
How to eat nettles? Why eat nettles? And also: how to collect and prepare nettles, what can be prepared from nettles. Nettle is a record holder for removing toxins from the body Raw food recipes from nettles and raw yolk

About nettles.

After all, greenery is everything. One of my mistakes in the ongoing transition to live food was that I underestimated green smoothies, after all, they are a thing. As I recently discovered.

It would seem that greenery can only be found in summer. No. Young nettle sprouts can be found until December, and in our area, with our winter, even in December. A friend of mine tells me that we went for nettles, and it was in mid-December. I say, what kind of nettle are you, what are you talking about, girl? It turns out that, indeed, in mid-December it was still possible to find small nettle sprouts. In general, green smoothies made from nettles are no different from other green smoothies; if you have a good blender, nothing will be pinched.
I myself was not familiar with nettles. No, well, I saw an episode in the movie “Welcome or No Trespassing” where they dived into nettles, well, I read it in books, but I didn’t grow up like that. There was another fairy tale where a girl pretended to be dumb and weaved nettle shirts for her brothers. We have nettles and how did it turn out, I asked my mother where our nettles grow, but she remembered and when she took raspberry cuttings from a friend, she also took a couple of nettle bushes. Now I have nettles, and in the spring I’ll start drinking green smoothies, and maybe then I’ll completely switch to a raw food diet. And by the way, my washcloth is now also made of nettle

And finally, what is written about nettles by Zeeland “in the Living Kitchen”:

“Replaces seven doctors.” Previously, threads, ropes, durable fabrics, nets were made from its fibers, and they also made amulets and removed damage. A very valuable food plant, especially in spring. Deserves special attention. In difficult years, she saved many people from starvation. In terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, it is the queen of all plants. It is a record holder in terms of calcium content. Nutritionally, it is not inferior to legumes. Natural preservative (for example, fish can be preserved by wrapping it in nettles). Effectively restores and cleanses the blood. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing agent. Restores the functions of vital organs, increases resistance and normalizes the functioning of the body as a whole. Increases lactation in nursing mothers. Contraindicated for those who suffer from increased blood clotting, kidney disease, pregnant women, and also during menstruation. “The rest is top-class food culture, both for people and for animals and birds.”

P.S. Buried the snow over the nettles. There are already small sprouts. Looks like I'll be drinking green smoothies in March.


xxx: Healthy eating- it is imperative to filter the tap water before brewing Doshirak.

Don't let your life be just a dead ritual. Let there be moments of the inexplicable. Let there be some things that are mysterious, for which you cannot give any reason. Let there be some actions that make people think you're being a little nice. A man who is one hundred percent normal is dead. A little madness next to sanity is always a great joy. Keep doing crazy things too. And then meaning is possible.


Don't miss the moment when young nettles are born. It is still tender and very useful when eaten.
It is better to collect it before flowering.

Nettle is a valuable multivitamin plant, a kind of natural concentrate of vitamins. It contains twice as much ascorbic acid than blackcurrant fruits and lemon, the carotene content is higher than in sea buckthorn berries, carrots and sorrel, and only 20 nettle leaves provide our body with daily norm vitamin A. In addition, nettle is rich in vitamins K, E and B and microelements: including iron, magnesium, copper, calcium, etc.

Nettle contains silicon, flavonoids, phytoncides, and organic acids, thanks to which nettle has general strengthening properties: it increases the body's resistance to many bacteria, toxins, harmful effects of radiation, strengthens the immune system, and also provides a high degree of protection of the body from oxygen deficiency.

By improving the overall flow of all energy processes, nettle has a stimulating effect on carbohydrate and protein metabolism, which is why it is so often recommended for chronic diseases, when the overall resistance of the body is noticeably reduced.

Vitamin K saturates nettle with powerful hemostatic properties. Vitamin K increases blood clotting and has an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to use nettle as a wound-healing agent both for external use and for internal uterine, pulmonary, kidney, intestinal and other internal bleeding.

