
What ingredients do you need for Greek salad? Greek salad - recipes, history and traditions of preparing a Mediterranean dish

Before we start cooking, we will prepare a board on which we will cut, a sharp large knife, a salad bowl with high sides and a narrow bottom. If everything is clear with the board and knife, then the choice of utensils is not obvious. The fact is that the narrow bottom and high walls of the container will allow excess juice from vegetables and dressing to drain freely, and coarsely chopped cucumbers and tomatoes will not cake and sour at the bottom.

It’s better to add salt already on the plate, but in Greece such behavior can be regarded as disrespect and bad form

  1. Wash and dry vegetables. All vegetables must be washed well, as bacteria from the soil and fertilizers accumulate on the skin, which can speed up the process of souring of the salad and cause slight illness. For the same reason, you should dry vegetables on disposable paper towels, and not on cloth kitchen towels, which the whole family uses to wipe their hands together.
  2. Peel cucumbers and peppers. It is customary to add peeled cucumbers to Greek salad. Firstly, it is tough, and secondly, it is in the peel that nitrates and other substances harmful to humans accumulate. Peppers must be cleaned of seeds and thin films on which they grew, as they can become very bitter.
  3. Slice the cucumbers. We cut the peeled cucumbers into round pieces 7-9 mm thick and pour them into a salad bowl. They come first because they are denser than tomatoes and produce less juice.
  4. Chop the pepper. Cut the sweet pepper into half rings 7-9 mm thick and pour into a salad bowl.
  5. Chop the tomatoes. First cut the tomatoes in half. Using a knife, carefully cut out the growth area of ​​the twig in the shape of a small triangle. Then we cut each half into another 3-4 slices, depending on the size of the fruit, and place them in a salad bowl.
  6. Peel and chop the onion. Red sweet onion needs to be cleaned well. No wilted, dry or spoiled onion layers should be included in the dish. If the onion is very hot, you can cut it in half and put it in salt water for a short time. Then cut it into the thinnest half rings.
  7. Pour in the olives. Usually olives with pits are added to the dish. This is inconvenient and will force guests to be more careful not to damage their teeth and jaw, since it is almost impossible to chew the bone. Of course, you can use pitted olives, but according to Greek chefs, the taste will not be the same.
  8. Cut and add feta. The cheese in a real Greek salad is never cut into small squares. Culinary customs require that feta be cut into large slices 10-15 mm thick. After which they are randomly placed on top of the vegetables.
  9. Drizzle dressing over salad. Shake the prepared and infused sauce for Greek salad well and pour it over all the products, so that it gets on the cheese, olives and vegetables.

It is in this form that the dish is served on the table in a large salad bowl. It is not stirred or salted before serving. If you add even a pinch of salt, the vegetables will give juice, which will accumulate at the bottom, and the salad itself will become tasteless. It is better to add salt directly on the plate if there is an urgent need for it, but in Greece such behavior can be regarded as disrespect and bad form.

Real Greek salad is ready. Bon appetit!

Composition of Greek salad

  • tomatoes (medium) – 3 pieces;
  • sweet green pepper (medium) – 1 piece;
  • olives (black olives) – 10 pieces;
  • cucumbers – 3 pieces;
  • feta cheese – 300 grams;
  • red onion – 1 head;
  • Greek salad dressing - 2 tablespoons.

How to choose ingredients for Greek salad


Greece is a country of sea and sun. Vegetables can be grown here all year round and most of the time in open ground, which is why Greek salad is especially tasty in its homeland. Traditionally, it was prepared from freshly harvested, garden-ripened vegetables.

People's need for food has forced science to greatly transform agricultural production. The massive task of feeding an ever-increasing human population has led to the fact that the quality of food has taken a back seat to quantity.

Residents of large modern cities are often not even familiar with the taste of cucumbers and tomatoes grown on the ground under the sun. And especially few people know what they have bright aroma. Ground-grown tomatoes and cucumbers are much tastier than greenhouse-grown ones, and even more so than vegetables grown hydroponically (a method of growing plants in a nutrient liquid medium without soil or natural light).

Real tomatoes should be red, firm, juicy, with a tomato aroma, and preferably with a green sprig.

A real Greek salad is best made from real vegetables. Tomatoes should be red or almost red, firm, juicy, but not watery. Tomatoes should have a pronounced tomato aroma. Sourness or complete absence indicates that the fruit is already spoiled or picked unripe.

