
Benefits and nutritional value of lemon. How many calories are in a lemon and what is its nutritional value? How many calories are in a lemon with peel?

Lemons are enriched with pectins, essential oils, and bioflavonoids. The product contains a lot of vitamin C, which is a strong antioxidant and stimulator of the body's immune functions.

The calorie content of 1 medium-sized lemon is 19.4 kcal. One fruit contains 1 g of protein, 0.13 g of fat, 3.5 g of carbohydrates.

The largest lemon in size was grown in Israel in 2013. The weight of the fetus was 5 kg, this fruit contained 810 kcal, 45.5 g of protein, 5.5 g of fat, 145 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of lemon juice per 100 grams

The calorie content of lemon juice per 100 grams is 16.2 kcal. In 100 g of lemon juice:

  • 0.9 g protein;
  • 0.1 g fat;
  • 2.9 g carbohydrates.

Lemon juice is characterized by the presence of phytoncides, pectins, vitamins P, A, B1, B2, C, potassium and other useful substances.

Calorie content of water with lemon per 100 grams

The calorie content of lemon water per 100 grams depends on the amount of lemon juice added. In a 100-gram serving of liquid with the addition of 10 g of lemon juice, up to 2 kcal. When adding 2 teaspoons to 80 g of water, the calorie content increases to 3.5 kcal.

Calorie content of lemon with sugar per 100 grams

Calorie content of lemon with sugar per 100 grams is 186 kcal. In 100 g of treat:

  • 0.5 g protein;
  • 0.1 g fat;
  • 45.9 g carbohydrates.

To prepare a sweet dish, you need to swirl 500 g of fresh lemon with 400 g of sugar. The product will be immediately ready for use.

Benefits of lemon

The following benefits of lemon are known:

  • the fruit helps strengthen the immune system and is actively used for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu;
  • the beneficial properties of lemon have been proven to cleanse the body of toxins, for weight loss and speed up metabolism;
  • the product is indicated for the prevention of flatulence, constipation, hypertension, vascular and heart diseases;
  • doctors advise eating lemon to lower cholesterol, improve appetite, and stimulate brain function;
  • lemon slows down aging, saturates the body with energy, improves mood, and is necessary for preventing depression and relieving fatigue;
  • the fruit is quite often used in cosmetic masks for hair, skin and nails;
  • V folk medicine use lemon to eliminate dandruff;
  • The fruit's vitamins and minerals are extremely beneficial for bones.

Harm of lemon

Contraindications to consuming lemon are:

  • individual intolerance to the fruit and allergic reactions to it;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach;
  • diseases of the liver, pancreas, gastritis;
  • when breastfeeding.

Lemon juice is harmful to tooth enamel. After eating lemon, be sure to rinse your mouth with warm water.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Lemon is an evergreen citrus from the family Rutaceae, which can be either a shrub or a tree, and its fruits. Lemon is not found in the wild, so it is considered a spontaneous hybrid, which people began to use in the 12th century. Northern India is considered the birthplace of lemons, from where it was exported by the Arabs to Spain, the Middle East and North Africa. The main suppliers of lemons to the world market are Mexico, India, Turkey, Spain; the fruit grows almost everywhere in subtropical conditions.

The lemon fruit is a berry-shaped hesperidium, an oval or round fruit of bright yellow color. It has narrowings at both ends, the crust is hard, porous (sometimes lumpy), glossy. Under the peel there is a white soft layer, which is wrapped in 8-10 cloves filled with juicy yellow-green pulp. Lemon has a strong citrus aroma and sour taste.

Calorie content of lemon

The calorie content of lemon is 16 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Lemon contains vitamins, although its amount in citrus fruits is clearly exaggerated. Lemon contains , which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and helps remove toxins and waste from the body. Indigestible dietary fiber normalizes intestinal motility.

Lemon has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, but only when it is used without heating, because when heat treatment vitamins completely disappear. Considered antibacterial, it has been used since ancient times during scurvy. Essential oils that are large quantities Contained not only in the pulp, but also in, they force the lymph to actively circulate and have a slight stimulating effect, stimulating the nervous system to work actively.

