
French fries in the multicooker Supra 5201. Recipe for delicious French fries cooked in the multicooker

French fries are one of the most favorite treats not only for children, but also for adults. It can be ordered in almost any cafe. And children, for the promise of buying them French fries, are ready to clean their room, do their homework, behave well, in general, do whatever they say, just to eat a portion of delicious crispy potatoes. And many parents, when buying their child another portion of fries in catering establishments, close their eyes and try not to think that this product is not only not healthy, but can also have a negative impact on the health of the child’s body. After all, it’s no secret to reuse oil for deep frying, adding flavor enhancers, etc.

But there is nothing easier than making French fries in a slow cooker at home. All you need for this is potatoes, sunflower oil and salt. Then you can certainly be completely sure that only high-quality products were used.

The main secret to crispy potatoes is double frying. Of course, be sure to take the highest quality sunflower oil. So, having spent very little time, you can quickly prepare tasty treat and arrange a home holiday for the whole family..

I cooked French fries in a VES Electric SK-A12 multicooker in the “Frying” mode.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare necessary products. Peel and wash the potatoes.

  2. Cut into long strips with sides about 1 centimeter. Transfer to a large container and fill with cold water. You will immediately notice how the water becomes cloudy due to the released starch. It is this starch that is the main “enemy” of delicious crispy French fries. It needs to be removed, and this is achieved by repeated washing in water until it becomes absolutely clean. This means that most of the starchy substances have been removed from the potatoes. You need to rinse at least 4-5 times.

  3. Place the potato wedges on a clean cloth towel and dry well. There should not be a drop of liquid left.

  4. Turn the multicooker on to the “Frying” mode, pour in the sunflower oil and wait until it warms up well. This will take 5-7 minutes. Before putting potatoes into oil, you need to check its temperature. This is easy to do by dipping just one slice. If it starts to bubble, the oil is ready for frying. Place a handful of potatoes.

  5. Fry, stirring, until the potatoes are slightly soft (5-6 minutes). Place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. While this portion is cooling, you can add the next one. Thus, carry out the first frying of all potato slices.

  6. Return the cooled, lightly fried potatoes to the boiling oil, also in portions. Fry this time for about 3-4 minutes. The straw will quickly acquire a golden color and become crispy.

  7. Place again on a paper towel and immediately sprinkle with salt or seasonings as desired.

  8. Crispy, delicious French fries are ready in the slow cooker.

Serve the fries right away, in addition to offering ketchup, mayonnaise or some kind of sauce.

1.Prepare the potatoes. To do this, peel it and rinse under running water.

2.Then cut the potatoes into long strips, place them in a large saucepan or bowl, cover with cold water and let sit for a while. This is necessary to wash the starch out of it. For this dish we don’t need it at all, since then the potatoes won’t be as crispy. Repeat this several times until the drained liquid becomes clear.

3.After this, place all the potatoes on a towel and let them dry well. This is very important for further preparation.

4.Turn on your miracle saucepan and select the “Frying” mode. Pour sunflower oil into a bowl and heat it thoroughly. This will take about five to seven minutes. It is easy to check the desired oil temperature. If you put one potato in it and it becomes covered with bubbles, then the oil has reached the desired temperature. Then place a small amount of potatoes in the oil.

5.Fry a portion of potatoes for about five to six minutes. Don't forget to stir. When the potatoes have softened a little, place them on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Let this portion cool down while you add the next one. Fry all the potatoes this way. Don't add salt or season anything yet.

6.Now you should re-fry the potato strips. Place it in boiling oil in portions, but now fry for three to four minutes. The result of your efforts will be crispy and golden straws.

7. Place the finished potatoes again on a paper towel. At this stage, you need to sprinkle it with seasonings and salt to taste.

The dish is ready. French fries are very tasty with homemade mayonnaise or ketchup, you can also serve them as a side dish with meat or fish dishes. A light vegetable salad or just tomato juice. Bon appetit!