It is better to choose those fruits that are sold together with the twig. You can always use it to determine the quality of tomatoes. A red ripe vegetable and a dense green twig will confirm that it is ripe and was picked recently.

The quality of cucumbers is determined by the condition of its skin. It should be dense without dents or yellow spots. These are the signs that often indicate an excess of nitrates. In a Greek salad, it is better to use medium-sized cucumbers with pimples. They taste better and are not so watery.

Red onion is one of the most healthy products, it is much healthier than regular white onions. Because it has twice the amount of antioxidants that help fight inflammation. Red onions have recently been replaced with white ones, for example in the Mimosa salad recipe. According to recent studies, red onions contain substances that promote weight loss.

The popularity of Greek salad around the world has led to a demand for feta cheese. Almost all dairy companies began to try to produce it. Therefore, several years ago, after a major legal battle, feta cheese received the status of a “controlled designation of origin”. This means that only cheese produced in Greece can be called feta cheese.

Real feta can only be made in Greece

In Russia, manufacturers often use the name feta for products that have nothing to do with cheeses, and sometimes even with dairy products. The most common trick is to give the product a name similar in sound to the name of cheese: fetax, fetaki, etc.

Therefore, when purchasing, carefully read the composition: real feta must be made from sheep’s milk, sometimes with the addition of goat’s, and always in Greece. Everything else, no matter what it is called, is not Greek cheese.

One of the facts about cheese is that with feta the Greeks prepare not only salads, but also meat, sauces, mayonnaise and even bake muffins. Feta can be replaced with feta cheese in a Greek salad recipe. It is also prepared with the addition of sheep and goat milk, but based on cow's milk. Cheese cheese is usually denser and saltier.

Sometimes, in order to bring its taste closer to the taste of feta, feta cheese is soaked in regular cow's milk. To make a vegetarian or meatless Greek salad, you can use tofu instead of feta. However, it is somehow difficult to call the dish resulting from such substitutions a Greek salad.

Thanks to its sour-salty taste and dense consistency, feta makes ordinary chopped vegetables delicious salad. Feta is one of the few cheeses that can be stored for up to six months if it is kept in brine. However, without it, the shelf life is calculated in hours. It's worth keeping this in mind if you're planning on putting your prepared Greek salad in the refrigerator for a day or two.

Olives (olives)

Olives are the fruits of the olive tree, which has been grown to produce olive oil since ancient times. This name is used exclusively in Russian and other Slavic languages. The common name for these fruits is olives.

In many world religions, the olive is a symbol of peace, goodness and prosperity. The ancient peoples of the Mediterranean considered it an irreplaceable and extremely valuable plant. Olive oil, olives and bread have been the basis of the diet of the region's inhabitants for several millennia.

In Russia, it is customary to distinguish olives and black olives by color: some are green, others are black. In connection with this, there is a misconception that green olives are unripe olives. In fact, olives are ripe fruits collected from different varieties olive trees.

Olives are usually larger, darker, and oilier. They are used to obtain oil and are considered the most valuable. However, finding real black olives in the store is very difficult. Most of the canned olives on the shelves have not been ripened in the sun and they have not been soaked for a long time in salty sea water to get rid of their natural bitterness.

At large industrial enterprises producing “mass product”, olives are collected slightly ripe, brought to the required degree of ripeness using chemical treatment, and immersed in a solution containing food supplement– iron gluconate (E 579) and packaged in sealed containers tin cans. Ferrous gluconate has a weak coloring effect, but is excellent for imparting an even, glossy black color to olives.

Naturally blackened olives have an uneven dark brown color and dull skin.

Olives that have turned black naturally usually have an uneven dark brown color with a matte skin. They are preserved in glass containers, since there is no need to hide the color of the brine and light will not affect the quality of the product.

Olives colored with iron gluconate are not dangerous in themselves, as long as the proportion of the substance in the brine is respected. But their taste is far from real and they are not suitable for Greek salad.

Greek Salad Dressing

The whole world is sure that it is enough to season a Greek salad with olive oil and some dry seasonings, that its preparation is no more complicated than a simple omelet. However, the Greek salad recipe requires a more careful and careful selection of herbs and oil. Properly selected aromas can turn ordinary vegetables and cheese into a work of culinary art.