Harm of lemon

Like all citrus fruits, lemon is an active allergen, so people who are prone to allergic reactions should use lemon with caution, especially in combination with. Lemon juice contains an aggressive environment that negatively affects tooth enamel, so in some cases it makes sense to use a straw (calorizator). Even the smallest pores of the lemon peel contain pathogenic bacteria that can cause stomach upset, so before eating, the lemon must be thoroughly washed using a brush.

Lemons differ in smoothness, thickness of the peel and its color (Uzbek lemons are orange), but in any case the peel should have a glossy surface. When choosing lemons, you should pay attention to the density of the fruit; soft fruits with dents or signs of mold or rot should be left in place. Lemons should be stored in a cool, dry place; after cutting, you can put them in the refrigerator, but only in glassware with an airtight lid to prevent the lemon aroma from spreading to other foods.

Lemon in cosmetology

The ability of lemon to whiten and soften the skin has long been noted, so it is often fresh lemon used to lighten freckles, get rid of dark spots on nails and skin of hands (after cleansing, and dark berries). You need to cut the lemon crosswise and dip your fingers directly into the pulp for a few minutes. In a similar way, soften rough skin on the elbows.

The bleaching properties of lemon are used to give white linen their original whiteness or to remove deodorant stains.

How to grow lemon at home

Having finished drinking, there is no point in planting the remaining seed - the tree will not grow. For decorative purposes, you can grow lemons from seeds if you are sure that the fruits have not been in the refrigerator. To harvest lemons, you need to purchase a lemon cutting, for example, the Pavlovsky variety, which was specially bred for growing at home. With proper care, within three years you can get your own lemons, which are in no way inferior to purchased ones in size and aroma.

The beneficial properties of citrus fruits, one of which is lemon, can be listed endlessly.

An important advantage of lemon is the ability to use it in a wide variety of food and drink combinations, as well as as an independent product.

The calorie content of 100 grams of the healthiest lemon is only 34 kcal.

It can not only improve the taste and aroma of any dish, but also increase the benefits many times over.

An average lemon weighs approximately 130 grams and contains 44 calories.

Benefits of lemon

  1. The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to lemons is their high vitamin C content. The freshly squeezed juice of one medium-sized lemon contains a third daily norm this vitamin. And just one tablespoon of peel contains 13% of the amount of ascorbic acid required per day. Thanks to this, lemon is a strong antioxidant and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Citric acid, the source of which is this citrus, is an active participant in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism in the human body. Lemon promotes active fat burning, restoring a slim figure and a person – good mood and well-being.
  3. Despite its pronounced sour taste, lemon perfectly reduces stomach acidity, which is why doctors recommend drinking lemon juice for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. When body temperature rises, lemon is your effective assistant for normalizing it. Lemon is used to prevent colds and to treat them. Gargling with lemon juice quickly relieves inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  5. Lemon juice is an excellent antiseptic for both internal and external use.
  6. Lemon and lemon juice It is also used as a cosmetic product that has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin and nails.

Lemon also stimulates appetite, reduces fatigue and increases performance.

This drink will help to stimulate the immune system in early spring. Mix the juice of one lemon in a glass with warm boiled water. You should have 200 ml of liquid. Add 2 teaspoons of honey to it and drink before bed. Spring vitamin deficiency will not be scary for you.

Does this one have healthy fruit any contraindications?

Like all fruits of the citrus family, lemon is a strong allergen. People prone to the manifestations of this disease should eat it with caution. Hypertensive patients and ulcer sufferers also need to be careful with lemon and lemon juice.

Lemon with sugar (with honey)

Because of the acidity, not everyone can consume lemon without sweeteners such as sugar or honey. Does the calorie content of “sweet” lemon increase significantly?

The calorie content of lemon with sugar increases many times and amounts to 169 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Lemon in combination not with sugar, but with honey - not only tasty treat, but also the opportunity to lose a couple of extra pounds.

There are many weight loss recipes based on lemon-honey drink A. Here are a few of them:

  • Before breakfast and half an hour before bedtime, drink a glass of a drink consisting of one tablespoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey and 250 ml of warm water. Thanks to this drink, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated;
  • You can arrange fasting days for yourself. During the day you can eat a kilogram of boiled or stewed vegetables(any to choose from). You need to drink a lot - 2-2.5 liters of liquid. This amount includes unsweetened green tea and still water, as well as up to 1 liter of lemon-honey drink;
  • Cinnamon helps enhance the effect of honey and lemon in the process of burning fat. The popular spice also speeds up metabolism. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of cinnamon and let it brew for 20 minutes. Then add a slice of lemon and honey (one teaspoon) to the drink. A tasty and aromatic drink will give you energy and speed up the burning of fat in the body.

