
Recipe for Guryev porridge from the 19th century. Guryevskaya porridge - national Russian dish

Semolina porridge has always been a favorite dish on any table in Russia. It has been prepared since ancient times by both peasants and noble people. This nutritious and easy-to-prepare delicacy has a lot of variations and additives, which makes its taste unusual every time. One of the famous recipes is Guryev porridge, nutritious, satisfying and tasty.

Back in the nineteenth century, Count Guryev, whose name the dish was later named after, was known as a famous gourmet. One day he was invited to dinner with a certain officer he knew. The dessert that was served at the party simply amazed the count with its unusual taste, and he even kissed the officer’s cook. At home, Guryev began experiments and received a recipe that is today known throughout the world. Today, in any book on Russian cuisine you can find a lot of variations on the theme of preparing this dessert.

Traditional old recipe

There is one old recipe, which Count Guryev loved so much. It can be prepared in our time, quite easily, and even in a slow cooker. We buy milk and semolina and delight our loved ones with an unusual dish. We will need:

  1. A glass of semolina.
  2. One and a half liters of milk
  3. 100-200 grams of walnuts
  4. Four spoons of sugar.
  5. A small handful of raisins.
  6. Vanilla sugar - teaspoon.
  7. A small handful of candied fruits.
  8. Mint and berries for decoration.

So, let's next consider step by step recipe, which will allow us to enjoy such a delicacy as Guryev porridge. First, heat the oven to 180 degrees. Nuts must be steamed with boiling water, peeled and peeled. After that, use a spoon or knife to grind them and spread them in an even layer on a baking sheet, previously covered with special baking paper. Sprinkle the entire layer with a spoonful of sugar and place in the oven for a few minutes.

Pour boiling water over the raisins for twenty minutes. Then dry it and cut the candied fruits into small pieces. Bring milk (500 milliliters) to a boil, add two tablespoons of sugar and vanilla. Add the porridge and stir constantly. The porridge should thicken, after which we remove it from the heat and add raisins.

Next comes the most important thing. We take the mold, pour the milk that we have left into it, and put it in the oven, where we constantly skim off the foam. After this, take a baking sheet and grease it with oil. Layer layers of porridge, candied fruits and nuts, and foam. This way you can alternate layers several times. The main thing is that the last layer is the porridge itself. Sprinkle everything with sugar on top and bake for ten minutes. Sprinkle the finished porridge with berries and decorate with mint leaves. This Guryev porridge will surprise guests and loved ones, and most importantly, it is a dish of Russian cuisine, the recipe for which is quite simple.

Buckwheat Guryev porridge

There is also a recipe for buckwheat, where Guryev porridge will be salty. Preparation will require the following ingredients:

  • 600 grams of buckwheat;
  • 50 grams of dried mushrooms;
  • small carrots;
  • small portion butter;
  • beef or pork brains – 300 grams;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Guryev salty porridge is even easier to prepare than sweet porridge. The recipe is quite simple, first of all it requires boiling buckwheat. Take a pot and fill the buckwheat with boiling mushroom broth, add spices and oil. When the dessert is almost ready, the recipe requires taking it out into another container, and rinsing the pot itself and wiping it dry. Then put the porridge, fried carrots and mushrooms, and a layer of brains in layers in a dry pot. So we alternate the ingredients a couple of times. The very last layer should be from the brains. The dish is placed in the oven or cooked in a slow cooker until the buckwheat becomes crumbly. The prepared dish can be decorated with herbs and leftover mushrooms.

There is a very simple recipe for Guryev dessert, which is called “lazy”, because it requires a minimum of effort from the cook. There is no milk foam in it, which, although it gives the porridge delicate taste, but require decent skill in cooking. For lazy dish we will need:

  • half a liter of fat milk;
  • a glass of semolina;
  • 50 grams of sand;
  • 10 grams of vanillin;
  • 100 grams of almonds;
  • 50 grams of raisins;
  • 100 grams of walnuts;
  • 50 grams of butter.