How the Greek salad recipe conquered the world

A summer salad made from vegetables, vegetable oil and herbs has been known since the appearance of tomatoes and cucumbers in Europe. In most European countries you can find a snack in which tomatoes are mixed, sweet pepper, cucumbers, onions and greens.

Olives and olive oil in Mediterranean countries are mandatory ingredients in any dish, with the possible exception of tea and ice cream. The Greek salad recipe owes its name not to the composition of the vegetables, but to one single ingredient - feta cheese.

Feta is made from goat and sheep milk. All over the world, such cheese is usually called Greek. Although the recipe for its preparation was known to the ancient Egyptians, Romans, Phoenicians, etc. In the Byzantine era, sheep's milk cheese received the official name "Prosfatos", which translates as "recent". In the 17th century, the name “Feta” was assigned to it, meaning “piece” or “hunk” in Italian.

For quite a long time, vegetables in Greek salad were cut into large pieces so that they could be easily eaten with your hands, dipped in olive oil mixed with herbs in a separate container. Subsequently, the culture of eating changed and the use of cutlery became the norm, which led to a reduction in the size of pieces and the addition of olive dressing directly into the dish.

The recipe for Greek salad has not changed over the centuries. Ordering it at best restaurants, no matter the city, country or even continent, Greek salad will be Greek. The only significant difference may be the way the dish is presented.

IN classic recipe Feta is cut into large thick slices

IN classic version feta is cut into large thick slices, while the Central European standard involves cutting the cheese into small cubes. There are more original way: a piece of cheese is strung on a wooden skewer, followed by an olive, pieces of vegetables and placed in one large dish, pouring olive oil mixed with finely chopped herbs on top.

According to estimates from several popular American publications dedicated to health and a healthy lifestyle, 20% of residents of metropolitan areas prefer to start lunch with Greek salad. In recent years, it has secured the title of the main international lunch dish.

Most nutritionists recommend eating salad during the day, as it contains many substances that must enter the body before 6 pm. Despite all the difficulties associated with finding quality products, it has long been one of the most popular salads for the New Year.

Chefs of leading restaurants claim that dressing plays an important role in a Greek salad recipe. Properly mixed herbs and olive oil give the dish an unforgettable aroma and taste.

When we asked our friends, who have been coming to Greece on holiday from different parts of the world for many years in a row, what attracts them to this country, they answered with a smile: “Clean sea, gentle sun, always fresh seafood, delicious wine, Greek hospitality, and, of course, the most delicious Greek salad in the world..."

Indeed, in the catalogs of the world's best restaurants, along with the most exquisite dishes, Greek salad occupies not the last place.

Greek salad, in its homeland usually called “horyatiki” - rustic, got its name due to the fact that its components: onions, olives, sweet Green pepper, as well as cucumbers, tomatoes and olive oil - these are the simple and familiar products that Greek peasants ate.

It all started with tomatoes

However, tomatoes, as well as the salad itself, appeared on the Greek table relatively recently.

It is known that tomatoes were brought to Europe by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century, and they came to Greece only in 1818 along with potatoes.

They were brought to Greece by wandering Catholic monks. At first, tomatoes were grown as ornamental plants to decorate monastic lands - their fruits were considered poisonous. And only since 1825 they began to cultivate for food in almost all regions of the country.

At first, tomatoes were mistaken for exotic fruits. The Greeks ate tomatoes the way they were used to eating fruits: biting off pieces from the whole fruit, eating them with bread and cheese.

However, vegetables, even such as onions, were not cut - they were also consumed whole. Fortunately, the pale purple onions were sweet and fragrant.

The history of salad

As a separate dish, salad appeared thanks to one curious incident.

In 1909, a Greek economic emigrant who had worked for many years in America in a weaving factory went to his home village for his nephew's wedding.

In a foreign land, he was very homesick for his homeland, Greek olives, olive oil, unique cheese, and ripe vegetables that were grown in his village.

On the way home he got a toothache. At home, the damned tooth started to hurt. My sister advised me to rinse it with ouzo, aniseed vodka. The acute pain gradually subsided.

It was dinner time. The sister gathered for the table: bread, olives, cheese, some vegetables. But the tooth kept aching and did not allow me to bite vegetables, as was customary.

Then a smart man found a way out - without thinking twice, he crumbled all the food into pieces into a clay bowl, added a handful of olives to it, put a large piece of Feta on top, poured it with rustic olive oil, and began to gobble it up with great pleasure.