We don't make French fries at home very often (except for those lucky enough to have an air fryer). Some people are too lazy to bother with frying pans, while others don’t even have a frying pan, but they have a multicooker, which, as you know, cooks exclusively healthy dishes, which French fries do not include. But sometimes you want to pamper yourself and cook French fries at home; it’s still better than going to cafes and eating an unknown dish prepared there.

But not every slow cooker can cook French fries. If your miracle pot doesn't have a special "Fryer" or "Multi-Cook" program, cooking French fries can become almost impossible. “Almost” - because for our housewives nothing is impossible. Some, however, are afraid of damaging the fragile coating of the multicooker bowl, but in the latest models it has become better, so you can try cooking French fries in a multicooker.

First you need to choose the right potatoes. Perfect French fries come only from mature potatoes. New potatoes are doughy and don't have that same taste of "real" potatoes. Due to excessive looseness, you should not take potatoes with a high starch content - after frying they will quickly soften. When buying potatoes to prepare this dish, choose soft varieties, and choose tubers that are even. Pay attention to the color of the tubers - a green tint indicates a high content of the toxic substance solanine under the skin. It is better to refuse such a purchase.

When frying potatoes, choose refined and deodorized oil. It will not overpower the smell of potatoes with its aroma, and the dish will not be so heavy. Although, as you know, there are no comrades for taste and color - some gourmets, on the contrary, adore the aroma of real sunflower oil and cook French fries in a slow cooker using it.

Everyone knows the method of cutting potatoes for deep-frying: fairly thick, up to 1 cm, long cubes. There is no point in cutting the strips thinner; they will simply fall apart during frying, and sticks that are too thick will require more cooking time and may not be cooked through. If the skin of the potato is not very rough, it does not need to be peeled. Cut the potatoes, rinse with very cold water and dry on a towel. Washing the potatoes is necessary to remove starch from the surface, and mandatory drying will prevent the hot oil from exploding, because we all know what happens when a drop of water gets into the oil.

French fries can be fried in one step, or you can tinker a little and get the same crispy and crispy result. delicious potatoes, which is served in well-known fast food cafes. To do this, you first need to fry the potato wedges in hot, but not boiling, oil for 6-8 minutes, and then re-fry the potatoes in hot oil, but as quickly as possible. Set the multicooker to “Bake” mode for 1 hour. Pour into the bowl vegetable oil and wait until it warms up, but does not boil. Place a portion of potatoes in the oil and fry for 6-8 minutes, stirring to ensure even cooking. Then place the potatoes on a paper towel and let the oil absorb. Fry all the potatoes this way and let them cool. Then heat the vegetable oil in a slow cooker until it boils and fry the potatoes in it in small portions for 2 minutes. Place on a paper towel and serve, sprinkled with salt and spices to taste, with a variety of sauces or as a side dish.

If you don't want to fry the potatoes in batches, you can do it at a time by dropping portions of the potatoes into the oil and stir-frying them for 10 minutes until golden crust. For 1 part of potatoes you need to take about 4 parts of vegetable oil, otherwise you risk getting regular fried potatoes instead of French fries.

Ideally, you should fry French fries in a special basket - this way the potato wedges float freely in hot oil and do not stick together. If you don't have such a basket, cook the French fries in a slow cooker in small batches, this will allow you to get real crispy potatoes and save oil. By the way, it is better not to use oil after frying for cooking other dishes; under the influence of high temperatures, various compounds with carcinogenic properties are formed in it. It is not recommended to salt potato strips before cooking, since ready potatoes becomes soft. The maximum that can be done is to salt the vegetable oil itself to prevent splashing. However, some recipes do recommend adding salt. raw potatoes. You decide for yourself how best to proceed, because, after all, cooking is in a sense witchcraft.

Recipes for French fries in a slow cooker vary slightly. All these differences are due to the different functionality of different brands of multicookers and the mode that you choose. Therefore, in the list of recipes you will definitely find exactly the one that suits you best.

