
Fried fries just right. How to fry foods correctly: all the most important secrets

In Russian, both spellings of words coexist: fried And fried. Both words are derived from the verb fry(what to do?) imperfect form. Verbal adjective fried written in a suffix with one -n-:

melt - baked (milk).

Fried (what?) ham, fried (what?) potatoes, fried (what?) meat.

The word "fried" in these phrases means sign subject.

But as soon as the dependent word appears in the context (you need to be careful to recognize it), it’s already participle, which is written with -nn- according to the spelling rule, for example:

Fried with butter Potatoes taste better than boiled ones.

Fried how? with butter, what are the potatoes made? fried with butter. The word "fried" has sign of action. This is the verb form of the participle, which in its full form is written with -nn-.

We love fried in a frying pan Bavarian sausages.

Worth taking with you on a trip fried at home chicken.

The adjective fried is written with one N, and the participle fried is written with two. Dependent words help identify participles: fried potatoes- fried potatoes in a frying pan. Dependent words help identify participles.

The presence of dependent words (not explanatory, giving verbality!) is not a decisive factor.

We need not just dependent words, but EXPLANATORY WORDS, GIVING VERB, indicating that the dubious word is the result of a process, an action.

Potatoes fried in a frying pan, fried in the morning, fried by the cook - here are examples of EXPLANATORY words that give VERB.

In the presence of such words, there is always ONLY a participle and always a doubling of “nn”. In the absence of such words, both options are possible, depending on the context or the author’s thoughts.

Fried dear, fried Dutch, fried delicious potatoes- these are examples of dependent words that do not impart any verbality.

So how do you spell the word fried? With one N or two?

We won’t go into a long and tedious description, and let’s say right away that it is correctly spelled with two Hs (participles), that is, fried and with one N, fried (adjectives).

On the Spelling website, they will explain to you in detail and popularly in which cases we write words with two nn, and in which with one - press.

In general, there are two spelling options for this word.

I'll start with the fact that " fried" And " fried" - these are two different words. Not different forms, but precisely words. Because “fried” is an adjective. And “fried” is a passive participle. Participles and adjectives are completely different words, although they are similar. Even if we take the participle not as a separate part of speech, but as a form of a verb, then it still turns out to be a verb.

We come to the conclusion that the spelling of these words depends entirely on what part of speech is in front of us.

For example, a rooster. Remember the saying in which he suddenly bites? So, this pecks our name adjective, figuratively speaking. And we will write it with one letter "n". To explain it more simply, this rooster was not fried by anyone. It's like it's just fried, that's all. That is, this sign of him has become permanent and inalienable. It’s as if the rooster was born this way. It seems so to us from the context, since there are no dependent words. Not a single one.

And “fried facts” are written with one “n”. It is unknown who and when they were fried. There are no dependent words or other explanations.

For example, fried by me, fried by you, fried the day before yesterday, fried for too long, fried with butter, fried without it. And so on. The dependent words we have shown (let’s simply call them “explanations”) prove: phrases contain participles, not adjectives. And they are written with two "n".

And finally, one very interesting addition for general knowledge. If a prefix appears in “fried” and “fried” (either “over-” or “under-”), then you don’t have to think about whether it’s an adjective or a participle. Write with two "nn" at once. The probability of error will be minimal.

A funny addition to what was said jylek2013. Please do not consider this as a separate answer.

The explanation of the teacher of Russian language and literature came to mind:

*when this occurs in a work of art, the writing remains on the conscience of the author,* something like that.

I found a similar statement on Gramota.ru (C):

So: the series "Roasted Hare Berlin Style". Source: story by O.A. Burkin. Author's title saved

but in the opening credits, stylized as a menu, we see a different spelling

Both spellings of the word, both with one letter N and with a double letter, that is, НН, are correct; spelling depends on context. You just need to be able to distinguish between verbal adjectives and participles.

Fried (one letter H) is an adjective,

A roasted cockerel lay on a platter.