My sister also tried the new dish, and she really liked it. She decided to surprise the neighbors and serve it at the wedding table. The salad was appreciated!

Since then, village salad has become a favorite and main dish of Greek cuisine.

Cheese for Greek salad

If tomato is the king of Greek salad, then feta is the queen.

If you don't put Feta cheese in your salad, it will... regular salad from vegetables. It is Feta that gives the rustic salad a unique flavor, a kind of Greek charm.

Real Feta is made only in Greece in a special way from a mixture of 70% sheep and 30% goat milk. Feta goes through a very complex and long process of production and subsequent processing, developed over centuries.

Homer, in his poem “The Odyssey,” says that the Cyclops Polyphemus was the first cheese maker, which, according to the descriptions of the ancient Greek poet, was very similar to Feta.

The specific aroma of Greek Feta is the aroma of herbs that feed sheep and goats grazing in the meadows of Macedonia, Thrace, Epirus, Thessaly, Central Greece, the Peloponnese, and the islands of Lesbos and Crete.

And only in these, and in no other areas of Greece, is this wonderful product prepared.

Feta has spicy taste, which cannot be confused with any other - tart, slightly salty, with a slight hint of sourness.

It belongs to the soft varieties of light cheeses. When cutting cheese into pieces, it should not crumble and leave no marks on the surface of the knife.

Feta contains no more than 43% fat and 56% moisture.

The color of Feta should be white, like Pendelian marble.

For all these undeniable advantages, the cheese was given the brand “Feta”, and no other white cheeses made outside of Greece can be called that.

Here she is, the Greek queen of Feta cheeses, and she occupies a royal place in the Greek salad - at its very top!

Calorie content, benefits and some statistics

Greek salad is popular not only in Greece itself, but also far beyond its borders.

When asked by the famous catering company Grub Hub Seamless: “What is the favorite dish for American lunch clerks?” over twenty-five thousand restaurants and fast foods across America gave the answer: “Greek Salad.”

And to the question: “Why do customers give such preference to Greek salad, and not the same classic vegetable green salad made from lettuce?”, it was explained that Greek salad contains more complete proteins, fats and vitamins, contains a greater variety of quality ingredients and has an amazing taste.

In Greece there is no tavern, restaurant, or snack bar where Khoriatiki is not served.

It goes well with any meat, fish or seafood dishes served on the table.

It can also be an excellent independent snack with any wine or other stronger drink.

The calorie content of salad in Greek and Russian sources is not the same: a serving of 200 grams is estimated by the Greeks at 415 kcal, while Russian cooks estimate only 320 kcal.

A 100-gram serving of classic Greek salad with Feta cheese contains:

  • proteins – 4.6 g;
  • fats – 3.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 4 g;
  • glycemic index – 30.

The Guinness record was set by residents of the town of Ierapetra, in Crete, who prepared the world's largest portion of Greek salad from seven tons of tomatoes, three tons of cucumbers, two tons of peppers and one ton of onions. The salad took 800 kg of Feta and 500 liters of olive oil!

Greek salad dressing: composition, recipe

The unique taste of this dish is determined not only by the composition and quality of the products included in it, but also by the set of ingredients used for dressing.

The basis of the sauce for Greek salad is olive oil. good quality, preferably cold pressed.

In Greek cuisine, other types of base are rarely used, preferring to season everything vegetable dishes olive oil, not mayonnaise or similar sauces.

Firstly, because olive oil contains a unique flavor and aromatic bouquet.

Secondly, entire treatises have been written about the benefits of olive oil, starting from the time of Hippocrates and ending with the latest scientific research in the field of nutrition and medicine.

In the taverns of Greece, the classic village salad is dressed with either a mixture of olive oil, lemon and herbs– oregano (oregano), in Greek – “rigani”, and thyme – “fimari”, sometimes parsley is also added.

Or, leaving the same base, add high-quality wine or balsamic vinegar. It all depends on the taste preferences of the chef preparing the salad.

It is advisable to make the dressing in advance so that it infuses and acquires the taste and aroma of spices.

So, for dressing for a real Greek salad we will need:

  • good quality olive oil, preferably cold pressed (5-6 tablespoons);
  • one medium-sized lemon, or wine or balsamic vinegar (0.5-1 tablespoon to taste);
  • oregano or thyme.

Mix the oil, lemon juice and aromatic herbs, whisking all the ingredients with a pastry whisk.

