
Buckwheat - the most delicious recipes. How to cook delicious buckwheat? How to cook buckwheat at home

Of the many recipes for preparing buckwheat with minced meat, these can be considered one of the most unusual. Much more often these ingredients appear on our table in a completely different form. However, for many, Greek mushrooms may be a favorite childhood dish, prepared by mothers and grandmothers. It is believed that the traditions of preparing this dish were given to the world by Ukrainian cuisine. Essentially, these are cutlets made from buckwheat and minced meat - pork, beef, chicken or even turkey. However, there are also buckwheat without meat, which, by the way, does not make them any less appetizing.

So, we have selected for you the most interesting recipes. Read, watch, cook - and let your menu always have delicious and healthy buckwheat and other buckwheat dishes!

Grechaniki with minced pork in a frying pan

Cooking can be speeded up if you already have ready-made buckwheat porridge and minced meat. What a great idea to use up leftovers and still feed the whole family!


  • buckwheat boiled until tender – 300 gr.;
  • minced meat (pork, amount of fat to your taste) – 350 gr.;
  • onion – 2 small heads;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • fat for frying.

For breading:

  • crackers or ready-made coating for cutlets - 5 tbsp;
  • egg – 1 pc.


  • Chop the onion and fry it until transparent with a light golden hue. Combine with pre-cooked buckwheat.
  • Add to the resulting mass minced pork and break the eggs. Add salt and seasonings. We thoroughly knead everything and beat it to expel the air - this way the buckwheat will not fall apart when frying.
  • We form cutlets from the prepared buckwheat and minced meat.

Actually, the preparatory process is completed. Now you can choose how to cook buckwheat that will be best for you. You can fry them in a frying pan, in a slow cooker, in the oven or in a steamer.

If you prefer fried cutlets with a crispy golden crust, then the buckwheat noodles should be breaded:

  • Roll each cutlet on all sides in breadcrumbs or a special mixture for breading cutlets.
  • Dip in lightly beaten egg.
  • Roll in breadcrumbs again and place in the pan.

Now, when you dip the cutlets into the heated oil, they will get a surprisingly appetizing crust. You can be sure that the magical aroma of buckwheat will not leave anyone indifferent! Even those who think they don’t like buckwheat will eat them with pleasure.

Buckwheat with minced meat in tomato sauce

If you wish, you can bake these buckwheat cookies in the oven, or simply simmer them over low heat in a tightly sealed container. If you don't want to use tomato, you can cook them with traditional sour cream sauce. But classic version still provides tomato paste or juice.


  • buckwheat – 150 gr.;
  • beef or mixed minced meat– 300 gr.;
  • onion - 1 medium head;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt, garlic and spices to taste;
  • for breading - flour;
  • for frying - vegetable oil or other fat.

For the sauce:

  • tomato paste or tomato juice – 0.5 cups;
  • water – 0.5 cups.


  • Boil the buckwheat until tender, adding a little salt.
  • Place the minced meat in a deep container, break the egg, add chopped onion and garlic, salt, and spices. Mix thoroughly.
  • Combine the prepared minced meat and cooled buckwheat porridge.
  • From the resulting mass we form cutlets, breading each one in flour on all sides.
  1. Fry the buckwheat in a frying pan in hot oil. Place in a saucepan or baking sheet with high sides, pour over the sauce and simmer for about 20 minutes in the oven or on the stove over low heat.
  2. Immediately place the formed cutlets in a deep pan, greased, pour in the sauce and place in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes.

Buckwheat with minced meat - video recipe

Grechaniki with minced chicken

For this variation, white meat is preferred. Allergy sufferers can use turkey instead of chicken, it will be no less tasty.


Bon appetit!

Do you like buckwheat? Or, conversely, almost no one in your house eats this healthy cereal in its purest form? In any case, be sure to try cooking buckwheat.

What it is?

Grechaniki is a traditional dish that has already become a favorite among many. Ukrainian cuisine, which are some kind of cutlets made from buckwheat and other ingredients, most often meat (chopped or minced).

How to cook?

How to cook buckwheat? We offer proven recipes.

Option one

Make easy-to-prepare and delicious Greek buckwheat with chicken. Required:

  • 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 150 grams of buckwheat;
  • 3 eggs;
  • two medium-sized onions;
  • breadcrumbs or flour for dredging;
  • ground pepper and salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 1.5-2 glasses of water.