Fried (two letters НН) is a participle,

A cockerel fried with onions and potatoes lay on the table.

Both the first and second spellings of the word are correct.

The word "fried" is written with one "n" when denoting a feature of an object (for example, fried meat, fried mushrooms). In such cases the word is an adjective.

It is written with two “n” when the word already acts as a participle, since a dependent word appears. We recognize it and write the word “fried” with a double “n” (fried mushrooms with meat (“with meat” is a dependent word, the context has been changed, that’s why we use two “n”)).

The Russian language is very interesting and diverse. There is the word “fried” and there is “fried”, it all depends on how it appears in the sentence.

Oh, it's hot nn mushrooms picked by mom - "in the heat" nnе" is already a participle, since we see the dependent word "mom" and write two " nn"It's simple, you just need to be a little careful in such controversial cases.

If this word appears in a sentence or phrase as a participle, then we write it with two letters “nn”, i.e. — fried

If this word appears in a sentence or phrase as an adjective, then we write it with one letter “n”, i.e. — fried

It must be written correctly with two letters "n". That is, the correct spelling of the word "Fried". This is how we write if the word can lead to the question “How?”. In other cases, when the question is posed from the word “What?” - we write with one letter.

The word "fried" is spelled correctly

Other forms of this word: frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying.

It would seem, what do you need to know to cook in a frying pan? But it turns out that there are many nuances that need to be taken into account when frying in a pan in order to do it correctly and, as a result, eat delicious food. Indeed, with this method of heat treatment, even the highest quality products can be significantly spoiled.

How to fry in a frying pan?

One of the most important aspects of frying is the pan itself. It should have a thick bottom (for uniform heat distribution), a large area (for frying the largest number of products), and with a comfortable handle, because if the handle is made of a material that overheats, this creates a lot of inconvenience when cooking.

In this case, the heat source, that is, the stove that will be used during cooking, is of great importance. For example, an electric stove, due to its slow heating and cooling, is not very suitable for frying food.

The oil in which the food will be fried also affects the result of cooking by frying. After all, even in a frying pan with a non-stick coating, it is better to fry with the addition of a small amount of oil.

I think everyone knows that there is no need to reuse oil for frying, since oil that has already been heated once quickly oxidizes in air, and during subsequent frying, the amount of oxidation products in it increases sharply.

The quality of cooking in a frying pan also depends on the cooking temperature.

How to cook without oil?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to fry food without oil in a regular frying pan. But there are several tricks that will allow us to do this, and thus reduce the harmfulness of the food we prepare. For example, use a non-stick frying pan or a grill pan, which can be purchased at a regular store or a couch store. During the second cooking, all the fat flows down special ribs in the frying pan and does not come into contact with the food in the future. After cooking, excess oil is simply drained.

Fried healthy food

Are fried foods healthy? According to experts from the British Society of Cardiology, if fried potatoes, fish or even chips are cooked in vegetable oil, then such food is harmless, since consumption vegetable oil protects a person from heart diseases. But it’s worth remembering that the amount of oil should be minimal, just enough for the food to brown nicely.

According to scientists from this society, what kind of oil is used for frying is important, and it should not be reused. According to recent studies published in the famous medical publication British Medical Journal, in Spain, where olive or sunflower oil, no relationship was found between people's consumption of fried foods and the occurrence of heart disease.

Whether to eat fried food is up to you.
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1. someone-what. When frying, prepare for eating (especially about frying on the outside). Fry the cutlet. Fry the potatoes.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.

D.N. Ushakov.