Nettle leaves also contain pure chlorophyll, without the admixture of other pigments. Chlorophyll has a strong stimulating and tonic effect on the body, improves metabolism, increases the tone of the intestines, cardiovascular system and respiratory center, and also promotes the healing of affected tissues.


Lots of different dishes! These include first courses, i.e. soups, second courses, salads and pies, cereals and sauces, cutlets, tea and juice.

It is only important to understand that young nettle is rarely used as the main component of a recipe, more as an addition for taste. For example, like greens. Therefore, it can be added to many common dishes that you usually prepare, giving them new taste and making it useful.


So that young nettles do not lose their useful properties It is necessary to subject it to heat treatment as little as possible.

The nettle should be boiled for no more than 3 minutes. Even when scalded with boiling water, it stops stinging and can be finely chopped for use in salads or other dishes. If you want to preserve as much vitamin A as possible, then it is better to chop the nettles with your hands or with a ceramic knife.

Young nettle is added to soups, main courses and porridges at the end of cooking.

It is not possible to follow these rules only in pies and cutlets.

By brewing young nettle leaves we get tea.

Juice from nettle leaves is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, or for drinks; to obtain it, young nettles are soaked in clean water for several hours, and then squeezed thoroughly in gauze.


You need to collect young nettles starting in April, in a clean forest, far from roads, landfills, cattle burial grounds and industrial enterprises.

We use young leaves and upper tender stems. Take the healthy green parts. To avoid getting burned, we use gloves.


It is necessary to dry it in the shade; the shelf life of dried nettle is no more than 2 years.

For pickling, young nettles are washed well and finely chopped, take from 50 to 100 grams of salt per 1 kg, this is about 2-4 tablespoons. Mix the chopped nettles well with salt and place tightly in glass jars and close with regular reusable lids. Store refrigerated, such as in the refrigerator or cellar, for up to 1 month.

For freezing, we also wash young nettles well, dry them, put them in plastic bags or plastic mayonnaise jars and put them in the freezer for storage.


“VITAMIN” NETTLE SOUP (with cheese)

for 2 liters of water:
2-3 pcs. medium sized potatoes
1-2 carrots
200 grams of Adyghe cheese
bunch of young nettles
30 g butter
approximately 1 tbsp. spoon of coarse salt
spices: black ground pepper to taste, 2 bay leaves
sour cream

Boil water and add diced potatoes.
Skim off the foam, add carrots cut into small cubes, bay leaves and butter.

Wash the nettles and remove thick stems, if any. Do not cut it very finely. To prevent the nettle from stinging, you can pour boiling water over it, but it is better not to do this in order to preserve more vitamins, but cut it with rubber gloves.

Adyghe cheese(paneer) cut into cubes.

When the vegetables in the pan become soft and can be easily pierced with a knife (after 10 minutes), add cheese, nettles and salt. Let simmer for another 5 minutes and turn off.

Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and serve with sour cream.

That's all! Nettle soup cooks very quickly and turns out tasty and satisfying. At the end of cooking, by the way, you can add sorrel, it will be even tastier and healthier.


Pour a little boiling water into the oatmeal and place it until it swells.
At this time, wash and chop the young nettles, quinoa and green garlic feathers.
Add chopped herbs, salt, one egg and a spoonful of rast to our oatmeal mass. oils
Knead the pancakes.
Place our pancakes with a spoon onto a frying pan heated with vegetable oil. Fry on both sides until golden crust.

Cottage cheese with nettles

Rub 200 grams of cottage cheese through a sieve, mix curd mass with a glass of finely chopped nettle leaves. Add 3 finely chopped garlic cloves, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. mustard.


You will need: young nettle, green onions, dill, parsley, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.
Wash the nettle leaves thoroughly and scald with boiling water, chop finely, combine with finely chopped dill, parsley and green onions, add salt, pepper and season with oil.


You will need: 500 g of nettle leaves, 50 g of parsley and dill, 4 cloves of garlic, 1-2 walnut kernels, 3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, salt.

Rinse the nettles and place in salted boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon, drain in a colander, mash slightly, and transfer to a bowl. Mix the oil with crushed garlic and salt, add the mixture to the nettles along with chopped dill and parsley, as well as crushed nuts, sprinkle with lemon juice.


