
What happens if you put an egg in vinegar? Experiment with egg and vinegar

The development of a fungal colony on the nail plates of the feet and hands is not the most pleasant adjustment to life. Pain, stench, unflattering appearance of feet and hands, constant pain and an incessant desire to itch - this is just the tip of the fungal iceberg. “Under the water” lie loved ones infected with the fungus, surgical interventions in the anatomical integrity of the body and many unpleasant situations with disgusting-looking legs. In this article, we will look at what antibacterial characteristics egg and vinegar have, as well as a recipe for toenail fungus containing vinegar and egg as the main ingredients.

Vinegar, even in its pure form, is a good antimycotic agent, but you need to be careful, the acid does not spare any living cells, you need to be careful not to harm yourself.

Recipes with vinegar

You can use vinegar for foot fungus in a huge number of ways, so let’s briefly look at the simplest of them:

9% solution

The folk recipe says,
that there is no need to dilute 9% vinegar with anything, just:

  • moisten the cotton wool (disc);
  • put it on the nail;
  • we fix the structure (usually with adhesive tape);
  • put on clean socks;
  • leave everything overnight.

The main thing is to make sure that the improvised tampon does not move out and covers the periungual, potentially infected tissues.

70% essence

Second most popular recipe
says that for one time for two legs, for better results you need:

  • take 70% essence, 2 tbsp;
  • add 2 tbsp glycerin to it;
  • add ethanol 2 tbsp;
  • the resulting mixture is stirred until a good homogeneous solution is obtained;
  • the solution is applied to the nail using gauze (cotton wool);
  • keep the compress for a quarter of an hour;
  • remove;
  • There is no need to wash your feet after the procedure; on the contrary, you need to leave them for a while, allowing them to dry completely.

Vinegar baths

You can also cook
for this:

  • into warm (40 degrees) boiled water;
  • add 9% vinegar, at the rate of 3 tbsp. spoons/1 liter;
  • keep your feet in the solution for a quarter of an hour (for advanced forms, up to half an hour);
  • let your feet dry;
  • without washing their feet, they walk like this.

It is important to know that apple cider vinegar is needed, both when treating nail fungus with vinegar and egg, and when using vinegar in its pure form.

Egg healing

Traditional healers offer many remedies for mycosis, some of them are effective and scientifically proven, others are useless (if not harmful).

An egg-based remedy for nail fungus has a certain popularity among the masses, due to its ease of manufacture and effectiveness comparable to local drug treatment.

Some people on the Internet claim that egg ointment, in its medicinal qualities, is many times superior to the gifts of classical medicine.

When it comes to eggs, it is very little to know the recipe for an ointment for fungus so that the product works efficiently and quickly, and also relieves symptoms the first time; there are a number of rules and prohibitions for egg medicines.

And only by completing them all can you get an excellent and quick result:

  • always store the egg-based product in the refrigerator, otherwise the ointment itself will turn from a medicine into a “mushroom bed”;
  • the means with which you will apply the ointment must be thoroughly sterilized and used only by you, otherwise, in addition to repeated self-infection, you will infect your entire family;
  • Before the procedures, the legs must be carefully prepared.

Leg preparation

Before using the anti-fungal ointment with vinegar and egg, let’s prepare the feet; very often this issue becomes a “stumbling block” before cure, because if you do it incorrectly:

  • you postpone the cure date further;
  • some “prepare” their legs in such a way that the situation only gets worse.

Let's go through the nuances and sequence of actions and figure out how to do it correctly.

The tools you use during this period will have to be thrown away afterwards, no matter how much you alcohol them, spores will still remain on them, so it is better to buy a set of disposable files at the pharmacy and simple cheap scissors.


When the preparation is done, it’s time to figure out how to prepare an ointment for nail fungus from eggs and vinegar. The egg must be mixed with vinegar to obtain a medicinal solution.