    1935-1940. See what “FRY” is in other dictionaries:

    Roast, ryu, ryu; renal; absolutely, what. Grill or sear the surface. P. meat. P. bread. | imperfect fry, ay, ay. | noun frying, and, female Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    fry- what and what. 1. what (full coverage of the subject by the action). Fry the meat. Toast the bread. 2. what (partial coverage of the object by the action). Fry the pies. Maybe fry some potatoes? (Antonov) ... Control Dictionary

    Sov. trans. see fry Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried,... ... Forms of words

    fry- fry, ryu, rit... Russian spelling dictionary

    fry- (II), podzha/ryu (sya), rish (sya), ryat (sya) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    Ryu, rish; St. What. 1. Prepare food by frying; fry. P. cutlet. The porridge was fried with lard. The dough will be fried in a Dutch oven. It's spinning around like it's been fried. 2. what. Fry in some quantity. Potatoes n.? ◁ Fry, ayu, ayu;… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    fry- toasting... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    fry- ryu, rish; St. see also fry, fry, browning, frying that 1) To cook food by frying; fry. Roast/roast... Dictionary of many expressions


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About the harm fried meat There are constant disputes. Actually, frankly speaking, fried food is not very healthy. It is considered severe and is not recommended for people with stomach, liver, pancreas, or gall bladder problems, since it requires quite a lot of strength from the body to digest. However, for some reason, each of us (excluding complete vegetarians) sometimes wants to eat a piece of well-fried meat. The body, so to speak, demands. Well, let's not limit it, at least today, and let's cook delicious meat in a frying pan!

How to fry meat in a frying pan? What kind of cookware is best to use? If available, use a ceramic-coated frying pan. Slightly worse - cast iron or of stainless steel. You can use a Teflon coated frying pan. Then the meat will not burn, and much less oil will be needed for frying.

The meat should be fried, cut into large or medium pieces. If the pieces are too small, then you will have it stewed rather than fried (which also makes sense, but for completely different recipes). The oil, and first the frying pan, must be thoroughly heated. The pieces of meat themselves should not be wet. To do this, dry them with a linen (not paper) napkin. You need to fry over fairly high heat, but so as not to burn.

Frying time

It directly depends on the size of the pieces into which the meat is cut, and on the degree of readiness you want to achieve.

How to fry meat in a frying pan? Some people like it rare, others like it well-done. It's a matter of taste. But, of course, this product simply needs to be subjected to sufficient heat treatment, and not eat it half-raw (although there are fans of this dish, they believe that the less the meat is fried, the less carcinogens there are that are harmful to the body).

What oil to use

Let's avoid all fat and margarine! They contribute to the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in our body. You can use natural oil (sunflower, ghee), lard(melted lard), chicken fat. Remember that creamy meat will burn quickly, and lard will give a “pork” taste even to veal! Sunflower seeds should be filtered, first-pressed or frozen. But in general, it all depends on the cooking recipe. And everyone can find their own recipe for frying meat in a frying pan. Here are just a few of them. Choose which ones you like, or come up with your own!

Meat in a frying pan. Basic recipe

We will need: pork (back or neck for fatty meat lovers) - one and a half kilograms, vegetable sunflower oil - 50-100 grams, onions - one kilogram, spices - to taste, salt.

How to cook meat in a frying pan? Cut the pork into large rectangular pieces. To marinate or not is up to the owner. Before cooking, you can soak the meat for a couple of hours in any marinade available to you, or in the one in which you traditionally soak it for barbecue. It will become softer and softer. Salt and spices - to taste.

How to cook meat in a frying pan? A dish prepared in this way is also called “stove-top shashlik.” Place a large frying pan on medium heat, warm it up well. Pour in vegetable oil (a lot at once). It should also warm up well, almost boiling! Place the meat, dried with cloth napkins, into almost boiling oil and fry until golden brown on all sides (to do this, turn the pieces over). Cut the onion into rings or half rings and fry after the meat in the same oil and juice. The resulting effect: the meat is soft, juicy inside, and golden brown on the outside.

Place the meat on plates. There are onion rings around. You can serve fried potatoes or boiled rice as a side dish. Meat goes well with salad fresh cucumbers and tomatoes seasoned with olive oil.

Fried meat in a frying pan

Lightly pounded pork (or veal, more dietary) - anyone who decides to cook fried meat in a frying pan can use it.

