
Chicken baked in salt. Salted chicken - delicious recipes

Salted chicken in the oven is an amazing recipe: baked entirely on a bed of salt, it turns out with a perfectly crispy crust, juicy and tender meat, just the right amount of salt and not at all greasy. This chicken will be a decoration festive table. And it won’t require much effort from the housewife: you just need to fill it with a whole lemon and sprinkle with your favorite spices, then place it on a layer of salt and bake in the oven. Thanks to the salt cushion, the chicken does not burn and is baked, absorbing required quantity salt. Salt, in turn, absorbs the rendered chicken fat.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 50-60 min
Number of servings: 5 pcs.


To bake chicken with salt, you will need:

  • chicken weighing up to 1500g
  • 1 lemon
  • 500g coarse salt (depending on the size of the mold)
  • 1 tsp dried herbs from Italian cuisine


Options for cooking chicken with salt

Recipe with a “strong” crust

The salt bed on which the chicken is placed can be made differently. If you use dried herbs, lemon zest, you can mix them with salt, thus obtaining table salt. If you have fresh herbs (mint, oregano, rosemary, sage), chop them and mix with salt. And this one fragrant pillow lay the chicken down.

It is clear that in this case there is no need to heavily season the chicken, although there are those who like to generously season the chicken with chopped onions, garlic, celery, etc. I just lightly pepper the chicken with a mixture of peppers and grease the entire carcass on top and inside with vegetable oil - the latter is necessary for this to get a bright, expressive crust.

Then the chicken goes into a preheated oven and bakes for an hour and a half. After 40-50 minutes from the start of cooking, you need to turn it over and continue baking. Sometimes, to speed things up, I cut it into layers, like tobacco. This chicken is prepared with salt at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.

Chicken in salt crust

Or you can bake the chicken not on a bed of salt, but directly in a salt crust.

Try this: prepare aromatic salt, heat it properly, fill a baking sheet with a thick layer and literally dip the chicken in the salt from all sides - so that it is “dressed” with a salt crust. Cook in the oven at 170-180 degrees, check the juice as usual. And then, once it’s ready, keep it in foil until it cools.

This is a very logical recipe, isn't it? The first thing that comes to mind when you mention “salt chicken”. But you have to be able to eat such meat skillfully, peeling off the salty crust. The meat underneath is deliciously tender...

In general, I think this method of baking is the simplest - the preparation is the most basic and will not take more than 5-7 minutes.

How to bake chicken with salt deliciously

There are already quite a few recipes on the Internet on how to cook salted chicken in the oven. But they all come down to the same process. The only difference may be in the marinade. Although classic version The preparation does not require any additives at all - just salt and a whole chicken.

The total calorie content of this dish is about 300 kcal. If you are on a diet, take breast without skin - the calorie content is almost 2 times less.

Exactly salt makes the chicken especially tasty.

When heated in the oven, a special “salty” atmosphere is formed, due to which the chicken skin is instantly baked, as if “sealing” the meat and its juices inside.

The result is a tender crispy skin and very juicy meat.

There is no need to salt anything - the meat comes out moderately salty.

Besides the oven is clean from cooking this way! Salt absorbs all the juice and fat, that is, it does not burn and does not splash across the entire inner surface of the oven.

And it’s easier to wash dishes: wait until the salt has cooled, hit it with something (it will harden) and throw it away, and just rinse the baking sheet.

To make chicken baked with salt in the oven perfect, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Don’t skimp on the salt - the thicker the salt bed, the better the meat will bake and the easier it will be to remove everything from the baking sheet. Empty the whole package (it costs pennies). Chicken on a packet of salt in the oven is the ideal proportions;
  • Take regular salt; if desired, you can sprinkle a thin layer of sea or Adyghe salt on top;
  • the bird should be fried in an already preheated oven, where the temperature will not be lower than 200 degrees;
  • you need to choose a carcass whose skin integrity will be impeccable;
  • Remember also that the whole chicken in the oven is fried in salt until done on the basis that 1 kg of poultry requires 40 minutes of time.
  • Don’t forget to check for doneness by piercing the thigh area - the clear juice that flows out is the best proof that the bird is ready to serve.

It is advisable not to choose a specimen that is too large (more than 2.5 kg), otherwise the inside will not be baked and the outside will begin to burn.

To prevent the tips of the wings and legs from overcooking, you can wrap them in foil.

