
How to stew fish in water. How to braise fish so it remains tender

Our century has become a century of progress and, sadly, a century of disease. Stress and poor nutrition lead to the fact that more than half of the population has digestive problems. It is very easy to get such diseases, but to cure them is difficult.

However, if you properly organize your diet and eat, it is quite possible to normalize your condition. As one of these healthy dishes can be recommended It is suitable for a person of any age and is almost always included in the menu in kindergartens, hospitals and nursing homes. Almost everyone loves this dish, although not everyone has any idea how to stew fish. However, it is much easier to prepare than it seems at first glance.

First you need to prepare the fish: defrost (if it was frozen), rinse, remove scales and cut off the head and tail (if you bought whole carcasses). Next, you need to determine how to braise the fish: in pieces or whole. In the first case, the fish is cut into small pieces or in half lengthwise, separating the backbone and, if possible, the rib bones, thus obtaining a fillet. In the second case, the carcasses are placed on their side or backs down (if the fish is small or there is a lot of it) in a frying pan or saucepan specially designed for stewing.

Many people also prefer to lightly fry the fish first. In this case, you will get a spectacular skin - denser and harder than without frying. This skin will preserve well appearance both pieces and whole carcasses. Therefore, if you need to prepare a dish for some special occasion, it would be better to use this method. Pre-frying It is done as follows: pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and then fry the fish on both sides for five to ten minutes. By the way, you can also roll the fish in flour or breadcrumbs and then fry. It all depends on the tastes and preferences of your household.

If the appearance is not too important to you, and you are more concerned about the health benefits, we advise you to do without frying.

Then the question of how to stew fish can be solved even easier: just pour water, sauce, sour cream, milk or ketchup over the fish and simmer over low heat (you must first bring the fish to a boil over high heat) for about half an hour (depending on the size of the fish). carcasses or pieces and, of course, the type of fish).

This classic method of preparing stewed fish does not, of course, exclude the addition of salt, finely (or coarsely) chopped onions and spices to the water or sauce, which give the fish an exquisite taste and aroma. Mustard, basil, rosemary, pepper, lemon and coriander are especially good. If you manage to find and mix all these spices, the taste and aroma of the dish will be simply divine.

If you have not yet decided how to stew the fish: separately from the side dish or together, we advise you to take the second route: combine the side dish and the fish. So, for example, eating fish at the same time will save you not only an extra forty minutes and one clean frying pan, but will also make the potatoes more juicy and fragrant. To prepare this dish, add potatoes and herbs cut into small pieces to the fish, and then simmer it all together.

Many housewives, when deciding how to stew fish: separately or with seasonings, also add carrots, onions and paprika to the potatoes. To do this, rub the carrots coarse grater, and cut the paprika and onion into medium-sized rings or pieces. The side dish is added simultaneously with the fish or ten to fifteen minutes after boiling (depending on the size and type of fish).

The only thing you need to remember is that the side dish mixed with the fish will complicate the process of removing the fish bones. Therefore, you should add a side dish only if you are cooking fish fillet Go ahead and remove all the bones from the fish pieces.