  1. Rinse the buckwheat thoroughly so that it is perfectly clean.
  2. Boil the cereal in lightly salted water (at the rate of one part buckwheat and two to two and a half parts water) until fully cooked. As a result, it should become completely soft.
  3. The onion needs to be peeled, finely chopped with a knife and fried in oil until transparent.
  4. Wash the chicken fillet and either chop it very finely with a knife, or grind it in a meat grinder or blender.
  5. In a bowl, mix shredded chicken, cooled buckwheat, fried onions, eggs, as well as pepper and salt. Mix everything well and remember with your hands to get a homogeneous mass.
  6. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
  7. Form flat cakes from the buckwheat-chicken mixture, roll them in breadcrumbs or flour and fry on each side until golden brown over low heat.

Option two

Buckwheat can be quickly and easily prepared with minced meat. Here's what you'll need for this:

  • 500 grams of minced meat (it is advisable to use a combination, for example, beef and pork or pork and chicken);
  • one large onion;
  • 100 or 150 grams of buckwheat;
  • two eggs;
  • 100 grams of tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • flour for breading;
  • any seasonings and salt to taste.


  1. Buckwheat needs to be boiled until tender. To do this, pour it into water (about 2.5 glasses), bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for about 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally. By the way, don’t forget to rinse the cereal first.
  2. Next, you need to finely chop the onion and lightly fry it in oil in a frying pan until it becomes soft and translucent.
  3. In a container, mix cooled boiled buckwheat, minced meat, fried onion, eggs, salt and seasonings. As a result, after active mixing you should get a homogeneous thick mass.
  4. Form into flat cakes, dip them in flour and fry on both sides for just a couple of minutes.
  5. Then add about a glass of water to the tomato paste, add a little salt, mix everything and pour into the pan.
  6. Simmer the buckwheat in tomato sauce for about 10 minutes without a lid.

Option three

You can cook lean buckwheat with mushrooms.


  • 100 grams of buckwheat;
  • glass of water;
  • 200 grams of fresh champignons;
  • one head of onion;
  • greens (parsley, dill);
  • two eggs;
  • about half a glass of flour;
  • any seasonings and salt.

How to cook?

  1. Tackle the buckwheat first. Rinse it thoroughly and boil it in water, adding a little salt. When the cereal becomes soft, you can cover the pan with a lid and leave for about ten minutes so that the buckwheat finally swells and softens.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  3. Mushrooms need to be washed well and chopped (the smaller the better).
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion in it first (about three minutes), then add the mushrooms. Fry everything together over low heat for about 10 minutes. The mushrooms should release juice and decrease significantly in volume.
  5. Wash the greens and chop finely.
  6. Mix buckwheat, mushrooms and onions, chopped herbs, eggs, salt and seasoning.
  7. Form the buckwheat pancakes and fry them on both sides until fully cooked.

Option three

This recipe involves preparing slightly unusual sweet buckwheat cakes with cottage cheese and apples.

You will need:

  • 100 grams of buckwheat;
  • glass of water;
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese;
  • two eggs;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • two to three tablespoons of sugar;
  • 50 grams of any nuts;
  • two apples;
  • 5 tablespoons of flour;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. First, rinse the buckwheat thoroughly (until absolutely clean water) and cook. There is no need to salt the water!
  2. Peel the apples and grate them.
  3. Now in a bowl, grind the cottage cheese with eggs and sugar (you can beat it with a blender), add grated apples, chopped nuts, milk, and cooled buckwheat. After active and thorough mixing, you should have a not very thick homogeneous mass.
  4. Heat oil in a frying pan.
  5. Form the buckwheat pancakes, roll them in flour and fry in oil until golden brown.
  6. A healthy, tasty and satisfying dessert is ready!

How to submit?

Grechaniki can be an excellent stand-alone hot dish, since, in fact, there is both a base and a side dish. But it’s best to serve some sauce along with them, then they will be even juicier. For example, you can use tomato sauces, sour cream, garlic and some others. And buckwheat is best served hot.