Calories in lemon water

Water is an ideal drink for weight loss, having no calories at all.

The same applies to sparkling water - it has no calories, but the carbon dioxide it contains does not have the best effect on the stomach. You should not get carried away with its use. Give preference to still water or green tea.

Adding a teaspoon of lemon juice (10 grams) to water will add only 2.2 calories to the drink.

The calories in lemon water are determined only by the calories in the lemon juice you use. The same rule applies to tea with lemon.

A slice of lemon added to a glass of water or a cup of unsweetened tea for taste and aroma will practically not change the energy value of the drink. It will remain at a level close to zero.

Water with lemon juice is also a great option. diet drink, like pure still water or unsweetened green tea.

Lemon is a short evergreen tree native to India. Many people grow a smaller version of it at home.

This fruit is wonderful not only on its own, but also in combination with various dishes and drinks, which is why lemon is very popular in cooking.

Tea with lemon is famous not only for its unique taste and aroma, but also for its benefits to the body.

The benefits and harms of lemon

The beneficial properties of this fruit can be listed endlessly, since its composition is rich in various vitamins, essential oils, organic acids, pectins, phytoncides, as well as copper and potassium salts.

The main vitamins that lemon is rich in are vitamins A, B, C and PP.

First of all, this fruit is known as a source citric acid, which takes an active part in metabolic processes occurring in the body (metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates).

Experts recommend drinking freshly squeezed lemon juice for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids and atherosclerosis. In addition, lemon juice is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. That is why its use is recommended for the treatment and prevention of colds, as well as inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Lemon is also widely used as a cosmetic product; most often it is used to remove birthmarks/freckles, relieve itching and eczema. In addition to the fact that lemon perfectly cleanses and restores the skin, it can also prevent hair loss and strengthen nail plates.

Eating lemon peel boiled in sugar significantly improves the digestion process and increases appetite.

This fruit can harm the body only if there are peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines. In addition, people suffering from high blood pressure should consume lemon with extreme caution.

Undoubtedly, like many other members of the citrus family, lemon is a powerful allergen, which must be remembered if your body is prone to allergic reactions.

Since the fruit of this fruit mainly consists of water, the calorie content of lemon is quite small, about 34 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. That is why it is often used in various weight loss techniques.

In addition to its low calorie content, lemon has the ability to burn fat, which in turn helps fight extra pounds.

Knowing how many calories are in lemon, you can calculate the calorie content of dishes using it.

For example, tea with lemon has only 28 kilocalories per 100 grams, which is why it is recommended to be consumed while maintaining various diets. Indeed, despite its low calorie content, it is able to fill the body with vitamins and nutrients.

The calorie content of lemon with sugar is much higher, per 100 grams of it energy value equal to 169 kilocalories. Moreover, despite the relatively high calorie content, lemon with sugar is an excellent remedy for hypertension.

Nutritionists pay attention not only to how many calories are in lemon, but also to its ability to speed up metabolic processes, break down fats, improve digestion, and also lower blood sugar levels.

In their opinion, in order to lose a few extra pounds, it is not necessary to radically change your diet; it will be enough to drink freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon diluted with warm water every morning. In addition, during the day it is recommended to give preference to tea with lemon, which is also low in calories.

There are more strict diets using this fruit. One of them is based on the daily consumption of lemons exclusively, and their quantity should not exceed 6-8 pieces. Since this diet is quite difficult for the body to tolerate, it is necessary to consult a nutritionist before using it.

It is best to follow a lemon diet in spring or autumn. In order to increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet and perform a small set of physical exercises daily.

Despite the fact that Burma is considered the birthplace of lemon, this subtropical fruit is very popular in our area. This is not surprising, because everyone knows the beneficial properties of lemon.

How many calories are in fruit

Often the obvious benefits of fruits do not compensate for their high calorie content in the eyes of those who want to lose weight. However, with lemon the opposite is true. The bright yellow, aromatic fruits contain quite a lot of acids, but very little sugar. The calorie content of this fruit is record low - 16 kcal per 100 grams. That is why the plant and its fruits are so loved by nutritionists.