Place washed nettle leaves in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, place on a sieve, chop with a knife, put in a salad bowl, chop green onions and combine with nettles. Dilute crushed walnut kernels in 0.25 cups of nettle decoction, add vinegar, mix and season the nettles with the resulting mixture in a salad bowl. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.
Young nettle – 800 g, green onion – 120 g, parsley – 80 g, shelled walnuts – 100 g, herbs, salt to taste.

Place nettle leaves in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and place on a sieve. Then chop, season with vinegar, place slices of boiled eggs on top, pour over sour cream.
Young nettle – 600 g, eggs – 4 pcs., sour cream – 80 g, vinegar, salt to taste.


You will need 100 g of salt, 5 kg of nettle, 2 g of caraway seeds, 150 g of apples, 150 g of carrots, bay leaf, allspice and 50 g of cranberries or lingonberries.

Wash the young nettle shoots and place them in enamel dishes along with apples, carrots, cranberries or lingonberries, bay leaves, caraway seeds, salt and pepper. Then apply pressure. After 2 weeks, nettle can be used in cabbage soup, for seasoning fish and meat dishes.


Take 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves and finely chop or mince, and then mix with 100 grams of soft butter. Add a little grated horseradish to suit your taste and you have “green butter” for spreading on slices of bread.

Place plantain and nettle in boiling water for 1 minute, place in a sieve, chop and add chopped onion and horseradish. Season with salt and dill, sprinkle with chopped eggs, pour over sour cream.
Young plantain leaves – 250 g, nettle – 200 g, onion – 250 g, horseradish – 100 g, eggs – 2 pcs., sour cream – 80 g, vinegar, salt to taste.

Wash young nettle shoots and pass through a juicer. Pour boiled water over the pomace, pass through a meat grinder and squeeze again. Mix the juices of the first and second pressings, pour into scalded 0.5 liter jars and pasteurize at a temperature of 65-70°C. Store jars of juice in a cool place.
These juices are used to prepare various seasonings, sauces and drinks.

Wash the prepared young nettle leaves and pass through a meat grinder.
Place rice in boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, add diced potatoes, sautéed roots, and onions. tomato puree, salt, add sorrel leaves, 3 minutes before readiness, add the prepared nettle mass to the soup, boil.
Serve with sour cream

NETTLE SOUP PUREE (Bulgarian cuisine)
Boil young nettle shoots and rub through a sieve. Fry the flour in butter, dilute with nettle decoction, mix with puree, add salt and cook for 5 minutes. When serving, add butter to the soup.
For 250 g of nettle - 3 tbsp. spoons of flour, 3 tbsp. spoons of butter.

Pour boiling water over young nettle shoots, drain the water, chop the nettles and mix with boiled rice. Add finely chopped eggs, salt and season with melted butter.
For 1 kg. nettles - 100 g rice, 5 eggs, 60 g butter, salt to taste.

Scald and chop young nettles. Lightly fry finely chopped onions in a frying pan, add prepared nettles, coriander, salt, ghee, and simmer everything. Then pour in the eggs and fry until done.
For 150 g of nettle - 20 g of ghee, 30 g. onions, 2 eggs, salt and coriander to taste.

A rich set of biologically active elements explains the wide range of restorative and therapeutic properties of nettle. Nettle allows you to restore the functions of vital organs and normalize the functioning of the body as a whole.

However, when using nettle, you should know that it thickens our blood, so people with problems with blood vessels, heart, and hypertension are not recommended to use it frequently. Pregnant women should not eat it either, because it can provoke premature contractions.

Here's a video on how to eat nettles

Just recently I had vague ideas about what are the benefits of nettle.

There were only memories from childhood, when for the first time, out of ignorance, I climbed into the bushes with a “thorny” one and got burned.

Before the raw food diet, I didn’t even think about what benefits it could have.

And even when I began to practice a raw food diet, this wonderful plant still remained something incomprehensible and unknown to me. But a couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to go with some raw foodists I knew to the edge of Kyiv, where there was gorgeous nature and nettles grew in large quantities.