Greeks - true Ukrainian dish, the main component of which is buckwheat. The food is prepared in a wide variety of variations. Add chicken or Ground beef, pork liver, boiled potatoes, fried mushrooms, pureed cottage cheese, various vegetables. We offer two recipes: classic buckwheat with minced meat and meat buckwheat stewed in tomato sauce.

Recipe No. 1. Delicious buckwheat with minced meat

Buckwheat with minced pork turns out to be especially tasty and satisfying, and sautéed vegetables make the dish more juicy. Buckwheat is pre-boiled or grains soaked the day before (the evening) are used. Flour and ground crackers are used as breading. white bread, semolina or crushed into crumbs walnuts. Fry the dish in lard or vegetable oil.

TIME: 40 min.


Servings: 6


  • Minced meat – 0.4 kg;
  • Buckwheat – 1 tbsp.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Sunflower oil (for frying);
  • Flour (for breading).


Preparing the main ingredients is the most important point. Buckwheat - main product in this dish, so you need to carefully sort it out, remove excess debris and low-quality grains. Then rinse the cereal well, pour two glasses cold water and cook over medium heat until done. Then remove the lid from the pan and leave the porridge to cool.

Meanwhile, work on the vegetables. Cut the peeled onion into small cubes. Also peel the carrots and grate them.

Sauté vegetables in sunflower oil in this order: pour a little oil into a frying pan, fry the onion until golden brown. After this, add the carrots and keep the vegetables over moderate heat for another five minutes until the carrots release their juice and become soft.

Mix the buckwheat porridge with the minced meat after it has had time to cool. Knead the mass well with your hands.

Add eggs, salt and pepper to the minced meat.

Place the sautéed vegetables here. And so that buckwheat cutlets can be easily shaped and do not fall apart during frying, it is recommended to beat the minced meat well. To do this, take the minced meat in your hands and sharply throw it onto a cutting board. Do this several times.

After the minced meat for buckwheat is completely ready for use, form small cutlets of the desired shape (round or oblong), bread each in flour.

Heat up the frying pan. Sprinkle a few spoonfuls on it sunflower oil and fry the buckwheat with meat over medium heat on both sides.

Finally, the toasted buckwheat should be stewed. To do this, place the cutlets in a deep pan, pour 50-100 ml of water, cover the pan with a lid. Send it over low heat for 5-10 minutes until all the water has boiled away.

Recipe No. 2. Buckwheat in tomato sauce with minced meat

Buckwheat is a universal product. She can become the “main character” of many dishes, both salty and sweet. And it is undoubtedly good as a side dish. If you love buckwheat, but you’ve already gotten tired of it just as a side dish, we suggest you prepare delicious buckwheat cakes with minced meat in sauce. Fragrant dish It will certainly appeal to both children and adults. Buckwheat cutlets turn out tender and juicy, and tomato sauce with herbs adds richness to the taste of the dish. Let's cook quickly!
There are a great many recipes for preparing this dish of Ukrainian cuisine. Buckwheat mushrooms are fried in breadcrumbs, baked in a slow cooker and combined with a variety of sauces. And if you have never surprised your household with Greeks, rest assured, they will go crazy!


  • Buckwheat – 140 g;
  • Minced pork – 500 g;
  • Onion – 2 medium heads;
  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Tomato sauce – 0.5 l;
  • Green onions and dill – 1 bunch;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil for frying buckwheat

Step by step steps

For cooking, you can use any minced meat: beef, turkey or chicken. Our recipe uses tomatoes that are blanched and then crushed into paste as the tomato sauce. You can also use plain tomato juice. As a last resort, you can use tomato paste mixed with water.
To make the cutlets easier to form, the buckwheat must first be boiled and then chopped. You can use a meat grinder to grind the porridge. This is convenient if you make the minced meat yourself. Or you can use a food processor.

Place the minced meat in a deep container, salt it and lightly sprinkle with black ground pepper. Beat the egg into the container and add the already chopped buckwheat porridge.

Peel the onion and chop it. You can use the food processor again, or you can handle the task with a knife. Try to chop the onion as finely as possible, then the buckwheat will turn out juicier.

Add the onion to the remaining ingredients and mix everything.

Form buckwheat cutlets. Their shape and size can be whatever you want. This will not change their taste. You can form cutlets into a traditional, slightly elongated shape.

