
What is the spiciest food in the world. TOP10 - The most spicy dishes in the world

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/1/173805701_437464156.pdf-img/173805701_437464156.pdf-1.jpg" alt="> Most pressing issues"> Наиболее острые проблемы развития потребительского рынка в г. Костроме Работу выполнили: 14 -ГУ-7 «б»!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/1/173805701_437464156.pdf-img/173805701_437464156.pdf-2.jpg" alt="> The market is a sphere of commodity-money circulation and specific relationships and connections"> Рынок - это сфера товарно-денежного обращения и конкретных отношений и связей между производителями и потребителями товаров. Состав и структура потребительского рынка классифицируется: по региональному (республиканский, международный, признаку европейский, областной) (рынок продовольственных товаров, по назначению непродовольственных, услуг, товаров культурно – бытового назначения и хозяйственного обихода) по каналам реализации (организованный, неорганизованный- стихийный).!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/1/173805701_437464156.pdf-img/173805701_437464156.pdf-3.jpg" alt=">The consumer market is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy, the main goal which is"> Потребительский рынок – один из наиболее динамично развивающихся секторов экономики, основной целью которого является обеспечение территориальной и ценовой доступности широкого ассортимента качественных товаров и услуг для потребителей. Торговля входит в число ведущих отраслей экономики, определяющих направление и результаты развития Костромы. Доля торговой отрасли в структуре формирования внутреннего регионального продукта составляет около 17%. Торговая отрасль является одним из лидеров по обеспечению занятости населения: в ней осуществляет свою трудовую деятельность каждый шестой работающий житель региона. По состоянию на 1 января 2015 года в регионе насчитывалось около 5, 4 тыс. торговых объектов, суммарная торговая площадь которых более 587 тыс. кв. м, из них более 4, 6 тыс. - стационарных, порядка 1 тыс. - нестационарных. В конечном счете целью развития потребительского рынка Костромской области является бесперебойное обеспечение населения качественными товарами в достаточном объеме и ассортименте по доступным ценам, формирование благоприятной конкурентной среды для участников рынка.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/1/173805701_437464156.pdf-img/173805701_437464156.pdf-4.jpg" alt="> Catering economy, set"> Обще ственное пита ние, сокр. : общепи т - отрасль народного хозяйства, совокупность предприятий, занимающихся производством, реализацией и организацией потребления кулинарной продукции. (ресторан, бар, кафе, столовая, закусочная, пиццерия, магазин – кулинария, киоск)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/1/173805701_437464156.pdf-img/173805701_437464156.pdf-5.jpg" alt="> Service is the result of at least one action, required implemented"> Услу га - результат, по меньшей мере, одного действия, обязательно осуществлённого при взаимодействии поставщика и потребителя, и, как правило, нематериальна. Услуги - предпринимательская деятельность, направленная на удовлетворение потребностей других лиц, за исключением деятельности, осуществляемой на основе трудовых правоотношений. жилищно - коммунальные юридические медицинские бухгалтерские образовательные услуги в сфере общепита!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/1/173805701_437464156.pdf-img/173805701_437464156.pdf-6.jpg" alt=">Trade is a branch of the economy and a type of economic activity aimed at the implementation purchase and sale,"> Торго вля - отрасль хозяйства и вид экономической деятельности, направленный на осуществление купли-продажи, обмена товаров, а также связанные с этим процессы: непосредственное обслуживание покупателей, доставка товаров, их хранение и подготовка к продаже. Виды розничной торговли: Стационарная торговля Нестационарная торговля Развозная торговля Разносная торговля Посылочная торговля Интернет-торговля Дистанционная торговля или торговля по образцам Комиссионная торговля Ярмарки выходного дня Рынки Региональные ярмарки Специализированные ярмарки!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/1/173805701_437464156.pdf-img/173805701_437464156.pdf-7.jpg" alt="> Problems: 1"> Проблемы: 1 Замедление темпов роста оборота розничной торговли: 2 если в 2014 сравнению с предыдущим годом, то в 2015 году - только 101, 9%. Сдерживающее влияние на динамику потребительского спроса оказало снижение 4 году индекс физического объема оборота розничной торговли составил 113, 8 темпов роста реальных денежных доходов населения и потребительского кредитования, увеличение 3 склонности населения к сбережениям. Неравномерное распределение торговой сети: 4 сохраняется значительная дифференциация по уровню развития торговли и обеспеченности торговыми площадями сельского и городского населения. Например, на долю 6 городских округов приходится около 75% торговых площадей. На долю муниципальных районов, где проживает более 40% населения Костромы приходится одна четвертая часть площадей торговых объектов. При этом отдаленные и труднодоступные территории зачастую испытывают острый дефицит торговых объектов.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/1/173805701_437464156.pdf-img/173805701_437464156.pdf-8.jpg" alt="> Lack of retail space: Today, large retail chains"> Недостаток торговых площадей: На сегодняшний день крупные розничные сети ежедневно захватывают все больший сегмент розничной торговли. А количество субъектов малого бизнеса стремительно сокращается, не 1 выдерживая неравной конкуренции. Основная причина сокращения малого бизнеса в сфере розничной торговли – нехватка торговых площадей. Нехватка квадратных 2 метров для торговли вызывает рост арендной платы и приводит к универсализации небольших магазинчиков. Ни о каком расширении ассортимента и соблюдении норм санитарной безопасности речи в такой ситуации идти не может. 3 Диспропорция в размещении и развитии торговой инфраструктуры: Проводимый анализ обеспеченности населения города торговыми 4 площадями выявил диспропорцию в обеспеченности площадями, предназначенными для реализации продовольственных и непродовольственных товаров. В условиях значительного превышения нормативов минимальной обеспеченности по площадям, предназначенным для реализации продовольственных товаров, фактический уровень обеспеченности торговыми площадями непродовольственного назначения составляет 77, 5 % от нормативного.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/1/173805701_437464156.pdf-img/173805701_437464156.pdf-9.jpg" alt=">Thank you for your attention!!!">!}