Naturally, there was a lot more that a raw foodist, or just a person who eats healthy food, could have liked, but more on that in. And, infrom there I learned what real benefits it has for humans, and raw foodists in particular.

And now about the benefits of nettle - in detail

I was told that the benefits of nettle are: big amount calcium and protein. Young sprouts, about 7 - 10 cm in height, are especially useful.

They can be picked with bare hands and eaten. However, before use, the plant must be rubbed in your hands so that it does not burn the oral cavity. The young plant tastes very pleasant and is somewhat reminiscent of dill.

During our conversation, I learned some, and also what dishes can be prepared using this “miracle herb”.Arriving home, I searched on my own and found information: what are the benefits of this plant for our body.

For example, another useful thing about nettle is that it contains vitamins B, C, K, E. So, if you want to stock up on a good dose of these elements or restore those lost after winter, then approximately 50-100 grams daily will be enough for you. Or at least every other day.

What can a raw foodist find useful for himself? As I said above, what nettle is useful for is its supply of protein, of which there is a lot in this plant. Some nutritionists even include it in a complete diet, since its quantity is close to.

Therefore, I want to please you with the fact that not only will you pamper your body with a wide range of vitamins, but you will also strengthen it with complete protein structures.

Also, both for a raw foodist and for any other person, this plant will help in cleansing. Due to the content of a large number of natural compounds that promote cleansing, with systematic use you can thoroughly cleanse your blood and organs of waste and toxins.

Young spring nettle contains large amounts of tannins, organic acids and chlorophyll containing magnesium

Stinging nettle - she rich in vitamins: carotene, calcium carbonate, vitamins K, B-2, C. Very young spring shoots are richest in ascorbic acid. The leaves contain a large amount starch, sugars, tannins, organic acids. Nettle is rich and chlorophyll containing magnesium. Nettle is one of the few plants rich in calcium.

When preparing dishes from nettle, you must not forget that not everyone benefits from vitamin K. Frequent consumption of nettle in food causes increased blood clotting, so in old age, as well as those suffering from thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, it is better not to overuse nettle. You can weaken the hemostatic effect of nettle by adding herbs to your dishes that reduce blood clotting, such as sweet clover.

Nettle with oil and eggs

Ingredients (for 4 servings): 1 kg of nettles, 4 onions, 6-8 tbsp. ghee, 4 eggs, 8 sprigs of cilantro, salt to taste.

Boil the nettles and squeeze lightly. Fry the chopped onion until soft in 3-4 tablespoons of oil, add nettles, finely chopped cilantro, oil, and salt. Mix everything well and simmer again. Pour in the beaten eggs and cook until the eggs are ready.
Cooking time 20 min.


Compound: fresh nettle, potatoes, vegetable oil, onion, garlic, egg, salt, spices.
Prepare a decoction of fresh nettle: put the herb in cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Fry the nettles and onions in oil, adding salt, in a frying pan, preferably covered, until the onions are fully cooked, then add boiled potatoes, fry for another five minutes, then beat in the egg, and at the very end add crushed garlic. Spices are to taste, but allspice, anise and basil work well.

Frankfurt green salad

Compound: greens, 2 boiled eggs, 1 small onion, curdled milk (sunflower oil or other), salt and pepper.
Chop or finely chop two handfuls of greens (dandelion, nettle, peppermint, borage, sorrel, dill, parsley, green onions or anything else to taste), add chopped eggs and a finely chopped onion. Dressing: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of curdled milk, pepper and salt to taste (or any other).

Spinach with nettles and croutons

Compound: 100 g each of spinach and nettle, 15 g of onion, 75 g of meat juice, 10 g of butter, 3 g of wheat flour, 60 g of egg porridge, pepper, nutmeg; for croutons: 25 g wheat bread, 25 g milk, 1 egg, 2 g sugar, 8 g butter.

Wash young spring nettles or the still uncoarsened tops of summer nettles with 4-5 upper leaves several times. cold water, then immerse in boiling water, cook for 3-5 minutes and drain in a colander. Then squeeze and chop with a knife or pass through a meat grinder with a rare grid. Process fresh spinach in the same way.