French fries in a slow cooker


450 g (1 package) frozen semi-finished potatoes,
1.5 liters of vegetable oil,
salt, black ground pepper- taste.

Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Fry” program and wait until the oil warms up. Place the potatoes in the deep fry basket, place in the bowl and cook until the potatoes are golden and crisp. Place the finished potatoes on plates and add salt to taste.

French fries in a slow cooker with the Multicook function

200 g semi-finished French fries,
1.5 liters of vegetable oil,
salt, spices - to taste.

Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and turn on the multicooker mode. Do not close the lid. Set the temperature to 160°C. Place the potatoes in the frying basket and cook, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Place the finished potatoes on a dish and sprinkle with salt and spices to taste.

French fries in a slow cooker (for models without a special program)

6 potatoes,
700 ml vegetable oil,

Cut the potatoes into strips, rinse in cold water and dry. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, set the “Baking” program and wait until it warms up (close the lid). Place the potatoes in a bowl, stir and cook for 20 minutes with the lid open. Stir, fry a little more and place on paper towels to remove excess oil. Sprinkle with salt.

French fries in the “Spicy” multicooker

7 potatoes,
700 ml vegetable oil,
5 g ground paprika,
5 g ground red pepper,
5 g ground black pepper,
salt - to taste.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and dry. Mix spices, salt and a little vegetable oil in a bowl, roll the potatoes in the resulting mixture and let stand for a while. Meanwhile, set the “Bake” program with a time of 40 minutes. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. Place the potatoes in the bowl, close the lid and cook for 30 minutes. Then stir the potatoes and cook until the end of the mode with the lid open.

French fries in a slow cooker classic

6 potatoes,
700-800 ml vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.

Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes or strips and place in cold salted water. Let stand for 30 minutes, then put the dish with potatoes on the fire and cook in the same water for 10 minutes. Potatoes should be undercooked. Drain the water, let the potato straws cool and dry them on a towel. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, set the “Baking” mode and let the oil warm up. Dip the potatoes into the oil, stir and cook until golden brown. Place the finished potatoes on paper towels to remove excess fat and serve with any sauce.

French fries should not be served as a side dish. meat dishes, since this in itself is a rather heavy, high-calorie dish. French fries are best eaten with big amount greens and vegetables, as well as with various sauces.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina


To prepare the potatoes, you can make them in advance and then freeze them. It’s quite possible to cook from frozen vegetables; you don’t even need to let them defrost. It is worth knowing that the name of the dish depends on how you cut the vegetable: coarsely or into slices - rustic style, into thin strips - fries.

  • Prepare the main vegetable and refined oil. Peel the vegetable, rinse in running water, cut into large strips. Use this cut as it is considered traditional. If you have a vegetable cutter, you can use it. When cutting with your own hands, try to ensure that the sticks are approximately the same.

  • After this, place the vegetable on a towel to dry, turning over from time to time.

  • Now prepare the Redmond multicooker. The roasting rack (also called the food basket) must be clean and completely dry. There should be no moisture in the appliance itself, as this will cause splashing. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the kitchen appliance.

  • Next, place the prepared cubes on a wire rack. Install the latter into the device and turn on the “French fries” or “Frying” mode. If there are no such modes, turn on the “Multi-cook” program (sometimes called “Manual mode”) and set the temperature to 180 degrees and cook for 20 minutes.

  • After 15-17 minutes (if the oil is already hot, then 7-10 minutes less) fragrant potatoes, made in a simple way step by step recipe with a photo, it will be ready. You can remove the grate.

  • An appetizing dish, it can be placed on plates or suitable envelopes, like in restaurants. The dish is best served with sauce. If desired, the fries can be sprinkled with chopped herbs, salt or spices; this is a matter of taste. Bon appetit!

  • Potato pig
  • Hake with potatoes in the oven
  • Fried Green Tomatoes
  • Tzimes
  • Stewed pumpkin
  • New potatoes in the sleeve
  • Canapes with olives