Mel Silberman


Admit it, you have heard time and again that one of the most pressing problems facing business is finding the right people who can be trained to deal effectively with any problems. However, such a formulation of the question does not take into account the fact that the key to a qualitative solution to any problem will be its identification and analysis, since the successful solution of the “wrong” problem has even more detrimental consequences than complete inactivity.

Here we will propose a model with the help of which it will be possible to correctly “identify and classify the target”, along the way we will explain the negative consequences for the organization of the client of a particular problem. The proposed methodology consists of six steps and could most accurately be referred to as the Target Identification and Classification Model (TICC). It can be used by both professional consultants and inexperienced members of working groups, who may sometimes find it difficult to separate the "many trivial" from the "major few" problems that arise in the course of the production activity.

The application of this six-step model ensures that the client will address the exact issues that cause the most significant damage to the business, laying a solid foundation for the process of choosing the most effective, “relevant to the moment” solutions that will bring tangible, measurable results.

Target Identification and Classification Model (TIM)

Figure 22.1 depicts this MICC as a diagram; while focusing on four key points:

business implications in terms of standard measures used in business activities;

impact on business processes;

impact on the quality of work;

obstacles that prevent raising labor efficiency to the maximum level.

Gap Analysis

By defect we will understand that which determines the difference between what actually exists and what should or could be.

For each of the four aspects above, you need to think about the following.

Vision "The way it should be" in relation to a specific aspect of the model: what results should we get, but we can't do it yet?

The present state of affairs in relation to each of the aspects: what is really happening in terms of concrete results? What negative effect does this have on the economic activity of the enterprise?

You will surely see that the use of this model is justified not only by the fact that it allows you to change for the better aspects of activities that are currently in a deplorable state, but also to “pull up” in advance those areas of activity that still meet future standards to future standards. modern requirements. The application of this model can be diverse, and you retain complete freedom of action.

Application of the MICC

First of all, the target must be identified. You may prefer to discuss "targeting" as a group, writing down issues that may be of particular interest. In this regard, you should decide in advance how you will distribute the problems contained in the compiled list into categories of "important" and "trivial" tasks. At the first stage, you must answer a series of questions and get to the bottom of what is the “headache” of the organization, what criteria can be used to determine the strength of these “pain sensations”, what benefits will you gain by resolving the identified problem, and to what extent this problem can generally be settled.

At this stage, you evaluate the significance of the identified problem in terms of consequences for the normal functioning of the enterprise (for example, lost profits, reduced productivity, high costs, reduced overall efficiency). It is clear that the stronger the negative effect, the more attention should be paid to this problem. After that, you should try to state your idea of ​​what would happen if you managed to solve the problem while respecting the interests of all interested parties.