We will need: fillet (you can use a tenderloin or a part for chops) - one and a half kilograms, onions - two or three onions, breadcrumbs - one pack, two eggs, vegetable oil for frying - 100 grams, salt and spices - to taste.

Cut the fillet across the grain into fairly large pieces and beat with a kitchen hammer. Try to maintain the structure of the meat, do not smash it to smithereens, as this will cause it to lose its juiciness, perhaps becoming soft. Find experimentally the proportion at which the meat will remain juicy and soft at the same time.

For lovers of the classics

Break two eggs into a bowl and beat with a special whisk. Salt and pepper the meat. Dip the beaten pieces into beaten eggs, then roll in breadcrumbs. Fry over medium heat until a classic crust forms - this happens quite quickly due to the fact that the pieces were processed with egg and breadcrumbs. Fry the onion, cut into half rings, separately. We serve the chops with some fresh salad and greens, garnished with potatoes, baked in large pieces.

For lovers of natural meat

We do not roll the meatballs, but fry them as is, in a large amount of vegetable oil. Brown on all sides until a characteristic crust forms.

Serve the meatballs with fried onions and a salad of fresh vegetables. By the way, this kind of dish can also be prepared from chicken fillet, after slightly beating it off. It turns out amazing!

Potato with meat

Cooking these two products together has, of course, its own zest. Potatoes with meat in a frying pan are good both as an affordable “budget” dish and as a dish for gourmets who respect the process itself. The main thing is that our dish is not stewed, but rather fried, forming crispy crusts on the potatoes and meat! To do this, it is more advisable to separately fry small pieces of meat (veal or pork - 500 grams, the so-called “cutlet” meat is also suitable) in vegetable oil, and then separately fry the potatoes (one and a half kilograms) in a large frying pan. It is to fry, and not stew, until the characteristic golden brown crust forms on the pieces of potato, cut into strips.

For those who like fried onions in potatoes, chop them finely and fry separately until golden brown. Then mix the potatoes, onions, meat in a large frying pan - fry it all for another five minutes, uncovered, over low heat. Then cover the frying pan and let it sit for another five minutes.

The dish is ready. Serve on large plates, sprinkled with chopped herbs: parsley, cilantro, green onions. For those who love ketchup, serve it (or a homemade version - tomato sauce) to the table.


And there is also American beef steak, steak, baked meat, entrecote and languette! All recipes on the topic cannot be covered in one short article. The main thing is, don't be afraid to experiment. Meat loves creativity and every manifestation of your culinary fantasies. Bon appetit!

  1. Give preference to potatoes with a low starch content: the slices will retain their shape well when fried. Light, yellow and pink tubers are suitable.
  2. Try to choose firm and smooth potatoes of the same variety and size. This will ensure the same level of doneness.
  3. But it is better to put tubers with green skin aside or carefully trim them: green color signals an increased content of solanine, which can spoil the taste of potatoes, or even lead to poisoning.
  4. Before cooking, peeled potatoes need to be soaked to remove excess starch. Ideally, you need to soak overnight or at least a couple of hours, but 30–60 minutes will also work to your advantage. If you don't have time, still rinse the peeled and sliced ​​potatoes under cold water.
  5. And don't forget to dry the slices with paper towels: frying wet potatoes is not a good idea.
  6. The shape and size of the chopped potatoes can be any. The main thing is that all the pieces are the same. This will ensure they cook as evenly as possible.
  7. The frying time directly depends on the thickness of the pieces: the thicker, the longer. If the slices vary in size, judge doneness by the thickest one.

How to fry potatoes in a frying pan

  1. Choose a cast iron or steel frying pan with a thick bottom. This the best option for frying potatoes.
  2. It is healthier to fry potatoes in refined vegetable oil, but tastier - in lard or lard. Which option to choose is up to you.
  3. To ensure that the potatoes are perfectly browned, they should be placed in well-heated oil. It is not recommended to fry in cold oil or add it during frying.
  4. It is better to fry potatoes in one layer. Then it will be covered with a crispy crust.
  5. You need to turn the potatoes several times. It is important to find a balance: do not turn too often (otherwise the pieces will not brown) or too rarely (otherwise the dish will simply burn).
  6. And you always need to add salt at the end. Otherwise, the potatoes will release moisture, stick together, and instead of perfect golden pieces you will get something unappetizing.