The recipe is easy to make even in a minimum of time, for example, if guests suddenly arrive. The nuts must be fried in a dry frying pan until golden brown and crushed well. Cook semolina porridge in a simple way in milk, gradually adding vanillin, sugar, salt (a small amount on the tip of a knife). The mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. We fill it with oil and mix well so that there are no lumps left.

There is still debate about Guryev's porridge; who invented it? The authorship is attributed to both the serf cook Zakhar Kuzmin and the Russian Count Guryev, who allegedly prepared this porridge in the kitchen together with his cook. In the old days, this porridge was prepared in rich houses and treated to the most dear guests. There are also references in the literature to the fact that Guryev’s porridge was the most favorite dessert dish Great Emperor Alexander III. Today this unusual porridge is served in the most expensive Russian restaurants and each chef prepares it according to his own secret recipe.

Recipe for Guryev porridge from an old cookbook

  • Take the fat one homemade milk and pour it into a wide bowl. Send the bowl to hot oven.
  • When pink milk foam begins to form on the milk, skim it off and place it on a flat plate. Cut all skimmed foam into small pieces.
  • Boil thick rice or semolina porridge.
  • Put the freshest ones in the porridge raw eggs, a little homemade cream and a little butter. Mix the mixture.
  • Now add chopped milk foam to the porridge, fried and then chopped walnuts, sweet almond crumbs and various candied fruits, previously soaked in orange alcohol tincture. Stir the porridge again.
  • Grease a deep saucepan with butter and place all the porridge in it. Sprinkle the dish with sugar and very finely chopped candied fruits.
  • Bake the porridge in the oven for half an hour until the sugar begins to caramelize.

This recipe from an old book does not contain exact instructions on the amount of products required. It can only be recommended to very experienced housewives who have an idea of ​​how much milk and cereal is needed for thick porridge and how many other goodies need to be put in it to make the porridge tasty.

Recipe for Guryev porridge in the old style

You will need:

  • Cream 25% fat – 300 ml;
  • Whole milk – 500 ml;
  • Eggs – 1 pc.;
  • Granulated sugar -100 g;
  • Fresh apricots – 10-12 pcs.;
  • Coarse semolina -100 g;
  • High fat butter – 50 g;
  • Walnuts – 0.5 cups;
  • Vanillin - on the tip of the knife;
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.
  • Pour the cream into a fireproof container and place in a fairly hot oven so that it begins to simmer. Carefully remove the golden foam from them and, being careful not to tear them, place them on a dish.
  • Add salt to the milk and bring it to a boil. Pour all the semolina into this milk, but in small portions. When adding semolina, stir the liquid constantly so that no lumps form in the porridge. Cook the porridge for 2-3 minutes until it thickens greatly. Remove the porridge from the heat and let it cool slightly.
  • While the porridge is cooling, mash the egg yolk and sugar until fluffy. Beat the egg white separately until foamy.
  • Chop the nuts into medium crumbs and fry them in melted butter until they have a characteristic nutty aroma.
  • Mix the cooled porridge with beaten egg whites and mashed yolks and add nuts and butter.
  • Cut the apricots into halves
  • Grease a deep saucepan with butter and place a third of the porridge on its bottom. Flatten it with a spatula. Place half of the skimmed foam and half of the apricot slices on the porridge.
  • Next, add a third of the porridge, the remaining foam and the remaining apricots again.
  • Place the last layer of porridge in the last layer. Sprinkle it with a handful of sugar.
  • Bake the porridge in the oven until the top is golden brown. Baking temperature – 180 degrees.
  • Garnish the finished porridge with candied fruits and serve hot or cold.

You can cook it for porridge sweet sauce and pour it over the dish:

  • Grind 100 g of apricot slices in a blender and mix them with powdered sugar(100 g) and water (50 ml).
  • Boil the sauce until thick and then let it cool.