After the concept of business process reengineering came into use, the importance of the process within the framework of the enterprise is of great importance for any employee. In this regard, it is necessary to assess the degree of negative impact on the economic activity of the enterprise of inefficient processes. To analyze the problems associated with the processes, it is necessary to clearly articulate those objectives that determine the discrepancy between the desired and actual results of the application of this process, as well as to identify any "inconsistencies" within its current use.

Describe the quality of the work performed with a detailed description of how the worker's activity should look if significant improvements in this area could be achieved. Note how labor activity is manifested, what are its results, also determine behavioral models, the prevailing attitude towards the work performed, the morale of the team.

Statistics show that in the course of carrying out normal activities, enterprises often face not even those problems that are caused by the personal characteristics of employees, but the poor quality of the working environment itself. The basis of research in this context will be sequential measurements. Barriers to the highest performance will be identified using questions related to the fifth stage. It is necessary to establish what people expect from their work; whether they feel feedback that manifests itself when the quality of the work performed changes; to what extent such communication is timely, adequate to the results, accurate; What are the incentives and disincentives in the workplace? All these questions do not require a detailed answer. And those questions that received a negative answer indicate aspects that require special attention.

Stage 6: selection of decision criteria

At this stage, you already have all the information necessary to outline ways to solve the problem that was identified in the first stage. But before you make a final choice, you need to firmly understand what costs will be associated with a particular solution (material costs or impact on the culture of the organization) and how such costs can be considered acceptable.

Stage 1: problem selection (target identification)

whether this problem is a real “headache” for the organization;

why I decided that the combination of these signs is a problem;

who, besides me, believes that the combination of these signs is a real problem;

how this circumstance is reflected in the economic efficiency of the enterprise;

what might happen if I don't do anything about this problem;

what benefits will the company / division receive if an adequate solution to this problem is found;

Is it possible to count on the effect of leverage, that is, can we expect the maximum return in the case of solving this problem with minimal effort?

Stage 2: Analysis of the problem in terms of negative impact on the business

Describe the current economic situation of the enterprise:

How could one characterize the situation if it changed for the better due to the fact that it was possible to find a solution that suits everyone:

Stage 3: development of a process in connection with the solution of a specific problem

what are the goals and objectives of this process;

if these objectives are not being met, what is the gap between the actual results of the application of this process and the desired results;

whether it is possible to schematically display the current and desired processes, identifying the most significant differences in terms of the productivity of the processes, their efficiency, associated costs;

are there any inconsistencies (breaks) in current processes;

whether the this process in compliance with the conditions of cross-functional control?

Stage 4: analysis of the quality of work and characterization of personnel

How does the labor activity of an average employee at this stage manifest itself, how could it be characterized if it were possible to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of work? Note how labor activity is manifested, what are its results, also determine behavioral models, the prevailing attitude towards the work performed, the morale of the team.

current position

Desirable state

Step 5: Analyzing Barriers to Peak Performance

Answer yes or no to each of the following questions (if the answer is no, you should pay special attention to this topic.)

Are the goals and objectives of a particular unit/process/employee clear? How effective are communications in this regard?

Do employees know what is expected of them in relation to the goals set? For example, have the standards that describe the quality of the work performed, or the expectations associated with the performance of this work, been reflected in the job description?

Is there clear, timely, adequate feedback regarding the quality of work performed?

Are employees provided with everything they need to achieve high performance?

Do employees have quality ways to achieve their goals?

Do employees have adequate incentives to perform the task well?

Food with peppercorns attracts gourmets because the dish, to which hot peppers have been added, has a brighter taste and aroma. In an ordinary kitchen, the hostess most often encounters black sweet peas, but there are a lot of truly bitter varieties.

The Guinness Book contains the most in the world, some of them are used in cooking in restaurants, others - for sauces, and still others - as components of military and protective weapons.

"Pepper" story

Thanks for the appearance of a burning culture in Europe, Columbus should be, who first brought this plant from one of his travels. India is considered the birthplace of the fragrant, while the real sharp varieties of this plant grew in South America, and by the time the great navigator discovered the New World, its indigenous population had already “domesticated” several of them.

