
Zucchini pancakes without yeast. How to make zucchini pancakes, a simple and quick recipe

A rich harvest of zucchini is not only joy, but also an indispensable worry about where to put so much vegetable now. In one of the previous articles we already, but this time let's prepare zucchini pancakes. A tasty and light snack dish that is perfect for breakfast, lunch, and can be served with sauces for dinner. It’s even great for meeting unexpected guests, because zucchini pancakes are prepared very quickly and simply. It’s no more difficult than baking pancakes, but there will be much more benefits and vitamins.

Zucchini pancakes are classic, where the main and only vegetable is the zucchini itself. And sometimes in the company of other vegetables, for example, onions and carrots. Some people add garlic for taste. Fresh herbs, such as dill and green onions, perfectly complement pancakes. For a more refined taste, you can add oregano or basil, then the pancakes will acquire a bright and pleasant aroma and taste.

Did you know that zucchini pancakes can even be a dessert if you prepare a sweet version. Even kids might like this, although there are a lot of them who are not big fans vegetable dishes. If you prepare pancakes with a golden-brown crispy crust and serve them with sour cream, then no one will be able to resist.

For zucchini fritters, you can use almost any variety and type of zucchini. Thin green zucchini, our well-known light plump zucchini, and yellow beauties will also work. Depending on the size and age of the squash, you can peel the skin or leave it in place for a slightly crispier, more colorful squash. After all, the zucchini pulp itself is very light. In addition, if you have grown in your garden large zucchini overgrown ones, as my mother likes to call them “fire extinguishers,” then you can cook from them delicious pancakes. The main thing is to peel off the skin and cut out the core with large, hard seeds, and use only the homogeneous, juicy pulp.

All zucchini is good and wonderful, and the pancakes made from them will be excellent, the main thing is to choose a recipe and additives that suit your taste. By the way, instead of simple sour cream, you can use delicious, this is truly the best dressing for zucchini pancakes.

But let’s move on to the recipes themselves and find out how interesting and varied they are.

The most suitable way to prepare zucchini pancakes if you need to do it quickly and without much hassle. You can also toast it in the morning for breakfast or as a quick mid-day snack. The set of products is minimal; besides the zucchini itself, you only need what is always available in any kitchen: flour, eggs, salt and spices. And of course, some vegetable oil for frying. The taste of zucchini is the most pronounced, because other products will not overshadow it. The pancakes turn out very tender and juicy, they just melt in your mouth.

You will need:

  • zucchini - 1-1.2 kg (3 medium-sized zucchini);
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 3 jokes;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • fresh herbs if desired.


First of all, wash the zucchini and cut off the ends on both sides. If the zucchini is small or medium-sized, then the thin skin does not need to be peeled. The main thing is that it is clean. If there are any scuffs or scratches, cut only in this area so that the tough parts do not get caught in the pancakes.

Grate the zucchini onto coarse grater into a large convenient bowl. Add one teaspoon of salt. This will turn on the process of releasing juice in the zucchini.

Mix the grated zucchini with salt and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then squeeze out the excess juice. You can do this by just taking a little at a time. grated zucchini and squeezing between your palms. Squeeze the juice into a separate cup, it can be used as vegetable broth for other dishes or for cosmetic purposes. It is most convenient to freeze it in ice cube trays.

Don't squeeze the juice too hard so you don't end up with a dry, tasteless sponge. Our goal is to remove excess, not all, moisture. Just so the zucchini can be formed into pancakes and fried.

Mix the squeezed zucchini pulp with the eggs until they are completely combined.

Now add flour and mix thoroughly. There should be no lumps left. The flour should absorb the zucchini juice and egg well. Taste to see if you need more salt to suit your taste. And then add finely chopped fresh herbs. If you want, you can replace fresh herbs with aromatic herbs, such as Provençal or basil. It will also be very tasty.

Now heat a frying pan on the stove with a large number vegetable oil. Take a tablespoon and use it to place it on the hot surface of the pancake. The zucchini “dough” usually doesn’t come out too thick, so it’s most convenient to do it with a spoon, and the sizes of the pancakes always turn out to be the same.

Fry the zucchini fritters until both sides are golden and crispy. After this, remove them and place them on paper napkins or towels. This will help absorb excess oil and the pancakes will not be too greasy.

Place the finished zucchini pancakes beautifully on a plate and serve hot with sour cream, homemade mayonnaise and others. delicious sauces. Bon appetit!