There are a huge number of recipes for Guryev porridge. The main ingredients in it are thick milk porridge and milk foam from the oven. Next, you can experiment and add any fruits and berries, nuts, candied fruits, and raisins to the dish. You can also use various favorite spices: lemon or orange zest, ground cinnamon, any other food confectionery flavoring. But don’t forget to bake the porridge in the oven at the end and decorate it elegantly before serving.

Housewives know that many children simply hate eating semolina. But it contains a lot useful components. Add them to your kids' diet? Everything is very simple, you just need to prepare Guryev porridge. It is not only very nutritious and tasty, but also healthy. Moreover, you can add various nuts and raisins to taste.

Ingredients you will need

Prepare about 20 grams of semolina. This volume requires 150 ml of milk. A little butter is required. To make everything sweet, take a banana and a couple of tablespoons of cane sugar. Need a handful of peanuts. For richness, use lime. Well, don’t forget about a pinch of salt, kiwi and figs.

Cooking process

Initially, you should cut all the fruits that were listed in the previous section into small pieces. Preferably in small squares for aesthetics. Dates can be sliced.

Pour about 100 ml of milk into a regular saucepan and place it on low heat.

Now you should add all the sugar and melt a piece of butter. It is needed to avoid the appearance of lumps.

Wait until the mixture begins to boil. Now you can add semolina. Mix everything. After a short period of time (about 10 minutes), remove everything from the heat.

Place the porridge (a little less than a third of the total volume) on a dish that can withstand high temperatures. After this, apply the first layer of dried fruits. Sprinkle everything with sugar.

You still have about 50 ml of milk. Pour it into a saucepan and heat until foam appears. Just take about 10-15 ml. You will need the rest of the volume for subsequent layers.

This foam will be the second layer. It is placed directly on the fruit.

Afterwards, lay out a layer of semolina again. And cover everything with dried fruits again. Don't forget the foam. Repeat this until you run out of food.

At the very top there should be semolina sprinkled with sugar. This dish should be placed in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

That's all, Guryev porridge is ready. You can add everything on top canned peaches. This will make the dish much tastier appearance will become more attractive. Yes, and children like it better. Just look at her photo below. They will definitely give you motivation to cook. Bon appetit!

The well-forgotten old sometimes turns out to be more interesting than the acquired new. And a striking example of this is the Russian cuisine dish Guryevskaya porridge, the recipes of which I want to introduce today. But before I tell you how to cook wonderful porridge according to classic and modern recipes, I want to introduce you to the history famous dessert, I think this is incredibly interesting.

The history of the famous porridge

As with any historical event, there are many speculations in the history of the creation of Guryev porridge. For example, this: they say that the recipe was invented by the Minister of Finance, Count Dmitry Guryev, after whom the dish was named. Personally, I don’t really believe this version. But the other one makes you want to believe.

Allegedly, the count once visited the estate of an acquaintance, retired military man Yurisovsky. During lunch, porridge was served for dessert, after tasting which the count was delighted and asked to call the serf cook Zakhar Kuzmin. He kissed him and then bought him and all the household members.

Whoever the Count treated to porridge, no one remained indifferent, and soon the dish began to be called “Gurievskaya porridge” after the name of its hospitable owner, and recipes were passed on through acquaintances. Gradually, other noble houses learned to cook the masterpiece. Over time, the recipe appeared in cookbooks. Outside Russia, Guryev's dessert became famous in 1814, when it was introduced in Paris as a national dish.

Well, I won’t torture you anymore, I’ll tell you how they prepared a masterpiece of culinary art. First, I will introduce you to a classic, ancient recipe (you can read about the correct one by following the link).

Guryev porridge - a classic old recipe from the 19th century

A classic recipe from a cookbook of the time, and you can try making the dessert.