Soon the triumphal procession of burning fruits began all over the world. Doctors who made pepper tinctures and plasters wrote about their benefits. Cooks with the help of hot additives changed the taste of long-familiar dishes and created new recipes.

A century after Columbus traveled in vegetable gardens and greenhouses in different countries domesticated species of chili grew in Russia in the 18th century, but by this time it was already well known not only in Europe, but also in the countries of the east.

Varieties - "millionaires"

Once upon a time, a scientist from America, Wilbur Scoville, decided to establish the sharpness of various tasters, for which they were invited. Their job was to taste the pods after a sip of sugar water. The intensity of sensations tasters and formed the basis of his first scale.

With the progress and development of the chemical industry, it became possible to determine the hottest peppers in the world in the laboratory. The new scale was named after Scoville, thus perpetuating his name. There are varieties that are slightly bitter, but there are also those that will make a person feel very uncomfortable, or they can even get burned.

Truly “vigorous” fruits are considered to be fruits whose sharpness exceeds the Scoville scale mark by 1 million. These include:

  • Trinidad Scorpion CARDI is a variety bred by breeders from the Caribbean Agricultural Institute of Trinidad. The name "scorpion" given to a series of these plants suits it very well, since the shape of its tip resembles a sting, and the sharpness is simply incredible. The fruits of this pepper are not used for food, since it should be collected and processed in protective clothing and gloves. From it in Trinidad make a chemical weapon - tear gas. Today it is considered one of the most dangerous among peppers, having an indicator of 1 million Scoville.
  • Naga Morich - leads its "pedigree" from the northern part of India and Bangladesh. The indigenous population of these countries, knowing about the insidious burning properties of the fruits of this plant, eat it in unripe form. Gourmets, who know how to feel not only the spiciness, but also the taste of pepper, claim that it is fruity, close to orange and pineapple.
  • "Bhut jolokia" is a millionaire who got into the Guinness Book of Records in 2011, in the category "the hottest peppers in the world." This variety appeared naturally, and its pungency is directly related to where exactly it grows. The homeland of the most "lethal" is the northeast of India, while in the central part of the country it is completely harmless. The government of the state allowed the use of "bhut jolokiya" in tear grenades to disperse hooligans.
  • "Bhut jolokia chocolate" is just as famous as its red counterpart, but it is extremely rare in nature, so it is grown on plantations and used for cooking

Not all varieties of hot peppers, as it turned out, grow in their natural environment and are used for cooking. But there are varieties much sharper.

Varieties with over 1 million units

Today, many plants are bred by crossing different types in laboratories. Did not escape this and hybrid varieties of pepper.

  • 7 Pot Chili - Originally from Trinidad, it got its name from the Jamaican saying that one fruit is enough for seven pots of food to pepper and flavor a dish.

  • Gibralta is related to Spain, since now it is his homeland, but he was created in the laboratory of England. In order for the plant to justify its sharpness, extreme conditions for growth are created for it - high air temperature in enclosed spaces. It cannot be found in the kitchen of a Spanish woman, but it is supplied to restaurants for preparing traditional dishes.
  • Infinity chili has 1,176,182 units and was artificially bred in the UK, a country where there are no traditionally spicy dishes. This red hot peppers quite unattractive in appearance, but real gourmets love it.
  • Naga Viper was bred by breeder Gerald Fowler and crossed 3 different varieties peppers. In order to grow it, you should buy seeds every time, since with each new generation its properties are reduced. To buy planting material, you need to sign up in the queue, as there are a lot of fans of such a “sharp” all over the world.

Such varieties of pepper should be used very carefully in cooking and follow the dosage according to the recipe.

Varieties over 1.5 million

There are not many varieties that have crossed the indicator of 1.5 million units on the Scoville scale. Among them:

  • Trinidad Scorpion Butch T - Guinness Book Record holder in 2011. You have to be really extreme to add it to your food. The cook needs protective clothing, a mask and double latex gloves. If pepper gets on the skin, then in addition to burning, a person gets numbness in this place for a couple of days.
  • 7 Pot Douglah is a type of "chocolate" pepper, but marked 1.8 million on the scale. Oddly enough, but this hybrid variety has fans who claim that this is the most juicy, fragrant and hot chili pepper.

Such experiments of breeders should be treated with extreme caution, as you can get health problems for life.

