
Pork ribs with cabbage recipe. Stewed cabbage with pork ribs

Braised cabbage with meat is a wonderful combination, which is extremely difficult to be disappointed in. I suggest preparing pork ribs with cabbage according to this recipe. The dish turns out very tasty and satisfying. And to add some spice, you can add sausages. Smoked sausages, for example, hunting sausages, and those cooked on the grill, with smoke, are also perfect (the aroma will be amazing).


To prepare pork ribs with cabbage you will need:

700-800 g fresh cabbage;

400 g pork ribs;

1 carrot;

1 onion;

1 tomato;

fresh herbs - to taste;

1-2 grilled sausages or others;

vegetable oil;

salt, black ground pepper- taste.

Cooking steps

Wash the pork ribs, dry them, cut into pieces.

Place the pork ribs in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and fry on all sides until golden crust. Add onions and carrots, fry everything together for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Add a little water, cover and cook over low heat until the meat is cooked through, about 40 minutes.

Place the cabbage in the pan with the pork ribs and sausages and stir gently.

Peel the tomato, cut into cubes and add to the cabbage.

Add finely chopped greens, stir and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Pork ribs with cabbage prepared according to this recipe are aromatic and very tasty.

Bon appetit, make your loved ones happy!

Whatever you can cook from cabbage, there are a great many options for stewing.

Stewed cabbage with ribs is one of the favorite dishes not only of Russians; the dish is also loved in the Czech Republic, Germany, and other countries. It cooks quickly and turns out very tasty and healthy. Cabbage can be stewed like pork ribs, and with beef. In the second case, the dish turns out to be leaner, but the meat on the pork ribs is juicier and more tender. Stewed cabbage with pork ribs according to this recipe turns out aromatic, soft and very satisfying. You can also stew cabbage with smoked ribs, oh, how delicious it will be. Great option for a family dinner!

Taste Info Main courses of meat / Main courses of vegetables / Stewed cabbage


  • Pork ribs – 700 g;
  • Cabbage – 1 kg;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Tomato – 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Water – 1 tbsp.

The quantity of products is designed for 4 servings. Cooking time – 65-70 minutes.

How to cook stewed cabbage with pork ribs

We cut or chop the pork ribs into portions, and then rinse thoroughly under cold water. Inspect the cut line for small bone fragments. There is often a lot of fat on pork ribs, so we trim off the excess. Then dab the ribs a little with a paper towel to remove all the moisture.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan in which we will stew the cabbage with ribs and place it on the stove. To prevent meat or vegetables from burning during cooking, it is better to use a pan with a thick bottom. Fry the ribs in a preheated pan on both sides until golden brown. This way, we seal all the juices in the meat to make it juicy and tasty.

As the cabbage cooks faster than meat, then it must first be brought to half-readiness. Fill the pan with a glass of hot boiled water so that it almost covers pork ribs. Simmer the ribs for about 40 minutes with the lid open.

Let's take care of the vegetables at this time. We peel the onion and cut it into small pieces.

Peel the carrots and three coarse grater.

When the water in the pan with ribs has evaporated, add onions and carrots alternately. Fry the vegetables until the carrots are soft.

Shred the cabbage, but not finely, otherwise after stewing it will turn into porridge.

Add cabbage to the pan. As a rule, chopped cabbage takes up a lot of space. Therefore, if all the cabbage does not fit into the pan, then cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about 5 minutes. When the cabbage has reduced in volume, add the rest.

For the same reason, we will not be able to stir the contents of the pan right away. As soon as the cabbage becomes soft, stir gently. Young cabbage cooks quickly, 20-25 minutes is enough. If the cabbage is from last year's harvest, then increase the cooking time by another 15 minutes. Cabbage produces a lot of juice, so adding water is usually not required. But if you notice that the dish is burning, then add a little boiled water.

Usually cabbage is stewed with tomato paste; it gives the cabbage a beautiful color and a pleasant taste. But if you care about proper nutrition, then replace the tomato paste with chopped tomato. To prevent the tomato from losing its taste and becoming too soggy during stewing, you need to add it when the cabbage is almost ready.

3-5 minutes before the dish is ready, add salt and your favorite seasonings. Try the dish; the cabbage should be moderately soft and not crunchy on your teeth.

Serve the stewed cabbage with pork ribs hot and garnish with herbs. Bon appetit!

Stewed cabbage is a favorite dish of many of us. Firstly, its preparation does not require a lot of time and products. And secondly, this is a quite tasty and healthy dish.

And thirdly, if you want to lose extra pounds that are spoiling your figure, then stewed cabbage will also help you with this. And the result will be especially noticeable if you do not add salt when preparing this dish. In just a few days, provided that it is included in the daily menu, your figure will be transformed.

Let's return to cabbage. You can find many recipes for making this delicious dish. You can cook stewed cabbage with sausage or meat. It turns out very tasty with rice and potatoes. You can stew cabbage with different vegetables.

I want to invite you to try cooking stewed cabbage with ribs. This dish is not only tasty, but also filling. To prepare it, it is best to use pork ribs, as they are much softer and more tender than beef ribs.

So, let's prepare the products we need for this dish:
500 g pork ribs,
one medium head of cabbage (I take half a large head of cabbage),
2 small onions and one medium size,
1 large carrot or two medium sized carrots
1 tbsp. spoon tomato paste,
vegetable oil for frying,
Ground black pepper and salt to taste.