If you like zucchini fritters, eat them as a spicy spicy vegetable snack or a side dish, then your option is with garlic and herbs. The greens may be your favorite; dill, parsley, and green onions are great. Cilantro will add a special spice to the pancakes. Other fresh herbs that you like to add to your homemade dishes or grow in your garden are also suitable. Garlic will give the pancakes the main flavor tone, since zucchini itself has a weakly expressed taste and the ability to adapt to other tastes. This vegetable is like a taste chameleon, what you cook with is what you will taste in the final dish. But this is not a drawback of zucchini, but rather a feature that can and should be used.

You will need:

  • zucchini - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • fresh herbs - a small bunch;
  • salt - a teaspoon (or more to taste);
  • vegetable oil for frying.


Grate the washed zucchini with the ends cut off on a coarse grater. Add some salt and leave the juice to simmer for ten minutes.

In a separate deep plate, mix two eggs, finely chopped or minced garlic and finely chopped herbs. Stir everything until smooth or beat very lightly until light foam. This will make the zucchini pancakes a little more airy.

The zucchini will release a large amount of juice and this will interfere with frying them, as the dough will begin to spread. Squeeze the juice from the zucchini and place the squeezed portion into a bowl with the eggs.

Add flour to pancake batter and stir well. There should be no lumps left. The consistency should be approximately the same as for regular fluffy pancakes. If it turns out too liquid, add another spoonful of flour.

If the juices continue to release while you're frying the pancakes and the batter becomes too runny again, don't be afraid to add a little more flour. Add a little at a time, half a tablespoon, for example.

Use vegetable oil for frying. Place the zucchini pancakes to fry only when the frying pan with oil is hot. Take a suitable spoon and spoon the dough into the pan. The pancakes should be no thicker than 1.5 centimeters and the same size. Fry until the underside is evenly golden brown.

Place the finished pancakes, fried on both sides, on a flat dish. Line it with a sheet of paper towel and the excess oil will be absorbed. After which you can transfer the pancakes to a beautiful plate or into portions and serve. Don't forget the sour cream.

Have a delicious zucchini harvest!

Pancakes made from zucchini, cottage cheese and oatmeal

Zucchini pancakes with cottage cheese are a great recipe, especially if you use flour instead oatmeal. Oatmeal helps make the dough thicker and stickier, making it easier to form pancakes, and also adds a pleasant taste. It doesn't look at all like porridge, not even remotely. But this option may appeal to many people. If it weren’t for frying until well crusted, the recipe could have been dietary. To make it so, the pancakes must be baked in the oven. It’s not at all difficult to prepare these zucchini pancakes; make sure of this by watching a very detailed and appetizing video.

Continuing the theme of pancakes with the addition of cottage cheese, I want to show a recipe where both cottage cheese and cheese are present. These pancakes have an excellent taste, very tender and cheesy. Cottage cheese and cheese complement each other perfectly, and you can feel mainly the cheese. For piquancy, you can add garlic and herbs. Although, if you don’t like them or simply don’t have them on hand, then it will turn out very tasty without them. I would call this option satisfying.

You will need:

  • zucchini - 2 pieces (slightly more than average);
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • cottage cheese 9% - 200 gr;
  • hard cheese- 100 gr;
  • flour - 100 gr;
  • baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves (optional);
  • fresh herbs - a few sprigs (optional).


Take a large, comfortable bowl in which to mix the pancake batter. Break two eggs there. Add the cottage cheese mashed with a fork. Add finely chopped herbs and grated garlic there.

In a separate dry bowl, mix flour and baking powder.

Grate the cheese and add to the bowl with the eggs and cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Grate the zucchini along with the skin on a coarse grater. If the zucchini is large with seeds inside, then cut them lengthwise into halves, remove the seeds with a spoon and grate the remaining “boats”.

Add grated zucchini and flour with baking powder to the cheese-curd-egg mixture in a large bowl. Knead the pancake dough.

Heat a frying pan with oil and place the pancakes on it to fry. Fry on each side until golden brown over medium heat.

Serve while the zucchini pancakes are still hot. Sour cream accentuates their taste best. Bon appetit!

There is a delicious and favorite dish by many - potato pancakes. But they make pancakes from zucchini. If you combine these two dishes together, you get even more delicious dish, combining the first two both in taste and appearance. As a big fan of potatoes, especially fried ones, I highly approve of this combination and recommend that you try this hearty version of zucchini pancakes.

You will need:

  • zucchini - 2 medium size;
  • potatoes - 2 large potatoes;
  • egg - 1-2 pcs;
  • garlic - 1 clove optional;
  • flour - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • fresh herbs - several sprigs;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • oil for frying.


The recipe for making zucchini and potato pancakes is not too different from those that I have already described. The only difference is the potatoes. It is necessary to take into account that pancakes with it need to be baked a little longer, which means reducing the heat, or grating it on a very fine grater, this will speed up the cooking.