Varieties with 2 million units

  • Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is the only natural specimen of this pungency. It grows in Trinidad. There is as much capsaicin in one pod as in a can of gas. Even a very small piece can kill hypertensive patients. In addition to being hot, the fruits of this plant have a pleasant fruity taste, so a small amount of pepper added to the dish will give it both spiciness and piquancy.
  • Carolina Reaper - originally from South Carolina, has a rate of 2.2 million units. It has firmly taken the honorable first place in the Guinness Book since 2013.

These are indeed the hottest peppers in the world, so they must be treated with caution.

The benefits of hot pepper

Thanks to the capsaicin alkaloid found in stinging pods, they can cleanse blood vessels, “kill” cancer cells or prevent their appearance. It is useful for people with impaired metabolism and overweight, as it promotes the absorption of food.

The most popular variety among summer residents is adjika pepper. Its elongated pods with juicy and fragrant pulp are used not only to prepare the sauce of the same name, but also add a piquant taste to any dish.

Food is beautiful because it can give a person the whole gamut of sensations. The taste can be sweet and bitter, spicy and sour. And for every dish there is a fan. But spicy dishes stand out a little from the general list, it seems that only extreme people can eat them all the time. Nevertheless, people are constantly coming up with newer and spicier dishes. Here are ten of the most burning and spicy dishes.

Hot Suicide Wings. The literal translation of this dish means "hot suicidal wings." Robin Rosenberg, a chef from Chicago, very wittily gave this name to his invention. Only these chicken wings Few dare to eat. After all, they are the sharpest in the world! In order for visitors to taste this dish, the restaurant administration takes some precautions. So, the guest signs a document, according to which he refuses to prosecute the institution in case of possible problems with digestion. To make the wings so spicy, the Savina pepper variety is used, it is one of the hottest in the world. If there was a daredevil who ordered this dish, then the waiters are immediately preparing to provide him with an ambulance. Always on hand is sour cream, white bread and milk sugar, which can become a kind of antidote. Chef Rosenberg himself has long wanted to create an unusually spicy dish. He believes that although for most people these wings will be absolutely unacceptable, perhaps somewhere in the world there is a person who will eat the dish with the greatest pleasure.

Bollywood Burner. There's a place in London indian cuisine, which rightfully claims to be the owner of the spiciest dish on the planet. The chefs of this restaurant believe that this is precisely their lamb dish with curry sauce, carefully sprinkled with the hottest peppers in the world. All together it is called "Bollywood Burner". True, it is not found in the main menu. Such a spicy dish can only be prepared by special order. And in this case, a gourmet who wants to taste such a spicy dish must first give the administration of the institution a receipt. There he confirms that he ordered this food consciously and in case of any complications with the body he takes full responsibility. Such a spicy dish came from the Indian province of Hyderabad, where such food is generally traditional. Gourmets who have tasted English restaurant curry, they say that there are no such hot sauces anywhere else. After all, for its preparation, naga pepper is used - the most spicy plant in the world. There is a special Scoville scale that evaluates the hotness of peppers. So, according to her, the naga has an indicator of 850 thousand units. Is it a lot or a little? For example, the Tabasco pepper used in traditionally spicy Mexican cuisine has "only" 800 units. And that pepper-based tear gas that is used by police in America - 2 million units.

Phaal. This dish is prepared in India, where this curry is considered the most spicy. Phaal sauce is not easy, it includes 10 types of pepper at once. Among them is Bhut Yolekiya - the most spicy spice on the planet according to the Guinness Book of Records. But the dish became famous not at all in the homeland, but in New York. There, the sauce began to be offered in one of the restaurants. As a result, visitors, having tasted such an unusually spicy, but tasty dish began to bring their friends there.

"The infamous hot pot." The Chinese do not consider it shameful to eat such a dish at all. It is prepared in one of the country's restaurants. It is difficult to say why such a sharp powder received such a name. There is a legend according to which the dish was once part of some sadomasochistic ritual. But the owner of the establishment says that visitors are not stopped by strict warnings about the extraordinary spiciness of the dish. As a result, literally after the first spoon, a typical picture is observed - people grab their throats or stomach and ask them to bring them some liquid as soon as possible.