Every folk recipe for toenail fungus, having vinegar and an egg in it contains something unusual, so let’s go through them all.

vinegar and egg

You will need:

  • separate the whites and yolks (you can see the method on the culinary website);
  • Mix the whites of three eggs slowly first with 96% alcohol;
  • then add 9% vinegar ratio 1:1:1 (the exact volume is determined by the size of the eggs);
  • the solution must be mixed until smooth (do not stir quickly or you will end up with a cream);
  • Place cotton wool into the resulting mass and thoroughly soak it;
  • ready-made cotton wool is used as a compress;
  • after which the leg is wrapped and left overnight.

Recipe 2

For nail fungus, you can combine an egg in vinegar in another way. Take a mixer and actively mix in it:

  • egg (1 pc.);
  • 9% vinegar (1 tbsp);
  • dimethyl phthalate (1 tsp);
  • olive oil (1 tbsp);
  • when did it work out homogeneous mass, soak the cotton wool and fix it on the infected area for 12 hours.

vinegar + egg + butter

This is the most effective method, but at the same time a difficult recipe to follow, explaining how to make an ointment for nail fungus with vinegar and egg the most effective.

According to the recipe, you need:

  • Dissolve the egg shell in vinegar. For this a raw egg put in vinegar essence;
  • leave in the dark so that the shell is completely dissolved, wait a couple of days;
  • when only a film remains of the shell, it is removed, after which the remaining eggs and essence are thoroughly mixed and oil is added.

Did you know that if you place an egg in vinegar for two days, the shell will dissolve and the egg will become elastic. Under the influence of vinegar, the calcium that makes up the shell dissolves and disappears in the form of gas bubbles. The result is a funny egg that looks like jelly. If we conduct an experiment on boiled egg, then it will become elastic, like a rubber ball. Let's pour table vinegar(9%) into a transparent glass and lower it into it egg. Carbon dioxide immediately begins to be released from the surface of the egg.
Bird eggshells are made up of 90 percent calcium carbonate. Therefore, when interacting with acid, it begins to disintegrate, releasing CO2.
After 12-15 hours we see what happened. Calcium from the surface of the egg has dissolved. Only the film between the shell and the egg remained intact.
Remove the egg from the vinegar and rinse under running water. The egg increased slightly in size as it was saturated with vinegar.
There is no shell and you can play with the egg like a ball. The film is very thin, and therefore can tear if handled carelessly.
Now this rubber egg can be illuminated through.

Attention: eating this egg is prohibited!

Did you know that if you place an egg in vinegar for two days, the shell will dissolve and the egg will become elastic. Under the influence of vinegar, the calcium that makes up the shell dissolves and disappears in the form of gas bubbles. The result is a funny egg that looks like jelly. If you experiment with a boiled egg, it will become elastic, like a rubber ball.

(Total 12 photos + 1 video)

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1. Pour table vinegar (9%) into a transparent glass and lower a chicken egg into it. Carbon dioxide immediately begins to be released from the surface of the egg.

2. The shell of bird eggs consists of 90 percent calcium carbonate. Therefore, when interacting with acid, it begins to disintegrate, releasing CO2.

3. After 12 - 15 hours, let’s see what happened. Calcium from the surface of the egg has dissolved. Only the film between the shell and the egg remained intact.

4. Remove the egg from the vinegar and rinse with running water.

5. The egg has increased slightly in size as it has been saturated with vinegar.

6. There is no shell and you can play with the egg like a ball. The film is very thin, and therefore can tear if handled carelessly.

7. Now this rubber egg can be illuminated through.

An ordinary chicken egg can glow, jump, and shed its shell! If you have any doubts about this, I hasten to dispel them...

What you will see now is a great idea for spending exciting leisure time with children and never-growing older people. Absolutely everyone will love this egg trick!

Egg in vinegar

You will need

  • 1 egg
  • glass tumbler
  • vinegar

If you place a chicken egg in vinegar, an amazing chemical reaction will occur. The acids contained in vinegar and the calcium that is so abundant in eggshells are a magical mixture! Watch the video and see for yourself. I was amazed, especially in the last minute of watching...

I really liked it when the shell started to bubble - the vinegar did its job! This happens 5-6 hours after you place the egg in a glass of vinegar, keep this information in mind when you are about to conduct a fascinating experiment.