As usual, start by peeling the zucchini and potatoes. Place the potatoes in cold water to prevent them from darkening prematurely.

Young zucchini with thin skin does not need to be peeled; its skin is thin and its presence in pancakes will hardly be noticeable. But the thick skin of large zucchini will be felt and crunchy even in ready-made pancakes.

Grate the peeled zucchini on a coarse grater and place in a deep bowl. Grate the potatoes smaller so that they fry faster. Place it on top of the zucchini. Salt them and mix. You need a little less than a teaspoon of salt or to your taste. Set the bowl aside for a few minutes and let the vegetables release their juices.

At this time, peel the garlic and rinse the greens. Chop the garlic clove with a knife or grate it on a fine grater. Chop the greens very finely.

Now let's get back to the vegetables in the bowl. It is necessary to squeeze them out of the released juice and transfer them to another plate. Add an egg or two to the zucchini and potatoes if you like it more fluffy zucchini pancakes, then put only the yolk. Pour the white into a separate bowl and beat with a whisk until foamy. This will add fluffiness to future zucchini pancakes.

Add the whites to the bowl with the remaining ingredients. Add garlic, herbs and lightly pepper. After this, add flour and stir. The dough is ready. Heat a frying pan with oil over medium heat and start frying.

Form zucchini pancakes with a tablespoon, lightly level them on top so that they are not too thick and are well baked inside. Fry until a crust appears, turn over and cook on the other side.

Place the finished pancakes on paper napkins to absorb excess oil. A delicious, hearty lunch or side dish is ready, just call your household and guests to the table.

Not everyone knows that zucchini pancakes can be turned from a light lean snack into a real meat lunch. And these will be the same pancakes as before, but only with the addition of minced meat. Why minced meat, and not pieces of meat, you ask, it’s simple, it cooks very quickly, just like zucchini. And our pancakes simply have to be quick and a simple dish. This is the kind of lunch you can prepare if you take some minced meat and add pancakes. Choose the type of meat to suit your taste. It can be pork, beef, or a mixed version. And of course, chicken is great too. Zucchini goes well with meat, especially in this form. So don’t hesitate, be sure to try making pancakes using this recipe.

You will need:

  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • minced meat - 200 gr;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • fresh herbs (parsley, dill) - a bunch;
  • ground black pepper - 0.3 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • coriander - 0.3 teaspoon.


To make zucchini pancakes dense and fluffy, you need to rid them of excess juice, which will begin to release as soon as you knead them into the dough. To do this, grate the washed zucchini without the tails on a coarse grater. Place a colander on a large bowl and place the zucchini in it, add salt and stir. Leave for 10 minutes. The juice will flow through the holes into the bowl, and you will be left with squash pulp in the colander. Crush it a little with a spoon and transfer it to another plate.

Prepare the minced meat or use ready-made meat, mash it slightly with a fork so that it is not too sticky.

Grate the zucchini into a bowl fresh garlic. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Add greens to zucchini.

Break the eggs into a separate plate and mix the yolk and white with a fork to make homogeneous mass. Pour the eggs over the grated zucchini.

Now place the minced meat in the same plate. Mix everything so that the pieces of minced meat are distributed evenly.

Since we have already salted, we can try to see if there is enough. Add ground pepper and coriander. Then add flour and mix again. You should get a fairly thick dough with zucchini and minced meat.

To fry, heat a frying pan. The fire needs to be medium so that the zucchini pancakes do not burn and have time to fry inside. After all, in addition to vegetables, we also have minced meat in them. Pour in vegetable oil and lay out the pancakes. Place a spoonful of dough and smooth it out to a round flat shape of small thickness.

Fry on one side until golden brown, then turn over and cover with a lid. Fry the pancakes until golden brown on the other side under the lid and then remove. The pancakes will bake perfectly and remain juicy.

A light but satisfying lunch or dinner is ready. Bon appetit!

Zucchini pancakes without flour - cook with semolina

How many different ways There are simply too many zucchini pancakes to make. But one thing they almost always have in common is the flour used to bind the dough. After all, grated zucchini turns out crumbly and even adding an egg doesn’t help much. It turns out enough batter and the pancakes don't hold their shape. Flour is a savior in this case, but not the only one. Instead of flour you can use semolina, which will swell with zucchini juice, mix with the dough and give excellent viscosity and fluffiness to future pancakes. It won't taste like semolina porridge, don't worry. It will retain the usual taste of pancakes, because semolina is also wheat, just a slightly different variety.

To make it delicious pancakes from zucchini with semolina, carefully study the following video recipe and start experimenting in your kitchen. I am sure that you will definitely like the result, just as I liked it.