Fry the buckwheat pancakes in vegetable oil for literally 2-3 minutes on each side. The main thing is that a golden crust forms. You shouldn’t simmer the cutlets in a frying pan under the lid for a long time, because they will be ready in the oven.

Chop the greens with a knife and add them to the tomato sauce.

Place the fried buckwheat in a baking dish, pouring a little on the bottom vegetable oil.

Top buckwheat cutlets with herb and tomato sauce. Place the dish in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

Our buckwheat cakes with minced meat in tomato sauce are ready. No side dish is needed, because this is a 2-in-1 dish! You can invite everyone to the table. Bon appetit!

Grechaniki with minced meat is a delicious recipe for traditional Ukrainian cuisine. This dish can be prepared from almost anything that can be found in the refrigerator of every family. From the name you can understand that the main ingredient for cooking is the most common buckwheat porridge. There are many different ways preparations. You can add almost anything to buckwheat: poultry, meat, fried mushrooms, vegetables, cheese, stewed liver and etc.

Dishes prepared with healthy buckwheat can be very diverse. Ready-made buckwheat porridge is very difficult to spoil; it will be tasty and healthy with any ingredients. The result is very delicious cutlets, which will become an inexpensive and satisfying option for breakfast. In addition, Greeks are in a great way Use all the leftover buckwheat not eaten at dinner or lunch to great advantage.

Those people who prefer to go on a diet should know that buckwheat is a dietary and low-calorie product. There is no need to boil buckwheat to prepare buckwheat pancakes; you need to pour boiling water over it, cover the pan with a towel and leave it like that for the whole night; a thermos can be used as a suitable alternative.

In addition, it is not advisable to soak buckwheat in water, since this will wash out many useful substances from it. It is also not advisable to expose buckwheat to too long heat treatment and wait until it finally falls apart. Buckwheat grains must be ready and at the same time retain their shape.

Recipe with minced chicken

Buckwheat with meat recipe with photo - these are very juicy, satisfying and tasty cutlets, which are prepared from meat and boiled buckwheat. First, the cutlets can be fried in a frying pan and then baked in the oven in any sauce. If desired, you can add a little variety to the recipe by adding vegetables or combining tomato sauce with mayonnaise or sour cream. Buckwheat in a slow cooker is a great idea for lunch or dinner. Very nutritious, tasty and simple. Your family will definitely like the prepared dish, and you won’t get tired at all preparing it.

Required ingredients:

  • - 2 eggs;
  • - 200 grams of boiled buckwheat;
  • - 3 onions;
  • - 500 grams of minced chicken;
  • - sunflower oil;
  • - 2 cloves of garlic;
  • - spices to taste.


Peel the onion and garlic and grind them in a meat grinder along with pre-boiled buckwheat. Mix all contents thoroughly with the prepared minced chicken. Add spices to the resulting mass, also add chicken eggs and salt to taste. Mix all the contents again.

Form small cutlets from the resulting minced meat and carefully beat them so that they do not suddenly fall apart. Fry all the cutlets in a slow cooker in the “Baking” mode. After the cutlets are completely cooked, they need to be poured with sour cream and simmered again for half an hour in the “Stew” mode. Serve hot.

Recipe with minced pork

Buckwheat with minced pork recipe with photos, which we suggest you prepare in finished form, looks very intriguing and appetizing. Prepare a delicious gravy for buckwheat and make them as healthy as possible.

Required ingredients:

  • - 100 grams of buckwheat;
  • - 400 grams of pork tenderloin;
  • - 200 milligrams of water;
  • - 3 cloves of garlic;
  • - 1 onion;
  • - 2 eggs;
  • - sunflower oil;
  • - 150 grams of flour.


Place all the necessary buckwheat on the kitchen table and carefully sort through it to remove all debris. After that, transfer the buckwheat kernels to a sieve with a very fine mesh, rinse it several times under a strong stream of water. Leave the buckwheat in this form for a few minutes so that all the liquid can drain from it.

Pour clean water into a saucepan or deep saucepan, add the washed cereal to it and immediately place it on the stove for medium heat. When the liquid boils, immediately reduce the heat. After boiling, add salt to taste to the porridge and continue cooking the porridge until it is ready and all the liquid has evaporated from it. This will take you approximately twenty-five minutes. After the buckwheat porridge is completely cooked, immediately remove it from the stove and cool slightly.