This fruit can be eaten in many different ways. You may be interested in how many calories are in a lemon with its peel. This figure is approximately 19.2 kcal. The average weight of a whole lemon is approximately 120 grams, so even if you eat one fruit at a time (you are unlikely to get more), there will be no harm to your figure. Although eating the whole lemon, we still do not recommend it.

If you like to eat lemon with honey or sugar, you should be careful. The plant produces low-calorie fruits, but the supplement with which you consume these fruits may have a high energy value.

What is good about lemon for weight loss?

Lemon plays a significant role in many diets. There are many food combinations with this fruit and dietary recipes with its content.

The organic acids that make up the fruit have a restraining effect on lipogenesis - the transition of carbohydrates into fats.

Some people believe that drinking a glass of cold water with a teaspoon of lemon on an empty stomach will speed up their metabolism. Although this is not confirmed by any exact data, reviews about this method of losing weight are good. However, doctors warn that people with diseases of the digestive system should not use it.

It is recommended to take exactly the same remedy for spring vitamin deficiency, but not on an empty stomach, but before bed.

Nutritionists advise replacing the usual mayonnaise and sour cream in salads with lemon juice mixed with a small amount vegetable oil. This will reduce the overall calorie content of the dish and add vitamins to it.

If you want to accustom yourself to drinking unsweetened tea, then the same lemon will help you in this matter. It will make the taste of the drink more expressive, thereby compensating for the lack of sugar.

You can also use a mixture instead of fatty marinades: lemon extract or fruit juice, salt and spices. Using this composition you can marinate fish, meat or poultry.

But remember that the plant itself will not make you slim. Proper nutrition and moderate physical activity are the main conditions for success.

What are the benefits of lemon

Despite its low calorie content, lemon is very healthy. The plant is valued for its fruits, rich in vitamin C. The juice of one fruit is more than a third of the daily dose of this vitamin. A tablespoon of zest is 13%.

In addition, lemons contain a special substance - pectin, as well as essential oils, bioflavonoids and terperine. The latter strengthens blood vessels and helps maintain blood pressure at a normal level. Pectin normalizes blood sugar levels, which is important both for those who want to lose weight and for those who simply care about their health.

The essential oils contained in the plant (most of them are found in the fruits) improve lymph circulation. In addition, lemon has a beneficial effect on the production of enzymes and gastric juice. Due to this, the body absorbs iron and calcium better.

Lemon juice reduces acidity in the stomach, which comes in handy for some diseases.

Not only the fruits are good: the volatile substances that the plant releases through the leaves kill many types of pathogens in the air.

Lemon juice and zest are also natural antiseptics.

If the plant “lives” in your home, you can use its leaves to relieve fever.

What else is citrus fruit good for?

The fruit also improves appetite and reduces cholesterol in the blood. And by diluting the fruit juice with water, you will get a mouth and throat rinse. However, you should not get carried away with it, because the acid contained in the fruit can harm tooth enamel.

In addition, lemon is often used in cosmetology. It often serves as the basis for natural peelings, as well as for masks designed to cope with excessive pigmentation. And lemon extract mixed with chamomile cream is used for tired legs.

Often this same substance is used in combination with other drugs in the treatment of fungus and as part of hair masks against dandruff.

The fruits and extracts from them are an excellent remedy for the treatment of acne and excess oily skin.

Lemon has an interesting effect on blood pressure. Microelements in the fruit have a beneficial effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels, the latter become elastic and strong. Blood flows easily through such vessels and the pressure decreases. Lemon is also an excellent remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis. But this disease also changes blood pressure.

The fruit is especially useful for people suffering from hypertension at the initial stage. If you eat lemon every day, you can reduce your blood pressure by about 10%. At the same time, if your blood pressure is normal, then such a decrease does not threaten you.

Lemon essential oil has a beneficial effect on the psyche. It helps you concentrate, gives you confidence, and also improves your mood.


As you can see, useful properties Lemon has plenty. It has a positive effect on immunity, blood pressure, digestion, psyche, and skin condition. At the same time, its calorie content is very low. Therefore, the question of whether to eat lemon on a diet or not does not arise.

Of course, the fruit also has its contraindications: stomach diseases, breastfeeding and individual intolerance. However, if they do not apply to you, feel free to treat yourself to this delicacy.