When zucchini season begins, I always promise myself that I will start losing weight. This vegetable is a panacea for those who are on a diet. Almost like a cucumber - pulp and water. It seems like they are even related... But all my promises evaporate when I start cooking this vegetable. How can one resist adding cheese or carrots to the classic list of ingredients, and also prepare sweet pancakes (a pancake is a small plump pancake), and also without flour, with semolina, without eggs, with mushrooms, etc. etc. The filling can be anything! After all, it’s so delicious that it’s impossible to eat two pieces and move the plate away from you with a proud look - I’m full. Those who have tried such delights will agree with me. And for those who are not yet familiar with such recipes, you are welcome to share.

Zucchini pancakes - quick and tasty (recipe with photos)

To make pancakes, you can use any ripeness of zucchini or zucchini. But the tastiest ones come from the young ones, although they are more watery. And in ripe and overripe ones, the skin is very tough and the seeds are large. Choose to your taste and let's cook.


  • zucchini – 500g;
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • flour – 3-4 tbsp;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;

How to make zucchini pancakes

Zucchini pancakes with semolina: recipe with photos step by step in a frying pan

Try using semolina instead of flour. Thanks to its properties, our pancakes turn out fluffy and tender. And of course delicious. Yes, and also low-calorie, which is also very important!

List of ingredients:

  • zucchini – 300g;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

How to fry pancakes in a frying pan

Lush zucchini pancakes with kefir: recipe

Another option for making zucchini pancakes is with kefir. My lactic acid products do not linger in the refrigerator; we happily drink fermented baked milk and kefir. But if I say that I will cook pancakes, they will definitely leave a glass of kefir. They will also ask you to quickly start cooking. Let's start, perhaps...

What do we need:

  • zucchini – 1 piece (small);
  • flour – 2-3 tbsp;
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • kefir – 100ml;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • greens - optional;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

How to make fluffy pancakes from zucchini

Zucchini pancakes with cheese and green onions in the oven

If we fried in a frying pan in previous recipes, then this recipe is for those who for some reason do not eat fried. We will cook in the oven. Healthy, dietary and simple dish.

Product List:

  • zucchini – 1kg;
  • hard cheese – 70g;
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • flour – 50-70g;
  • salt, pepper;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • green onions - a small bunch.

How to bake zucchini pancakes in the oven

Zucchini pancakes with minced meat

And another undoubtedly delicious recipe, especially for meat eaters. As you can guess from the name, it contains meat. When I prepared them for the first time, I tried minced meat stuff the middle. But the process is too labor-intensive. I mixed everything together and got excellent pancakes - fast, tasty, not troublesome. From the series - cheap and high quality. Let's cook!

What we need:

  • zucchini – 1 piece;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • minced meat – 150g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • semolina – 1.5 tbsp;
  • flour – 1.5 tbsp.

How to cook zucchini pancakes with meat

Zucchini fritters with bell peppers

Making zucchini pancakes is a pleasure - quick, easy, and delicious! To add some variety familiar dish, add sweet bell peppers and more herbs to it, you will get beautiful and healthy pancakes!

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • sweet bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • egg – 1-2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Baking powder – 0.5 tsp;
  • garlic – 3 teeth;
  • parsley – 3 branches;
  • dill – 3 branches;
  • salt – 0.3 tsp;
  • ground allspice – 0.1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil (for greasing the frying pan) – 1 tsp.

Cooking process

  1. Wash the zucchini in cold water, then cut off the tail and remove the peel. If the zucchini is young and the peel is soft, then leave it. Grate the zucchini on a medium grater and place it in a deep plate to settle. When the zucchini gives juice, squeeze out the pulp a little or put it on a sieve to drain the excess liquid. If this is not done, then you will have to add more flour to the pancake dough and they will turn out too floury.
  2. We only need half a bell pepper; it has a pronounced taste and in large quantities the pepper will dominate the taste of the entire dish. Cut half the pepper into thin strips, and these in turn into pieces.
  3. Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater or chop it using a garlic press. If you cut it with a knife, then such pieces will not be fried.
  4. Remove the thick stems from the greens and finely chop them with a knife.
  5. In a deep bowl, mix squeezed zucchini, chopped pepper, garlic and one raw egg.
  6. Add chopped greens.
  7. Sift flour with baking powder. Add a little to the main mixture and stir until no lumps remain. Add salt and pepper.
  8. The pancake batter is quite thick. The liquid that has settled is the egg, so the dough must be constantly stirred before placing it in the pan.
  9. Grease the frying pan vegetable oil and heat over medium heat. We post it on hot frying pan One tablespoon of dough for each pancake and press a little with a spoon. To make the pepper softer, we will fry it under a closed lid. Pancakes are baked in an almost dry frying pan. Of course, if you fry them with a lot of vegetable oil, the pancakes will be more beautiful and airy, but there is little benefit in such pancakes.
  10. Zucchini pancakes with bell pepper good both hot and cold. Serve hot with sour cream.
    Bon appetit!