Leave the dressing to infuse and start preparing the dish.

Classic Greek salad recipe: ingredients, how to prepare

To prepare Khoriatiki, as it is prepared by housewives in Greece, we need to have the following products:

  • four medium-sized tomatoes (not soft and unripe);
  • one large or two medium cucumbers;
  • one or two large sweet peppers;
  • one head onions, better sweet, pale purple in color;
  • Greek Feta cheese – 100-150 grams;
  • some “kalamon” olives – 6-8 pieces;
  • capers – 50 grams.

Now, attention! Step-by-step guide to proper preparation:

The main secret is that all vegetables are cut into large pieces and laid in layers.

    1. Wash the vegetables and dry them with a paper towel.
    2. We peel the cucumbers and cut them into medium-thick circles - this will be the first layer of our salad.
    3. Then cut the sweet green pepper into half rings and place on top of the cucumbers.
    4. First cut the tomatoes into two halves, peel the stems from the halves, then cut them in half again and lay them in an even layer.
    5. Cut the onion into thin half rings, wash it in cold water, squeeze and place on top of the tomatoes.
    6. Capers and olives are placed on top as a decorative element of the salad.
    7. Toss everything with a dressing of olive oil, oregano and lemon juice, it has already infused and acquired a specific aroma that will favorably emphasize the taste of fresh vegetables.
    8. Do not stir or add salt to the salad before serving. Top the dish with a piece of Feta, pour olive oil on top and sprinkle with oregano.

The salad is ready. Pepper, salt and mix before the salad is placed on plates, immediately before eating.
Kali orexy! Bon appetit!

It's juicy, colorful and healthy snack, which everyone has probably heard of. It will come in handy in the diet, suitable for a family dinner and even for meeting guests. Let's see how to prepare a Greek salad, following traditions, and adding other ingredients.

The classic recipe is the simplest. To implement it, you will only need the available components.

Required Products:

  • one salad onion;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers - two pieces each;
  • two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • any spices to your taste;
  • 0.3 kg pitted olives;
  • about 200 grams of Fetax cheese.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the vegetables from the list, cut them into squares and put them in a salad bowl.
  2. Put it on top onion rings, olives and add Fetax in cubes.
  3. Sprinkle the ingredients with the selected spices and pour over the oil. Now you can serve the dish to waiting eaters without even stirring.

Provençal herbs go well with fresh vegetables. But in the season when young greens are available, it is better to use them.

Recipe for cooking with cheese

Greek salad with feta cheese is an option for those cases when there is no cheese, which is used in the traditional recipe.

Prepare a set of products in advance:

  • half a jar of olives;
  • spices to your taste;
  • two large spoons of olive oil;
  • 0.1 kg cheese;
  • one sweet pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the cucumbers and tomatoes into large pieces and place them in the selected container. Remove the cap and seeds from the pepper, chop it into small pieces and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Next, olives and salty cheese are sent to the salad bowl, which we also chop into neat small squares.
  3. Pour in the specified amount vegetable oil and season with any spices you wish.

With chicken and croutons

In this cooking method, croutons are used, which give the dish a special piquancy and some similarity to the popular Caesar.

You can make your own crackers in the oven, and if you don’t have time, then store-bought ones are also suitable without compromising the taste of the dish.

Prepare the following food set in advance:

  • 100 grams of olives;
  • small sweet onion;
  • herbs and spices to taste;
  • two cucumbers and the same number of tomatoes;
  • 0.3 kg chicken fillet;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 0.1 kg Fetax;
  • 50 grams of white crackers.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the salad, tear it into any pieces and put it on a plate. Tomatoes and cucumbers, cut into medium-sized pieces, as well as onion half rings, will go on top.
  2. The chicken must be boiled, chopped and added to the rest of the ingredients.
  3. All that remains is to cover the dish with olives, Fetax cubes and crackers, season with spices and pour in olive oil.

How to make Greek bean salad

This is not the most common option for preparing the dish under discussion, but be sure to try it. Perhaps you will love it even more than the classic salad.

Required Products:

  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • 40 milliliters of olive oil;
  • two cucumbers and two firm tomatoes;
  • a glass of beans;
  • 100 grams of olives;
  • one blue onion;
  • 0.15 kg Fetax.