Place nettles and spinach in one bowl, add sautéed onions, pour in meat juice and simmer in a closed container for 10-15 minutes. When the greens become soft, season them with salt, pepper and nutmeg, add wheat flour, mixed with butter and, stirring, heat until thickened. When serving, place the spinach in a bowl or porcelain salad bowl, and place a tablespoon of egg porridge or a boiled egg in a bag in the middle.

Bukhara pilaf with nettles without meat

Compound: rice and carrots - 400 g each, raisins and onions - 200 g each, oil - 160 g, young nettles - 50 g, salt to taste.
Peeled carrots and onions are cut into strips and sautéed in vegetable oil until half cooked. Place washed rice, soaked in cold salted water, sorted and washed raisins, chopped young nettles into a bowl, add hot water and cook with the lid closed until tender.

Combined salad with nettles

Compound: 30 g nettle leaves, 20 gr. primrose leaves, 20 gr. young dandelion leaves, 10 gr. onion, 30 gr. carrots, 20 gr. horseradish.
Grind onions, carrots, horseradish on a grater or meat grinder, add 50 grams. sour cream, mixed with herbs and placed in the center of the plate. The leaves of nettle, primrose, and dandelion are beautifully laid along the edges.

Beetroot with nettle

Compound: 1 cup finely chopped nettle, 1 small beetroot, 2 cloves of garlic, mayonnaise.
Wash the beets and boil for 1.5-2 hours, cool, cut into thin slices, crush or finely chop the garlic. Soak young nettles in cold water for 1 hour, then wash thoroughly, chop finely, combine with boiled beets and crushed garlic. Season with mayonnaise and salt to taste.

Nettle soup with vegetables

Compound: 1 cup chopped nettle leaves, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 0.5 cup chopped into strips white cabbage, 1 onion, 1 liter of water, 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, bay leaf, salt.
Place carrots, cabbage, sliced ​​tomatoes, and onion rings into boiling water. Cook until tender, then add nettle, salt, bay leaf.

Nettle salad

Compound: young nettles - 2 bunches (about 400g), green onions - 1 bunch (about 100g), parsley - 1 bunch, peeled walnuts - 1/2 cup, salt - to taste.
Place the washed nettle leaves in boiling water for a few minutes, then place it on a sieve and let the water drain. Then chop the greens, put them in a salad bowl, add chopped green onions and combine with nettles. Dilute crushed walnut kernels in a quarter glass of nettle broth, add vinegar to taste, stir and season the nettles with the resulting mixture in a salad bowl.
Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Salad "Joy"

Compound: nettle - 20g, sorrel - 20g, parsley - 20g, dill - 20g, green onions - 20g, garlic - 2g, vegetable oil -8g, salt.
Processed nettle leaves, sorted and washed parsley, dill, green onions, sorrel are finely chopped, chopped garlic is added, salted to taste, seasoned vegetable oil.

Nettle with nuts


nettle - 1 kg, water (slightly salted)- 1.5 cups, flour, vegetable oil, ground red pepper, thyme - 1 sprig, garlic, vinegar 3% - 1 tbsp. l., walnuts(crushed) - 4 tbsp. l, eggs - 5 pcs.

We sort out the nettles, wash them, put them in a saucepan, pour in hot - 1.5 cups - salted water and cook until soft. Remove from the broth, squeeze and rub with a wooden spoon. Fry flour with vegetable oil in a frying pan (1<2 стакана) и добавляем молотый красный перец. Кладем крапиву в пассеровку, размешиваем и вливаем такое количество горячей воды, чтобы получилось не очень густое пюре.

Grind a sprig of thyme and garlic with salt and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of 3% vinegar, season the nettles with this mixture and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Place the finished nettle on a dish and sprinkle with coarsely crushed walnuts (4 tablespoons). Hard boil 5 pcs. eggs, cut each into 4 slices, place along the edge of the dish and lightly sprinkle with salt and ground red pepper.