That's all for today. I hope that my recipes have interested you, and you will be happy to cook and indulge in these different dishes yourself and your family and friends. These are simple but original recipes do not require culinary skills, a lot of time and cooking experience. Prepare them for breakfast, lunch or dinner, everyone will choose the most delicious one for themselves.

Bon appetit and good health!

Do you need something quick to prepare for tea? Do you want to cook light breakfast or have a little snack? Then you should definitely know how to cook zucchini pancakes. In addition, how to make zucchini pancakes will be useful for those who are on a diet. After all, zucchini is a fairly low-calorie product. And you can also learn how to make healthy zucchini pancakes.

There are several ways to cook zucchini pancakes: most often they are simply fried in oil, but they can also be baked in the oven. Can be made regular or sweet zucchini fritters. The zucchini pancakes recipe can also include other ingredients that make the zucchini pancakes more varied in flavor. These are zucchini pancakes with garlic, zucchini pancakes with cottage cheese, zucchini pancakes with feta cheese. If you are watching your weight or on a diet, you can make dietary zucchini pancakes. In a nutshell, how to make dietary zucchini pancakes. First of all, these zucchini pancakes should not be fried, but baked in the oven. Diet zucchini pancakes are prepared without flour. The rest of the recipe is the same, it contains eggs, salt, sometimes carrots and onions. parchment paper grease with butter and bake zucchini pancakes. A video recipe is usually not required to learn how to make zucchini pancakes. If you don't use eggs, you can make lean ones zucchini fritters. But in this case you cannot do without flour. Although no, you can replace flour with semolina and make zucchini pancakes with semolina. It is worth mentioning how to make zucchini pancakes healthier. To do this, add other vegetables or fruits to the zucchini. This is how pancakes from zucchini and apples, pancakes from zucchini and carrots are prepared. Zucchini pancakes turn out fluffy if you add a little slaked soda, and also slightly beat the resulting batter. There is another way to make zucchini pancakes fluffy: for this, prepare zucchini pancakes with kefir or yogurt.

An important note on the question of how to bake zucchini fritters. If you want to make beautiful and neat zucchini pancakes, cooking recipes do not always remind you that you need to put the dough on a hot frying pan, and it is advisable to do this with a tablespoon, so your zucchini pancakes will not stick and fall apart. A recipe with a photo will show you how best to do it. Choose recipes for zucchini pancakes (recipe photo), zucchini pancakes (photo) and cook for yourself and your loved ones for health. You can choose the recipe to your taste; you are guaranteed to get delicious zucchini pancakes if you cook them with soul. And remember that the most delicious zucchini pancakes are hot, piping hot.

These wonderful pancakes can also be made from zucchini or young squash.

  • 1 kg. mature zucchini (which will need to be peeled) or 650 g of young zucchini
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • a small bunch of dill or parsley
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • ¼ tsp ground black pepper
  • ½ tsp salt
  • vegetable oil for frying

I simply fry small young zucchini with delicate skin in slices, and from medium-ripe fruits I make very tasty ones tender pancakes. Previously, I always squeezed out the juice that grated zucchini so generously gives, and as a result the pancakes turned out dry, dense and tasteless. Now I do it a little differently and am happy with the result.
First of all, we prepare the zucchini, cut off the skin and remove the seeds. From zucchini weighing 1 kg, 650 grams of purified finished raw materials remain. Let's put it aside for a while.

Chop the garlic.

Finely chop parsley or dill, whichever you prefer.

Lightly beat 3 eggs. Add herbs and garlic to them, do not add salt, we will do this immediately before frying.

Grate the zucchini, do not squeeze out the juice.

Add the egg mixture and pepper to the grated vegetables. Mix.

Heat the frying pan, and when it is ready, add salt to the zucchini, mix quickly and lay out the first portion of dough. The later we add salt to the dough, the less juice the zucchini will release. When scooping the dough with a spoon, we try to evenly take both the zucchini shavings and the juice. The portion of dough should not be very large, about a tablespoon with a small slide. If the contours of the pancakes are ugly, or the juice tends to spread over the frying pan, carefully correct them with a spoon. After the dough is finished, there may be some left at the bottom. egg mixture, pour it into a frying pan, make a small egg pancake.

Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Recipe 2: simple zucchini pancakes

Tender, juicy, flavorful pancakes.

  • 800 g zucchini (or zucchini)
  • 2 eggs
  • 10 tbsp. flour (with a slide)
  • greens to taste
  • pepper
  • vegetable oil

From the specified amount of ingredients it turns out 12-15 pieces.