You can also add prunes if you wish, but I didn’t add them. It turned out very tasty even without it.

Now let's start preparing this dish. I boiled the pork ribs in advance until done. Then the dish cooks even faster. This is convenient for those who do not have time to cook.

1. Cut the onion into half rings. In heated vegetable oil, fry the cooked pork ribs along with onions.

2. Grate the carrots. When the onion turns golden, add the grated carrots to the pan. Mix thoroughly and continue to simmer over medium heat.

3. Shred the cabbage. Then we put it in a colander and pour boiling water over it. Then the cabbage becomes more tender and soft. In addition, its volume is slightly reduced and it fits easily into the pan.

4. Simmer the cabbage for ten minutes over low heat. Then add tomato paste to it. Salt and pepper to taste. Add some water. Mix thoroughly and simmer under the closed lid for another 15 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to stir the cabbage, otherwise it will burn.

5. When the stewed cabbage with ribs is ready, turn off the heat and let the dish brew a little. Then we put it on plates and serve it to the table. Bon appetit!

Fried pork ribs with stewed cabbage - delicious and hearty dish, which our hostesses willingly prepare. But this dish is popular not only here. German, Estonian, Czech, Polish women also like to cook stewed cabbage with pork ribs. And in small restaurants in these countries you can see this dish on the menu. So today we will prepare delicious stewed cabbage with ribs.

Although this dish is quite high in calories, sometimes you can pamper your family with delicious fried ribs with.


  • pork ribs - 400 g;
  • white cabbage - 300 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.


Cut the pork meat into pieces, salt it and sprinkle with pepper. These are the pieces of pork ribs I have ready for frying.

The pork ribs now need to be fried in hot vegetable oil until they are properly browned. Meanwhile we cut onion half rings and chop the carrots on a grater. I really like the grater and I often started using it for cooking other dishes.

Meanwhile, chop the cabbage and place it in a bowl with the carrots.

Pork ribs in a frying pan are especially tasty with. And cabbage turns out special if you stew it together with carrots. To make the cabbage release its juice, add a little salt to the vegetables, mix and mash them.

Add cabbage and carrots to the stewed pork ribs, stir and cover with a lid. Reduce the flame and simmer the contents of the frying pan for about 15-20 minutes.

Delicious pork ribs with stewed cabbage will become even tastier when you add tomato paste to the dish. Place a spoonful of tomato in the pan and mix everything. If necessary, you can add a few tablespoons of water to prevent the dish from burning. Close the pan with a lid again and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

We keep the fried cabbage with pork ribs under the lid for another 15-20 minutes. And only now can you put the delicious stewed cabbage with pork ribs into portioned dishes and start eating.

Delicious and aromatic cabbage and juicy tender pieces of pork ribs - a true delight for gourmets and not only. Prepare this dish, you won’t regret it!

Bon appetit!

How to cook pork ribs in a restaurant, recipe from the chef, video

Pork ribs are an ideal option for frying - in this part of the carcass, the meat is always streaked with fat, which makes it especially tasty and tender.


1 kg white cabbage
2 medium onions
1 small carrot
2-3 cloves of garlic
3-4 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil
1 sweet bell pepper
ground black and red pepper
fresh chopped herbs
2-3 bay leaves
salt to taste

How to cook cabbage with ribs:

    Wash the bell pepper, cut it in half, remove the inside, and cut the halves in half into strips. Cut the cabbage into thin, but not long, strips. To do this, you can use a special vegetable cutter attachment or a long, sharp knife. Lightly salt and remember the cabbage well, place it in a bowl.

    Rinse the pork ribs in cold running water and dry them thoroughly with paper kitchen towels. Cut them along the bones, crosswise, into small pieces. Heat the vegetable oil in a cauldron until a bluish haze appears and throw the chopped ribs into it. Fry, stirring, over high heat until golden brown and transfer the ribs from the cauldron to a separate bowl.

    Pour the onion, cut into half rings, into the cauldron in the fat that remains from the ribs. Fry the onion until translucent and add coarsely grated carrots and bell pepper. Continue frying, stirring constantly so that the contents of the cauldron do not burn. Then put the ribs into the cauldron, salt and pepper them. Place the cabbage in the cauldron, mix everything, taste for salt and add more salt if necessary. Reduce heat, cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer the cabbage and ribs for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally so as not to burn.

    Place bay leaf, finely chopped garlic and fresh chopped herbs into the cauldron, stir. Turn off the heat and leave the cauldron to stand under the lid for another 15-20 minutes so that the dish reaches the desired condition, because the cooking process is still ongoing.

Cabbage in pots

How to cook a dish in pots:

    After they are fried in a cauldron, add salt and pepper to the ribs and place them in pots. Then add fried onions, carrots and bell peppers there.

    Lightly fry the cabbage in a cauldron separately, adding a little more vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Then place the cabbage in the top layer of the pots and add a little to each meat broth and half a bay leaf.

    Close the pots with lids and place in the oven preheated to 200°C for 15 minutes. After this, reduce the oven temperature to 120°C and continue to simmer the contents of the pots for another 45 minutes.

    Turn off the oven, but remove the pots after 10-15 minutes. Before serving, add a little chopped garlic and fresh herbs to each serving pot.