You will need:

  • Semolina - half a glass.
  • Baked milk, fat content 5-6% - 1.2 liters.
  • Honey - 1 glass.
  • Nuts: hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, pine - 1 cup.
  • Pear and apple - 60 g each.
  • Raspberries, blackberries - 70 gr.
  • Lingonberry - 30 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Vanillin - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook Guryev porridge according to the classic recipe:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add vanillin and simmer over low heat for an hour and a half. Collect the foam formed when milk is melted with a spoon and place it on a separate saucer.
  2. We prepare semolina with baked milk. Add semolina into boiling milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  3. Boil nuts in half the honey. Cut the fruit into cubes and simmer in the second half of honey.
  4. We take a frying pan with high sides and begin to form the dish (you can take clay or cast iron molds). 1. Spread the first layer of foam with a spoon. 2. Layer of semolina. 3. A layer of foam. 4. Half nuts and fruits. 5. Layer of semolina. 6. A layer of foam. 7. Leftover nuts and fruits.
  5. Sprinkle the dish with sugar and put it in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees until a golden brown crust forms.

It’s a troublesome task, as you can see, Guryev porridge is a labor-intensive recipe, but there is an easier one. The recipe was invented in our time, modern chefs have adapted the old one to suit our realities. And it’s no worse than the classic one, believe me.

Modern step-by-step recipe for Guryev porridge

You will need:

  • Semolina - 3/4 cup
  • Baked milk - 1 liter
  • Walnuts or almonds - 100 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Candied fruits or canned fruits- 100 gr.
  • Sugar, salt, vanillin to taste.

How to prepare porridge according to this recipe:

  1. First, let's prepare semolina porridge. When the milk boils, add vanillin, salt, sugar, and, stirring slowly, add the cereal.
  2. When the semolina has cooled a little, add butter, chopped nuts and candied fruits.
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites. First add the yolks into the mixture, then the whipped whites. Mix the mixture well.
  4. Place the mixture in a mold, a frying pan with high sides. Sprinkle sugar on top and place in the oven. Bake the mixture at 180 degrees until a golden crust forms.

Modern porridge is much easier to prepare, don’t you agree? But the taste is just as exquisite, and you will get no less pleasure.

According to the method of preparation, the dish is similar to English pudding, which was fashionable in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. Porridge is our answer to England. There are only two layered masterpieces of national Russian cuisine: the heroine of today’s story and, I recently talked about it.

  • Heat the nuts for porridge in a frying pan - they will be tastier.
  • The dish can be served in pots.
  • If you want to diversify the taste of the dish, add spices: cardamom, orange zest, rum, cinnamon.
  • If sprinkled ready-made porridge sugar, it will caramelize and you will get a beautiful caramel. Roasted nuts are great for decoration.

It seems to me that sometimes you can choose free time and cook delicious and unusual dish for yourself and your friends, and at the same time tell the story of the famous porridge.

Porridge is perceived by us as something familiar and ordinary, not requiring special effort in preparation. All you have to do is pour the washed cereal into milk or water and make sure nothing runs away or burns. Meanwhile, even among such ordinary dishes as porridge, there are real diamonds with a special history and aristocratic pedigree. We are talking about Guryev porridge.

Many people have heard this phrase. Sometimes the phrase is used to mean “complex from simple” (well, friend, you’ve made Guryev’s porridge!). In fact, this is the most ordinary semolina porridge, baked in the oven, only layered with melted cream or milk foam (kaimak), generously flavored with all sorts of goodies - jams, honey, confiture, nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits and seeds.

The recipe for the dish actually originated among the nobility of Moscow. Count Guryev, a major political figure and the most famous aristocrat of the capital, was a lover of fine food, so he always welcomed talented chefs. This happened with Zakhar Kuzmin, an ordinary serf cook, who gave us this dish.