Australian chili. Speaking of spicy food, we mean Mexico, India. However, it turns out that Australians can also cook really hot dishes. It was here that they came up with a specific chili, which is considered almost the hottest sauce in the world. Naturally, there are no queues of extreme gourmets for such a spicy dish and never have been. Usually the sauce is added in the form of a small portion to some main dish. In its pure form, only a madman can eat such chili. When preparing this sauce, they use the same hot naga jolokya pepper as in the Indian restaurant in London mentioned above. Recently, the media reported that there were two daredevils who decided, in pursuit of fame, to swallow not even the sauce, but its main burning component. Ryan Duke and Alex Fanning were able to survive their brave attempt. But both have similar impressions from their experience - they will never try such a dish a second time. But the guys got a reason to be proud of themselves and a portion of glory.

Tabasco. This Mexican sauce is known all over the world. But the most common is its lightest and most gentle version - Tabasco Green Pepper Sauce, its sharpness index is only 600-1200 points on the Scoville scale. And the most spicy sauce from this family is Tabasco Habanero Sauce, its indicator is 5-7 thousand points, which is almost 10 times more than the strength of Tabasco Green. This sauce has not only an unprecedented spiciness for the average consumer, but also a complex original recipe straight from Jamaican cuisine. Tabasco Habanero contains vinegar, habanero peppers (one of the hottest in the world), cane sugar, salt, mango pulp, tamarind, bananas, papaya, tomatoes, dried onions, garlic, spices and regular Tabasco sauce along with aged in oak barrels pepper of the same name. Tabasco Abanero hot sauce is usually consumed with vodka. The effect of it is much greater than the effect of any pepper. Just add a little hot sauce into a glass. It is also used as a seasoning not only for the native Mexican, but also for the very exotic cuisines of the world - African and Caribbean.

Couscous with lamb and vegetables. In the Maghreb countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria), couscous is almost the main dish in the diet of local residents. But it is also common in other African countries, as well as in France, the province of Trapani, in Italian Sicily and in some countries in the Middle East. Couscous has several cooking options, but not all of them are spicy. There is sweet couscous, fish and even a vegetarian variety. But the option with lamb is traditionally famous for the abundance of pepper. As a result, the combination of all the ingredients in it gives a very spicy dish. Is it any wonder after that that the people of Maghreb, and even the Africans, who for the most part love couscous, behave more actively and much more cheerfully than their neighbors from the north, the Europeans. Couscous is based on semolina obtained from durum varieties wheat. Traditionally, couscous is made by women, as the work on such a dish is very laborious.

Mexican watermelon. Watermelon is usually considered a sweet dish, few can believe that it can make a real fire in the mouth. Meanwhile, in Mexico, where they seem to strive to make any dishes spicy, this berry, cooked in a special way, is also among the most spicy dishes. The use of hot spices was also found in this case. Watermelon is abundantly flavored with pepper, salt and watered lemon juice. Such a dish has a very specific taste and many simply do not understand it, considering it disgusting. Although we have salted watermelons in some places, no one has thought of peppered watermelons. But in Mexico, there are those who want to try such exotic spicy food.

Mother Africa. Sauces are produced under this name in South Africa. They are so sharp that they can scare away even seasoned Tabasco fans. Sauce Mama Africa Abanero makes even the most persistent spicy lovers cry. And this is not surprising, because the indicator of this dish is 22 thousand scovilles. Gourmets warn ordinary people against thoughtless tasting, it is quite enough just to smell the sauce, and even then it is desirable from a distance. Mama Africa was made so spicy by fresh fruit and chili peppers, as well as Green pepper, onion and garlic, lemon juice. To give the dish a piquant taste, a whole range of dried and fresh seasonings is added there: oregano, ginger, basil, mint and black pepper. Mama Africa has several varieties, but the most spicy varieties are "Abanero", "Mama Africa with Red Chili" and "Mama Africa Chili with Mint".

Kimchi. This dish is made in Korea. Kimchi is pickled vegetables spiced with pepper. The basis of the dish is Chinese cabbage. Fermented heads are sprinkled with onion, garlic, ginger and red pepper. In Korea, kimchi a traditional dish, it is difficult to imagine a feast or even an ordinary meal without it. Locals believe that regular and moderate consumption of kimchi helps to dissolve unwanted fat stores. So a spicy dish can also be considered dietary. Another useful side of kimchi is its ability to effectively resist colds.