Nettle salad with nuts

Place the washed leaves (200 g) in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain in a colander and chop. Dilute crushed walnut kernels (25 g) in nettle broth (1/4 cup), add vinegar, stir and season the nettle with the resulting mixture. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and onion.

Nettle salad with egg

Boil the washed leaves (150 g) in water for 5 minutes, drain in a colander, chop, season with salt and vinegar, top with slices of hard-boiled egg, pour over sour cream (20 g).

Green cabbage soup with nettles

Boil young nettles (150 g) in water for 3 minutes, drain in a colander, mince and simmer with fat (10 g) for 10-15 minutes. Sauté finely chopped carrots (5 g), parsley (5 g) and onions (20 g) in fat. Place nettles and sauteed vegetables in boiling broth or water (600-700 ml) and cook for 20-25 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, add sorrel (50 g), green onions (15 g), bay leaf, pepper and salt (to taste). When serving, top with sour cream (15 g).

Nettle and potato cabbage soup

Place young nettles (250 g) in boiling water (700 ml) for 2 minutes, drain in a colander, finely chop and simmer with fat (20 g) for 10 minutes. Grind and sauté carrots (10 g) and onions (80 g). Place chopped potatoes (200 g) into the boiling broth; After the broth boils again, add nettles, carrots and onions. 5-10 minutes before readiness, add sorrel greens (120 g). When serving, place slices of hard-boiled egg and sour cream (20 g) on ​​a plate.

Armenian nettle soup

Place prepared rice (10 g), finely chopped onions (10 g) into boiling broth (400 ml), bring to a boil, add coarsely chopped potatoes (30 g). 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped young nettle (50 g), salt, and spices. When serving the soup, sprinkle with herbs.

Homemade Botvinya

Simmer prepared spinach (30 g), young nettle (30 g) and sorrel (50 g) separately, puree, dilute with kvass (350 ml), add salt (2 g), sugar (5 g). Serve boiled fish, slices of fresh cucumbers, chopped green onions, grated horseradish, and lettuce separately.

Nettle pudding

Chop greens of young nettle (100 g), spinach (200 g) and quinoa (50 g) and simmer with milk or sour cream (30-40 g) until soft. Add egg powder (5-8 g), breadcrumbs (25 g), granulated sugar (3-5 g) and salt (2 g) to the finished greens, mix everything thoroughly, place the mixture in a saucepan greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Nettle balls

Place nettles (100 g) in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, drain in a colander, chop, mix with thick wheat porridge (200 g), add fat (20 g) and salt (to taste), form the resulting mass into balls and fry them.

Omelette with nettles

Boil nettles (500 g) in salted water, drain in a colander and chop. Add finely chopped dill or parsley (4 sprigs) to onions (3 heads) fried in melted butter (3 tablespoons), mix with nettles and simmer until soft, then pour in beaten eggs (2 pieces) and simmer until tender. .

Nettle stewed with feta cheese

Simmer chopped nettles (80 g) for 5 minutes, add chopped green onions (10 g), salt, pepper, flour, grated cheese (30 g), simmer in melted butter (15 g) for 5 minutes. Pour the omelette mixture into the same bowl (milk - 65 ml, wheat flour - 20 g, egg - 1/2 pcs.) and bake in the oven.

Salted nettle

Wash the young leaves and shoots, chop them, place them in glass jars, sprinkling the layers of greens with salt (50 g per 1 kg of greens).

Nettle juice

Pass young nettles through a meat grinder, add cold boiled water (500 ml), stir, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Pass the remaining pomace through the meat grinder again, dilute with water (500 ml), squeeze out the juice and combine with the first portion. Pour the juice into half-liter jars, pasteurize at a temperature of 65-70°C for 15 minutes, close with boiled plastic lids. Store in a cool place.

Cocktail “Trio”

Combine nettle juice (200 ml), horseradish (200 ml) and onions (15 ml), add food ice (2 cubes) and salt (to taste).

Filling for nettle pies

Pour boiling water over young nettles (1 kg) for 5 minutes, drain in a colander, chop, mix with boiled rice or sago (100 g) and chopped hard-boiled eggs (5 pcs.).