Finely chop the greens.

Grate the zucchini on a fine grater.
If the zucchini is large, they need to be peeled and the seeds removed.
If they are very juicy, the juice must be drained.

Add eggs, mix.

Add greens.

Add flour, salt and pepper, mix well.
The mass should be neither thick nor liquid.

Heat the oil.
Place the pancakes and fry for 5-7 minutes.

Turn over and fry for another 5-7 minutes.
Serve with sour cream.

Recipe 3: Eggless Zucchini Pancakes (Vegetarian)

  • 1 zucchini (large, but still with soft seeds)
  • 1 tbsp. flour, with a slide
  • dill
  • vegetable oil

Grate the zucchini on a fine grater, add salt, add soda, dill, then gradually stir in the flour to make a fairly thick dough. It should not be poured from a spoon.

I usually make the zucchini dough denser than just plain wheat pancakes. You can add pepper if you like. Spoon the dough into a hot frying pan with oil. Fry on both sides.

Zucchini pancakes are ready! The dough sets perfectly and does not break.

Cover the plate with napkins so that they absorb a little of the oil from frying, and lay out the goodies.

Recipe 4: Zucchini pancakes with cheese, potatoes, garlic

  • Zucchini - 4 pcs. average young
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Raw potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Flour - from 2 to 6 tbsp (depending on the amount of juice that the zucchini will release)
  • Starch - 1 tbsp.
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Pepper
  • Dill
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.

Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater (drain the juice if necessary).
Grate a medium peeled potato on a fine grater.
Finely chop the onion and garlic, chop the dill.
Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the total mass.
Add salt and pepper and start stirring the resulting mixture thoroughly.
Then, stirring, add starch, eggs, flour and bring to the consistency of pancake batter.
Add oil and stir.
Heat the frying pan to the desired temperature (you can lightly grease the first batch with oil) and spoon out pancakes of the desired size. Fry on both sides and serve with any sauce or sour cream.

Recipe 5: Zucchini pancakes with semolina and melted cheese

  • zucchini - 1-1.2 kg.,
  • eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • flour ~ about 0.5-1 tbsp.,
  • semolina - 4-5 tbsp.,
  • processed cheese - 100 gr.,
  • garlic ~ 3-5 large cloves,
  • salt,
  • ground black pepper,
  • a pinch of nutmeg,
  • a pinch of ground ginger,
  • a bunch of fresh dill,
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Wash the zucchini, peel (if there are seeds, remove), grate on a coarse grater.
Grate the processed cheese on a fine grater and add to the zucchini.
Pass the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater and add to the zucchini.
Separate the yolks from the whites. Add the yolks to the zucchini and cheese. Beat the whites until stiff peaks form and gently fold into the zucchini mixture.
Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, ginger, chopped dill to taste (I also added just a little oregano and dry basil), semolina and flour (I wrote approximate proportions, added by eye... you can use flour with semolina 50/50 ). Mix carefully.

Fry the pancakes in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil over low heat until golden brown.

Serve with sour cream.

Recipe 6: Zucchini fritters with cheese and surprise

Every experienced housewife has her own win-win universal recipe, which can be served hot or cold, for dinner or breakfast. One of these could be a recipe for zucchini pancakes with cheese. In addition, each pancake from this recipe contains a special secret - the filling.

Ingredients for Zucchini Pancakes

  • Zucchini – 400 grams
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 100 grams
  • Parsley – 0.5 bunch
  • Flour – 8 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Products for surprise filling

  • Tomato – 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 50 grams
  • Soft curd cheese – 50 grams
  • Garlic – 3 cloves

Peel the zucchini and grate it on a fine grater.

Cheese also three on a fine grater

Finely chop the greens with a knife or grind in a blender.

Combine cheese, zucchini and herbs in a bowl.

Salt, pepper and add eggs. Mix carefully.

Add flour in small portions and mix thoroughly.

Prepare the filling: peel the tomatoes, cut them into circles, hard cheese into slices, soft cheese combine with garlic into a homogeneous mass.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat well over medium heat. Spread 1 tbsp. test. And put tomato and cheese (or cheese-garlic paste) on top.

Place another 1 tbsp on top of the filling. dough, forming pancakes.

Fry on both sides until golden crust.

Place the finished pancakes on paper towels to drain the oil.

Serve with sour cream hot for dinner or cold for breakfast!

Recipe 7: eggless zucchini pancakes with sour cream

  • 2 medium young zucchini
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise
  • salt, coriander
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. soda
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of potato starch
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 orange slices

Peel the zucchini and grate on a medium grater.
Add mayonnaise, sour cream + soda, starch, seasonings, flour - mix thoroughly.
Now squeeze the juice from the orange segments (sweet) and mix again...
Place in a frying pan with a spoon and fry in oil on both sides until a beautiful golden crust forms.