How extraordinary does such an elastic rubber egg look if you shine it with a flashlight... Definitely! If you are inspired by this idea and also decide to entertain someone like this, I will be very grateful to you!

To cure arthrosis, as well as alleviate the patient’s condition during its manifestations, you can turn to folk medicine. The effectiveness of her recipes has been proven by many positive reviews. The ingredients for this natural remedy are easy to find in any store.

Many people suffer from joint pain. characterized by inflammation of the joint, which leads to:

  • loss of ability to move freely;
  • feeling of discomfort during physical activity;
  • clicking and crunching;
  • severe pain.

An ointment made from eggs, vinegar and butter is a wonderful, effective mixture that relieves symptoms of joint pain and softens the progression of arthritis. This recipe has been around for many years.

The point is that eggshell dissolves in vinegar. This means that the calcium it contains transforms into a different physical state. The vinegar solution is oversaturated with calcium ions, which are known to be extremely important for bones and joints.

To increase the effectiveness of using the ointment, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  • Before applying the composition, you need to additionally warm up the diseased area of ​​the body. If the joints on the legs are being treated, you can steam them in hot water;
  • do a light massage where the product will be applied. This will increase blood microcirculation, which means the ointment will be absorbed more intensely;
  • wrap your joints in a warm scarf, you can put warm wool socks on your feet;
  • do preventive exercises every morning;
  • reduce physical activity while treatment is ongoing.

Composition recipes

To prepare the ointment you will need: vinegar, fresh homemade egg, butter good quality with a high percentage of fat content.

What do we have to do:

  1. At the first stage, the egg needs to be filled with vinegar (in a jar). It must be completely immersed in it.
  2. The container should be covered with a thick piece of cloth or you should find a place for it where sunlight does not penetrate. You need to insist for three days. This time is enough for the acetic acid to dissolve the outer shell of the egg. The egg itself is preserved in a protective film.
  3. Prepare a clean bowl into which to pour the egg. In order for it to spill, you need to remove the film from it.
  4. Butter is added to give the mixture the desired consistency. As a result of mixing, you should get a thick ointment that does not spread.
  5. The mass is diluted with the vinegar solution that remains after infusion. This gives the product additional healing properties.
  6. The area of ​​painful joints is lubricated every day.

Recipe two

The chicken egg is broken in the middle so that the shells form two identical containers. The contents of the egg are poured into glass jar.

Pour vinegar essence into the shells and pour into the same jar. Then pour unrefined into the shells vegetable oil, pour into a container with all the ingredients and mix thoroughly with a wooden stick. The product is ready for use.

Recipe three

This classic recipe from traditional medicine. Ingredients:

  • vinegar 9%;
  • one fresh egg;
  • butter – 200 g.

The contents of the egg are placed in a ceramic pot or glass jar. Next, add vinegar. Melt the butter in a water bath and add it to the rest of the ingredients. Then everything is thoroughly mixed. The mixture should sit for several hours, and then it should be placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

This ointment is applied to joints affected by arthritis, covered with gauze on top, and a bandage is secured. To make the ointment work faster, you can create an additional warming effect.

The folk remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect and also relieves pain.

It is worth noting that the use of ointment gives maximum effect when the disease is at the initial stage.


Using an external product can cause skin irritation in the form of an allergic reaction. This happens if the patient has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the ointment. For example, it could be vinegar essence.

In this case, it is better not to use the ointment or try to apply it without using the thermal effect. You should not use the product if your skin has rashes or manifestations of skin diseases. You should also refrain from using the ointment if there is mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, scratches, cracks).



Usage folk remedies- This is not a panacea for the disease, but rather an auxiliary element. Treatment of arthritis requires systematic treatment of the body, both from the inside and outside. In order to relieve joint pain, an ointment consisting of three simple components. This is egg, vinegar and butter. To achieve the effect, it is applied to the sore spot, rubbed in, and provides a thermal effect. This should be done daily.

Sometimes the use of ointment provides only a short-term effect. This is absolutely normal. To defeat the disease, you need to use all methods. And repeat the use of folk remedies from time to time.