5.6.1. Choice of fish

Stewed fish is prepared mainly from small, bony, lean fish. Almost all types of fish can be stewed. Particularly suitable for stewing are pike, bream, whitefish, catfish, carp, hake, herring, cod, pollock, burbot, tuna, whiting, ocean crucian carp, small fish, as well as ready-made fish pulp. Stew and raw fish, and pre-fried. Simmer well small fish– the bones will become soft during cooking. You can also stew salted fish- no other method of heat treatment improves its taste as much as stewing with vegetables in the presence of organic acids, sugar and spices. You can also stew dried fish.5.6.2. Preparing the fish The fish is gutted; it is not necessary to fillet it. small fish stewed whole carcasses with and without heads. Large fish for stewing, the fish is cut into pieces: with this preparation, the fish retains its biological value to the maximum extent. Portions are cut from unlayered fish (round fish) or from layered fish into links (flesh with skin and rib bones, flesh with skin without bones). The feasibility of plating fish depends on her weight and body structure. As a rule, fish weighing more than 1 kg are subjected to flattening, and the spinal bone, which makes portioning difficult, is removed. In some cases, the spinal bone is left, increasing the mass of portioned pieces of finished fish. To the fish did not fall apart when stewing, try dipping the fish in a small concentration of salt water. The salt penetrates the fish, making it harder. If you are cooking fish that is too soft, soak it in salt water for 30 minutes. Thoroughly dry the fish thoroughly before cooking. In general, if you are going to braise the fish, salt and pepper it raw. Salted fish Before stewing, they are pre-soaked in cold water, periodically replacing the water. The dried fish is cleaned of the skin, the head and fins are separated, the entrails are removed, washed, filled with cold water and left for 1 hour, after which the fish is washed again. Then the pieces are placed in a stewing dish, covered with a layer of raw onions, and poured with hot milk.5.6.3. Features of extinguishingExtinguishing- this is half frying and half boiling. For stewing, you need a deep fireproof bowl or pan. Fish can be stewed with different vegetables. The prepared fish is placed in a dish (saucepan or pan) in two or three rows, alternating it with layers of chopped vegetables, poured with broth or sauce , vegetable oil, add a 3% solution of vinegar, sugar, spices and simmer for an average of 40-50 minutes, tightly covering with a lid. It should be noted that the duration of stewing fish can be very different depending on the thickness of the fish, the structure of the tissue, the method of pre-treatment and many other factors. Small bony fish are stewed for 1 hour to soften the bones. When stewing fish, and especially fillets, you should not pour in a lot of liquid, since there is enough of it in the fish itself. With rare exceptions, the fish should be stewed under a lid and over low heat. You can also stew fish in the oven. This can be done in two ways: first fry and then simmer until done in the oven, or do all the simmering in the oven. The fish is stewed until the flesh is easily separated from the bones. On the Stalker website you will find more than 300 recipes stews from 44 species of fish.5.6.4. Improved taste Many additives are used to improve the taste of stewed fish. The following are the ingredients added to the main ingredients when stewing fish to improve its taste: Mayonnaise (Used when stewing flounder, pike, cod, saury, and small fish)Milk, sour cream, cream Tomato paste Onions, tomatoes, carrots, Bell pepper, broccoli, asparagus Boiled mushrooms, Prunes Spices, sugar A few clarifications: Mayonnaise added to the water in which the fish is stewed at the rate of 5-10% by weight of the fish. This liquid with mayonnaise should then be used to prepare the sauce. Additives should not be used individually, but in complex Stewing with vegetables and spices only adds the missing juiciness and softness to the fish. Fish stewed with vegetables, roots, and tomatoes acquires a sweetish taste, becomes juicy and aromatic.5.6.5. Eliminate odor If the water is not brought to a boil before stewing the fish, or the heat is too low, the natural smell of the fish will not be removed. To eliminate the smell, sprinkle the fish with salt before cooking. Salt dehydrates fish, removes odor and eliminates unpleasant taste. To get rid of a strong specific odor when stewing fish, add a little milk to the pan. The smell will disappear.5.6.6. Innings Various vegetable side dishes are served with stewed fish: boiled potatoes, vegetable stew, green salad, boiled cauliflower etc. Pour the sauce over the fish with the vegetables in which it was stewed. Various vegetable side dishes are also served with the stewed fish - complex and homogeneous: boiled potatoes, vegetable stew, mashed potatoes, green salad, lightly salted cucumbers, potato salad, fried potatoes, boiled cauliflower, vinaigrette, fresh vegetable salad.

Fish stew with vegetables in a frying pan - one of the options familiar and beloved to many, but this is far away different recipes. To prepare marinated fish, onions, carrots and tomato sauce are used, while for stewed fish with vegetables, a whole list of a wide variety of vegetables can be used.

What vegetables can you take to stew fish? Vegetables that go well with both fish and seafood include carrots, onions, asparagus, green beans, green pea, zucchini, in particular zucchini, artichoke, celery, corn, beans, olives, eggplant, bell pepper, tomatoes.

Of course, to give stewed fish with vegetables additional flavor, it is not only possible, but also necessary to use spices and herbs. Dry spices and fresh spices will give the fish an unforgettable aroma.

We've sorted out the vegetables, now let's move on to the fish. Both river and sea fish are suitable for stewing. From sea ​​fish You can use hake, pollock, sole, notothenia, mackerel, cod, capelin, herring. River fish for stewing with vegetables should have a minimum number of bones. Pike, pike perch, and catfish can be used for stewing.

Today I want to show you how to prepare fish stew with vegetables step by step with photos. In this recipe I used fresh frozen cod.


  • Sea fish (I have cod) – 1 carcass weighing 1 kg.,
  • Onions – 1 pc.,
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.,
  • Green pea pods – 50 gr.,
  • Olives – 50 gr.,
  • Canned corn – 100 gr.,
  • Wheat flour – 50-70 gr.,
  • Tomato sauce – 100 ml.,
  • Spices: paprika, black ground pepper- a pinch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Water - half a glass,
  • Sunflower oil.