Peel the garlic and onions, rinse them in water, and dry them with paper towels. You can leave the garlic cloves whole, but cut the onion into six pieces.

Now you need to start preparing the pork, rinse it and dry it. Place the meat on a clean cutting board, remove any membranes and excess fat using a sharp knife. Cut the pork meat into small pieces. Grind the chopped meat using a meat grinder along with peeled vegetables. Add to chopped meat ground black pepper, ready-made porridge buckwheat and salt to your taste. Mix all the contents with your hands until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Wet your palms in clean water, take a little minced meat with your hands and form a round or oval patty. Roll the cutlet on all sides and press down a little with your hands to make the cutlet a little flat. Place the cutlet on a cutting board previously sprinkled with flour. The same must be done with all the other minced meat until it is completely finished.

Place the frying pan over medium heat and add sunflower oil. A couple of minutes after the oil is completely hot, place the first half of the buckwheat into it. Fry the cutlets on both sides, then cover the pan with a lid and fry them for another two minutes.

After the buckwheat cakes are completely cooked, place them on a paper towel and leave them like that for a few minutes so that all the excess fat drains from them. Serve cooked buckwheat with minced meat with any side dish. They can be served with homemade cream, sour cream, pickles, bread, vegetable salad or boiled potatoes. Bon appetit!

Lenten buckwheat recipe

It is very convenient to prepare lean buckwheat cakes when you have leftover buckwheat that was cooked as a side dish for lunch or dinner. But at the same time, it won’t be too difficult for you to prepare buckwheat for this dish. And most importantly, you can cook buckwheat at any time, because this dish consists of the most common products that are suitable for Lenten recipes.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • - 200 grams of buckwheat;
  • - pepper, salt, spices to taste;
  • - 3 pieces of medium potatoes;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - sunflower oil for frying;
  • - 1 onion,


Before preparing this dish, boil all the necessary buckwheat, since it needs to be cooled a little before further processing. All the necessary cereals must be poured into a deep pan, rinsed several times to remove excess dust and dirt, then add two glasses of water. After the liquid in the pan boils, add salt to the porridge to your taste and continue cooking until it is completely cooked. Cool the cooked porridge to approximately room temperature.

Peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings or small cubes. Also peel the carrots and chop them using coarse grater. Add a little sunflower oil to the pan and fry the carrots and onions in it.

Peel the potatoes and grate using a fine grater. After that, the chopped potatoes must be immediately transferred to a sieve so that all the liquid drains from it. Squeeze all the potatoes additionally with your hands and transfer them to a separate container. Add pepper and salt to the potatoes to your taste. You can add spices if you wish. Add pre-boiled buckwheat to the chopped potatoes. Crush all the contents a little using a masher.

The prepared minced meat needs to be beaten a little; take some buckwheat and potato minced meat into your hand and very sharply throw it into the bowl. Minced buckwheat must be beaten very carefully, so you can easily form neat cutlets.

Cutlets can be made in any shape: round, long, oval, round. After which they need to be immediately fried in heated sunflower oil. Place each fried cutlet in a separate pan. After filling the first row of the pan with cutlets, place half of the fried vegetables on top. The same must be done with all other Greeks. Add a little water to the pan and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes. Serve hot.

It is advisable to fry buckwheat in a special non-stick frying pan. If you don’t have one, you can first fry the buckwheat a little in flour. If you do not want to use sunflower oil for cooking, you can stew the carrots and onions. The prepared dish can be served with sour cream.

Recipe with liver

This is a traditional Ukrainian dish that combines two of the most useful product– buckwheat and liver. The omentum or fat mesh in which the buckwheat will be wrapped will give them more rosy color and juiciness.