Guryev porridge, as already mentioned above, does not contain any exclusive ingredients. The only stage of preparation that causes difficulties for cooks is heating kaymak or foam. To make milk foam, you need to slowly warm up the oven, take a wide and flat (easier to remove dense foam) enamel pan and pour in rich milk or cream approximately to the middle of the dish. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 150-160 C. After 10-15 minutes, small bubbles will begin to appear on the surface of the milk, which will form into foam. Remove it with a spatula, like a pancake, and place it on a cold plate.

If the kaymak heating technique has been successfully mastered, then do favorite dish Alexander II will not have any difficulty.

Guryevskaya porridge classic

The recipe composition is as close as possible to the original version. In Tsarist Russia there was no coconut flakes, candied pineapple, sweet cashews or Brazil nuts, which go so well with delicate semolina. At that time, raisins, figs, dried apricots, nuts, regular and cane sugar were considered delicacies. If you don’t like small fig grains, then you can get by with juicy dried apricots.


  • Semolina – 1 tbsp.
  • Full fat milk – 1.5 l.
  • Walnuts – 100 g.
  • Large yellow raisins – 50 g.
  • Cane sugar – 70 g.
  • Figs – 50 g.
  • Butter – 30 g.
  • Dried apricots –50 g.
  • Fresh berries, whipped cream, mint for decoration.


  1. Boil walnuts with boiling water until all the dry husks peel off. Then sprinkle with a small amount of sugar and lightly bake in the oven on a thin baking sheet without oil. Grind some finely, make some a little larger.
  2. Soak all dried fruits in warm water for 10 minutes, sort and chop finely. Dry on a paper towel.
  3. From half the milk, cane sugar and semolina, cook a thick porridge, like rich sour cream.
  4. Add dried fruits and finely grated nuts to it. Mix well.
  5. Pour the remaining milk into an enamel pan and heat the foam.
  6. Grease a baking dish with butter and lay out the porridge in layers, a layer of foam, crushed walnuts, and sprinkle with cane sugar. Repeat the procedure until all ingredients have been added.
  7. Sprinkle the porridge with sugar on top and bake in a preheated oven at medium temperature until golden brown.
  8. Serve to taste with whipped cream, raspberry, gooseberry, currant jam or fresh berries and mint.

Guryev porridge with candied fruits and peaches

Appetizing porridge with bright southern fruits.


  • Semolina – 1 tbsp.
  • Full fat milk – 1.5 l.
  • Cashew nuts – 100 g.
  • Multi-colored candied pineapples – 50 g.
  • White sand sugar – 70 g.
  • Canned peaches – 150 g.
  • Butter – 80 g.
  • Any jam for serving.
  • Powdered sugar with vanilla – 2 tsp.
  • Salt.


  1. Heat 700 ml. milk and pour all the milk into it in a thin stream semolina. Add sugar and, after a little while, most of the butter. Cook thick but flexible semolina porridge. Let cool.
  2. Pour the rest of the milk into a wide bowl and place in the oven, heated to 120 or 130 degrees. As soon as the foam rises and turns golden, remove it to a separate plate. In total you will need about a dozen of them.
  3. If necessary, dry the cashew nuts a little and fry them in a frying pan, then crush them.
  4. Soften the candied pineapple in hot water and chop into smaller pieces. Cut halves of canned peaches into cubes, leaving 5-6 pieces whole for placing in the top layer.
  5. Mix semolina porridge with crushed cashews.
  6. Grease a baking dish with the remaining butter, lay out a layer of porridge about a centimeter thick, sprinkle it with candied fruits and peaches, and layer with cream foam. Repeat layers until you run out of ingredients.
  7. Place semolina porridge on top, garnish with candied fruits and whole peach halves.
  8. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of about 130 degrees.
  9. Decorate the baked porridge with flavored powdered sugar and sprinkle with any jam immediately before eating.
  10. Guryevskaya almond porridge

    Delicious porridge with almond aroma and fragrant cherries.