When choosing chicken, make sure it is a fresh product. Just buy chilled - this way it’s easier to determine how high quality it is. There should be no punctures or spots of unknown color on the skin. To the touch, the carcass should be slightly oily, with elastic, non-wrinkled skin.

Recipe with adjika and mayonnaise

Salted chicken in the oven turns out flavorful if the recipe includes a marinade.

A bird baked in this way does not need long marinating; all you need to do is brush it with a mixture made from your favorite spices, add a bed of salt and put it in the oven.

Recipe information

  • Cuisine:European
  • Type of dish: main course
  • Cooking method: in the oven
  • Servings:7-8
  • 2 hours
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calorie content: 320 kcal
    • Fat:30 g
    • Proteins:25.2 g
    • Carbohydrates:0.9 g


  • whole chicken - 1 pc. (1.5 kg)
  • pepper adjika - 1 tsp.
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 200-500 g

Cooking method

Before cooking the chicken with salt in the oven, we will make a mixture to grease the chicken. To do this, put a couple of spoons of mayonnaise in a bowl, preferably homemade (recipe), add adjika, garlic pressed through a press, pour in a spoon vegetable oil. If you are not a fan of adjika, you don’t have to add it.

Stir the mixture and put it aside for now. Let's take care of the chicken.

We take a medium-sized chicken, weighing 1.5-2 kg. We rinse well, especially inside, and dry with paper kitchen towels or regular napkins (not colored ones).

Now we make shallow punctures along the surface of the entire chicken with the tip of a knife, so that the mixture prepared for greasing better saturates it. Then grease well with aromatic marinade. You can leave the chicken for a while so that it soaks, but I skip this procedure and immediately put it in the oven.

You can bake the whole chicken in the oven using salt in any baking dish, roasting pan or baking sheet. Pour plain table salt onto the bottom, in a layer of at least a centimeter.

Place the prepared chicken on the salt bed. Only in advance I recommend tying the legs with a rope and hiding the tips of the wings in cut pockets, which must be done at the base of the breast, as in the photo. This way the carcass will retain its shape and the tips of the wings will not burn.

Chicken in the oven with salt on a baking sheet will take about 1.5-2 hours.

Delicious salted chicken is ready. As a side dish you can serve boiled or baked potatoes, vegetable salad, rice, any boiled cereal or pasta - everything will be delicious with this chicken.

Enjoy your meal!

Options for marinades for chicken on a salt bed

Although cooking chicken with salt in the classic way - without additions or even spices - is quite successful, you still want some flavor variety. The use of marinades will help here. The main condition is that they should not be liquid, otherwise they will simply flow into the salt when heated. The simplest examples:

  • a mixture of any aromatic herbs and spices. You can take a ready-made one;
  • lemon juice, a mixture of peppers (chili, white, black) - for those who like spiciness;
  • dry mustard, chopped tomatoes (1 pc.), basil;
  • garlic with lemon and sesame seeds.

Before frying, you can put inside the chicken whole lemon, rice or bulgur boiled until half cooked, raw potatoes.

Useful video

In this video recipe, salted chicken is baked on the breast and with jacket potatoes:

Baked chicken is a simple, but at the same time very tasty, and therefore a popular dish, which is considered a signature treat in many families. There is more than one way to bake a bird - whole in a sleeve, in foil, on a bottle, stuffed, spread out and on salt.

The latter method is extremely simple and has one big advantage - the dish cannot be over-salted, since the chicken will take exactly as much salt as it needs.

The preparation of this dish, beloved by many housewives, begins in the store with the selection of a chicken carcass, when buying which you should pay attention first of all to:

  1. Carcass size. A large one will take longer to bake, and while the meat is baking, thin wings may burn. The optimal weight of the original product is from one to one and a half kilograms;
  2. Skin condition. It should be white, tight, clean and without any punctures on the surface. A yellowish tint to the skin may indicate advanced age of the bird, which will increase its cooking time. And punctures often occur in cases where unscrupulous producers, trying to increase weight, pump the carcass with water;
  3. Product type. For baking, it is better to use chilled meat, which retains everything taste qualities and meat juices, which are often lost during defrosting.

Step by step recipe

This recipe for baking a chicken carcass will appeal to meat eaters - connoisseurs of the natural taste of meat, since the cooking process uses a minimal amount of spices that do not clog, but emphasize the taste of dietary chicken meat.