If you put the dough in a cooking ring directly on the frying pan, you get perfectly smooth edges and the same size. Why not a contender for a holiday treat?!

Quick navigation through the article:

Simple classic with greens

If you follow the photos step by step, any beginner in cooking will be able to master this cute recipe. By the way, the pen test will be economical. A classic set of products will not cost much in summer and autumn.

  • Cooking time - 30 minutes
  • Calorie content per 1 serving - no more than 320 kcal (depending on the amount of oil during frying)

For 3 servings you need:

  • Zucchini of any variety - 600-800 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Premium wheat flour - 60-80 g (about 2.5 tablespoons)
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon (optional)
  • Garlic - 1-3 medium cloves to taste
  • Dill greens - ½ regular bunch
  • Salt - 2/3 teaspoon
  • Black pepper - ¼ teaspoon
  • Oil for frying - 1 tbsp. spoons

For the pp recipe!

We replace whole wheat flour and save oil when frying. You can add 1 tablespoon of oat bran or 1 teaspoon of psyllium.

How to cook in a frying pan.

Clean the zucchini as desired. Remove the seeds if the vegetable is old. Three on a coarse grater and salt. Stir the chips and leave for 5-7 minutes to release more juice.

Don't be surprised by the suggestion to add salt. We want the pulp to flow well. With salt, maximum juice will come out of it. This way we get a rich vegetable structure.

Squeeze the zucchini slices thoroughly. Add eggs and finely chopped dill and garlic. The latter can be passed through a press - it’s faster. Pepper a little, add flour and baking powder. All that remains is to mix well. Now the dough is ready. There is no excess liquid and a lot of long-awaited vegetables.

Fry in oil. Its quantity is to taste. Please note that the pancakes will cook quickly and deliciously even if you don’t splash the butter with a generous hand. Simply brush over the pan with a silicone brush, controlling the flow.

The brush is indispensable for those who are on a diet or carefully monitor the calorie content of their dishes. Please note: in a lightly greased frying pan, you need to carefully turn the products over, prying them on both sides. It is convenient to work with two forks or a fork and a spatula.

Place a tablespoon of the mixture onto a heated frying pan. Turn up the heat to medium and hold until golden brown, and then turn over to fry the other side. That's all the wisdom simple recipe.

If you want to remove fat after frying, place the finished beauties on a napkin and let stand for 5 minutes.

Serve the zucchini masterpiece however you like. Of course, sour cream and sauces based on it, with a lot of herbs and spices, are suitable. And also ketchup and any of the dietary dressings according to the imagination. Don't forget about summer berries: they provide color, vitamins and a special taste. Sweeten with honey or a safe sweetener (erythritol).

Note: two secret ingredients.

  1. Hard cheese. You only need 20-30 grams. Rub it on a fine grater and add it to the dough.
  2. It will turn out especially fragrant if you grease the pan. The consumption is small: it quickly melts from the hot bottom. At the same time, maximum health benefits.

Zucchini pancakes: a fluffy recipe without flour

You can also quickly and deliciously prepare voluminous pancakes with rolled oats.

We will need:

  • Zucchini - 2 pcs. medium (600-800 g)
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Green onions - 2-3 sprigs
  • Cereals "Hercules" instant cooking- 8 tbsp. spoons

To taste:

  • Garlic - 1-3 cloves
  • Grated cheese (for decoration) - 50 g

How we cook.

All steps are obvious, as in the first recipe above.

Grind the ingredients. Salt the zucchini mass, let the juice escape and squeeze. The base is ready. To it - finely chopped greens, garlic (through a press), oatmeal, eggs. Stir and let the mixture set - 3-5 minutes.

Spread with a tablespoon onto a heated frying pan. The dough is thick. It is worth pressing each portion in a circle with a spoon to get a neat shape.

Fry over moderate heat cute until golden. Remove to a napkin to absorb excess oil. You can try! And they still have something to chew, thanks to the oatmeal. You can't feel it at all. And the vegetable beauties turn out to be nourishing, lush and hold their shape perfectly. It's nice to eat them slightly cooled.

  • A tasty idea: sprinkle grated cheese on top of the pancakes at the end of frying. Keep it covered for just a minute. This cheese cap will definitely captivate men.

Almost mince pies

Meat eaters will be happy, no doubt about it! There are also potatoes in the mixture. Preparing this miracle is a little more troublesome: the pancakes take longer to fry. But the idea breaks records in terms of enthusiasm among hungry husbands and athletic teenagers.