Everyone knows that nettle grows like a weed. But not everyone knows that it is very useful. Nettle is used with great success in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.
As a medicinal herb, nettle has been known since the ancient times of Avicenna, who described in detail what it is – nettle.

The beneficial properties of this weed have become known to us since the 17th century. Today, nettle is specially grown and cultivated in a number of European countries. It has become widespread in the northern and southern hemispheres of Europe.
Nettle contains a large chemical composition of microelements. For example, vitamin K, which has an excellent effect on blood clotting, also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It also easily treats blood vessels. Nettle contains a lot of calcium in the form of carbonate; it does not pose any burden to the kidneys, even if it enters the body in increased quantities.

In addition, nettle is also useful for containing formic acid, some flavonoids, and tannins. Previously, if a person had frostbite, they would wrap him in a blanket of nettles; this often saved him from death. Nettle contains a lot of protein, even twice as much as regular legumes.

Nettle is also famous for the rapid removal of various toxins from the human body. This is due to the content of cellulose polysaccharides and lignins, as well as vitamins B, C, E, K. Beta-carotene is known to increase visual acuity, but it is found not only in carrots, and all microelements strengthen the body from the inside.

To understand specifically what beneficial properties nettle has, it is worth carefully considering its chemical composition. Just 100 g of nettle contains 0.5 g of fat, 3.7 g of protein, 3.1 g of fiber, 5.4 g of carbohydrates, all of the above vitamins. Nettle contains calcium, selenium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, copper, chlorine. Nettle improves blood clotting, has an anti-inflammatory effect, can eliminate dark circles under the eyes, and has a healing effect on all diseases of the liver and bladder.
Nettle has beneficial properties for people with chronic diseases, atherosclerosis, and tuberculosis. With little body resistance, i.e. With low immunity, the plant stimulates the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in the body. If you need to urgently stop bleeding, then the medicinal properties of nettle will help. It has a hemostatic effect due to its pungency and also eliminates bacteria. Nettle can be safely applied to ulcers, wounds and ulcers.

Nettle relieves pain during menstruation, especially heavy periods. With the help of this plant you can reduce blood loss, make the menstrual cycle normal, it also has a huge antimicrobial effect.
Nettle leaves also contain chlorophyll in its pure form, without admixture of other pigments. Chlorophyll has a strong stimulating and tonic effect on the body: it improves metabolism, increases the tone of the intestines, uterus, cardiovascular system and respiratory center, and also stimulates granulation and epithelization of affected tissues, which also provides the wound-healing effect of nettle.
Nettle contains secretin, which normalizes metabolism, stimulates the formation of insulin and thereby leads to a decrease in blood sugar, which is certainly necessary for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Known choleretic and diuretic properties of nettle, which allows it to be used for diseases of the liver, kidneys: gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract.
Since we remembered the stomach, I want to emphasize once again that nettle is an edible plant and can be used in salads, green smoothies and other raw food dishes.

Recipes for raw food dishes with nettles.
Green smoothie.

Apple (or pear, cranberry, kiwi)
Beat all ingredients in a blender.
Beetroot with nettle
Ingredients: 1 glass of finely chopped nettle, 1 small beet, 2 cloves of garlic, any raw mayonnaise (from nuts or seeds). Recipe for raw food mayonnaise: Wash and grate the beets, crush or finely chop the garlic. Soak young nettles for 1 hour in cold water, then wash thoroughly, chop finely, combine with beets and crushed garlic. Season with raw food mayonnaise, add Himalayan salt to taste.
Salad "Joy"
Ingredients: nettle - 20g, sorrel - 20g, parsley - 20g, dill - 20g, green onions - 20g, garlic - 2g, olive oil -8g, Himalayan salt.
Selected nettle leaves and washed parsley, dill, green onions, sorrel are finely chopped, chopped garlic is added, Himalayan salt is added to taste, and seasoned with olive oil.
Lots of delicious, simple and affordable raw food recipes here:
Bon appetit and be healthy!