Required ingredients:

  • - 500 grams of pork liver;
  • - 3 onions;
  • - 400 grams of pork mesh;
  • - ¾ cup of prepared buckwheat porridge;
  • - 5 grams of garlic powder;

Recipe with liver in a mesh:

  1. Boil the buckwheat until completely cooked. Rinse the liver several times, cut into small pieces and grind with a meat grinder. Some of the liver can be used to make liver fritters.
  2. Peel the onion, chop it finely and fry it in a little oil.
  3. Thoroughly mix pre-boiled buckwheat, chopped liver, fried onions, add pepper and salt, and do not forget to season the entire contents with garlic powder. Mix all the contents thoroughly with a spoon.
  4. Take the fat mesh and cut it into rectangular pieces - 8 by 12 centimeters.
  5. It is advisable not to cut the entire mesh at once, but cut the necessary pieces one by one for each buckwheat. Place one spoonful of cooked minced meat on one edge of the cut rectangle. Now they can be carefully rolled up like regular sheets. There is no need to be afraid if the mesh breaks a little and the minced meat leaks out.
  6. You just need to transfer it to a plate, and stick a small piece of mesh to the damaged area. When each buckwheat is rolled into a net and placed on a plate, thoroughly heat the frying pan with sunflower oil. Place the buckwheat pancakes in a preheated frying pan and fry until lightly browned over medium heat. You can check the readiness of the buckwheat with a toothpick.

Buckwheat in pork mesh recipe, which is not at all complicated, completely ready. Serve the buckwheat with boiled potatoes or vegetable salad.

Mushroom recipe with photo

Required ingredients:

  • - 2 glasses of water,
  • - 700 grams of any mushrooms,
  • - 1 glass of buckwheat,
  • - 2 onions,
  • - breadcrumbs or flour,
  • - fresh herbs,
  • - sunflower oil,

Buckwheat recipe:

  1. Boil the buckwheat until fully cooked, after which the pan with buckwheat porridge must be carefully wrapped in a towel and left to simmer for fifteen minutes. Salt the stale buckwheat and immediately stir with a spoon.
  2. Wash the mushrooms and cut into thin slices. Also peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. Wash and dry the greens and finely chop them using a sharp knife.
  3. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan. Fry the chopped onion in hot oil for five minutes. Add the mushrooms to the onions and continue to fry until the mushrooms are completely cooked. Place the fried onions and mushrooms in a blender bowl.
  4. Grind the mushrooms and onions in a blender, then add buckwheat porridge to the chopped mushrooms, stir until you get a fairly thick mass. Add chopped herbs to the same mass and mix again.
  5. Wet your hands in water and form neat buckwheat cutlets from the resulting minced meat. , roll them on all sides in breadcrumbs or flour. Place the formed cutlets in a frying pan with heated sunflower oil. Fry them on both sides until golden brown, then cover the top with a lid and fry for another five minutes.

Bon appetit!

In tomato sauce recipe with photo

Ready-made Greek eggs are delicious on their own, but they will become even tastier if you cook them with tomato sauce. Try to cook this dish, it is really very tasty. They are somewhat similar to meatballs in tomato sauce.

Required ingredients:

  • - 150 grams of boiled buckwheat,
  • - 400 grams of minced meat,
  • - 2 spoons of sour cream,
  • - 1 onion,
  • - 2 spoons of milk,
  • - flour for breading,

To prepare the sauce:

  • - 1 carrot,
  • - 3 tablespoons of tomato paste,
  • - 1 onion,
  • - 3 cloves of garlic,
  • - 1 spoon of flour,
  • - 350 milligrams of water,


Mix minced meat, boiled buckwheat and finely chopped onion in a deep container. Salt and pepper the minced meat to taste, add milk and sour cream to it, mix all the contents.

From the resulting minced meat, form neat small cutlets, roll them in flour on all sides. Fry each cutlet until golden crust in heated sunflower oil.

To prepare the sauce, you need to fry chopped onions and carrots, add flour and tomato paste, mix all the contents. After a few minutes, add a little boiling water to the fried vegetables, add a little sugar, pepper and salt to your taste.

At the very end of cooking, add chopped garlic to the tomato sauce, continue to simmer until the sauce is completely cooked. Pour sauce over buckwheat with minced meat and simmer over medium heat for ten minutes. Can be served with potatoes or vegetable salad.

Buckwheat cutlets in the oven recipe with photos

Grechaniki are delicious cutlets made from boiled buckwheat and minced meat. Appetizing buckwheat prepared according to this recipe turns out very juicy, tasty and without a lot of fat. And together with a vegetable salad, this dish is ideal for lunch and light dinner. Also try cooking cabbage rolls in the oven.