Cooking process:

  1. Before you start cooking, you need to soak the beans, and then boil them until ready.
  2. Place shredded lettuce leaves on a plate and place diced vegetables on top. Next comes the turn of onion half rings, and then the beans.
  3. Mix olive oil with various spices, such as Provençal herbs, to create an interesting filling. Pour it over the dish.
  4. All that remains is to add olives and cheese, chopped into small cubes.

With Feta cheese

Light, bright salad is ideal for any side dish and meat dish. It can also be prepared using not only the cheeses already discussed, but also Feta cheese, which is made from goat milk.

Required Products:

  • any mix of fresh herbs;
  • two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 0.2 kg of cucumbers;
  • up to 200 grams of Feta;
  • half a jar of olives;
  • fresh salad - a bunch;
  • a small head of salad onion;
  • sweet pepper pod.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare a large dish on which you will place all the ingredients.
  2. Wash the lettuce leaves, tear them with your hands and place on a plate.
  3. Next, chop the cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers, which must first be cleared of seeds. Place all the vegetable slices on top of the leaves.
  4. Add onion, chopped into half rings, diced cheese, and olives. We season all this with selected spices, based on our taste. Pour olive oil over the appetizer and then it can be served.

With Chinese cabbage

Prepare all the necessary products in advance:

  • goat cheese 200 grams;
  • the same amount of Beijing;
  • a pod of non-hot pepper;
  • a couple of tomatoes and the same number of cucumbers;
  • olive oil - three tablespoons;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • 0.1 kg olives.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash all the vegetables listed in the list well and chop them: cabbage into strips, cucumbers and tomatoes into small pieces. We first remove the seeds from the pepper and also turn it into cubes or short strips.
  2. Place all the crushed components in the selected container and add to them goat cheese and olives.
  3. All that remains is to pour the dish with olive oil and add spices.

Don't add salt to the salad until you try it. The cheese is already quite salty, you can go wrong and overdo it with the usual proportion.

Greek salad in pita bread

This dish is more of an appetizer than a salad. If you use small pita bread or pita bread, it can be served in portions.

Required Products:

  • 0.2 kg of any goat cheese;
  • a couple of fleshy tomatoes;
  • one salad onion;
  • two cucumbers;
  • spices to your taste;
  • two pita breads;
  • 30 milliliters of olive oil;
  • 100 grams of olives.

Cooking process:

  1. This salad is no more difficult to prepare than a regular one. Prepare all the ingredients indicated in the list: wash the vegetables, de-seed the peppers and cut everything into small pieces into squares or strips. You can chop the onion into half rings - this will make the dish even more beautiful. Place everything in a bowl first.
  2. Add the selected chopped cheese and olives, pour in olive oil, sprinkle with spices. You can also mix the oil with herbs in advance and let it sit for a while - this will give you a more flavorful sauce.
  3. Mix the resulting mass, place it on the unfolded pita bread and roll it tightly into a roll.

Sauce options

No need to refuel at all this dish only olive oil and spices, because you can always prepare a sauce for Greek salad.

Classic dressing

The wide variety of Greek salads, whose homeland is Greece, is explained by its wide popularity outside this country. In Russia, the salad became public knowledge closer to the new century, only in a slightly modified form. Feta cheese, which is made from goat or sheep milk, is added to traditional Greek cheese. A more budget-friendly version of the salad included feta cheese. Vegan lovers prefer to replace feta with soybean tofu.

The five most commonly used ingredients in Greek salad recipes are:

The classic composition of a Greek salad basket is as follows:

  • feta cheese
  • tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • olives
  • shallots
  • olive oil
    The only spices are salt, oregano and ground black pepper.

In different variations of Greek, they add capers, anchovies, sun-dried tomatoes, bell pepper, onions, lettuce, assorted greens, garlic, the mentioned cheese, croutons, chicken fillet and much more.

Five of the fastest Greek salad recipes:

The main difference between Greek and any other salads is the brightness and larger cutting of vegetables. At home, the salad is not mixed before serving - this is done directly in the plate. It doesn’t affect the taste in any way, rather it’s a matter of habit. Brightness is achieved with green cucumbers, red tomatoes, black olives, white cheese and yellowness of olive oil. Although the Greeks themselves prefer to peel cucumbers.

  • a little lemon juice in olive oil add a subtle flavor to the salad
  • the dish will be tastier if salt and spices are mixed in vegetable oil, then water the vegetables
  • you need to be careful with salt: there is quite enough of it in cheese and olives