  • Zucchini - 800 g
  • Potatoes - 300 g
  • Flour - 280 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Minced chicken - 400 g
  • Oil for frying

What are we doing?

Peel the potatoes and grind them in a blender or three on a grater. We do the same with zucchini. Combine the vegetables, beat in the eggs, add flour and salt and mix. Let stand for 5 minutes.

The most ordinary minced meat will do. Mix the meat and a little onion in a blender, add salt and pepper, and add your favorite spices.

Place the zucchini mixture in a heated frying pan - a little more than a tablespoon. Place the minced meat on top right in the middle. A teaspoon is enough. It is convenient to work with two teaspoons: we use the second spoon to help release the first. Carefully place more dough onto the minced meat. Now you need a little less than a tablespoon.

Our goal is for the mixture to set and bake well. Fry the first side covered. Fry the second side without a lid.

Men's favorites prepare slower than the previous ones. It is beneficial to fry in two pans at once.

Lush and juicy when cut, with an alluring meaty taste: they are magnificent both in photos and in life!

With carrots and cheese filling

An interesting cheese solution that just begs to be... festive table. The ingredients are already familiar to you. Add carrots, more greens, cheese and mayonnaise or sour cream. The principle of grinding and frying is the same as in previous recipes.

The peculiarity of this snack is its layered arrangement. You need to fry thin zucchini pancakes. Two for a mini-sandwich, with filling between them. Everything is very fast, tasty and simple - in step by step video from an experienced housewife.

Zucchini pancakes stuffed with crab sticks

They fly away instantly! And this is not an exaggeration for families who love crab sticks.


  • Zucchini - 1 pc. medium size
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Crab sticks - 100 g
  • Dill (any greens) - optional (for example, ½ bunch)
  • Salt and spices - to taste
  • Oil for frying

We fry as usual, taking into account three nuances.

  1. Squeeze the grated zucchini as best as possible.
  2. Carefully grind the filling. To do this, first cut each stick lengthwise into three strips. And then we plan across in increments of 5 -7 mm.
  3. We also chop the dill finely.

Place a tablespoon onto a heated frying pan. Once browned, carefully turn it over. Remove to a napkin: let the excess oil be absorbed.

With broccoli and cheese without flour or starch

Kale, luxurious seasonings, some croutons and cheese. Traditional pancakes with a cheese twist are fluffy, filling and flavorful. Above all praise!


  • Zucchini (any variety) - 500 g
  • Broccoli - 100-150 g
  • Carrots - up to 150 g
  • Chili pepper - 6-10 cm (to taste)
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Eggs (large) - 2 pcs.
  • Bread crumbs (grate) - 30 g
  • Cheese ( hard grade) - 110 g
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste
  • Dried garlic - 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • Italian herbs (mixture) - 1 teaspoon

Watch the preparation from 02:16. There is very little hassle with a coarse and fine grater: we chop all the vegetables. Let it sit and squeeze the mass thoroughly. The base is ready! We load the rest of the products into it and mix. Simple and fast! It's time to fry.

Zucchini pancakes with buckwheat

Or what can be made from yesterday’s porridge that is extremely tasty and quick! These beauties set very easily, turn brown in two or three minutes and crunch temptingly without losing their softness.

We need:

  • Zucchini - 0.5 kg
  • Buckwheat (boiled) - 500 g
  • Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Egg (large) - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt, ground black pepper and spices - to taste

How to cook step by step.

Three zucchini on a coarse grater, salt and do not squeeze. Immediately add the rest - flour, egg, buckwheat, spices. Stir and fry in a heated frying pan. One pancake - 1 tablespoon of mixture. Once browned on both sides over moderate heat, place on a napkin to remove excess oil. And we serve it in any form. Hot or cold: these cuties are always good!

Two more ideas and a dietary option

Zucchini has a neutral taste. That's why this dish knows no bounds for delicious compositions!

  1. You can use any dough add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of bran. This will enrich your menu with fiber. The main character is a watery fruit. Don't let its solid appearance fool you. Unfortunately, there is very little dietary fiber in it.
  2. Dessert option - mix zucchini chips with apple. Grind the fruit in the same way as a vegetable. We don’t squeeze out just a little bit and add it to the mix in equal proportions. Let's say in classic recipe there were 600 grams of zucchini. This means that apple delicacy is 300 grams of fruit and zucchini. You can sweeten the mass before frying - to taste. We don't go overboard with sugar. Instead, make some colorful sauce with seasonal berries. It's always delicious and much healthier.
  3. An interesting choice is to add cottage cheese. See how quickly and tasty zucchini pancakes are made in the video below. Just 4 minutes. Cooking starts already at 00:10. By the way, it is not necessary to add sugar if we take non-acidic cottage cheese. Thanks for the article (10)