Due to the fact that salt acts as a heat conductor, the carcass is baked evenly and turns out quite juicy, including the brisket.

To bake chicken with salt in the oven you need to prepare:

The baking time will be from one to one and a half hours, and preparatory work– from 15-20 minutes to 1 hour, if the housewife decides to let the meat soak in the aromas of spices.

The calorie content of chicken baked in salt is 330.6 kcal/100 g.

Recipe for culinary processes:

Chicken in the oven with salt, garlic and Provençal herbs on a baking sheet

An aromatic seasoning made from plants collected in the bouquet gardens of Provence in the south of France ideally complements fatty dishes and adds a unique taste and aroma to dietary dishes, so they are “just right” for baked chicken on a bed of salt.

To bake a bird with Provençal herbs, you will need the following products:

  • 1 chicken carcass, weighing from 1 to 1.5 kg;
  • 10-12 g garlic;
  • 14 g of Provençal herbs;
  • 1 medium lemon;
  • 500 g coarse salt.

The time the bird will need to spend in the oven will be 40 to 60 minutes if placed in a preheated oven.

Depending on the amount of subcutaneous fat in the original product, the nutritional value baked chicken will range from 200 to 300 kcal per 100 g.

How to bake:

How to cook salt-crusted chicken in the oven

There is another popular way to bake a whole bird using salt - in a salt crust. Of course, the skin of chicken prepared in this way cannot be eaten, since it turns out to be too salty, but the meat will be unusually tender and juicy.

List of required products:

  • 1 chicken, weighing up to one and a half kilograms;
  • 500 g table salt with large crystals;
  • lemon zest and herbs to taste.

Cooking time ranges from 1 to 1.5 hours.

Since oily skin in this case remains uneaten, the maximum calorie content is 100 grams ready-made dish will be equal to 164.0 kilocalories.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the spicy aromatic herbs, dry them and finely chop them with a knife. Remove the zest from the washed lemon by grating it on a fine grater;
  2. Mix together salt, herbs and citrus zest. Thoroughly coat the washed chicken in the resulting homemade seasoning. The salt crust should cover every centimeter of the carcass;
  3. Place the remaining salt with herbs and zest on a baking sheet on which the meat will be baked, and after placing the bird on it, place it in a hot (170-180 degrees) oven;
  4. Remove the cooked chicken from the oven and wrap it in food aluminum foil and let cool a little. Then remove the crust and serve.

Cooking whole chicken on salt with potatoes in the oven

Any meat dish needs a side dish. The most popular duo for many eaters is meat and potatoes. So, why not cook them together with salt?

For this option of preparing meat and side dishes you need:

  • 1.2-1.5 kg of whole chicken carcass;
  • 2 kg of coarse sea salt;
  • 50 g dill seeds;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • spices taste;
  • 400-500 g large potato tubers.

On average, it will take up to 2 hours to cook chicken and potatoes.

The total nutritional value of meat and baked potatoes is 169.7 kcal/100 g.

Baking algorithm:

  1. Mix coarse sea salt with crushed dill seeds and herbs, then add chicken eggs and bring the mixture to the state of wet salt crumbs;
  2. Wash and dry the chicken; do the same with the potato tubers, but they also need to be additionally pierced in several places with a fork;
  3. Sprinkle a 1 cm layer of salt onto a baking tray and place the poultry and potatoes on it. Cover everything on top again with a 1 cm thick layer of salt. In this form, send everything to the oven for two hours and bake at 180 degrees;
  4. Before serving, peel the salt crust from the meat and potatoes. Baked tubers can be mashed into puree, adding pepper and sour cream to taste.

Recipe for stuffed chicken with salt in the oven

Stuffed chicken is a simple dish that is perfect for both an everyday family dinner and festive serving. There are several ways to prepare this dish.

The most difficult is considered to be the one in which all the bones are removed from the carcass, and the carcass itself is turned inside out, then stuffed, stitched and baked. But this can be done by professional chefs or experienced housewives.

Much easier to prepare stuffed chicken with bones, using your favorite filling (apples and almonds, mushrooms and buckwheat, rice with dried fruits and others).

For chicken stuffed with rice and dried fruits with salt should be taken:

  • 1.5-2 kg of chicken (one carcass);
  • 200 g boiled fluffy rice;
  • 100 g dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots);
  • 1.5 kg of coarse salt;
  • ground black pepper and herbs to taste.