Fish stew with vegetables - recipe

Prepare the fish for stewing. Rinse with cold water. Cut off the head, if present. Remove scales if the fish has them. Spread your belly. After removing the entrails, rinse the fish again. Cut the fish into small pieces.

Prepare vegetables for stewing. Select olives from the jar, canned corn. Wash the bell peppers and green peas. Cut the sweet pepper into cubes.

Peel the onions and carrots. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots.

Roll the fish pieces in wheat flour.

Heat the sunflower oil in a fairly deep frying pan. Place the fish.

After 3-4 minutes, turn the already fried fish pieces over to the other side.

Keep the fish in the pan for another 3-4 minutes so that it has time to fry on this side as well. Fried fish Remove from pan and transfer to a bowl. Rinse the pan or take another one. Pour some into it sunflower oil. Lay out all the vegetables you previously prepared for stewing.

Add tomato sauce to vegetables. It is thanks to him that the fish will turn out spicy and piquant.

Pour in half a glass of water. Stir. Add paprika and ground black pepper. Add salt. If desired, add to stewed fish in a frying pan with vegetables and tomato sauce you can add any other spices you want.

Simmer all vegetables over low heat for about 15 minutes.

After this, put it in the ready-made vegetable gravy pieces of fried fish.

Use a spoon or spatula to scoop out the gravy and pour it over the fish pieces. This way the fish will be saturated with the vegetable component of the dish. If you want, you can cover the pan with a lid.

Fish stew with vegetables. Photo

Fish is an extremely delicate and fragile product. If it does not belong to the highest category (sturgeon, salmon, pink salmon and other fatty species), then it tends to spread out in the frying pan and produce abundant juice. And baked in the oven often turns out dry and tasteless. The sure way to save nutritional quality, and at the same time the integrity of the carcass, is stewing. However, this culinary process also has its secrets. Read this article about how to stew fish correctly.


Since this culinary method is a cross between boiling and frying, the stewing container must be appropriate. Take a frying pan with high sides or a pan with thick walls - a cauldron, a cauldron, a stewpan. We also need a tight lid so that the evaporation of the liquid is not intense. Some housewives know how to stew fish in the oven. Some lightly fry it and then put it in the oven. Others wrap the fish in foil and top it with various sauces. Fireproof ceramic pots are excellent cookware for stewing.

What kind of fish is suitable for stewing?

These are lean and bony varieties. If we are dealing with whiting, pollock, cod, hake, whitefish, bream or carp, then it is best to extinguish them. Why? During this heat treatment, numerous small bones are boiled to such an extent that they become simply invisible. Do you have a dried or salted carcass, or even small fish? All this can also become the basis for preparing a delicious dish. How to stew fish if it is frozen? Let it thaw on its own at room temperature. This may take longer, but the water will be released gradually, and this will not lead to the carcass falling apart into pieces. And, of course, before cooking it must be gutted, scaled, gills (or even the entire head) and fins removed.

How to stew fish: recipe No. 1

Fresh carp or carp are cut and cut into pieces. The heads and tails are set to boil. Salt and pepper the pieces, roll in flour and lightly fry on vegetable oil. If you want to make this dish from watery fish (hake or pollock), keep the carcass for half an hour in highly salted water, then the pieces will not fall apart in your frying pan. Cut four onions into rings and fry, place half in a bowl with thick walls. Sprinkle with spices and herbs: bay leaf, allspice, cloves (2 pieces), salt and sugar (a pinch each). Splash in some vinegar. Place pieces of fish on top of this pillow. Cover with the other half of the onion, pour in a little broth obtained from cooking the head and tail, close with a lid, and then set to simmer over low heat. French fries are served as a side dish.

Recipe No. 2. Stewed fish and potatoes

For this dish you can take eel, Argentine, sea ​​bass- about 750 g.

Just like in the previous recipe, fresh and cut into pieces. Finely chop 150 g of lard, place in a saucepan, melt and fry the chopped onion in it. Peel 5 medium potatoes, cut into cubes, put in a saucepan with the onion, salt and add pepper to taste. Then add water so that it covers the layer of potatoes. Boil. Boil a little until the root vegetables are half cooked. Place fish pieces on top and simmer, covered, until fully cooked. Now you have both a main dish and a side dish!

