salt and beat well with a whisk.

Pour the remaining flour (5 tablespoons) into a flat dish, place a bowl of batter and another flat plate next to it. Dip the chops first in flour and then in egg batter.

Pour some into the pan vegetable oil odorless, wait for heating. Place the chops and fry them over low heat for 5 minutes on each side. I could fit 2 pieces at a time (a frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm). Remove the finished chops from the pan and fry the next batch.

Five chops came out.

Serve with a side dish or salad! I liked the beef liver chops in batter with hot sauce, in which the predominant taste of red hot pepper. Bon appetit!

I offer a recipe for excellent chops from pork liver . If you cook the liver correctly, the chops will turn out very soft and you will enjoy their great taste. You can serve chops with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salad or other side dish of your choice.


To prepare pork liver chops you will need:

pork liver - 0.5 kg;

salt, spices for meat, freshly ground black pepper - to taste;

milk - 0.5 liters;

flour - 3 tbsp. l.;

vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking steps

Wash the pork liver and cut into pieces, like meat chops.

Pour milk into a bowl and place the liver there, leave for 2 hours.

Then pour out the milk, rinse the liver and dry it with paper towels. Salt the liver, sprinkle with spices and pepper.

Dip the liver in flour.

Fry pork liver chops in heated vegetable oil over medium heat until golden brown on both sides (2-3 minutes on each side).

Place the fried chops in a fireproof saucepan and cook in the microwave at 700 Watts for 3 minutes or in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

A small lyrical digression. My bunnies were still walking kindergarten. Every evening, when I picked them up from kindergarten, they asked, “What did you cook at home?” One evening, when I heard the question, I answered, “Liver.” There was a cry from the elder one, “URRRAaa, little liver.” The parents turned in our direction in surprise, one mother looked at me suspiciously and attentively at my happy children. There was sincere pity and a silent question in the gaze: “What is it that mom feeds her boys that makes them SO happy about their liver?” Zai, at the dawn of our lives, was also suspicious of liver, saying that he would always prefer a good steak to liver. Well, where there is a steak, there is a chop. Then this recirculation was formed, so that it was as natural as possible, without tomato and sour cream, carrots and gravy. Now he himself often recalls “It’s been a long time since we ate liver steaks.”
Retzik, the way I love it - fast, easy, delicious. It is really so tender that the pieces can be separated with a plastic fork. Zay bought a thick edge of the liver, one with a minimum of small ducts. I even went to kiss him for such a piece. Zay didn’t refuse the kiss, but then admitted that he bought what they gave him. Maybe Zay to the Pondra saleswoman? Well, since God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere, such a wonderful piece was formed, allow me to treat you to a liver prepared according to all the rules, of course, not a low-calorie dish at all, but very tasty

Peel the liver from films, veins, and cut into slices 5-7 mm thick
Half a glass of milk, add salt to taste. What, no one likes salted milk? I do this to avoid over-salting. Add more pepper and pour over the liver slices. If necessary, add milk to cover the liver.

At this stage, it happens that I put the container in the refrigerator, and it waits there for pre-dinner cooking.
Cut the onion into half rings, fill the bottom of the frying pan, literally pour a spoonful of vegetable oil, and let it wait in the wings.

We put another one to warm up, put the liver into bags and carefully but persistently beat it off on both sides.

Dip each piece in flour and fry on both sides, adding more oil if necessary.

Can be fried without breading and oil in a special saucepan
If I’m preparing liver just for Zay, then I simply fry it, turning it back and forth until the pink juice stops coming out - I get the most tender chop in a crispy crust. In this case, you can also bread it in breadcrumbs.
Today I propose to continue cooking.
Transfer the fried pieces to a simmer with onion, trying to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. So fry and fry the whole liver.

Place the pan with the liver on a hot stove. After a few seconds it will begin to rustle. Add some boiling water here

so much so that the water is just barely visible, gurgling at the edge. The heat is below medium, cover with a lid and hold for 5 minutes. Then carefully turn over

Liver chops according to this recipe are very tasty and tender. In addition, they cook very quickly, because the preparation itself is simple - beaten, soaked in milk, breaded in flour and then cooked. And the main thing is not to dry it out in the pan! You should also take into account a few more nuances, which I try to talk about below in the recipe, so that beef liver chops will delight you with excellent taste.


  • 850 g beef liver
  • 150 ml milk (a little more than half a glass)
  • 120 g onion (1 head)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Salt to taste
  • Flour for breading
  • Vegetable oil for frying


1. Beef liver has a rough film on it. It must be removed. Pry the film at the cut point and peel it off with your finger. Eat little secret, how to quickly remove the film. The liver should be doused with hot water (but not boiling water), then the film will turn white and then be easily removed. But it always separates well for me, so I skip this step. Ducts and vessels should also be removed, otherwise they will spoil the taste of the finished dish.

2. Cut the liver into wide slices 0.7 cm thick. Here you will need a very sharp knife. And here's a secret for you again. To make the liver easier to cut, freeze it a little. Beat the chopped pieces with a kitchen hammer. This needs to be done on both sides, but don't overdo it at this stage of cooking or you'll just turn the liver into mush. To prevent splashes, cover it with a bag when beating.

3. Salt and pepper the chopped pieces on both sides. Transfer the liver to a deep bowl.

4. Pour milk and refrigerate for 1 hour.

5. Then roll each piece in flour.

6. Fry the flour-breaded liver in vegetable oil on both sides.

7. Cut the onion into half rings. Pour a little vegetable oil into the bottom of the cauldron and place all the onions in it.

This is probably the simplest and quick way cooking liver, which will certainly appeal to lovers of this useful product. To make the liver really tender, you can soak it in milk for two hours, but if you don’t have time or you urgently need to cook dinner, then this method is ideal. Try it, it turns out very tasty.

To prepare pork liver chops in batter, prepare the ingredients according to the list. Wash the liver well under running water, dry it thoroughly with paper towels, there should be no water at all. Remove films and large capillaries.

Cut the liver crosswise into pieces 1-1.5 centimeters thick and place on a board.

Now the liver needs to be beaten, firstly, using the chop technology, and secondly, so that it becomes soft.

I'm revealing a terrible family secret. Cover the liver with cling film and beat it with the neck of an ordinary glass bottle, but without fanaticism. This method makes the liver juicy and soft after cooking.

In a small amount of vegetable oil, fry the chops on both sides for 2-3 minutes on each side. The liver is considered ready when, when punctured, light pink juice flows out of it, not ichor.

Boil the new potatoes, place fresh vegetables next to them and serve the battered pork liver chops on the table.

Have fun!