  • Semolina – 1 tbsp.
  • Full fat milk – 1.3 l.
  • Nut mix (sweet almonds, walnuts and pine nuts) – 300 g.
  • Bitter almonds – 5 pcs.
  • White granulated sugar – 80 g.
  • Cherry jam – 200 g.
  • Almond essence – 3-5 drops.
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Spices to taste (cardamom, star anise).
  • Zest of one lemon.
  • Salt.


  1. Pour boiling water over the nut mixture to remove the skin. Then heat them in a dry frying pan until they acquire an appetizing cream color and crush them in a mortar or grind in a blender, gradually adding boiled water to form a thick puree.
  2. Pour half the milk into a wide saucepan and place in an oven preheated to 130 degrees. After 15 minutes the foam will begin to rise. As soon as it acquires a creamy color and dense consistency, it can be removed. You need to heat about a dozen foams.
  3. Using another part of the milk, cook a thick semolina porridge with sugar and salt, like rich sour cream.
  4. Season the finished porridge with oil and let sit under the lid.
  5. Then add nut puree, lemon zest, almond essence, and a little bitter almonds.
  6. Take a baking dish with high sides, grease it with butter and “assemble” the Guryev porridge. To do this, lay out a layer of semolina 1 cm thick, layer it with foam. Then do the same with the second layer, only lightly grease it with cherry jam. Repeat this until you run out of food.
  7. Cover the top layer tightly with foam.
  8. Bake the porridge in the oven at a temperature of 120 degrees for no more than 10-15 minutes.

Alternative Guryev porridge

Usually Guryev porridge refers to dessert, but in this case the recipe is for a non-standard dish with offal for a hearty lunch. By the way, it is prepared not from semolina, but from quickly boiled buckwheat. Milk foam here replaces hard cheese.


  • Buckwheat – 500 g.
  • Beef brains – 350 g.
  • Bouillon cube with mushroom flavor – 1 pc.
  • Dried forest mushrooms – 50 or 80 g.
  • Hard cheese – 80 g.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Fresh carrots – 1 pc.
  • Dried parsley – 1 tsp.
  • Butter – 80 g.
  • Black pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Preparation:

  1. Brew buckwheat over low heat until ready mushroom broth(cube), adding salt to taste. To do this, dilute the cube, boil and add buckwheat. After 5 minutes, remove from heat and season with oil and dried parsley.
  2. Chop the carrots into strips, grind the garlic into a puree. Soak mushrooms in water or milk and chop into strips. We cut the brains into slices. Grate the cheese on a very fine grater.
  3. Quickly fry the mushrooms in oil and remove with a slotted spoon. In the same frying pan, sauté carrots and garlic in a small amount of butter. If necessary, drain excess fat from the fry.
  4. Place buckwheat, fried garlic and carrots, brains and cheese in a clay pot in layers. Repeat this until all the prepared ingredients are placed in the pot. The last one should be the cheese.
  5. Cover the dish with a lid and bring to full readiness in the oven at a temperature of 160-170 degrees.
  6. Serve with your favorite sauces.

Lazy Guryev porridge

The recipe itself simple dish. It does not contain appetizing creamy foams, the production of which requires a lot of time and a certain skill, so you can manage it in just half an hour.


  • Full fat milk – 500 ml.
  • Semolina – 1 tbsp.
  • White sand sugar – 50 g.
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 – 20 g.
  • Almonds - 100 g.
  • Large yellow raisins – 50 g.
  • Walnuts – 50 g.
  • Vanillin.
  • Butter – 50 g.


  1. Fry the nuts in a dry frying pan and crush.
  2. Cook semolina porridge in milk, with sugar, vanillin and salt, with the consistency of thick sour cream. Fill with oil.
  3. Steam the raisins in hot water, sort and chop.
  4. Mix semolina porridge, nuts and raisins. Place everything in a preheated and lightly oiled baking dish.
  5. Bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 15 or 20 minutes until crispy.
  6. If desired, serve cold or hot, garnished with roses of whipped cream, fresh berries or any jam.