How to cook French fries

  1. Usually, for cooking, tubers are cut into even pieces 5–10 mm wide and thick.
  2. You will need a lot of vegetable oil. A lot of. About four times more than when frying in a pan.
  3. The absence of a deep fryer can easily be filled with a frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom.
  4. The temperature of the oil in which the potatoes can be dipped should be about 180 °C. If you don't have a kitchen thermometer, simply drop one slice into the pan; if it immediately sizzles and floats, the oil is ready to use.
  5. If you plan to fry a lot of potatoes, don't do it all at once. It is better to divide the cubes into several small portions and cook one at a time.
  6. Place the finished potatoes in a colander to drain excess oil and dry with paper towels.
  7. It’s better to salt the fries and add spices right on the plate.

How to fry potatoes in a slow cooker

  1. Potatoes are cooked in a multicooker in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode.
  2. First you need to heat the oil well, and then add the prepared potatoes.
  3. Cooking time is about 40–50 minutes.
  4. After about half an hour, the potatoes need to be turned over, and towards the end - salted. It's simple!




  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • 2–3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • a pinch of cumin;
  • small sprig of rosemary;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Peel, cut, rinse and dry the potatoes. Heat oil in a frying pan and place the slices in it. When they are well browned, turn them over and add the onion, cut into half rings.

Continue cooking, stirring the potatoes occasionally until they are well browned on all sides. When the dish is almost ready, add chopped garlic, rosemary leaves, cumin, pepper and salt. Stir, wait a few minutes and remove the pan from the heat.



  • 6–7 medium yellow potatoes;
  • 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • 300 g fresh (or 30 g dried);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 sprigs of thyme;
  • 5 tablespoons chopped parsley;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


Place the potatoes prepared for frying in a frying pan with 3 tablespoons of hot oil. Fry over high heat, stirring occasionally. When the potatoes are golden brown, cover the pan and cook for another 5 minutes. Season with salt and remove the dish from the heat.

Now you can start cooking the mushrooms.

Heat the remaining oil in another frying pan. Fry the onion in it until translucent. Add pre-peeled and washed mushrooms (if the mushrooms are very large, they can be chopped). Cook for about 7 minutes until all the moisture has evaporated and the mushrooms are golden brown. Season with salt and pepper, add chopped garlic, chopped thyme and parsley.

Place the mushrooms in the pan with the potatoes, stir and cook for a few more minutes over medium heat.

  1. If you are using dried mushrooms, they need to be soaked in advance. It's best to do this the night before cooking.
  2. Fresh mushrooms can be pre-cooked to ensure they are cooked.



  • 6 medium yellow potatoes;
  • 200–220 g bacon;
  • ½ red onion;
  • 2 tablespoons capers;
  • 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • rapeseed oil for frying;
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste.


Cut the potatoes into large cubes, put them in a saucepan, cover with water and cook over medium heat until tender.

While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the bacon. Cut it into large pieces and fry in a large saucepan over medium heat. When the bacon is cooked, remove it with a slotted spoon, drain the grease, and wipe the surface of the pan with a paper towel.

Pour quite a bit of rapeseed oil into the pan and heat it until it starts to smoke a little. Place the drained potatoes into the hot oil and shake the pan. Reduce heat and fry potatoes until light brown. Add salt and pepper.

After a few minutes, shake the pan again and add the diced onion. Continue cooking until the onion becomes translucent. Then put the pre-dried capers into the pan and pour in the vinegar.

When the vinegar has almost evaporated, add olive oil, mustard and bacon. Season with salt and pepper again and stir. Serve the salad warm.