Required ingredients:

  • - 300 grams of boiled buckwheat,
  • - 50 grams of stale loaf,
  • - 450 grams of minced meat,
  • - 1 egg,
  • - 1 onion,
  • - 3 cloves of garlic,
  • - 3 spoons of sour cream,
  • - Provençal herbs,
  • - 250 milligrams of broth or water,
  • - sunflower oil,


Rinse the buckwheat several times, boil in water until fully cooked and cool immediately. Grind a piece of white bread or loaf without soaking it using a blender or using a meat grinder into fine crumbs.

Also grind all the garlic and onion in a blender. To the minced meat you need to add one egg, chopped bread crumbs, boiled buckwheat, chopped garlic and onion, pepper, salt and one spoon of sour cream. Mix all the contents into a homogeneous mass.

Now you can form neat cutlets of any shape to your liking and place them on a baking sheet pre-greased with sunflower oil. From the above number of components you should get about fifteen pieces.

To prepare the filling for the cutlets, mix water or broth, add Provençal herbs, suneli hops, and a few tablespoons of sour cream. Fill all the buckwheat with all the prepared filling and place them in the oven for about forty-five minutes until fully cooked. You can serve the prepared dish with any side dish or with a regular vegetable salad. Bon appetit!

Steamer recipe

Steamed buckwheat is ideal for all lovers healthy eating and those people who are trying to stick to a diet. In addition, this way you can diversify children's menu your child. And you can also steam lazy dumplings.

Required ingredients:

  • - 450 grams of minced meat (beef, pork),
  • - 1 carrot,
  • - 2 tablespoons of tomato paste,
  • - 1 egg,
  • - ½ multi-cup buckwheat,
  • - 3 cloves of garlic,
  • - 2 onions,
  • - 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil,


Boil buckwheat until tender in regular saucepan or in a slow cooker. To do this, buckwheat needs to be sorted and washed under running water. Boil the buckwheat in a slow cooker in the “Stew” mode and bring until fully cooked.

While the buckwheat is boiling, rinse the meat, dry it with a paper towel and cut into medium pieces. Grind the pieces of meat in a meat grinder along with the peeled onion. Add all the cooled buckwheat, one egg, pepper and salt to taste to the minced meat. Mix all contents.

Now you can start preparing the gravy. Peel all the necessary vegetables and cut them. Heat a few tablespoons of sunflower oil in a multicooker bowl. Fry all the vegetables in it, after the vegetables are ready, add tomato paste and a few glasses of hot water, season with herbs and spices as desired.

Form buckwheat cakes from the prepared minced meat and place them in a special tray for steaming. Buckwheat with gravy should be prepared in the “Steam” mode. Then place the buckwheat cakes on portioned plates and top with tomato sauce. Bon appetit!

Recipe with step-by-step photos

Until recently, I couldn’t believe that it was so delicious. If the ready-made buckwheat porridge had not been left in the refrigerator, and the minced meat had not been defrosted, tasting such a dish as buckwheat porridge would have been delayed for some more time. I think many housewives got the idea of ​​how to cook buckwheat because of the buckwheat left in the refrigerator.

When you want cutlets, but there isn’t much meat, this dish will certainly help out. The recipe can be considered budget, and even “on a quick fix" After all, if the minced meat is already ready, and the buckwheat has been cooked for a long time, all that remains is to mix everything. Easy, isn't it?

Now to fry the cutlets we need breading and an egg. To do this, pour breading (crumbs or corn flour), wheat flour into separate plates and beat in the egg separately. It turned out to be three containers.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. In the meantime, scoop up the minced meat with a tablespoon. First put it in wheat flour. Collapse and form into a cutlet. Then dip in egg. And after that we send it to breadcrumbs. I have this corn flour. It is good as a breading.

We send the preparations to a heated frying pan. Fry on one side until browned. Then turn it over to the other side. Fry until done. You can cover it with a lid for a while.

I told you how to cook them with minced meat easily and simply. And it really is incredibly simple. If you want to increase the portion, double or triple the amount of minced meat and buckwheat.