Recipe No. 3. How to stew fish in pots

Peel and cut the bell peppers and place them in pots. Add other vegetables to your taste: onion and carrots (we recommend frying them first), peas, tomatoes. Cut the fish (ideally trout, but something simpler can be done), rub with salt and pepper and place in pots. Do not pour big amount lemon juice and dry white wine. Cover the pot with a lid and place in a cold oven. Turn it on to 200°C and cook for about 45 minutes.

Increasingly, people began to think about their health, trying to choose the right lifestyle: playing sports and trying to consume healthy foods. Avoid fatty and fried foods, preferring boiled, stewed or baked foods. One of these useful and delicious dishes - fish stew.

Fish, which many are accustomed to eating only fried, salted or smoked, can turn out to be quite tasty when stewed. Both children and adults will like it, and making this dish is not difficult.

The benefits of stewed fish

The fish itself is quite healthy. It contains such necessary for the body omega fatty acid, phosphorus, which is good for bones, and fish oil, rich in vitamin D. Therefore fish dishes must attend at least 2 times a week dining table in each family.

You can stew almost any fish, even very bony ones, since during the cooking process all the bones will stew, become very soft and will practically not be felt. It can be prepared in many ways and according to different recipes. For this you need fireproof dishes. A cauldron, a cast iron pot, or a clay pot will work well. But you can also stew the fish in a slow cooker, in the oven, and even in a frying pan.

How to prepare fish for stewing

Before you begin the cooking process, you need to properly prepare the fish. A fresh carcass must be peeled using a knife or a special device. Clean it in the direction from the tail to the head.

The head is cut off along with the existing gills, and the tail and fins are cut off with culinary scissors. Next, the fish’s belly is cut lengthwise and carefully gutted so as not to touch the gall bladder, otherwise the meat inside will be bitter. If the gall does burst, cut out the places filled with bile, and rub the inside of the fish with coarse salt, then rinse with plenty of cool water. And to be extra sure, soak the fish for 2 hours in a bowl of water and 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.

Before stewing river fish, in order to remove the unpleasant smell of mud, you should first soak it in water and vinegar or rub it with salt and leave for 2-3 hours, and when extinguishing, first turn the heat to high, and after 20 minutes reduce it to low.

After the fish has been cleaned and cut, cut it into pieces if it is large, and leave the small ones just like that.

How to stew fish in different ways

Stewed fish can be prepared in different ways.

Making homemade canned fish

If you want to cook canned fish, then pour 2 fingers of water over the small carcasses, salt, pepper, add your favorite seasonings and simmer over very low heat until the bones become very soft.

You can also cook fish in tomato this way, but use it instead of water. tomato juice pitted or twisted tomatoes passed through a sieve.

Please note: although this recipe is called “canned food”, fish prepared in this way cannot be stored for a long time; it cannot be rolled into jars. This food should be consumed immediately, or at least the next day, stored in the refrigerator.

Fish stewed in pots

You can cook fish in pots with vegetables, for example, potatoes. To do this, the fish is cut into portions and placed in a clay pot on the bottom, and diced potatoes are placed on top. You can add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to each pot and fill it with broth made from the remaining heads and fins.

You can cook fish in a slow cooker in the same way. The good thing about this dish is that you don’t have to think about what to make for a side dish, and this will significantly reduce the time the housewife has to prepare lunch or dinner. The only thing you need to take into account is that in the process of preparing this dish complications may arise in the form of removing bones, so in this recipe it is better to give preference to filleted fish. You can make the fillet yourself or buy it ready-made. In this case, pangasius sea catfish fillet is a good choice.

How to stew fish in the oven

Stewed fish can also be prepared using oven using a sleeve for extinguishing. The fish will cook perfectly in it. own juice, without adding any liquid. Only for this cooking method it is advisable to use fatty fish, such as salmon or butterfish.

To prevent the fish from falling apart during the stewing process, small carcasses or pieces are placed in cold water with added salt. Salt helps the meat fibers harden, so the fish pieces will remain intact and not turn into minced meat.

If you need fish stew for festive table, then before stewing it should be fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil. This way you will get a beautiful golden crust. You can dip the fish in flour or breadcrumbs before frying. True, this method is unacceptable for adherents of dietary nutrition.

Stew fish in a frying pan

To put it out quickly delicious fish in a frying pan, buy fillets of any sea fish that are sold in briquettes (flounder is good), cut it into cubes, put it in a frying pan, salt, pepper, add your favorite seasoning and pour cream over the whole thing. Put it on low heat, and you will have a very tender and aromatic fish ready, which can be eaten plain or with a side dish of rice, pasta or mashed potatoes.

Having tried to stew fish at least once, you will undoubtedly continue to prefer this method of cooking.