Baking the chicken carcass will last from 60 to 80 minutes; an additional 20 minutes will be required for preparatory work.

The calorie content of this dish is 143.8 kcal/100 g.

Baking procedure:

There is one rule when baking with salt - more salt is better than less. A thick layer of table or sea salt will prevent the released fat from burning on the baking sheet.

To prevent the carcass from falling apart and the wings from burning, you need to tie the legs crosswise with thread or flagella from food foil, make cuts on the brisket and hide the tips of the wings from them.

Excess moisture and fat, which will be released during baking, collect on the brisket, so in order not to lose them, you should lay the carcass on its back for cooking.

For large carcasses, the rule is: increase the baking time, but not the temperature, otherwise the meat will burn on top and remain raw inside. By following our recipes and tips, you will succeed delicious chicken on salt in the oven, which you can treat to your household or guests.

Another recipe for chicken baked with salt in the oven is in the next video.


To cook whole chicken in the oven with salt you will need:
chicken carcass (I have a broiler) - 2.2 kg;
salt (sea or regular) - 1 kg.

Cooking steps

To prepare the dish, I took these ingredients.

The chicken carcass must be thoroughly washed inside and out. Dry with a paper towel. The chicken legs need to be tied together. Wrap the legs and wings in foil (as in the photo) so that they do not burn during the baking process.

Sprinkle a layer of salt into a baking dish; I use a cast iron frying pan as a form. You can use not exactly 1 kg of salt, but a little less - 700-800 grams.

Place the chicken on top of the salt, back down, so that when cooking, all the juice will be inside.

When serving, you can drizzle the chicken lemon juice. The meat turns out very tasty both cold and hot, the breast comes out juicy. Divide the whole chicken baked in the oven into portions and serve. Perfect for a side dish mashed potatoes, rice, and, of course, fresh vegetables and herbs. The recipe for baking a whole chicken in salt in the oven is very simple, and requires a minimum of effort, and the result is an incredibly tasty, juicy chicken with an appetizing crust!

There are too many recipes for chicken main courses you can find, but I suggest you try this one. Salted chicken in the oven is an incredibly simple recipe delicious second dishes. This chicken is considered dietary, because the meat is cooked in own juice under the skin.

Chicken in the oven with salt is also a recipe for the lazy, as well as those who are just starting to get acquainted with the world of cooking. You only need 2 ingredients - chicken and salt - and just over ten minutes to prepare.

Would you like me to tell you how to choose good chilled chicken? If you have not yet decided on a “trusted” company, try to choose a carcass under a transparent film - this way you can see it clearly. As for frozen chickens in colored packaging, it is very difficult to understand what is actually hidden inside.

A high-quality chicken should have smooth skin, without cuts or punctures. Fatty, light pink, with a slightly noticeable yellowness, and the pores from the feathers should not be too wide. It is quite normal for the skin on the legs to be somewhat thinner, pinker, and sometimes even seem to have a bluish tint. The skin should fit tightly around the carcass, be elastic and taut, and under no circumstances hang loose.

If you notice that the skin of the chicken is fat-free and whitish, it is quite possible that it was soaked in soda for some time (this is often done with stale, stale goods). If there are puncture marks on the breast, it means the carcass was pumped with brine for greater weight.

As incredible as it may seem, try to open the package and smell it. Agree, today it’s better to look impudent in a store than to buy a product with a “smell” and then not feed fresh meat family. Good chicken it always smells like fresh meat or practically no smell, but there is even the slightest suspicious smell, do not take it.

Choosing quality chilled chicken for this recipe is very important, as the result is a pure chicken taste that will not be masked by any marinade. Typically, it takes 35 minutes to cook one kilogram of chicken at 180 degrees. That is, a carcass weighing 2 kilograms needs approximately 1 hour (1 hour 10 minutes).


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

So, in front of you necessary products: chicken and salt. You can use any salt - fine or coarse, but not iodized (it is bitter).

Then we tie the legs together (I use a strip of foil - quite convenient). For the tips of the wings, I advise you to make such mittens, also from food foil - then they will not burn and will not dry out too much.

The finished chicken must be removed from the salt extremely carefully - I advise you to lift it by the body with the legs down. Quite a lot of chicken juice collects in the cavity - don't get burned! In addition, try not to have direct contact between the juice and the salt, otherwise the crystals will stick to it. And finally, I would like to add that the chicken is not over-salted at all - during the cooking process it absorbs exactly as much salt as needed.