They can also be prepared differently. When they are fried in a frying pan (preferably in this case without eggs, but breaded), place them in a saucepan with the sauce prepared in advance. And the sauce could be like this: fried onions combined with tomato juice, salt and pepper. Simmer the buckwheat in tomato sauce for 20-25 minutes under a closed lid. Or you can prepare the sauce at your discretion, for example, without tomato, with sour cream. As you can see, the recipe is incredibly simple. No special skills or experience are needed here. Everything works out right the first time. Bon appetit!

- this is a simple, satisfying and tasty homemade meal, an excellent alternative to the usual cutlets, fried in almost the same way, and after frying, simmered in tomato sauce.

For those who don’t know, let us explain: in essence, buckwheat cutlets are almost the same cutlets, but instead of a bun or bread, boiled buckwheat is added to the minced meat. The taste is different not only due to this, but also due to the tomato sauce and carrots. Note also that since there is almost as much buckwheat in this dish as minced meat, buckwheat can be served without a side dish. We usually cook a lot, from the specified amount of products we get about 18-19 buckwheat. If this is too much for you, do half a portion.

Need to:

  • Minced meat – 1 kilogram (we use beef, but you can use whatever you like)
  • Buckwheat – about 300 grams (meaning dry cereal before cooking)
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pieces
  • Onions – 3 medium sized onions
  • Carrots – 2 larger pieces
  • Tomato sauce – 350-400 grams (we usually buy ready-made, for example, “Kubansky”)
  • Table salt - 2 level teaspoons for minced meat and about 0.5 tablespoon or a little less when cooking buckwheat
  • Ground black pepper - to taste (on the tip of a teaspoon, up to a third of a teaspoon, more for lovers of spicy dishes)
  • Wheat flour – 2-3 tablespoons for breading buckwheat
  • Vegetable oil – 3-4 tablespoons
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves (optional, without it)


First of all, buckwheat needs to be boiled in salted water until tender. If you want to save time and not have to stand “over the pan” while stirring the cooking buckwheat, we highly recommend buying buckwheat in bags for cooking (nowadays in stores you can find different cereals from different manufacturers prepared for cooking in this way, a little more expensive, but no problem) and proceed according to the instructions on the box: bring a large amount of water to a boil, add salt, add buckwheat in bags for cooking and forget about it for 15-17 minutes, and then lightly squeeze the bags, cut them and pour out the finished crumbly buckwheat on a plate).

You can cook buckwheat in the usual way, like crumbly buckwheat porridge. Place the finished buckwheat on a plate and let it cool to room temperature.

Onion ( only 1 onion for now!) peel and finely chop, “scramble” the eggs (that is, mix the whites with the yolk until homogeneous mass). Add chopped onion and eggs to the minced meat, salt and pepper, if you want, add chopped (preferably through a special “masher”) garlic, mix everything.

Add cooled buckwheat, boiled until tender, to the resulting meat mass.

Mix the minced meat with buckwheat until smooth (in this case it is easier and faster to knead with your hands than with a spoon).

From the resulting mass we make buckwheat cakes (shaped like cutlets). Buckwheat should be breaded in flour (pour 2-3 tablespoons of flour into a saucer or deep plate and lightly roll each buckwheat in flour on all sides - watch our video recipe at the end of this article). A large deep frying pan needs to be heated up, reduce the heat to medium, pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan (so that the entire bottom of the frying pan is covered with a 2-3 mm layer of oil) and put the buckwheat into the frying pan to fry.

Fry the buckwheat on both sides until golden brown (for us this process takes about 5 minutes on each side at medium heat). Remove from the pan onto a plate and place the next portion to fry.

We put the fried buckwheat on a plate, but they are not ready yet (we don’t start eating!).

Onion ( remaining 2 onions) cut into thin half rings, peel the carrots and cut into thin cubes (you can use a special grater or vegetable knife for carrots in Korean, it will be faster). Add a little vegetable oil to the pan (just to cover the bottom) and first fry the onion for about 5 minutes.

Then add chopped carrots to the onion, mix and fry for another 5 minutes.

Now we put the tomato sauce into the frying pan, mix it with onions and carrots, wait until the sauce warms up, and then put into the sauce our already fried buckwheat with minced meat, which were “waiting in the wings” on the plate (we have them lying very tightly because there are a lot of them, you don’t have to, if you do less, lay them “on their side”, looser is even better).